Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Angela and Vixen

Suddenly the sky began to turn black and as a heartless and a demon went out of control Vixen looked to Gill "sorry I have work to do we can talk more later"

With that she looked to the heartless and the demon the heartless was the biggest threat but they is no way they would be able to focus on it while a demon was on a rampage she looked to the demon and telephoned in front of it as she did she created a ice dome around them with demonic runes carved into the ice they they would prevent the demon from escaping or hurting anyone she then looked to it
"I can't let you hurt so I am going to have to take you out of this fight"
As she finished talking she shout out a light blast at the dome walls which was reflected from one side to another in an endless loop creating an omnidirectional attack at the demon that would allow act as a cage she then ran at Rika and and aimed a palm strike at his chest if it hit she would leave a demon seal on his chest forcing the demon into a deep sleep meanwhile Angela saw that someone was already stopping Rika so she decided to focus her attention on the heartless she removed her bandages was suppressing 50% of her power then removed the eye patch that was suppressing another 25% one it was removed not only did she have access to 100% of her power but all the energy stored inside the eye patch was released and reabsorbed by Angela giving her a huge boost to her power she then transformed into her seraphim form and ran at Shade she swung her sword sending out a wave of holy fire at the heartless that would burn and purify all darkness and corruption


Alex listened to him yell abuse at her she glared at him as she spoke up

"Well I guess yove made your choice now prepare to die"

After she said this, four dragon heads made out of blood grew out of her back once more but she didn't stop there. Her hair began to grow longer and longer until it reached the bottom of her back while this was happening bone formed around her arms and legs creating spiked gauntlets and leggings. Some of her hair then warped around the gauntlets and leggings in between the spikes. She then altered her body's muscles, enhancing her physical abilities. After that she grew wings made of blood. She then altered her blood once again this time she made it so acidic it could melt though bone.

"You chose your fate now make your peace with what ever god you believe in."


Alex flew at Sekhemi, the four heads came at him from both sides. Two went low after his legs while the other two went for his throat. If they hit they would bite him and begin to tear the flesh of his body as well as inject some of her blood into him. Alex's hair then latched on to a tree as she quickly pulled herself to the right side of Sekhemi. Alex then went to punch him in the face with all her might. If it hit it would shatter his skull as well as send him flying back a few feet.


Wukong watched as a young girl came a threatened shekillme who responded with a ton of insults and foul language the young girl was clearly not pleased with his response and decided to attack him he decided to watch and see how shekillme would handle her attack


Sabrina saw the demon jump back and let of a soft giggle but stopped as she noticed the day tune to night as the heartless and a demon lost control and went on a rampage she saw some taking care of the demon and decided to help deal with the heartless four more doll climbed out of her bag and as her bag climbed of her back she infused some of her magic into all of them as they all grew in both size and power she then stopped on the ground and as she did crystal rose out of the ground creating a trail of crystal spike from her to the heartless that would stabbed it though the chest if it didn't move but she knew about heartless and knew that would have no effect it was merely a distraction as four of her dolls snuck up behind the heartless and fire four plasma blast at its back she and the other two dolls fired a blast of magic energy at the crystal in front of the heartless as the crystal focused the energy enhancing its destructive capabilities as the three magic blasts would shot out at almost point blank range


Rose saw a young girl fly off to the meeting place she didn't have to ask why she could sense the darkness coming from down below opened up a portal and stepped though it once she was at the meeting spot she saw the sauce of the darkness it was a heartless she had never seen one before but she had read about them and if what she read was true then this was very bad she waved her hand in the Air and as she did five runes appeared in front of her for those who knew the elfin language they light, air, fire, lighting and plasma she shot out the five elemental blasts and the air and fire combined making the fire blast far bigger and more disruptive the four blast of the fire,lighting, light and plasma headed right for shade
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AllHollowsEve
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AllHollowsEve A bored board

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nelos Oakleaf

Just as the forest boy was about to reach the helpless girl, a man in a robe ran across the stampede, tackling her to safety. The boy's snapped at nothing as he followed them, anxious to get out of danger' path. The robed man produced a staff and, twirling it around, slammed said staff into the ground. The forest boy could feel magic emitting from it, and the entire stampede suddenly transformed. While he couldn't speak to animals, he could hear their confused and frightened cries as many of them suddenly burst into existence.

Before the boy could catch his breath, another girl, older than the one he was now crouched next to, appeared, killing some of the people in the stampede before shouting to someone on top of the massive, snake nosed creature. Then a large beast similar to some of the ones the boy had just fled from came up and began speaking to that same individual, who then began shouting hostilities at everyone around him.

The boy's hair was already standing on end by this point, but things didn't calm down. No, things only seemed to be getting worse. Without warning, one of the younger people became a monstrous demon, only to be encased in ice. At the same time, an unnatural beam of darkness shot into the sky, turning day to night. And then, as several people began falling from the sky, the older girl went through a transformation of her own!

By this point, the boy had completely forgotten about the strange parchment he was carrying. He was terrified! None of this made any sense! Was this normal for the world beyond his forest? Not knowing what else to do, he grabbed hold of the girl on the ground next to him. Screwing his eyes shut, he asked the plants to protect them. They obliged, several small trees sprouting around them. The trees grew rapidly, weaving together and forming a kind of protective shell around the two of them. Despite this, the boy felt no safer, and couldn't help whimpering, occasionally even howling out of fright.

During all this, Streak had been trying to get around the stampede to get to the boy. Once the hatred and malice started spreading, however, she turned tail and ran. She didn't stop until she was in the safety of the trees. She howled insistently, terrified that she had just lost her pup, the only member of her pack.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Leval Lamrue

@The One@PharaohAtem

The large, ape humanoid walked over to him and delivered a hard slap against his back. In retrospect, Leval was sure the slap was nothing impressive for the creature almost like a pat on the head. But given Leval's far weaker human body and already exhausted state from his running, the blow sent him sprawling towards the floor, wind entirely knocked out of him. As he fell, he began to see the world in slowed down state, the volume of the area dwindling to nothing as he heard a song playing in his mind. (https://youtu.be/s6bSrGbak1g) Leval saw as the Wukong said something, and Sekhemi raged at them all. He saw the girl arrive who slayed all the slaves with what appeared to be her own blood. He watched a shadow creature begin to envelop the surrounding area with darkness and as a younger boy wearing bandages had his form twisted into that of a demonic being. 'I wonder did I suffer some sort of brain dam-' The thought stopped abruptly as his body finally hit the floor.

His disoriented body gasped trying desperately to refill its lungs with precious oxygen as darkness spread over the field. He looked up and saw that Shela too had fallen over somehow and was looking at him, fear and frustration plain to see in her gaze.

"Things are really bad."

Leval looked around, but the gash on his forehead had started to bleed over eye obscuring his vision somewhat. Even with that impediment it was clear to see that staying here was dangerous as hell.'She is just a child, I have to get her out of here. But I am almost out of magic myself and she doesn't seem to be walking. This invitation was some kind of trap to get us all to kill each other.' Leval's heart beat fiercely in his chest telling him to run away and preserve his life, but he had no choice. He had to keep the child safe.

"My name is Leval, I'm going to help you. It's going to be okay."

As he reached out towards the girl, however as he reached out towards her a boy with green skin grabbed the girl. As he did, trees burst from the ground, weaving together and encircling the pair in a thick sphere of wood. Leval rose and limped towards it feeling the orb. 'Solid. Not an illusion. Someone in their is whimpering.' Leval glanced at the sphere then at the field. 'Can this withstand an assault though?'

He moved his mouth close against the tree sphere. " I am going to hide you both and do everything I can to keep you safe." Leval felt the last of magical reserves leave him as he gave a the sphere a coating of camoflauge, he didn't have enough energy to completely hide the sphere. He then moved away, close enough that he could defend the stationary orb, but far enough that he wouldn't draw fire to its location.

One of his butterflies rested against his back and another by the gash on his forehead. He could feel the low thrum of their magic slowly restoring his wound. A song the sounded across the field helped to alleviate some of his pains as well, combating the dark emotions the dark creatures had caused. He adjusted his grip on his staff, ready in case of attackers.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EchoicChamber
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EchoicChamber Something Forgotten

Member Seen 11 mos ago

What had previously been a bewildering, but relatively sane scenario had swiftly descended into madness. What was once day was now night, a creature- a demon- had taken the place of a young boy, and several of her classmates were at each other’s throats, among others. Even from where she stood, Dawn could see a younger woman fly from the sky, sinking daggers into the chests of the innocent captives of the Prince. If nothing was done to stop this, it would only take a slight push for the meeting to become a bloodbath.

