Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by moonfaerie
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Wisps of dim yellow lights resembling fireflies danced around the immediate vicinity, moving where her fingers pointed. The Queen was unimpressed by the show, the ever constant scowl on her face. Everendall, on the other hand, enjoyed himself, adding his own bright white lights to the mix, both of them making it a game attempting to overpower the other—though everyone knew Sybil would have easily won had she given it her all. When the double doors opened they both immediately stopped, the lights fading as everyone grew serious. The Queen straightened her posture, resting her hands in her lap with a small smile, pleased they had stopped their blatant coquettish playing right in front of her, despite how adamantly they tried to deny it.

As Ardenelle led the monster hunters into the room, Sybil's eyes landed on one of them as she stared at him curiously. There was something familiar that she couldn't quite place and it nagged at the back of her mind. Unable to pinpoint it right away, she glanced over at the King to see his reaction. The man sat erect on his throne, the playful smile replaced with a more somber expression. He didn't trust the outsides, humans especially as they continued trying to take over his land, and the weight of his people's safety weighed heavily on his mind.

It wasn't until Ardenelle spoke the name of the monster hunters that Sybil drew her attention away and back to the two of them. Blue eyes shooting wide, she stared at the captain of the ship as he spoke. Gaze fixated in awe, she wondered if this was the same boy from all those years ago. Dalious was a name she would never forget—it would be impossible to forget the young man that had saved her life from the gallows. It was his words, his reassurance that the elves were not the enemy of the malignant, that had convinced her going with them was a good idea. For some reason, she thought he would have died out there on the sea with whatever crew he might have found in that little town, but—if this was the same person—he was still alive.

“Support from the elves?” he asked, an eyebrow arched expecting the pirate to explain further what he meant. Everendall would not throw any support behind the pirates, he did not want people to think he was aligned with the wrong sort, but he was more than willing to pay them generously for their work. “Ale and silver we can accommodate.”

A snort from Sybil, the King and Queen both glanced in her direction. It was the Queen to speak and she was not amused. “Something to say?”

“No, m'lady,” she replied, but went on to add, “Only that I think it unwise to supply hunters ale before a trip. Seems a liability to me.” Her eyes went back to settle on Dalious, tilting her head to the side while continuing to wonder if he was indeed the same person.

Everendall nodded. “She has a point,” he agreed. “No ale until after the contract has been fulfilled.”

“Are you sure you wouldn't rather me-” Sybil began.

The King cut her off and silenced her by lifting his hand. “I am positive,” he told her firmly. They left it at that before he turned back to the hunters with a frown. “Werebeasts?” he asked. “Where ever did you hear that?” A shake of his head, he replied, “It is the Vampires we are having trouble with. They come out at night and attack our citizens, edging closer to the city. A new Hellsmouth has opened nearby. Not only do we need the Vampires gone, but the rift itself closed.”

The malignant, meeting Dalious' eyes, said, “Light them up.” Holding a finger beside her head, a small flame erupted from the tip. Her eyes twinkled mischievously with a twisted grin on her face.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sol Grim
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"Sybil?" Dalious knew it was her now.

"Vampires?" Armuille said, giving Ardenelle a stern look. The elf girl shrugged. "You said werebeasts! Vampires is another matter entirely!"

"I said it might be werewolves, or something like that!" Ardenelle said and snarled her nose at the black cat. "What does it matter? They all come from hell."

"It matters because they are completely different to prepare for!" Armuille snarled back. "I must have access to the elves library at once!"

"Sybil, it is you," Dalious said. "I thought you might have died. You ended up doing quite well for yourself I see, no more men trying to hang you. I'm glad you made it out fine, if I remember correctly, you ditched me! If you wanted to sail to the elves kingdom, you had but to ask.

"Also, your grace, may I request Sybil in joining us? Vampires are no easy matter, and if i remember correctly..." He had the image of all the imperials she burned alive in his head. "And I do...she could prove to be quite useful. Especially with the whole closing the hellmouth bit."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by moonfaerie
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There was something that excited her about the fact that he remembered who she was after all this time. She must have left just as big of an impression on him as he had on her. A nod of her head to confirm it, she stated, “It's wonderful to see you again, Dalious.” Mouth falling open as the he addressed her, she exclaimed, “You spun me off and ran out the door!” It had not been her intention to ditch him, but she remembered scarring the man in the town and the mob coming after her only to lose them somewhere in the forest. For a long while she stayed there with the animals until the elves came. Her horse was still with her in the stables.

A glance in her direction, Everendall appeared stunned. A name she had spoken before in a youth, but forgotten in more recent years, he looked back at hunter. “The man who saved your life?” he asked, indicating he knew the story already. There was a troubled expression on his face as his piercing emerald eyes focused on Dalious, trying to gauge the type of man he was. Despite not knowing him, he instantly decided with this bit of news and seeing their camaraderie as if a day had not gone by, he did not like him.

Tensing at the pirate's request, the King drew his lips into a thin straight line. “I would not have not sent you a contract if I planned to send Sybil,” he replied.

“Oh, but darling,” the Queen interjected happily. “Sybil is quite the skilled witch. Surely, accompanied by these fine men, she should be fine?” She saw this as a chance to get rid of her husband's mistress once and for all. If the creatures of the Hellsmouth did not kill her, as they had managed to successfully injure her last time, then perhaps Dalious himself could convince her to leave the kingdom and, by extension, Everendall.

Sybil wanted to go—she enjoyed being out on the field and being useful. If she were to sit around and gossip all day, she would go mad. But she also knew Everendall did not want her to and, whatever he asked of her, she would blindly follow. She looked to her King. He did not look back as he simply said, “You may go with them.” He knew her well enough to know what she wanted as well. In a more private setting and different circumstances, she would have thanked him generously.

