Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Amane Kishimoto

Amanes schedule from here on out was pretty much strict and monitored. It almost seemed like principal Hisakawa wanted him out personally to the extent he was going to.

But that would be the easy way out with no life lesson to be taught.

Word of his one man assault on class 1-A and the way he slandered Mina had spread through Komei like a wild fire. Even his own class was against his actions, their eyes fell on the boy full of disappointment. As he walked through the hallways, the sea of students would part allowing him to be seen by all students. Even some of Mina's fanboys approached him trying to pick a fight, spouting powerful words as they tried to get under his skin. They even went to the length of physical bullying as the knocked the books he was carrying out of his hand. He wanted to fuck those guys up, his body quaked under his school uniform, some of the bandages that was wrapped around his chest even came undone.

Yet Amane didn't retaliate at all which gave the students confirmation that Amane Kishimoto was ok thin ice. While the other kids schemes on ways to get him expelled the only thing Amane could think about was his grandfathers words.

"If you get into any kind of trouble you're dreams of being a pro will die here at this Komei Academy."

The guy meant it and there was no way around it which made him want to tear his own hair out. Being a living legend and being the headmaster at a top 50 academy for heroing internationally meant the guy could track Amane down however he pleased. The boy had to roll with the punches or find a new career.

The first day on the job was always the toughest, the fact that his body was still sore from all the injuries made things even worse. When school was over Amane had 15 minutes to prepare for janitorial duties around the school. Amane put on a pair of navy blue janitor overalls and a navy blue cap to help from attracting attention. after checking in with the head custodian that he was present Amane went off to go clean the cafeteria in which he met a familiar staff member.

Though the students, teachers, and his own grandfather accepted Akane Mako just because she was attractive and powerful. Amane did not, a supervillain gone good never sat right with him. Especially someone as deceiving as Madame obsidian. The boy had been pushing a mop and bucket towards until he came to a stop in front of the lady. The first words coming out of her words were insults, as if he had not received enough of those today. He stared at her fox like facial expression with his own vibrant amber eyes, she would see he was burning with anger inside.

Amane gripped his mop tightly trying to release some stress. Even teachers were trying to piss him off today huh? Though it has to be Ms.Mako, the boy would be seeing her every weekend for detention until the end of his freshman year."Mako, is there something that you need cleaned? If not then I'll be off." The boy dropped all honorifics when it came to Akane Mako, he treated her as if she was just another student. He tried his best to not sound hostile but it was tough Trying to supress his emotions while the mop he was holding shook viciously inside the pail. He tried to move past her but stopped in his tracks once her stare fell upon him.

"Did you come to pour salt on my wounds? Just hurry and get it over with"

@Silver Carrot
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Kasuke Mina

Mina followed Dulga into the training room's changing area, and as her costume was damaged beyond salvage and a new one was in the process being tailored, she instead opted for the standard academy gym clothes. Besides, she was still feeling niggling pains in her back and neck. Fighting in anything that restricted her flexibility, like her costume, might not be a good idea yet. Mina saw her opponent's face as they were changing, and wondered what the story behind those scars were, but quickly pushed it to the back of her mind. It was irrelevant clutter that may distract her from viewing Dulga as her foe in this sparring session.

When the petite girl was ready, she followed Dulga out, and into the training room itself, and took a stance. She spent a few seconds calming herself and giving herself over to her martial arts instincts after Dulga's invitation to attack. Only when she felt ready, did she rush forward. She was quick! When she reached her opponent, she threw some quick, weak strikes at Dulga's abdomen and head, merely trying to feel her out right now.


Maeda Hitomi

Hitomi also didn't notice that a collision was imminent. As Tomoe was looking down, Hitomi was looking up. So the sensation of something connecting with her chest was alarming. Doubly so considering what, or rather who, she'd been thinking about. She bleated like a surprised baby goat, and leapt up from her bench, blushing.

"Oh! Oh, it's only you, Tomoe. You starled me!" She responded, before bleating again and squirming when Tomoe hugged her and buried her head in the sheep girl's chest again. "Please stop that! We're in public!" Hitomi chided, before smiling back finally. Tomoe was hard to stay mad at. "I was just sitting on this bench, thinking about...stuff. What about you?"


Mako Akane

"Oh, my, no!" The secretary replied, her infuriatingly sweet saccharine act not dropped for a second. "Believe it or not, I actually want to help you. That is, if you do still actually want to be a Pro-Hero. It's not just about power, or being the best. You also have to be good. You're not. In fact, if you weren't the Principal's grandson, I wouldn't even be wasting my time trying to correct you. I think you're a lost cause. But I owe him many, many favours, and I like a challenge. I run an extracurricular class for Hero students who need a little coaxing in the right direction. I'd like you to come along. Actually, let me rephrase that. You're coming along."


Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Melpaws
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Melpaws Envoy of the First

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ruby Mamoru

Even though she thought the injury might be rather bad, it ended up healing away over the weekend just fine. She didn't even need to wear a bandage around her face anymore, the wound was stitched and would heal up fully, soon. Now was tuesday though, and she still didn't bother talking to too many people. While Ruby was able to spend some time with her allies and get to know some more classmates, she didn't really "bond" with any of them. The girl was still frustrated about that fact that they have not been given the victory that, at least that is what she felt like, truly deserved. Though in the end the catgirl was more happy than not since she was given entry to the hero course and that made her both incredibly excited and anxious to see how her life would proceed from that point onward. Her parents couldn't have been more happy either, Ruby swore she heard her mother almost cry in the background when she phoned her father to bring the good news. So all in all, everything turned out well.

As soon as the bell rang and the teacher had dismissed the previous class, Ruby packed her things and headed outside. While she was very much attempting to be a perfect student in the classroom, the girl still couldn't be bothered with socializing much and didn't want to stick around to see everyone else talking to one another. She left the room quickly while brushing her hair with her hand elegantly, trying to keep up this both cute and mysterious beautiful aura that she ( at least attempted ) to maintain. Unlike others who intended to walk into the dorm immediately, Ruby decided that it would be best to enjoy the nice weather while it lasted. This school had a lot to offer after all!

