Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 18 days ago

The Kalpian Republic-1900

The Grand Military Academy of Arsech

Something to be expected in Kalpia has happened, the General Staff has started the construction of a grand military academy in the capital of Kalpia, Arsech, Kalpia did have many military academies spread in the country but none so grand or big as the one that is currently being built. This was the idea of the Marshal of the General Staff Roger Thorben Schuchardt veteran general from the Sosodrov Crisis of 1874, Roger ever since the end of the war longed for a symbol of the prideful Kalpian military, denied often by the Kalpian Democratic Party which saw in the army only a tool of the state and wanted to limit it to that purpose, enforcing a policy in which the Army and Navy wouldn't hold any kind of political power in the nation, and the army ran quite finely despite this opposition, however, the Grand Military Academy of Arsech would be one of those projects that required great economic support from the government.

The idea of Roger was to convince the Minister of the Army Björn Kunibert Wägner to support him in this endeavor, he did so reluctantly knowing that they were still at war with Zellonia but also with the hopes that he could use this to his advantage in the elections of 1904, as having the support of the officer corp of the army could be quite useful as he could be again selected for being the minister of army. Similarly to him, the congress was reluctant to pass the bill that would give the army extra funds for the endeavor that Thorben proposed, the bill passed barely and Thorbald knew that it was thanks to the recent victory in Zellonia that the bill had passed.

Soon enough, Thorben gave the order for the project to start and with it, the Logistics department of the General Staff started to work in the idea that Thorben had given them, his idea was a grand building, decorated and tall, statues of the heroes of the Kalpian army would be raised in the frontal yard, the rooms would be spacious and fresh. It was truly a project that would create a symbol of pride for the Kalpian Army and the people of the nation. Something, to look up and think. "We are safe in their hands".

As the project started soldiers in Zellonian front died, officers led and the commmander thought. Yet, in Kalpia grandeur was built in the ideals that they were fighting for.

To Finish the Grand Kalpian Railroad

Train going from Arsech to Tarist in the express rail

The nation of Kalpia had the most extensive railway system in the whole world, it was long and connected most important cities in the country and in doing so it gave the economy a boost that the economy of other nations didn't enjoy, ever since it had been built it had become the basis of prosperity in Kalpia and the idea that started it all came from the Minister of Economics Detlev Jost Rapp , who worked for the Minister of economics Tomasz Menno Metz as a clerk at the time of the Sosodrov Crisis of 1874. Then he was young and full of ideas that he would continue to work on to this day, the thing that gave the start of the Grand Kalpian Railway was the fact that it had yet to be decided what to do with the reparations from Radena, it was sure that some of it would pay for the families of those who died and to cover the equipment loses of the war, yet there was still quite enough money to do lots of things and this was a reason for conflict and indecision in the Kalpian congress.

Finally, the responsibility fell down to Tomasz the minister of economics and he would decide where to assigned the left-over from the reparations of Radena. He knew that he had to do a very good job with this as the Kalpian Democratic Party was in a position where it couldn't lose support from the minority parties of Kalpia. Since Detlev worked directly with the Minister he saw his chance to do something for his country and for his career in politics, he drawed up a plan and project in which the money from the reparations would be spent on a railway system that would connect the whole of Kalpia, it was expensive sure, but for Detlev it was worth the benefits which he detailed to Tomasz, and he convinced him, soon enough Tomasz presented the proposal to congress and Detlev as the mind behind the project, and the plan was applauded and so was Detlev.

Ever since then, the Grand Kalpian railway has been under construction with most of it finished but with yet some towns to cover such as Herjat and Karp, the next planned expasion had to be done in 1901 but Detlev saw a chance originating from the conflict with Zellonia and the problems that it had caused to the shipping industry. He saw how Karp a city that relied on naval shipment to get their products into the Kalpian market for so long could no longer do as such as the naval routes were either closed too dangerous to traverse, because of that they had to know reorganize the logistics of the city to do the transportation by land something that would really hurt the economy of the city as there was no railway present and the times of transportation would make them soon lose profit and opportunity.

Detlev went to the city himself and compiled all the data he needed to make the proposal to the Kalpia congress, a proposal to make the expansion of 1901 this year. To build the Karp-Liubeth-Herjat-Tarist extension, a long railway would finish most of the Northern railway and connect it all with the major cities of Liubeth and Tarist. He gave his reasons to Congress and he was listened, and as the situation in Karp did really concern the local politicians of the city the bill passed. The extension would be built and Detlev's dream of finishing the Grand Kalpian Railway seemed closer.

Kalpian advisors and the Hironese

Kalpian Minister of the Army Björn Kunibert Wägner

When it was known that Hironese officers were to arrive at Liubeth, both the General Staff and the government wondered which was their intention by coming so far into continent, but sooner a telegraph arrived in which the Hironese expressed their interest on Kalpian martial ways and even more on the possibility of arranging a military mission from Kalpia to Hiron.

This was meet with interest by the Minister of the Army Björn Kunibert Wägner, who saw a chance of spreading Kalpia military influence over the world or so was his idea, but in the hard truth, sending a military a mission to Hiron meant many things diplomatically, first that the Hironese wanted to improve their army for a reason, second that any country that had cold relations with Hiron would probably protest or at the very least show displeasure at Kalpia from the military mission that could be sent.

And Bjorn had to take all of this things into account by the time he meet with the Hironese and all of that came from experience, yet other kinds of information of the Hironese were unknown to him, he didn't knew much about them and their army, he only knew that their naval power was big and that they were a nation that was just undergoing the process of industrialization back in their country, a country that had many ways to expand and yet still awaited the precise moment.

What he knew for certain was that this was an opportunity for the army to get extra funds, as no military mission was free or cheap, sending officers to a foreign country that had little to no relationships with Kalpia was more of a business deal than a diplomatic deal. As whatever the Hironese did in back in their continent wouldn't really directly affect Kalpia or their position in the world. As such, he was somewhat free of ties to deal with the Hironese, but of course, he consulted the Minister of Foreign Affairs Conrad in order to make sure that sending a military mission to Hiron wouldn't backfire on Kalpia in any way. Little did he know of the situation between Violette and Hiron, as said news had not yet been very widespread on the continent or the tension that was rising because of that.

As such, he ready to negotiate a deal with the Hironese a deal that would create a profit for the Kalpian Army and the nation.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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The World as We Know It

[Turn 6 -- April, 1900 to June, 1900]

Discord Chat: discord.gg/f6n4B8

The Continent, April, 1900

Global Economy Roll 3 (-1 to Kapian Market Deregulation Act)

April 1st to April 7th

April 1st
Thirty ships of the Osladian Empire, attached to Task Force A leave port to begin resupplying the exhausted Voskreya Army Group North. The trip from Voskreya to Xerotith can be made in a single day. The same ships that leave the harbor that day return by that afternoon with their hulls empty. The ships are escorted by a flight of four destroyers, two light cruisers and a single armored cruiser. The plan is for Task Force A to resupply the army for two weeks straight, a daunting task for a beleaguered merchant navy.

April 2nd
144 officers of the Veletian Gendarmerie arrive on the troopship Maulleau in the Grand Kingdom of Meung. The Yijun Military mission begins in earnest. Expected to last nearly six months, the officers of the Gendarmerie are expected to improve both the training and overall morale of an otherwise dilapidated Meungese Army. Ties between Yijun and Confluence are at an all time high, with 12 of the highest ranking Veletian officers receiving personal invitations by the Grand Prince himself to stay in the Palace of a Thousand Mirrors in Yijun.
- [Event: The Empire of Violette receives +3% Army Morale, +2% Army Training.]

April 3rd
With Task Force A hard pressed to keep up with the demands of the Osladian Army and the nearly 100,000 hungry mouths to feed, Minister of Naval Affairs Renzo Carrano forwards an executive order with assistance from the Prime Minister to sanction the construction of ten merchant ships to bolster the merchant marine. These vessels are expected to be finished around October, hopefully long after the end of the Zello-Osladian War. Though they may not be of use now, in future conflicts they should be a godsend.

