Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Guatemala City, Guatemala
5th May 1960

Nathanael Blackwell had been working non-stop ever since his inauguration to learn everything about the current state of Central America. The rise of socialism and anti-capitalism in colleges and universities was considered to be a threat to the country. While calls for reunification with the Panama Canal Zone and demands of equal rights of minorities were minor issues. Blackwell kept himself busy with basic paperwork to avoid thinking about the week's events. Tomorrow, he is supposed to travel to the border town of Ayutla to give a speech about Central America's relationship with Mexico. Mexico never supported a united Central America and even viewed them as a potential threat to the economy.

Their rivalry began in the late forties as both countries managed to get out of the Great Depression. Now in 1960, the rivalry was slowly gaining more traction with Jonatán Maroto's sudden death and the rise of the Blackwell administration. Mexico had said nothing about the whole situation other than a half-assed statement about Maroto's death.

Blackwell finished up with the paperwork and decided to take a walk around the palace. However, work still found their way to interrupt his break time. The newly elected Vice President, Rubén Carvallo, approached the President for some unknown reason. The only reason why Carvallo became Vice President was that he was both a Hispanic and lived in Central America for his whole life. But, he was charismatic with the farmers and factory workers and it was going to be useful to Blackwell.

"We need to talk." Carvallo said to Blackwell, which he responded with a glance.

"I want to question your decision to send me across the country to deal with.. Don't you think that I should be standing by your side?"

Blackwell turned his head and said, "This isn't my first time with the press by myself. I can handle some petty news reporters who will bomb me with pointless questions to get brownie points with their editors. You are more useful in Amatitlán, giving a speech about how we are planning to produce more jobs. Your speech is going to be more important to the people of this country than my speech will ever be."

Carvallo wanted to protest the president, but it was going to be pointless. If he wanted to get mauled by the press, then he will happily accept his trip to a small town. Blackwell sighed and walked back to the office planning for tomorrow.

La Aurora International Airport
2rd May 1960

La Aurora was the busiest airport in Guatemala as a million passengers used the airport every year despite being in a poor shape. However, plans for modernization and expansion are finally being considered for approval. If the plans are approved, renovations could begin in late September and expansion of gates and ticket counters might get their start next year. For now, everyone had to deal with the current conditions. Both Santángel and Sanz walked inside the building. José Sanz had to go back to Belize City for work while Eustacio Santángel came along to say farewell to his friend.

"Well, it's time that we parted ways." Sanz said as he approached the gate with his suitcase in one hand.

"Farewell my dear friend. I hope that you arrive to Belize City safe." Santángel responded to his friend's goodbye. Before he could even leave the gate, Sanz shouted Santángel's name to get his attention.

"I will try to do it, but you might not get it. Do you understand?" Sanz asked his friend the question. Santángel thought for a moment before nodding his head, understanding what he meant. "Good."

Both Santángel and Sanz parted ways to go on with their own lives; however, a month passed by before the two men met again.

Unknown, Guatemala City
1st June 1960

José Sanz began lighting a cigarette as his hands were shaking all over the place. His friend was supposed to be back five minutes ago. Sanz started to think the worst possible situation for his pal, Eustacio Santángel: arrest for conspiracy against the government. Within a month, the Blackwell administration managed to pass a law that stated any socialist activities were deemed illegal and a threat against "the democratic unity of Central America." Then he heard footsteps. Several in fact. A warrant had been issued for both José Sanz and Eustacio Santángel, wanted for conspiracy against the government.

Santángel was the first one inside the apartment before closing and locking the door as several officers tried to open the door. They heard one of the officers going back to his patrol car to call for backup at the apartment. Before he could say anything, another officer demanded that they unlock the door and surrender to the authorities. "Fuck you pigs!" Santángel shouted at the cops in Spanish as he looked around for objects to block the door.

Sanz put down his cigarette in the ashtray, walked towards Santángel, and hugged him. His friend was at least safe despite bringing the authorities to their place. "God, you are alright! How were you spotted?" Sanz asked while finishing up the hug.

"I was getting some fucking food at the supermarket when one of the cashiers recognized my face and 'secretly' called the police. However, one of the pigs was nearby to see me running away with the food. Had to drop them down the street. I didn't want to get arrested by myself." Santángel explained his story and began to cry. "The fucking capitalist bastards in power are arresting us because we think differently!" As both men started to cry, the officer returned with backup and a battering ram.

