Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yukari Yozakura

"Oh, thank you!" Yukari took a seat on the chair Kaida pulled out for her. This probably wasn't the seat Mamoru assigned her, but she didn't want to be rude and leave her current company. As Yukari pulled up she listened to Ayato explain his powers, or at least someone did. Yukari couldn't see his sprites but she could guess that they existed and were somehow related to him. "Oh I'm sure with enough training he could be even better than me! I had to live my entire life like this. Being able to see things could change everything." Yukari said solemnly. She wondered if maybe if she was able to see with her own eyes, her life wouldn't be like this. Just having to listen and take everyone's word, being able to make her own judgements. Yukari mulled on this thought for a bit before putting her mind off of her negativity. She didn't want to sour everyone's mood.

Another voice joined the conversation. If Yukari remembered correctly this was Kenichi. He had some pretty heated things to say to Ms. Mako during their Villain Studies so Yukari made sure to remember him. He seemed very passionate about fighting villains it kind of scared her. However right now he seemed calmer and more jolly. "Hello! You're just in time for dinner!" Speaking of dinner Yukari could smell the beef don. It was so good! Yukari wasted no time taking her chopsticks and eating. She was surprised at how much onions were on the don; she had expected a little bit, not a whole mountain! Despite the assault on her senses Yukari did enjoy the food and ate fairly quickly. It was a bad habit of hers growing up; she was always putting on a show so she had no lunch breaks.

"Mhmm. My compliments to the chef!" Yukari said with a soft burp. She covered her mouth and excused herself but had a little giggle fit. "Ah, that really hit the spot though. I can't eat another bite! Well I could, but I shouldn't. So what do you all think about your first day so far?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Stale Pizza
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Stale Pizza pikemanz

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Chiwa Hatori

Hatori's first interactions here were rather...strange. She wasn't sure if she should expect it or not – she was in a hero academy, after all. It took a while before the door finally opened, and she was able to take a good look at her neighbor of the year. This mysterious girl only opened enough to show her face, and not enough to tell what was actually inside her room or more of her appearance. What was she hiding?

The first details Hatori noticed was the girl's sheer height. She's half, no, an entire head taller than me...or even the average guy! Is her Quirk related to her height, or maybe it's some sort of strengthening Quirk? Hatori thought. She was also wearing a large, black mask that covered her face below the nasal root. There were filters on both ends, giving the impression of an oxygen mask much like the one in Hatori's own hero costume, or possibly a gas mask. Needless to say, this giant of a girl looked intimidating; if it wasn't for the fact that she likely shared the same class as her (they are from the same dorms, after all) in a hero academy, she could easily pass for a villain.

"Oh, I wasn't actually able to take the classes today," she explained, moving her hand away from the metal door, patting her hair away from the front of her face, not that it was particularly long anyways. "I just got here by bullet train from up north, and it took a few hours. There was a special family occasion, so I wasn't in Japan the day before, so I missed a day."

Hatori definitely wasn't going to end the conversation there, however; she was particularly interested in whoever her potential classmate was, and it could be helpful for her to catch up with some socializing. "Anyways, I'm Chiwa Hatori. I'm from room A-108, just right next to yours. It's nice to meet you. What's your name, by the way?" she asks.


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Feyblue
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Feyblue Lord of Floof

Member Seen 3 mos ago


𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔲𝔢 𝓒𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔯 || #FF741D ||| 𝔗𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝓒𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔯 || #DFD989

Asuka simply watched as the Yoshida-san returned to mingle with the others at the table, one eyebrow raising slightly as he left. And who exactly is 'Asuka-chan?' She thought dryly. Maybe that's the reason why he seemed so close to sis - he's just overly friendly with everyone. And yet, it still seemed like he... No, I guess I'm just imagining it. Well, whatever. Even if nothing will come of it, then it's not my problem anyhow. Shrugging and dismissing the notion, she herself slipped into place across from her sister just in time to overhear some inane remark about samurai-ninjas. What the hell was she going on about now, and - woah, who was that? Asuka prided herself on her distinguishing taste, but even she had to admit right off the bat, that the man talking to her sister was... Well... Extremely hot.

And he was even acting so polite, too! He actually went to the trouble of answering such a stupid question, even though it seemed obvious enough to her that he wanted out of the conversation as soon as possible. Her sister was her responsibility, she supposed... so why not save him from having to deal with her?

"Hey, sis," She interjected just as Fumika was opening her mouth to say something to the boy, who was already looking away and clearly wanted no part of this. "What should we do after dinner? You've already finished moving into your room, right?" Fumika nodded absentmindedly, but didn't even dignify her question with a spoken response. That stupid tuft of hair wasn't moving either - just poking ever-so-slightly up from amidst the mess that was her sister's mane. Had that main character idiot really managed to figure her out based on that stupid thing? No matter how she looked at it, it didn't seem to be moving.

Whatever. Her stupid sister's attention diverted, Asuka didn't miss the chance to shoot the boy opposite her a wry, apologetic grin. She couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Whatever he'd been expecting to deal with, it couldn't have been this.



𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔲𝔢 𝓒𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔯 || #C9C916 ||| 𝔗𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝓒𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔯 || #3F9CB1

Haruka couldn't hide her outward discomfort at the incredibly direct manner in which she found herself being questioned. Her first instinct was to immediately shut down... whoever this Kasuke person was, as it didn't seem to be any business of her own, but she thankfully managed to compose herself before she could instinctively yell in the other girl's face to get lost. No, she couldn't just dismiss this problem, for multiple reasons. Firstly, she didn't want to cause any more trouble for Fumi than she already had, but more importantly... What exactly was this girl's relationship with Jett, anyway? It didn't take a genius detective like herself to realize that the girl's icy demeanor and sudden broaching of the unwelcome topic probably had a common cause... And considering what she'd just seen...

"Oh my god," Haruka cursed under her breath in English, rubbing her forehead. "This day really can't get any more annoying, can it? Fine, maybe I'll answer your questions, but in exchange, I want you to explain some things to me. Judging by the fact that you seem to know him so well, you're his classmate, right? So, then, te-" She got no further before suddenly, a very rotund boy shuffled up and stammered something about cake. Mentally, Haruka cursed once again, and didn't know whether she should lament or thank her bizarre luck. On the one hand, she didn't have to answer a question she really wasn't keen on dealing with right now, but on the other, she also wouldn't get answers to any of her questions. The weight in her chest and gloom she felt weren't just going to go away if she didn't think about them... But right now, she couldn't think about them, so that didn't matter.

"Yes! Cake sounds just great!" She declared quite suddenly, realizing only too late that she'd let far too much of her frustration show on her face as she rounded on the meek boy - not even to mention the unintentionally hostile tone of her voice. She cleared her throat rather awkwardly, clacking her crutch against her artificial leg to distract herself as she restored her composure as best she could. "...What kind of cake is it?" She asked, trying and failing to sound casual as if she'd just make some small talk and clear the air.



𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔲𝔢 𝓒𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔯 || #F50A83 ||| 𝔗𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝓒𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔯 || #0A8BF5

Fumika frowned, her gaze darting back and forth between the others at the table. Her sister was glaring at her like she'd done something wrong... Had it been something she'd said? She'd just been trying to make friends, and wasn't sure what she'd said to make her angry... She must have done something stupid or annoying, though, because otherwise, why would Asuka be looking at her like she had on that day when-

She tugged feebly at the ends of her hair. This day had been so confusing. She'd thought she'd made a lot of friends, so she'd been happy, but now that she thought about it, it seemed like she'd just messed up everything and bothered everyone. Of course, she couldn't change things so drastically over the course of a single day, and yet...

Asuka had asked her a question, but try though she might, she couldn't answer it. Why was she asking Fumika to decide? Of course she had no idea what it would be best for them to do next... She just did what she was supposed to do, and followed the simplest path. Deciding things was hard. She'd only end up getting it wrong. Asuka must have known that, so she wasn't expecting her to answer, right? That was why she was glaring at her, because she knew she couldn't answer... But then what could she do about that? Apologize? Right, she should have apologized. She was just an inconvenience to her sister, after all, and had made her come all this way... But when she opened her mouth, she couldn't find the right words, either. There were so many people saying so many different things. Her voice only would have been drowned out. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Yoshida glancing at her from the opposite end of the table. Her ahoge wobbled hopefully, but swiftly flopped back over a moment later as she remembered his earlier words. Right... He wouldn't want her to bother him either...

She lowered her head, staring down at her bowl and fidgeting awkwardly with her chopsticks with one hand while tugging at the fringe of her hair with the other, rubbing it against her cheek for whatever reassurance she could get. She nibbled uncertainly on the food that had been given her. It was good, and she was hungry... But even eating seemed difficult for some reason. This day had been so long and complicated, and she was just so tired, and she didn't want to bother anyone and yet things like this kept happening and her sister was probably still glaring at her and... and...

...And although she didn't know why, she just really wished all of a sudden that she'd been seated on the opposite end of the table, next to Yoshida. He didn't have to talk to her. He didn't have to even acknowledge that she was there. She wouldn't bother him or anything. Just being next to him and out of Asuka's sight would be enough. If she was with him, she could relax.