April 4th
The Saku, a Hironese merchant ship, departs the Hironese Sea, headed south to make the long trip around Serranthia, into the North Sea and eventually to Polnov, Radena, where a Hironese diplomat on board carries the responsibility to negotiate the sale of over 200,000 Kirov.86 rifles to the Imperium. The trip is a four month long excursion, but the Saku's last visual contact is with coastal observers in Taranese Settumu. It is not expected to be in reach of another port until late May.

April 5th
  • The Thomas Report is finalized and published. Eduard Thomas, a Tarantese doctor living in Almeida, Survia and responsible for performing the autopsy on the recently assassinated statesman Jose Maquin extracts the bullet fragments from the man's sternum. The report indicates that the weapon used was a Tyrian 7.2mm pistol.
  • A dam near Marneit, Kalpia, burst at 11:15 in the morning and sent a torrent of waters from the Marneit River rushing through the city center. The dam had been constructed only seven years earlier, and burst following four days of rain. More than 100 people were killed. The town of Lundlt, with a population of only 500 was reported to have been washed away.

April 7th
In the Kingdom of Zengid, the recent death of their naval minister on May 2nd meant that a vacany had arisen. Osman Erdogan was immediately appointed, whose grandiose promises of the Osman Plan could not be ignored. A former captain who was enlisted both in the Tarantese Overseas Fleet as well as a man of genuine tactics, Erdogan--at least in the long term--promises to bring the Zengid National Nav back to prominence.
- [Event: The Kingdom of Zengid appoints Osman Erdogan [+1% Navy Training, +1% Navy Supply & Logistics, +1% Navy Morale].]
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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Empire of Violette

Le Patriote

Gendarmerie Lends Expertise to Dominion of Meung

144 officers of the Veletian Gendarmerie have arrived in Meung, disembarking from the VX Maulleau for the second round of a foreign training mission to the Settumese state. The officers are tasked with providing instruction to their Meungese counterparts assembled in Yijun, to help increase the fighting capability of the beleaguered Meungese Army. The successful first phase of the mission has already proven instrumental in restoring Meung to battle readiness, and recent provocations from the belligerent Imperium of Hiron have since heightened the need to advance the Dominion's ability to defend itself from aggressive states in the region. The government of the Dominion has gratefully accepted Veletian expertise, even inviting several of the officers involved in the programme to tour Yijun's famous Palace of a Thousand Mirrors.

High-ranking officials within the Gendarmerie have highlighted the need for a strong Veletian ally in Settumu, to balance the militant expansionism and violent espionage activities of Hiron. Speaking on the subject, General Hugo Dutoit of the National Garrison in Veletian Settumu commented, "The underhanded acts of sabotage and deceit on the part of the Hironese menace must be counter-balanced. Every act of aggression taken by Hiron against Violette, and there have already been many, will be matched—and then some—in assistance given by Violette to the Imperium's enemies. Even the smallest slight against the Veletian Empire will be another lump of clay added to the terracotta colossus of Settumu."

Palais Violette, Confluence, Empire of Violette,

The Empress Tsirine could not maintain her public smile even a second after she had left the range of her subject's eyes. Each rare moment of silent, honest clarity was only just long enough for her to gather her lament before the mask of joyous radiance was affixed again, a feast to be devoured by the gazes of those Veletians who caught a glimpse of their monarch. Every day was a sprint through a marathon, the still inexperienced young woman travelling from event to event and meeting dignitary after dignitary. The names, faces and personas all melted together in her mind, flooding into a sea of troubles and anxieties that continued to plague her even when she retired for the day. Lying awake at night, the pompous frame of her fancy bed raising her mattress a foot higher off the ground than was needed, she would raise her lithe fingers to her bare neck and remember to breath.

All day the Empress' collar was choked by a necklace of gold and gemstones: the badge of her office, Violette's famous 'gilded bouquet'. Decorated with various gemstones inlaid to represent different flowers, it was as heavy and uncomfortable as it was expensive and gaudy. Tsirine could swear that the central-most and largest of the gemstone flowers, a violet made of amethysts, had weighed an impression into her neck. She could still feel it there, even after she'd removed it before settling into her bed, even after she had ceased to be the Empress of Violette and once again became herself. She could feel the pressure of the violet quartz around her neck as acutely as she could feel the pressures of her nation, of her responsibilities as the captain of the ship of Violette. The night may have yielded her body to her, but the throne would never yield her mind.

She pitied her predecessors, for a moment. Empathized with the pains they endured to lead with awareness of mind, with a conscious understanding of the gravity of the decisions they made each day. Her thoughts lingered for too long a moment on her mother, before drifting to the ancient rulers of old, and the equally weighty but largely dissimilar obstacles they faced in their time. She wished she could understand her own place in her nation's history as she did the kings and queens of the past. It was always easier to make the right decision in hindsight. Yet soon, as her thoughts continued to amble about her mind, they would turn unconscious. Fate would allow her a few hours rest, before she would start again tomorrow. Her first task of the day: affixing the gilded bouquet around her neck.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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The World as We Know It

[Turn 6 -- April, 1900 to June, 1900]

Discord Chat: discord.gg/f6n4B8

The Continent, April, 1900

Global Economy Roll 3 (-1 to Kapian Market Deregulation Act)

April 8th to April 14th

April 8th
  • The ships of Task Force A of the Osladian Empire continue the colossal effort to keep the Voskreya Army Group North supplied deep in Zellonian territory. The fourteen kilometer stretch of land between Xerotith and Voskreya was a parade ground of ships running the gauntlet back and forth between the two cities. Captains at the helm were pulling two and three day shifts, rotating only out of the line up long enough for clogged boilers and fouled propellers to be cleared. The Task Force was protected by the OIN Gerzog, a powerful armored cruiser, two light cruisers and a destroyer. They ran individual escorts or flanked a trio of merchant ships as they crossed the distance.
    - [Event: +30,000 Supplies to the Zellonian Front.]
  • At 0955 hours, observers from the destroyer OIN Chesma--headed north while escorting the convoy ship Yotka--spot a flotilla of ships from the East. Given that the Kalpians had run only a single supply convoy in the last month, the sailors assume it is a Kalpian merchant fleet inbound to Xerotith.
  • At 1014 hours, the same observers realize that the inbound ships are warships. Sailor Madic Sedov reports:
    "three battleships, an armored cruiser, six light cruisers, three destroyers. All Zellonian," to the captain. The OIN Chesma, several kilometers away from a corresponding escort, maintains her course and orders all battle stations. The Zellonian 1st Fleet under Admiral Arman Oxferd continues her intercept course on a north-northeasterly route.
  • First Battle of the Strait occurs at 1044 hours. The OIN Chesma, under weathering fire is sunk by the ZRN Kingdom Come, a Zellonian pre-dreadnought. The 10" shells ripped into the Chesma's forward magazines, causing her to erupt almost instantly. The Yotka, cruising at 11 knots, was sunk fourteen minutes later by the ZRN Wolf Pack, a light cruiser.

    Zellonian battleship Kingdom Comes sees her first action of the war.
  • The Zellonian 1st Fleet loiters in the area for several hours, spotting ships to the South near Voskeyra but maintaining the position until nearly 1855 when she retires back toward Vorl. The First Battle of the Straits is a tactical Zellonian victory.
    -1 Merchant, -1 Destroyer (OIN Chesma) [Osladian Empire]

April 9th
  • In a session of the Academie des Sciences in Confluence, physicist Reynault Farriet presented the paper "Sur la reflexion et la refraction des rayons cathodiques et des rayons deviables du radium", describing, for the first time gamma rays, radiation that penetrated through shielding.
  • The Second Battle of the Straits occurs at 1402 hours when the Zellonian 1st Fleet intercepts a convoy headed from Voskeyra to Xerotith. Three merchant ships escorted by the armored cruiser OIN Gerzog, the light cruiser OIN Riasanovsky and the destroyer OIN Vzryv. The assembled 1st Fleet was nearly all there to engage in a single, decisive battle. The immolation of the OIN Vzryv was a spectacle that even Osladian sailors couldn't turn their eyes away from. The Osladian fleet, outgunned and outnumbered turned and headed south toward Voskeyra. The three merchant ships escorted were left for dead, a fact that was left off the after action report of the captain of the OIN Gerzog when he returned to port.

