Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Leonil Drestback

Location: Forest --> Spring
Interacting with: Alaia/Aklenroth (@Alivefalling) Myra (@Jellybeans) Nathaniel (@HumanMusic) Cain (@Warborn123)

The appearance of a vampire startled Leonil. He immediately drew his sword in response. As the vampire appeared and his face revealed, Leonil tensed up. It would seem that the vampire also knew Alaia and had done something horrible to her best friend. A growl formed in his throat, his body itching to transform. However, he fought it back. It would do him no good should he transform and reveal himself now. Not with the hunter here. "I have scores to settle with him - Aklenroth. I know what he is capable of." He said, venom dripping with his words. He rarely got angry or let his composure fall, but beings like Aklenroth were one of the reasons why he would just go ballistic. A horrible three headed werewolf appeared and he couldn't help but be revolted by it, rage and anger filled his entire body as he looked at the disfigured werewolf.

This vampire had the gall to make one of his brethren like that. A dragon appeared, the woman's familiar. Her demeanor changed but he didn't pay this any mind. His entire body visibly shook with the negative emotions filling it. He could barely hear Alaia's orders with the blood thundering in his ears. Another vampire entered the fray, this one was unfamiliar and unknown to him. The hunter that accompanied the one with the helmet foolishly charged at the three headed werewolf, attempting to wound the beast. He was ripped to shreds, his screams of terror and agony filling the area.

Flames began to lick around his iron sword, swirling and flickering between orange, red and blue. The fire reflected his own feelings - the only thing occupying his mind was destruction and death. He took a deep breath, the fire retracting and inflaming with his own meditation. His anger was replaced with calmness. "I shall put you out of your misery." He said, voice ice cold as he pointed his sword at the three headed monstrosity that used to be one of his kind. His yellow eyes trained on the vampire who seems to be enjoying the show along with Aklenroth. A friend of his is an enemy of Leonil's. For once, he knew that he could completely agree with Alaia. It would seem that joining her cause wasn't a bad idea after all. "Vampires had always been arrogant, believing themselves to be invulnerable when they are merely immortal." The fine line between the two words were all that mattered for a vampire. Immortality meant that they could live forever without worrying of old age. Invulnerable meant that they were impervious to any damage. Vampires were merely the former, the threat of death still looming over their heads.

He beckoned forth a familiar that he barely used for it was the most destructive out of the three he currently owned. A deep growl resounded over the clearing and a manticore burst forth from the forest line and immediately tackled the werewolf at full speed. The tackle would surely disorient if not completely throw off the werewolf. The manticore settled beside its master and showing its full height. Even as a four-legged creature, it was still bigger than its owner. While its size wasn't near the dragon's, it was still impressive. Leonil placed a hand on the mane of the manticore, gazing at his two opponents and then sighing. "Well hunter, let's see what we can do." He told the man with the helmet who had obtained wings himself and his own sword enveloped in holy fire.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Warborn123
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Warborn123 That really quiet guy everyone forgets about

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Forest: interacting with everyone.

Cain let out a condescending laugh "Look fellows!, this human think's he's better than us!" he chuckled as he signaled his guards to charge, Cain and his retinue of four galloped towards Leonil, Lances outstretched, while two other guards went after the winged hunter. "Let's show this glorified blood bag who's right!" he added. Cain loved to gloat, nothing gave him more pleasure than to see the mangled corpses of his enemies. Especially the ones who believed they were better than him.

Cain waited until he was a hair's inch away from Leonil, Then he and the guards suddenly swerved past Leonil, Cain pulled out his crossbow as the four did the same, the five horsemen circled Leonil, kicking up dirt into the air, Cain's lifted his left hand, causing it to glow a dark red. Suddenly the guards split into eight then sixteen then a hundred, though the extra guards were just a illusion, it was impossible to tell which was real and which was fake, it was impossible to determine which was Cain either.

Cain and his group fired their crossbows at Leonil, Leonil was like a trapped animal, if he didn't think fast, he would be slaughtered like one.

