Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Ioua8654
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Ioua8654 A happy go lucky role-play enthusiast

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Lance Grimes

Lance took his attention from Ted and looked at the newcomer named John, his head jerked with surprise as John-like Lilah, had managed to sneak up them.Albeit more sloppy, and he did call himself out to the group. Which make Lance think that this kid hadn't been out on the street too long, as calling himself to a group of people, that exceeds more than 2 isn't the best idea, as seeing 3 out of the four were armed with firearms Lance included.

Lance walked up to John and begin to introduce himself and the group to John,""Hello my name's Lance I'm the combat specialist of the group also the best equipped, that's Thomas the quote on quote leader of the group, that's Ted the nervous wreck that had the balls to stand up to me, and then there is Lilah the girl that managed to sneak up on the group with a gun", Lance looked at his makeshift weapon and held his hand foward for a handshake, "You can't protect your self with a lacrosse stick, you need an actual weapon"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MidnightFox
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MidnightFox Le belle fille sans merci

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Lilah Green

Lilah flinches at the sudden sound, her eyes flashing angrily at the newcomer. She casts a weary glance around their sorroundings, spotting no movemnt. After a moment, she turns back to him and takes a few steps forward, quickly.

"Keep it down, would you?" She murmurs hotly to the pair, her mood changing almost instantly. She seemed to want to make up for the weakness she showed the others earlier and silently vowed to be better with this one.

"As Lance so gratefully introduced us, I'm Lilah. But I don't like that, so just call me 'L'." Her voice carried a slight edge of sarcasam, however, that air of weariness still hung about her. "As for joining us..." She gestures to Ted.

She winces to herself, realizing how bossy and controlling she seemed as well as her refering to the group as 'us.' Like she was one of them already. But she couldn't afford to show that, so she pushed it away and her face betrayed nothing.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ioua8654
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Ioua8654 A happy go lucky role-play enthusiast

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Lance Grimes

Lance took his attention off John and jerked his head to face Lilah. His expression turned from a happy grin, that stretched ear to ear to an expression of a robot, blank and cold. "Yeah, I'm not going to keep it down, cause how do I say this I haven't even known you for half an hour, also you don't tell[ me what to do" Lance then took his revolver and said"You don't boss around a person that can murder you if you threaten him, but I don't really fell threatened by any of you really, on a more boring note I can see weakness and don't even think for a second that I can't see through your shell, I've killed more than enough people to know when a persons weak and when their not, it's really a matter of expeirence, twisted yes, but expeirence noon the less." Lance pulled his gun back into its holster and was about to finish speaking until he remembered the word us, he sighed and continued to speak"Lilah, you're not one of us, we've only known you for like half an hour, we saying you can tag along on the ride, doesn't mean you're part of our group, yet".
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MidnightFox
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Lilah Green

Lilah frowns at Lance, though a spear of anger and frustration felt as though it ripped through her chest. More gently, however, was a smaller feeling of guilt. He had just called her out on her insecurities, and even more frustrating, she couldn't do anything about it. She knew she wasn't a fighter. She never had been. She was much better with words than she was with fists and something about Lance just put her off. However, she wasn't going to let him treat her like that. Lilah wasn't normally threatened easily but she knew... Well, at least she thought she knew that Lance was a bully. A physchopath. However, a side of her told her that she shouldn't be so quick to judge. Instead of arguing with him, she just decides to go with it.

"You're right, Lance. I'm sorry. I shouldn't mess with someone as strong as you, when I'm so weak myself. So incapable of surviving on my own that I need 3 men to take care of me and watch out for me when they go yelling and bring a whole hoard of these things on top of us." Lilah responds with such a sincere voice, only with the slightest edge of sarcasam. Afterward, just to make it better, she bats her eyelashes at him like she would the man of her dreams. Her own words surprised her... She had meant to defuse the situation but her frustration got the better of her. Oh well. No use to worry about it.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Mt Paragon
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Mt Paragon The Last Loyal Daimyo

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John Philip Zaremba

John looked at the man astonished, He couldn't believe that this man had so much vanity. It was obviously stupidity and compensation for things the man lacked but even so, John didn't like him one bit.

"I dare you to try to take the weapon for me, or even use your own weapons to kill me. I guarantee that I will disarm you and have you at mercy in less than 40 seconds.

The man disregarded his statement and continued his rampage onto the girl that was second to reply. That pushed john over the edge.

"Alright listen Richard, I don't like your attitude and I don't think I'm alone in my assessment. In fact I think most of the people here, if not all, would gladly toss you to the curb. I know you just met me, and her it seems, but this is no way to treat comrades. especially given the circumstances.

John said is a hushed voice connecting eyes with L a few times.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Myriad
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"It's Cold Today"

《Washington D.C》

Spoke the youth, having just exited the derelict building that had served as his shelter the previous night. The wind is whipping sharply, transfixing the rugged all-weather jacket with ease. The sky is a swirling angry mix of alabaster white and gloom-ridden gray. Just another day in paradise. The male began his morning exercise, which consisted of push-ups,sit-ups, and squats(for those thunder thighs). After about thirty minutes of rigorous exercise, he stopped and sat in the dew-laced grass adjacent to the building. Shame, thought DC would've survived. He thought, eyeing the desolate scene before him. Rust speckled cars, abandoned military barricades, and plenty of other embellishments to the scene.

