Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Blubaron45
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Blubaron45 The Musical Mathmagician

Member Seen 13 days ago

I'll see if I can come up with anything. This seems interesting.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by T Risket

T Risket

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'll see if I can come up with anything. This seems interesting.

Thank you! I'm really grateful for the interest its gotten.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Blubaron45
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Blubaron45 The Musical Mathmagician

Member Seen 13 days ago

@T Risket

One more thing you can be thankful for this Thanksgiving!
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 23 hrs ago


My goodness, it's been so long since I've seen a good steampunk check...
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by T Risket

T Risket

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Thank you! I appreciate the compliment!
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by spencerishere
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spencerishere huny buny

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Despite how awesome this roleplay looks and how awesome I think it's gonna be, i gotta withdraw my interest. I'll be watching tho, goodluck guys!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sisyphus
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sheet is nearly done. Will hopefully get it up tonight.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by T Risket

T Risket

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Despite how awesome this roleplay looks and how awesome I think it's gonna be, i gotta withdraw my interest. I'll be watching tho, goodluck guys!

Sorry to hear that but thanks for the update. Good luck in your future rps!

Sheet is nearly done. Will hopefully get it up tonight.

That is awesome to hear man! I really look forward to reading it. I should have my second sheet up late tommorow-been super busy today and am gonna be real busy tommorow.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Viatos
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

*cracks knuckles*

Alright. Sheet up tonight. Anybody watching and mulling, interest in character ties? I'm working off the concept of a frustrated semi-genius who considers his particular talents - which are real but unfocused and improvisational in nature - entirely inadequate, and has entered the Gaslit Guardian scene to seek out conflict and drive himself to some kind of epiphany of originality that probably isn't coming. Upper class, family issues - his brother is the ominously decadent version of himself he wants to be - and a sense of noblesse oblige either charming or grating depending on your perspective.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by T Risket

T Risket

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sorry I have been away for the most part the last few days, girlfriends family wound up coming over after thanksgiving holiday-had to have an emergency house cleaning. But the storm has passed!

Gonna get my final sheet up tonight like I've been sayin and probably post the rp intro just to keep interest up.

From what you described I think Francois might know his more successful brother and therefore might have an opinion of him one way or another?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by T Risket

T Risket

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Instead of starting the rp I decieded to go ahead and put up this first intro post here for people to read so they can get some ideas of what is happening. I was intending to Colab with the two other people that join on just how they get inside so I could tweak the very tail end of the post.

Gonna have to finish this tomorrow-got to worn out by the family.


”Ignore the green flames, my latest experiment has yielded fascinating results!!”

|| NAME ||
Charles Napoleon Averymon

|| GENDER ||

|| AGE ||
Twenty Four years old

|| Country Of Origin ||

|| Accent ||

Charles has no official titles in England but is from a rather wealthy family of Vineyard owners in France.

Standing at a decent 5'10" Charles has a rather slender frame that suits his noticeably sharp jaw rather well. His somewhat short black hair is always kept greased back and typically covered by a tall black top hat. Framing his face almost perfectly is a thin finely manicured mustache and well trimmed goatee. Most days his outfits tend to be rather similar; usually consisting of a black tail coat, trousers, a tight dark waistcoat, and whatever bow tie struck his fancy that day. Not particularly the "buff" looking type Charles does still maintain a strict workout regiment and is far more athletic than he appears at first glance-the muscle he does have is simply often hidden beneath his fine clothing.

Suited Up-When suited up Charles wears a special custom made (from a friend, his own leatherwork not quite up to the challenge) brown leather overcoat that somewhat resembled the long knee length winter coats of the time but made of a sort of thin flexible leather as opposed to the usual fur. The entire front chest of the odd coat are completely covered in square pockets that open and close with a bit of a tug before snapping shut from the built in hidden magnets. Beneath the memorable jacket he almost always keeps shut with three strong brass clasps Charles wears a rather plain set of trousers and a clean white cotton shirt that hides his tight fitting experimental "ballistic vest" made up of several layers of silk and wax.

Covering half his face is a somewhat comical looking mix between mask and helmet made of a dark green material. So large they slightly bulge off the top of his head are the mask's set of eyes, the center of which reflect the color of whatever shade of glass has been chosen from in rotateable eye-each rotation slotting in a new color. In addition to all this he sports a somewhat bulky pair of boots that are anything but.

It is not uncommon for Charles to come off as rather oblivious to strangers who do not realize he is just often far to focused on some lofty outlandish theory or his latest invention. Very much the type to become lost in his own frantic thoughts he is still a rather kind man who just so happens to thoroughly enjoy a good ribbing. On the rare moments he can focus his attention long enough to carry out a decent length talk he can be very sarcastic-this trait is prone to grow during a conversation whenever someone feeds into his witty side.