But that, of course, was out of the question, so she didn't budge and inch, and simply tried to pretend she had the heart to keep eating while wishing that this day would just end already. She wasn't sure if it could really be called a new kind of "Wanting," but... Motome Fumika had no desire to experience a feeling so complex as this ever again.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Dulga Tarata

Dulga just nodded as the girl, Chiwa Hatori, talked about herself. It annoyed the girl a bit that she was so chatty but Dulga would be polite. She just wanted to clean her guns. Hatori apparently was late because of family matters so Dulga wasn't going to pry into that, less Hatori asks her about her own family. Instead she'd just introduce herself. "My name Dulga Tarata." Dulga just stood there for a few seconds trying to think of what else to say. She honestly didn't know what to talk about; she never knew this girl, hasn't seen her in action before, and doesn't really know her thoughts or opinions. Dulga didn't know anything to talk to her about that wasn't something that Dulga herself was willing to talk about. Except...

"So... Do you want to come in?" Dulga opened her door just a bit more, enough for the girl to see that Dulga was wearing a large cloak that covered her entire body. Only one arm could be see holding the door, and it was Dulga's normal arm. "I was just... Cleaning up a bit. We can hang out here. If you want." Dulga was uncertain what she should do. She didn't really have much to entertain guest with. No video games, no TV, and her laptop only had school related stuff on it. The only other thing she could show is her guns and Dulga both wasn't sure if Hatori was into them, and Dulga didn't want to show them to just anyone. "So. Have you eaten dinner yet?"

@Stale Pizza
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Stale Pizza
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Stale Pizza pikemanz

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Chiwa Hatori

Dulga Tarata. Hatori tried to keep that in her mind. It was certainly an unusual yet unique name, not one she has heard before, but it definitely didn't sound Japanese, so Dulga was most likely a foreigner, though with the tall teenage girl barely showing any bare skin (and with any skin shown being completely pale), her race was still ambiguous. Sounds like a name one would use in a fantasy RPG! She tried not to let out a chuckle thinking about that.

The door was opened a bit more to show more of the room and of Dulga, who was wearing a dark green cloak that worn out into noticeable threads at the edges, with a hood near her neck. Most of her body was again obscured by her own cloak, though one of her arms was visible. It was as pale as her face, and she was wearing some sort of fingerless protective glove. It just made Hatori all the more willing to get to know her more as a person. "Oh sure, I'll be glad to...Dulga," Hatori answered with a short pause, making sure she got Dulga's name right – she had learned enough English to get the sounds right, but sometimes her accent would kick in.

As Dulga accepted Hatori as her guest, Hatori was able to get a full look into Dulga's room. The layout was largely the same as her own dorm room, though the beds were noticeably longer and taller to accommodate Dulga's larger frame. With Dulga stashing her gun case away, Hatori could only see a black case next to her table, though she did notice a large workbench, considerably wider than a normal table, complete with a C-framed loading press, a precision scale, and a specific mount for disassembling and cleaning weapons. There were also drawers on the back of the table, though it was mostly empty and Dulga's other apparatus was either on the table, still waiting to be reassembled for use, or still in her bags, and so her work area was still incomplete. The windows were also much larger, almost covering the entire room, to allow for greater ventilation, and whoever was Dulga's other roommate had their bed and bench placed further away from the workbench to allow for a safe working area.

Of course, Hatori never having used a gun, let alone hand load or clean one, was unable to recognize what Dulga's workbench was for, though she believed either Dulga transported it her for herself, or this was one of the school's accommodations for her. Other than that, Dulga didn't seem to have much – no TV and no video games, though she could spot a dragon plushie on one of the beds near Dulga's workbench. So like my roommate's room...ugh, the people here are pretty weird, but at least Dulga's half isn't a complete blank. She actually feels like a serious, no-nonsense sort of girl.

"Oh, I haven't really cleaned up my own room yet. I just plopped by stuff down; I can always organize it later, and buy more things tomorrow. My roommate though, I think she's a hardcore minimalist," she joked with a chuckle. "She brought virtually nothing. I haven't actually met her yet, but she settled down before me. Barely a backpack's worth of stuff."

Hatori sat down in the chair of Dulga's other roommate, leaning an arm on the edge of the back rest. "And um, I ate some dinner during the train ride, though it wasn't much, and it wasn't particularly tasty," she added. "I could eat a little bit more, but I think it's a bit too late to go for dinner. No worries though, I brought some snacks with me."

She glanced at the door, wondering if her other roommate has returned back yet. Meanwhile, Hatori was particularly curious about Dulga's workbench, and pointed to it. "By the way, what's that for? It looks way different from the normal dorm tables. Did you bring it yourself? And what are those equipment for?" she asked.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

While the other three at the table were cheerfully chatting about how Tomoe and Roy had met at the hospital, Roy his historic illness and Hitomi her fur Tomoe had fallen well asleep next to her plate of food. Roy and Hitomi already knew that she would often sleep and from the hospital story from before Acion most likely knew she was quite the sleepy head too so the others went on with their chat without seeming weird out by the pinklet. Roy had hunched down onto the food of all of them trying to eat every last rice piece there was left on this table. She herself only got a handful of food into her stomach before having fallen asleep so she wasn't particularly full but with Roy at this table wolfing down her food she was in bad luck when she would wake up again. It had become some sort of competition between the two to steal as much food as possible from each other as Hitomi lowly stared at the two competing.

It didn't take long before Acion and Roy went away from the table with Acion being quite frustrated about how Roy ate all his food. Eventually Tomoe was left with Hitomi at their table without much of a conversation. Eventually when Tomoe her head slid away from the table and was about to tumble over her upper body snapped upright with Tomoe her eyes snapping open confused as to what had happened. Tomoe glanced around her for a bit looking somewhat more drowsy now. She noticed that both Acion and Roy had left from the table. Her eyes drowsily turned towards Hitomi who had noticed too that she had woken up. Tomoe gave her a sleepy happy smile before lightly drooping her chin back onto the table again letting her heavy head rest again as she gave a long yawn.

"Gooood morning.."

Tomoe seemed quite satisfied with her ten minute sleep from her satisfied smile and rested look. Tomoe noticed how there was still some sauce left on one of her bangs from earlier when her hair fell into the bowl of the dish. Tomoe moved it over to her mouth putting the saucy hair into her mouth attempting to get the sauce of by cleaning it with her mouth. With a sleepy look on her face she lied with her head on the table trying to clean the strand of hair for a few minutes straight. After a short minute or so she spit out the hair while keeping the same drowsy expression on her face. Tomoe slowly moved her hands arms over the table and stretched herself out in front of her before moving her body upright again seeming drastically more awake now. Aftera short attempt of trying to look around the table trying to find some left over food but she stood up and got a better look at all the bowls without any of them containing a single bit of rice, to her concern there wasn't any left. Tomoe almost seemed to panic a little when she saw there was nothing left for her.

"Eh! Did they eat it all!?"

Was she suppose to go to bed with an empty stomach now? Tomoe sat back down onto her chair puffing her cheeks up in a bit pout as she seemed a bit bumed out that Roy did this to her. She turned her head back at the kitchen area where the dishes were prepared and served but there didn't seem to be much left either. With a quick look at the side of her she noted how the others did still have food left. Could she get a serving from them perhaps? In the corner of her eye she saw the other pinklet who was busy still serving people, maybe asking her would be a bit better then plan A. Tomoe turned back at her roommate giving her a determent look.

"I'll see you back at the room later alright? I got something to do."

Swiftly Tomoe stood up almost knocking over her own chair before hurriedly stepping over toward Mamoru while she was holding the food still in her hands. Tomoe snuck up behind Mamoru somewhat as she just put down the cake in front of the teacher. For some reason it was quite hot around Mamoru making Tomoe undo her upper blouse button as she moved in closer. Before the cake could melt too much to the point you couldn't call it a cake anymore Tomoe used her special skill 'Assassinate' on the cake and took a large bite out of it covering the corners of her mouth with whip cream. Tomoe seemed quite pleased and satisfied by the taste as her mouth tried to process the cake as fast as humanly possible. The rest of the cake melted into a small puddle of cream, ice and cake. With her face being as dirty as ever she stared down at the puddle on the floor. That was pretty weird that it just melted like that. It was now pretty noticeable that the heat had gradually risen around this part of the room. Tomoe started to sweat a little as she undid another button.

"Ugh why is it suddenly so hot in here."

Tomoe looked a bit uncomfortable in this heat, her arms started hanging and she panted lightly from exhaustion of the high heat. The left over cake on her cheeks had also started melting and dripped along side of her face making her notice it and quickly trying to remove it with both her hands before it landed on her clothes. Tomoe lightly fanned her face as she glanced around nearby for any air condition mounted on the ceiling. She chose a nearby one, stood beneath it and angled her face right up towards it enjoying the wind of the cold air with closed eyes.

"I hate heat..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Dulga Tarata

After letting Hatori in Dulga sat on her bed, leaning against her Ryukyu body plush. She decided that she’ll let Hatori lead the conversation and ask questions since Dulga herself didn’t really know what to talk about. Hatori seemed to be the chatty type. ”Minimalist... I tried that once. But I like having things.” Dulga wondered who her roommate was. No one Dulga knew seemed like the type of girl who was a minimalist. Then again Dulga hardly knows everyone. Only about six maybe seven people even knew her name.

”There might be left overs. But maybe not. Dinner was good. One of the students made Beef Steak on fried rice. They made cake too.” Dulga squeezes her plush as she looked aimlessly at the floor. ”They also made fried pickles. I love fried pickles.” it didn’t matter to Dulga that the pickles were badly made, she just enjoyed the fact they even made them. She wondered if she should go thank whoever made it.