Where was the headmaster?

Acting on instinct, Dawn ushered Kuro behind her, her free hand planting itself firmly on the butt of her gun. Silver bullets. She didn’t plan to use them- not until there was no other choice, at least- but she felt better keeping it in her grasp. Safer. “We don’t have to kill it. Necessarily. We just have to confine it for now, I’d say.” Already, she could see several students working to fight both the creature Kuro had called “Heartless”, as well as the demon- most by themselves. It would be hard to see if their efforts would be enough until they face retaliation, but regardless, there was still much to be addressed.

The detective breathed deeply. Her eyes became unfocused, staring into nowhere at all. Magic flowing through her veins, Dawn sent her power to the woman who had so ruthlessly attacked the slaves, and was now clawing at the Prince himself. Alex, her name was. She felt it now as acutely as it was her own. She took another breath, then buried herself in the fold of Alex’s thoughts, keeping her presence as hidden as possible.

”Tired.” That was the thought Dawn planted in the girl’s mind. She was so very, very tired, wasn’t she? It was such a nice day. There was little light now, but the warmth of the morning still lingered. There was no point in fighting, not now. Just walk away, and take a nap somewhere else. You’ve earned one.

The whisper of ideas, of course, where not Alex’s own. However, they would likely feel like it. The blood-wielder would likely begin to feel just as tired as the kitsune suggested, just as apathetic towards the battle. It was in her hands if she would go along with persuasion, or attempt to resist.

Of course, that only took care of half the problem. Even if Alex chose to step out of the fight, the Prince still posed a problem. Dawn prepared herself to swap to the man’s mindscape if necessary, fingers digging into the cold steel of her pistol.

@The One@PharaohAtem
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by knifeman
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knifeman gender: cryptid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago



Momo stared blankly as Prince Boy went off on her. Truth be told, she kind of tuned him out.

“Okay. I’m gonna pet them anyway.”

She kneeled down in front of the first monkey she saw and petted its head. It seemed to like that, so she kept at it while Prince Boy yelled at some other people. She figured if he was so stressed and high-strung, he should spend some time petting his own animals.

She started playing a riff on her melodica, but was cut off again when a huge commotion happened. She wasn’t sure what exactly it was, but there was a lot of yelling and loud sounds and chaos. She jumped, picked up the monkey, and ran to find somewhere safe.

She noticed someone leaning against a tree, seemingly not affected by the situation. That seemed like a person Momo and her rats and her new friend would be safe with. She nearly tripped over a bone on the ground, but managed to land without hurting any of the animals with her. She got back up and hid behind the tree the girl was leaning against.

She took her rats out of her pockets, petting them to calm them down, and asked the girl, “I kind of wasn’t paying attention; what happened?”

Don't mind me, imma just grab my stuff and leave

@The One
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Gill was about to respond to Vixen's question when the place erupted into pure chaos. Two of the students had gone insane into and one of them morphed into a full blown demon. His attention was also brought towards the super heated yelling of Ali and Alex who looked ready to kill one another. When Alex made the statement of her intent to kill the prince Gilliam made his move. He snapped both of his fingers and first cast an illusion that made Ali vanish from Alex's sight and in his place were bright neon blue zombies with rainbow eyes and glowing green slime pouring from their mouths. They growled and moved towards Alex to attack. His second spell conjured a giant baby was half red and half blue with with spikes lining its back and arms. The monster infant picked up Ali and swallowed him whole. The prince would be unarmed and safe inside the creatures stomach until the chaos was stopped.

Gill ordered the baby to quickly move over to him and he put himself between the monster and Alex. He cast a third spell and giant crab with chainsaws for pincers appeared ready for battle.

"Stand down and help us stop the other two students! End this pathetic feud" he commanded with his eyes blazing showing no fear and radiating intense power.

@PharaohAtem@The One
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Princess Seninia

Seninia watched as everything began to get chaotic. She stood back slowly and closed her eyes. She had seen this in her vision on the way to the meeting place, all this destruction, all this chaos. She opened her eyes and looked to the protective shell made of woven trees. There she could feel something, fear, deep fear. Someone who was connected to plants and nature was scared but then so was she. She stepped back slowly and knelled down. Slowly she closed her eyes and pressed her hands against the earth. With that the protective shell began to move on it's own towards her. Once it had reached her it opened up and swallowed her whole then immediately closed again. She opened her eyes to look around then saw a young boy cowering.

"I think we should be safe here. What is your name, my name is Senina."

She sat herself down next to him then placed her hand on the floor again, as she did flowers began to bloom all around them, making the area look beautiful. Afterwards a large leaf spouted out of the ground and wrapped itself around the young boy, then another one spouted up this time wrapping around her. The leaves were surprisingly warm and comfy, almost like a blanket. At least she wasn't alone now and neither was he. She looked to the little girl then made a leaf blanket for her too.

@AllHollowsEve @The One
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AllHollowsEve
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AllHollowsEve A bored board

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@DragonKingUk@The One

Nelos Oakleaf

The boy stopped short mid howl. Something was happening. Something not at all expected. The trees that he had asked to protect him began moving, but not their branches or even their trunks. While the top parts remained woven together, the roots pulled themselves up out of the ground, slithering this way and that, like snakes. Only these snakes were working together to move the boy and the girl in a singular direction. The boy continued holding onto the frightened girl as their tree cage rocked back and forth, before finally settling down.

The roots dug back into the ground thirstily. A moment later, the trunks parted just enough for another girl to crawl in, only this one wasn't a human, or a traveler as the boy knew them. She looked like one, but she smelled more like a cat. She had cat like ears as well. She sat down next to him and calmly introduced herself. Placing her hand on the "floor", she asked him his name. "I-I'm the Wandering Forest." He stammered, tears pooling at the corner of his eyes. "But mo-host t-travelers call m-me... Nelos. Nelos O-oakleaf."

As he spoke, the trees around him began sprouting large, soft leaves. He allowed them to wrap around him and the scared girl, his fright mostly turning to wide eyed wonder. "Are you a forest too...?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Prince Ali Sekhemi

Sekhemi turned to Alex as she spoke and when she attacked his eyes went wide, how dare she attack him! Before he had chance to react though he was suddenly teleported and then eaten by a large...baby? He clenched his fist, now trapped inside the stomach of some creation away from the battle. He swore to god, that he was going to make everyone pay for their life when he got out. He grabbed one of his golden knuckle dusters then smashed his fist into the flesh of the stomach. He grabbed the other, with both of them on he began to pound the baby's flesh as hard as he could while fire covered his entire fist. He screamed loudly smashing his fists into the stomach.


Rika heard the song from Lilly which was working to a point, calming the demon down slightly, making him weaker. It was then that someone had shoved a palm into his chest and the demon screamed loudly in pain. He had not time to react, Vixen had managed to take care of him immediately with the help from Lilly weakening him and slowing down his reaction time. Rika fell to the floor and landed softly, he reverted back to his normal self for a moment unconscious although a moment later Rika's body began to glow brightly. Once again his body began to morph but this time in a way that was kind, gentle and not physically painful for his body.

With both demon and boy unconscious, Rika's angel had now taken over. He lifted his sword and pointed it towards Shade then spoke only a single word to him.


As he did Shade screamed loudly. The angel then stabbed his sword into the ground and a golden barrier appeared around Shade protecting him from all attacks as well as any and all negative emotions. With that Shade quickly calmed down, his left eye slowly turning yellow again but unlike Rika he wasn't unconscious. Next Rika turned to where Sekhemi was being held and slashed his sword which cut through the magical creature that had been created, releasing Sekhemi. Finally he lowered himself to the ground, wings opened wide as he released a powerful golden aura, removing all negative emotions from everyone. Once that was done he turned to Vixen as he folded his wings.

"You, thank you for helping me to come out. Listen, I cannot stay for much longer Rika much regain control. When I leave he will be unconscious. I wish for you to help the boy, protect him. Before I go, everyone please hear me when I say this. Shade is not our enemy, please do not cause him harm. He is like Rika unable to control himself. I can sense it within him."

He gave a nod to her before closing his eyes and once he did he began to change once more back to Rika's normal form. Rika laid on the ground unconscious once more.

