Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Saint Dismas
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Saint Dismas On Parole

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Hunks smiled that near empty smile that Victoria so insulted him by and stared into her eyes.

"I didn't come here to insult you. I came here to talk..."
He pulled the little blade out so that it was only visible to Her.
"I want that ring of yours, and if you don't hand it over. I'll have to force it off you."
Are you Fucking kidding me, Junks? You're feeling a bit remorseful?
This bitch has the key to your happiness on her finger and you're hesitating?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 23 min ago

Victoria looks shocked seeing the blade eyes flashing scared then ice cold and trying to hold her nerve rather unsteady as nothing to support her and reaching back to try and find the table edge so she can stand

Very quietly to junks, accent going distinctly icey much like her fathers.

"it's a laser etched. Conflict zones. Anyway how you gonna sell it.. You.. This..
Leave and il forget... Please... My grandmothers."

Her nerves where getting the better of her, despite all her fathers teaching and time she had spent with him at summers she did not have his icey bearing that endeavored calm in any situation however bad the storms or icey the season.

In all the years she, s worn it she had never had this kinda trouble, jesus, her icey calm was cracking. Hoping fate would intervene she looked a second to see if anyone was near.

the diamond was originally from africa, a particular area and once prosperous now war torn, it predated the war by almost a century but had to have a laser serial code to separate it from its blood diamond kin. Diamonds where eternal.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ciaran
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Ciaran Lord's Blade

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Emily had finally got to the front of the queue when she spotted Junks and Victoria. As she took her food, she couldn't help noticing that, based on the way they'd spoken to each other before, they clearly weren't close. Well, except physically, and that was the strange part. Not that a couple would act that way in a place so public anyway, whether or not they felt that way, but that wasn't the point.

The point was that it was strange, and if it was strange, something was bound to happen.

Emily was approaching the pair, her meal in one hand, when she saw the way Junks held himself. When she saw the sliver of metal gripped in his hand. She couldn't hear what was being said, but she could remember that ring, and the way the boy had looked at it.

Oh shit.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Saint Dismas
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Saint Dismas On Parole

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"So? Does it look like I care? That diamond is my ticket out of here and there's no way in hell I'm backing out. Give it here." He still felt that slight guilt because He was mugging a cripple. Then he gripped his knife tighter. He would not stand down.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 23 min ago

Victoria relised he meant it. The diamond was with money but he'd never get more than a fataction of its value. No pawn shop would belive he was the owner. Surely.

Her cool was cracking and she fell back sightly leaning on the desk for support, her leg giving out at the wrong time and reached to loosen the ring, it was valuable to her but not worth dieing over.

"fine... But Il make sure you get years for this... You will pay. Your just as you look. Scum. My father might remove a few more teeth."

What would anyone say, a hobo robbing a crippled young woman in a school, she had the number memorised, thr gem could be reported, and the way to contact her father, she had those to memory just in case.

She looked round eyes flashing scared looking for help.


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by knifeman
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knifeman gender: cryptid

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Nemo looked around and noticed Emily. Coming over to her, she noticed that something was wrong about the situation.

"Hey- Is something up?"

She noticed Victoria looking around with a scared expression. Nemo didn't even think about what the circumstances might be; she just approached the other girl.

"You alright?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by neogreggory
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neogreggory Traveler of Planes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Greggory was taking a long gulp from his drink, contemplating a video game he had been playing the last few days, when he saw the two figures standing by one another. They were an interesting pair to say the least, one was a fairly upstanding looking girl, was she reaching for the table? Maybe she had trouble standing.
The other one looked like some trash. Oi! Greggory corrected himself, don't be rude, you bloody bigot. he thought, as he sized up the boys stance. Was he holding something?...

Oh. OH. What was to be done? Hmm, ahh, err.