When the topic of Dulga’s gunbench was brought up she already had a white lie ready for it. ”I tinker with my gadgets there. My quirk has its uses but to cover for what I lack, I used various tools to help me as a hero.” Dulga felt this was a satisfactory answer. She wasn’t lying, just hiding the fact her “tools” were “lots and lots of guns”. Dulga touched the pistol hidden underneath her cloak for comfort as she hugged her body doll. ”i might have combat training tomorrow so I’ll need to make sure my tools are ready.”

@Stale Pizza
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Kasuke Mina

When Haruka ignored her own questions and instead turned the conversation towards Mina asking questions, this did not please Mina. In fact, she almost took this as a personal challenge. When Donny arrived, Mina sighed, almost deflating. It wasn't that she wasn't pleased to see Donny, but the feeling that he was inteerupting something was strong when she wearily looked at him and took the cake, quietly stating her thanks. When Haruka asked Donny what kind of cake it was, Mina locked eyes with him and coughed, before clearing her throat, a clear signal that he shouldn't answer until she had finished whatever she was about to say.

"So," Mina started with eyes narrowing and her smile dissapearing, "You were about to ask me a question, I believe."

@Feyblue@Lucius Cypher

Maeda Hitomi

Hitomi, eating slowly and leisurely, thought not to wake Tomoe. She looked so peaceful. When she eventually woke by the time Hitomi was finished, she greeted her with 'good morning', which the sheep girl giggled at, but when she expressed dismay at not having anything to eat, Hitomi's smile vanished and she immediately felt guilty for not waking her. Before Hitomi could apologise or offer to make her roomate the food she had promised earlier, she ran off, leaving the poor sheep sitting there, wondering if she should follow her. Making up her mind, Hitomi left the table and walked towards Tomoe, which was also towards their Dorm Supervisor, and Hitomi also noticed the heat and started to pant, and tug at her hair, which suddenly felt too long and fluffy. Maybe she should get it cut. Sheep don't like the heat very much as they're already geared for cold weather, and Hitomi was at all times practically wearing a very thick wooly jumper on her head at all times, with her hair.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Stale Pizza
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Stale Pizza pikemanz

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Chiwa Hatori

Hatori let out a small laugh. Like Dulga, she was perfectly aware how much she was dominating the conversation, and wondered if she should give Dulga a turn to speak, though it seemed like every time she did, Dulga didn't feel like responding too much. "Well, it's my first time actually having to live with someone else, and if I'm going to be with her for the entire year, it's better that we respect each other's way of living rather than butt heads all the time," Hatori comments. "Though honestly, I would rather prefer living by myself, since there are probably a lot of things I rather do privately than in front of others."

Hatori was quick to realize how suggestive that sounded, and raised her eyes with an awkward pause. "I mean, whatever you're tinkering with your workbench there, I'm pretty sure you don't want your other roommate to bother you or you to bother her," she clarified. "...And I don't want the off chance that she's going to rummage through my stuff or whatever."

On the topic of food, Hatori rubbed the back of her head. "It's a shame I'm not that hungry though, or I would have eaten some of those leftovers by now. There's always tomorrow, though," she says, before noticing the time on one of the digital clocks set up; she had been staying more than a few minutes in Dulga's room, and she still needed some time to unpack everything she brought here and meet her other roommate. Probably need to wrap things up real soon.

She finally stood up from her chair, leaning one knee on it. "And if there's combat training tomorrow, then I wish you good luck. I'm really interested to see what your 'gadgets' can do. You might catch a glance of my Quirk, too," Hatori steps back towards the door. If I have no idea what her Quirk is, I might as well play it safe and not tell her mine's, too~ Hatori pulled on the collar of her jacket before making her exit.

"Oh, and by the way, Ryukyu's pretty cool." Hatori made one last comment, making a short glance at Dulga's plush.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Ah! Oh no!" Mamoru looked at the plate and was surprised to see that cheesecake could melt. But before she could put the cake away, Tomoe had come out of no where to eat it in a very sloppy manner. It made Mamoru giggle, but now Tomoe was messy. "Hey now! That's no proper way to eat cake. And look, you're so messy now! Tsk tsk. Looks like I'll have to clean you up." Mamoru said playfully a she took out a handkerchief to clean Tomoe up. As she was doing so Retha was going to show Mamoru where to go to clean up the dinning room. "Ah, okay sensei! I'll do that as soon as everyone is done with dinner!" Mamoru looked to Tomoe. She needed to get her hair cleaned up some more, her clothes were a bit of a mess, and Mamoru was going to need help cleaning this place up. That's when she had a wonderful idea.

"Hmm, how about we go back to my room and get you changed into something clean? I have some stuff that'll help get the sauce out of your hair too. Oh and did you finish your dinner? You ate that cake like you're starving! I made sure Donny made plenty of food, though they might be a bit cold. Let's get you changed first, get you some dinner, and then we can clean this place up. All the while we can just chat and stuff too. Sound like a plan friend?" As Mamoru spoke to Tomoe she noticed a fluffy sheep girl approach. She looked adorable! Mamoru decided to rope her into these plans too. "Hello! Are you a friend? It looks like she made a bit of a mess of herself, I'm going to take her back to my dorm and clean her up. Would you like to tag along?"

@Silver Carrot@liferusher@Noxx

Despite being bigger both in height and width, Donny felt like an insect before these two girls. Something about Haruka made Donny wary of her, like meeting a bear. And while Mina was nice, he knew that she had claws too. The boy was far to meek to try and get an edge in but he knew instinctively that they both wanted something from him. Like being a proxy in a cold war, he was caught between two super powers trying to get some victory over each other. Donny could tell that Haruka wanted to use Donny to get Mina off her back. He also knew that Mina wanted Donny to not interfere. He was starting to regret trying to give out cake now. Haruka tried to start some small talk with Donny about the cake. Food was a good subject for him to talk about. But before he could get a peep he spotted Mina staring at him. It was a stare he was all too familiar with; that look of unspoken demands. Memories of Ringo came back to him; that look that was ordering him to do something he didn't want to do, from someone he didn't want to displease. This made Donny's stutter go into overdrive to the point that by the time he started speaking, it was nothing but incoherent babbling.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place Donny just choose to bail. He put the cake onto a table nearby and left the dinning hall, heading out of the dormitory. He didn't look back as he looked for a place where he could just hide for a while. More memories of that fated day he learned how much of a tool he was, as well as Shiki's words, echoed through his head. He didn't want to hear it, and he thought maybe he could just run away from these memories. But no one could run from their past. Eventually Donny found himself somewhere that was oddly familiar to him; the garbage cans. It smelled rancid of all of today's trash piled into a metal container to be disposed of. Donny found comfort in a place like this because no one in their right mind would hang out here, which was perfect for him to sulk. The big boy walked over to between the garbage cans and just squeezed between them and sat down.

@Silver Carrot@Feyblue
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Jett Haven
Roy Kusayanagi
Acion Nakamiji
Chiwa Hatori

Jett had quickly followed Roy out of the nurse's office, holding the back of his neck as he slowly rubbed the back of his numbed head. As if that would help, but in his mind it was what he convinced himself. His eyes were on Roy mostly because of how he was acting. Jett was creeped out by the bugs for sure, but it seemed it took a more serious toll on him than Jett.

Before he could say anything though, he noticed Acion walking by in full armor getup. He narrowed his eyes wondering why he was wearing it when he stopped and asked what happened to them and if they needed help. Jett shrugged. “We were at the nurses.”
Looking at the dazed Roy. “I had a migraine that needed to be taken care of, and Roy had some lacerations.” Looking back to Acion. “Getting ready for a war?”

”No, not exactly.”

His tone was fairly friendly. At the least, he didn’t feel much hostility at the moment. It gave Acion somewhat more comfort actually talking to him, especially after those speech he gave to the rest of the class before the exercise. It was only a few hours ago, and it felt so far away.

”I am going to train in the courtyard, well since I didn’t have the chance to in the afternoon. Things happened.”

Roy walked trudged through the hall with his arms slumped forward, he was just ready to go to sleep at this point in. This day had been heavily taxing on the mind. As he heard the voice of his winged friend he picked his head up and looked at him. You could tell he was out of it, he placed a hand on Acion’s gear. “Good thing you are covering up, it is chilly outside” the boy said completely oblivious to the boys attire.

Roy let out a long yawn stretching his limbs and rubbing his eyes, he walked past Acion. “I am going to go shower and sleep. I’ll see you later” Roy said moving on along.

Jett nodded, Weight training, which was hard on the body. But he wasn’t his mother. He wondered about what he meant by things happening but he was too tired to ask. “Yeah I’ve had enough training for today, I think Ill go make sure this headache goes away for sure tonight” He said as he also began to walk away. Then he waved his hand casually behind him. “Have a good training session with your fellow birdies!”He said with a slight chuckle and a clear tone that he was just kidding.

A vein appeared on his forehead. Birdies…

Again, he hated being compared to a bird. Didn’t know where or when he got such vibe, but it would be a lot better if he had compared him to an angel, or a plane. But then again, the phrase was coming from Jett, so he wouldn’t be surprised.

’Oh well, what do you know?’

At least he was friendly, and Acion didn’t seem to mind him today. Hopefully, it would be the same for the entire year as well.