    -3 Merchant, -1 Destroyer (OIN Vzryv) [Osladian Empire]

April 10th
  • In 1881 the general consensus was thus: "If ever there was a man with a rifle not to be trifled with, he was a Kalpian and if ever there was a man to trifle with a Kalpian, he was Veletian.." The quote was attributed to Tarantese playwright, philosopher and statesman Harold Wilnes. Made with no ill-will toward the Kalpians, who undoubtedly possessed the most effective fighting machine on the Continent, the statement was instead a gesture toward the spectacular level of organizational and strategic specialization the Veletian Gendarmerie employed. The Kalpians had created an army to beat any other land based force in proximity. The Veletians had built a force to defeat the Kalpians. The Kalpians an Veletians held no bad blood--save for when the Kalpians tried unsuccessfully to colonize the Sumayan Strait in 1717 and forced a six month long trade war--and the Veletians often point to their army in response.

    The Veletian Gendarmerie of 1900 was not the same indomitable machine of elan and espirit de corps of old. In fact, while well equipped, a severely underfunded army had begun to sag under the pressure of modernity. Among the many discrepancies that cost the Armee Nouveau to pale in comparison to it's older counterpart was that the food, once considered by a Veletian cavalry officer to be held in higher priority than rifle bullets, had waned in quality considerably. No longer did the nation's most prestigious cooks enlist in the Army. The variety had dropped from fourteen items in 1897 to just six in 1899 and to five in 1900. For an Osladian or a Radenan, a meal was a meal. To a Veletian, serving cold meat alongside canned vegetables was cause for mutiny. Minister Hebert of the Army reported that in April, 1900--the beginning of the fiscal year for the Veletian armed forces, that a significant portion of the new budget was to be placed to the dietary needs of the soldier. The announcement alone was cause for celebration.
    - [Event: Empire of Violette receives +9% Army Morale.]

April 11th
  • In the Tsardom of Radena, developments for a replacement for the aging Kirov.86 had been ongoing. Yevstingey Rifles, an inordinately small and mostly incompetent (at least as viewed by the Tsar's personal council. The design requirements were simple, almost childlike: "The design of the rifle should focus on reliability and ease of use." Nonetheless, they submitted their initial prototype for testing on April 11th, 1900. The Yevstingey Vintovka Model 1, or YV.1

    The YV.1 was a 7.2mm bolt action rifle with a six round cartridge. Designed with a simple, almost archaic loading breach similar to the Kirov.86, the YV.1 was designed to be robust; able to take punishment in the field. Yevstingey Rifles' YV.1 design was based off the Osladian Otto slick breach, which could be retracted and adjusted in a single motion, as opposed to tradition three point breach loaders. The YV.1, in testing at the Dachne testing fields was proven to be effective approximately 60 meters, at which point the imprecise rifling caused significantly drop in sustained fire accuracy. Enlisted soldiers however noted that the rifle was a pound and half lighter than the Kirov.86.
    - [Event: Tsardom of Radena receives the YV.1 Prototype (Bolt Action Rifle). May Put into Service or Delay (1d6. 1 as a regression. 2-3 as no improvement. 4-5 as a minor improvement. 6 as a major improvement.)]

April 12th
  • The Pinnacle Programme continues in the Empire of Violette. The first Veletian railroad between Confluence and the local city of Nerrard is completed, a total distance of 144 kilometers. The track is a single rail with change links only at the Confluence hub. A pair of locomotives, each with four cars attached make daily runs between Nerrard and Confluence. One is a passenger locomotive and the other is a cargo train hauling supplies and non-perishable goods. Empress Tsirine the train as an "honor to Veletian modernity."
    - [Event: The Empire of Violette gains +3% Infrastructure.]

April 13th
  • Another convoy departs the Imperium of Hiron. The diplomat aboard the Tashikaru Maru was escorted by the destroyers TES Desishun, TES Dzutsun and TES Abiotsu. They expected to arrive in Liubeth, Kalpia in just a few short months.
  • The Marnish Offensive sees it's most bloody day, with 1,600 Zellonian soldiers dying in the span of six hours from the new Osladian machine guns. Cloudless skies and roving plains make the Marnish Lowlands into a certified killing ground. The offensive, nowhere near a breakthrough, begins to slow down.

April 14th
  • In the Kingdom Zengid, a disenfranchised Seljuk minority continues to cause domestic issues in the sovereign Zengid's outlying cities. The administration under King Akbayar Bahar understood that with every passing day, the Seljuk minority continued to grew spiteful of their political oppression. The Caliphate--the nickname of the Seljuk Empire--did little. The Zengid believed the Caliphate to nudge dissidents to activity, but there was little reason to believe they were actively undermining Zengid sovereignty.

    On April 14th in the village of Kamun near the Seljuk border, the Suman Uprising begin. Nearly a hundred dissidents--calling themselves freedom fighters--stormed the local barracks, overpowering the guards and stealing over a hundred rifles. These men did not dally, nor did they delay. They rounded up the women, the child and men. Those who spoke Seljukii based on geographic proximity were not spared. Those that believed the Caliph was divine but whose blood was Zengid were not offered reprieve. They marched East, toward Seljuk.

    April 14th, the Fourteen Mile March under Suman Pasha

Many believed they were going to be held ransom, and that these Seljukii--led by Suman Pasha (b.1861)--were soldiers who had crossed the border. After nearly fourteen miles, Pasha ordered the 1,400 Zengid stopped. They were lined up and forced to kneel. Historians who visited the site later hypothesize the executions took nearly seven hours in total to complete. After running out of ammunition, knives and sabers were used. No holes were dug. The small town of Ruman, quite literally became a ghost town.
- [Event: The Kingdom of Zengid suffers -1 Relations with Seljuk Minority.]
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Lauder The Tired One

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Itheraen General History

The Itheraen government, founded in 1709 after a large unification movement swept through the originally fractured lands, was a republic founded on the principles of ancient Itheraen traditions where all citizens had a say. All citizens had the right to know what their government was planning to do for them to better their well being and continue to keep them unified as one people. However, not all Itheraens could join the cause when the Tyro-Redian emperor had inherited a large sum of Itheraen lands from a few local lords who wished to keep themselves safe only two years before the unification had been set in motion. That is how over half of the Itheraen population had been lost and placed in the hands of prestigious empire who seemed to accept the people. Yet, the fact that half of the total Itheraen populace was in another empire had always been a cause of a certain resentment towards the Wolframs, but the government accepted it despite continuing to yearn for the return of their people.

The government always held an interest for those lands, it was hard for them not to when there was such a large density of Itheraens. Time and time again, it could be found that the nation government had attempted to fund independence groups, those before the Triple I, within the Tyro-Redanian Empire. Reasoning behind this was a simple one, the Itheraens lacked the manpower in order to properly fight a war to reclaim the loss of that many people, only numbering in the tens of thousands while the Wolframs had a horde to fight for them. Hence there had always been the question if the government should ally themselves with the Oslads to the the north or the Kalpians, a more than powerful republic. Of course none of these options had been chosen, Itheraen isolation becoming their primary foreign policy up until 1845 where they began to communicate with the Tyro-Redanian Empire and other bordering countries once again.

In the time between 1776 and 1845, the Itheraen military had grown in both training and nationalistic zeal as they prepared for a war between the Republic and the Wolframs. The war never came and instead the sense of urgency within the republic had stayed, keeping the Itheraen armed forces in top condition for any sort of crisis that might come to their doorstep. The government encouraged this act as well, wishing nothing more than to be seen as a formidable and independent country. Economically insignificant and lacking in interesting resources, it was hard for them to be seen as a true interest to any other lands. That was until 1847 when large quantities of oil had been found within the land, while the substance had limited use, it allowed their economy to grow and the importance of Oil to flourish within the Itheraen markets.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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Empire of Violette

Le Patriote

Rain on the Tracks

Workers on the recently finished Confluence-Nerrard rail line suffered rain on their parade today, as the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Empire's first modern train network was plagued by heavy downpour. Perhaps a small relief, their plight was held in common with many fellow Veletians across the country's northern interior, with major rainfall reported from Rosemère to Artran. Some low-lying communities north of Valenois experienced minor flooding, but no injuries or major property damage has been made known thus far. Despite the cumbersome weather conditions and interruptions to festivities, the trains themselves were able to depart on time, making their first of many trips from Confluence to Nerrard. A number of lucky private passengers were able to book tickets for the trip, including many well-to-do citizens of Confluence simply looking for a round trip, just to experience the novelty of Violette's latest advancement.