“Ardenelle,” he ordered to the woman. “Show him to the library.” He gave them all a wave of dismissal to show that he he had said all he needed to and was done. The King stood up without a word to leave. The Queen lingered behind.

“Sybil,” she said. “I trust you will show Dalious and his men around the castle?”

Sybil was already walking down the steps to join the pirate. “Yes,” she assured her receiving a nod of approval in response before she followed after her husband.

Standing beside Dalious, she looked up at him, still in disbelief that he was still alive before balling up her fist and punching him in the shoulder for running off and leaving her in the tavern all those years ago.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sol Grim
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Sol Grim you're no daisy at all

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"Ow!" Dalious felt the blow at unawares. "Bloody hell woman! You left me!! I told you to meet at the sparrow, where I waited until the bells rang!" He massaged his shoulder and gave her a glare. "It matters little now, we went our separate ways and here we are together again, all these years later. Fate, I believe. Now stop hitting me!"

They walked down the corridor and exited the throne palace. The sun was dying in the sky and they were to leave first light of the next morning. Dalious had never seen the elves kingdom and all its glory, until this invitation. An invitation he received because he was a renown monster slayer, something he took more serious than anything of this world. He and his men, if they could, would always study their target. It always being something singular or few of, but there were many vampires. The monster hunters had never slain any either, as their focus was more of the sea monsters and a few hagravens or gremlins. Vampires rarely appeared, less it be something of great importance to them, like opening hell.

"Your king doesn't like me," he continued. "I mean, he is sending me on a suicide mission, after all. If he knew the true treat of the hellmouths, he might have made you stay. Worry not, I'm a professional now. I will protect you, as I do all my crew."

They walked to the elven forge, where freshly made weapons and armor were being made by a master blacksmith and his group. The elves were being good with their word, which was something very important to the pirate. So long as things stayed that way, with the elves or any other, then business could go on. While the masters worked on the elven steel, Dalious leaned onto a ledge overlooking the sea.

"Here we are meeting again after ten years, and we immediately and openly head straight into a sure death," Dalious said with a huff. "If we survive this, who knows, we might even become legends. Dalious, the legendary monster hunter, has a nice ring to it." He was a man of legacy, and really only did things to be remembered in time. Mortality was something that irked him. "When the morning comes, we sail for Rockhaven." It was north from the kingdom, they would take the sparrow through the large everglades until they reached the town. Rockhaven was where the vampires were last, where they terrorize the locals that were unfortunate enough to live on top of one hellmouth. "By then I'll know how to kill them, assuming Armuille's research goes well. Then we will train at sea on my sparrow, no fire spells from you. I rather like my ship in tact, if you please."

They walked onto a grassy knoll, overlooking a massive waterfall that sparkled with each drop. Some trees in the background were glowing in different auras. "Seems a nice open spot," Dalious said, in awe of the beauty around them for a brief moment. "Surely you must have learned a few new tricks in the last ten years. Have you control over your gift?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sol Grim
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Sol Grim you're no daisy at all

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The monster hunters

While Dalious and Sybil reunited with one another, and Armuille took to studying in the elven library, the rest of the crew waited back on their ship. The elven kingdom was beautiful and mesmerizing, but the elves were fair and noble people. Immortal from age and with magic of their own kind, they rarely drank alcohol or took part in drugs. Thus meaning, there were no whorehouses or taverns, of which were normal hotspots in a visited town for the ship mates. So they simply just waited aboard playing poker on deck, aside from Bernen Wildcat, who jumped and climbed around the ship's structure to keep himself in shape.

Bernen, much like Armuille, was born and thrown into slavery immediately. They had been slaves their entire lives until Dalious rescued them ten years ago. Since then they were able to visit the Muleki homeland, Mulek. They chose the seas over their own people, feeling foreign to them and outcast. While Armuille looked to learning and studying, Bernen was focused solely on combat. He is one of the crew's greatest warriors, and his kill count of monsters stacks into the hundreds.

Thanden "Blackheart" Triggs was the true pirate at heart aboard the Sparrow. He had the option to become a captain of his own ship had he wanted, but he blindly and loyally follows Dalious after the things they have been through. He just wants to sail and make coin, while getting wasted along the way. He is the inventor of the group, always creating or updating weapons to face these evils. He didn't create blackpowder or guns to shoot it, but he has updated and modded a few rifles and pistols. His latest masterpiece was a weapon he called 'the blunderbuss'.

"Arrr, I knew ye to be bluffin'!" Blackheart spat, throwing his cards down on the table.

Fanon Hinderblade smiled and took his earnings. Fanon was always in a good mood, no matter how dire the situation. He enjoyed life and helping others, while also enjoying the pirate life. He was from a land known as High Rock. A desert land where you had to work for your survival everyday. High Rock has since been overtaken by the Imperial Legion, most of the people being forced into slavery thereafter. Fanon was the spiritual guidance on board the sparrow, and a good mentor to all. His advice was always taken.

The last two members of the monster slayers, were the brothers Ronen and Felian Rosetree. Ronen was the oldest by two years, and was a mercenary of great skill. Felian followed suit, looking up to his brother and his ways of life. Felian was reckless though, and often got into trouble. He was captured on a job and was sailing to be an imperial slave when Dalious saved him as well. Ronen was not there that day, but he was close by in pursuit. When the brothers made their reunion quickly after, they decided to sail with Dalious for some time. The monster slaying just came naturally for the crew, as all of them took the jobs without hesitation. They proved to be very good at it, so it became their new way of life.