After having walked through the hallways for a while, Ruby finally reached her way outside the building to find the school yard, a beautiful place which was not ruined by the surrounding security measurements. Perfect place for Ruby to order her thoughts before she would go train or study or do anything else! There was no rest for those who want to succeed after all. For now though it should be the best to just enjoy the peaceful time off while it lasted. The neko found herself a bench to sit on, still wearing her school clothes, and sat down on it while placing her bag next to it. The wooden bench was heated by the warm sunrays and the surrounding green of the grass and flora was beautiful to look at. Her tail curled together behind her and she finally leaned back and laid down on the whole length of the bench. Laying on her back, the catgirl placed her hands behind her head so that it wouldn't rest on the hard wood and then she angled her left leg, both her legs were also on the bench, so it was more relaxed for her. In this relaxed position, Ruby just stared in the sky, watching the clouds pass by. While she hated nonsensical activities, this seemed worthwhile as she wanted to calm her mind down. ( I hope I described well what position she is in cx )
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

”Ngh… C’mon c’mon c’mon…” Mamoru struggled to write her name onto her test paper. Ever since her last battle her hand had been heavily bandaged. The nurse managed to salvage it so that it wasn’t going to be amputated it heavily scarred (though there were still faint cuts all over her hands), but her hands were still numb and it was hard to grip things. By the end of the day Mamoru had a hard time so much as holding her pen, let alone writing. Fortunately she can still read so she was just much more verbal than usual.

Of course Mamoru had other problems too. She couldn’t really pick up her things so she just slipped her arm through and carried it over her shoulders. Trying to open doors was difficult too so she had to either hook her fingers through the latches or just use her legs. Putting in clothes was also close to torture; she had to button her shirts with her teeth. But never once did Mamoru complain or ask for help: her current state was just the price she paid as a hero. Someone had to make the sacrifice and Mamoru choose to do what no one else was willing or able to do. Sure she wants to complain about it, but what good would that do? She couldn’t expect others to take pity in her or try to help her. She can’t ask others to make the same sacrifice.

Contemplating these thoughts Mamoru dropped her school supplies into her back and headed back to the dorm. She skipped, swinging her limp and useless arms side-to-side. While she had work to do she wasn’t going to worry about it: she was going to play tonight and work hard tomorrow! Along the way she found a vending machine that had one of her favorite drinks: Cream Soda!

”You will be mine!”

First Mamoru had to get her wallet out. She tried to grab it but her grip was too weak and her wallet too slick. ”Damn this synthetic leather! Why you do smooth?!” Mamoru tried to shake her butt to force the wallet out from her skirt pocket. She was surprisingly successful and managed to get her wallet to fly out of her pocket. ”Hiya!” Kicking her wallet midair Mamoru managed to get it to go high and caught it with her face. Now for the difficult part: extracting and getting 200 yen to pay for her soda. With no hands.

”My greatest challenge yet.”

Donny packed up his things as the final class came to a close. Heroism aside, Komei was like any other school with all its homework and after class assignments. Donny wanted to complain about how it’ll be hard for him to train if he had so much work to do, but truthfully he just wanted to keep slacking off. He’s been doing somewhat well at maintaining his work, but he’s he been staying up very late into the night to either finish homework or play video games. It wasn’t entirely unusual for him to only get five hours of sleep due to his night owl tendencies.

Even now Donny had a variable mound of work to do. Most of it were writing assignments, his least favorite type of work. Give him a topic he likes and he could crank out essays in hours, but writing an objective perspective about the Meiji Restoration and it’ll take him hours just to figure out research. ”Ugh… Not good…”

Donny returned to the dormitories and set his work into a coffee table in the commons. As usual Donny is the easy work first. Mathematics, English, and Ethics. Most of it was just find-and-report stuff so all Donny needed to do was find the source and then regurgitate it back onto the paper. ”Teaching you how to find the right info instead of knowing the right info.” Donny sighed as he opened up jus laptop. He took one look at the assignment outline then stood up and went to the kitchen to make himself a snack. Or dinner.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Dulga Tarata

When Mina arrived and took her stance, Dulga raised her fists up. She copied her father’s own fighting stance. Something she remembered when she saw him fighting Kensai. Mina attacked first throwing a few light punches Dulga’s way. She knew they were light when one of the strikes hit her abdomen; barely hard enough for Dulga to register it. She only bothered to protect her face by swiping Mina’s hand away. ”She’s prodding my defenses.”

Dulga couldn’t let Mina build up momentum. Mina was fast; if Dulga doesn’t take her down soon Mina would just dance circles around Dulga. So Dulga tried to grab Mina, one hand going for her shirt and another teaching her shirt. Regardless if Dulga grabbed Mina, she reared her fists back before throwing three powerful right haymakers to slam the Mina into the ground. Hard enough to leave a bruise or even break some bones if all three connect.

@Silver Carrot
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tomoe Kishitmoto

@Silver Carrot

Hitomi seemed quite surprised by Tomoe her sudden bump and hug, Tomoe could only giggle at Hitomi her cute reaction. This girl was still so sweet and pure. She did listen to extreme music but she was still so timid and sweet. Tomoe smirked up at Hitomi from her chest. She kept her hug around her body since she liked to see Hitomi squirm more.

"I will never surrender to your cuteness!"

Tomoe happily teased the girl. Hitomi couldn't get mad at her either way.

"I was gonna get coffee to feel better. You want some too? I'll treat you to some or something else if you don't like coffee.

Tomoe skipped over to the side of Hitomi to hug her arm. She casually leaned forwards looking past her chest to look her in her eyes. Hugging her arm definitly made her a little irritated that her chest was as flat as a board compared to the sheep girl.

"Come come!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Entering the kitchen, Donny put on his apron and hat, wondering what he should be making. He's been on-and-off about making everyone dinner, usually because sometimes he doesn't come back to the dorm until past dinnertime, where one of the other members of the school already makes a decent meal for everyone. This time around Donny is early so he could make whatever he wanted, however he didn't really feel like making anything too complex. Going over to his shelf he grabbed a can of meaty chili and beans, tortillas, and cheese. Booting up the steamer Donny made himself simple burritos. A lot of simple burritos. At least nine of them, with some apple juice.

As Donny ate his burrito he flipped through a shopping magazine in the dinning room. A lot of fancy faux-tech appliance and toy for children. A few 'healthy' meals like non-dairy cheesecake or wild raised roasted mackerel. A lot of nonsensical stuff. One thing that did catch his eye however was some sort of fancy new type of grill. It wasn't just any grill however; it was like a hot plate except that it could also cool down and freeze things too. Handy for serving cold treats or making rolled ice cream. A very niche produce to be sure... But Donny was curious. Looking at his cellphone there was plenty of time for Donny to go out to this shop and examine this new grill product and make it back before dinner. Assuming he doesn't get distracted along the way. Sure he had homework to do but he wasn't in the mood for it anyways.

