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Default Back From the Dead

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Naoko Suzuki

As Naoko was eating his pizza, a blonde boy from earlier sat down with an energy drink and what looked to be a folded pizza. He tried to talk to Naoko about the quality of the pizza. Naoko shrugged. "I do not get pizza often, so I would not know." He peered at the energy drink. "That thing appears to be...glowing?" He said, before noticing the girl from earlier. She sat down with the blonde boy and Naoko. "I have not eaten today, no." He gulped as she had an exchange with a waiter. She seemed to be angry at the waiter, though Naoko could not see why. "Must you be so hostile?" He asked, exasperated. "I bet that woman does not want to deal with you anymore than you want to deal with her. He shrunk back into the safety of his sketchbook, drawing a cartoonish version of the scene. In the scene, Naoko was in a stronghold, a castle. The blonde boy and the girl from earlier were laying siege to his fortress. "Why did you both come to me?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Mariana Collie
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Mariana Collie 👁👄👁

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Leaving a trail behind her of disordered walking and tear drops, Bara started to hold in the snuffles the closer she came to the lighted district. In public the release would be just too much, for herself and others to deal with. As she started to correct herself, somewhat, she recognized a voice from the chopper: "Hey."

It wasn't a shout, but it was coming from behind. She spun and her shoulders rose, stiffened. Oh my god, my face right now...The girl thought with horror, but in an attempt to take the honest route, pulled a half-hearted smile.

"Uh." It was the woman with a mature visage, mature body. She was at once lovely and intimidating, someone whose worldly experience could easily trump rookies. Yet this woman hesitated as if fresh herself to this type of social interaction. Bara swiped at her face with her sleeve. "Here," West said, and held out a handkerchief. Without hesitation, a warm feeling rushing to her fingertips, she took it. "You shouldn't be out here on your own. There could be...stuff. Bad stuff. Mind if I walk with you?"

"Thank you." Went back to dabbing her face. Keep it cool. "Sure, you can come if you want. I'm sorry if my leaving was a problem." Reaching down to pet her anxious dog, she beamed honestly. "I just felt a bit overwhelmed. 'Sides the magic stuff, all of you know what you're doing. You know what it's like to learn and fight. Me, I'm waiting to be laughed out of this school. I...I really am unsure if I should have..." She was about to say the word ran, but sucked it into her throat at the last second. With a pale face, she stroked her holster as if it needed reassurance. Maniacles was explicit-- informing anyone of their non-consensual threats was grounds for expulsion from this program. Implications she'd like to shrug off for now. "But I said this was awesome. Said I wanted be here and I'm here now. Really, I thought I'd walk it off. Check out the city. Get some supplies for this lil' girl here." Giggles. Dog panting happily. Blushing. Was it okay to be friendly? It had to be.

Bara realized she was still holding the handkerchief and wondered about the proper etiquette. "Would you like it back? Or should I keep-"

Cut off by the sound of a man, boy nearly. Two of them strolled up as if close friends to not only themselves but the stranger women.

"Hey, are you alright? Cute dog. I have something that might cheer you up." He proffered a bowl pipe from some pocket. "Wanna smoke with us?"

Almost instantly Miko turned her head and growled. White fur rose at the base of her tail. Not out of overt fear, but at an unrecognized voice, a new scent boldly intruding near her owner. In an odd tone at that.

"Hush Miko. Um, I.." For god's sake, try to act competent in front of her. She shook her head, thick brown curls bouncing. "No thank you. That stuff can be bad for your lungs, just like tobacco smoke." Okay, but is this competent or just stupid? Dabbing her face a little more, she backed away from the men slightly and turned to look at West for a cue.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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@MikkishtheLeprechaun@Mariana Collie

"You think I know what I'm doing?" West replied. "I'm not a soldier or anything like that. I don't do anything that special, just stuff animals for a living." She glanced down uncomfortably at the dog. Normally animals were a lot more anxious than that around her. Like they could tell or something. It hadn't occurred to her that they might just be taking cues from their owners. "I'm all you inexperience in a bigger package, so If they're going to laugh at you they're going to get a real kick out of me."