"All in," Felian said, pushing his coins to the center of the table.

"You got nothin" his brother Ronen said and called the bet.

"You have nothing," Felian corrected him. Felian had recently taken a liking to Armuille's teachings of grammar and proper tongue.

"I speak how I want, little brother," Ronen said sharply. "Correct me again, and I'll tie you upside down for a night!"

"I call," Fanon spoke, also throwing his coins in.

They all flipped their cards over. Fanon won with a flush draw.

"Dammit!" Felian said. "How do you always win?"

"Stick to fighting," Fanon replied with a laugh.

"Speakin' of, when are we settin' sail?" Blackheart wondered. "The hell's taken 'em so long?"

"Armuille is studying the vampires," Fanon answered. "Dalious is apparently reuniting with that friend we all didn't believe he had all those years ago, when he freed us, remember?"

"Ah, so the magic mage he kept goin' on about was real..." Blackheart said, looking up to the waterfalls that loomed above them. He could make out the figures of Dalious and Sybil as they walked and spoke to one another. "Knowing Dal, I bet he's trying to get in her pants as we speak."

"She is coming with us," Bernen wildcat spoke, falling from the top of the ship and landing on his feet.

"What!?" Blackheart said. "Having a lady on board is bad luck!"

"Having you on board has been bad luck, too, and we still manage," Felian joked.

"Hardeehar," was Blackheart's reply. "Get ready boys, 'cause we're all gonna die on this job. But as we always like to say...fuck it."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by moonfaerie
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moonfaerie professional slacker

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It didn't matter to her how long he had waited at the docks all those years ago; the only thing she was focused on was the fact that he had spun her into the arms of a stranger and had run out without waiting for her to say anything. Had she been given the option, she would have liked to have gone with him on his mission. It did not matter now, however, as that was all in the past. No matter the reason for their reconnecting, be it fate indeed or merely coincidence, she had done what she'd felt like doing and was ready to put it all behind her now.

As they walked along the promenade, she gave a sideways glance. Everendall didn't much care for anyone; it was just the way he was. She didn't think he had any particular grudge against Dalious. If anything, she thought he might actually like the man if they sat down for a conversation considering the pirate had been the one to save her life. But, it was hard to ignore the palpable tension that had formed in the room once it was out there that the two of them knew one another. “He wanted me to stay,” she said with a slight frown, not knowing whether he'd been so adamant about her not going because he knew the true threat already or he was simply doing his best to try to keep her safe. Their relationship was a complicated one, unable to stay away from one another for too long, however, Everendall had made his choice long ago—and that choice meant she wasn't his to try and protect.

With a huff of amusement, she turned towards him. “You will protect me?” she asked, an arched brow. That was humorous. There was no doubt in her mind Dalious could hold his own—she'd seen that with her own eyes—but she was more than capable of taking care of herself. Though she did not say it out loud, there was a smirk on her face and a questioning look as if he truly believed what he was saying; she had the feeling she would end up being the one to protect them.

“I'm not looking to become a legend,” the woman frowned. After seeing what attention brought her, all she wanted was to remain in anonymity. It was one of the things she loved about being with the elves. No one cared that she was a malignant here or that she wielded powerful magics. She was only known because of the rumors that circulated around the palace about the king and his mistress and she could do without those as well.

Feigning a pout when he prevented her from using fire magic, she held her palm in front of her asking, “How about this?” before directing a stream of water in his face. Fire was not the only element she knew how to control now.

They stopped at the water fall, the pristine water droplets sparkling like diamonds as they fell. “I suppose,” she stated. Having spent years in the elven kingdom, she was accustomed to the setting by now, but she could remember the awe she felt when she'd arrived and how beautiful she'd found everything. Her favorite things had been the trees with their different color hues radiating off of them. The place was magical and found it suited her well.

“Yes,” she replied, beaming as he asked about her abilities. Living with her mother, they had to keep their powers hidden, practicing out in the middle of the forest away from prying eyes. They had to pretend they were just like everyone else which meant she had to attend school with the other children and learn what they taught. Here with the elves, her studies focuses purely on magic and she had learned for more in her short time here than most non-elves had in their entire lives.

But that was all she would say on the matter. Ten years was a long time and she didn't need to reveal everything she knew to him in case he turned out to be an enemy.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sol Grim
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"Can't wait to see you in action, then," Dalious said as he then took her hand. "Until then." He kissed her hand and bowed. "You must get your rest, my lady. Meet us at the sparrow in the morning, I promise to wait for you this time."

By morning, the sails were set and the crew was anxious to leave. Armuille filled everyone in on the basics of combat against the vampires, but they would train on deck along the route. When Sybil came aboard, Dalious but had a few sentences to say and then they would be off. "This is Sybil," he told them. "She's a malignant. More importantly, she's a friend. Behave yourselves, I only say this once."

A few nods and smiles from the men, then they were off. They travelled north from the elven kingdom, keeping the sea to the left of them and the shore of the elven isles to their right the entire trip. It would only take a few days, then they would trek on foot to the destination.

Everyone was given garlic necklaces to ward off the vampires if they got too close. It was implied by Armuille that any sharp wood straight to their heart would kill them instantly. Decapitation worked. A few other things, such as fire, but other than that they were immortal and extremely powerful. The crew sailed and trained that day and into the night, working on techniques they thought would work with one another. By nightfall, everyone settled back down and the drinking started. Even though Everendall wouldn't give them their mead until after the job was done, they already had plenty anyway.

"You did work a hard bargain against our ale, Sybil," Dalious said.

