Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by My Own Hero
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My Own Hero

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Many folk of Aldenea believe the elves to be one with nature and animals. They see them as devine beings who, with their flawless appearances and superhuman strength's and abilities, are a race to be admired. The elves are well known to keep themselves to themselves and rarely venture from their home in the north, Ullenor, a city built within the Ullenori Forest.

Since the Great War ended only a select number of elves have left the walls of the great city. These elves had been chosen by the High Elf, who is the equivalent of a king or queen, and charged with the task of ferrying one of the two remaining dragon eggs in existence. The other placed in the hands of men.

Once a year, for almost a century, an exchange of the last two eggs is held.


A stiff wind howled in the night, blowing the cloak tails of the four hooded figures upon their steeds. They were two days in to their journey to the rendezvous with the humans in the south and the weather had been rather unforgiving. Although the downpour from the previous night had eased, a restless wind continued to blast through the Ullenori forest.

They trotted carefully in to the darkness, the path in front of them lit only by the candlelight lanterns they carried. The elf city, Ullenor lay well behind them, now just a distant memory. Amongst the small party was Elwen, an elf of royal blood. His pointed ears were hid underneath the hood of his cloak. His build is slim but strong and an air of elegance surrounded him. A powerful looking sword, with gold trimmings and a red stone on it's hilt, was hung over his back. He lifted his head and sniffed the cold air and an unusual scent wafted across his nostrils. This was his first venture outside of the walls of Ullenor, so he figured it was inevitable that he would come across many scents that seemed new and unusual to him. Nevertheless, he checked the bag attached to the saddle and secured it a little tighter, the object inside safe and protected.

"Stay together.", came a voice from behind Elwen. It was the voice of Fainor, the eldest and the leader of the group. His long white hair just about visible underneath his hood. Elwen wondered if he had noticed the unusual scent too. The others obeyed Fainor's orders and formed a tighter pack.

The faint sound of the Ullenori Falls could be heard. This was the only sound that broke the silence of the forest, except for the occasional whinnying from their steeds or the hoot of an owl. Elwen had heard and read of the Ullenori Forest and the vast array of living creatures that inhabited it. Yet, for the last two days he'd merely seen anything other than a small doe. He didn't mention his concerns to Fainor or the the others, in fear of being considered frightened or troubled of being so far from Ullenor. Infact, he had been looking forward to being part of the ferrying party, ever since his father, High Elf Rhyeagan, chose him. Yet, he would be lying if he said he wasn't a little worried of the task in hand.

This would be his first meeting with a human after all. Although, he wasn't scared about this prospect. He knew that the elves had sharper abilities and senses than the humans and they would be no match for Elwen and his companions. Still, he couldn't shake the odd feeling stirring inside of him.

The four horses with their riders cantered along the trail, careful not stray too far from each other. A clearing was visible up ahead.

"We should rest.", said the familiar voice of Fainor. Elwen was pleased to hear this, for they had not stopped for the whole two days, except to water their steeds at a small lake.

"Do we continue our journey at sunrise, Fainor?", asked Elwen as he tied his white horse to a nearby tree.

"We do,", replied Fainor. "So rest well, brother. We have only but a few hours."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tranquility
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The vast kingdom that the Kinly family oversaw and protected has been prosperous for a long span of time, nearly one hundred years in fact. As such, Princess Rahea knew nothing of the struggle and strife that plagued the Aldenea kingdom. The relationship between men and elf had always been one with respect and understanding. Men and elves didn't often fight and when a skirmish arose, it was usually between an irrational man who didn't hold the majority's mindset that elves were equals, not subservient.

Whenever a small but notable conflict broke out, the King and Queen were quick to approach things diplomatically. They did not wish for further arguments to sully the peace that had been established 90 years ago. So for the most part, both factions got along well and traded without any real incidents. Having a positive relationship with the elves was paramount since every year they came together to exchange eggs. It was believed that when they hatched, both the humans and elves would have contributed enough good will to ensure the dragon was not something to fear, but something to respect and admire.

There had been a few attempts at someone stealing the eggs, whether it happen within the elves' city of Ullenor, or in the kingdom's capital known as B'ylah. The attempts were never successful thankfully. The eggs were always guarded and both factions ensured there was no way for someone to pillage the egg and make a profit.

Mentally, it was taxing to protect an egg but it was a duty that was sacred and very vital to the kingdom's survival.