After finishing his burritos Donny went back to his room and changed into some casual clothes. Tan khakis, salmon button up shirt, black loafer shoes, glasses. He looked unassuming enough. He looked at himself in the mirror and his considerable girth. Lifting it up, it quickly fell back into place with a jiggle. Made Donny chuckle. He drummed his belly as he walked out of his room, left the dorms, and headed to the city. He'll take the train.


As the school day was coming to an end, many students went their separate ways. Most, like good students, would return to their dorms and proceed to doing their school work. Some may leave campus to find dinner or socialize with friends. Others would go to the various centers around school to study or train. One student in particular was the ever gruff and aggressive Asahi Goroshi. 1B student of the Hero course. Vice Representative of his class, though people just call him the Vice President. A student who's talents are better suited for the Support class, but though determination and a lot of outside help, he managed to claw his way into the hero course. Asahi knew however that his ability to stay in this course was tenuous at best. While he certainly showed the necessary bravery and honor to be a hero, his quirk did not really empower him beyond human limits. He had no super strength or speed, and his quick was not powerful in nature. he was merely tireless and needless; with no need to sleep or eat, he could work constantly with no sustenance, and his body would never falter regardless of what he does or doesn't eat, how he treats his body, or what injuries he sustains. His tolerance for pain was so high that he was actually immune to pain, but not to the injuries themselves. Something he's learned time and time again during classes.

Asahi's entire body was bandaged and wounded from his battles in previous hero classes, to the point that many students are hesitant to work with him. Unlike them who could limit themselves from overtly harming others, Asahi had no such limits; he would freely risk his entire being to gain victory. No price was too high for Asahi. What was worse however, was that it was almost like Asahi was looking forward to getting maimed and brutalized. Because while his quirk was not too impressive, his true talent lies in creation: robotics. Three of Asahi's fingers were replaced by mechanical prosthesis of his own creation; crude in appearance but their effectiveness was without question. His goal as a hero reflected the skills he had: to ensure that no matter what injury a hero would sustain, he will make sure they can keep fighting. For most, losing a single digit may be a career ender. But for Asahi, it was a step towards becoming the hero he wanted to be.

That's not to say that he accomplished this alone. Indeed, Asahi wouldn't even be in the hero course if he didn't have outside help. He hated to admit it; he wanted to achieve greatness with his own skills and merits. But so was everyone else in this school. And when you had so many determined, willing, and able people trying to aim for the top, the ones who get it isn't always the best or the strongest, but the ones who could work together. Asahi has spent much of his considerable free time corresponding with fellow Support class students; among them many were skilled mechanics and creators as well. Asahi would've fit right in with them had he not had his own aspirations. Through his skills he gained some rapport with the support students and offered a deal of sorts; direct cooperation between the hero and support class.

From Asahi's understanding the two courses tend not to cross paths despite their necessity to one another. Typically heroes don't need to create their own equipment, and supporters don't need to risk their lives in heroics. But still, Donny intended to take on a few of the support class students in a business sense; he will test their inventions and trade his own innovations with them. After all, while many have theoretically created useful cybernetic prosthesis, most students at Komei still had all their limbs. Asahi was all too willing to turn himself into their test subject for science. Just as well he also traded them valuable information about his own creations, though not everything he knew. Just enough to whet their appetites.

Not everyone in the support class liked this deal however. Many just see Asahi as an outsider trying to mooch off the support class's hard work, claiming glory when their inventions work or damning them when they don't. It didn't really matter what Asahi had to say about it; their belief was already set in stone. Normally Asahi would challenge these accusations head on as he often did, but before he could he had brought up this issue with his fellow 1B students. Namely, the Class Representative/President Shiki. She had a different approach: simple earn their trust through another. Someone that everyone in the Support class trusted. And Shiki knew just the person.

In the present, Asahi was fiddling with his finger prosthesis. Calibrating them using some tech given to him by some of the support students. Supposedly it would allow him to feel texture; right now he just has a vague idea of pressure his fingers exert. It would take some time before he would notice the subtle effects which brings him to his first target: Maeda Hitomi. The support queen. Kind and fair, everyone loved her, and there were many who were heartbroken when she joined the hero class. Asahi remembered her name spoken when one of the oppositions from the support class insulted him about the Hero Course students. Claiming that they always take their best and leave everyone else with scraps. Asahi had also heard how one of his fellow 1B students gave Hitomi's new class a sound thrashing. Sure Amane got eliminated in the end, but not without a bang.

That being said, Asahi felt no pride in Amane's accomplishments. Frankly no one in 1B liked him either. At least no one openly says they do; Asahi and his group have mixed-to-negative feelings for him and the rest of the class keep their distance. If anything, it only sicken Asahi knowing that 1A, who he knows already has a negative relationship with 1B, had to deal with Amane as their 'representative'. Asahi intended to straighten that misunderstanding out quickly. Asahi walked towards the sheep girl and her pink-haired friend, a scowl on his face as he glared at the two girls. "Maeda Hitomi." Then Asahi bowed his head towards her.

@Silver Carrot@liferusher
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Takeshi sighed as he put his books in a neat stack at the corner of his desk. He will get to them later, Michiko needed to get some stuff at the market right now. He reached for his Katana, and his sisters. Legally she wasn’t allowed to carry it, but he could because of his job as a bodyguard, he managed to get the papers to carry his weapons in the open. He changed from his school uniform, because it would only raise unnecessary questions to see a student carrying weapons. While he changed into slacks and white shirt with a tie. Not much different from his uniform, but it made him look older and it fit better with his swords. He also strapped his personal nine millimeter to a concealed holster which he covered with his trenchcoat. It would be a little warm but it would give him some protection.

Michko let out a over the top sigh. “Are you done yet? Seriously you are worse than a girl!”

“Says the girl who spends an hour in the bathroom….” Takeshi said with a slight smirk.

Michiko ignored him and walked into the hall, suddenly getting an idea. ”Ill meet you at the front of the dorms!” She said hurriedly as she suddenly vanished into a shadow before he could answer.