"Yeah, we hope by the end of this," Felian started. "...you'll, you know, hook us up before the job's started next time maybe. Not that we don't have a fair share already!"

"It's okay to relax and drink for the night with these folk," Fanon told Sybil. "Our Muleki do not drink and will watch over us, which means we will know of any threat far before it is a threat, young one." He offered her over a drink, though understood if she would not take it.

Then Ronen began singing a sea shanty, one that Felian would take the high notes in, and all of the crew would join thereafter.

Dalious took a break from the wheel, as Armuille took over, allowing him to down a shot of whiskey and walk over to Sybil. "We never got to finish our dance, may I?" he said, as he pulled her up and onto the deck as the crew sang around them. Dalious held Sybil close, his left hand holding her right and his other hand pressed against her back. "I'm the type that likes to finish things, even if they take ten years to achieve." He smiled and slow danced with her, quickly becoming mesmerized by her beauty. She had definitely grown up since the last they saw each other. He found himself wondering what her actual role was with the elves. She was a girl being chased in the woods, now she stands on council with the king of the elves. This wasn't the time to ask, with the beautiful nightfall horizon and the flickering yellow bugs on the shoreline. This was the calm before the storm.

"I feel like I've known you forever, but I have but known you a short while," he said. "You made quite the impression, I suppose. Are you happy, with the elves?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by moonfaerie
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Ignoring their comments about the ale, Sybil kept her face emotionless. As far as she was concerned, they didn't need to be drinking—they needed to keep their minds clear for when they went into battle. Not that she thought she needed any of them anyway as she was confident in her abilities that, if needed, she could do this herself. Her fire was more than any of them could do. Still, it was the principal of the thing; she didn't want a bunch of drunks at her back.

Taking the drink offered to her by Fanon, she stared at it. Rarely did she drink and, other than the time at the tavern with Dalious, when she did it was a glass of the finest wine aged by the elves. There was no comparison. Setting it down, she did not drink it. At least one person on the ship needed to remain sober.

Standing off to the side as the crew celebrated—well, she did not know what they were celebrating as the job hadn't been completed yet—her attention shifted to Dalious when he approached her. “We didn't?” she asked. In her mind the dance was finished the moment he spun her into another man's arms and walked out the door to the tavern. The woman arched a brow as he took her hand, but said nothing as he pulled her closer. She supposed if he wanted a dance, it would not be the end of the world.

“I would have been more surprised if you hadn't remembered me,” she confessed. Though it had been years since she'd been in Arthenway, she was still wanted there—dead or alive. “I would have set both you and your ship on fire had you not.” There wasn't the slightest hint of a joke in her voice. She could not forget the young man that had saved her life back then and had he forgotten her, she would have made sure he wouldn't have forgotten again even if it left a negative impression.

A small smile on her face as he mentioned the elves, Sybil gave a nod. “I am,” she replied. Happier than she had ever been in back in Arthenway. Their teachings, while difficult, were fun instead of the arduous punishments her mother trained her for to expand her mind. “I've learned so much with them.” And, of course, there was Everndall himself that often brought a smile to her face. “And the king has been a dear friend to me.” The best thing she had ever done was agree to go with the elves.

“What of you?” she asked curiously. “Are you happy? On your ship and with your crew?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sol Grim
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Sol Grim you're no daisy at all

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"I see," Dalious said, of her comments on the elves and their king. If she was pleased, then it meant Everendall was in fact a good leader. Whatever the case, it was good to make an alliance with the elves.

"Happy?" he responded in wonder himself. "I will be when we get paid! As for the ship and crew, they suit fine by me. They're a rag tag bunch of pirates, the hardest of men...and cat."

Dalious felt he was able to read people pretty well, and he could sense the strength already within Sybil. She was harder now, much like himself. The pair of them could probably go on all night of the things they've seen and done. While they danced and the crew sang and sailed, the stars beamed brightly up above. When the trees cleared, they could all see the red beam of light that aimed up through the sky.

"The hellmouth, the beam comes from it," Armuille Black Cat said. "It is the spirits of the dead."

The men stopped singing as they drew closer, sailing the placid river toward the beam of light. Dalious pulled out a necklace of garlic and put it around Sybil's neck.

"The vampires can be seductive in nature," he told her. "Perhaps not for the malignant, yet still. If one draws in too close, they only need but to sink their teeth into your flesh and it's all over. They dislike garlic, for some reason."

"And crosses of Aru," Fanon added, putting a cross necklace on.

"Ye can chop their heads off, lads," Blackheart chimed in. He brought to deck a few wooden carved short spears, they were light to use and sharp at either ends. "Or use these, but ye gotsta get them in the hearrrt!" They were passed out to whoever wanted them. "Also, for mainly Ronen and the Capt'n, arrows should work just fine."

"The vampires you can burn," Dalious said with a smirk.

When they reached the shore of Rockhaven, it was a half days march through the thickening forest. The mountains surrounding them were seemingly carved to perfection. The elves lived in the trees and the massive standing rockbeds, but there were none around when they arrived. It was quiet and empty, not even the crickets or the forest animals could now be heard. The town was dead silent, with a storm brewing in the skies above them all.

The hellmouth was in the center of the village, when they walked up to it they could see the red aura up close. Spirits the demons have claimed were flying around the hellmouth, though they were harmless as they could not become corporeal like the vampires or the other demons.

"How do we close it?" Felian asked.

"You don't," came a voice from somewhere else. The voice was hoarse and harsh. "You've come to die."