With those two appearing ok, Acion walked downstairs, to the courtyard, to begin his training. It had only been the first day, but Acion had already felt that he was being left behind, after seeing how Roy and the others were making their progress.

The first part was purely a muscle training exercise, with a repetition of basic exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, squashes and other things. It was simple, but effective, especially when combined with a couple of extra weight.

While the winged boy did not entirely have great muscles or anything, he was surely a durable one, with a tremendous amount of stamina. It was natural, however, to him, that he would have it, so that he would be able to maintain a good flight pattern.

He repeated the exercise again and again until he felt his muscles beginning to strain. Knowing that he would be getting himself injured if he went too far with it, so he stopped, and switched to the next thing. Or basically a period of rest, by flying around the campus area. His training exercises did not affect the wing muscle area, so it was not a problem at all.

With six powerful wings spread out, he soared into the sky, once more. And as he reached an optimal altitude, he began letting himself loose, and glided with the wind.

After quite a few hours of organizing and personalizing her own dorm space, Hatori sighed and sat back on her bed. She had completely changed from her outdoors attire to a indoors one, wearing a casual blue T-shirt with a spare set of exercise shorts that were basically her PJs away from home. Despite remaining in her dorm for quite a while after meeting up with Dulga, her roommate never came; Hatori wondered if she was somehow busy with something, but it did meant that she had the room to herself...for now.

She had explored the girl’s side of the dormitory for quite a while now; the showers were communal as she would have thought, though it was fairly spacious and high quality, expected of a hero academy’s dorms. There was a small platform and intermediate room to switch slippers, and several open showers with a large bath at the end. On one side, however, were tall shower stalls, presumably for the ones who weren’t into public bathing.

Meanwhile, Hatori had spent her efforts on decorating her side of the room. She had set up a bookshelf next to her table with a few fighter jet models and a random poster she bought at an air show a little more than a year ago. Hatori had also brought a printer of her own, and noticeably a huge stack of paper, which filled up half of a shelf. Of course, anyone who knew about her Quirk would know that the thousands of sheets of paper she had prepared weren’t just for printing.

Her desk was plainer in design, with a desk fan and a small retro-futuristic neon sign, and her bedsheets and blanks were a modern black-grey striped design. Right below the desk was an extension cord, and her laptop neatly placed in the center. And as an extra layer of preparedness, another stack of sticky notes was right next to her fan. After all that work on decorating and designing her part of her room, Hatori couldn’t help but stare at her roommate’s side, which remained empty in stark contrast to her own side.

She sighed and leaned against the window, where lampposts illuminated the courtyard right in front of her. Incidentally, Hatori had gotten one of the rooms that faced the main entrance. She was already getting a bit tired from all that work, and considered calling it a day without actually meeting her roommate.

That is, until she noticed a certain figure standing outside at the courtyard. Hatori blinked. I definitely hope I’m not just imagining things… Hatori thought, quietly observing the person from her room. She stared at him for a moment before the person stopped and suddenly extended...his wings. No, wait...six wings?

Before she could continue her thoughts, the winged person flew to the sky. Who was that person? He definitely does have a Quirk, though that’s the first time I’ve seen a Mutant Quirk like that! she thought, and almost instinctively pulled out the paper she had hidden in one of her shorts. They were pre-creased and ready to throw after a few quick folds, and within no time Hatori was able to fold several basic planes and immediately throw them out the window.

Without the planes being in the line of sight, however, there was no way she could control her planes, and Hatori was quick to rectify that. ”Spyplane…” she muttered as she folded another plane, this one different, and threw it out as well to follow the fleet. She then got into a comfortable position on the chair before pressing her fingers onto her temples. Within a split second, her vision transferred onto her spyplane as the small fleet began to increase altitude and turn towards the direction the winged person headed. Almost telepathically, the fleets followed her command as they flew towards him.

His six sense suddenly triggered. But it wasn’t as powerful as he did during the battle between him and Reina. It was weak, and Acion could barely recognize it. He quickly dismissed that as something of his own imagination, and continued his training

Exercise number 2: Flight training

Feeling his body muscles beginning to regain its strength, he began his descent, gaining more and more speed. And he continued on until he had gained enough momentum, which was when he leveled himself. For the final act, he suddenly jerked himself upward as the wings went completely stiff. The upward thrust was not vertical, but rather a few dozens degrees to the right, as he glided straight up that way, without actually trying to increase in velocity.

After two seconds thrusting, his body and wing’s weight began to stall him. But this was his whole intention, as Acion then did a flip as he suddenly turned his body one hundred and eighty degrees backward. Acion then slammed hard the wings that he had, sending feathers out into the open courtyard, before his body sent him back to Earth. But before it actually did, he flapped his wings again, stabilizing himself, increasing his speed, and flew in the same direction as he just did a few seconds earlier.


If that was done correctly, not only he would be able to catch his enemies off-guard, if his enemy was ground-based, he would also be able to send his own reply back, while throwing off the enemy’s aims. For air-target, he would also be able to attack them while getting on their six instantly. A very difficult to master technique, but once he did, it would be very effective and deadly.

Acion then turned himself upwards, after gaining enough momentum. This time he did an Immelman turn, an upward turn that is shaped like the letter C and then leveling himself with a roll, for he knew if he flew any further, he would fly off the school ground, and pretty much broke the curfew thing. It would not be a funny thing to explain toward the school’s staff about it.

There, all of a sudden, from the corner of his eyes, something zoomed past him. Multiple somethings. And it appeared that it wasn’t zooming past him, but Acion was actually zooming past it. Or both.

He turned his head to investigate immediately. It appeared to be very small. He couldn’t register it clearly in the middle of the night, but apparently they were a bunch of paper airplanes. But how come paper airplanes could fly this high, and this fast?

The questions sparked into curiosity as Acion suddenly turned himself again, this time horizontally, towards the direction of the planes. But when he did finally finish the turn, the planes were nowhere to be seen.

”Now that’s odd…”

What the hell was that?

@pkken @Aerandir @Stale Pizza
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Roy Kusayanagi

As Roy kept going, he subconciously made his way back to the dorm paying no mind to those around him. Upon entering he could still hear commotion coming from the dinign room as the students talked amongst each other. The blonde boy just made his way straight upstairs to his room, closing the door behind him. Roy pulled out his toiletry basket, placing soap, shampoo, and a change of clothes inside of it before making his way out his room and hitting the showers. The bathrooms were made to accomodate multiple people so it was pretty nice that he had it all to himself. Roy undressed himself placing his dirty clothes in a basket before cleaning off his body prior to entering the large bath.

As he dipped into the hot water he could feel his body loosening up. This was probably the first time today he had some quiet time for himself. It was a nice moment to relax and gather his thoughts. It was nice to relax though he was on a time limit. The boy frowned as he dipped his head below the water. He had until June to close the gap on the other students if he was to continue studying at Komei. First thing he had to do was imrpove his endurance, he can barely withstand a battle at the rate he is going. An early morning jog everyday before class would surely help with that.

Shortly after, left the bath. Drying his body off and putting on some sleeping clothes. A plain black long sleeve, some blue pajama pants, and indoor sandals. Roy slung his towel around his neck as his hair was still dripping, he exited the bath with his toiletries and dirty clothes. As he got back to his dorm he placed the clothes in a bin while his toiletries went on top. Roy sat at his desk and studied the student handbook for a little. By the time he was only a fourth of the way through, Roy started falling asleep on it. He caught himself before he hit the table. Rubbing his eyes as he got up, Roy figured it was about time he went to bed after such a long day. 8:30 was pretty early but he was quite exhausted. The boy brushed his teeth, set an alarm on his phone for 5:30 A.M.,and hopped straight into bed. It was quite comfortable actually, he was out cold in 2 minutes.

~Following Morning~
(Time Skip)

Friday, April 7

As the bright sun rose over the horizon and greeted academy, the second day of school was upon the freshman class of Komei. There was breakfast available for students if they chose ranging from multiple cultures. Luckily this morning the trek to school would not be as stressful for the youth. Class was scheduled to start at 8:30 A.M. though facilities were open at 6:00 A.M. Enough time for students to get in a quick morning exercise if they chose to do so.

Roy Kusayanagi

5:30 A.M.

As his alarm rang he quickly silenced it as not to wake his roomate, quitely he got brushed his teeth and styled his hair a bit. Roy put on a track suit, he planned to be back by 6:45 in order to make it in time for a good breakfast. He was not that hungry at the moment because of the dinner he had. Roy grabbed a water bottle on the way out, closing the door behind him quietly. He went into the kitchen and filled it up with water before heading out for the morning. The sun was not quite all the way up though it was making his way. He still had some residual energy from last night, with it he made some light plating, and gauntlets to run with. Training his endurance was key and he had no time to waste. His goal was at least 2 miles. Running around the track should do as his training spot.

Akihito Yoshida

Teachers were usually at school by 6:00 A.M. while the nurse wouuld arrive by 10:00 A.M. Mr.Yoshida was in his classroom preparing papers as well as moving black plastic crates into the classroom. As he took a seat on his desk he pulled out some reading glasses and read off a list of notes he had taken from yesterday pertaining to the students. Acion was at the top of the list, most notably the top performer out of the exercise yesterday. He proved a game changing asset to his team with his cooperation, he was never a burden on his team. Mr.Yoshida pulled out a pen and pplaced a star next to his name and moved on down the list. The next name he read was, Motome Fumika. He recalled her battile with young Kenichi, she had great potential and a insipring battle spirit. Not only that she showed intelligence and closed the battle prowess deficite with her quick thinking. While Kenichi showed good power and speed, he was a bit on the reckless side and his decision making need quite some work. Once he figures out how to expose his foes weakness he will be a threat. Yoshida circled Fumikas name and made connecting line to Kenichi's name. He figured that Kenichi could learn from her.