(The guards are expendable do whatever you want to them)
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 8 days ago


Location: Lapenzan --> in the forest.
Interacing with: Aklenroth(@Alivefalling) Leonil(@Polaris North), Myra(@Jellybeans), Nathaniel/Hunter(@HumanMusic), and Cain(@Warborn123).

Alaia was surprised as a dragon emerged from the waterfall behind them. The girl was odd, almost screaming like a mad woman before getting on it and flying off. It was breathing fire out in random bursts as a warning protecting this girl. She stared as the unarmed hunter ran into his death, being torn apart and screaming for help but it was too late. Another vampire with four others came riding on horses and began multiplying in massive ammounts.

She watched as Leonil was surrounded. She then covered him in a light barrier before flying into the the horde of vampires it was if they were in hell. The smell burning of flesh lingered in as her holy blade slashed through the enemies. One vampire fell to the ground and around twenty of the vampires faded from the battle field. "It's an illusion. There is only four real ones left including their leader. Just attack all vampires you see!" She told the group. She then flew back to where the helmeted hunter before saying, "You will have to forgive my friend for he still has a pure soul." Alaia then called out to Leonil. "It's time, show me your true power we need you to shift!" She let the light barrier fade as the aura around Leonil began to shine a bright white giving him more strength and speed.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by HumanMusic
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lapenzan: forest, @Alivefalling@Warborn123@Polaris North@Jellybeans

The flames licked his face through the helmet, his wings grew large, engulfing the surrounding wood in flames, a second later he was at the throat of a vampire, sword through his mouth. The sword engulfed his head in flames, then the rest of his body, holy light shone as Nathaniel slowly removed the blade, a few steps towards the next vampire and it fell back, it wasn't ready to die, it even thought that it wouldn't die. There were now two dead vampires, their heads burned to ash and again he walked forward, those surrounding Leonel seemed the same as the others, easy kills, instead he looked to the vampire named Cain, their leader it seemed. He launched forward, brandishing his holy weapon, he struck down on Cain...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Warborn123
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Warborn123 That really quiet guy everyone forgets about

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Forest: interacting with everyone.

Cain ripped out his rapier and raised it in the air, causing a loud metal twang. his arm had screeched in pain, causing the sword to nearly fly from his hands, had Cain been any weaker or Nathaniel any stronger, Cain would be a dead vampire. but Cain wasn't surprised, he had hoped that the masked human would attack him. Fool he thought as he raised his crossbow at the man's head, letting out a bolt straight for the man's skull. though what Cain hadn't realized was that it was painfully obvious which vampire was him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Leonil Drestback

Location: Spring
Interacting with: Alaia/Aklenroth (@Alivefalling) Myra (@Jellybeans) Nathaniel (@HumanMusic) Cain (@Warborn123)

The fool of a vampire had called out his guards and began to surround him. They were multiplying rather quickly and his manticore roared in defiance. One vampire fell, thanks to Alaia's hands and a massive amount of illusions disappeared. Three remained in his path, surrounding him. One thing that was fun about being a werewolf is that they won't know you are one until you've transformed or have been hit with silver. Thankfully for him, none of these fools actually held silver in their hands nor were using magic to intimidate him. "Human this, human that, how very fascinating how they assume so quickly." He muttered to his manticore before it raised its stinger and launched paralyzing quills at the hordes of vampire, hitting a multitude of them and killing two vampires.

Two more were slaughtered by the man with the helmet before he swerved towards Cain, the leader of the troupe. Lenil didn't concern himself with the man any further. He sped towards the remaining vampire who was the one who actually looked confused as to what happened and drove his flaming sword straight through his heart. Leonil had nothing against vampires, but in this situation, he couldn't leave a single one alive. The vampire screamed as the fire consumed it.

His manticore, on the other hand, went for the werewolf once more - pouncing on it and then attempting to stab it with its stinger, with the full intention of injecting the poison directly at it. The manticore would swipe its close viciously at its enemy.

