Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by knifeman
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Nemo smiled at Junks's remark about her birth name. It was pretty validating to hear that someone else thought it wasn't right for her.

"Heh, yeah I guess. Junks is a pretty cool name."

She waved when Emily showed up and introduced herself. Before she knew it, Junks and Victoria started trading barbs. Feeling uncomfortable, Nemo shrunk into herself a little and looked away awkwardly.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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Mistake post. I tried to edit and it messed up.
Please ignore.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cruallassar
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Michael nodded amiably, returning his book to its being read position. "I'm not familiar with those. Aren't finals every year though?" He added that last almost as a musing to himself, then appeared to think nothing of it as he checked his watch to see how close classes were. Habits of being in the classroom at the first bell didn't form themselves, after all.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Saint Dismas
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Junks made a "Hmph" noise and walked away. He figured class wasn't teo far off and he was deadly worried (Or deathly hoping) That she would be in his class. His fantasies were already playing out in his head about what he'd.dope with that Diamond ring money. Honestly there was a giant gap between "Snatching the ring" and "Buying a House." I guess there was that same kind of gap in all if Junks ideas and memories.

Like his name. He didn't remember the storydidt his friends would've told you for a gram of something good. Junks crashed and was laying there, Whatever he had was harder than he expected. And there he was, In that coma-like state, when some older asshole remarked "Aw, look at him, A little Junks." Junks was 14. Before that he was homeless, yes. But after he took up drugs he entered the modern Junks era. Rugged beyond belief. Although he had kicked the habit, It still haunted him like a specter.
If only she knew how I got that name.
Or if I even did.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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Victoria watched as junks turned away and realised she better get heading off to her first classes. Gah well extra minute or two if she wanted be on time with everyone else. She turned mostly to address Jared, kinda realising they had scared her.
"umm.. Sorry. Too many people class me as helpless... Gets annoying. Everyone thinks I'm some kinda China doll it seems. "
Turning and waving before heading off to advanced ICT, slightly bugged by a few younger students remarks which earned her managing to "by mistake" use their foot as a walking stick pad.


Marilania realised the time on her phone, somewhat embellished with aftet market case from a popular tv show. Damn, she be late if she not go, was on the opposite wing of campus and their always was a queue on the stairs of the block.

"Scotland, Highlands, bit of fun. Oh final finals. Need a good grade for the team scholarship program. Gotta run. Well swim. I'd be at class alot faster if this was Atlantis."

He seemed harmless at least, but of a book worm. Alot of a book worm. Meh. She may never see him again, you can at least be social.

Smiling slightly and starting to head off, joining the mass headed to the star blocks up ignoring whistles from some of foot ball guys.

"frag you guys. We won more trophies last year!"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Saint Dismas
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The first bell rang, telling all the students that they had five minutes to get to their respecrivw classes. Some were just making their way at this point whiilw others were sitting there in class for a good five minutes beforehand. Junks was somewhere inbetween. Sure completing High School with semi respectable grades, This diamond could be a legitimate clause for Junks skipping his first class of this day and he could have his chance at a fortune he was sure of the result being of his heist. He hadn't thought it through fully. It's a common story that both sides pull ammunition from. "Substance abuse kills your mind." and "No it doesn't."Junks was a ear example of the first. His mind failed to notice the gigantic holes in his plan and even acknowledge them. The first hole in his an was when he realized that she was in an advanced OCT class. Even Junks kmew his limits for hiding. His plan had a sudden breakthrough however, when he realized they shared the lunch (The entire school with them.)
That's when he would do it.
He barely paid attention for that first class he was so excited.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ciaran
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Emily turned her head slightly when the Elsa comment came up. Apparently, people never change. Give them one chance to attack something, simply for being different to their percieved ideals, and they attack it, physically or otherwise. As for herself, it wouldn't help her in any way to do so, so why would she?

Besides, though she couldn't empathise with people, she could agree with them, and Emily definitely agreed with the way Victoria handled these problems. Small victories, perhaps even petty, but what better word is there to describe how Victoria was treated?

Emily guessed it was probably suitable to talk to the quiet girl for a moment, more following Victoria's lead than anything else. "Jarod, hmm? Abnormal, to put it one way, but, like I said, I'm hardly in a position to judge. And, if I had to guess, I think we're in the same grade, so we might end up quite well acquainted. Unfortunately, though, it sounds like we've both got places to be. See you at lunch?"