Prince Kuro

Kuro watched as Shade was quickly dealt with by a powerful angel. He clenched his fist then stepped forward until he heard the angel speak he looked back to Shade, he couldn't believe it. How could this monster be their friend? How could it be a student here, was the head master mad? All they knew was death and destruction. He sighed and looked back as the Angel reverted back to the boy.

"Fine, but I swear if I have to I will personally stop the heartless. I know just how dangerous they are."

He looked to Yoruichi who nodded in agreement. He sighed before calming down. The golden aura was taking it's effect. Even though he hated the heartless right now, he felt like he could tolerate it. After all it didn't do too much damage, it didn't have chance to.


Shela was grabbed by another boy who rose some sort of dome around them to protect her. He was scared that was easy to tell but then somebody else came and made flowers everywhere to try and make them less scared. She looked down to Drake then sighed softly.

"I'm sorry you two. I just got in the way."

She looked to them both then stood up slowly. She looked down at her stuffed toy and just waited for the battle and danger to end so she could leave. Then she wouldn't be a burden to them. She would get her own room and she wouldn't have to bother anyone.


Miarikia watched as the battle ended as quickly as it started thanks to a powerful angel. She smiled softly, feeling a golden aura come across her. It calmed her, she looked to Shade and then to Kuro. Surprisingly enough this battle had ended without casualties. That was an excellent start, though it would of been better if the fight hadn't started in the first place.


Red calmed down as the battle came to a close and the Golden Aura passed over her. She gave a small smile as she looked around. Everything had ended rather peacefully actually. As peaceful as they were going to get it anyway. The monsters were gone, and those that weren't gone were friendly again. She looked to Serpent who nodded to her then she walked forward. She looked around but still there was no sign of the head master.


Shade had calmed down thanks to Rika. He looked around and saw that he had caused very little damage. He smiled happily at that, glad that was the case. He didn't want to hurt anyone after all. He saw a young boy unconscious laying on the floor and he wondered if he did that. He then looked around once more before addressing everyone.

"I'm sorry everyone. I lost control. Is everyone alright, is everyone safe?"

He looked to Rika again from afar waiting for an answer, afraid of what it would be although he could see Rika breathing he wasn't sure what his condition was.

Dixon and Dixoz

The two twins watched as the battle ended with wide excited eyes then looked to each other with smiling faces. They clearly enjoyed the battle even if it hadn't lasted long. It was Dixon who stepped up first as he began to look around slowly.

"That was awesome. What do we do now?"

Then it was Dixoz who stepped forward with a bored sigh.

"I guess we just wait now. I wish the battle lasted longer. that was really fun."

They looked to each other and simply sat themselves down to wait.

Ruby Kiyiya

Ruby continued to lean against the tree when somebody approached her and spoke to her. She opened a single eye and looked at her before closing her eyes again. She yawned boredly before speaking.

"I don't care kid. I'm just waiting for my ride."

She continued to relax on the tree, not paying much attention to anything else.


Lilly watched as her song seemed to do some good at the very least. She gave a small smile and watched as the battle quickly ended with the help of an angel. When it was over Lilly used her magic to revert to her human form. Her tails still showed however not bothering trying to hide them. She looked around before looking up towards the sky. She wondered when the headmaster would arrive to take them to the academy.


As quickly as the battle started, it ended. He gave a small laugh before looking around. It seemed everyone was calming down now but he wouldn't pull any more pranks, not yet at least. For now he would allow things to settle. He didn't want to cause another huge fight because of one of his pranks had gone a little bit far. For now all he could do was wait.


Grace had arrived after the entire battle was over. She had flew down from heaven far away from the meeting location so nobody would see her. When she did arrive everyone seemed to be waiting for the headmaster. Of course right now she was in her 'Companion' form as always. An Angel's companion form was the form they took when accompanying a human or a very high ranking angel. It allowed them to reserve power while travelling. She looked around expecting some strange reactions from her appearance. She didn't expect many to know what she was, after all not many had heard of Angelic Companions. The large scar across her bright pink fur was very visible. It wasn't hard to miss being on her forehead. Just above it were her horns. She wasn't a demon no, but she could tap into powerful dark magic and that shaped her appearance slightly. Of course god didn't mind, being all good and all. She barely ever used it, she didn't have to.


Arken had watched everything. He observed and he had to admit he was very impressed. Suddenly he telported in the middle of the field and landed swiftly on the floor. He took a quick look around before walking over to Rika. He held out his hand and summoned a few of the bandages Kuro used. He wrapped them around his demon eye and with his magic healed his energy, with that Rika began to slowly wake up then turned to Vixen.

"Vixen, Rika's angel asked for you personally. From now on I wish for you to take care of Rika. As his angel said, protect him and help him suppress the demon when needed to. Well done, you did a great job in helping him."

Once he was done with that he looked to Lilly.

"Lilly well done with your sound magic. It really helped Rika which ultimately helped Shade."

He looked to the dome and held out his hand. With that it opened up fully so everyone inside could here properly.

"Nelos, Leval, well done in helping Shela. Leval, I wish for you to take care of Shela for me. I know you will be able to inspire the confidence in her that she needs in herself."

He aimed a palm at Leval and his hand glowed, with that all of Leval's energy would return, as if he had just woken up for the morning. He looked around once more, everything had gone very well. Slowly he turned to Sekhemi and Alex.

"Sekhemi, please try and keep your temper at bay. I do not appreciate that language here. That was not why I brought you to this academy and Alex there are better ways to handle a situation without violence."

He looked at Gil next with a small smile.

"Gil you were smart to step in and try to end the fight, well done."

Next he looked towards Dawn.

"You too Dawn. It was wise to try and end this all peacefully. Thank you."

Lastly he looked around at everyone before speaking one final time, this time looking towards Shade.

"Shade is a student here. Like Rika he too hasn't got full control over himself. Do not judge him for that nor judge him for what other heartless do. Instead Judge him for his own actions, the ones he makes himself on his own accord."

With everyone he needed or wanted to address done he let out a deep sigh. He turned to around before clicking his fingers and as he did everyone was immediately teleported to the Grand Hall. He looked around with a soft nod, now everyone was here they could all get ready to officially begin. He looked around once more before beginning to speak to everyone.

"Morning everyone, In a few moments we will begin our first training session however first I must make a few announcements. I welcome you all to the Ordinary Mythical Academy. I accepted you all for a reason, I chose you for a reason. Ever since you showed a glimmer of potential, I have had my eye on you. Some of you are dark aligned, while some or more holy and peaceful. Others prefer or are forced to stay in the middle. Our alignment is either choice or forced but no matter what you may be, I hope to train you all and teach you how to master your powers. Of course, there are a few rules I must address first thing.

One: Never, under no circumstances, must you go near the abandoned building! If you are caught outside campus and near the building, you shall be sent off the island immediately without warning!

There is a reason that building is sealed. It is extremely dangerous and I take the safety of my students into account. If I believe for a single moment, that the safety of my students is being threatened then I must solve that problem immediately.

Two: You must be at class on time, if not you will get a warning, three warnings until you are punished, though you shall not be taken off the island however there is no point in allowing you to stay if you refuse to attend lessons and learn. If you continue to fail to attend lessons then you will be excluded.

Three: Do not use your powers outside of the training room, within the training room you may fight each other and train as you please.

The reason for this is obvious, the training room is built specificly to suppress somebody's power if they lose control however when you are outside of the training room things are very different. Some of you can be unpredictable and extremely dangerous if one loses control. If this happens and nobody is in the training room then somebody could easily die.

Four: No vandalism. Please make sure this academy stays clean and tidy as well as the island. There are many mythical creatures resident on this island, I do not want them being hurt.

Six: You may leave the campus and explore the island however I will expect you back before midnight. The island can be dangerous so please go in groups if you plan on exploring. If you are attacked then please do not kill the attacker. Instead bind it or suppress it until help arrives.

Last but not least, what I say goes at all times without question. I have my reasons for my orders. I know every one of you, what I do is for the best intentions of my students.

With all that addressed it is time to reveal each room you will be staying in and who will be you room mate.