After a few jumps between shadows she suddenly appeared in front of Reina’s door. She had saw how much Takeshi enjoyed training her, and she needed to get out more. Soooo it was a win win for both of them! She knocked on the door “REINA-CHAN!” Her knock sounded like a machine gun as she rapped on the door. ”HEY Taki and I are heading out to go shopping! You wanna come!?”

Meanwhile, Takeshi had finished changing and securing his and his sisters sword to his left hip and made his way down to the front of the dorm. He stepped outside and stood off to the side in the sun. Closing his eyes as he leaned against the wall and waited for his sister.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Kasuke Mina

Mina danced out of the way of Dulga's grab attempt, using one of her arms to parry the attempt and force Dulga's arm away. She needed her other hand, though, as Dulga's multiple arms meant she had to be very conservative with her own. She didn't block the other arm's attempt. Of course, Mina knew that with Dulga's arms being very strong and able to solve a good deal of fight, she wouldn't have much need to train her legs. Plus she was strong, but that just meant she was using more momentum and force. When Mina saw the punches coming, she moved back and low, taking less damage from them as she was travelling with them, and as she did so, she grabbed, Dulga's grabbing arm, pulled, and swept her legs at the same time. If this took out Dulga's balance and propelled her forwards, Mina would shift her weight so that if Dulga landed correctly, on her back, Mina would be on top of her. If she decided to hedge her bets and land face first, at least they'd both be hurt. Of course, this was if her manouver worked at all. Either way, she took the punches. All her falling back did was to reduce their force to that of an ordinary strong punch, so they really hurt.


Maeda Hitomi

Hitomi squirmed and bleated more, until Tomoe finally let go and hugged her arm instead, and offered to go get some coffee. The sheep girl was about to cheerfully accept, and had already started smiling at Tomoe when she was approached by a dour looking boy. It was only when he adressed her formally and bowed that she remembered him, making her smile back and return the bow, Tomoe still latched onto her arm.

"Goroshi Asahi! I remember you! We were in the same support classes last year, though I don't think we ever actually talked.
I never got to congratulate you for making it to the Hero class! So, congratulations!"
she chimed cherrfully. Was this girl even capable of feeling ill will towards anyone? She was like sunshine in human form, almost sickeningly so!

@liferusher@Lucius Cypher
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Dulga Tarata

Dulga felt her punches connect, but she also felt the impact getting pulled away; seemed like Mina was rolling with the punches. Dulga knew the errors of her actions as soon as Mina grabbed onto her hand and swept her foot; Dulga tried to stand her ground but all she succeeded in doing was giving Mina the rigid foundation she needed to sweep Dulga onto her back. Dulga was at least able to tuck her chin in so she didn't bounce her head off the ground as Mina was quick to go into a mount. Dulga wasn't sure what Mina intended to do from here but if she wanted to bring things to the ground, Dulga would happily oblige.

Bringing her upper two arms in to block her head and upperbody, Dulga's other two pairs of arms went to grab Mina again. The one hand that Mina had grabbed, Dulga turned her wrist to grab Mina's arm too, locking the two together. The other paired hand went to grab at Mina's foot, knowing that Dulga could easily lift and throw Mina once she has a grip onto her. The other two hands shot towards Mina's head to grab her from behind the neck and pull her close, preferably right into Dulga's elbows. At the same time Dulga tried to brace her feet onto the ground; as soon as she could get a free hand underneath her, she could easily lift herself, and Mina, off the ground and resume a stand-up fight.

@Silver Carrot
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tomoe Kishitmoto

@Silver Carrot@Lucius Cypher

Tomoe pulled on her arm to make her walk with Tomoe while she still had jet to reply. Tomoe grinned as she pulled on Hitomi with all her weight but it seemed Hitomi wasn't moving just yet. Tomoe heard a strange voice she hadn't heard before. She turned her head towards her back to see what this voice had to do with Hitomi not moving. The voice was from a thug like boy that did seem to know Hitomi. Tomoe turned herself as she kept hugging Hitomi her arm but this time with her other side. She gazed up at the boy as they introduced each other. Was he gonna confess? Or fight her. Nah Hitomi was too sweet for that. She did look the part though so Tomoe wouldn't be surprised with a confession.

"Come, come Mae-chan."

Tomoe was getting impatient. She wanted to get her sweet coffee already. This boy was of no importance to her.

"Coffee, coffee."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Riegal
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Reina Mori

Reina sat on her bed with her legs crossed and stared down at the half-dozen papers splayed out on her sheets. Extremely amateur doodles of hero costume concepts were penciled on the paper. The girl frowned, mildly disappointed and embarrassed that she couldn't convey the ideas she had in her head very well. Well, at least she had determined that her costume would have some sort of fur collar on it. She liked that look. Yes, whenever she felt she had earned a costume, she'd make sure it'd have some fur.

The black-haired girl stared, losing herself in her thoughts. The loud and fast knocking on her door made her jump slightly in surprise. As the spike in adrenaline subsided, Michiko spoke from outside. Reina had been reaching to gather all the sheets of paper up off her bed but paused upon hearing what the other girl had to say--paused in mild shock, realizing her first instinct hadn't been to quickly refuse, but instead to consider the offer.

The girl's mind began to race--but she decided to try something different. To try having none of her wild train of thoughts. Before her self-doubt could even begin to get out of hand...


It felt like her world stopped. Something so insignificant to everyone else in the world, but she was in shock that she had managed to accept.

A long moment went by before the girl realized she had replied extremely quietly. Sucking in air--having not been breathing for the last few seconds--she answered through the door again while hopping off her bed. "Y-Yeah, sure! I'll be out in, um... like, two minutes!..."

Her heart was pounding almost as hard as it had been when she had been fighting Acion. She had to change. She was just wearing her baggiest hoodie and sweats right now. What should she wear? Something she liked, obviously, even if it was on the 'slobby' side, right? That was who she was, so dressing up would just be weird. Yeah. Probably. Wait, actually. It was a school day, she should change back in her uniform if she was going out. That was the sensible thing, right. Right?

Right, definitely. It had been a... while since she'd last gone out anywhere with other students, but it was definitely her uniform she should wear.

With that decided, she changed in a flurry, pulling on the long-sleeved pullover and quickly brushing her hair back into place. Next came the strange hopping dance that came with trying to pull up leggings in a hurry--only made worse by the orbs floating around her, one of them literally trying to get in her pants. "Piss off!" she muttered, swatting it away with the back of her hand. One last check in the mirror to make sure she hadn't missed something important, and Reina was as satisfied as she'd ever be. She grabbed her schoolbag, and made her way to open the door, as though she hadn't been in a complete panic moments ago.