Sanz and Santángel looked at the door as the officers began using the battering ram on it. No matter what, they couldn't escape the law. However, Sanz looked at the window and turned back to his friend. "I am sorr-." he tried to finish, but the battering ram did it's job and parts of the door flew all over the place. Officers rushed towards both men to arrest. Santángel was willing to get arrested while Sanz tried to jump off; thankfully, an officer managed to tackle him before he could kill himself. Sanz began to cry out curse words at the officers as he was handcuffed while Santángel joined.

"You guys are betraying democracy by listening to our piece of shit government. The revolution is coming for revenge and it will kill every single capitalist pigs!" Santángel repeated over and over as one of the officers read their rights. Once he was finished, the officers brought both men to the patrol cars and shoved them in. Then, they went to the police station to begin the booking process.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

There were several people with weapons and explosions gathering at a hidden location somewhere in the heart of Alice Springs, the capital of the Outback. It was under constant attacks during Omnic Crisis causing death and destruction for everyone. The locals were extremely offended when their government signed a peace treaty with the omnics. As a result, their Omnium was spared destruction and (if it wasn’t already an insult) granted them more land to use. However, the government seemed to forget about the people already living on the land. They had to bring the military to force everyone within the land to leave since it now ‘belonged to the omnics.’ Mako Rutledge and everyone else remembered the day when their government betrayed them for the machines.

Now, it was time to fight back against the machines. That was when they formed the Australian Liberation Front, an organization with the goal of ridding the omnics. Several political parties and pro-omnic organizations denounced the Front. But, that didn’t stop them for planning their attack on the Omnium. If the government wasn’t going to do anything about the problem, it was up to the people to solve it. Rutledge came up with the plan to attack the Omnum to send a message that the Outback was tired of omnics. Everyone that volunteered to fight against the omnics had arrived at the location going over the plan.

Mako Rutledge arrived with the detailed map of the Omnum and more explosions for the attack. The explosions were needed to break into the Omnum and attack its fusion core. Soon enough, the group left to follow the plan. However, the second explosion had unseen consequences for the whole Outback. Both the fusion core and the Omnum were unintentionally destroyed. The sudden explosion killed most of the volunteer group that were either trapped inside or escaping the explosion. Mako Rutledge and several others were the remaining survivors. Following the explosion, the entire Outback was irradiated, and the Australian government decided to abandon everyone within the Outback due to the radiation.

The group quickly blamed Rutledge and left him for dead in the ruins of the Omnum. That was the day when Mako Rutledge died. Wearing a gas mask and riding a homemade chopper, he became a wanderer for a long time. His humanity forgotten. His face forever hidden by a gas mask. Roadhog was born and Mako Rutledge was dead for good.

Now, Roadhog is surviving his personal hell.

Roadhog reassembled his homemade shotgun, that he made years ago, since there wasn’t nothing else to do. Plus, it was way better than thinking about Mako. When he was about to dismantle it again, someone knocked on the door. He got up and opened the door to find one of the Queen’s personal guards at the door.

“The Queen requests your presence at once.” the guard said.

Roadhog reached for his shotgun on the desk and walked passed the guard. “Fine.” he responded as he walked pass the guard. Junkertown represented everything that went wrong after the Omnum explosion and Roadhog hated it. He approached the Palace and entered it as he passed by a line of people waiting to see the ‘beloved’ Queen. The crowd began to shout at Roadhog while a guard let him in. The Queen looked tired as she listened to a merchant talking about what he heard and saw nearby Marla. Then, she saw Roadhog and turned towards the merchant.

“Thank you for sharing this information with me. As promised, your payment will be given to you by a guard.” she said towards the merchant while waving at a guard to get them out. The guard guided the merchant out of the throne room as Roadhog approached the Queen.

“Good, you have made it.” she stated, “I have a very important bounty for you. Walk with me.” Both the Queen and Roadhog exited out of the throne room and walked up the stairs. Roadhog hated stairs because it made his breathing problem worse. The climb up towards the Queen’s room only took a minute, but Roadhog was already breathing. Meanwhile, the Queen offered the bounty hunter a drink from her personal stash of alcoholic drinks (many of them were from outside the Outback). Roadhog turned her offer down; however, that didn’t stop the Queen from making herself a drink.

“The only reason why you are standing beside me is because I have no other options left. Your new target is the most important person in the Outback. Hell, you might have heard of him. My scouts even had to make a file on the fucker, which is here for you to keep.” the Queen said as she put a glass of whiskey on the folder while she made another glass for herself. Roadhog walked towards the folder and picked it up while moving the glass to the other side of the dresser. He didn’t like the taste of whiskey for some reason. He opened up the folder and saw a picture of his target with a name below it: ‘Junkrat.’”