Sekhemi, you will be in room 218, with Lilith. Rika, you are to stay in with Vixen in room 120. Kuro, room 234 with Rose. Shela, your room is 392 with Leval. Kong, room 123 with Wukong. Miarikia you'll stay with Gael in room 331. Ruby Kiyiya you will be with Yoshihiro in room 118. Cyber, you'll be in room 224 with Dante. Winter you will stay with Angela in room 121. Dixon and Dixoz room 223. Lilly you are 220 with Momo. Red you are with Gilliam Zorn in room 332. Shade and Alex Room 222. Drumdawn you will be with Dawn Evelyn Memoli in Room 219. Sky with Kat in Room 122. Sabrina you will be with Pozuzy in Room 334 Finn O'Connell is with Allegro Vivace in room 340. Grace will be with Esperanza Rosalind Adella Ciervo in room 341 and until further notice Ryu will be in Room 343.

Your room keys and map of the island and academy will be in your pockets. Please go to your rooms, unpack your things and come here when you are ready. Then we will all properly introduce ourselves and begin our first lesson."

He smiled and with that he teleported away. He would return as soon as everyone was ready to begin.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago


Saw Vixen put the demon inside Rika to sleep and soon the chaotic situation was under control after the that the head master showed up and took everyone to the grand hall she listened to him and decided to take a seat there was nothing for her to unpack because they was nothing she needed to bring with her


Vixen let out a sigh of relief when her attack hit and she had put the demon to sleep she then watch as Rika become an angel and help to subdue the heartless then tuned to thank her and asked her to take care of Rika but before she could respond they where all teleported to the grand hall she listened to him it seamed Rika would be her roommate she looked around until she saw him then walked over
"How are you feeling it looked like your transformation took a lot out of you?"


Continued to watch the situation he didn't see the point in getting involved there was to many people ganging up for it to be any fun to join in that was unless he helped the rampaging heartless but he knew that wasn't a good idea soon the situation was back to normal and they where all teleported to the grand hall once there he heard the head master give out room numbers and assign roommates he heard Leval was doomed with Shela he took a look around and saw him standing with a little girl was that Shela she had even less magical energy then he did how he wondered how all these weak humans where even getting accepted he then walked over and gave Leval another slap on the back
"Hay Level if that little girl is going to be your roommat you'll have to keep a close eye on her with all these dangerous mythical creatures around not to mention the students with attitude problems it's definitely not a safe place for her to wonder around on her own"


Suddenly a large number of people where teleported into the grand hall he stood up thinking finally they where going to get the assembly he was sick of sitting around then when the head master finished speaking he sat back down after realising he would have to wait even longer the only thing that made him feel a little better about the whole situation was finding out he had a room to himself


Saw the angel help deal with the heartless and soon they where teleported into the grand hall she listened to the headmaster and wasn't to happy about having being roomed with someone she didn't know but considering she didn't know anyone here that couldn't be helped she decided to take a seat since she didn't have anything she needed to unpack she only had her magic backpack and her entire collection of magic books inside it that she liked to keep on her in case of emergencies so she decided to take a seat and pull out one of her books about mythological creatures this one had a lot of information about the heartless and considering one was her classmate she thought it would be a good idea to know as much about them as possible


Watched as the situation was sorted out and soon after she and everyone else was teleported to the grand hall she listened to what the headmaster had to say but she stopped paying attention when he mentioned a forbidden abandoned building she was more than a little excited to go explore it he may as well of fun house or haunted house


Kat just watched the battle she knew with how many powerful people where helping to fight the heartless so she decided to simply watch thinking it would be good combat exuberance for Kuro but soon enough the battle was over and everyone was teleported to the grand hall she decided to take a seat and wait


Suddenly Sakemi was swallowed hole by a strange creature that then disappeared before her eyes Alex then began to feel really tired and had passed out on the ground she then woke up moments later in the grand hall unsure of what had happened she listened to the headmaster and it seamed she would be sharing a room with someone named Shade
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Cyber watched as everyone teleported in the Grand Hall, it seemed everything was almost ready. She listened to Arken and nodded every so often. Once she heard what her room was and who she was room mate she looked around, she didn't know who was who yet but she knew she would know if she went to her room. When Arken was finished she decided to stay where she was, she had nothing to put away and she wasn't in a rush to see her room mate or her room.


Dante listened to Arken and gave a brief nod, it was about time honestly. He was sick of waiting. When he heard his room number and room mate he felt his pockets and as Arken said his keys were in his pockets. It seemed it was some sort of magic. He looked back to Arken and decided that for now he would wait. There was no need to go to his room when he could use his magic and teleport everything there. He looked at the Academy map and located his room on the map. Once he found it he used his magic and teleported all his belongings in the room.

Princess Seninia

Seninia listened to the forest boy and gave a nod at his name. She gave a small smile to him, it was a nice name. She liked it. She looked to the little girl before looking back to the boy.

"No I am just connected to nature. I can control plants, trees and flowers. I can talk to them and they talk to me. That must be why I could feel you were afraid, if you are a forest boy."

Seninia smiled gently as she looked to him again then all of a sudden the dome opened up completely and everything seemed to have calmed down. She listened to Arken before everyone was teleported then Arken began speaking again. When she heard who she was rooming with she looked to Nelos with happy smile.

"We're room mates. Do you want to go to the room together?"

She gave him a small smile then held out her hand for him. Normally she wouldn't other to walk with others to anywhere but this boy was a forest, it felt like she had known him for years. She felt at ease around nature.



Kong watched as everyone teleported in the Grand Hall, finally. He listened to Arken and he had to admit the abandoned building sounded rather interesting. He listened to who his room mate was and his room number. He then looked to his belt to see his room key and the maps were neatly strapped to it. After a quick look around he saw another ape like himself, he could only guess that he would be Wukong. He stared at him before shrugging it off. This would certainly be interesting and a fun experience. For now he decided to hang about and wait for the lesson to begin. There was no need to go to his room.


Winter was teleported to the Grand Hall after the commotion had ended with no serious injuries luckily. She listened to Arken and when he had finished she was about to say she had no pockets until she saw her key and map hooked to her talon, she smiled and used her magic to make them disappear. When she needed them she would summon them again. She hoped her room was big enough, although this was a magic school. So she didn't expect room size to be a problem. She looked around using her psychic powers to find her room mate. When she spotted Angela she immediately sensed who she was. She stepped over to her and smiled.

"So you're Angela then. I'm Winter nice to meet you."

She smiled and settled down beside her.


Drumdawn was teleported to the Grand Hall and listened to Arken. When his room and room mate was called out he gave a soft nod with both heads. He was surprised when he heard his daughter's name and quickly looked around until he spotted her. What was she doing here? He put her in charge of the Kingdom. He had no idea she had applied too. He gave a small smile, it was too late to turn her away now. Besides she was close to him and he knew she would put one of his best men in charge while they stayed. He didn't mind too much honestly. He was glad she had followed him. He looked at his claw and saw everything was hooked onto it. He used his magic to make it disappear. He then looked around trying to find his room mate. After detecting her with his magic he walked over to her with a smile.

"Greetings, lovely to meet you. I am Drumdawn. I used my magic, and I see you are my room mate. Do you need to head to your room? If so we can go together if you wish."

He nodded with both heads again and settled down next to her. If she didn't need to go to the room then he would just wait. He had nothing he needed to unpack.


Yoshihiro was teleported to the Grand Hall then listened to Arken. He gave a soft nod as he listened. When he heard who his room mate was and where his room was he placed his hand in his pocket and felt the key to the room. He then looked around. He didn't need to go to his room so instead he would just stay where he was for now. He could meet his room mate later.


Lilith was teleported to the Grand Hall and listened to Arken. She smiled as she heard about the abandoned building, she would have to check that out at some point. When she heard who her room mate was she looked over to Sekhemi. She was pretty sure everyone knew who that was by now. It would certainly be fun, she would definitely make use of his short temper. She knew that being with him would make her much stronger. She looked to Arken again, if Sekhemi decided to head to his room then so would she but until then she would just wait.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Prince Ali Sekhemi

Everything happened to fast, Sekhemi was freed, the chaos ended then he was teleported and the teacher spoke, and finally gave him a room and a room mate which he was wasn't happy about. He was a Prince! He shouldn't have to be with some pathetic scum. He swore to god, that if his room was not fit for royalty that someone was going to get hurt! He grabbed the map from his pocket and looked for his room. There it was, room 218. He sighed, he was only on the second floor. He deserved to be above everyone else! He gave a shrug and began to head for his room.


Rika awoke and was then teleported. He listened to Arken and when he was done giving out the room numbers and pairs, someone had come to him to talk. He smiled to her, guessing that this was Vixen his room mate.

"Yeah, it is hard to control my demon sometimes. I'm glad everyone seems ok though. Nice to meet you."