As the group stood there in the center of the village, the vampires started coming out from the shadows around them. They formed a large circle as they moved slowly closer. Most of the vampires were the villagers that lived here, the elves and dark elves. Their faces were different now, red eyes and snarled faces with sharp teeth lashing out at the crew. One of them came forward and his face changed from an evil demon to a normal elven face. He was even handsome, the transformation incredibly fast from one to the other.

"You're all just in time for dinner," the lead vampire spoke, the other ones nearly foaming at their mouths in lust for blood.

The vampires rushed in.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by moonfaerie
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The vampires had them surrounded, but knowing their weakness gave them the advantage and Sybil had more of one than the pirate crew that accompanied her. Seeing the former elves transformed weighed heavily on her chest, but she kept her expression passive and stoic as they snarled and closed in on them. Keeping her gaze on the enemy, it wasn't until they made a move did she react.

Flames spouted around them, blood-curdling screams of agony as the flames consumed them. In their pain, as a desperate attempt to complete their assigned task, they fought against some of Dalious' crew, but they didn't last for very long. Smoke filled the air along with the stench of charred flesh. This was a sight Sybil had seen often before and had little to no effect on her. One blackened corpse twitched nearby and she stepped over it as she proceeded to the Hellmouth. She had never been in one before; she'd never been allowed to go inside of one, an order from the King, because of the dangers involved. It was her curious nature that drew her towards it now, her sentiment the same as Felian as she too wondered how to close it. She allowed Dalious' crew the honor of dispatching the remaining threats. They appeared to have just as much of a bloodlust as the vampires themselves and had she not been familiar with the captain himself, she'd hardly be able to tell the difference between the two factions.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sol Grim
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Sol Grim you're no daisy at all

Member Seen 9 days ago

"That was easy," Blackheart said and laughed, as Bernen Wildcat decapitated one of the vampires. They all turned to dust when they died, even the ones Sybil scorched. Nothing remained but fire and ash when it was over. "That's some power ye have, me lady." Blackheart nodded in the malignant's direction.

"It's not over," Fanon told them. "Those were the new sires, those from this very village. Newborns. Perhaps the masters left them to watch the hellmouth. We still need..."

He was cut off as Sybil's hand was raised toward the spirits flying from the hellmouth. A green beam came from her palm as it struck the hellmouth and encompassed it. Within seconds the power coming from her hand closed and sealed the hellmouth, leaving it just a pile of dirt before them.

"She closed the rift..." Armuille Blackcat muttered aloud. "Perhaps, Captain, it was a good idea to bring her along after all."

"Of course it was, it was my idea," Dalious said. "Sybil, how did you do that?"

Suddenly, up above the trees, a master vampire showed itself. It flapped its large wings and flew high above them, its claws and teeth were longer and sharper than the others before. The monster flew in place, not scared of the witches magic, yet knowing that all of them together were a threat to him.

"You are too late," the master vampire's voice boomed over the village, yet was still calm and dark. "The ritual is complete, you fools."

"Yeah?" Dalious shouted back. "Come down here and say it to my face, mate."

The sky darkened. Quickly enough, there was no light left. The sun was gone.

"Is it magic?" Felian wondered.

"The seven hellmouths were opened simultaneously together while the ritual was performed, he's right, we're too late," Armuille spoke.

"Too late for what?" asked Ronen.

"Darkness, forever!" the master vampire said. "For eternity. We have blotted out the sun, we are free to roam these lands and those beyond. This world is ours."

"Come and get it, then," Dalious said. "I'm right here." He bowed in confidence.

"Your time will come," the master said. "Very soon."

He flew off into the darkness.

"Uhh, how do we get the sun back?" Felian wondered.

"We would have to close the other six hellmouths," Armuille answered, as he had studied on this the night before. "Meaning, Sybil, would have to close them all, since she seems to be the only one able to. Yet, their exact locations are lost to us. It could take years to even learn only one's whereabouts. May I suggest we head back to the elven kingdom, the elf king might need to hear this."

"And to collect our pay," Dalious said. "We killed the vampires, save for one, and closed the hellmouth. Job is done. Once he learns Sybil is the key, he won't need us anymore."

"And the sun?" Blackheart added in.

"I'm more of a night owl anyway," the captain said with a shrug. "Back to the elves, lads."

The journey back they sailed the Sparrow over the open seas, taking the bit longer way back. The sun never shined come the next morning, as the crew, led by Ronen, started singing their battle song.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by moonfaerie
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moonfaerie professional slacker

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sybil wasn't entirely sure what had happened herself. Approaching the hellmouth out of curiosity, her hand was drawn to it. An invisible force pulling at it, as if trying to drag her into the mouth itself, she fought against it and dug her feet into the soil until the barrier was closed. Blinking in confusion, she could not answer their questions when she was asked. Her eyes stared down at her hand in awe, not sure whether she should be pleased at this new development or afraid.

Attention snapping upward to the vampire flying overhead, Sybil's eyes narrowed and a flash of anger sparked behind her eyes. Fire illuminated in the palms of her hands as she stared upwards at it circling above, turning her body to follow its movements and prepare to set it aflame just as she'd done his brethren. But there was a another concern that took precedence as the sun began to fade and the sky darkened into perpetual night. The only light was from the lingering fires around them.

Frowning as they spoke about her role in all of this, the witch shook her head in protest. Everendall would not allow her to waltz up to the hellmouths unescorted—and would more than likely hire them again, showering them with all the gold and ale they could possibly want, to find some other way. It was with great reluctance he let her go this time; she could see it. And when she returned she had no doubt in her mind he would not be letting her out of his sight for a good while. Most of the time, she didn't mind this—she even enjoyed it, relishing in delight the fact that he still harbored affection for her despite his attempts not to—but not when she was needed. Not when it was important and integral for her to be elsewhere to bring back the sun. Perhaps he would be able to see that.