“’That’s the fucker who’s been killing everyone bold enough to attack him. Thanks to the merchant, we finally got a location. Once you have cornered the little rat, bring him back here alive. He isn’t any good dead. You will be paid very well enough for the trouble. The folder contains enough information about the rat for you to do your job well.” the Queen spoke to Roadhog while she began to drink his glass. Then, she looked at the door and pointed to it. “Now, do your time and get him.”

After a few minutes of walking, Roadhog had returned to his room and placed the file on the desk. He had read enough to know that it was going to be a difficult task. He remembered hearing the name about a week ago while doing a job at a bar. Apparently, he and other Junkers were searching the Omnum for parts when Junkrat found a treasure. He killed everyone at the Omnum and fled the scene with the treasure; however, he spilled the beans about the treasure. Now, everyone in the Outback wants the location of the treasure and Junkrat is on the run. Sooner or later, the rat will be cornered by Roadhog. Roadhog gathered the remaining supplies from the room before hopping on his chopper and leaving Junkertown. He was glad to leave it.

Junkrat was last spotted in the small town of Marla, which was a hub for tourists before the Omnum explosion. The sun was going down when Roadhog finally arrived at the abandoned town. It seemed that no-one had been there in years, but he had to be sure that Junkrat wasn’t hiding. He approached the doors and walked inside to begin his hunt for the rat.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Yanagita “Kirin” Shunji; Kirin; Qilin.

Species: Human.

Sex: Male.

Age: Thirty-three.

Profile: Engineer (only tech powers, 2 weapons).

Appearance: A detailed description and optionally a picture of your character. Please, no anime pictures. If you do use an image you don’t know, please credit the artist/ model (Artist: Lee Yong).

Background: Yanagita Shunji was born a year after the discovery on Mars to Nakagome & Yamaha. They both were scientists who were trying to extract any remaining technologies from the ruins. That was why Yanagita was born on Lowell City. Once the Alliance had no more use for the scientists, they moved back to Japan and began working for them more often. Yamaha became a recruiter for the Alliance's science department to care for her only child while Nakagome directly worked for the Alliance. Nakagome was one of the scientists that studied the Charon Relay when it was discovered to reactive it. However, Yanagita barely remembered his childhood expected on the day that the First Contact happened.

Nakagome had been working with the Alliance to active any deactivated relays that they found. However, they met resistance when reactivating Relay 314. The aliens, which were the turians, opened fire on the fleet and destroyed all but one starship. Unfortunately, Nakagome wasn't on the lone starship and perished. Yanagita and Yamaha did not hear about the attack until the lone ship returned and learned of Nakagome's fate. Heartbroken and angry, she developed a hatred for aliens, especially turians and wanted the Alliance to keep fighting them after Shanxi fell. While, Yanagita was heartbroken over his father's sudden death, but he never truly understood what happened until he was older.

Yanagita struggled without his father during his time in middle and high school while his mother found comfort with Terra Firma, an anti-alien political party. Yamaha soon became a key speaker for the party and attended rallies to spread Terra Firma's message. She often got into arguments about alien influences on humanity with protesters; however, that didn't bother Yanagita until he got into high school. In high school, students quickly learned about his mother and assumed he had the same beliefs. Thus, he had to deal with bullying and mocking from everyone. It wasn't until his last year in high school that he wanted to prove everyone wrong.

In order to do that, he had to confront his own mother while she was giving her usual speech on the ninth anniversary of the First Contract War. Yamaha was stunned and embarrassed that her own son would proclaim his support of aliens and say it on the anniversary of Nakagome's death. As if it wasn't enough, a picture of Yanagita kissing a turian went viral days after the speech. It was such a big scandal that Terra Firma denounced Yamaha and discredited her as a member. She never forgave Yanagita for dishonoring the family name and ruining her only source of happiness. When he turned eighteen and finished school, she kicked him out and told him to never visit.

With nowhere to go, Yanagita went to an Alliance recruiter to join. He got basic training before being placed in a division apart of the Alliance Engineering Corp. His division was responsible for maintaining defenses of colonies located in the Skyllian Verge against pirates and slavers. Whenever he was on military leave, he attended college in Elysium to get a degree in electrical engineering. Thankfully, Yanagita wasn't on Elysium when it came under attack during the Skyllian Blitz. The attack made him angry towards the pirates and wanted to fight back. And when he heard of the upcoming battle on Torfan, he requested transform to the 103rd Marine Division. The chain of command approved the transform and Yanagita left for Torfan.