Constructed under the Pinnacle Programme, Minister Marcelet Gavreau's ambitious attempt at economic and technological modernization, the rail line is only the latest in a long list of the programme's successes. Besides infrastructural advancements, revenue from the investments undertaken by Pinnacle has also gone into commercial research, with the Fairmont Company (inventors of the popular Vert camera) achieving major commercial success with the assistance of loans under Pinnacle. Scholarly and scientific endeavors have also been aided by Pinnacle, with Minister Gavreu's efforts including a grant given to renowned Veletian physicist Reynault Farriet, whose advances in that field have brought the Academie des Sciences in Confluence to the international scientific forefront.

Lac-Arbrouge, Empire of Violette,

Lake-goers celebrate the arrival of spring in the south of Violette

If Violette's north was the political and economic heartland of the nation, the south was the heart of leisure. Far from a rural backwater, the Sud de la Violette was a liberal and cosmopolitan region, full of quaint country villages home to a great many down to earth Veletians living the simple life—and nearly as many elaborate manors for the foreigners and northerners looking to emulate them. The south had largely ignored the urbanization of the industrial revolution (or perhaps been ignored by it), and was still a mostly rural region, dominated by hundreds of tiny towns and villages with folksy names and pretty architecture. There were no smokestacks soaring into the sky or throngs of coal-dirtied day laborers migrating about the city each hour. Instead, one found only fresh air and farmers and artisan craftsmen that looked as if they were ripped from a tourism brochure. Socially laissez-faire, the locals of the South of Violette cared little for one's origins and were even quite welcoming of accommodating alarming social changes; in some towns in the south, women could even vote in municipal elections. Such was the idiosyncrasy of this world-famous region, that even when it seemed locked in an idealized past, it was also at the cutting edge of society.

Known for its calm weather, its fine wine, its beautiful scenery and its vibrant culture all in equal measure, the South of Violette was where everyone who was anyone in anywhere else in the world wished that they lived. The shores of Lac-Arbrouge, a hot-spot for tourism (and home to probably the most expensive lakeside property in the world), were warm ten months of the year, and in those ten months they were waded in by every artist and Bohemian who mattered. Spotting celebrities in the south was mundane, and most important political figures in Confluence had a spring manor in the southlands too, needing time each year away from the hustle and bustle of the capital. It was a fact begrudgingly accepted by the rest of the Empire that the south was special, and would stay that way. The decisions impacting the daily lives of families from Lorre to Labelle would be made in the western countryside of Monne near half as much as they would be made in Confluence.

Within the region, there was usually a clear divide between those towns and neighborhoods of cities settled by wealthy foreigners versus those populated by ordinary Veletians. While the two got along, they simply led different lifestyles; a local would quite frankly not be able to afford to eat where the tourists ate, and foreigners were rarely clever enough to learn about the holes in the wall—serving the finest cuisine in the world—that the local gentlemen and ladies preferred to frequent. Not that the two classes never got to know each other, of course. There were burly young men aplenty in the Sud de la Violette for rich older women to get to know, and the ladies of the South of Violette were infamous for all of the exact same reasons you'd expect. There were plenty few half-Veletians littered about the country vineyards and stoney roads of the south, and more than a couple babes with astonishingly Veletian features born to ladies of grace in Tara and Zellonia. To their fathers, they were simply handsome sons and pretty daughters: to their mothers, they were reminders of the best trip they ever took.
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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The World as We Know It

[Turn 6 -- April, 1900 to June, 1900]

Discord Chat: discord.gg/f6n4B8

The Continent, April, 1900

Global Economy Roll 3 (-1 to Kapian Market Deregulation Act)

April 15th to April 21st

April 15th
  • With the Zello-Osladian War continuing unabated. The Minister of the Navy Carrano--one of few who survived the governmental purge with Selidov's exodus--prompts a plan to expand the Osladian drydocks at Voskreya. The plan is signed off and in April, 1901 they are expected to be finished.
  • The Kalpian convoy KRC.Z3 departs Liubeth and heads toward toward Xerotith. With the Osladian 1st Fleet pulled back to the strait, the Inland Sea turns once again to a Zellonian lake. KRC.Z3 is escorted by 6 destroyers and a trio of light cruisers: Tarist, Leikap and Wittold. Originally three armored cruisers were slated to escort the fleet but for reasons known only to the Kalpian Navy, they were not listed in the final forms for rearming and refueling and thus remained at port when KRC.Z3 departed Liubeth.

April 16th
  • The Hironese Embassy in Gojong is established to much fanfare. A massive display of the Hironese and Gojong flags hanging from the rafter (with the Gojong flag coming down shortly after) is celebrated by jeering crowds. On the same day, the Crown Prince of Meung orders 10,000 armed soldiers to the Northern Gojong border, with a hand written note being delivered to the Hironese embassy in Yujin explaining it as a: "precautionary measure, as necessary when dealing with new--and often unstable--nation states."

April 17th
  • Third Battle of the Strait: The Zellonian 1st Fleet (7 CL, 3 DD) intercepts Kalpian Convoy KRC.Z3 (3 CL, 6 DD, 15 MS) halfway between Liubeth and Xerotith. With more guns and nearly the exact same speed, the battle began at 1201 and lasted until 1665 hours. The Kalpians showed immense resolve under withering fire from the Zellonians who nearly "crossed the T" in entirety. At the end of the battle two Kalpian light cruisers were floundering, with a single Zellonian light cruiser entirely crippled--but still afloat. The Kalpians lost a third of their merchant convoys. Escorting them en masse made for an easier duty, but to the Zellonians, easier targets.
    - [Kalpian Losses: 4 Merchant Ships, 2 Light Cruisers (Leipak, Wittold)]
    - [Zellonian Losses: 1 Light Cruiser [Heavily Damaged] (Staggering Bull)]

April 18th-April 21st
  • The Kalpian 23rd Infantry Division arrives at the newly established Marnish Front with orders to establish a counter attack against the Zellonians. General Gotthard Ulli Knef was a unique specimen. An educated die hard, he was the only college educated man in the entire theater, having completed a doctorate in Chemistry in 1891. With a penchant for intuitive thinking and two decades of Kalpian military thinking, Knef's one opportunity to move onto the offensive would not be wasted. The 23rd Infantry Division swept up the Oppland Plains, moved to the Northwest of the Zellonian offensive and descended from the plains on the morning of the 19th.

    The battle lines were not well established. Kalpians and Zellonians fought in pockets that were swallowed and broke out by the hour. Zellonians firing at Osladians from the front suddenly came at fire from the flanks. Zellonians who turned to engage the Kalpians found themselves targets to the Osladians from the South. By the end of the week, the Kalpians had forced a sizable salient into the Zellonian offensive, risking cutting it off at the head.

    Kalpian soldiers fire down on Zellonians during the Battle of Oppland.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Chairman Stein
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Chairman Stein Some Sorta Seminarian

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Osladian Social Democratic Worker's Party

To explain the rise of Holtzism in Radena and Oslad, one most look to Tyria-Redania and Tara. Erwin Holtz was born in May of 1818 to Emil Holtz, a middle-class lawyer, and Jana Fein, the heiress to a successful vineyard on the coast of Tyria-Redania. Growing up with little unfulfilled needs or unachieved desires, Erwin was the poster-boy for the average upper middle-class Tyria-Redanian during the economic boom of the Empire in the early 19th century. Attending the university of Tannerburg at the age of 17, the young Holtz disobeyed his father's wishes and began studying philosophy and literature as opposed to law as his father had demanded. Within months of beginning at the University, Erwin found himself associating with small yet radical cliques of young poets and upstart philosophers known as 'The Tannerburg Tavern Society'. The Tavern Society was a group monitored heavily by the local constabulary for their ideological leanings against the overtly conservative and monarchical state, and tensions were high whenever the constables and Tavern members encountered one another. After a incident in which a drunk Erwin outright challenged an officer to a duel and was subsequently arrested, his father had Erwin transferred to the University of Aetoria in 1835.