Next up on the list he read was Jett, the reckless knucklehead. Akihito pushed his glasses up as he held the bridge of his nose in dismay. Mr.Haven was quite the thrill seeker he could see, on top of that a rule breaker. Yet at the same time he had a nice skill of being able to rally his team. L guardian frowned as he thought back to the fight fist fight he had with another student. Ezra, who was a somewhat of a battle junky. Jasekade has a lot of power though he refrains from using it. It is good to be conservative but to an extent. The extent being losing a fight you could have ended simply. He circled both names and paired them together like before.

At the bottom of his page there were two names underlined, Donny Yang and Mamoru Akasha. The man frowned once again, he had underlined their names because of their questionable actions in a exercise. Donny being able to topple a building and Mamoru diving headfirst into a truck. Donny was capable of some rather rediculous deeds while Mamoru on the other hand was quite sturdy despite her appearnce. He circled Donny and paired it with Acions. Right above Donny's name was Kasuke Mina, quite a fiesty one notwithstanding her appearance, she knows how to hold her own in a fight. On the other hand she isn't exactly a team player which will prove an issue for her in the future. Yoshida paired her name with Jett and Ezras as he moved on to a list aligned on the right side of the paper. As he saw Roy Kusayanagi left on the page he sighed, his quirk could be usefull but his inexperience bottle necked it severely. Mr.Yoshida left this name blank.

Takeshi, Yashiro, Dulga Tatara, Luelle Hailey, Kaida Beumont, Ayato Kamina, Joann Joruto, Haruka Sangeyama, Yukari Yozakura, Tomoe Kishimoto, Maeda Hitomi, and Chiwa Hatori. These were the latecomers that missed class yesterday. On top of that he was unsure of what any of them could do, except for Dulga as he witnessed her break the window. Luck for her it was repaired rather quickly though he would have to remind himself to speak on school vandalism. Mr.Yoshida began typing into his multipurpose tool, placing the paired names together as well as some new names to go along.

In the end result he came up with 5 teams of four.

Team Alpha- Jett Haven, Ezra Jasekade, Mina Kasuke, Tomoe Kishimoto
Team Beta - Mamoru Akasha, Dulga Tartara, Kaida Beumont, Yukari Yozakura
Team Charlie- Ayato Kamina, Joann Joruto, Maeda Hitomi, Roy Kusayanagi
Team Delta- Motome Fumika, Yoshida Kenichi, Takeshi Yashiro, Chiwa Hatori
Team Echo- Acion Nakamiji, Luelle Hailey, Donny Yang, Haruka Sangeyama

Yoshida sensei pulled out a dry erase marker and began copying the teams onto the whiteboard for the students to see when the come into class, surely they would get the gist once they come. He managed to finish just around the time when students would be making their way to homeroom.

@Feyblue@Aerandir@Artymis@Lucius Cypher@Zeroth@Silver Carrot@Conscripts@Noxx@liferusher@Ryonara@Eggs@rechonq@Luna@Heartfillia@Norschtalen@Stale Pizza

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Stale Pizza
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Stale Pizza pikemanz

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Chiwa Hatori

Hatori was in a focused state as she stared through the vision of her spy-plane. Since the planes' flightpath were entirely determined by her, it was like flying in a way, but not quite; the sound and sensation of the wind blowing against the paper airplanes were completely absent, and for Hatori it felt more like staring at a computer screen. Since she was only piloting a small fleet of planes, she didn't have to concentrate that much and could exercise greater control.

She eventually caught up to the winged figure, where she was able to see him in more detail. He was clad completely in armor that looked like it came out of a fantasy RPG setting, and six white wings that had a slight golden tint when reflected by the moonlight. Actually, it isn't just the armor, this guy looks like he's some sort of angelic white knight from an RPG... Hatori thought before witnessing him do a prompt maneuver, turning upwards and immediately rolling back level.

By his looks, she could definitely tell that he was one of the Komei students, though why he was wearing his hero costume outside of classes was totally beyond her. She wondered how he could fly that quickly and smoothly when he was in all that armor – wasn't plated armor supposed to be heavy? Hatori's planes copied the winged teenage boy's maneuver, suddenly pulling up the rudder and rolling until she was right-side up. "Well, I can do that too..."

However, she had flown far too close than she should have, grabbing the attention of the winged person. Hatori hesitated when he turned his head around, and her control was starting to get a bit delayed after that train ride and dorm decorating had sapped most of her energy. The first thing she did was accelerate before he was able to turn around, then go for a swift dive down and out of sight.

Hatori sighed as she terminated control of her small fleet right as they entered back into the dorm, closing her windows and lying down back in bed. It was already getting a bit late for her, but all she could do now was take a rest. Her roommate was still absent for some reason, though it did save her from some awkward explaining on why she was sitting completely still on her chair for ten minutes straight. "Well, guess I'll meet her in person tomorrow." Hatori turned off the lights and pulled up her blankets.

The teenage girl was already in class a little more than ten minutes early, finishing up what remained of her breakfast as she walked in: a half-eaten convenience store onigiri and a soy milk carton. She wasn't in her sweatervest, simply wearing her school uniform with a bowtie, and the sweatervest sleeves wrapped around her waist. Other than that though, she had brought her schoolbag with all the books she needed for the day, and half an hour before she had also went to the locker rooms. Unlike most regular schools though, they actually had to lock their own lockers and place their extra set of shoes, hero costumes, and PE clothes in there. The lockers were large enough to fit all those in easily, however, and was big enough that even she could fit inside it.

When she noticed that the teacher was already inside, however, Hatori quickly finished her drink and scarfed down her onigiri at the door before sitting down for class. "Oh...greetings, sensei!" she swiftly added before finding her designated seat. There were still a few left unoccupied according to the seating chart she was given yesterday, and decided to sit down on the fourth seat of the second column. She noticed that the teacher was already writing down designated teams and was just about finishing, and her name was written right on it for "Team Delta".

"Fumika, Kenichi, and Yashiro..." she muttered in order, smiling to herself. She had no idea who those people are, but the other students seemed like an interesting bunch. More than a quarter of the class had some sort of foreign surname, and a little bit more seemed to be half-Japanese or at least related to one, since they had some English first names. "Has Komei been accepting a lot more foreign students recently? This looks more like an international school, Hatori thought. Dulga was also on there as well, but in another team. Which means I'll get to fight her in this activity...though I'm not sure what it's about. Five teams? What kind of activity would require that?

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Acion Nakamiji

Those planes never appeared again.

”What was that about?”

Was somebody practicing their quirk? And was it had any relation to paper?

The thought lingered in his mind for a while, but had to be discarded as it was distracting him from his training. Soon, he grounded himself and began his next training exercises. And the next. And the next. Until the clock reached the near top: 10 PM.

It was then that he stopped, not because he was too tired to continue, but because he had to stop. Not only he had a certain curfew that restricted his movement, he ought to have a good rest for tomorrow’s class. It would begin at eight thirty, so he wouldn’t want to be sleep deprived. Besides, he had been training for over two hours now, his muscles needed some rest.

Acion, all by himself, in the middle of the night, ceased all activities, as he stood firmly on the ground, resting for a little while before cleaning up the courtyard, as it was littered with sharp feathers that he threw throughout the entirety of the training session. The night was cold, chilly, but for some reasons, the winged boy loved it. It was refreshing enough to clear all the distractions, wipe off all worry and flounders of the day, all the tiredness and immediate physical pain of his workout. But it was also harsh enough, cold enough for him to feel uncomfortable during his quick-paced practicing. It was the perfect setting for the angelic Acion to focus only on his tasks ahead of him: Practicing, perfecting, breaking his own limit, and soaring out to his goals.

It was surprisingly helpful. It may not be a bad idea to do this more regularly.

Acion left the courtyard with that in mind, as he walked back to the dorm. He walked gently and quietly, so as not to wake up anyone, since he was fairly late. Sneaking into his own room quietly, as his roommate had already fallen asleep, Acion grabbed a change of clothes along with his other bathing stuff before heading out and bathed in the common shower. It was public, but since he was in for it really late in the night, there was no one there. It really felt good when he could have it all for himself. But knowing that it was not a good thing to take it long, he only spent around ten minutes in it, before changing in and returning to his dorm

After finishing his bath, he drilled a bit on his assignment before going to bed. It was rather easy for him to remember, being a fairly perceptive kid he was. He quietly slipped into bed, into the soft and squishy mattress, and the warm blanket, his wings wrapped around him as another layer. Having a bed especially designed for himself, the school would be damned if Acion was not satisfied with the staff’s work. He passed out almost immediately.

The next day - 7:00 AM

Five hundred meters

Three hundred fifty

Two hundred.

One hundred

Fifty meters

Ten meters


Acion’s previous maneuver nearly costed him his face.