He looked back to Arken, deciding that for now he would stay unless his room mate decided to go to the room herself.

Prince Kuro

Kuro listened to Arken when he then he was teleported and Arken had spoken again. He still couldn't believe that Shade, a heartless was a student here. When he got his room number and heard who his room mate he smiled and looked at Yoruichi.

"Let's go find my room mate Yoruichi."

He quickly flipped to page 2492, tracking spells. He knew his book of by heart. Every page, every spell. He had read many many times before. He quickly cast a spell that changed his vision, dimming everyone except for Rose who would appear as if she was glowing to him. With that he looked around until he spotted her. She was reading some sort of book. He walked up to her before turned to Yoruichi but said nothing. Quickly he held out his hand and with that the book began to glow. The page began to change, the letters moving until the book spelled out a simple word. 'Look Up' Kuro smiled brightly, it was a simple magic spell but it would definitely get her attention.


Shela and everyone else was teleported to the Grand Hall, she listened to Arken and when she heard her room and her room mate she looked to Leval. She looked down towards the floor, she was hoping she would be on her own, that way she wouldn't be a burden to anyone. Slowly she walked closer to Leval and looked up to him.

"I'm sorry you have to be with me. You can just leave me if you like. I'll be ok on my own. I don't want to burden you."

She looked away for a moment towards Drake who rolled his eyes but didn't say anything, not this time anyway.


Miarikia was teleported with Flash back to the Grand Hall. She listened to Arken and nodded. Having a room mate would be nice, she pulled out her map and looked at it until she found out where here room was. She smiled and showed Flash.

"Here Flash, that's where we're going. Can you read maps....we're here."

Flash rolled his eyes, he would be insulted if it weren't Miarikia but since it was her, he didn't to let it go and give a little laugh at her slight insulting words.

"I can read maps I'll have you know. Get on, we'll be there long before our room mate does."

With that she got on his back and Flash zoomed off. It didn't take them long at all to reach the room. When they did Miarikia got off, unlocked the door and clicked her fingers. With that all her belongings were summoned in the room. She then laid herself on the bed with a relaxed sigh as she began to wait for her room mate.


Red was teleported to the Grand Hall, and the moment the map appeared in her pocket she could feel it. She smiled and took a quick look at it. She was happy to have a room mate. After locating her room she sat on the paper snake's back where Serpent was. It then began to grow until it towered above everyone, becoming 15ft high. She laid down on the paper snake and began to look around.

"Hey Snake, where do you think my room mate is?"

She continued to look around but the paper snake didn't answer her question, instead it shouted loudly, and with it being so big it's voice boomed out like a huge stereo player.

"Gilliam Zornssssss... pleasssse come to the large Sssssssnake. Masssssssster Red wisssshesssss to ssssssse you."

The paper snake flicked out it's tongue several times as it spoke. Red gave a small giggle and continued to lay on it. As she did Serpent looked around and spoke himself.

"I hope this room mate of ours like snakes, if not....well he'll have a wonderful time, won't he?"

He was being sarcastic of course. He looked around as he waited for her room mate to respond, looking out for any surprise. Well, any reaction at all really from anyone.


Shade was teleported to the Grand Hall and listened to Arken. When he heard his room and who his room mate was he gave a small nod. Considering he had no pockets he saw everything was on the floor in front of him. He absorbed them both in his own dark body. Then looked around slowly. That was when he heard a very loud call. He looked to a huge paper snake talking with a little girl laying on top of it. That must of been Red calling out to her room mate. He closed his eyes slowly and focused. He could sense the darkness, he could feel all the keys, see the room numbers that was in everyone's dark pockets. When he found the right room number he looked up and towards Alex. Quickly he sunk into the ground becoming nothing but a black pool and moved towards her. When he was next to her he reformed quickly.

"Hello, I'm Shade, you must be my room mate. I'm sorry about earlier."

He looked around before looking back at Alex. He had seen her while he was on a rampage but only briefly.

Dixon and Dixoz

The twins smiled brightly as they heard their room and room mates. Of course they were with each other. They giggled softly and jumped up excitedly. For now they would stay where they were, they wanted to look at all the other students and watch them. When they heard a loud call out they looked to Red who laid on a huge snake. At the time same they called out.


They smiled widely, this school was going to be the best ever!


Sky watched as everyone teleported in. He listened to Arken and nodded as he heard his room mate's name. Of course he had no pockets so his key and maps became magically hooked on to the chain. He used magic to make them disappear. He could resummon them when he needed to. For now he wanted to meet his room mate. He looked around then used his magic once again. As he did he would be blinded to everyone except Kat. He looked to her before deactivating the spell. Quickly he flew over to her.

"Hello. I'm Sky, you must be my room mate. Would you like to go to the room or do you want to stay here?"

He gave a small smile before gently landing on the floor. It was then that he heard a voice echo and he winched. He looked over to the large snake and stared at the little girl. He had to admit, that was really loud!

Ruby Kiyiya

Ruby was teleported to the Grand Hall but she barely listened to Arken. She heard her room number and room mate but didn't bother to check her pockets or even go and find her room mate. Instead she leaned against a wall and yawned. For now she would wait until the lesson started. If her room mate somehow found her then fine, she'd talk to them...barely but honestly she really didn't care. She looked to a large snake as it's voice boomed out. It was really annoying her and she had half a mind to rip it apart....but that would be too much effort and honestly she couldn't be bothered.


Lilly was teleported to the Grand Hall with everyone else. She listened to Arken and smiled as he called out her name. As he did he looked to Drumdawn and he looked to her. Now he knew. She looked back to Arken and nodded to him. She had already met her room mate, the girl with the mask on. That would be interesting actually. When Arken was done she looked for Momo and when she found her she walked over to her.

"Hey Momo we're room mates. Do you want to go to the room together?"

She gave a friendly smile as her tails swayed behind her. When the snake shouted she looked to it quickly staring at it. She shrugged it off when she saw it was the little girl. No harm done, she was fine with it honestly.


Pozuzy was teleported to the Grand Hall, he listened to Arken and then looked to Sabrina. She was his room mate it seemed. Shrugged and looked back to Arken. Right now he had no reason to care who his room mate was. Although, he would have to pull a few pranks on her. He giggled softly then flew over to Sabrina.

"We're room mates! So, wanna check out the room?"

He flew around Sabrina as he let out soft giggles. Oh he had so many plans, so many tricks up his sleeve. He could hardly wait. It was then that he heard a loud sound and looked to the snake. He stared at it for some time before shrugging. It was loud but it didn't bother him.


Grace was teleported to the Grand Hall not long after she arrived. She looked around before listening to Arken. When she heard who her room mate was Grace flew up towards the sky. She saw the large snake and as it spoke she closed her eyes and looked away. It was extremely loud, but it was ok. After the snake stopped talking she saw the little girl and smiled. She was harmless and meant nothing by it. She was innocent. She began to look around before raising a paw.


With that she teleported right in front of Esperanza. She smiled brightly as she looked up to her.

"Ah, you're Esperanza then. I'm your room mate, Grace. Nice to meet ya. So, do you want to go to our room together?"

She smiled softly to her. She could sense dark magic in this human, interesting. So she was a little like her, though she doubted she was even close to her power.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AllHollowsEve
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AllHollowsEve A bored board

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nelos Moonbeam

Upon hearing that Selinia was not a forest, Nelos' excitement dwindled slightly. His curiosity, however, had perked back up. He wanted to know how it was that this cat-like traveler was able to communicate with plants. Before he was able to ask her, however, the trees around them began to untangle. At first he had assumed this was Selina's doing, but upon hearing the trees groan in protest, he realized this was some third party, powerful enough to command the trees against their wills.

Nelos watched as another, much older traveler appeared. The man was wearing a robe, much like the one that had rescued the girl from the stampede, only much more extravagant. He commended Nelos and the other robed man, apparently named Leval, for protecting the other girl, apparently named Shela. He turned and began addressing others, but at that moment, Streak dashed out of the woods towards them.

The man's words went largely unnoticed as Nelos stood up and dashed over to his wolf friend, letting her knock him down in her excitement. "It's alright, I'm fine!" He kept telling her as she sniffed him worriedly. "Hey, Streak, I made a new friend. You might even be able to add her to your pack!" He said, ruffling her fur. He lead her over to Selina and proudly decclared "Streak, this is Selina! She's a traveler that can talk to plants! Also, she smells and looks like a cat!" He continued with his introductions, not knowing how impolite it was to mention the way someone smelled. "Selina,
this is Streak! She's a friend from my forest!"
Streak sniffed Selina cautiously, not completely trusting of this creature.