She gave a small wave and smile to Takeshi's sister, unable to keep herself from being at least a little sheepish. "Hey, Michiko...-chan."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Persia Hayashida

Since the weekend everyone has been talking about the Amane incident and it has grown rather annoying. Okay he took things a little too far but talking about it 4 days later had made a certain student irritated. That student being Persia Hayashida, she was probably the only person who was over the whole situation and didn't treat Amane any different. No it wasn't because she thought his actions was right, its the fact that people who had no business being involved wanted to try and take matters into their own hands. That and her class was overly dramatic to the point of shunning the guy. Persia had been perched up in the branches of a tree deep in thought, taking full advantage of the chance to get some piece of mind from her overly dramatic classmates. The breeze was rather nice from her position, the wind blowing on her head was really soothing.

She noticed someone walk by and lay on a nearby bench. Persia was a rather curious person, especially when it comes to a person she never seen before. On top of that the girl had a tail and catlike ears which piked her interest. Not only that but rarely does someone goes to the courtyard to lay on a park bench right.

"Someone else wanting to clear their mind. I wonder what they could be thinking about"

She stared for a few more seconds before deciding to go pick the nekos mind, the brunette climbed downed the tree she was in and made her way over to Ruby. By the time her feet hit the ground the girl would have noticed she was nearby because of her enhanced senses though it was likely she didn't pay too much attention until Persia was really close. The purple eyed girl poked her face in front of Ruby's view of the sky. She looked down into the kitty's eyes, her own growing wide as she observed the girl for a split second before getting out of her way and saying something. From Ruby's view she could see the girls thigh high black stockings out the corner of her eye if she decided to stay in her position

"oop! I'm sorry if I disturbed you, its just that I was surprised someone came here to relax right after school. Usually everyone just rushes to go train, grab something to eat, or just go off campus to have some fun." Persia began fiddling her fingers behidn her back as she continued.

"When you're at such a big establishment sometimes you forget about how nice the outdoors is."

Suddenly the girl slapped her own cheeks as she realized that she had been rambling without officially introducing herself to the girl.

"How rude of me! I am Hayashida Persia, hero course class 1-B. It is a pleasure to meet you."


Roy Kusayanagi

Roy probably had the longest weekend second to Mina only, as if she wasn't already stuck up to begin now she had the embarrassment of getting her ass handed to her by Amane and the fight with Kaida adding fuel to the fire. It was probably best to just avoid that girl for the time being. At first he didn't feel bad about Mina getting thrown into a wall by Kaida when their class watched the footage in class, it took attention away from his blunder on day 1. Though it caught him off guard that such a small and timid girl was capable of such power, she didn't just throw Mina into the wall. There was so much power behind that throw that she left a body outline from the impact. He had to chuckle quietly to himself in the corner of the classroom so that Mina didn't try to kick his ass again. But once the clips of Amane and Mina fighting rolled out. Roy was furious at the amount of disrespect that he had shown her but there wasn't much he could do at the momennt. He just bit his lip and kept his mouth shut out of convenience.

When Mr.Yoshida showed the clip of Kaida shattering the guys armor, a nervous laugh escaped the boy. Part of it was releif and a self note not to piss her off. All the abuse that his armor took, one punch was enough to cause irreversible damage to his gear. Why would she hide something like that in the first place. As if super strength is something to be afraid, the number 1 hero currently posseses such strength and he is internationally famous. It made no sense.


He wish he hadn't been so impatient in trying to figure out what her power was exactly and why she hid it. The whole complication that went down over the weekend replayed over and over again in his mind. Since he pushed Kaida to spill her secret she ended up pushing him away, and on top of that he is on Dulga's hit list now. The thought of being on her radar made a chill go down his spine. Too put it all together, things were awkard between him and the only normal girl in class 1-A.

By now he would have already apologized to Kaida upfront but for somereason whever he tries to his mind just goes completely blank and he'd fumble his words. Roy had been contemplating everything that happened alone in his room, usually he'd be haning out with Acion but he had some business with Aurelia. The blonde untied his tie and took off his Komei uniform before neatly placing it in his closet. Everyday he would train after school to get stronger, his goal was still fresh in his mind. Roy changed into a black t-shirt, black sweatpants, and some gym sneakers. He then grabbed his phone off his dresser and headed downstairs.

Once outisde he saw Takeshi leaning against the side of the dorm house in a trench cloak, to be frank the guy stuck out like a sore thumb. Roy put both of his hands in his pocket and turned over towards the edge lord present near him.

"You waiting on somebody Yashiro?"


Amane Kishimoto

Amane winced a bit as he didn't realize how hard he had been gripping onto the mop, his fingers were still injured. Not only did the get hit with a point blank explosion but they were used as target practice by a certain 6 armed person. He didn't like how Mako approached him, its one thing to have a student talk to you like that but another teacher was a different storry.

"Mako do you think I would have this mop and bucket if i didn't want to be a hero?" he had to bite his tongue before he said something else. Was he really being lectured by an ex super villain on how to be a hero? Out of all the shit he heard today this had to be the most rediculous. Now she wanted him to follower her to her little afterschool classes, What is the difference between your extracurricular class and the detentions I will be serving with you every weekend? Besides even if I did want to come I couldn't. I am not free from my janitorial duties for today, i've just begun."

Amane was in doubt that his grandfather would let him free his second day on the job, unless sending this abomination of a hero was a way of punishing him even more.

@Silver Carrot
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yukari Yozakura

”Almost the same actually. I was going to go into the town and shop for an item that will help me with work.” When the elevator arrived Yukari walked in, holding the door open for Luelle to join. She could hear it in the girl’s voice that she seemed sad, though Yukari wasn’t sure why. If she had to guess she figured that Luelle was bummed out about her combat performance. Yukari wished she could help, but she wasn’t sure what she could do for Luelle; she hardly did anything at all. Can’t work with nothing.