After waiting for a moment to hear Jarod's answer, Emily would head off to her lesson. She did genuinely want to meet the other girl again, if only out of curiosity. She also wanted to keep an eye on Victoria and Junks, to see if she'd guessed right about him and the ring. It would be an interesting lunch.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by knifeman
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Nemo smiled at Emily, "Yeah, see you."

Between the time she left Emily and Victoria, her vaguely positive mood had disappeared as she remembered that she would have to deal with boring classes, annoying people, and not being asleep until the brief respite of lunch.

She dropped into her seat in her first class and took out her notebook. During class, she mostly ignored what the teacher was saying, figuring it was just the typical first-day spiel. By the end of class, her notebook page was entirely covered with doodles of anime characters.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cruallassar
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As the bell rung, Michael had already slid his book back into his back and charged off in the direction of class with a quick bye in the sports girl's direction. His first class was right nearby, so he made sure he was opening the door as the closing chimes rang through the school. Sitting down, he proceeded to comport himself in his usual impressive manner...he could leave reading his book in class for English class or something he didn't actually have to learn anything for.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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Victoria easily handled the ICT class, coding was something she had already learnt most of the basics and things just fell into place, ahead of some of the others she had time to think and decided to check her old year book pictures on the schools computer system.

Hmm... Maybe that name.. Jerome might ring a bell if she saw a old picture.

Finding nothing as she had to soon head off to Russian, though he seemed her year, it was slightly bugging not to be able to place a name. Russian went well ernough, modern Grammar vs old Grammar, boring but she has always excelled at the speaking rather than technical grammar side.

Slowly walking to the English corridor, there was a easier set of stairs to take but a longer route so she headed to English via the quieter way, mostly a haunt off quiet spots for couples and people who wanted to evade some of the crowds. One applied. The other was not so likely, maybe college... Elsa. Damned frozen movie...

Standing about, she looked round for someone she knew waiting for class to start, English. Too subjective even if they now chose better books that earlier grades.

Strangely. Jarod, Emily, they treated her better than junks, hmmm. She probbly have to try and catch up with them at lunch. Plus that guy creeped her out abit.

(If needed add on...)

, with English over she began her slow walk, was there any kind other for her now? Heading to the lunch area, it was always problematic and stuck to somthing she could carry one handed.

Always asking for help to carry a tray was embarrassing.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Saint Dismas
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Junks was inpatient. He had been thinking of his plan for what seemed like ages. Sitting there through three boring first day classes.
He would get that Ring.
He would have to.
He realized how stupid his switching idea really was and deemed tbr best course of action was simply grabbing it. He was largely unknown to the school and most of the world. He figured he could find a fence if he tried hard enough.
Or he could simply just disappear.
He smiled about this. Leaving Maverick. This horrible old city that had fucked him over so much. Leaving this country. Living somewhere beautiful. He would leave all this in the past.

The bell rang for lunch.
Junks had never smiled so wide in his life.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by knifeman
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Nemo let out a sigh of relief when the lunch bell rang. Three classes, three nearly identical introductions, three notebook pages full of doodles. She picked up her bag and turned towards the door quick enough to notice a group of boys looking at her and snickering. Rolling her eyes, she left for lunch.

The cafeteria was crowded, so Nemo stayed near the edge of the room, holding her bag close to her chest. She scanned the room for either familiar faces or tables with some empty space.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by neogreggory
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It was the first day of school.

And Greggory was running late.

His dad was at work early in the morning, and with his brother staying at a friends Greggory had no secondary line of defense when his alarm clock failed him. When he did awake, it was in a bolt, as he quickly and awkwardly scrambled to get ready for school.
Luck would have it that Greggory moved rather quickly when rushed, and despite a few simple mistakes, such as a forgotten pencil and a few moments where he stood still doing nothing trying to sort out his thoughts, he actually managed to arrive at school in the nick of time. Mind he was exhausted as he ran into his first class of the day. But aside from having to catch his breath he faired as well to be expected once class began.
The next two classes as well were quite easy. That could of course be due to how little attention Greggory found himself devoting to the classes in question. Not that he wasn't interested, but he simply could not find himself caring about it. When the lunch bell rang Greggory was off, ready to get some food inside him, though that required navigating the harsh crowds. Hanging to the side of the hall to avoid bumping shoulders with too many people Greggory in time made his way to the cafeteria, and after retrieving a tray and receiving the days meal made his way to a nice empty table in the corner of the room, far from other people.
Of course, the table wouldn't remain empty long, but Greggory could hope he thought as he began his meal.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ciaran
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Classes on the first day of school always seemed a waste of time to Emily. The point of school in general was to prepare for a test that would largely determine the rest of their lives. The teachers were there to assist in that venture. So, in their assistance, they wanted to spend 20 minutes talking about the rules every class had every year anyway? Bullshit.