They returned to the ship and the sailors sang their shanties as Sybil sat on a crate near the back, wind blowing through her hair as she inhaled the ocean air. In her hand was a stream of water and she played with it, twirling it through her fingers and making it dance around her wrist until she grew bored and threw it back into the ocean. She did not know what to expect when they returned to the city and found herself dreading it.

And it was about what she expected. The world was in darkness and that included the kingdom of the elves though the bioluminescent trees and plants lit the paths to the castle. King Everendall sat on his throne, a look of disapproval on his face as the pirate crew entered the room. There was a small twitch at the corner of his mouth, a smile threatening to break through once he saw Sybil, but he kept it from reaching his face. “You were supposed to close the hellmouth,” he stated. The fact the sky was dark indicated that they'd not only failed their mission, but the beasts were free to roam the realm now whenever they pleased.

“We did, Your Majesty,” Sybil spoke up, stepping forward to ease done of the disdain he showed to the crew.

His tense shoulders relaxed slightly as he fixated his gaze on her, but he kept his stern reproachful stare fixated on her. “And?”

“And we need to close six more. The sun will not return until we do.” The witch grimaced slightly as she delivered the news, looking away from him.

“Absolutely not,” he declared, a tone of finality in his voice. With a wave of his hand he motioned for them to bring in the barrels of ale that had been prepared for the crew as well as sacks of gold. “Monster hunters,” he called for their attention. “I appreciate that you have kept Sybil safe.” There was a scoff from the young woman. If anything, she felt she had been the one to keep them safe. “I am well aware of her value, however, she will not be accompanying you on subsequent missions.”

A snap of his fingers, more ale was brought out. “Though I do hope we can continue business and you will be able to close the remainder of the hellsmouths. And, yes, I plan to pay accordingly to the dangers of this mission with more ale, gold, and equipment than you could possibly fathom.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sol Grim
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Sol Grim you're no daisy at all

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He had planned on retiring after this job, which they technically succeeded in. Save for bringing darkness over the lands, forever. However the temptation of all the gold they could possibly fathom weighed heavily, and the choice was easy to make thereafter. Dalious agreed to the king's terms, and the two factions would be allies at least until the job was finished.

They were to spend their time in the elven kingdom, living amongst the elves, until their research found the other hellmouths. It was something Armuille said could take anywhere from weeks, to decades, if even ever at all. Regardless, the elven king would rather pay them anyway until it was done. The sun had to come back.

"We'll be trapped in this damn kingdom for eternity!" Blackheart complained. The crew were all in the elven arcane study halls. The walls were massive and shined in gold, and the place was filled with books and scrolls as far as the eye could see. "They don't even have a proper whorehouse here!"

"You are welcome to leave at any time, mate," Dalious told him, of which Blackheart just shrugged and sat down. "If the other six hellmouths can be found, this must be the place for it. Everyone, I know reading is not our best attribute, save for Armuille here, but get to reading lads!"

"You may not need to find the other six," came a voice from around a bookshelf. Ardenelle, the dark elf, came around and half smiled to the group. She lay a book down in front of Armuille, who instantly began reading its contents. "You need but to find only one, which you already have. Re-open it, and enter it. The hellmouths are all connected on the other side, so they will be easily seen. Close them from within."

"...yes, I see here," Armuille agreed. "She is right, that is the quickest way. Though, we would need Sybil with us to re-open the portal."

"Everendall said no," Fanon reminded them. "We must not break our peace with the elves."

"Or, you need a demon to open the portal," Ardenelle chimed in. "Like a vampire, but that might be easier said than done, I know."

Suddenly a loud, elven horn blew throughout the kingdom for all to hear.

"The elven warriors return home from battle," Ardenelle informed the rest. "The wounded to heal, the others to regroup and set another plan."

"Are they winning the war with the Imperials?" asked Ronen.

"The battle was won, the war remains to be seen," she responded. "The next move is on King Hilden, of the Imperial Legion. They press us, while we defend. I fear the war will rage on for many years to come."

"And in total darkness, no less," Bernen Wildcat added. "Less we save the sun."

Dalious went out to see the elves returning home. He stood with Sybil atop an overlooking peak, the sea on one side of them and the kingdom behind.

"We found a way to reach all of the hellmouths quickly," Dalious told her. "We must enter one, close the rest from within, then exit back again before we are trapped forever. So basically, we're all going to hell. Hell is where I normally draw the line. If we are to do this, I not only want gold when I return...I want land and a castle. For all of my men. Tell your king this, would you?"

"And one more thing, you have to come with us. Or, at least, we have to figure a way to use your gifts. Maybe Armuille could study you? Without you, the sun never returns. The vampires roam freely, as do everything else. You have to talk your king into letting you go, or making him come along. Otherwise this world dies in darkness."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by moonfaerie
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moonfaerie professional slacker

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Watching from her perch on the peak, Sybil stared down below at the returning soldiers. It was a bittersweet sight to see some families rejoice in relief at the return of their loved ones while others were forced to mourn their losses. There was a darkness to her eyes as she thought about the human king—King Hilden. She never would forget the day she was on display next to her mother, the only thing saving her from a fiery death being the unpleasant stench of charred flesh and a rambunctious boy ready to take on the world. She had no love for the kingdom she'd left behind or its king and wished nothing but darkness and despair for its future.