Bara offered the handkerchief back to her and West was hesitant to take it back. Were you suppose to take it back? Luckily this etiquette conundrum took a backseat at the sudden appearance of two guys. The dog growled as they offered them something to smoke. A dozen worst case scenarios shot though West's head at that moment, then she remember that these guys were also probably wizards and a million more followed them. She decided to follow Bara's lead, try and diffuse the situation. "Sorry boys. My inhibitions are something I cling too pretty tightly." She said, stepping slightly in front of the retreating Bara, her hand resting casually near her jacket pocket.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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@Gentlemanvaultboy@Mariana Collie

"Ah come one, luv. Pots good for you. Grows brain cells." Said the taller guy, spotting the guns the girls were carrying "You're from off island, eh? Wanna see some tricks?"

Just like the boy from the fountain, he stuck up his thumb and a small flame glowed at its tip. He lit the pipe full of the sativa he couldn't go a day without, and inhaled.

"But we've got more tricks than that..." He said with his lungs full of smoke. And with that he exhaled right in the the girl's faces, but it was far more than a typical smoke. No, after he let out the puff, the smoke cloud kept growing. Both girls and the dog soon found themselves shrouded in dark smoke with the stench of weed.

Before they could react, each boy snatched a gun from one of the girls.

"Give us everything you ave." The tall one said, bluntly as he raised a gun to West.


Mikkish looked at Maddox.

"Jeez. Some people are so antisocial." He turned to look at Naoko "I haven't eaten anything today. I was just getting food when I noticed you were here." Mikkish looked at the drawing Naoko was making.

"I don't like the way you're portraying me. I'm carrying a sword when I'm more of a battleaxe kinda guy." He gulped down the rest of the mage masher energy drink, but failed to notice any sudden surge of energy. "Wow, they make it glow, give it an awesome name, but put no caffeine in it. I guess even magic islands have shitty food."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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@MikkishtheLeprechaun@Mariana Collie

West burst into a coughing fit as the smoke enveloped them, and as it cleared and she got her breath back under control she found herself staring down the barrel of her own gun. She froze up looking at the two of them, like a deer watching an oncoming semi-trailer barrel down the road toward it, her eyes all fear and regret. Slowly though, as she had time to fully process the situation, those feelings were overwhelmed. Memories flashed by in her mind too fast even for her to notice them, snapshots and feelings that made up the core of who she was; Hushed voices arguing in another room, the red ache of bound wrists and ankles, the smell of gunsmoke, and the skittering snapping crunching that ended it all. Fear was expelled from her eyes, and she looked at them with only loathing.

She reached into her pocket, never taking her eyes off the man that had snatched Bara's gun, and withdrew her wallet. She slowly reached out and offered it to him. Him in particular because she knew something that they probably didn't. Something they didn't know because they were safe, because they didn't have to deal with Pests every day, because they had no need to carry a gun everywhere. She knew, at the very least, that her safety was on. She had no idea about Bara's gun, though. So when the short guy reached out to take her wallet she was going to drop it, snatch his arm up in both hands, and put the muscle she had first devolved at grandpa's farm to work to throw him into the tall one and hopefully knock them both ass over teakettle.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Camey
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Location: Pizza joint Conversing with: Mikkish, Naoko Special Skills: Smuggling, Dealing

“Must you be so hostile?” The Japanese guy spoke with an intense infuriation. “An eye for an eye.” She simply said. “Meaning,” she added, not sure if he knew what she meant with the saying. “She was rude to me, so I’m rude to her. Is that really such a bad thing to do?” She asked rhetorically. “And no. I don’t want to deal with her, but not because she doesn’t want to deal with me. Not entirely at least. She is a waitress, she is supposed to act nice and let people take their time. That lady is just on a really bad period and can’t stand the idea of the last precious chair being occupied by someone who is not a customer.” She said. The pizza place was quite busy and Maddox had taken one of the last – if not the last – seats available. She probably wasn’t allowed to sit here without ordering meaning a waitress just came to her with an order.