Suddenly, the scenery changed, and they were in a large, ornate dining hall. For the first time ever, Nelos was inside a building, cut off from the rest of nature. He shivered, feeling the cold, dead stone beneath his bare feet. Confused and not at all comfortable, Nelos grabbed onto Streak, who was equally as confused and even less comfortable. He listened as the fancy robed man began talking again. Apparently he was the leader of this pack that Nelos had accidentally joined, as he began giving rules and instructions. Nelos paid close attention to all of them.

Apparently He and Selina were to be mates. He was a little confused. Had the commotion in the field been a bizarre mating ritual? None the less, she offered her hand, and he gladly took it, letting the more knowledgeable cat-traveler lead the way. As they walked, he suddenly remembered the entire reason he had left his forest in the first place. "Oh, hey, Selina? You seem really smart.
Do you know what this is? Where it comes from? What these stains on it mean? It blew into my forest, and I was sure it was meant for me,
but I have no idea what it is."
He asked her, producing the piece of parchment that had started his adventure in the first place.


Allegro Vivace

Allegro sighed, frustrated. He knew he should have taken that left turn at the tree shaped like a rabbit. He glanced from the map to the invitation he had received. If it wasn't for this scrap of paper, I'd be at home right now. He thought glumly. Then again, if it hadn't been for my own incompetence, it probably wouldn't have ever come to me. He sighed, clomping through the woods on his hooven legs. He reached into his coat pocket, digging around for an item his sister had given him when he left. Finding it, he pulled it out.

It was a small crystal orb, filled with some clear liquid, glittery things floating to and fro. It had two silver rings crossing it's surface, lacing it with markings that no human unversed in the mystic tongue could hope to decipher. He gazed into it in a scrutinizing fashion, before gasping. "Oh, my fur and horns, I'm going to be late!!" He shouted, shoving the small orb back into his coat pocket. He took off at a gallop, bounding over large roots and small boulders. "Oh, me. Oh, my.
I can't be late on my first day! I'll look so baaaad!"
He bleated nervously.

He burst out of the forest and into the clearing just in time to see students disappearing. "NO!" He shouted, bounding towards the dwindling crowd. "Take me with yoooouuuu!!!" He screamed.

Suddenly, he was inside a grand dining hall. He had been in mid gallop, and was not prepared for the smooth stone floor beneath him. He lost his balance and fell, his hooves clicking comically as he did so. He immediately shot back up, ready to apologize for his tardiness, only to find that the head master was already talking. He began digging into his other pocket, frantically pulling out a note pad and writing down all the rules that the head master mentioned, as well as his room number and the name of his room mate.

Once he was done jotting down notes, he put his notepad away, straightening himself out. Hopefully, no one had noticced the commotion he had caused. Clearing his throat, he trotted through the crowd, anxious to find his roommate. After introducing himself to various people and asking their names, he finally found the student he was looking for. "Hello. My name is Allegro Vivace. You wouldn't happen to be Finn O'Connell, would you?" He asked, extending his hand to shake.

@Weird Tales
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Princess Seninia

Seninia was about to let go of his hand when he had gotten up until he began to walk, still holding her hand. She blushed slightly and her ears lowered while her tail drooped. She hadn't expected him to try and hold her hand. Slowly she walked with him now not sure what to say. The situation had become rather awkward for her. Slowly she grabbed her map with her remaining hand while holding her small suitcase in her arm and looked at it. It didn't take long to find her room. She then folded the map as best as she could with one hand and put it away as they walked, grabbing the suitcase properly again and rolling it along. It was very awkward but she didn't want to let go of his hand, she didn't want to upset him. It was then that the boy asked him a question.

"Ummm...well it is an invitation. You were accepted into the academy. Arken brought you here.....and...well I'm a neko. That is why I look a little like a cat, and smell like one."

She gave a shy smile to him as they walked. It felt strange to be holding his hand, only people who were very close did that, people who loved each other like her mother and father and she hadn't got those feelings for him. She hadn't found that person yet. She looked to the floor but said nothing. When they finally reached their room she grabbed her key and unlocked the door then walked in slowly.

"Our room looks nice. Not what I am used to but I like it."

She smiled happily before looking at him shyly. Now she wondered what to do. She placed her small suitcase by a bed then looked to him with a shy smile.

"Have you ever used a bed before, being a forest? It is where people sleep."

She smiled before walking over to a window with him. She opened it with one hand and as she did she closed her eyes. She focused on the ground and after a minute, flowers began to grow until they reached the flowers. They were white lily flowers, her favorite. She sniffed at them before looking over to them.

"Aren't they beautiful?"

She gave a happy smile before looking back to the white flowers.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AllHollowsEve
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AllHollowsEve A bored board

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nelos Oakleaf

As they were walking, Nelos noticed Seninia's body language change slightly. He loosened his grip on her hand, slightly, worried that he was doing something wrong. Still, she didn't let go, so neither did he. She informed him that the parchment was something called an "invitation" and that she was not a traveler, but rather, a Neko. Boy, I sure am learning a lot. He thought, smiling at her.

After a few minutes, they arrived at the room they'd be staying in. Inside were things he had never seen. Weird things made of wood with pieces of rock that had been melted down, stripping them of their essence. The wood itself had been treated with some sort of unnatural substance, preventing it from decaying and even deterring most if not all wood burrowing insects. There were large soft things made of harvested cotton and covered in threads made from that same cotton, framed by more treated wood! This room horrified him, and he clung tightly to Seninia. Streak could plainly see his discomfort, but didn't seem to mind any of it at all.

Seninia mentioned that she had stayed in better places, and Nelos wasn't at all surprised. She placed her suitcase on one of the large soft things, calling it a bed. Apparently, it's what travelers and Nekos slept on. "N-no. I mean, I use bedding,
like anything else, and I've seen plenty of animals make places to sleep from the environment around them, but I always just slept inside-"
He stopped himself. Was it wise to let someone he had never known in on his one and only secret? It could mean the end of him, and by extension, his forest. Still, if she was to be his mate, he'd have to learn to trust her.

"I sleep inside the Mighty Oak, the first tree in my forest. It's... it's how I came to be." He said, a nervous yet nostalgic smile playing across his sleeps. "It's really old, so it's got this huge empty place where it rotted a bit, but then some termites ate all the diseased wood, making it better. The termites ended up all being eaten by birds, and then a fox moved her family in. Eventually, the hollow became big enough that I could be grown there. Even after I came out, there was a lot of moss and soft brush, so I started sleeping there. Every time I got bigger, so did the Mighty Oak, so it was okay to make the hollow a little bigger too."

Nelos turned to Seninia, noticing that as he had been talking, she had grown and was smelling some flowers. The presence of living plants in this terrifying place made him feel a little better. Selinia commented on their beauty, to which Nelos replied "Yeah, they are beautiful, aren't they?" Just then, a bee landed on one of them, and Nelos smiled contentedly


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Gilliam was glad to hear the headmaster was happy with his action to try and stop the fight. It was successful and he felt proud of himself. The moment he dispelled his summoning and illusions, Gill felt a great amount of fatigue wash over him as the use of performing that many summons in quick succession had taken up quite a bit of power. When the headmaster teleported them to the school Gill had to drop to one knee and catch his breath.

He needed to rest somewhere and then he heard a loud voice call for him to meet his room mate in his room. After a couple of minutes he entered the room and saw the woman named Red in there already. He tiredly waved at her.

"Hello, you can call me Gill instead of Gillian if that is easier to remember" he said to her as he set his things down and laid on a bed.


Finn was late and missed almost all of the action that went down at the meeting place, but he did watch the headmaster make them appear suddenly in the academy. It was an impressive feat and Finn wondered if he will someday have as much power as him. Once inside the academy many of the students were looking for their room mates and he guessed that he should too. It didn't take long to find his roommate since the satyr had found him first. He introduced himself and Finn was glad he wasn't one of the angsty or angry students. He shook his roommates politely and introduced himself as well.