"Welp, time to stop being depressed and start the day!". His voice was full of pep and just about the only noise being made that morning. He adjusted the strap to his rifle and slung it over his shoulder, walking into the deserted streets. The aforementioned barricades looked promising from afar, but any ammunition or weapons there had been taken. The lone skeleton of a soldier was just about it; even the kevlar vest it wore was useless, shot to hell. "Damn". He muttered, moving along. The lack of zombies was surprising but welcomed, even he got tired of telling them jokes. A secondary weapon would've been nice. The hunting knife was great, versatile, but another gun means more protection. And protection is a deathly serious matter nowadays.

Regardless, he kept moving and scanning buildings, looking for somewhere to stay. "Smells like s*** out here. It's times like these that I wish I had some frebreeze". After a while, he spots a rising plume of smoke. He proceeded to draw his rifle and creep down the street, getting closer to the source. The prospect of living people made his heart race as he rounded corner after corner, until finally spotting the squat store where the fire was. Before he could even investigate he heard voices, loud in volume and somewhat angry.Shut up..you'll attract something. He thought, moving closer to the source. 2 males and 1 woman, apparently having a (apologies for this next part) dick measuring contest. Even through the apocalypse some things managed to stick around. He set his rifle down, cupped his hands to his mouth and spoke;

"..What kind of bees make milk instead of honey?". He figured a joke would lighten the air and also let them know he wasn't hostile.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TiredKhajiit
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TiredKhajiit Khajiit has wares if you have coin.

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Thomas Olfry

Interacting with: @Myriad

Thomas had stood watching the scene before him unfold without moving. Then, when he heard the voice from afar he shushed everyone around him. "Shh. Guys, did you hear that?"


Thomas couldn't help it, he bust out laughing, but then quickly shut himself up. He wiped out his gun and rushed towards the area where he heard the voice and found a man lying on the ground. "What the heck was that about?" he asked.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Myriad
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"Get it?"

He said, arms raised in the universal gesture for surrender. "Well, I figured a joke would lighten up this situation". The male's features formed into a frown, raising a digit to move the gun barrel from his face. "But I got a gun in my face...Thats cool. Reaaaaaaaaaaaal cool". The sarcasm was just bursting from the adolescent frame, which then stood. "Let's start with names, I'm Kai. Pleasure to meet you Mr. Gunman. I assume the three stooges over there are with you?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Mt Paragon
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Mt Paragon The Last Loyal Daimyo

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John grinned and slapped his hand onto his helmet audibly.

"Nice one kid."

He said before giving 'lance' one more grave look.

"I don't know much about everyone else here but my names John, and that over there is Lilah. You said your name was Kai? right? Well its a pleasure." He said holding out his hand for a handshake sticking the sharp end of his stick into the ground.

"I guess today was 'universal meet up' day." he said with his own amount of sarcasm.

"Who coulda guessed we'd all end up right here right now? I suppose it was meant to be."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Myriad
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"It's a pleasure, John"

He began, giving a surprisingly firm handshake to John. Afterwards, he scooped his rifle up from the ground, slinging it over his shoulder. "Maybe its all destiny. Fated to meet or something like that". The male shrugged in a lackadaisical manner, which clearly showed his doubt in the matter. "Mind tellin' just why y'all were being so goddamn loud? Half the city probably knows we're here"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MidnightFox
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MidnightFox Le belle fille sans merci

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Lilah Green

Lilah shoots the... Well, the kid... a rather venemous look. She didn't appreciate being infered she was dumb but after she thinks for a moment, she can't help but smile. She was being rather dumb,however much it pained her to admit. It had seemed like an approporiate thing at the time, but afterwards, she felt dumb. Even more so that someone else had caught it. She glances at Lance once more."I'm sorry about that. I shouldn't have acted like that. It wasn't fair to you." She apologizes, truthfully this time. Without waiting for a response, she turns to the new kid.

"Hello Kai." Lilah responds smoothly, all trace of sarcasam gone from her voice for the time being. "As everyone seems to like to introduce me today," She casts a meaningful look at John. "I'm Lilah. However, I go by 'L'." She replies simply, though she does not reach for a handshake. The whole 'touching' thing was strange to her and she never liked it much anyway.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Ioua8654
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Ioua8654 A happy go lucky role-play enthusiast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lance Grimes

Lance jerked his head into the direction of The new kid Kai, he would deal with both John and Lilah later. He then started to walk forward to Kai, but then John gave him a pitiful excuse of glare which he responded back with a big psychotic grin that stretched ear to ear. He turned his attention from John back to Kai and finally walked up to him and said"Look, that was an uncle joke, but I've heard far worse and far more cheesy jokes in my time of killing both zombies and people, speaking of people Hi I'm Lance nice to meet you ". He then put his arm out for a handshake.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by DrGerbil
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Ted Ingram