“Why did you come to me?” The boy spoke again and Maddox looked at his sketchbook, chuckling a little. “We winning?” she asked him and looked briefly at Mikkish. “You are totally a battleaxe kinda guy.”she said. “Although, maybe not. Except if it’s pink that is. You seem to like the colour.” At that moment her order came in and the same waitress put the plate down in front of her, forcefully. Maddox looked at her weirdly, but the waitress walked away before she could respond. “Whatever…” She mumbled before taking a bite of her quiche. “Hmm.” She exclaimed in surprise. “Kinda good.” She said with her mouth full of food, making it hard to understand what she was saying.

In the meantime while Maddox order was being placed down in front of her, Mikkish spoke about his glowing blue drink. “Maybe it wants you to think that.” She replied in between bites of food. “And we’re bored.” She suddenly said, turning to face the Asian boy. “Or at least I am. Don’t know what Miksh is doing here, but I’m bored. Tried staring at the wall, but that isn’t the most interesting thing one can do in what-clearly-is a hotel room. By the way, the walls are so small that even if I were to count all the bumps in it, I would be done in seven minutes or so. Plus, I’m hungry, so there’s that.” Taking another bite of her quiche, she looked around the streets a little. A few hours ago it felt really uncomfortable. The silence of the streets and aversion to guns where not things Maddox really encountered much, but sitting here with her quiche, it felt oddly calming. No pests bothering you when all you want to do is devour a whole meal and even though that felt really nice, she still kept up her guard, ready to pick up her gun and shoot it if necessary.

“Real question is,” She said after a while “What are you doing here?” She said, raising an eyebrow at him. Her question wasn’t a serious one. Of course he came here for food, why else would he be sitting here. The reason she asked him was for fun obviously. Her ‘question’ was clearly an exaggerated one with the intend of making the Asian boy perplexed or caught of guard, not really knowing what to say next. Maddox didn’t really like his comment asking her and Mikkish why they came to him. First of all, she didn’t come to him specifically, she was just in the neighbourhood and saw him and Mikkish talking. Second of all- there was no second of all actually. Not even a second of two. Just a first of one. A one of one. She was a social person and was just in need for some company, even to the extend she would settle for the first familiar face she saw – which she did as a matter of fact -.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Default
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Default Back From the Dead

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Naoko Suzuki

Naoko ignored the others, their talking become increasingly obnoxious. He tried his very best to stay calm. "The real question is...What are you doing here?" Naoko snapped. "To get away from the other insufferable people I'm stuck here with!" His screaming bout made the restaurant go quiet, and people began staring. He quickly grabbed his stuff and left, holding up the middle finger to Maddox. He walked out onto the street. He didn't know where to go. So he started running. Not in any particular direction, just running. Running away from his problems. Just like he was used to. He dashed through allies and side streets, praying neither of the others were following him. Once he finally, finally ran out of stamina, he stopped. And fell to his knees. I came to Maniacles to fight. Not to deal with people who are trying to make my life miserable. He missed Tokyo. He missed his home.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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Mikkish watched Naoko dash out as he finished his calzone. Naoko's actions didn't surprise Mikkish, even if he didn't really expect it. It seemed, to Mikkish that he was destined to run into weird people constantly.

"Damn. Our evil plan to invade his castle, thwarted." He wiped sauce off his mouth "Well I'm going to see what else this city has to offer. Feel free to tag along." He told Maddox, before leaving his trash and a couple bits of crust on the table, dusting a few barely noticeable crumbs off his shirt, and casually walking out.