The Battle of Torfan was a bloodbath for the Alliance while a massacre for the pirates on the moon. Hundreds of Alliance soldiers were killed during the push towards the base. And thousands got injured, including Yanagita, who had shrapnel in his legs due to an explosion. It was his first serious injury that he got during his time in the Alliance. He never regretted the decision to join the Marine Division but it was a wake up call. Once he got his degree, he decided to leave the Alliance and move into the Citadel. However, civilian life was difficult for Yanagita to get back. The Citadel was too peaceful for a military man, like Yanagita, to spend his remaining life. And he didn't have many friends in the Citadel until he met Sertius Quintis. Quintis was a C-Sec officer that met with Yanagita during his break.

Both Quintis and Yanagita were military men at a point in their life and went to the Citadel to retire; but, Quintis joined C-Sec to keep himself busy. After some convincing, Yanagita applied to the C-Sec's Network Division. It wasn't as fun as being part of the Patrol Division, but he knew that his skill would be best suited to deal with E-Crimes. For three years, he did his job for the Network Division to the best of his abilities without question. His superiors were impressed with Yanagita and gave him pay raises. And Quintis became a great friend to Yanagita. Life was comfortable enough for Yanagita until the Citadel was under attack.

Yanagita volunteered his assistance to the Patrol Division given his time in the Alliance. His superiors accepted the request and sent him to temporary join Quintis' unit. Both Yanagita and Quintis were tasked with escorting citizens to one of many safety zones established by C-Sec. The situation was getting better with the arrival of the Alliance fleet and the destruction of the key starship. Until pieces of it began to crash down on the station. One of the pieces from the massive starship crash landed onto the safety zone that Yanagita and Quintis were in. They were trapped under rubble for hours until C-Sec finally got them out and transported to a local hospital. Yanagita' left leg had to be amputated due to it being seriously inflected, while Quintis lost both of his legs. However, both men got free prosthetics because of their actions during the attack.

About a year after the battle, Yanagita learned about the Andromeda Initiative while reading chat logs of a weapons dealer. He found out that the Initiative was planning on leaving for an entirely new galaxy. It sounded more exciting than working at a desk and he missed his time in the Alliance. Then he told Quintis about the Initiative, who was doubtful about the whole thing. He didn't believe that the technology was possible to travel to another galaxy. However, Yanagita applied anywhere despite Quintis' warnings. His Alliance background and engineering skills . Then, he tried to convince Quintis to also apply for the Initiative. The turian couldn't stand leaving behind Yanagita and applied.

Next thing they knew, both men were accepted onto the Initiative and quit their jobs at C-Sec. Quintis got to say goodbye to his family in Palaven while Yanagita went to Earth, hoping to see his mother one last time. Sadly, Yamaha didn't want anything to do with her son; instead, he wrote a letter as a way of moving forward with his new life in a new galaxy. Both friends went on board the Nexus to begin their six hundred rest. Once they were awakened, everything that they had hoped for came crashing down. Then, Quintis was banished for his role in the Nexus Uprising while Yanagita was considering following in his friend's footsteps. That was before the Ark Hyperion arrived and quickly joined the APEX program.

Even known his close friend isn't with him, Yanagita knew that he needed to move forward.

Personality: For stuff that doesn't fit in the background field, such as hobbies, aspirations, quirks, interests, and so on.

Reason for being awoken from Cryo (Specific jobs, skills, and Initiative Application): The Initiative required engineers to fix problems caused by the Scourge. Yanagita was one of the engineers awaken because of his engineering skills that were highlighted by his time in the Alliance and his electrical engineering degree.

Equipment: Naginata Sniper Rifle VIII, Hurricane Shotgun IV, Nexus omni-tool VII, and Light Freedom armor VI (in the color and with the golden markings from the picture).

Powers: Tactical scan, Sabotage, Flamethrower, Invasion, Offensive tech, and Auxiliary systems.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Character First Name




full name / nickname(s)

First. Middle. Last.

gender / sexuality

Female, Male, Non-Binary, Whatever.
Self explanatory.

age / grade level

Between the ages of fourteen and nineteen, grade levels nine through twelve.


If you have a job, go ahead and drop it.

physical appearance

Doesn't have to be super long. Include things such as ethnicity, tattoos, scars/markings, etc. Also feel free to include their future "super suit" if they'll have one.