Ted, having watched all the proceedings and introductions quietly considered what to say, but decided not to speak towards anyone in particular, instead making an unenthusiastic nod at each new member as if to convey his weariness with all the new faces. He considered saying something to Lance again, but after seeing him threaten the well-being of the others it didn't really seem worth it. It seemed odd to him that the self declared psychopath of the group didn't really do anything except make empty threats, but he realized that Lance had really only shown himself to be talk, using his silly threats in an attempt to demand respect with nothing to back them up. He figured that if Lance was ignored it would be for the best anyway; worst case scenario, if Lance were to get upset again you could simply feign respect or fear and it would placate his controlling nature. He thought it best to tackle the situation this way, as there definitely was something wrong with Lance, just not in the psychopathic murderer kind of way, more of the control freak variety.

Avoiding confrontation had kept him alive this long, and it would serve him well here too.

He spoke up with a calm voice in an attempt to redirect the group, "Hey, uh, weren't we going to a general store? Shouldn't we get everything together and start making our way there before it gets dark?"

He gave one last half-hearted glance at Lance before turning to the rest of the group with a questioning look.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TiredKhajiit
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Thomas Olfry

"Ted's right, we need to get to the market before sunrise" Thomas said. "If we get caught out here when those things can actually see us, we're dead meat."

At this point Thomas turned around and started walking in the direction of the general store, glancing back to see if anyone was following him.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MidnightFox
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MidnightFox Le belle fille sans merci

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Lilah Green

Lilah glances at Ted in slight surprise. She had forgotten he was there, with how quiet he was. She gives him a small, rather grateful smile. The group... If we could even be considered that... needed that. She makes a mental note of Ted's behavior and how calm he seemed, even through the encounter with Lance. 'He would make a good leader...' Lilah thinks to herself.

Lilah follows Thomas, her eyes scanning for any movement.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Mt Paragon
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Mt Paragon The Last Loyal Daimyo

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Alright guys you heard him, I think we are all in need of getting some new supplies and food and such. Lets get a move on!"

John needed to get moving again he wasn't a fan of sitting still for long, He fell into stride beside Lilah and got some small talk started.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by TiredKhajiit
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TiredKhajiit Khajiit has wares if you have coin.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Chapter 2: The Market

Dawn of Day 2

The sun had just barely risen over the horizon when the party reached the market. It was an old rundown super market, and you wouldn't be able to tell it was inhabited from the outside. As the party walks inside they see people set up with their goods everywhere. Some people have tables, while others sit on a blanket or article of clothing with their goods.

After the government had fallen currency went out the window, so now it was all about trading. People were selling all sorts of things, cloths, weapons, food, anything that might be useful for survival. As the party stands there taking it all in a rather large man walks up to them. "'Ello guys! I'm Mr. G, and this is my market! he says with a charming little smile. Now, what business might ya 'ave round 'ere?"

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Ioua8654
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Ioua8654 A happy go lucky role-play enthusiast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lance Grimes

Lance was the first to break the silence. Looking at the man's smile with a peculiarity, nobody was usually stupid enough or brave enough to smile to him. Especially not with what normal survivers consider charming, but to Lance until he met this group It was one and the same, another person to brutally murder and steal from, As lance has never seen a smile before in 7 years as his general tone and aura make people sick to their stomachs. Also, Lance doesn't understand Some human emotions like loyalty or kindness, even love it'small blank to him. Lance figured he should probably talk to this man, "Well sir, we heard that from a someone that you have supplies that can sustain us through this hell we all live " He replied referring to Thomas

Now back to his thoughts, never in my his life did he feel threatened, challenged question if he can do something and for once it might look like his prayers have been awnsered.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by TiredKhajiit
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TiredKhajiit Khajiit has wares if you have coin.

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Mr. G


"Well sir, that'd person'd be 'bout right. We got anything you could want in 'ere. If you need it, someone in 'ere's selling it!" said Mr. G, making a grand gesture with his arm towards the market.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Mt Paragon
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Mt Paragon The Last Loyal Daimyo

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John was amazed by the establishment. He was surprised something like this could survive in the apocalypse. Consumed in his curiosity he wandered from the group looking through all the goods and wares, noticing mostly clothes at first then walking into the armory section where all the vendors looked like they were straight out of those shoot-em-up video games with scars and missing fingers. He hurried out of there not seeing anything that wouldn't cost him everything he had.

After a while longer of just blindly observing the interactions and barters he realized he couldn't find anyone from the group he had just met, which usually would be fine with john if not for Lilah, who, through the small talk they made getting here had become more or less of a friend out here in the craziness, and if they weren't friends already there was certainly some opportunity. Which made him lose interest in the surrounding stands of local berries that didn't look very appetizing and made him search for lilah.

Peaking over the displays and around aisles he was beginning to get discouraged, "Well fuck, maybe they left me..' He said under his breath as he searched.
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