@Gentlemanvaultboy@Mariana Collie

"Thats right. It doesn't have to be difficult." The man said, reaching to grab the wallet from West. West's assumptions were correct. These boys knew next-to-nothing about guns. One had the safety on, the other had no interest in what they were doing. William liked the money they had made doing this kind of thing, but he hated hurting people. A good natured guy, how did he wind up doing this?

They were out in the middle of the sidewalk, yet still nobody, not a car or a person, came by.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Mariana Collie
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Mariana Collie 👁👄👁

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Eyes welling up, this time with pure irritation, Bara backed up into the fence barring off a zone under construction. As the chain link fence rattled, she coughed and started to slip her backpack off. But shaking hands, trying to shield her eyes, the sudden movements betrayed her at the worst possible time. Miko's leash dropped to the sidewalk. The dog, already straining before, now bolted forward, drooling jaws snapping at the legs of the tall man.

"No! Stop!" Her heart shuddered. Without a pause, she tossed her bag to their feet and threw herself at her dog, trying to hold her back by the harness as she went for the attack, haphazardly wrapping the leash around her wrist. But the dog was almost the size of a man as it was. Too heavy to hold back in the heat of the moment. And it seemed Miko was doing her best to topple William.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Camey
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Location: Pizza joint Conversing with: Mikkish, Naoko Special Skills: Smuggling, Dealing

She was quite surprised when the Asian boy snapped at her and Mikkish. In her mind she’d came up with a lot of retorts to his yelling, but decided not to. She didn’t care about the people staring at them, but one scene was enough for now. Besides, she wasn’t going to embarrass herself in front of the café like the Asian did. Maddox simply stared at the looks and waved them off.

“Must be a sore loser.” she simply said to Mikkish when he spoke about their ‘evil plan’. She didn’t really care for the boy. If he was going to be annoyed by some simple questions - granted, it was to get him caught of guard, which worked a little, just not in the way she wanted -, she didn’t want anything to do with him. Or Mikkish for that matter, but when he’d asked her to tag along she nodded, taking another bite of her quiche before standing up and leaving what was left on her plate. When she went to grab some money, Mikkish already walked away. With a quick move she threw down some money - not tipping her obnoxious waitress -, and quickly caught up with Mikkish.

“From what I’ve seen, this city has yet to offer something different. It just seems like a normal city but without pests, and guns apparently…” She said, remembering how alarmed the people looked when Mikkish and his friend held out their guns. There may or may not be pests here, but did no one have a gun? Surely there was at least some level of criminal activity? All these questions made her almost forget what they were doing here in the first place. Attending a ‘magic’ school. It was weird, the way the company handled things. Letting everyone roam free, not keeping tabs on them. Or maybe they did.

“Hey,” She began. “Do you think we have trackers on us?” It wouldn’t surprise her, but they should have notified them if they did. She hadn’t really checked for them - before now the thought hadn’t even occurred to her -. Even without the conformation of her speculation, she still thought she should have know better. Questioned things earlier. She knew it was hardly any use. Mikkish wouldn’t have any answers and Richard was no where to be seen. Besides, there was no reason to trust him. No reason to be wary of him either, but that wasn’t enough for her to simply ask him any question she had.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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@MikkishtheLeprechaun@Mariana Collie

Now or never!

While the dog had the tall guys attention West stepped forward, dropping her wallet to the ground, and grabbed the short guy by the wrist and elbow. All the muscle in her arms fired at once as she wrenched him, hard, into his friend.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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@Gentlemanvaultboy@Mariana Collie

William never truly considered that a pet dog could be a threat to anyone. He knew, logically, that a dog could hurt someone, but he never imagined being in such a situation. Consciously and subconsciously, he could only regard dogs as harmless, adorable little creatures. So when Miko jumped on him, he didn't react violently or even defensively. He attempted to gently push the dog to the side, but Miko was too strong and heavy, and William wound up on his ass.