Leonil turned to Alaia and gave her a small smile as he removed his sword from the vampire who turned into ashes. "M'lady, don't you think that would be a bit too desperate? Besides, a surprise wouldn't hurt when it truly counts." He pointed out. If they knew that he was a werewolf, then there was no way he could surprise his enemies with a trump card. Leonil knew that he had to make his transformation count. As a werewolf, he couldn't possibly keep his manticore going and that meant that the three headed werewolf would have no opponent aside from himself and Alaia, or even that strange woman from before. He had to defeat his demonized brethren first before he could transform.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 8 days ago

Aklenroth & Plauge Fused Werewolf

Location: Lapenzan --> in the forest.
Interacing with: Alaia(@alivefalling), Leonil(@Polaris North), Myra(@Jellybeans), Nathaniel(@HumanMusic), and Cain(@Warborn123).

The werewolf reeled back as it was stung by the manticore. It let out a horrible howl as the venom pulsed through it's veins the creature fell to the ground convulsing before becoming a lifeless corpse. Aklenroth watched as his creation died "You will pay for this obviously it was not strong enough." He exclaimed in anger "Cain I must return to Gallowstein I have preparations to make meet me at my manor when you are finished with your fun." Aklenroth covered the battlefield in a black fog before disappearing as if he was never there.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Warborn123
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Warborn123 That really quiet guy everyone forgets about

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Forest: interacting with everyone.

Cain looked to the right, then to the left, he quickly realized that he was alone. he merely smiled "I guess I was wrong" he answered to no one in particular as the smoke obscured him, he quickly rode away from the group, using Alkenroth's smoke to get away safely. Cain had underestimated the power of these humans and his men had paid for it, but nevertheless he had learned from the experience, he learned that a new threat has risen, one that must be dealt with if he intends to see the next day.

The Undead in Lapenzan had been fought back by a citizen militia, though not without heavy consequence, humans had suffered under it and the population has dropped significantly, it would take years for Lapenzan to reach the state it had been yesterday.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 8 days ago


Location: Lapenzan --> in the forest.
Interacing with: Aklenroth(@Alivefalling) Leonil(@Polaris North), Myra(@Jellybeans), and Nathaniel/Hunter(@HumanMusic).

Alaia looked around as the black fog faded she was confused, the vampires had disappeared without a trace. She looked over to leonil "what now?" She asked as she began walking around inspecting the battlefield and the dead monstrosity. "I wonder what caused this." She asked herself before making her way over to the helmeted hunter. "I'd like you to join us your combat skill were above the average hunters and we would love to have you in our group." she said as she looked at him and let out a big smile.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by HumanMusic
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lapenzan forests: @Alivefalling@Polaris North@Jellybeans

His face stung as the wings of flame dispersed into nonexistence, a smoke had appeared before and led to the vampires disappearing. Of course, the use of his full power would mean he'd lose a significant amount of energy, which he did, taking on noble vampires is a hard task and six at a time is insane for the average hunter, he was not an average hunter. Alaia approached Nathaniel and proposed his entry into their party of "good guys", from what he'd learned of the world there is no such thing as a good guy, not before nor after the coming of the demonfolk. Nathaniel did seem to understand that they stood by him in the destruction of the oncoming demonkin, if it weren't for them he would have been killed by the deformed werewolf beast, this meant he would refrain from testing them until later. He knew Alaia, he used to be her friend, he might still be but it has been so long since he last spoke to her, for the sake of friendship he would follow her, though, for the sake of humanity he would stay a hunter.
"You may not remember me, Alaia, but as your friend I will follow you... you used to call me Nate, I used to call you Ai..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Leonil Drestback

Location: Spring
Interacting with: Alaia (@Alivefalling) Myra (@Jellybeans) Nathaniel (@HumanMusic)

Leonil was surprised to see the werewolf taken down so easily. However, a blanket of smoke lay over the battlefield, impeding their vision. He ordered his manticore to sniff the vampires out but once it cleared, they were gone. He clicked his tongue and settled his sword back into its sheath. It would seem that they would be coming back with a score to settle with them. Well, Leonil was more than glad to oblige. He still needed to pass retribution on Aklenroth and whoever is under him - for his family's sake. The hunter who killed them was no more than a scapegoat who unknowingly crossed Aklenroth's path after all.