"Hey, what's going on?!" Greggory shouts over the din of the other students. Not sure if he was heard, Greggory pushed back his tray, stood up and started marching towards the encounter. He's going to stab me. I'm going to get stabbed. If I get stabbed, than she won't. S**t. Okay. he thought, and half mumbled to himself, as he strode closer to the pair, hoping that he wasn't about to get stabbed.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ciaran
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Ciaran Lord's Blade

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Emily turned to Jarod, the girl from before, and began to speak, trying to make it appear as though she was oblivious to what was happening closeby.

"Yes, something is up, and yes, I'm alright, though for how much longer I can't be sure." Emily's voice was tense, with good reason. "Don't make it obvious, just take a look at Junks. His hand. See that? Now take a guess at his financial situation, and consider that Victoria is wearing a presumably very valuable diamond ring. What do you think, then, that Junks is holding? We're not safe here, Victoria especially."

What could she do? Running seemed the safest option, but the idea hurt her pride. Equally, though, she could hardly take on someone with a knife alone. And warning the rest of the room would be almost impossible to do quietly. On the other hand... that could work.

"Hold this," she said, passing Jarod her lunch.

Emily started humming a P!nk song as she moved towards Victoria and Junks. Some jerk from the sports crowd was headed to a seat close to the pair. When she was just a few feet from all three, she sung under her breath "Na na na na, na na na, I'm gonna start a fight", then punched the jock square in the face. She wasn't an experienced fighter, but he'd been so taken by surprise that he stumbled and fell over, crashing into Junks and Victoria on the way down.

Then, the room exploded with action.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Saint Dismas
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Saint Dismas On Parole

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@PrinceAlexus @neogreggory
Junks say the flying sucker punch and saw the insuring riot as followed as a way to get that ring. "Bye, Love!" and with that he ran. That boy could run. He ran towards that boy trying to be some peacekeeper PR some shit and gave him a deep stab in the stomach. He didn't want to kill the fucker, Just wound him.
dog eat dog. Yeah,Junks. Dog eat dog, He left the blade in Greggg's stomach AMD kept his great sprint was cut short by the great wall of students pummeling the shit out of eachother. He kept trying to fight his way through thr mob.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 23 min ago

Victoria felt the harsh grab and painful yank falling over heavily and trying to get up reaching for anything she could reach grabbing her bag with some Russian pepper spray... Her father had insisted she had it. Nastier than the American stuff, and maybe not entirely legal... Victoria had never asked.

Shouting out to anyone who could hear knocked to ground stunned.

"help! Please... The hobo in black. Robbed me..." .

"please... Someone..."

"fuck you will pay for that junks"

She was stuck down, reaching up to grab the table. The chair anything to help with the pepper spray hidden up her sleeve. She had to get up though began to feel the effect of being ramped to the floor and probbly a good bruise or two.

Reaching up and aiming the pepper spray squarely and junks ugly face and let lose a solid burst of the caustic spray at his face. It was gonna hurt like hell for him closing her eyes and turning head away as it fired like her father taught her.

"pay back."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by neogreggory
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neogreggory Traveler of Planes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

As Greggory approached he saw a girl punch one of the more dunderheaded types in the face, and then the mugger was running towards him and...



Falling to the ground, Greggory takes a few deep breathes as he experiences the sensation of a foreign piece of metal inside of him. Then he makes note of the beginnings of a proper fight breaking out near him, and with great effort dragged himself towards a nearby table, conveniently empty, and pulled himself under it, grimacing as the knife moves about with him as he contorts into position.

Then Greggory looked down. Yep. That is indeed the handle of a knife. No mistaking it nosireebob.
And the red around it? Greggory held back the urge to puke when he saw the sight of his own blood. Perhaps it was best he just kept that where it was...