"I am Finn so I guess that makes us room mates" Finn said as he was chewing on a piece of bubblegum.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AllHollowsEve
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AllHollowsEve A bored board

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Allegro Vivace

Allegro was relieved that his roommate appeared to have good manners. True, he had been chewing some sort of sweet smelling substance while introducing himself, and even at that his introductions weren't exactly spot on, but at least he had had the decency to introduce himself. "Yes, I suppose it does." He nodded, pulling out his map. "Well, now that we have that out of the way, I suppose we should continue to our room, yes?" He suggested, tossing his draw string bag over his shoulder to pick up his violin case with his free hand. "This way, please." He beckoned, face half buried in his map.

After a few minutes of walking, Allegro's hooves clopping rather loudly on the stone floor, they arrived at the room. "Ah, this is the one." He stated, folding up the map and sticking it in his coat pocket. He fumbled around for a moment, searching his pockets for his key. Finding it, he unlocked the door and held it open for his roommate. "After you." He offered, his head bowed slightly.

@Weird Tales
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EchoicChamber
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EchoicChamber Something Forgotten

Member Seen 11 mos ago

It was hard to say, what, exactly, had happened. The cute, shadowy creature had abruptly turned its head to the heavens, turning the day to night. One of the other students had transformed into something distinctly inhuman. Chu, startled by the sudden change, had began to shriek, darting off into the woods, and Esperanza found herself chasing after the little monster. The clearing had been drowned in chaos, and while she had been hoping to stay- to try and help in some manner, perhaps- Chu came first. That was that.

Esperanza had navigated the forest floor with the same amount of grace one would likely expect from a gangly teenager (which is, to say, close to none), and found herself rewarded with a nice pair of scraped knees, a mess of twigs and leaves in her hair, and a slightly torn skirt for her efforts. Luckily, before the damage could get any worse, she found Chu. It was hiding beneath a hole in a tree stump, chittering and squawking, eyes rolling wildly about. Esp fell to her knees, breathing a sigh of relief.

“There you are, bebe. I was very worried.” She leaned forward, clicking her tongue and drawing him from his hiding place. “Do not do that again. Okay?” Chu, being...well, Chu, said nothing. It only dragged its uncomfortably-human tongue across Esperanza’s cheek, causing her to laugh as she stood. “You are still in trouble. No treats today.”

She blinked.

And was suddenly in the main hall of the academy.

And there was a strange man listing off rules.

Realizing that the strange man seemed to be in some place of authority, Esperanza did her best to listen attentively, eyes wide and head bobbing in assent. She was still nodding even as he began to list off the roommates, although she quickly caught herself and stopped. The rules seemed simple enough. “Don’t go to the dangerous places, don’t hurt other students”, so on and so forth. Esperanza could do that easy enough.

And then came the announcement of her roommate.


Given the fact that Esperanza had no real idea of who this so called “Grace” was, she found herself glancing about in bewilderment. Luckily, however, it seemed that her roommate had managed to figure it out, first, as a voice called out her name from below. Cocking her head slightly, Esp looked down, only to find herself face to face with a strange...rabbit. Cat. Something. Esperanza knelt down to the thing’s level, looking very confused, and very dishevelled.

“I...you are...Grace, yes?” Esp leaned in. “But you are…the bunny? I do not understand.” She frowned, then shook her head slightly.

“And I am Esperanza, yes. And this,” she gave Chu a little bounce, “is Chupacabra.”

Chu seemed rather curious in its own right, leaning forward and drooling. Viscous grey splattered onto the tile beneath.

@The One

The battle had begun within the span of moments, and had ended in the same way. The demon had fallen, becoming a young boy- only to transform again, taking the shape of something far more noble in nature. An angel. The child was a Seraphim. Dawn had barely begun to process the realization when it deftly bound the same creature that had brought the night, pleading for the assembled to accept both it, as well as “Rika”. Then, it was gone.

And then, the headmaster finally, finally appeared. The man held a gentle sort of authority as he gave his thanks to the students, and, like the angel, instructed them all to accept both the demon-turned-boy and Shade. He had been watching. The Headmaster had purposely let them all quarrel amongst themselves for...what, exactly? A test? To see how they fared in a fight, even with several students young enough to still be attending middle school? Dawn’s lips pursed into a tight line, although she nodded in quiet acknowledgement when it came her turn to be thanked.

Within a near instant, Arken teleported all into the academy itself. Dawn blinked in surprise- it was hard to find someone capable of performing a mass teleportation on that scale- and glanced about, taking in her surroundings up until the headmaster began to speak once more. He warned them all of the forest, of the abandoned building on campus, and of vandalism. A bit of a mixed bag- especially when it came to the rule of absolute obedience- but most seemed to stay within the lines of what one might expect for a magical academy.

The building that Arken had mentioned, however. That was something that required a well and proper explanation.

Roommates were doled out after rules. While some of the names Dawn recognized through introductions, or simply through listening, others were foreign. Her roommate was one of the handful that she recollected- although realizing who, exactly, she had been paired with, came as a bit of a shock.

The surprise was only worsened as a certain dragon came lumbering over, gently introducing himself. Dawn gave the being an amiable smile, although she found herself inwardly bewildered. Given Drumdawn’s size, and Dawn’s...well, lack thereof, it seemed rather odd that they would be paired together. Especially with the fact that there was another dragon on campus.

“A pleasure to meet you, Drumdawn. I’m Dawn, although you already knew that.” She took a moment to adjust her hat, letting some of the light fall more easily across her features. “I plan on heading to the room, yes. Better to get settled early on than later, I think. You’re welcome to come along if you’d like.” With that, Dawn turned, making her way into the halls and towards one Room 219.


Those of a particularly keen eye would have likely noticed that there were more among the students than there had been before. Some might have shrugged it off at first glance, gone about their business. Given Arken’s strength of teleportation, it would only be logical for a few stragglers to be caught up in the move. If someone took a further glance, looked over each individual, they would find a young child among the newcomers. Small, sweet-faced, seemingly the perfect picture of an obedient schoolboy.

If they watched him for long enough, they might have found him rolling his eyes.

The scent of Sin had been heavy in the air within the clearing. Thick enough to cut with a knife, really. The students of the Academy had been almost rabid, eager to tear each other’s throats out like a pack of wild dogs. The Headmaster, despite having watched the whole thing take place, allowing it to bloom to near glory, was laying down laws that made it quickly apparent that such things weren’t to be seen on the campus itself. It was...dull. It sapped away the color that Gael had been so dearly interested in, leaving it bland and tasteless. It was, however, also hard to expect, given the rather distinct personas gathered within the hall.

Rubbing his eyes, Gael grabbed the handle of his luggage and began to pull it steadily along, in no real particular rush. He had all the time in the world, and it was good to sightsee in new places. By the time the Prince would reach his room, it would have likely been near thirty minutes since Miarika arrived. Gael gave the door a little, polite rap of the knuckles upon his arrival, then pushed it open, stepping into the room with a smile.

“Hello,” he said. “You must be Ms. Miarikia.

“I’m Gael. It’s quite nice to meet you, Miss. I hope that we’ll get along well.”

His gaze fell from the witch to her familiar, then lingered.

@The One
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago


Angela saw a large Crystal Phoenix headed over to her it she listened to it seamed to know who she was she figured it must of use some kind of magic she knew of a few spells that would allow you to identify someone you've never met before she looked up to winter in an attempt to meet her gaze before responding
"Yes I am Angela"
She paused for a second thinking about how big the room would have to be to fit them both completely before continuing
"Nice to meet you so what is a Crystal Phoenix doing at this school if you don't mind me asking?"


Vixen listened to Rika and gave him a soft smile
"It's nice to meet you to but you don't have to worry about losing control around me I have plenty of experience dealing with demons and no matter how powerful you may be a demon going berserk will never be able to get the better of me now if you where in full control of your demon that would be a different story"

After she finished speaking she noticed that the demon seal had been removed she wasn't sure if it was by his angel side or by Arken


Suddenly the sin demon flew over to her and introduced himself and started giggling by the grin on his face and the look in his eye it was pretty obvious he was planning something she had a feeling her school life would be pretty interesting with this demon as her roommate
"Well since you already know who I am and there's nothing better to do we may as well check out the room"
She then started walking towards their rom and stopped for a second and looked back to at him
"So what's a sin demon doing at a magic school?"