Princess Rahea glanced over to her left, unable to cease admiring the precious pink cherry trees that were common around the kingdom, except they strangely didn't penetrate the Ullenori Forest. Rahea, along with her mother and father, and their band of knights, were currently meandering along a dirt road. The sun was beginning to set and she had to wonder how much further they had to go. Like the elves, they had been on the road for two days, though they took more stops to allow Rahea to admire the curious scenery. While she had been out of the kingdom, it was usually for diplomatic purposes which didn't allow much free time to explore the area.

Her retainer, who acted as both a body guard and servant, had to constantly remind her that their trek was not a time to explore and drag her feet. Rahea had begged her parents to allow her to go along with them this year and they saw no reason to dissuade her since in due time she would be making the yearly journey on her own.

Rahea knew very little of the world around her and her eyes were always eager to soak up the sights.

The carriage that held the royal family came to a stop as well as the knights on horses which protected them on all four sides. "We'll stop here for the night." Her father, King Milo Kinly, said. The royal family had a few connections and were able to plan stops in small stone houses that the royal family usually rented to distant relatives. The stone cottage was furnished and the usual resident had already left earlier to give the travelers as much space and privacy as required.

The group headed inside and began to get ready for a quick rest while Rahea's retainer (along with the other two assigned to the King and Queen) began to set up the fireplace and supper. Rahea moved to her parents who were quietly discussing the next day's plan. "Will we finally get there tomorrow?" She inquired, getting anxious.

"Yes, don't worry, we'll make contact by tomorrow afternoon." Her father replied, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Now go eat and rest, we will depart in only a few hours time."

"Why so soon?" Rahea frowned.

"Your lollygagging put us a bit behind schedule, dear." Her mother pointed out. Rahea sighed, knowing she had no means to argue with the truth. She bowed her head in understanding and went back over to the fireplace, her eyes mesmerized by the dancing flames.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by My Own Hero
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My Own Hero

Member Seen 9 mos ago

The remainder of the night grew colder and the strong wind from the west increased. Elwen struggled to keep warm, his hooded cloak useless against the icy breeze. He propped himself against the trunk of a large tree and pulled his cloak tighter in an attempt to garner some warmth.

After a short length of time, he was sure the others were asleep. Three motionless lumps stuck out from the ground where they lay. Elwen slowly untied the leather bag he had carried earlier, which was now hidden under his cloak. Opening it, he reached inside and carefully pulled out the black egg-shaped object. He held it with both hands and studied it. It was no bigger than Elwen's head. It's surface as smooth as anything he had felt before. It weighed several pounds but it felt lighter than it should have. Despite the severity of the cold weather a hint of warmth emanated from the hard shell. Holding the egg tight, Elwen eventually drifted in to a restless slumber, thankful of the warmth of the egg.

Daybreak was soon upon them. The sun rose the next morning, yet it was still rather dark in the forest due to the density of the high trees that blocked the sky from view. A swirling mist had formed, creeping across the forest's floor, almost thick enough to obscure the ground. Elwen was woken with a light prod. As he opened his eyes he saw Varya, a raven haired female elf stooped over him. "It is time, youngling.", she said with a soft voice. Elwen had always liked Varya. She had always been nice to him. This was only Varya's second trip with the ferrying party. So, she like Elwen was still learning the landscape to the south of Ullenor.

Elwen rubbed his eyes and struggled to his feet. He placed the egg back into the leather bag and tied it. Fainor and the other elf who completed their party, Hubyr, were tending to their horses. "Brother Fainor believes we will reach Korva's Keep by midday, Elwen.", Varya explained holding out an apple for him to take . "You should eat."

They left the clearing shortly after. The sound of the Ullenori Falls crashing in the distance grew faint. The four elves rode in a single file for the next few miles. Fainor, the leader, led the way, his long silver hair shining in the early morning sunlight. On his back was a long bow along with a quiver of arrows. Elwen was next, his leaf-shaped ears now visible and the gold trimmed hilt on his back. The leather bag holding the black egg was strapped firmly to the saddle. Varya followed Elwen. She too carried a bow, though hers was slightly smaller than that of Fainors. At the rear was Hubyr. A helmet of exquisite craftsmanship rested upon his head and a mean looking spear could be seen in his hand.

Their journey was relatively uneventful for the next hour. They had reached the outskirts of the Ullenori Forest as the high, dense trees were replaced with open fields and lands. Korva's Keep was now barely visible on the horizon. A black smudge on the horizon. What once was a formidable stone watchtower, now lay in ruins, ravaged during the Great War. The Keep had been the location chosen some ninety years ago by the elves and men as the place in which to exchange the eggs. It is a remote and secluded place and is pretty much the half-way point between B'ylah, the capital of Aldenea and the Elf city Ullenor.