At the same time, his friend was being thrown around by the oddly tall Evangeline. This guy was a bit more street-hardened than William, however. While he would refrain from shooting so as not to draw attention, he had no problem getting violent. As she tried to throw him, he hooked her hard in the kidney. Her throw attempt only sent him stumbling, but not on the ground. He chuckled, though annoyed, turning again after her attempt to resist back to her, gun in hand.

"Funny when they fight back." He said, swinging the back of his hand across her face, hard.
He then picked up her wallet as if nothing had happened.

"Now get on the ground, bitch." He said, putting the gun in West's face now.


Mikkish just shrugged "They probably have some way of tracking us, but not like it matters. We're on an island. Where the fuck are we going to go?"

He looked around at the people wondering the streets. This was a magic place? When was he going to see more? Not just people teleporting to the pizza place, but extravagant things. Light, sparks, portals, shit appearing out of thin air. That was what he thought when he heard the word "magic." Yet this seemed like any other day, minus the sounds of gunfire and everyone openly carrying guns. It was odd to see so many people unarmed. Some were armed, in a sense, but carrying swords or some martial arts weapons.

Mikkish recalled an early time in his life. He was about 13, or 14. He had decided to sneak out without a gun, thinking he could run past the Pests. It didn't quite work out. He punched one that had flung itself at him, feeling the details of its face and the juice of its eyes as he sent it falling back to the ground. It was this, wasn't it? This that lead him to the incident that lead him here.

"What brought you here?" He asked Maddox as they walked along the sidewalk.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Camey
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MADDOX DELANEY | @MikkishtheLeprechaun

She had to agree with Mikkish when he spoke about the tracking. Where where they going to go? Swim away? That would’ve been impossible. Besides, even if they were to go somewhere, they would still have trackers. Maddox simply nodded. She was slightly worried, but there was nothing they would be able to do either way, so worrying about it seemed pointless. It probably was. Still, everything seemed off. Not just the silence, but there was this unexplainable ‘feeling’ which didn’t make her feel at ease. She didn’t know what it was - it could even be some left-over motion sickness from the aircraft, although that was very unlikely -, but it felt off. She looked at Mikkish, wondering if he felt the same, but didn’t speak about it. No need to make herself look paranoid. She should just remain calm and try to find out what this place actually was, since the ‘magic’ explanation still didn’t seem like the complete truth. There seemed more to it than just that, and she wanted to find out.
Suddenly Mikkish spoke again after a few moments of silence, and Maddox looked up at him. “Lots of things.” She said a bit distant. She didn’t really feel like talking about her past, and diverting the question by joking they came here on an aircraft wasn’t an option either. Maddox always hated those kinds of answers. They weren’t funny and were useless. Still, she felt like she had to answer him. Not because she liked him or they were friends, but because it seemed important. If she answered, he would too and she would know about the others on the helicopters. Know of their agenda here and what they thought they would accomplish here. 
“Smuggling.” She eventually said. “Dealing actually. Both. Doesn’t matter. I was ratted out, so that sucked. Soon afterwards I was offered this job. Well, ‘offered’… It was this or go to prison. Rather be here than in a rotting hellhole…” She said, muttering the last part. “You?” She asked, wondering what brought him here.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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"Me?" Mikkish asked in response, thinking for a brief moment how to word what he had done. Simply saying that he had killed a man might not go over well, even if this girl was also here to avoid prison.

"Well in Georgia, and a lot of other places, we have to do 'community service.' If you don't know what I mean by that, its not picking up trash or working at a soup kitchen. Its going to a local park where Maniacles has baited a shit ton of Pests; I mean swarms of them. You and everyone else who showed up would run around the park killing them. It started out being optional, but became mandatory."

Mikkish remembered seeing a guy just a couple years older than him, maybe, fallen over in the grass being eaten alive while still unloading his gun.

"My girl at the time was doing it, I decided to go with her. We ran out of ammo, and this guy from her college, this fat douche, held us at gun point..."

He stopped talking when they turned a corner and noticed two of the girls they came with (@Gentlemanvaultboy@Mariana Collie) were talking with a couple guys. Not just talking, but being robbed.