A move considered so devastating that it could instantly decimate his flying opponent the instant he perform it, if everything went well. But the big, big drawback to that was very apparent: It was nigh irrecoverable, and the G forces would turn his brain into an overcooked chicken. And what just happened was the clearest evidence. The move was extremely sophisticated and momentum-consuming that the moment he ended his opponent and reclaimed his throne of the sky, he would have to quickly regain his spatial awareness and regain his momentum. And usually when he did get his awareness back, he was already falling straight to the ground. So his only option would be to pull up before he hit the deck. The real problem lied on the highly-situational value of this move, as flying quirk users were relatively rare, so a true airborne enemy would be difficult to find. Most enemies would be ground-based, so if he were to perform it, he would have to do it in low altitude. And an attempt at that, just nearly costed him a trip to hospital.

Looking back at the armor that his sister had given him, there was a huge scratch on it, caused by the near crash that he just did. Not a good thing for a start, but at least he returned in one piece. It was a good start, for difficult stuff like that.  

Checking the watch, Acion decided to stop his training, as class would be starting in an hour and a half. He again, gathered his stuff and left the school’s courtyard. He had a quick shower, returned the set of armor back to his room and headed for a quick and traditional English breakfast before running straight for class.

Arriving in class just less than ten minutes before class started, and yet the class was nearly empty. The only occupants in the room was a girl with dark colored hair tied into a side ponytail, who appeared to be a newcomer, and the teacher, sitting apathetically at his desk. Acion only gave him a slight bow, before recognizing what was up for the day.

”Team Echo. Luelle Hailey, Haruka Sanageyama…” He read ”...and Donny Yang…”

It was definitely a team exercise.

He did not knew the other two. They seemed to be newcomers as well. But Donny...well...He was not bad. An interesting guy at the least. But in the last exercise, he was not highly rated, and to Acion, his method of bringing down an entire building was utterly destructive and lethal. Sure, it had the potential to take out the entire team, but this was a training exercise, not actual combat. Even in actual combat, that course of action should not be done as a first resort. It was destructive, lethal and wasteful of resources. But who could question Mr Akihito here? He was a teacher after all.

The team’s composition didn’t seem quite in his favor, since most of the brawlers from the other exercise were all on the other team. But to Acion, a proper strategy can enable a man by himself, to fend off a thousand men. It was not entirely a dead composition. Donny, to Acion, could still do some nasty damage, as long as someone actually kept him in check. And there were two whom he didn’t know the exact capability. They could be a great asset, who knows.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

While Tomoe was happily munching down the cake Mamoru had noticed her sloppy eating and decided to help the smoller pinklet out by getting out her own handkerchief to clean up the mess on Tomoe her face. Tomoe forcefully closed her eyes as Mamoru wiped the handkerchief over Tomoe her cheeks and lips. It felt a little off having something like this being done to you at this age. Somewhat like she was a child again. When Mamoru was done Tomoe opened her eyes and looked back up at Mamoru again blinking a few times as she readjusted to what just happened. Tomoe idly stared at Mamoru as she was chatting with the teacher who she had offered the cake too. Tomoe noted how the teacher had flames on her body and used a bucket of ice to cool down her hand first before petting Mamoru. This teacher had some sort of fire quirk that affected her own body. Tomoe knew Endeavor one of the top heroes around their times but he had flames that were cool too touch, flames that didn't affect the daily life of his. Tomoe wondered what would happen if this woman would go into bath, either a hot spring or her flames would die. She will find out sometime, apparently this woman couldn't touch anything made from wood either or it would burst into flames, how did she sleep? A stone bed? Tomoe gave an annoyed groan as she tried thinking how this woman was able to live her life up till now if she wasn't even able to sleep on a soft bed.

Tomoe turned back towards and tilted her head at Mamoru who had something else to say to her when she was done talking to the teacher about cleaning up the mess. Mamoru was gonna take her too her own room to change her into something else since her clothes were a little bit of a mess right now from sleeping at the table and having eaten the cake like that. Tomoe glared down at her own clothes and noticed the stains on her clothes giving a bit of a horror ed look at seeing how her school uniform was already dirty on the first day. Pyjama's were mostly not a problem if they got dirty but these were her nice school clothes which couldn't have stains on them for the rest of her life. Her hair was also still a bit dirty from the sauce dip her hair made. It was better to change into something else for now. Tomoe gave a short nod at Mamoru.

"Sure, if you have spare clothes."

Mamoru continued and went over the fact that Tomoe hadn't eaten much yet. Tomoe started looking annoyed again just like when she found out that Roy had eaten all her food. A pout appeared on Tomoe her face as she shook her head.

"No! Not at all! A bully ate it all before me! Do you know where we can get some later then? I don't think the cafeteria is still open..."

Mamoru went over the plan that she was gonna proceed with once more to give Tomoe a clear picture and waited for Tomoe her answer. Tomoe gave another short nod seeming approved of the plan Mamoru had for her.

The sudden sight of Hitomi approaching caught Tomoe off guard. Tomoe stared at Hitomi who seemed to head for the same problem Tomoe was having, it was way too hot here and looking at Hitomi she imagined it was even hotter for her with those woolly curls. Tomoe her hair was nothing special it was light and not all too long but Hitomi her hair on the other hand looked like it was just a thick forest of heat right now.

"That doesn't look so comfortabel Hitomi-chan. You don't seem like the person to love as much warmth as this. Just like me... I'll tie your hair up for you."

Tomoe seemed determined in what she was gonna do as she ran towards the back of Hitomi and pulled the hair tie out of her own hair, as her hair slowly came lose Tomoe already started on Hitomi her hair, she moved most of the hair behind her horns together and held it in one hand while she moved the remaining hair between her horns and ears over her horns towards the back too. All that was left were her bangs and side bangs while the rest was at the back of her head. Tomoe let out an annoyed grunt as she was working on the hair seeming there were quite a few clits in it from today alone. Curly hair was a pain, her silky hair had way less problems then this mess. Tomoe would probably have cut it real short if she had this type of hair although it looks really nice when curly hair is long though. Tomoe used her hair tie to keep Hitomi her hair in a high pony tail so it wouldn't be a sauna in her neck all the time. The fluffiness of the hair looked good together with the pony tail style. When Tomoe was done she moved in front of Hitomi again giving her a cheerful smile.

"Tatadatan! Brand new look complete!"

Tomoe gave cheeky grin at Hitomi, Tomoe moved her fingers through her own hair to get rid of the braid that was once in it as she kept looking at Hitomi to see and hear her reaction.

"It looks good on you Hi-chan."

Tomoe looked around for a moment to check if there were any mirrors around for Hitomi to see herself but frankly there were none in the dinning area of the dorms. Tomoe looked a bit bothered by it but let it slide as not important for now.

When Tomoe was done with Hitomi Mamoru wanted to propose if the sheep girl wanted to come tag along as well. They waited a moment for Hitomi too answer and proceeded with the plan with or without Hitomi giving her a goodbye if she wasn't tagging along.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Noxx
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Member Seen 12 mos ago


Morning came and as usual, Joann slept in hardcore although this time she had a real reason to being that she spent the latter half of the day training that helped her figure out a couple of things about her quirk. Apparently, when she stores up enough energy she creates some kind of star stock of energy and she finally got how that blade thing worked and that in itself opened up quite a few versatilities to the technique itself. JoJo got herself up and stretch out popping her back and arms and soon enough her neck as the three stars she accumulated orbited around her head, she briefly considered the bad outcome of taking a shower and what could possibly happen to her but pushed it off to the side as nothing has happened like that before. The bigger issue was clothing, all her underclothes had at least one hole too many if they were even considered clothes anymore, after rummaging through her things for a few minutes she found some things that were at the very least wearable.

“Guess I’m going to go broke buying new underclothes” she said, rolling her eyes beginning to casually undress in the middle of the room stuffing her undergarments into her duffel bag “It all needs to be washed anyway,” she shrugged grabbing her clean clothes and stuffing them in the provided dresser “And now I’ll know where the clean ones are less energy spent” she started speaking to herself. With some clean clothing in hand, she walked her naked body into the shower, which was already running with hot water “First non-cold shower in two years”

Her roommate appeared to have already left which was to be expected the class did, in fact start nearly an hour ago making her late as opposed to being fashionably late. Nevertheless, she showered, and got dressed without getting into a rush and began her walk to the classroom.

Once she got there a handful of people were already in attendance, including Mina as to be expected and couldn’t help but notice people were gathering around some kind of posting probably for the activity of the day which she hoped it wouldn’t be another lecture. A team exorcises it seemed where the teacher already assigned them their squads, she hoped this was combat intensive being this would be the first fight, she got into where she wasn’t either at a natural disadvantage or handicapped as testament the three stars continued to float around more loosely around her body.

“Ayato, Maeda, and someone named Roy….. never met them, but I supposed I will soon enough” she sighed and headed towards her seat

interactions: @Feyblue@Aerandir@Artymis@Lucius Cypher@Zeroth@Silver Carrot@Conscripts@pkken@liferusher@Ryonara@Eggs@rechonq@Luna@Heartfillia@Norschtalen@Stale Pizza
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Jett Haven

Roy Kusayanagi

Ezra Jasekade

Jett woke up at 5:29, one minute before his alarm. He was grateful his head was feeling better now, just a slight ache. He grunted as he quickly rolled out of bed, falling onto the ground but catching himself with his hands and quickly pushing out some pushups to wake himself even faster. After the alarm went off for about a minute did he finally finished and turned it off.

He looked over at Ezra to see if he was waking up but he didn’t. He quickly pulled on his hero costume, deciding to train while fully loaded. He then pushed opened the window and hopped out of it, scaling down the wall with ease as he started into a run/parkour training.