The four elves upon their horses stopped, now in line with one another. "The Keep," said Elwen to himself. "We made it."

He thought none of the others had heard him, until Fainor patted him on the back. "We still have a long way to go brother Elwen," he said, a wry smile upon his face. "Hubyr, lead the way."

And with that they headed towards Korva's Keep.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tranquility
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The princess fell asleep soon after eating and before she could count the endless sheep jumping behind closed eyes, she was being roused so they could continue their journey. Their quest. Rahea rubbed the sleep from her eyes and watched her mother and father carefully carry the large leather pouch into the carriage. Inside was a deep blue dragon egg that Rahea had spent most of her life keeping an eye on. And the other part of her life was spent watching over the other egg which was black. Never before had she seen a dragon. Sure there were sketches that had survived the test of time in books and loose scrolls but those were unable to do the real thing any justice.

Sometimes she would dream of herself riding on a dragon and running along it's large spine, it somehow being a large as an entire city. Rahea trailed behind her parents. Her mother had light brown hair that was coiled into a tight long braid that rested along her back. And her father had dark hair, almost akin to coal, and his face had a short beard that accented his strong jawline. As she climbed into the open carriage, she settled beside her mother, Theresa while the egg was held on her father's lap. The two women faced the king, who had the view of the road ahead of them. Once everyone was packed and ready, the party took off down the road, leaving a gentle trail of dust in their wake.

The ride was bumpy and Rahea found herself glancing to the egg countless times, finding herself less interested in the world around her. As the cherry trees faded from memory, the view opened up to reveal endless waves of green hills and valleys. Her faithful retainer, Cumin, held up the read with another skilled knight, while three took the front of the carriage. While one might find the protection excessive, the king and queen didn't wish to take any risks and leave themselves open to an attack. The eggs were no secret to the world and for now, the meeting point had yet to be breached.

By the time the group neared Korva's Keep, the wind was blowing wildly and the sun was towering high in the sky. They had made their way towards the coast and had found themselves in front of a long bridge by the bay. The keep was very much off any beaten path and it remained unpenetrated by enemies. "The water is so beautiful. It's breathtaking." Rahea said as she held up a hand to stop the carriage. She wished to walk the length of the bridge herself. Cumin was hesitant to leave his master but went ahead with the others. As her parents pressed onward, Rahea stood alone on the stone bridge and looked out at the bay. All she wished to do was dive in but she didn't know how to swim.

The biggest body of water she had ever been in was a simple low level pond.

The rush of the waterfalls ahead were almost calling out to her. Rahea ran a hand through her long hair and started to walk along. She had on a gracefully flowing white linen dress and leather ankle boots that matched her auburn hair. Making it halfway along the keep's only point of direct entry and exit, she paused once more, not because she needed to rest, but because she heard something approaching. Or rather, several horses. Turning, she could make out a few figures coming closer and she felt her heart hitch slightly as she feared the worst but then remembered they were expecting company.

She waited and would happily greet them while her parents would prepare the keep as it was otherwise unoccupied when not in use, which meant a good deal of cleaning and cooking. Both the men and elves would exchange the eggs at dusk, then rest at Korva's Keep and leave the following day. It was a long trip for a short exchange but it was tradition.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by My Own Hero
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My Own Hero

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Korva's Keep

At midday the sun was at it's highest. The rays that streamed from the great ball of fire warmed Elwen's pale face as he and his companion's cantered at a slow pace over the grassy hills before them. The Keep was merely an hour away, no longer just a smudge on the horizon. The watchtower visible always, even when they had descended to the lowest part of a grass dune.

With the warm sun beaming down on him Elwen stored his cloak neatly upon the saddle and he could now be seen wearing a traditional piece of fine elven armour. A black iron chest plate, with carvings of tree's and animals protected his torso. Black leather chaps and boots protecting his legs and feet respectively. And a helm of extraordinary craftsmanship, similar to that of Hubyr's, rested under his armpit. Fainor, Varya and Hubyr wore armour akin to this. The elves had always worn attire suitable for battle during the ferrying of the eggs and were always prepared if ever an unexpected attack occurred.