Does not have to be super long. One paragraph at the least.


Humanoid shapeshifter


Common knowledge; things that your close friends know about.
Include place of origin, life for your character up until this point, their reputation, how they felt while they had the virus, etc.

extracurricular activities

Whatever you do in your free time, whether it be play video games or a participate in a team sport.

supporting cast

Family | NPCs. This section is also optional, but it would be nice if you used this section to keep track of your NPCs.


Whatever else you feel the need to include. You can even include a cool theme song if you wish.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"To see the Earth as it truly is: small and blue and beautiful, in that eternal silence where it floats, is to see ourselves as riders of the Earth together. Brothers, on that bright loveliness in the eternal cold. Brothers, who know now, they are truly brothers."
- Winston, Overwatch

"You said it yourself bitch, we're the Guardians of the Galaxy"
- Starlord, Guardians of the Galaxy
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Player Name
The Spectre

Character Name
Chegal Yeong-Su

Character Age

Character Gender

Historian, former Ambassador of the Nagasaki Conglomerate, and Head of the Archives


Being taught that hard work always pays off, Chegal tries to finish his work and he will feel unrest if he would leave his work unattended for days. That mentally got him into places that Chegal is grateful for even if he doesn't show it. Another strength is his knowledge in political sciences and world history that was once considered a weakness a long time ago. Now that Earth is gone for good, that profession is now viewed as respectful by many.

His time as ambassador for the Nagasaki Conglomerate was short (given that Earth was going to be destroyed) but it taught him important lessons and skills. For example, he learned English, Russian, Arabic, and Portuguese because of his travels for the Conglomerate. Another lesson that he learned was maintaining shyness during a public speech and coming up with ways of getting the audiences' attention. He isn't the best speaker in this ship, but he could be considered a substitute.

Because Chegal put all of his focus on school and university, his social skills are terrible compared to other people. He prefers to working and spending time in his cabin and the archives to going out to the hub with friends. Additionally, he truly never recovered for leaving everyone he knew behind on Earth. That is also why he hasn't tried to make any new friends. It is that constant anxiety and fear of those creatures finding them again that's preventing him from going out. As a result, he is suffering for depression and general anxiety disorder. Of course, he has to attend appointments with the local psychologist. And given that it has been five years since they left Earth, Chegal's superiors want his depression and anxiety dealt with before it's too late.

Consequently, they are putting more pressure on the psychologist than ever before to fix his problems.

Personal Effects
A photo of his family, a bookshelf of books, his personal laptop, two 4k monitors connected to one powerful computer, and a marijuana long wooden antique pipe.

Chegal Yeong-Su was born in South Korea to a pair of professors, one taught world history while the other taught law. Since childhood, Chegal was forced into believing that school was the only important path to success in Nagasaki. Like many other kids, teachers drilled the importance of tests into the minds of the youth especially during middle school. And then, in high school, students will have to take the national college entrance examination test. If students did very well on the test, they would be welcomed into the best universities in the country. Like Chegal.

He soon attended the China University of Political Science and Law to become an Ambassador to the country while getting a secondary degree in world history (like his father). And when Chegal got his degrees, the Three Day War happened. The three major superpowers knew that the Devastators wasn't going to stop attacking them after the destruction of Outreach station. Thus, they formed the Council to figure up a plan for dealing with the powerful threat. Chegal was hand picked by the Nagasaki Conglomerate to be their ambassador for the Council.

Those were the best moments of his life. And meeting his future wife and raising their son was better.

Then, the world learned about the Genesis Project. Chegal was horrified and angry that the Council's 'best' plan was to leave Earth behind to die. He thought that things couldn't get any worse, but he was wrong. Because of his contributions as ambassador for the Council, he was chosen to aboard one of the arks in hopes of rebuilding humanity and was given the option to select only three close relatives. He put forth his wife and son to be approved with no problem, but that wasn't the case. Their son was born with a heart defect, which made sure that he wasn't going to get in. And to make it worse, his wife was declined because of her leukemia since it would put "too much strain on resources within the arks." His mother and father wouldn't be accepted because of their old age.

Thus, he had to go alone; however, he refused to leave them behind. The Nagasakian government refused to accept 'no' for one of their best ambassadors and enforced Chegal to go board the Vitae. With armed guards dragging him to the vassal, he couldn't look at his wife and son to love them for the last time as other guards were taking them elsewhere. Chegal learned from one of the guards that they were being sent to be with the President and his family in a safe classified location to show appreciation for his services to the Council for the Nagasaki Conglomerate. It didn't help at all.