Still, the lessons themselves were okay. Math was always something that just clicked with Emily. Biology less so, but she'd always worked hard and as long as she did so, it didn't bother her too much. Geography, on the other hand, was annoying. There was never a specific answer, and even when it was clear, it was long-winded and tedious.

Glad it was over, Emily headed out of class for lunch. Stepping into the queue, she took her meal and watched the room, looking for anything interesting.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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Victoria hated one thing about lunch. No one thought about it until you had one arm having to help you walk. A tray... You balence it and risk losing lunch. You buy a meal that's one handed but miss out on cooked food half thr timr, or you have to be embarrassed and ask for help.

In summer it was less busy, easier to balence oene handed and this was packed tigh.t. First few weeks, and winter where the worst. Balence was out, she had already lost her lunch a few times too.

Queuing up, and getting help from one of the staff Victoria Sat down on a free table looking out for a friendly face, or someone she knew. Pretty normal food though thr desert was overly sweet for most, she loved it.

Victoria was slightly embarrassed to ask, but she had to admit carrying a tray one handed across a jostling dining hall was a fools errand. Staff would help, her medical plan made sure of it, but still it made the obvious difference so stark between her and others.
Not that her 4'9 he height, skin so white she could probbly blend into snow was not obvious at all. Least she had manged to keep her blonde hair and grey eyes... Being a living ghost would be even worse.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Saint Dismas
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Junks hadn't got his food. It was free due to his utter poorness but he was hungry for one thing today.
The money.
He stared at her from across the cafeteria. He stood in one corner, trying to figure a way to get that ring. He would have to jump her, he supposed. Didn't matter. He had jumped a lot of people in his day. And for the countless thousands he would get? Anything is worth that!
He studied her. Waiting for the right time.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cruallassar
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Michael went through his first three classes relatively uneventfully, learning the expectations and intros of each one and committing them to memory, and picking seats close to the door. He marked a few people in them as just being notably noted, but naturally, none of them stood out as particularly interesting as of yet. To be expected...the interesting people weren't likely to stand out while silently attending class, unless of course you were Michael himself. As the bell rang for lunch, he picked up his lunchbox from his locker and microwaved himself a ham and cheese sandwich, saving his apple for after school, before assuming a seat at a mostly empty table diagonally opposite an older @neogreggory kid. Ignoring the other apart from an initial glance, he pulls out his book again and resumes reading while he eats his lunch, taking a moment out every few moments to glance around the cafeteria at the other students.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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Victoria looked over at nearby table and decided to swap over, better than eating on her own moving the tray over awkwardly one handed and noticing the older one she did recognise out her year, not seen him in a while.

Placing thr last item over Victoria psat back down leaning the stick against her leg and leaving back resting on arm near her elbiw safer, not too heavy, most her stuff was in locker.

"Oh hey. I'm sure your in my year? Victoria Romus? I seem to remember you from... Maybe English... I dunno, the book sent me half asleep."

Noticing the younger one, year or two maybe. Engrossed in a book and quietly hiding on the edge of the dining hall. Least this was out of the way of the main traffic going two and throw about the school.

"hope you Don, t mind, needed some company. Had a intresting morning..."

Her eyes caught a taller guy, black clothes in a corner a second. Grey eyes flashing ice cold a second just scanning the room. It was Elsa guy, great. Also noticing Emily's in the queue for food, Gah, be quicker to maybe take a packed lunch it seemed.


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Saint Dismas
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Now he had realized she had seen him he began his plan. He had a little switchblade. He always had one. He would essentially mug her, and use the commotion and chaos as a way to escape.
Fuck this school. he was completely ready to leave this whole state.
He came over to her. "Can we talk? I want to apologize for before."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Victoria looked up the guy who had insulted her earlier and gave him a cold look, not very quick to forgive for being called Elsa.

"Apologise? You finaly relised that I might have got sick of that comment?"

Standing up slightly unsteadily unsupported but wanting to show a little spirit and not be seen to be a coward.

"if you wanna insult me though, just please leave now... Ive here em all, Elsa, ghost, snowy, you wanna make a snow man, and more beside."

Trying to sound firm but not full on ice queen, this guy was maybe meaning well but she did not quite trust him to a degree to wanna walk off anywhere.

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