"She better be alright." Greggory said to himself as he moved a hand down in an attempt to push down on the wound. The attempt did not last long, as the moment he placed his hand over the wound he pulled it away, wincing in pain. "She better be really f**king alright" He quietly shouted to himself, continuing almost in an effort to forget the pain, "She better be so f**king alright, about to be named queen of the lunch room, f**king perfect, f**k!" He stammers.
Looking down at the handle of the knife, Greggory really hoped that someone would break up the fight, and more so that someone would notice him. He really didn't want to have to pull himself out from under the table. Though, he didn't really want someone else to have to pull him out either now that he thought about it...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Saint Dismas
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Junks eyes burned as the spray hit him. He was screaming in pain and tumbling around the floor.
"You bitch!" He was flailing in his blindness. Hoping to reach her. Pull her down. Fuck her! He wanted to pull her down and make her been more crippled. He was still struggling.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 23 min ago

Victoria tried to grab the ring back holding the pepper spray in her second hand, she had been forced to be sprayed when she was taught to use it and knew exactly how much it hurt. And how it worked.

"your a ass hole who robbed a cripple."
Struggling to get up she saw the brawl would soon attract security staff, she just had to get the ring back.

Not having seen Grgg get stabbed she saw blood on floor and Victoria panicked slightly. Oh god. Was it him, he was near, it could have been her. Looking round she shouted out trying to get him help.

Sprayinf a burst of fire pepper spray at soneone who nearly trod on her she desperately hoped that this riot would end before anyone else got badly hurt.

"medic! Stabbed... Someone hurt!"


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ciaran
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Ciaran Lord's Blade

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The short version was "it worked".

The long version was that now someone had been stabbed, no doubt there were plenty of minor injuries going around as well, and Emily didn't want to know what was happening to Junks right now. It sounded painful.

Perhaps it was fair, then, for Emily to prefer the short version.

In any case, none of that was really her problem. What was her problem? Her knuckles hurt and she couldn't find the girl who had her lunch. What was her solution? Get annoyed and get even more annoyed.

On the other hand, the aforementioned someone was lying under a table with a knife in his stomach. Did he need help? Probably not. Security would be here soon, and then he'd be patched up. Besides, there were dozens of people here. If it was that bad, one of them could help him. Emily had more important things on her mind.

"Jarod! Jarod!" Emily called out for the smaller girl, but her voice was lost among the riot. "Damn it, Jarod, you have my food!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by knifeman
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knifeman gender: cryptid

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The entire situation burst into chaos in a second as Emily handed Nemo her lunch and punched a guy in the face. Only after the knife had been embedded in a stranger's stomach did she notice that Junks had been holding one.


In a heartbeat, the one first aid class Nemo had taken came back to her and her body was rushing forward before her brain could catch up. She set Emily's lunch down on the nearest table and kneeled down under the table next to th einjured person.

"Okay, I know what to do. I'm gonna make sure you don't bleed out before Security gets here, alright?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Saint Dismas
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Suddenly the cafeteria exploded into pure nothingness. Black and void. Things became apparent that something was wrong. Junks was beginning to regain his vision then Andre could've sworn he'd seen his parents flash before his irritated eyes. A sound of thunder collapsing into itself came and all those who were in the little portion of earth were taken so, so, very far away.
And bright redness, Like a thousand suns burst through the darkness.
The ground was hot and the air burned your lungs. Most students had died in the cataclysmic event. Most.
6 survivors. That's all. They were trapped in piles of dead students. Junks scampered out and looked around. His eyes stung horribly and his vision was blurry but he could make out a sign.

Abandon all hope, Ye who enter here.

Welcome to Hell.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by neogreggory
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neogreggory Traveler of Planes

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At least the floor was cold. It was a pleasant counter to the throbbing heat in his gullet. Those were among Greggory's final thoughts before everything went black. He didn't even have time to respond to what would have been his heroes statement before he felt his everything become nothing.

It was dark. Was he falling? Greggory certainly hoped not, falling to death with a knife in his gut was most certainly not his preferred method of exiting the world.
Then again, the void brought up the easy question of if he was in fact dying or dead already? True be told, Greggory had expected it to be a slower, gentler process, not a sudden cut to black void and gut tearing emptiness.