Though it may not have looked like she was paying attention to him, she heard every word Dalious had to say. A slow nod of understanding that appeared almost vacant, she eventually turned towards him. “Land and a castle for all of your men as well as me?” she asked with a raised brow wondering if he really thought Everendall would go for such a thing. To be granted land with a manor would essentially be granting them places in the elven hierarchy which she knew the king would not do. They had strict rules about such things and perhaps the main reason why she was simply a consort rather than a queen.

“You want my help, you receive nothing else,” she stated. It was a terrible offer for him, but if they truly needed her help for this task and there was no one else that could do it, he had little choice. Though Everendall would not approve, he did not have the right to dictate her life. Unlike the staff that worked there or some of the other consorts in the castle, she did not belong to him. This was a decision she was making for herself. “We will go into the hellsmouths together.”

Glancing over at Dalious, she added, “I'm only offering to help because it is you asking, dear friend.” A frown on her face, she admitted, “I do not care one way or the other whether or not this world dies in darkness.” It had done little for her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sol Grim
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Sol Grim you're no daisy at all

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The preparations to journey back to the hellmouth had begun quickly. By the next morning, though still dark as midnight, all of the group was to be readied for departure, though there was no time to inform the king of the plan. Sybil was to tell him soon before they left, while the others readied the ship.

"The elf king made it clear, we're not to take Sybil!" Fanon pleaded with his comrades. They were at the docks, the waters placid with a soft fog rising over it.

"As far as we know, she's the only one who can close the portals," Armuille stated. "Which means she may be the only one who can open them again, save for the demons."

"She wants to come," Blackheart chimed in, smoking a pipe filled with tobacco. "The king may have to come himself, if he can't part with the lass."

"Silence!" Bernen Wildcat said sharply, as the tiger-cat dropped from the top of the ship to the others. "Listen."

It was faint at first, but then the sound grew louder. Off in the darkness of the night, something drew closer and closer. It sounded like birds flapping at first, the sound much stronger in the ears of the cats and elves. Within seconds, hundred upon hundreds of vampire bats flew over the elven kingdom from the dark sky.

"Sound the war horn!" one of the elven guards commanded. The horn blew twice, indicating that they were under an attack to all of the others. One of the vampire bats swooped down and tackled the elf to the floor, then sunk its razor sharp teeth into his neck.

The wounded soldiers that had just returned from their war against the humans were the first to feel the brunt of the attack. They were all bedded and healing in the gardens, just outside the castle and nearest the docks. It was only a moment after hearing the attack horns when the vampires all moved in.

Some of the bats were large and hideous, their wings spanning the size of two grown men and their claws as long as an elven blade. They tore through the unprepared elven soldiers, ripping them from their limbs and slicing them at their throats. One vampire smashed an elven soldier to the floor, then pulled his spine out from his flesh.

Ardenelle was to see the demon hunters off at the docks, but her first instinct now was to protect her king. Her fellow soldiers banned close around her, as did the demon hunters.

"The king is in the throne room," Ardenelle yelled, her words barely audible over the intense screaming and fighting surrounding them. "We must protect the king!"

"Dalious!" Blackheart grabbed the pirate by the arm. "This is not our fight, lets set sail."

"We won't make it far at sea," Dalious responded. "The throne room can be barricaded. To the elf king!"

"We'll trap ourselves in that way!" Blackheart pleaded. "Out there we have a chance!"

"There's no time!" Dalious said. He had already started running up the hill toward the castle with Ardenelle and the others. Blackheart hesitated, but then ran in suit.

They reached the gates just in time to be let in, as it was quickly shut behind them. They all piled into the large throne room, locking and barricading the doors and windows around them. The screams and shouting could still be heard from the outside, as the elven soldiers fought back in the kingdom.

"Protect the king!" Ardenelle shouted, and the elves formed around him and those nearest him.

The walls started to bang with noise, scratching and smashing and laughter from the vampires. The fortress was too strong even for them to penetrate, but they never stopped trying. As more and more of the elves fought and died on the outside of the castle, they continued to try to enter the throne room.

"Doors won't hold for long," Armuille stated. "Is there an alternate route, perhaps one leading underground?"

"There is, take the king to safety," Ardenelle commanded. "The rest of you hold position. We must defend this keep."

"Where does this alternate route lead?" Fanon wondered.

"Just outside the kingdom," Ardenelle replied. "Near the river."

"We need our ship," Dalious said.

"The ship is lost, captain," Blackheart spoke. "We took too long. Nothing out there but death."

"The kingdom is not lost, not yet," Ardenelle said. "You underestimate us elves, we will fight and we will win."

The passageway was opened and the choice remained for all, to flee with the king or to stay and fight. Blackheart, Fanon and Armuille went with the king, while Ronen, his brother Felian, and Bernen Wildcat stayed to defend. Dalious went over to Sybil as all of this was going on, mainly just to check on her.

"You should go with the king," Dalious told her. "Protect him, his kingdom might fall, but as long as he lives he still holds claim to these lands. We will try to fend the vampires off, if we reach the Sparrow we will meet you at the river. Goodluck." Dalious grabbed her close and kissed her on her cheek. "In case I don't see you for another decade." He gave a wink, as the golden doors behind him cracked. "Go, now. The vampires will soon get through."

Dalious unsheathed his elven katanas, ready for what was about to come through the doors.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by moonfaerie
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moonfaerie professional slacker

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Everendall was not thrilled with Sybil's decision and his response to her informing him of her departure was met with a resounding no. After telling him this was not his decision, a statement that had him balking at her audacity, he eventually realized there was nothing he could do to stop her and solemnly lowered himself back down onto the throne. “I will come with you then,” he declared. It had been many years since he'd picked up a blade, but his magics were devastating enough in their own right.