He patted his manticore's mane as it padded back to him. "Good job boy." He cooed and the manticore rubbed its face against his. "Rest up, I'll probably rely on you more than ever before." Leonil said and the manticore bobbed its head up and down to signify a nod before disappearing. Leonil felt the weight of the magical power consumed during the fight. Between summoning the tiger earlier and then the manticore as well as activating the runes twice was draining. However, he still had some juice in his systems. He looked at his hand and fire flickered in and out of existence. With a nod, he looked back at Alaia to see him talking with the man with the helmet. Figuring that he had no business listening to them, he walked towards the three headed werewolf who now was on the ground - lifeless. He didn't transform back into the human form, surprisingly.

"What kind of deals is that vampire making? To create such monstrosities..." He muttered sadly as he sat down and ran a hand through its body. His hand ignited and spread over the werewolf, engulfing it with orange fire and slowly cremated - the fire contained only to the body and didn't spread anywhere else. He closed his eyes and then muttered, "May your soul be accepted within the pack in the Eternal Hunting Grounds." With the last rite muttered, he stood up and the corpse was no more than ashes. Yet another waste of his magical reserve but for him, it was needed. He walked back to Alaia but kept a pretty far distance between him and the two who were conversing. He had his arms behind his back and looked up towards the woman with the dragon. He wondered how she had come to learn about Beast Magic. Truly, he did.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 8 days ago


Location: Gallowstein City --> Secret Lab.
Interacing with: The experiments.

"Preparations have been complete. I welcome you to the new world all can be one with this magic." he said with a malicious grin "We will take over the lands and those who dare oppose us will be obliterated!" The sounds of howling and cheering warriors echoed through the halls of his laboratory. "This is the age of plague magic, it has shown us it's power let us twist and consume this world... Now go fourth and show true terror." The locks released as the gates opened and a horde of monstrosities flooded into the open eager to try out their new found bodies and abilites.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Warborn123
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Warborn123 That really quiet guy everyone forgets about

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location-->Secret Lab
Interacting with:Alkenroth (@Alivefalling)

A Shiver went down Cain's spine, he stared in horror at the monstrosities that Alkenroth created, "Somethings shouldn't exist, this is one of them." Cain thought, he hated the new magic type, it was hideous and ugly, the magic oozed with evil, though Cain had his sins, this "Plague" magic thing was too much. He had seen Alkenroth's creation earlier. now the world would be littered with those vile distasteful things.

Yet Cain shared the same malicious grin, he couldn't show his hatred for Alkenroth's gifts, after all Cain intended to live a long, powerful life. If he wanted it he'd have to suck it up and work with Alkenroth, As Cain's house of Domencio was weak and Alkenroth's was strong, but only if they worked together they could rule. Cain clapped, "Simply wonderful!" he cheered with a false smile, "The human's won't know what hit them!" he pulled up a map and laid it down on a nearby table. "Perhaps we ought to test our new creatures on the Mirstone" Cain smiled a vile, fake grin.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 8 days ago


Location: Lapenzan --> in the forest.
Interacing with: Aklenroth(@Alivefalling) Leonil(@Polaris North), Myra(@Jellybeans), and Nathaniel/Hunter(@HumanMusic).

"Nate it has been so long since we have saw each other." she said to him happy to be in his presence. "Well where should we go?" She questioned Lionil and Nate looking back and forth at the two. Alaia walked around the surrounding area looking around not paying much attention to the girl on the dragon as she had not done anything but watch the fight. She then walked back towards the two and awaited their input on where they should head next.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jellybeans


Member Seen 1 yr ago



The fight had been satisfyingly entertaining for Myra, however, she had wished to see more death and blood. It would had been funny if everyone died. She clung to her dragon as she ordered it to fly off away towards Gallowstein City. She hoped to find more fun and trouble to cause. The evil vampires that had joined really interested her. They seemed to know how to have fun and had some great ambitions. She hoped she could perhaps find them there.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 8 days ago