”Going up.” Softly touching the buttons Yukari found the braille saying third floor. As they were going up Yukari had an idea. ”Say Luelle, why don’t you come with me to town and shop around? I could use your eyes after all.” Yukari tapped her fingers against her cane. Yukari could always use someone else's perspective to improve herself. Maybe show her something that she never thought of, something that could be useful.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Kasuke Mina

Mina knew that Dulga had the advantage on the ground. But Dulga had the advantage in any close combat situation. It was simple mathematics. At least on the ground, Mina could use her grappling knowledge against Dulga, who had no formal grappling training that Mina knew of. While Dulga was grabbing Mina in multiple places at once, Mina only had one free arm. But she only needed one. She pressed it against Dulga's neck in a way that didn't restrict her air flow, yet pressure was still being applied. If Dulga knew any MMA theory, she'd know that Mina was attempting a blood choke. However, Mina's eyes were tearing up and she was gritting her teeth. Dulga's hold on her weakened neck was putting strain on her too.

In her still not fully recovered state, Mina relented before Dulga passed out, removing the blood choke and reaching up to try to free Dulga's powerful hands from her neck. All the while, the pain in her face was becoming more pronounced.


Mako Akane

That comment actually game Mako pause, and her smile disappeared as she put her hand to her chin and her forehead wrinkled. "That's actually a good point. I didn't think about that. Guess you aren't coming after all." Then her smile gave a re-emergence and she shrugged. "Oh, well. Looks like your detentions will be serving a double purpose. Though I do wonder why you want to be a Hero so much. You're not the typical wannabe Hero type."

After a few seconds of silence. "Oh, well. I'm sure you'll open up eventually. For now, I'll get out of your hair and let you work." With one last sly grin, a cock of her head, and a quiet chuckle, she walked away and left him alone.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Heartfillia
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

The last few days were tense for Kaida. Thankfully no one really asked her about her quirk. Except roy, But Dulga managed to help her on that one. Now she was contemplating on actually leaving the dorm to go get some items from the stores...but she had no one to go with. She half debated to not go. She even got dressed up for it and everything! Wearing a cute long flowy skirt and heels, with a nice white blouse. She sat on her bed looking quite pathetic really. Kinda bummed out about the situation...even more irritated that Dulga would still spar with that spoiled brat Mina after everything that happened.

She even asked Jett to go with her, but he wasn’t feeling well with his migraine, which had gotten even worse in the past few days that he couldn’t really leave his room. But he did promise for rain check. Though he was speaking more to her so she couldn’t complain! He really warmed up after the fight, before he saw the footage, and even after.

She felt her face warm at the thought of spending more time with Jett when she heard Michiko Yelling at Reina asking her to come shopping with her and Takeshi. She perked up, perhaps she could ask if she could tag along!

She hurried off her bed and went into the hall. Peeking her head around her door frame and looking at Michiko… Hey… I kinda overheard you’re going into town? Do you mind if I come along?

Michiko glanced over and gave her a huge smile. ”Of course! The more the merrier! Reina is changing from what I can hear.” She giggled after hearing some thumping noises of bouncing around in Reina’s room.

Kadia smiled as she realized how easy that was. It helped that Michiko was super friendly and went out of her way to make friends with her earlier in the week. She zipped back into her room and grabbed her phone and cute tiny purse with a tiny strap that was literally big enough to hold her phone, wallet, and a few key essential makeup items.

She slipped the strap over her right shoulder and exited her room.
Thanks! I’ve been meaning to get to the store...but I didn’t want to go alone...I wouldn’t know where to go. She said to Michiko as she walked over to her.

Your first time!? Well we will have to hit a bunch of different stores then! Some cafe’s and bakeries… ya know the places any self respecting girl should know.”

It was this time that Riena came out of her room and Kaida came into view. ” Hi Riena-chan! Soooo apparently Kaida-Chan needed some items, you don’t mind if she tags along right?”

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Reina Mori

Roy Kusayanagi

Takeshi glanced over when someone spoke to him, seeing it was Roy he bowed his head slightly in hello. He straightened himself and turned towards Roy, giving him his full attention and respect. ”Hello Kusaynagi, I’m currently waiting on my little sister Michiko. We are going into town. She needs some stuff for school, While I need some new clothes myself…”

He was actually looking to find a hero suit maker and design some more normal casual attire that was similar to his Trench coat. Making kevlar shirts and light jackets.

He glanced at Roy’s attire and asked. “You going to train?” He had noticed Roy leaving the dorms every day now, and it was clear he was training hard. “Perhaps one of these days we can train together? I’ve noticed that our quirks are very similar. We could possibly help each other.”

Roy was thrown off when Takeshi bowed at him, he was expecting him to say something edgy, he felt pretty bad now that he judged the guy. I mean that's pretty much everyone else thinks about him, the guy tried to hide electric burns and act like he was fine.When he brought up clothes Roy thought about how his clothes got ruined when he went out with Acion for a run.

“I know how you feel about the clothes”

The blonde had an idea of what he would buy, since he has met Yashiro he has always wore neutral colors. He asked Roy about what his plans were.

“Yeah I planned on getting my regular sesh in...but when you bring up clothes I actually need some supplies to clean one of my outfits.” Roy began scratching the back of his head nervously, he hoped that Yashiro didn’t ask why because he was not supposed to speak of that day. His clothes were pretty much stained with another person's blood, it’d look strange if he tried cleaning that out with others around.

“If you don’t mind, i’d like to come along with you. I could always just train when I comeback I suppose. Besides I could help you pick out some clothes that isn’t black or white. I’m sure Michiko would be pleased to see you in something with color”

Takeshi glanced down at his clothes as Roy mentioned the colors. There’s something wrong with Black and white?” He asked with a raised eyebrow with a genuine look of confusion. Growing up in his home, one did not wear too much color. Not to bring attention to themselves as much as possible. “I don’t see anything wrong with it.”

Reina paused at Michiko’s question, glancing towards Kaida in something that resembled subdued confusion. No one needed her permission to do anything… and it wasn’t often that her opinion had ever been asked for. The girl shook her head slightly. “Yeah, that’s fine,” she said. It was actually more than fine. Reina liked Kaida well enough from what she had seen of the girl, and the more people around, the less she’d be expected to help carry a conversation. Not a talent of hers.

When Reina agreed, Michiko quickly wrapped her arms around each of the other girls, and pulled them along. ” This is gonna be great! If Takeshi wasn’t coming it would be a girls night!” It didn’t take them long to go down the two flights of stairs and make it outside where Takeshi was waiting for them. Except it wasn’t only Takeshi as Roy was standing there talking to him as well.

Kaida eyes widened at the sight of Roy and looked away, redness in her cheeks as she didn’t know what to say to him. She just grabbed her left wrist with her right hand and waited for them to finish talking.