Roy ran over to the track with his makeshift weight vest equipped, upon reaching it the sun had been rising. He could feel the energy beginning to flow back into him as his markings pulsated yellow. Taking in a deep breath he loaded on more weight and began running laps around the track. It was quite early and there was not much people out and about, it was pretty peaceful time for an early workout. Every lap he took he picked up in speed while at the sametime in weight till it got to the point he was using more energy than he could replenish.

In response he took off his track jacket, in which he had a tank top right under. Towards his last lap until he reached about 20 lbs. His breathing began picking up on the second lap as fatigue began to hit him. Roy kept focus on maintaining his speed and focus. On his fourth and final lap he did a full sprint. His heart was racing at this point and his body drenched in sweat, some entering his eyes. He just wiped his eyes with his hands and kept on going. As the finish line came into view he packed on an extra 5 lbs to finish strong. Once he crossed the line he fell onto all fours on the ground gasping for air. The weight disappearing from his body he felt much lighter.

He laid on the floor checking the time seeing it was about 6:30. Roy got up, putting his hands on his head, and making his way back to the dorms. He could hear some running and footsteps, upon looking up he could see a shadow traversing the landscape.

“What the hell?” Roy said as he tried to follow on the ground but the shadow figure was long gone. “I am never gonna catch them if I am on ground” He said as he held his hand out making a grapple hook connected with a chain. Roy took a few steps back and winded it up throwing it at the roof of the building where he saw the mysterious person. Once the Grapple was secure he scaled the building and onto the roof where he could see a clear view. In the distance he could see someone moving through obstacles effortlessly as if it was regular to them. Didn’t seem like he was up to no good more like training.

Roy cupped his hands and shouted, “Hey, you there jumping around!”. He then waved his hands in order to grab the person's attention.

Jett had been sprinting and jumping between buildings as much as he could since getting out of his dorm, a personal challenge to push himself harder to rely on figuring out how to get to other buildings. Despite it being second nature for him as he scaled concrete walls, leaping over ledges, pipes, electrical boxes. His movements fluent and no hesitation. He had zoned out a bit while he pushed himself, missing the fact that someone was trying to chase him. He skidded to a stop as he heard someone yell. He looked back to see Roy looking at him. He smirked, though his mask covered it.

Without saying anything he turned directly towards Roy and sprinted at him.

After catching the man's attention he saw him begin making his way over to Roy, no wave or nothing. He was coming rather quick too which made him feel on the defensive. Roy jumped back and awaited the mysterious person to come onto the rooftop. It had to be a student or staff of Komei, it was damn near impossible to infiltrate without proper I.D. The boy slid his foot back and stood tall awaiting the figure at the top. He smiled a bit and found it funny, usually when you call out a mysterious figure they don’t turn around and run straight for you.

...Unless they were going to take you out.

Jett had hoped that Roy would be on the defensive and as he hopped down onto a lower rooftop, he pulled out his collapsible batons and when he reached the end of the rooftop he jumped and somersaulted over Roy. His batons held close to conceal them as he landed. He then spun around and pulled out both batons and quickly tried to attack acting like a scissor and attacking from both left and right. While it was a risky move and left him open for a bit, he was sure he had enough of a surprise to close that window. Also he wasn’t really trying to hit him on his first attack. But it would feel like it as it was inches from his face.

As the figure hopped closed in on Roy he jumped over him. In response the blonde boy pivoted and turned to face the foe straight on. He seemed to be armed with a weapon as well coming at the boy. Roy instinctively formed an outer shell of plating on both of his forearms to defend himself. It was to confined to dodge as well as the surprise he brought with him caught the boy off guard. As he clashed batons he looked directly at the guy in front of him, Roy’s body completely open as well.

“Who are you?” he said with a serious face.

Jett didn’t say a word but continued with his attack as he twisted his arms to cover himself,then pivoting he have a quick kick to the side of his knee, hoping to cause it to buckle, while he followed up with another swing up across his body to hopefully where Roy's chest would be after falling.

As the kick hit Roys leg and he began falling down, he still kept vision on the enemy in front of him. His eyes widened as he saw the punch coming, he was sure it was gonna connect. Quickly he made his right construct morph and grip onto the baton that wasn’t being use to attack and tugged on it to redirect the boys punch into his ribs. He winced as it connected and collided at the ground on his left knee.

After trading in the blow for a less fatal one, he faced the sharp pain and planted his right foot next to his foes. Soon a construct shackled them together connected his right food to the man's left. Wherever he went, Roy would go and vise versa. He went from the defense into offense and pulled his right leg outward. The man's leg followed stretching outward making it look like he was about to perform a split. Roy still had his arm connected with him, he crossed his arm forcefully over his body in attempt to make the combatant strike himself with his own baton.

Jett was shocked as Roy managed to direct his attack to his ribs. He personally would have rather have taken it into the chest where there was more muscle. His left leg was shifted as Roy suddenly pushed it out, while gripping onto his baton with his quirk, trying to hit him with it. He nearly managed to do it as well as the sudden shift in his stance caused him to try and rebalance himself, while pushing back on the baton just enough to get a slight knock on his helmet . He then pulled the baton Roy held onto past his own head roughly so both their arms would cross their bodies. Causing their elbows to be next to each other. He then used the gravity and his position higher up to push into Roy, essentially falling onto him, rolling out of this awkward tango. The elbows played a part to where Roy’s was extended. Jett’s was folded, thus harder. The pressure should be enough to make Roy think he was breaking his arm. Though he had no intention of doing it. His hope was to make it so he would let go of his baton on his own accord.. With his right foot firmly planted he pushed forward.

Roy smirked as his adrenaline began rushing a bit, though soon the leveling of the playing field turned against him as the figure yanked their baton up, putting him off balance. He then thrusted the baton, putting the green eyed kid in a awkward position as he could feel pressure being put on his arm. In response he pulled back and let his quirk dissipate as he released the grip on the weapon. Roy then placed his hand on the adversaries stomach and shot off a concussive blast that would feel as if they were getting kneed in the stomach. Possibly shoving their body a bit. Roy hardened the shackle to keep his foot fixated in order to prevent from knocking himself on his ass. He needed to get onto both feet, by kneeling he was just being put into a corner. He slid his left leg back and began making a helmet, preparing to headbutt the guys chin. As he pushed off the ground he shot himself right for the opponents protected face.

Jett let out a grunt when he suddenly sent a blast into his stomach. He didn’t know he could do that, he thought he could just make things. He gritted his teeth However it did help him slightly as he used his right foot to push himself up. Just in time to miss the headbutt to the chin and instead have it hit against his chest in glancing but still a solid hit but he was already in motion. He felt Roy’s leg tied to his and pulled his left leg hard towards his body as he continued with the roll. Though it would really be a side roll now as they now faced the same direction. Jett falling onto his back and roy would have been pulled down with him, despite his efforts.

He landed sloppily from the two hits on him which threw off his groove. Landing hard he let out a grunt of air. Who the hell shackles themselves to a person they are fighting?! An idiot. That’s who. Jett was a little annoyed as he lashed out with a sweeping kick up and over aimed towards Roy’s stomach. Very similar to a break dancer. This would make him up on his left leg and elbow as his kick was coming straight down on Roy. His main goal now was to break that shackle.

As he reached maximum reach on the headbutt, Roy picked his head up to see the foe move out of the way and go behind him. Though now he was in awkward position as this fight got really sloppy. The adversary dragged the boy along as they crashed into the ground. Roy used his hand to break his fall as he got into a squatting a position. Soon a leg was coming straight for his stomach and Roy was in no condition to dodge. He just smiled and prepared to take the hit. As it connected he didn’t expect it to hurt that bad, coughing up some spit. His smile was still on his face as he took the hit grabbing onto the boy's feet.


He binded his left arm the the boys leg and propped it up into the air, with his right hand he held it at the enemy. His hand turning glowing yellow.

“I’ll ask again, who are you?” He said as he looked at the armored person. You could see in his eyes he would not be able to take another kick to the stomach. His vision a little hazy and his knees shaky.

While he he was impressed with the kid to keep his construct after that kick, he was surprised he was quick enough to bind himself to his other leg. Aiming his hand at him, possibly preparing to send another concussion at his face. But he was irritated that he was binding himself to him like a barnacle. He would have to teach him a lesson. A quick jab to his face wouldn’t be enough.

He glanced around and noticed he was right near the edge of the roof. Grass below him. He was sure he could catch himself, but still if they fell it would only be some bruised backs or sides.

He looked Roy directly in the eyes. Almost acting like he was about to answer but suddenly pulled hard with his legs, rolling to his right and over the edge of the roof. His arm immediately grabbed onto the edge of the roof, preparing for another extra 100 pounds of dead weight.

“Son of a bitch”

Roy’s body twisted completely, shackling himself to the foe proved to bite him in the bank as he was awkwardly suspended. He hung awkwardly upside down as his arm and leg was connecting to both of his adversaries legs. Roy chuckled a bit nervously as he looked up. He was just about at the mercy of the foe. He awkwardly placed his left foot on the side of the building to steady air suspension.

“You wouldn't dare”

Jett grunted as he suddenly supported the weight of both of them with just his arms. He moved slowly with his right arm and pulled a grappling hook and hooked it to the ledge and locked it into position on his belt so he could hang freely and taking the pressure off his arm.