Sybil shook her head in protest. “The kingdom needs you,” she said. He had obligations here he needed to tend to—the city needed him and he had duties to perform and other wars to fight. The hellmouths, while a serious matter that needed to be tended to, could be handled by the monster hunters—even if he was not as convinced as she was of their capability.

It was an argument that would have lasted longer if not for the sound of alarms alerting the kingdom of the encroaching danger. Immediately stepping in front of the king, Sybil's hands glowed with flames spouting from each of them as she moved between him and the large double doors to the throne room. Not allowing this, his own hands shimmered in a bright white light and he stepped out from behind her falling instead by her side. This act of equality did not last long as his servants and those working at the palace stepped in to interfere, urging him of the importance that he leave. The king scowled; he did not appreciate being told what to do, even if it was for his own safety and the better of the kingdom—the latter thought the one finally convincing him to leave along with them.

Prepared to stay and battle the vampires, her strength in fire magic beneficial to the fight against them, she stared at Dalious with an incredulous look on her face as he tried to convince her to leave as well. Prepared to argue with him, she was not expecting the kiss to the cheek which took her by surprise and the flames in her hand extinguished as she brought a hand to her cheek. It was the most inopportune time for her to get flustered and she cursed him for the dirty trick he played in distracting her.

“You better not take that long,” she said. Turning to follow the others out of the secret passage way, she hesitated for a moment before casting an enchantment on his blades to erupt them in flame—it would not last long, but it would help for a time. It was all she could do before she left and with a nod to show that they would be waiting for him down by the river, she took off through the passage to help make sure the royal family remained alive.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sol Grim
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Sol Grim you're no daisy at all

Member Seen 9 days ago

The large doors of the elven entranceway cracked with every strike from the other side. The vampires were just outside, a massive troll bashing a wooden beam into the doors.

"They have a cave troll!" Bernen Wildcat informed the others as he spied from the windows on the ceiling. He dropped down to the floor and joined the lineup of elves and men.

"Archers at the rear, when that gate opens, fire at will!" Ardenelle yelled commands to her elven brethren.

"Demon slayers, with me in the front," Dalious spoke. "We focus on the cave troll first."

"I've never seen a cave troll before..." Felian added.

"You'll be fine little brother, stay with the archers," Ronen told him.

The doors burst open, as the vampires poured in, the troll coming in shortly after. A volley of arrows flew by and turned many of them to dust instantly. Dalious jumped in first, swinging his flamed swords like a tornado as he struck down one after the other. The vampires would fall easily to the trained warriors blades, however they just kept pouring in without relent.

"Ronen, Bernen, with me!" Dalious shouted as the cave troll smashed a few elves out of the way. The arrows that pierced its thick skin did little damage.

Ronen used his chain hook to wrap it around the troll's left leg as Wildcat leapt onto the beasts' shoulder, stabbing violently into its neck. The cave troll grabbed Bernen Wildcat from the tail and tossed him hard and away, the cat hitting one of the walls. Another volley of arrows flew by as the troll kicked Ronen off and away as well.

Felian ran forward and dropped to his knees, he lifted his shield and yelled for Dalious, who immediately understood. The pirate ran and leaped from Felian's shield, getting a push as he jumped onto the cave troll and stuck his flaming swords deep into its skull. The troll fell backwards, dead, as Dalious rolled off unscathed.

They were doing well, until the master vampires came swooping in, their wings as long as a person's body. They were stronger and faster than the others, breaking limbs and severing heads of the elves as they pushed forward. Ronen stood one on one with a master, but with every strike he threw, the master was one step ahead. The vampire master knocked Ronen's blade's away, then drove its clawed arm through Ronen's chest and out the other side.

"RONEN!!" Felian screamed, slashing down vampires left and right trying to get to his brother.

Bernen Wildcat, too, was overwhelmed by the enemy. The masters pounced onto the wounded cat, sinking their teeth deep into him and dragging his body away with them as more and more vampires poured into the room.

"The city is lost," Ardenelle yelled. "Retreat, or die!"

Dalious grabbed a hold of Felian and forced him away with him, while the last of them fell to the vampires in the background. They made it to the secret passage, locking the doors behind them again.

"They will break through here as well," Ardenelle spoke, only few of her elves still alive and with them. The rest could still be heard just on the other side, screaming in misery as they were being torn apart and devoured. "We must meet the king, then sail out to safety. They should have reached the ships by the river by now." She led the way out of the tunnels and back toward the others.

"We have to go back!" Felian pleaded. "We have to..."

"He's gone," Dalious told him. "You are not, we must meet with the others. That's an order."

The secret passageway led to the underground caves, large and dark, save for Dalious' flaming swords which gave the light to follow. Before long, they reached the king's ships there, where the others were already settled in and ready to set sail.

"The others?" Blackheart started, but he already knew the answer. He hung his head and held back a tear, for they were still in grave danger.

"The city is lost, my king," Ardenelle said to Everendall. "We are all that is left."

Of the three ships they had to sail on, Dalious took command of one, along with his remaining crew. Few words were spoken as they sailed out of the caves and into the deep blue sea. When the company was far enough away from the land of the elves, torches would be lit for the funeral ceremony. Soft songs were sung from the elves, as they prayed to their gods under an ever lit sky of stars. So many were lost, and now they had little direction on where to go.

"Your grace," Captain Dalious Durendail finally spoke over to the elven king. Both of their ships rode side by side with one another over calmed waters. "We must bring back the sun, if we are to reclaim your kingdom. We should sail to Rockhaven, there is a closed hellmouth there. Sybil can re-open it, and we can enter. From inside, we may be able to close all the other hellmouths and bring back the sun."

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