Within a year of study in Aetoria Erwin had fallen in love with the young Baroness Emma Bernauer and the two became engaged in 1837. Between his love-struck heart and endless curiosity, Erwin delved deeply into his studies and by 1839 had published two fiction novelettes and by 1840 finished his doctoral thesis. Over the next three years the young upstart writer and journalist would begin publishing opinion pieces within radical leftist newspapers in Aetoria and associating with the growing leftist philosophical clique in Violette. After a legal battle over his publishing house with the Tyria-Redanian government in 1843, Holtz would move himself, his wife, and his first son west to Confluence, Violette, to start a new life.

Upon arrival in Confluence, Holtz utilized his connections within the city's cultural elite and settled with decent furnishings within the city proper. Soon afterward he immediately began continuing his previous work and cooperating with the 'mutualists', a group of radical Veletian thinkers and journalists. Among these mutualist thinkers was a fellow Tyria-Redanian by the name of Alfred Bischoff, whom Holtz would immediately attach with and the two would eventually begin cooperating on the pamphlet that would create a new era of political thinking.

Artist's depiction of Erwin Holtz and Alfred Bischoff printing 'The Communalist Theory', circa 1862.

In 1848, Erwin Holtz and Alfred Bischoff began printing en-mass 'The Communalist Theory'. The radical piece detailed a post-monarchical society in which social and economic classes did not exist and the world worked together communally for the benefit of all. The piece was groundbreaking, radical, and horrifying to the traditional academia and elite within Violette, and by 1850 both Holtz and Bischoff would be forced to leave the country, fleeing to the Empire of Tara. However, what had been done was done, and the new theory of Communalism had spread like wildfire through the philosophical and political circles across the Continent, cementing it's place as a new ideological contingent in the ever-growing anti-monarchist movement.

Among their other works, Holtz would publish 'The Capital' in 1854 and Bischoff's 'Socialism: Utopian and Scientific' in 1860 would continue to detail the communalist, now known as Holtzist, theory. In 1885, at the age of 67, Erwin Holtz would die of a severe case of the flu, leaving behind four children and his wife. In 1892, Bischoff would follow his life-long friend into the afterlife.

Despite their deaths, the ideas of Holtz and Bischoff lived on. Read aloud quietly by literate workers to their illiterate 'comrades', and debated among the scholars and thinkers, Communalism was discussed and preached. However, like all radical ideologies unable to work with the established governments of the Continent, communalist political parties were banned in most countries and their theories, alongside those of mutualism and socialism, were actively fought by 'the reactionaries' wherever they were found. The first party to advocate communalist thinking that was legally allowed to work started in the Tsardom of Radena in March of 1901; the Socialist Party split from a small minority of social democratic and agrarian thinkers and formed their own minor party within the nation with only a paltry 317 members.

While the movement remained minor within Radena, the more philosophically inclined western Sladics had quickly begun to embrace communalist theory, and it was a consistently debated issue within the Agrarian Front as to how far would their leftist rhetoric truly go. With threats of splitting the Front as early as 1893, the Agrarians were consistently under threat of falling to pieces. Finally, the ax came down in 1901, shortly after the rise of Yegorov and the stealing of seats from the Liberal-Democrats. Seeing a chance to finally gain breathing space from their 'quasi-socialist' Agrarian comrades, the Social Democratic Worker's Party split from the Agrarian Front in May of 1901 and officially became the second party on the Continent to adopt socialism and Holtzism as official ideological tendencies.

Leo Dubinski's 'Strike' depicts a leftist agitator rousing laborers to strike. Circa 1895

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Empire of Zellonia

The Zeel

Kalpian Trials

After the negative response from the kalpian government the trials for the some 5,000 prisoners of war began today. With atleast 300 having been charged so far all sentenced to death for assassination of our glorious King James. Though it’s been said that the hangings won’t be carried out till all men have been tried. Though with 300 already charged in only 3 days it won’t be long before the kalpian pigs are all dead.
Dearest Kayla,

Oh kayla, how it’s been near a year since I last saw you and Kevin and our baby Lura. How I hope you are all safe. I heard about the damn kalpian attacks on zeel and worried for you and the kids safety. How I wish this war would finally end and I could return to you. I’ve heard rumors of an ensuing ceasefire before peace talks begin I hope their true and I’ll be able to see you soon. Though I can’t wait to tell you all the stories I’ve heard from the young kids I’ve commanded and of the sights I’ve seen in vorl. I swear when this war is over we’ll take a vacation here and I can show you the scenes as they were. But fear not for me, we’ve begun entrenching and making this place a fortress and with the supply lines by sea and our naval support we have nothing to fear. The assult from the osladians appear to be starting, I’ll write to you again and give the children my love.

Love, Captain Jacob.


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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The World as We Know It

[Turn 6 -- April, 1900 to June, 1900]

Discord Chat: discord.gg/f6n4B8

The Continent, April, 1900

Global Economy Roll 3 (-1 to Kapian Market Deregulation Act)

April 22nd to April 30th

April 22nd
  • Funds are set aside in the Republic of Itherae for a single rail line to be furnished between the cities of Diopolis and the capital. Heavy handed politicians, swooning to garner more funds for the war in Karum eventually strip the legislation of most of it's working power. The railroad is not expected to begin until the fall and completed sometime in the spring of 1901.

April 23rd
  • In the Karum War, the city of Fetrograd falls. The Itharaen's there were battered but fled after only two weeks of fighting, retreating to well established Seronan lines. On the same day as the fall of Fetrograd, the diplomat Zhilin Pavlovich from the Tsardom of Radena arrives in Salaz. There, Pavlovich--who spoke fluent Karumi--met with not only Tsar Michel I, but also General of the Karumi Army Pasceuni and Foreign Minister Talnov. "Where the Slads of Oslad will reject you, the Slads of Radena will embrace you," Pavlovich allegedly said. By the end of the day, Pavlovich had effectively negotiated the Karumi-Radenan Pact, signing a non-aggression pact to last until April, 1905.

April 24th
  • The newest company in the Empire of Tara, GLT Industries is awarded the private contract of a railway between the capital of Rigour and the port city of Gagarin. The company, fledgling at best, immediately gets to work on the project, with expectations to be completed in the next six months.

April 25th
  • The Zello-Osladian War had been a learning experience for the Zellonians and Osladians but especially the Kalpians. While their military prowess was initially lackluster, it was the domestic home front that saw more pronounced challenges. The War at Sea was one that the Kalpians could not quite manage and found themselves hard at hand to keep their small force overseas well supplied. Minister of Economics Detlev Jost Rapp saw this as his opportunity to push his "A Rail in Every Town" initiative. His legislation was expected to have the support of the National Mirnist Party as well as the Kalpian Democratic Party. They offered the contract to the Kalpian National Rail Company to build a network of rails that would connect Karp, Liubeth, Herja and Tarist.

April 26th
  • The Tendo Sea Expedition begins from the Tarantese Empire. The Imperial Geographical Institute set sail to explore the various--mostly uncharted--isles of the Tendo Sea. The HMS basileis as well as destroyers HMS Falcom, HMS Hawk, HMS Talisman and HMS Marksman all set sail for the far fledged Tendo Sea.

    Key members of the expedition team, aside from Captain Lascelles, include Lord Julian Fenton, a renowned polyglot from the University of Vallefay leading the languages staff, Professor Jacques Saint-Emilion, a naturalist from the same interested in any exotic flora and fauna, and Yves Millenau-Taunton, a noted geologist and cartographer on secondement from the Surveyor-General’s office, interested in the inorganic resources of the areas under exploration and the geological nature of the world in general. Aside from the sailors and their own staff, they are accompanied by a 200-man company of Royal Marines, under the command of Major Seb Tourville.

    They are expected to arrive in the fall and be finished next year.

April 27th
  • The Marnish Offensive becomes political. King Sven IV of the Marnish Kingdom arrives in Confluence, Violette to hold a conference. There, he implores the great powers of the world--the Veletians, the Tarantese and the Tyro-Redanians to live up to their namesake and move to negotiate a peace and an end to the Zello-Osladian War as it has spilled now across the Marnish borders. "Not only do Zellonian soldiers trample our countryside, but Kalpians now stalk our mountaintops. It is only a matter of time before the Slads too trample upon Marnish lands. Additionally, King Sven IV requests permission from Empress Tsirina if the Marnish Royal Family may be relocated to Confluence until the fighting in Marnland has dissipated.
  • The second Kalpian convoy makes a delayed run at night, creeping across the channel. With several of it's merchant ships damaged, the Kalpian Navy decides to sends three merchant ships with a pair of destroyers as escorts during the night. They run the gauntlet and make the trip to Xerotith, unloading 9,000 supplies.