"Speaking of gunpoint..." Mikkish said, drawing his gun
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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@Mariana Collie

She could feel copper in her mouth, felt the cold kiss of the barrel of a gun almost brushing against her skin. Funny? Funny? What was funny? What did this bastard have to laugh about. She opened up her eyes, her gaze trailing from the start of the gun (her own damn gun!) up his arm, locking gaze with him. She was a careful woman, by nature. At every moment before this point she had fully intended to just create an opening to run. To grab the girl and book it to a place that had more people. That was before, though. Now a dark pit opened up in her mind and in flowed memories from so, so long ago, when someone very much like him had something very much like that and all the horror that came from obeying. Her vision became a tunnel, blotting out everything else in the world until there was nothing left but him.

She didn't even wait another second. She screamed out, but not like a person. It was something primordial, the cry of a wounded animal calling out for life itself. She lunged, knocking the weapon that was so close astray, wrapping one hand around his throat and plowing her entire weight into him to take them both to the ground.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Woah, take it easy." The boy said, his grip still on the gun, though his arm swung away. Though he had fallen backward, he was still focused enough for sorcery. Again, he blew forth a cloud of smoke at West.

Of course, it was just as West had taken him to the ground that Mikkish, watching from afar, decided to intervene. With the loud boom of a few gunshots, bullets ripped through the air, taking the window out of a nearby building and tearing into a nearby car twice.

Panicked by the situation and the sudden gunshots, William shot up from his downed position and let off a few shots of his own, barely missing Mikkish and Maddox, but knocking out a light and damaging a mailbox. Him and his friend had decided never to actually shoot anyone, as not only would it draw attention, but shooting someone would have dire consequences, even on this island. However William had never actually been in a gunfight with someone shooting at him, so the adrenaline got the better of him.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Mariana Collie
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Mariana Collie 👁👄👁

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Bora had managed to land on top of William on top of her dog, who continue snapping with force, inching towards his neck. Just as she started to pull the dog off, booming gunshots startled them and both scooted back into the fence. Her eyes, better able to make things out as the smoke from earlier dissipated, noted West had taken the other to the ground, who now seemed to produce smoke on demand.

This was probably going to be her one chance. She could prove something right now, or she could do it on the whim of caring about a new friend. Perhaps it felt like a little of both. Yanking her startled dog along with her by the leash, slinging her bag back on her shoulder, she rolled over to the toppled West, smoke surrounding the trio in gray haze. She strained to see through tears, but knew she was nearly right on top of West.

TING! Another gunshot pealed off some metal far away. More bullets released. Bora's shoulders jumped, but she plunged forward to where she remembered seeing West, bringing her hands under her armpits and pulling her out of the smoke cloud as if pulling the average bale of hay. "Let's run," she said right next to West's ear, wide eyed, sweat matting her hair, hands shaking, absolutely terrified by the gunfight and wanting to flee like a mouse. She hadn't considered the man still held West's gun, hadn't considered anything except running while having a chance.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Camey
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@MikkishtheLeprechaun @Mariana Collie @Gentlemanvaultboy
'Since when is community service picking up trash?' She asked briefly, remembering her own memories of it. She had done community service a few times when getting caught for dealing and or smuggling, but it was never picking up trash. Mostly getting rid of pests, but not in the way Mikkish spoke. Killing was involved sometimes, but mostly it was getting rid of the bodies and the smell of them. It wasn't great.

'And then?' She asked when Mikkish began talking about his ex and himself being held at gunpoint, not realising why he was stopping until he spoke further. 'speaking of..?' she slowly said while following his gaze and seeing the people from the helicopter. She quickly copied Mikkish's actions and took out her own gun, running after Mikkish after a slight hesitation. Was she really going to risk her life for a few random people she met on the helicopter? Apparently, she was.