Suddenly the words on Roses book began to change and form the words 'look up' she waved her hand over her book changing the words back then she put the book back in her bag and looked up with an annoyed expression on her face
"You shouldn't mess with people's belongings even if the spell is relatively simple to reverse it's still very rude not to mention interrupting someone while they are reading a book is pretty inconsiderate"
She stopped for a moment taking another look at Kuro and Yoruichi
"So your a Neko from what I understand they have a high affinity for magic and it's obvious you know at least some spells"
She then waved her hand in front of her face and the rune for sight appeared her glasses then began to glow and the rune disappeared she took another look at Yoruichi she could now see the magic coming from her she then looked back to Kuro and could tell the magic energy coming from him was the same as the energy coming from Yoruichi
"As I suspected that's not your average cat or more precisely it's no longer an average cat but what you don't get is why infuse your magic into a common house pet? Wouldn't it be more efficient to enchant her so she can tap into the magic in the atmosphere or or draw power form nature or do you simply not know how?"
As she finished she waved her hand passed her face one more removing the spell she cast on her glasses


Suddenly a small dragon like creature flew over to her and introduced itself it seamed it would be her roommate she listened to what it hat to say before responding
"It makes no difference to me I didn't bring anything if I happen to need any thing I'll just open a portal back home and collect it so I have no need to go to the room nor am I in any rush to see it"


Suddenly a small strange creature came over to her and began speaking apparently this was her new roommate but she found herself more then a little confused when it apologised to her she had no idea what it had done wrong or why it needed to apologise
"I honestly have no idea why you're apologising but I really don't care what happened either anyway you already know who I am so there's no need for me to introduce myself"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Red watched as someone finally approached her. She smiled brightly and petted the large paper snake. Slowly it lowered itself down enough for him to climb on if he wanted to.

"Hey, I'm Red! This is Snake, and behind me is Serpent. Do you want to get on Snake? Be careful though it isn't all safe. Sometimes the paper falls apart in certain places. I haven't managed to make Snake completely solid yet, only just enough for me and Serpent to ride. Their is enough room for you though."

She smiled and when she had finished Serpent turned to him.

"Hey, look at me. Look directly into my eyes, sir."

Red giggled softly then spoke again.

"He wants to turn you to stone. Only those with strong enough willpower can resist. Could you beat him?"

Serpent hissed softly before looking to Red. He was hoping she didn't tell him but whatever. He looked back to her room mate before speaking once more.

"How about it. Do you want to gamble? Me vs you, if you lose I get to turn you to stone, but if you win you get to keep your life."

He smiled widely before hissing. He kept staring at Gil, waiting for his chance to strike.

@Weird Tales


Grace tilted her head slightly as her room mate spoke and she just laughed loudly. Then she disappeared. After a second she reappeared above Esperanza. She quickly plopped down on her head. Slowly Grace looked down and into her eyes.

"Don't underestimate me. Did your mother never tell you that you should never judge a book by it's cover? Just wait until we have that training session. I'll show you exactly what I can do."

With that she teleported in front of her again with a small smile.

"So then, let's take a look at you shall we?"

She raised a paw and as she did a large file appeared in front of her, but from the quality of the paper and the details on it, it was obvious it wasn't a school file.

"Full name, Esperanza Rosalind Adella Ciervo. Oooh, you're a necromancer too. Age 15. I should of known you weren't going to be as old as me. You're 5'3. Huh, you like sacrificing small animals for some god? Please, don't try and sacrifice me. I'm not an animal, trust me darling. You can also use Blood Magic too according to this. You've got three sisters and one brother."

After she was done she swiped her paw at the file and thus it disappeared. She looked to her and gave a teasing smile.

"You want to know more about me...sure here's my file."

She raised her paw and then teleported on her head again.

"But.... this is classified, this is classified, and so is this and that!

The only thing that was worth mentioning that wasn't listed as 'Classified' was that she was female, and 25'000 years old. The only other thing it mentioned were one of her powers, able to use many types of magic, namely dark magic. Although everything else was 'Classified'. this was becoming more and more obvious that the files Grace had weren't school files at all. These files were obviously from somewhere far higher. Grace teleported in front of her again and swiped her paw making her file disappear.

"Hey, I'm sorry darling. Maybe you'll find out 'what' I am eventually, as well as 'who' I am but right now I like those things to be kept a mystery. Don't you love mysteries, I do!"

She smiled brightly and gave a small laugh.


Miarikia was reading by the time her room mate finally came. Just as he walked in she raised her hand and called out 'Azarath Metrion Zinthos' As she did a dark blast shot out the window, the next thing that happened was a huge explosion was caused just off the island. She nodded to herself before turning to hear her room mate talk.

Ah, about time. I got bored. This is Flash. The reason he's called Flash is because..."

Before she could finish her sentence Flash speeded off quickly, a few minutes later he came back with a meat burger, holding it out for Miarikia with magic. She smiled and looked back to her room mate.

"He's fast."

Flash turned to him and spoke afterwards with a confident tone.

"They don't call me 'The Flash' for nothing, but I have a lot of names really. I've been called 'The Yellow Streak' before. I've even been called 'The Fastest Creature Alive!' which I totally love."

Miarikia laughed a little and then stepped forward closer to him.

"Huh, you're a demon. Not only that but you're a prince too. I can tell because I can possess demon princes myself. Have you ever heard of The Demon Princes, 'Destruction', 'Tyrannican', 'Rytrinax' or the worse one of them all, 'Kakalukia'? Those are the four demon princes I possess. However I haven't got full control over my possession magic. When I possess them they take over me, I literally become them, my personality completed changes to theirs. Kakalukia, if you know him.... he's very sadistic. He loves to toy with his enemies and tear away their sanity. The only reason I use his power is because I need to. He's the strongest of all the demons I can possess. Anyway, you'll hear about this when we go back down for our training session I suppose."

She shrugged and sat down on her bed.



Rika smiled as she spoke and gave a soft nod. If that was true then he was glad she was his room mate. He looked at his hands and let out a soft sigh.

"That's good. The demon is strong, it's not really surprising when you consider who my father is, luckily the Angel is just as strong. Even when I was unconscious I could feel him."

He gave a little smile to her and looked back to Arken. They would be starting their first lesson soon.


Kuro listened to Rose and gave a soft nod. It was understandable. When she questioned him he stared at Yoruichi then looked back to Rose.

"Honestly I never really thought of doing that. Yoruichi has always been close to me and she's been happy with what I've given her, and yes I do have an affinity for magic."

He smiled and held out his hand, as he did a book appeared in it with at least 10,000 pages. He opened it up and began to flip through the binders.

"Binding magic, light magic, dark magic, spirit magic, battle magic, we could be here all day. This book has been passed down from generation to generation and holds every single spell ever used by my family. You may of heard of Merlin. He is many many generations down my family line but all his spells are in here too."

He smiled and Yoruichi rolled her eyes.

"To put it simply he's obsessed with magic. He's read every single page of that book a hundred times. Of course he just absorbs all the knowledge from it so it takes seconds for him to 'read'. Anyway, back to your question. Kuro found me long ago and gave me some of his magic. I was perfectly fine with that and since there were no problems he never thought making my magic any stronger."

She licked her paw then swiped it over her ear before looking back to her.


Shade gave a small nod to Alex, it seemed she didn't even notice him. He was glad she wasn't hurt. He looked around before looking back at Alex.

"Well, I'm a heartless. I was created to destroy and kill but I was always different from my kind. I was never mindless. I managed to keep a part of my old self, even if it was just my mind and skull. We heartless are monsters. Our sole purpose is to infect others and make more of us so our mother can grow stronger. She wants power for the sake of power. I was apologising because I let my heartless nature take control. I couldn't resist."

He looked away for a moment before looking back at Alex. Luckily though she hadn't been harmed by him. That was the important thing.


Sky gave a small nod and settled down beside her. He looked to Arken while staying silent for a few minutes. After a while he turned to Kat and spoke again.

"My power is too dangerous. I possess the power of both light and dark, and they are so powerful that I must suppress them. If I don't then I risk killing everyone I love. That is why I came so I could try and learn to control my power. Why did you come?"

He looked to her as he wings folded neatly.


Pozuzy looked to Sabrina as she asked him a question. Why was he here, well that should be obvious. At least he thought it was. He flew slowly towards the room and gave a small giggle.

"Why else, to have fun of course."

He quickly checked the map to see where their room was then placed it away. He closed his eyes for a moment and began to focus. As he did their room number on the door changed to '666' When he arrived he tilted his head.

"Are you sure you know where you're going. Our room number is 334. We've gone the wrong way."

He held back his laughter, not wanting to give her any clues that he had been trying to play a prank on her. Instead he turned upside down and began to stare at her with a huge smile on his face.

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