April 28th-April 30th
  • The Marnish Offensive is an indecisive affair. While Kalpians claim a 3.5:1 kill ratio with the Zellonians, they are unable to breakthrough due to the mountainous terrain. Even without the newfound machine guns, the Zellonians fought tenaciously for a war they believed they could still win. April 30th marks the end of the Marnish Offensive. The Zellonian 6th Army, which began the offensive two months prior with 90,000 men has now been reduced to 35,000 men and ceased to exist as an effective fighting force. The soldiers dig in, forming a huge crescent shape from the Osladians in the South, the Kalpians in the West and the expected arrival of Marns in the North. In the South, the front remains mostly quiet, with Osladian and Zellonian soldiers enjoying a quiet respite.

    Efforts begin in Vorl by the Zellonian soldiers present to turn Vorl into a self-contained fortress. Barbed wire, embankments, entrenchments and the like are constructed.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Tsardom of Radena


Yevstingey Vintovka Model 1

“600 meters?” Questioned General Stepanov, an experienced and well trained rifleman who was given authority by the Tsar to inspect the proposed model rifles from the Radenan arms companies.

“600 is correct, we here focused on the requested specifications from the authority of the Tsar himself. Light weight, simple design, and as your men likely have found out awfully sturdy for a rifle of its making and design. Perfect for withstanding temperatures both freezing cold and blazing hot. Wetlands or desert. It functions as intended.” Commented Remizov Yevstigney, a native Radenan Entrepreneur and owner of the fledgling arms company Yevstigney International. To him, this was his chance for his business to finally get a foothold in the national market and possibly even become an internationally recognized.

General Stepanov continued to inspect the rifle, going through its design. The quality of the rifle itself was nothing impressive, but the rifle was not intended to innovate. It relied upon safe and effective designs, from tried and true methods. “It’s a fine weapon Mr. Yevstigney, but it certainly could be better. With your competitor's design still in the works, I think it would be awfully hasty to put your design onto the field so quickly. In the meantime, I suggest improving upon the accuracy of the rifle itself. It may take a beating, but if it can’t hit the enemy then it has the same combat effectiveness as a wooden stick.”

Mr. Yevstigney let out a simple sigh. “I understand your concerns and reasoning. We hope to have improved upon the rifle’s design in due time. Until then General I wish you good luck in your endeavors.”

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 28 days ago


This was a suicide run, the captain expected us to break them and I thought we could, I thought we FUCKING could. We went in, and everything was going according to plan for the first day, inch by inch we won the ground for Serona. We were jubilant, we felt like the very gods that helped to sculpt this planet. Then, then, Joan was torn into pieces by an artillery shot, TWO METERS AWAY FROM ME! I could see him, everywhere, the ringing in my ears blocked out his screams for a few moments and then it started. I saw him, he wasn't dead, I could see his innards spilling out, he called for his mama, trying to hold himself together before dying not even a minute later. All of this was a mistake, I don't know why I thought we could change the tide of this war, but I signed up for this, I have to stay and fight. Maybe in a few months I can go home and see my family again, hopefully in one piece and not in a damned casket either. Need to stay alive, for my boy and my wife.

For Jase and Laria.

-An excerpt from a soldier’s journal before the fall of Fetrograd.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The World as We Know It

[Turn 6 -- April, 1900 to June, 1900]

Discord Chat: discord.gg/f6n4B8

The Continent, May, 1900

Global Economy Roll 3 (-1 to Kapian Market Deregulation Act)

May 1st to May 7th

May 1st
  • An explosion killed 246 coal miners by carbon monoxide poisoning. The blast, at 10:28 pm at the D'Surrais Mining Company near D'Surrai, sent CO into two different shafts.
  • Thousands of Kalpian workers marched in the streets of Liubeth, the first in what would be a series of large protests in Kalpia's cities. These protests stemmed from the Kalpian Deregulation Act, which made it legal for Kalpian industrial companies to lower wages in order to "expand operations."
  • The Grand Exhibition begins in Aetoria, Tyria. A grand celebration of inventions both new and old, countries and inventors from all across the Continent are put on display. The Skyship is among the most elaborate and sought after exhibit. The Veletian Vert camera and the Kalpian farthing bicycle are also present. The Grand Exhibition is held in the Kreisbau, an immense architectural design that was renovated and remodeled by the Tarowska Heavy Industries firm and Rosiak Engineering company. The Exhibition is slated to last the entire month of May.
    - [Event: The Tyro-Redanian Empire hosts the Grand Exhibition, costing $3,800,000 in housing, remodeling and legal fees.]

May 2nd
  • After months of secretly scouting out the terrain and utilizing advanced cartography, the Tsardom of Radena proclaims the Malik Islands an official protectorate of the Tsardom. The expedition, led by Comandor Isayev Vadimovich, captain of the TRN Otvazhnyy made first landing on the island in early March. Port Ostrov, the first official settlement is finished today. The population there, about 75,000 in total is a mixed between native Malikans and former Hironese colonists from a failed attempt in the 1890's to colonize the island in the winter. Once established, the location of this base will be referred to as Port Ostrov. The Island itself, to honor the late Tsar Aleksandr III, shall be renamed Alek Island.

May 3rd
  • To the Esteemed Tsar and the Radenan General Staff,

    Your request into the investigation for offensive operations against the Osladian machinen-gun units has been received. There is almost no information available to these new weapons of war, as the Radenan war machine has not seen fit to requisition any for personal use. Given that the only information we have is second and first hand accounts at range, any potential strategic initiative to create new protocols for outmaneuvering these devices is circumstantial at best.

    Additionally, elements of the Zellonian Army--specifically those under the Memoital Corps--have seen defeats at the hands of the Osladians, it is believed, due to logistical and equipment shortages, not because of the existence of rapid firing and solitary entrenched weapons. It is unlikely that the Osladians would fare as well against a Continental Army that was as well equipped.

    To look at the engagements that have taken place and request a facilitation of understanding would be asking a fisherman to stand at the sea side and scoop up the ocean water into a cup and ask him to study all the sea life in the world.

    General of the Radenan Expeditionary Corps, Yuri Gerasimov
    May 3rd, 1900

May 4th
  • The Zellonian destroyer ZRN Destroyer is finished at the Vorl National Shipyards. Her crew take her to seas and begin her working up. With the war on however, Zellonian Naval Command has the option of forcing her into service or allowing her to work up, a process that requires about thirty days.

    Zellonian destroyer, ZRN Destroyer, circa 1900.

May 5th
  • Forty miles of rail in the Empire of Hiron, between Senryu, Soya and Kunohe are finished. They are the first railroads in the nation's history and they open to much fanfare. For the first time, a passenger could ride from Senryu to Kunohe across the Noshu Wetlands and arrive in three and a half hours, a task that used to require a five hour detour through Soya to the Southeast. This task, handled by the Imperial Rail Authority, is seen as a complete success.

May 6th
  • In the Kingdom of Zellonia, another 14,000 rifles are finished from the Guntherson Foundry in Vorl. They are sent to the frontline, many of these rifles without even a serial number.

May 7th
  • While the Empire of Violette was experiencing a boon of civilian industry, the Tyro-Redanian Empire passed the Imperial Defense Act, ushering in nearly $24,000,000 in subsidies to go toward nationalized growth. Smolka Armaments opened a secondary factory in Kiesling, employing nearly 3,700 new workers.
    - [Event: Smolka Armaments [1] (Field Guns) gains +1 Skill level.]
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 28 days ago


Fetrograd had fallen. Almost 4,500 Itheraen men out of 14,000 lay dead in ground, having bravely fought to try and drive out the siege for their Seronan brothers in arms. Sadly, the men just couldn't break them, no matter how hard they pushed against the Karumi lines, no matter if they could kill any or not. The offensive had been broken and it was an unfortunate wake up call to the Itheraen men who thought themselves immortal. They were men, regular men who now knew of the terrors of war, the fear of dying, the fear of having their brothers torn to pieces right next to them. It was a tragedy that they would have to accept, yet even with this loss, they refused to leave.