Roy couldn’t help but chuckle at Takeshi not finding anything wrong with his choice of fashion, “wearing neutral colors isn’t the problem. It's the fact that those are the only two colors you wear. People might start looking at you strangely because of it. Even if its a little, adding some red and blue into the mix can’t hurt right?”

He heard the front door to the boarding house open in which both him and Takeshi turned to see who had come and out the door came Michiko, Reina, and…


Damn...did she look good. Roy watched as she walked out the building without blinking once, before he could notice him looking at her he turned back to Takeshi leaning in a little bit. ”You never told me that Kaida was coming along.” he said with a low whisper. His heart was beating pretty fast and his cheeks turned a light shade of red. ”You know maybe I should rest today. Training hard everyday can cause negative effects” . At this point Takeshi would have got the memo and know the guy was just bullshitting.

You can’t blame a teenage boy though.

Takeshi raised an eyebrow when he noticed Michiko dragging along Reina and Kaida. Sighing inwardly, he knew his sister through and through… she purposely dragged two pretty girls along to get him to talk to them. Michiko had a smug smile on her face, as if she could read her brothers mind. He glanced at Roy when he leaned in closer and whispered. Seeing his face turn red at the mention of Kadia. With the pitiful excuse he cooked up as well, he could have just left it at getting some new clothes and didn’t need to add another reason. But it was clear he liked her.

He wouldn’t say it, but he was glad she convinced Reina to come. He smiled at the group as they approached.

“I honestly didn’t know...Michiko grabbed both of them without telling me. But if you ask them, I’m sure you can tag along?”

His heart began beating a bit faster, now he had to walk up to the group of 3 and ask to come along. With how things been between the two he was sure so much.

Don't be such a chicken just do it. You have nothing to lose!

”I’m sure your sister wouldn’t mind. I’ll be back then”

And with that he turned around once more. He already had what he was going to say planned out. As he walked over to the 3 girls he greeting them by waving his hand.

”Hey, Takeshi told me you all were going into town to day to do some shopping. I was hoping to tag along, I need a couple of things as well… When he first started talking he was looking at Michiko but his eyes slowly trailed off and made its way onto Kaida. She looked even better up close, he could see she was even wearing makeup.

Michiko cocked her head to the side when Roy walked up to her and asked if he could come. She noticed his slow glance over to Kaida and giggled. “I’m ok with it!” She said while glancing over at Kaida, who was just as red as Roy. Reina simply shrugged and gave a small nod.

“Nope! Takeshi is the only boy allowed.” Kaida said as she folded her arms.

He smiled when Michiko said yes, though suddenly Kaida abruptly said nope and said Takeshi was the only boy allowed. His smile stayed on his face, it was always cute seeing a small girl try and be angry. For some reason he wasn’t nervous this time, he was kinda happy actually that she spoke up.

”Why can’t I come then Kaida? A pretty lady needs a man to escort her places, and Takeshi has to take care of his sister.”

“Takeshi looks like he’s a man enough to protect all three of us..” She said glancing at the other boy. Noticing he was wearing his swords on his hip. Wondering why he felt it was needed to go into town with them. But while she was half joking with Roy, she kinda hoped he didn’t come, so he didn’t ask about her quirk again.

“I suppose you’re right...but the more the better.Thanks Michiko! I’ll change my clothes really quick then” He walked through the front door and closed it behind him before running full sprint up the stairs and into his dorm. Once inside he fumbled to take off his black t-shirt to the point where he messed up his hair a bit. Roy threw the piece of clothing onto his bed before taking off sweatpants next and kicking it into the corner of his room. He was ecstatic to have a chance to patch things up with Kaida.

Roy opened up his closet and pulled out a pair of blue jeans and a belt, he quickly put one leg inside the pant holes. He was moving so rapidly that when he tried to put the other leg in he lost balance and began hopping on one foot as he tried to stay on his feet. Eventually he crashed into his wall stopping the fall.


He put the other leg in and pulled the pants all the way up to his waist before putting his belt on. Roy then grabbed a blue polo shirt from his closet putting it on quickly and buttoning it up. The boy then put on some black dress shoes before rushing into the bathroom to comb his hair back into place. He gave himself one last look in the mirror to make sure everything was alright before grabbing his wallet, phone, and room key and headed back to the others.

”Sorry for the wait guys but I am ready to go now”

Kaida was taken back that he just went with it and ran off. She got a bit flustered and started fidgeting with her purse. She hoped he didn’t see it as an opportunity to ask about her quirk again…But when he came back, she noticed his change in clothes… into a polo and Jeans. It was odd seeing him in anything else but gym clothes or school clothes. She didn’t say anything but started to walk with Takeshi and Michiko.

When Roy came back the group headed off to the town. Michiko noticed how Kadia was acting but didn’t say anything. “First! Lets go get some food. I’m hungry!” She said trying to lighten the mood.

He noticed Kaida acting weird but decided not to say anything at the moment, he’d rather not put her on the spot like that. Instead he just went along with what Michiko suggested, “Any restaurants you have in mind Michiko?”

“The ones that Make FOOD” She said laughing. Knowing that’s not what he meant. “I don’t know, RAMEN!” She said making an executive decision.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 3 days ago

Aurelia Nakamiji
Acion Nakamiji

"Look over here. Cheese!" The silver haired girl called as her younger brother, who was hovering at the high tree top level, his hands holding a large scissors, cutting branches, looking annoyed.

"You taking this seriously or not?" He turned to her. "This is a proper presentation, not a vacation."

"Life would be tragic if it isn't funny. I did this to White Hat back when I was in your carefree time." She replied, amused. "Though I can't say that he liked it."

"Ayyy...So, have you got it yet?"

"You're too serious with this. Yes I did. Perfectly HD. Now you better finish it quickly or I will leave you along with this little footage."

With only a shook of his head, Acion continued the work, cutting branches of old trees, so that it did not create an imbalance in central gravity, in preparation for strong winds or perhaps storm if there were them here. He already started soon enough, so ending it was only in a matter of minutes. Once everything was done, he packed things up, returned the tool to the company, who appreciated his help, and left the area. Now that his job was over, it was Acion's turn to return his sister the favor, as he flew right next to her, eyeing the city from above. Patrol time. From Waterfront station, they flew across the sky, slicing through the city from above, passing over places like the Aeral drawbridge, the shopping complex Metrovillage, along with the chain of restaurant downtown. All in an afternoon's work.