He looked down at Roy when he said he wouldn’t dare. Staring him in the eye for a moment he shrugged with his shoulders with a “why not” kind of gesture.

Gripping the cord with his left hand he moved his hand in a way to hide himself actually flipping the lock and grabbing ont to the rope with both hands. Suddenly they fell. The initial drop was even exhilarating for Jett, and it was sure to feel like free falling for Roy. However his hands were still on the rope, tightly enough for a controlled descent.

They would stop a mere foot from the ground, only Roy’s free arm and leg would be touching the ground.

Roy gritted his teeth as they free fell, his feet not being enough enough to grip into the fall and break the fall. As the ground got closer to his face he released the shackle on his leg, swinging his body to the side. With the right side of his body free he mustered up some light plating to protect his body. He awaited impact closing his eyes, after a few seconds he opened them seeing that they didn’t crash into the earth. He looked back at the mystery person with a gaze that said ‘really?’ ’

As soon as he looked up at him, Jett let go dropping the last few feet to the ground. Landing on his feet.

Roy let go of the attachment to his leg, catching himself as they both hit the ground. He took a step back putting some distance between the two as now there was more room to work with. He just look at him in the face with a sharp glare.

“I don’t really want to hurt cha so early in the morning so how about you just tell me what your business is and we can go about our days”

Jett couldn’t help chuckle. “Hurt me? You got a bit of training to do before you hurt me sunshine. I hope you learned a valuable lesson today though.”

Roy raised an eyebrow when he heard the voice speak, discerning it to be a male. Though this person did sound familiar. He couldn't exactly pinpoint who because their mask gave him a muffled voice.

Roy squeezed his hand tight with a small smile appearing on his face. Surely he could caused damage to the man in front of him. That does not mean there would not be consequences. He can't afford to put himself out of commission nor destroy the area around him.

[color=9e0b0f]“Lucky for you. I want to be a hero”[/colot] Roy held his hand out and a small orb of bright energy began forming, almost like a miniature sun.

“I would like to avoid something so cruel if possible.”

He stared coldly at the stranger with a piercing gaze. Roy was warmed up now, he was enjoying the small bout between the two. At this rate he would end up a battle junky like the others in his class.

Jett started stifling a laugh. He was waiting for some cheesy hero line. But it was ALL wrong. He waved his hands back and forth to give the signal for stop, much much like a frustrated director. “No nononono. You’re doing it all wrong. First off you need a better stance than that.” He said pointing at his footing and his shoulders. Then offering an example of his own, a defiant fighting stance his right hand close to his pouch on his right side.

He then flourished his left hand then said. “Then you gave the punchline wrong. It was Anti climatic, even with the light show. It’s all about theatrics and timing.” while he explained this he slowly pulled two small balls the size of a ping pong ball from his pouch, hidden from Roy behind his back as his left side was forward and distracting with his left hand.

“While you practice that, I'll be going.” As soon as he said the final word, he quickly threw down the two balls, they gave a small flash and each and smoke exploded from them in between jett and Roy. Jett used this opportunity to sprint towards the corner of the building, quickly scaling it like a monkey and around the corner and up towards the roof where he left his batons. As soon as he made it up he whipped the cord from his grappling hook up and back over the edge of the building and quickly rolling it back into his pouch.

Roy began looking at him tilted his head to the side, he had an idea who this person might be. Someone who was short and self centered who loved the spotlight…


But wait, if it was Kenichi he would have most likely worn an outfit with more breathing space so that wouldn't make sense. Kenichi depends on the air far more than the average person. Roy still held the ball of energy forward as the man demonstrated. He then finished saying that Roy should practice.


In a flash of light and gust of smoke, Roy was surrounded. He switched from offense to defense quickly as he made a Riot shield and back up into the wall of the building. He'd rather not fight against what he cannot see. As the smoke cleared the enemy left no trace. They were long gone.

Jett picked up his batons as well and ran back to the dorms. Once coming back to the dorm around 7 and closed the window with a bang after crawling in. He started to take off his costume, looking over to Ezra.

Ezra had just gotten out of the shower and had woken up about 10 or so minutes ago. He was still sore due to the prior day but he was not tired. Yet when he saw someone climbing in the window with a towel around his shoulders, it was quite the surprise, to the point at which an early morning Ezra could only respond with a loud

“What the actual fuck?!”

Ezra had bore witness to some military clad sexual offender climb through his window and he genuinely didn’t know what to say. It was quite the strange affair given as he still didn’t know who his roommate was, or who this masked man could be. He was too startled to think about that.

Jett raised an eyebrow at Ezra as he just stared at him after yelling. Pausing as he was in the process of taking off his gloves. Was a bit over the top reactions thought. But shrugged. Continuing to take his gloves off and toss them on his bed.

“Are you always this loud Ivan?”
He said in a muffled tone as his mask was still on. He then proceeded to take off his utility belt and bandolier and lay them on the bed as well.

After a moment he finally pulled the hood back and pulled his helmet off, placing it on a full sized mannequin. Then taking off his mask and slipping it into the pouch on his utility belt. “You never seen anyone train in full gear before?”

Ezra was relieved to find out that it wasn’t a molester as he quickly found out it was Jett from the voice. This reassured him a bit, but it had a bad turn. One, Jett was freaky and two, he was his roommate. The guy he’d knocked out less than 24 hours ago. Oh boy.

“Why the fuck are you climbing through the window. Use the door like a normal human being. I’m not putting up with this shit first thing in the morning and especially not at night.” he spoke in a relatively normal tone as he began to get dressed. He wasn’t completely naked so it wasn’t an issue as he quickly changed into his fit. He figured he’d got some time before school so he strapped up and went to leave before inviting Jett.

“We got a while to get some work in, ya wanna come?” he spoke, almost as if he wasn’t shouting 5 minutes ago.

Jett sighed as he continued to take off his gear placing it on the stand. “It’s all training, climbing through the window like this. You don’t have to put up with it cause it doesn’t really affect you.”

After a few minutes Ezra brought up working. It was about an hour and spare change before class. He shook his head.“No, I'm good. I just trained for an hour and a half, gotta get ready and get some food before class.”
He added before placing out his uniform on his chair and grabbing his things for a shower.

Jett soon walked into class, noticing a few were already there and sat down in the same seat he sat in before, right next to where Kasuke was sitting the day before and sighed once in it. He looked up to the board and realized who he was with today for the exercise

@Feyblue@pkken@Artymis@Lucius Cypher@Zeroth@Silver Carrot@Conscripts@Noxx@liferusher@Ryonara@Eggs@rechonq@Luna@Heartfillia@Norschtalen@Stale Pizza

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Heartfillia
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Kaida smiled as the sprite called Joy landed on her shoulder. “Aw thank you… “ when joy complemented her highlights. She listened to the others as the food came She thought it interesting the sprites could highen his abilities...only sense that she heard, but it's possible he could have more with all those sprites about.

Yukari did seem pretty amazing to be able to be in Hero course while blind. A true unlikely hero story if she ever heard of one. After finishing her food, and listening to the other conversations coming in, she suddenly felt a little nervous. She didn’t really know any of these people and trying to jump into conversations was too hard for her at the moment. She kept to herself for a bit and when no one talked to her she slowly got up and decided to go do her homework. Leaving her dish at the sink where Donny and Michiko were cleaning she quickly went up the stairs to her room. She said hello to dulga and told her she was going to do the homework and then did it. Quickly as it was mostly just reading, and she was a fast reader. After that was done she went to bed.

The next morning she work up around 6:30 and started getting ready. She was all ready at 8, and walked to class hugging her books to her chest as she entered the room. A couple others were already there that she knew, Acion and Jett. Among a few others that she still hadn’t met, but saw at the dorms. She waved at Acion and sat down next to Jett looking at him she smiled. “Good morning...How are you feeling today?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Roy Kusayanagi

Roy looked around wtih confusion and anger. He was pissed to have let that guy go. He swung his arm back slamming the shield into the building out of anger. After taking a deep breath he recollected himself and decided to roll with the punches, school would be starting soon and he was not ready yet. He made his way back to the dorm hands in his pockets as he thought about who was behind the mask, who ever it was playing around with him was a joke gone to far. He could tell this was gonna bother him until he knows who, for now he had to prepare for the day. Roy entered the dorms setting out his uniform on his bed , he noticed Acion had already left.

"Haha, early bird"

Roy took a quick shower cleaning himself up, once out he dried his hair with a towel and styling it in the bathroom. After putting on his uniform and tieing his tie Roy grabbed his bag and made his way down the stairs. As he opeend the door he paused scratching his head, he had a feeling that Tomoe would probably not wake up on time. On the other hand he knew he would not be able to go into the girls dorms, his best bet was waiting on someone to come out and wake her up for him. Roy checked his watch seeing it was 7:10, he took a seat on the stairs checking his phone and waiting on the next female student to come out. Hopefully they would be able to help him out.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Acion Nakamiji

Acion was sitting idly, his hand stroking the feathers of his wings slowly and carefully so as not to cut himself, when Jett walked into class. He and Acion did share a glance at each other, but did not share anything more than that, as he took a seat. Then another student came in, whom he also recognized, from yesterday's lunch. Acion did remember giving her an introduction. Thinking about it, it really did make him embarrassed at that. He wondered if she would treat him like a total weirdo now. But noticing her wave, his tension disappeared considerably.

"Good morning. Ready for your first class?"
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