The only characteristic that rivals his daydreaming or mischievous nature is the pure energetic mood he almost constantly exhibits. Oftentimes it doesn't matter just what emotion he is expressing because everything he says has a very similar over the top exuberance.

-Has discovered 1 new element on the periodic table
-Has developed several alchemichal concoctions, often times for the sick, to the point he is known as a bit of a street doctor.
-Has created a huge number of small to medium sized inventions based on both new and old sciences.

-Extenders: A pair of matching boots that have a rather unique double layered soul-the first is normal boot leather with just a tad bit of extra padding, and the second is an impressively form fitting thick piece of steel. At a glance the boots look somewhat normal for a common man if not a bit bulky-though one with a keen eye could see that branching up from the boot is a fist sized square steel column that runs straight up the backside of his calf. Hidden inside these square tubes are a mechanism mainly centered around extremely large and powerful springs that when activated rocket Charles into the air-landing though is key to “reload” the spring contraption by relying on the sheer weight of his impact.

-Alchemy belt/pouch coat full of pre made vials, balms, and powders that range from useful to outright dangerous.

-Frog mask-Covering half his face and made of a rather tight darkish green material with largely comical eyes that are constructed of adjustable multi colored glass. To breathe he has two mere slits diagonally across the nose. Often times he uses the mask see better at night or in combination with one of his “tracking potions” that leave a trail unseen to the normal human eye.

Born in France to a mother who was the proper owner of an obscene amount of financial assets when compared to even most men of the time. In what many would imagine an idealic upbringing he was raised in a large estate deep in the French countryside surrounded by several sprawling vineyards. His mother herself raised him for the most part and from the very moment he could speak would converse with him in an extremely intellectual manner-this eventually carried over in to his daily studies by his unbelievably intelligent mother.

It wasn't long before a very young Charles could be found sneaking books from the large family library or recreating experiments within the scientific lab up in the attic. When he was ten years old he blew a large section of the roof off the house-in a display that spoke volumes of her parenting style his mother commissioned a lab be made for him in the back garden rather than scolding or punishing him. From there Charles path was set-classes in the morning followed by a few hours in the library and the ability to spend all his free time conducting ever increasingly esoteric experiments in what was now his lab quickly became his routine.

In recent years Charles journeyed to London (without his mother knowing at first) in an effort to meet the brother he had only known in writing up to that point; he also intended to attend the very same college his brother had graduated with honors from. Unfortunately in what other classmates would say was a rather comical display Charles was kicked out of University after having openly and vehemently argued with a well respected teacher over the theories he was presenting in class.

Taking the forced removal (literally) from school somewhat poorly Charles retreated into his own inventions and time consuming thoughts while taking up residence in his brothers three story estate. Only in the recent months has he started to emerge from his sheltered reclusion; the reason for this largely because with a silent glee he has watched as his latest mad idea has begun to show positive results.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by T Risket

T Risket

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Well this is very embarrassing...after all that initial interest it seems like most everyone has gone elsewhere. We are well past the date I set with not nary a single sheet submission-I get it though, haven't finished my second sheet myself. I am going to remove the thing about so much interest/sheet's possibly being rejected incase it is what scared everyone off... Might also just have to put this idea back on the shelf for a bit if no one is really feeling it at this time-gonna wait a few more days in the hopes of Sisyphus or Viatos submitting something.

Just wanted to post this to keep everyone updated that still might be watching-gonna go finish a post on the one other game I am running and then come knock whats left of my sheet out.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sisyphus
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Still planning on finishing mine! Really sorry I couldn't make the deadline - thanksgiving combined with two severely delayed power outages combined with a very long and badly timed blackout made this weekend very awkward for CS-making.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by T Risket

T Risket

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Sisyphus Its no worries man! I named you specifically because I could tell you were one of the more active people on this thread-also wanted to make sure everyone knew the deadline was booted.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by T Risket

T Risket

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Headin to bed for the night-got Charles appearance done and am gonna finish off his bio tommorow. Mark my words!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by T Risket

T Risket

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

got my second sheet finished! *pops confetti*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Adalea
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Adalea Rat

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Just saw this and I'm super interested, if it's still happening.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by T Risket

T Risket

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Just saw this and I'm super interested, if it's still happening.

Thanks for the interest. I do intend on running this rp still but as things have gone I might be shelving it for awhile-interest on this was like a roller coaster ride and now that its leveled off I feel like I've lost my "momentum" with this rp if y'all know what I mean.
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