It maybe the first time, but the hero trainee, as he soared through the sky with Aurelia, the well-known Sky Defender, actually felt great. It felt...new. It wasn't like having to go through hours of assignments and trainings in Komei. Those two activities weren't bad per say, but when doing this instead, he felt like more of a professional hero, not a trainee. And he also felt like he was actually heading there, harnessing valuable and relevant skills rather than doing stuff like making a presentation to show that you are doing practical things.

"I haven't seen that thing. Is it new?" Acion asked as he pointed towards a crossbow that Aurelia was wielding behind her back. The last time he met her, she wasn't having that one.

"This? It's a raiding weapon, used in hideout raids and sieges, but recently we decided to equip it during patrols as well. Everybody has one, except for those who prioritize in ranged combat, whom gets a sword or knife instead." She replied. "After that incident I told you, we decided that no Sky Knights would be inexperienced with the common type of combat."

"So I will get one after I join?"

"Yeah, and proper training with it. I can assure you, it will be 'fun'." She laughed lowly, and evilly.

"What kind of hellfire do you have in store huh?"

"Well, you would receive more extensive trainings of CQC, along with socializing with our ways. Also, you will learn some leadership and cooperation. Important aspects for each and everyone of us. As for the details..." She continued grinning evilly. Spared him the details...

Acion decided not to go further. Man, he had a midterm break in not long and Aurelia would definitely pull Acion into one of these shits that she was so devilishly looking forward to. He was willing to bet gold on that.

"You say that we are on patrols, but do we have any idea who we are prioritizing after?" Acion asked.

"Well, commonly we are just skimming the city for potential threats, but currently, we have a few...entities that we are after. A swordsman, and a clan."

"A clan? That's interesting..."

"Well, from what I know up until now, they aren't professional villains. Just hero hunters. Their motives and origin to us are not yet known."

"Hmm..." He shouldn't need to care since he was only a student, for now. This was pro hero's work technically, but the young man could not help but get curious about it. It was going to be his work sooner or later. And he better off prepared for it.

"I guess you get the scope of what we are doing. This isn't kiddy stuff you do in Komei. Hopefully you'll get used to it before you actually apply to join us." She said, seriously. "But you are a smart person, and determined, so I don't doubt your ability."

Acion smiled lightly. It was certainly nice. He had a goal, now it was rock solid, and he was going to strive to overcome that rock, no matter what...
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Yellow Line is now leaving: Hosu. Next stop: Akibara. Please secure yourself safely."

Donny had a few regrets about going out right now: it was still fresh from afterschool, which also meant after work, which means the trains were packed. Donny was forced into squeezing between various men and woman all around the area, most who didn't really pay him much mind but surely didn't want to be pressed up against Donny. Donny himself was almost sweating bullets since in a situation like this, it was too easy for him to accidentally reveal his true form; without properly forming his body he'd be far too squishy for a normal fat guy. Luckily for Donny he was pressed up against the side of the train with his back towards the crowd, so he only needed to make his back feel normal.

But turning his back against strangers wasn't good for Donny. As he was looking at his phone and thinking about what to pick up while he was out, someone with sticky fingers slipped their hand into Donny's pocket, relieving him of his wallet. Donny barely felt a thing since everyone was pressing up against his body at the moment, so an errant finger didn't blip on his radar. And soon Donny's stop came. Donny and his pickpocket soon left opposite ways with the student none-the-wiser.

"Hmm... Rolled Ice Cream..."


Asahi stood up and craned his neck. Being so formal wasn't something he liked to do. Got in the way of work. In any case Hitomi didn't seem like she cared all too much for Asahi's attitude, nor her friend. Asahi could understand being in a hurry so he just said what he wanted to say. "Thanks. It wasn't easy and I had to have help, but yeah. I'm a hero now. In 1B in fact. Speaking of, Amane ain't representative of 1B. Some people might agree with what he did but not me or my friends. Anyways that's not what I'm here to talk about. Right now I'm trying to get help from some old friends from the Support Class, but they're kinda in a dour mood since you joined the Hero Course. They have a rather negative option of people like us since they think hero course students don't care for the support class. I want to prove them wrong." Asahi took out a flyer to a comic cafe near the school.

"I'm going to go meet with a few of them here, try to reconnect with them. One thing I heard a lot is how they miss you. I was hoping maybe you could come and show them that even if you're not in the support course anymore, we heroes aren't going to just forget them either. Though I can understand if you're busy." Asahi looked towards Tomoe and nodded in her direction. He turned to leave, saying a few things before heading back to his dorm. "The get together is tonight. Feel free to bring friends. We'll just chat, play games, eat snacks. I'll pay. See you around, Maeda Hitomi."

@Silver Carrot@liferusher
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Melpaws
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Melpaws Envoy of the First

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ruby Mamoru

Glaring off into the sky, Ruby thought about many things. It was rare that she took the time to really not stress herself with any chores, any training or any studying which she needed to do. What would the future hold for her? She felt the same as before... it was odd. Now that she was a member of the hero course, being the closest anyone in her family ever was to becoming a hero and while that made her feel odd she still felt as stressed as ever. Even though she got over the first few hurdles, there were still many more to come. The principle made it clear: If she did not continue to prove herself whenever she had the chance to do so, Ruby would quickly be sent home again or rather back to general studies. An embarrassing fate which Ruby really wanted to avoid. The nekomimi stayed confident though. After all, it was her who trained for basically all her life to get here; She felt ready.

Just when her thoughts kept drifting off more, as unusual as that was for her, an unknown student approached her and popped into sight for a few moments. Without shifting her position on the bench, Ruby's eyes moved to meet the unknown girl's glare until she leaned back again.
Seeing how polite the girl was, despite fiddling with her fingers behind her own back, which Ruby noticed, the catgirl decided to be polite back and sat up on the bench to face her. After the introduction, Ruby looked at her in a sceptical way and repeated the greeting.

"Ruby Mamoru... Class 1-A"

The reason why she stared into the girl's eyes so neutrally was because she was simply not used to being approached by someone just like that. Usually when Ruby was alone people would just leave her be. Well, times have changed it seems.

"I am one of the call-ups from general studies."

She admitted. She wasn't exactly embarrassed by it because rather than seeing it as failing the first time, Ruby thought that she had proven herself to be worthy for the hero course.

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