Then it was much less cold. In fact, it was quite the opposite. And then Greggory regained his sense of smell, and it was quite foul. Thick, nauseating, and with a tint of metal. Something quite heavy was up top of him, and with some effort Greggory managed to push the weight off of him, only for it to roll down the hill he appeared to be on. Holding onto his still bleeding gut Greggory blinks his eyes a few times, trying to bring the landscape into focus.
That was when he noticed what he was on top of, and what was on top of him.
Greggory was now the top of a pile of bodies, most of which were broken and twisted, with limbs at inhuman angles and the great heat already bringing the once living flesh to a sizzle. It was then that bile was added to the mix, as Greggory couldn't hold back his disgust. Noting the blood mixed with his puke, and holding back the urge to hurl again, Greggory noted further the environment that he was now in.

Of course it was stupidly hot, that much was apparent. Greggory noted the red stone at the base of the corpse hill, and the jagged environment which hid from sight the horizon. Fire danced up between the rocks, granting illumination to the area, which allowed Greggory to see that there were several other corpse piles, all the them made up of the classmates Greggory had yet to meet. One figure was standing though, that brigand from before stood, and gazed at a wooden sign.
Not able to make it out, Greggory quickly reached around the nearby bodies, quickly finding and placing on his glasses, though grimacing again at the feeling of pain in his stomach. Gritting his teeth Greggory gripped the handle of the knife, which he quickly let go of, realizing how hot it was. Locking his jaw, Greggory tightly gripped the metal knife, and in one painful motion pulled it out, before letting out a scream of pain.

With blood now making an attempt to escape his body Greggory awkwardly pulled off his soiled shirt and, with no better plan, pressed the flat of the warming knife against the wound. It was at this moment that a near constant stream of cusses left Greggory's lips, most of them f**k or some variation there off.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cruallassar
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Cruallassar Shadow Ranger

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Michael had stayed in his seat when the other table fellow had gone toward the altercation. He had looked up and sized up the situation in a somewhat similar fashion, and was considering moving toward the exit to head the brigand off when someone else started a fight...probably not the greatest of ideas, and it was at that point where Michael leaned back in his seat and took a bite of his sandwich, carefully watching the fun. Then someone got stabbed and the whole place became hell.

Well then.

Michael guessed that this meant lunch break wouldn't be ending any time soon. He picked his book back up and resumed reading it, though he kept an eye on the other survivors. At least his corner was relatively devoid of dead bodies...it would be more comfortable without the supheric air though.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 23 min ago

Victoria woke up, her head was spinning from the effects and old nightmares she had almost forgotten about, old wounds and doubts seemed to have woken up and she looked up seeing red, smoke and coughing slightly at shock of the air. Feelings she had forgotten conflicted and collided, confused and scared she looked round.

Eyes still adjusting to the light she instinctively reached for the stick and lacing down to help her up felt it squish into something that was not stone, it was in that moment she saw the carpet of bodies lieing about the area, dozens of dead. Only then did Victoria notice the sign, "welcome to hell"

Hell, she had been crippled, spent a over a year in hospital And had to put up with high school, now hell. did the universe hate her. Looing round seeing a few people alive as the smell and sight disgusted her to the very soul, holding back the urge to collapse and totally give in.

"Anyone? how did we even survive?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ciaran
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Ciaran Lord's Blade

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Emily swore under her breath as she fell into the infinite abyss. Apparently, she should have taken the chance to eat lunch when she had it.

Maybe more to the point, this was weird. She'd been on very solid ground moments ago, and now she was here. "Here" in this case just meaning wherever she was, as there was no way to figure out any kind of direction or orientation. She couldn't even be certain she was falling, though she was definitely moving. Just not necessarily downwards, if downwards existed here.

In any case, the falling and the blackness didn't last long, though the weirdness stubbornly persisted. The weirdness this time being very unpleasant heat and lots of dead people. Some of whom were on top of Emily. There was other people's blood dripping onto her, as well. That was disgusting.

Having worked her way out the pile of corpses, Emily proceded to approach Victoria, saying "Not a clue. Honestly, I think we were just lucky, though that might be the wrong word for it."
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