She suddenly ducked after a bullet nearly hit her and Mikkish, her heartrate rapidly increasing. 'Damn!' she exclaimed, panic overtaking her tone. She ducked behind a large sign. It probably wouldn't be enough to stop a bullet, but it was better than the opponent having a clear shot at her head. While behind the sign, she could only hear the bullets ricochet, which made her feel quite uneasy. She quickly looked at the scene, holding her gun to shoot at any moment if necessary, still mostly behind the sign to prevent her from being seen.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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@MikkishtheLeprechaun@Mariana Collie@Camey

West pulled her way up on top of the guy as he released another cloud of smoke. She couldn't breath, her eyes stung, but that didn't really matter to her right at this moment. She heard the gunshots but they seemed to come from somewhere far away, they didn't matter. She raised up her fist high in the air and brought it down where she though he might be. A shot of pain shot up her arm as it connected with the sidewalk, but that didn't matter. She went again. Concrete. Again. Concrete. Again! Face? Again! Face!

She felt something roll across her back, pushing her down press against the guy for just a moment. She used that moment to bite something. Then she felt something drag her up, trying to drag her away out the haze. Away from him! Her arms shot out towards him with snarl even as she felt herself being torn away, searching for anything to hold on to. She felt her fingers claw at his face, miss the neck of his shirt, slide into the hem of his pants, but in her frantic clawing they didn't have time to establish a hold. They went down his leg, wrapped around his shoe. She could see slightly now, managed to get her breath back, and shouted, "Do you have any idea how many many people die every day because of stupid bastards like you? Do you?!" She felt the shoe pop off his foot as she was dragged completely out of the smoke, coming off in her vice like grip.

She was about to throw whoever was on her back off and dive back in to keep at his when a voice cut through the other haze, the one in her head. It wasn't the words that were said in her ear that did it, in her state it was doubtful that she even recognized them. It was the tone. Another unmistakable tone, like the one the guy had used when he'd ordered West to get on the ground. Another she was infinitely familiar with. She looked over, blinking her eyes to catch the blurry outline of Bora. Maybe it was just the aftermath of the smoke and the rage, but nothing was in focus except the distinctive pop pops of gunshots. Were they being shot at? Had Bora been shot?

She shook her head. No. No. Bora hadn't been shot, she'd be screaming. Someone else was shooting? No, it didn't matter. Bullets were going around, this was not the time for retribution anymore. West grabbed Bora by the shoulders, blood from her mangled hand staining the cloth and looked for some cover in random, blurry direction. It was then that she realized that her glasses must have fallen off during the struggle. "Where?" She asked. "You have to lead me."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mikkish let off another burst of rounds and William returned once again. He felt a special kind of fear, like his ribs were slithering, something like what he experience when he tried to save his "ex" (it was actually just a crush). Williams veins were exploding with adrenaline, his eyes began tearing up, he had never imagined he would ever find himself in the situation he was now in. Both men, firing back and forth were so caught up in trying to survive or take the other guy out, they couldn't possibly notice that something was off, and neither could anyone else on the scene.

Mikkish was a terrible shot, and always had been. William, in his panic, hardly bothered to aim. Even taking these factors into account, however, with how close Mikkish was to Maddox and how close William was to everyone else, surely something would hit someone with all the gunshots being let off. Several landed in a brick wall next to Mikkish, and one in a parking meter close by. The car beside William was further torn by 9mm rounds, thanks to Mikkish.

"Alright, playtime is over." Came a stern, though calm voice. And everyone heard. He didn't yell, merely spoke, yet his voice prevailed over the gunshots and drew attention in the excitement. A single man in a black cloak walked into view. His face, like Richards, was stern and stoic, but while Richard's seemed amused, this man gave vibes of authority. Firm, irrefutable authority, like if a teacher had just caught his students having a water gun fight in his classroom.

The clips fell out of each gun possessed by anyone on scene, rendering the triggers useless. It was this man's doing.

"You thought it might be funny to play wild wild west, and now you'll all deal with the consequences."
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