"...built by our ancestors, with a small contribution of the humans, over three centuries ago.", said Hubyr from his horse beside Elwen, indicating to the Keep. Elwen was barely listening, almost all of his attention upon the huge structure in front of him. He could recognise the decoration and detail of the building and could tell that his race had some involvement even if Hubyr had not just enlightened him. Like the Ullenori Forest before it, Elwen had only read about Korva's Keep from the scrolls stored in the High Castle's library.

The four of them continued through the hills until they hit a stoney path. This path would lead them to the bridge and finally to the Keep. Along the way Fainor had made sure to tell them that when they arrived and contact with the humans is made, he would be the one to converse with them. Elwen had no problem with Fainor being in charge. He had been ferrying the eggs for a number of years now and he had experience in dealing with the humans. Besides, Elwen's father, Ryheagan, the High Elf, had made it abundantly clear that he was to obey Fainor's every command.

They left the path and reached the bridge. It was only then that Elwen had noticed a group of soldiers blocking their entrance. This did not worry Elwen as he knew that it would have been inevitable that the humans would have travelled with security on their way to the Keep. They wore heavy looking armour and each of them bore a weapon. The four elves halted their steeds and allowed the soldiers to approach.

"Remember, allow me to enlighten our round-eared compatriots.", said Fainor. The other three elves chuckled amongst themselves.

With their heavy armour clattering, the group of soldiers, which Elwen counted as six, eventually grounded to halt a few yards in front of the four elves. "Who goes there?", shouted the soldier at the front, his helmet slightly too big for his head and pointing his spear at Fainor.

"Forgive me friends," said Fainor. I believe we are those you are expecting. We are the elves of Ullenor and we have come-"

"Prove it!", interrupted the soldier.

Elwen wondered if all humans were as stupid as the one stood in front of him. Aren't our ears proof enough? thought Elwen. He wanted to say what he was thinking but thought better of it. The last thing he wanted to do was to cause hostility. Or be scolded from Fainor for disobeying his orders.

"The egg! Where's the egg? Show me the egg!", demanded the soldier, his voice getting louder and very aggitated.

Fainor, however, remained as calm and collected as usual. With a swish of his long white hair he turned to Elwen. "The egg, brother Elwen."

The soldier's attention turned to Elwen as the elf hooked his helmet on to the saddle and reached in to the leather bag. With both hands he pulled out the black egg and held it in front of him so that the soldiers could get a good view of it.

"Is this proof enough, my friend?", asked Fainor.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tranquility
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As Rahea Kinly watched, she felt a surge of uneasiness wash over her.

Up above a flock of birds took off in the distance as the once calm day took a slightly sour turn.

Rahea hurried toward where the soldiers had been stationed. She knew precautions had to be taken but she didn't think yelling or resorting to violence was necessary. Hurrying along, she found herself hopeless out of breath alarmingly quick. She finally arrived as the egg was presented as proof. While she understood the need to be safe and ensure only those allowed, proceeded along, she didn't think the men needed to be so brutish. "I am so sorry for their behavior." She said in-between soft pants. "He means well, truly." She said, trying to defend those who carried her family's banners and defended their honor. By no means did the princess wish to seem ungrateful to either side on the tricky matter.

"With everything settled, let us proceed." She said, looking to Fainor. The woman knew she could put her faith in people a bit prematurely and knew she had protection as well as the egg, for a very good reason. Still, the first impression she didn't want to impose upon their guests, was that of some hateful or rude human. She had only interacted with a few elves before and didn't want them to think less of her, or even the guards that were at her service. The guards looked to her before they grumbled, unable to think of another reason to prevent the elves from continuing along the stone pathway.

As they walked, she turned around and paused. "Oh...I haven't introduced myself have I? I am Princess Rahea of the Kinly family. Please come with me, I am sure you are eager to rest. I can show you where to keep the horses and they too will be given water and food for their hard work." Rahea promised sweetly as she turned and resumed walking once more. Although she had never been to Korva's Keep, she had heard many stories from her parents so in her mind, she felt she knew it fairly well. Though she also knew some of the elves behind her had to have more background knowledge on the fortress than she, so she hoped it didn't show too much as they approached the landmark.

Once the horses had been taken to the stables, they moved into the main foyer of the keep. It was unwelcoming but nonetheless, secure and a place that was familiar to the two parties. "I believe a meal is being prepared. I trust you all know where to go and rest." She said, knowing the elves had their designated chambers where they could get comfortable and unwind after such extensive travel. Rahea looked around, finding the structure very marvelous and she found herself forgetting about the very place she called home, as it was very much like Korva's Keep. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted someone who seemed about her age. "Hello." She greeted him with a smile and simple nod.
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