So they marched East, to the Seronan 12th Army to help establish a new defensive line and hopefully half any more Karumi advances, a light hope that they could be driven back. However, that hope was fleeting, and it was far more likely that even with Itheraen aid, the Seronans would fall and their efforts would be for naught. With just under two divisions remaining, the First Itheraen Regiment and the Second Dio Regiment, under the express command of Alasd Stratos, would do their best to aid the Seronans by establishing that new defensive line. No more Seronan land would fall under the Itheraen watch.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The World as We Know It

[Turn 6 -- April, 1900 to June, 1900]

Discord Chat: discord.gg/f6n4B8

The Continent, May, 1900

Global Economy Roll 3 (-1 to Kapian Market Deregulation Act)

May 8th to May 14th

May 8th
  • Five submarines are finished from local shipyards in the Imperium of Hiron. The Hironese submarines included many features that submarines of Continental design also displayed. There was a conning tower from which the boat and her weapons could be directed. Also, she had all the necessary ballast and trim tanks to make precise changes in depth and attitude underwater. Her crew was six men and maximum diving depth was 75 feet.

    For armament, she had a reloadable 18 inch (457 mm) torpedo tube with three torpedoes and an 8.425-inch (214.0 mm) pneumatic dynamite gun in the bow (the dynamite gun's projectiles were called "aerial torpedoes"). They had both an internal combustion engine (specifically, a 4-stroke Osladian Otto gasoline engine of 45 bhp (34 kW)) for running on the surface and an Senryu-99 electric motor of 50 shp (37 kW) for submerged operation, with one shaft. A 66-cell Exide battery powered the electric motor when submerged. This allowed speeds of 6 knots (11 km/h; 6.9 mph) surfaced and 5.5 knots (10.2 km/h; 6.3 mph) submerged. Surfaced range was 200 nmi (370 km; 230 mi) at 6 kn (11 km/h; 6.9 mph), while submerged range was 30 nmi (56 km; 35 mi) at 5.5 kn (10.2 km/h; 6.3 mph). There is significant variation in references as to the vessel's horsepower and speed, for example the Register of Ships of the Hironese Navy. Navy gives horsepower figures of 45 bhp (34 kW) surfaced and 75 shp (56 kW) submerged, with 8 knots (15 km/h; 9.2 mph) surfaced and 5 knots (9.3 km/h; 5.8 mph) submerged.

    Unfortunately, Submarine 6, so called because they were unnamed, was accidentally rammed by a civilian ship that had been cut loose from it's mooring. With her stern punctured, the ship sunk right there at the dock. She was written off later that day. The remaining four submarines begin working up, their sailors taking them out for basic sailing operations.

    Another seven submarines are finishing the final touches in drydocks in Senryu.

    The unnamed submarine, nicknamed "The First Loss." Photo taken 3 hours before the incident, May, 1900

    - [Event: Imperium of Hiron may allow 5 Submarines to Finish Working Up or Press into Service.]

May 9th
  • At the annual convention of the Itheraen Pharmaceutical Association in Itherae, the first organization of pharmacy schools was created. The Itheraen Conference on Pharmaceutical Facilities later was renamed the Itheraen Association of Colleges of Pharmacy.
  • With difficulties during the Zello-Osladian War, the Kalpian government has decided to take several liberties in establishing new rail lines in Kalpia to ensure that getting supplies to the ports allows for the greatest efficiency. Minister of Economics Detlev Jost Rapp personally penned the Rapp Act, which commissioned the contracts for the Kalpian National Railways to begin construct on the Start Hub, which would connect much of the nation in a singular rail network. The Rapp Act was fille with nonsensical bureaucracy, not slowing the process but irrevocably increasing it's cost. A task considered to cost about $4,000,000 was now going to cost the Kalpians nearly $11,500,000 with an expectation to finish in early 1901. The passing of the Rapp Act meant that the Kalpian rail system would get passed that much quicker from the decision earlier in the month.

May 10th
  • Monrutaine Steel, that monolith of Taran business, has stagnated. It makes steel by the ton, by the great gross of tons, but its equipment is old, its methods outdated, its practices byzantine with the weight of Tradition. Inefficiency is rampant, and only the corporation’s great size has enabled it to keep up with demand thus far.

    With new shipbuilding programmes in the pipeline and more and more steel being ordered by GLT Industries, the Company Board, spearheaded by the Director of Production Sir Gilbert Holles-Malet, meets in Rigour and votes on sweeping changes, modernizing blast furnaces, tweaking chemical formulae to produce newer, better, harder steels at lower costs, streamlining the process from start to finish and cutting out the institutional deadwood which has crept in since the company’s founding. With GLT Industries now requiring additional steel for it's rail construction, Monrutaine Steel has expanded an additional two foundries just outside of Rigour.

    Its blast furnaces are improved with regenerative heat exchangers and rigged for continuous production rather than batch processing. Most of its Bessemer converters are also replaced by Siemens open-hearth regenerative furnaces, which are – if not faster – much more easily controllable, allowing for better production of different steel grades and more exotic alloys, and also less expensive, slashing fuel costs dramatically due to their regeneration process. Less finicky equipment and streamlined processes mean far fewer men are necessary; the company lays off thousands of workers, both to amortize the enormous cost of modernization and to reduce unnecessary pay packets in the future. All is not lost for the displaced steelworkers, however – GLT Industries is driving its railway tracks forward at breakneck pace, and there is an almost-insatiable demand for navvies to work the new railways. Steelmen, strong-thewed from heavy labour and a meat and beer-rich diet, are ideal for the gruelling job of clearing the way, installing the sleepers and laying the steel track itself.
    - [Event: The Empire of Tara company Monrutaine Steel increases by +1.]

May 10th
  • At sea, the Zellonians maintained a narrow superiority due to a fragmented command between the Kalpians and Osladians. On land, the Zellonians attempted to push back. The Marnish Offensive had failed and 20,000 Marnish soldiers now pressed hard in the North against the entrenched Zellonians. They conducted no offensive, instead slowly mobilizing and perhaps hoping that the Osladians and Kalpians could finish what they started. In Vorl, King James visited the people there, soldier and civilians alike. The mere presence of King James himself boosted the morale of the soldiers there.

    Zellonian soldiers cheer King James, Vorl, 1900

    He offered no speech, but instead met personally with soldiers at the front. He stayed for three days before retiring east to Zeel, his advisors concerned the filthy Kalpians may attempt to assassinate the King once they realized how close he was to the front.
    - [Event: Zellonian Army receives +15% Morale for 6 months.]

May 11th
  • The Zellonian theater, for the first time in ten months, is quiet. Neither the Osladians nor Kalpians prompt an offensive, and the Zellonians begin to believe that the two forces have begun a rapid spiral into chaos, as no new supplies have arrived in nearly three weeks. On the Kalpo-Osladian side, negotiations for a single united command finally begin to finalize. The Kalpo-Osladian Allied Army begins basic integration practices, with a single unified supply chain and a single two tier command hierarchy.

May 12th
  • Negotiations between the Tyro-Redanian Empire and the Imperium of Hiron begin over new naval blueprints. The Redanian embassy, who had only lackluster communication with Aetoria, ended up handing over $9,500,000 to the Hironese in exchange for the blueprints.
    - [Event: Tyro-Redanian Empire gains 600 Ton Destroyer. Imperium of Hiron gains $9,500,000.]

May 13th
  • Zellonian Foreign Ambassador Ben Tarnish arrives in Confluence, Violette. Ben Tarnish, a former cruiser captain, was selected by King James to "sell Zellonian steel for Veletian crowns." He espouses the possibility of Zellonian shipyards construction Veletian ships at a premium. The Veletians, while considered a Great Power who might not enjoy having their weapons of war built by a much smaller power, realize that while more costly, Zellonian shipbuilding was effective.
    - [Event: Empire of Violette receives Zellonian Shipbuilding Invitation (Any Veletian ship built by Zellonia increases Veletian Naval Training by 2% for 5 years).]