Location: Gallowstein- Orphanage
Interacing with:children and orphanage workers

Kyran charged out of the open gates splitting from the horde heading for the place he thought would be the most fun, Gallowstein's orpanage, he crashed through the doors and children began screaming and crying. "hello I have come to play" he said before letting out a horrific ear piercing howl, tendrils began bursting from his body impaling five children in the surrounding area. He dragged them closer and started tearing them apart rending the flesh from their bodies with his claws and teeth causing the others he could not reach to run to the upper part of the house. Kyran looked at the corpses strewn out before him "I'm not done playing yet!" he yelled out to the remaining people in the house. he made his way up the stairs "Come out, come out where ever you are." he said before smashing the door to the bedroom where remaining workers and children were huddled into a corner of the room. "I found you." Kyran then opened his mouth letting snake like heads spread out like multiple tongues, they then extended quickly towards the humans and began biting and ripping them apart piece by piece until nothing was left but piles of flesh, blood and bones leaving nobody alive.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by HumanMusic
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lapenzan forest @Alivefalling@Polaris North
Nathaniel was surprised that Alaia had remembered him so easily, he was her friend, sure, but that was a long time ago, but, it was in her nature to be this easy going, even after long periods of time without hearing a word of her.
"Follow them, they're the apparent cause of our problem, we find them, we end the vampire menace and probably even the werewolf one.", he was concerned, there was a vampire that can summon other vampires and even create a monstrosity such as the one battled by the chimera. Nathaniel then remembered, the town, he could hear the screams. Sword still drawn he stepped forward, then moved into a jog, then sprinted, the town was in danger.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Leonil Drestback

Location: Spring
Interacting with: Alaia (@Alivefalling) Nathaniel (@HumanMusic)

He listened to Alaia and Nathaniel as they spoke, with the latter suggesting that they should follow Aklenroth. "I hope you're not seriously suggesting that the three of us would take on the entirety of Gallowstein." He said. While it wasn't a bad idea to go after the vampire and put an end to his reign, they had one major problem - there were only three of them. Given that two of them knew how to use Holy Magic that is more than effective on vampires and werewolves alike, that still wouldn't be enough to fight off the hordes of vampires that live in Gallowstein, where Aklenroth is based.

He then turned to the man in the helmet who was now sprinting towards Lapenzan. Leonil felt his heart sink. It was under attack? He turned to Alaia, "Come on. Your people need help." Leonil then followed Nathaniel towards the town. He didn't grow up in that town but he spent more than enough time there to feel attached. Now he had another reason to rip Aklenroth and his lackeys to shreds. The list just keeps going on and on huh? It was odd. He rarely felt this searing anger take over him, but the mere mention of his name in his thoughts made him want to attack something. He wanted this to be over and go back to his books really.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 8 days ago


Location: Gallowstein City --> Secret Lab.
Interacing with:Cain@Warborn123 Myra@Jellybeans.

"No.", He replied to Cain's question. "We are going to kill those humans with the werewolf." Aklenroth drew his sword letting out a menacing grin. "let's hunt shall we." He was then stopped when he saw the girl on the dragon coming to land in Gallowstein. He then made his way over to the girl and the dragon. "Hello, what brings you a human to land in this city, you should be careful entering a city ruled by our kind."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 8 days ago


Location: Lapenzan.
Interacing with: Leonil(@Polaris North), and Nathaniel(@HumanMusic).

"I have a feeling those vampires will return." Alaia said looking at the two standing before her "But... if we need to we will lead an attack on gallowstien after we get some help in Mirstone." She said readying herself for a moment before sprinting with the group into Lapenzan. It was a horrbile scene of burning buildings and death ash, embers and smoke filled the air while bodies of innocent men, women, and children lay strewn across the town. "They will pay for this..." Alaia said with a furious voice, she had never been so angry in her life. "We need equipment, supplies, and warriors." she paused "We are going to war, Lets head to Mirstone."
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