May 14th
  • Political negotiations in Liubeth, Kalpia begin with the Zellonian foreign ambassador, requesting a ceasefire in the Zello-Osladian War. The ceasefire request is given a one week timeline. If the Zellonians do not agree to a ceasefire by May 21st, the Kalpians and Osladians will continue the war.
    - [Event: The Kingdom of Zellonia must Accept or Reject Temporary Ceasefire Request (by May 21st).]
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 18 days ago

The Kalpian Republic L1899

Two Commands work better than one

About a year ago the war in Zellonia had started yet what was expected to be small confrontation had drawn out for far too long, with no clear victory even if the Osladian and Kalpian soldiers had made sure to repulse every single intent of the enemy to destroy the enemy forces and put an end to the war, maybe it was because of the lack of naval superiority not yet achieved by any party and an aspect in which the Kalpians really lacked. But in what the Kalpians were the best in land war and few seemed to mind that fact since Kalpia didn't have many naval going preoccupations until the Zellonian claimed the strait.

Under those conditions it was decided that the Kalpians would take control of most of the forces in the Osladian Zellonian front, the initiative came from the Kalpians and they were uncertain if the Osladians would agree to it, following the crisis of Serona-Karum. But this was their best chance to reorganize and propel a final end to the whole war. Once the news arrived at the ears of Gotthard, he met with surprise as he didn't expect such a thing to happen, he had thought that the division sent to Zellonia was more of a expeditionary force than anything else to support the Osladians, but to take command of the combined army meant that Kalpia was ready to take a much larger step on ending the war.

As such, Gotthard made the formal plan to merge both Kalpian and Osladian front forces to the Osladian Command. The answer was a simple and direct, even if the Osladians officers met it with some scepticism and dislike, others knew that this would benefit the war effort in the north.

Kalpia Monthly Conflict Decision:

- Form an Allied Army (16 Military Points): [Forms the Kalpo-Osladian Army with shared control. +20% Morale. +12% Training for available forces.]
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Empire of Violette

Le Patriote

(June 8th)

Violette to Host Marnish Royal Family as Zello-Osladian War Continues

With the failure of the recent Liubeth Conference to end the war in the Smaragd Sea, authorities in Confluence have made arrangements for King Sven IV of Marnland and his family to officially obtain temporary shelter in the Palais Violette, as formal guests of Empress Tsirine. They shall remain as legal residents of the imperial palace until the formal end of hostilities in the east, at which point they shall be returned to Mjarnik to rebuild their nation in the aftermath of the destructive conflict. The Marnish King and his accompanying family have been awaiting official Veletian acceptance of asylum since late April, but have already been welcomed into the Palais Violette by the Empress as informal extended visitors. The ad hoc nature of the King of Marnland's presence in the capital raised eyebrows among the Empire of Violette's most conservative traditionalists, who opposed any officially unrecognized presence of foreign sovereigns on Veletian soil. Now that the issue of their legal status has ended, many dignitaries from the People's Assembly have visited the Palais Violette to welcome King Sven IV to Confluence. Topics such as trade between the two countries and potential Veletian involvement in the war in some capacity have reportedly been brought up in these talks, but no agreement is expected to be reached on either matter; Violette is committed to peace and Marnland is only a minor trading partner of the Empire.

Foreign Minister Augustin Batteux had hoped that the eventually unsuccessful negotiations at Liubeth could bring the conflict to a peaceful resolution, and had withheld the formal acceptance of King Sven IV's asylum to avoid disturbing the crucial debates in the major Kalpian port-city. Once the Liubeth Conference had concluded, less quickly and drastically less successfully than hoped, the king's paperwork was completed by the very next day. Minister Batteux did not comment on any matters involving the Marnish king, but did offer a more general statement on the Zello-Osladian War as a whole.

"The grounds for the Kingdom of Zellonia's continued insistence on exclusive sovereignty over the Zello-Osladian Strait are spurious at best. By all accounts of the events, this was the sole subject of virulence in the talks at Liubeth, and the reason for their failure. However, while it is true that this matter in particular is so discordant largely as a result of Zellonian intransigence, it cannot be understated the importance of both the Osladian Empire and Kalpian Republic in continuing to stride for peace. Terms on issues unrelated to the Zello-Osladian Strait—the raison d'être of the entire war—must be made of secondary importance, and concessions are necessary on both sides. It is my sincere hope, and I think also the hope of all Veletians, that the people of Zellonia and the armed forces of Oslad and Kalpia may soon know peace; the best route to peace is always dialogue."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The World as We Know It

[Turn 6 -- April, 1900 to June, 1900]

Discord Chat: discord.gg/f6n4B8

May 15th to May 22nd

May 15th
  • In the Cotê d'Or, a Serranthian colony held in low regard by the Empire of Violette, Veletian born d'Or nationalist Gare Ladnier announces his candidacy for the head of the Association de Commerce d'Or et Serranthia Nord. While not usually suspect, as Ladnier fits the requirement of being a college educated Veletian, Ladnier has--in the past--advocated for self-determination for the d'Or and many of his contemporaries believe that if elected, he may further divide Veletian interests in the region toward d'Orians instead. The election is slated for October 12th. His challenger, Philip Sumer, is a distant relative of Empress Tsirine, made possible only through marriage of his parents into the Famille Royale in the 1890's. Sumer is a long shot to win, though his plea for government "intervention" remains unanswered.

May 16th
  • The Liubeth Conference begins in Liubeth, Kalpia following the acceptance of a ceasefire in the Zello-Osladian War. Delegations from Zellonia and the Osladian Empire are sent, a dozen men from each country. The delegations are expected to take around two weeks, with Continental nations universally hopeful that a peace can be brokered. "A dolly of a war over a short strip of sea that has cost millions of dollars and thousands of lives" was the general outlook of the war thus far.

May 17th-May 22nd
  • The Tyro-Redanian Empire and the Republic of Itherae agree to stage war games. It has been deemed acceptable by the Imperial Minister of the Army Dominik Kuhler, in a bid to both improve the effectiveness of our armed forces and relations with neighboring Itherae, to authorize the carrying out of military exercises with elements of our own army and the Itheraen Army. As well as overseeing a joint-training program, Several mock war games will also oversee the two armies attempting to defeat one another in mock battles over set objectives.

    Over the next week, the Tyro-Redanians are summarily outmatched time and time again by the Itheraen Army. From squad level engagements up to division level maneuvers, Itheraen officers shown brazen skill and insight that seems to baffle senior level Tyro-Redanian commanders. Multilingual battalions within the Empire are revealed to have difficulty in communicating with one another, thus slowing down their effectiveness.

    - [Event: The Republic of Itherae wins War Games against the Tyro-Redanian Empire. Itheraen Army receives +15% Morale. Tyro-Redanian Army receives -7% Morale.]
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Empire of Zellonia

The Zeel

Kalpian Hanging

On June 5th with the ceasefire called off and the king and his attendants returning from the peace accords that had broken down when oslad gained nothing from their hard work. The king demanded that men that had been captured and tried be hung immediately. So it began. Meanwhile the general who commanded the operation was still undergoing intense treatment for information on the kalpian forces and their larger plan.

Kalpian soldiers hung

Peace accords

With the king and his entourage finally returning they set about presenting what happened to the press. As it turned out the kalpians and oslading were far from friends. In fact it seemed they were fighting each other for whatever could be gained. Even worse when things reached a boiling point the osladian prime minister refused to speak and when he noticed they were gaining little to nothing. Walked out of the room demanding the war to continue, the king while surprised believed the kalpians could be reasoned with but as they refused to accept their prisoners back amongst other things walked as well. In this horrifying news it seems the war continues only it seems it will end in blood for no more peace talks seem open until the others are dead. As such pleas from all of zellonia have begun to great nations such as the empire of tara or empire of violette for intervention in hopes of a white peace and that things may return to what they once were.
Meanwhile in the war room:

With high command finally realizing the situation at hand knew they required reinforcements. They sent notice to the memoital commonwealth for help as well as a detailed plan on what their men would be used for. Furthermore orders were sent to vorl on new objectives. Meanwhile the entrenched army on the marnish border couldn’t be sent any news for fears or interception as such the men sat and hoped general hawkthrone would break out and move on.
- Request Additional Forces from Memoital: (13 Military Points): [50% Chance that Memoital sends additional forces.]
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