Five years since the Vitae left Earth, Chegal was dubbed a unique case by psychologists due to his inability to move on for the destruction of Earth. He still felt robbed that he won't spend his last moments with loved ones, who couldn't even come with him. Even known he doesn't drink, he often overloads himself with work on purpose and barely spends time with people (unless he is focused by the psychologists and co-workers). And it has got to the point where his superiors are worried that Chegal would never recover.

He just spends all of his time either in his room, at weekly appointments, or at the Archives.

Work in Progress.

Code Word
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Douglas Holland-Atkinson, Takahashi Hiroya
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Scott Rowe




Sexual Orientation


Appearance Details

Tattoos, Piercings, Scars, Other


Likes and Dislikes

Hobbies and Interests

Brief Biography
Being the youngest sibling wasn't bad for Scott Rowe. His mother gave birth to three other children before Scott and decided that four kids was good enough. Los Angeles was hard on everyone especially parents with more than two kids. Being on the poverty line was a monthly struggle that Scott soon learned when he began working at the age of fourteen. There he was taught how hard work will earn you whatever he wanted. Thus, he did well in middle and high school earning a near 3.8 gpa. After high school, Scott attended community college in Oxnard for four years slowing earning a degree in English.

After that, he got accepted to Harvard University in Boston and prepared to move across the country. However, Scott's oldest sibling overdosed in a meth house within Bakersfield. When the mourning with over, Scott quickly left to Boston while his family had to pick the pieces. It was during his time at Boston that the Rage Virus surfaced. At first, Scott kept an eye on it and often checked in with his family (who were traveling in France at the time) for any news. Once news spread that the NATO failed to contain the virus, people all over the universe became worried about themselves. Scott included.

When the semester ended at Harvard, thousands of students didn't registered for the next semester because of fears. Fears that the Rage Virus will find its way in the coastlines of the United States. Scott, with his friends, decided to live together somewhere in New England in the hopes of finding work. And then, he suddenly lost communication with his family in Europe. With fears that the virus will appear in the United States, Scott decided to be taught on how to handle a weapon. Once he collect a decent amount of money, he brought himself a simple pistol with some ammo. Now, all he can do is wait for something to happen.

Family Members
Both Scott's mother, father, and one of their siblings were in Europe when the Rage Virus surfaced. Currently, he has no idea if they are still alive or dead. Their last location was near Bordeaux before reports of infected within France spread to the United States. As for the second sibling, he and his friends left Los Angeles for the High Desert to offer them some sort of protection against the infected. His oldest sibling died a long time ago because of meth.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"'Give it up'? I guess you don't know much about me!"

Player Name
The Spectre

Primary Character
Roxanne Sutton

Secret Identity
Roxy Rocket (Reveled by the Penguin)




Day Job
A mechanic at her friend's automotive shop.

Cannons, originals, doesn’t matter… DON’T GO OVERBOARD.

Tell us how to beat your character. Not how to defeat them short term but what attacks can hurt them and affect them like everyone else and possibly kill them.

Outside of your powers what can your character do? Good with computers? Know waaaay too much about tv and movies? Good at sneaking around? Know how to fix a car?

What does your hero look like [I’ll try and make micros for anybody who wants them]

Eventually, she became a stuntwoman...

Story Arcs
New Lives for Old - When Roxanne is released from Blackgate Penitentiary, she is set on living the quiet, boring life with her close friend. Her new life was going decently until one faithful day where trouble has finally found her. It was enough of a problem that Roxanne had to become Roxy Rocket once more. However, she would need to call the World's Greatest Detective for back; but, she never would expect another bat to answer the call...

Supporting Characters
Madison Houghton - Roxanne's only close friend. A skilled mechanic that made the iconic rocket ship used by Roxy Rocket. Thankfully, the Penguin never knew about Madison and her contributions to Roxy Rocket. She understood and supported her friend's decision to steal for the wealthy. As a result, they spent months building the rocket ship for Roxy Rocket to use; however, the Batman let it crash into the sea. Shortly after Roxanne was sent to prison, Madison took over her father's automotive shop and still wrote letter to her friend.

Once Roxanne was released for prison, Madison allowed her to live in her place and work at the automotive shop since there are tons of vehicles to repair nowadays.

Secondary Character

Additional Notes
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Official Government Name: Republic of Atrines
Head of State: President Laurens Danton-Sartorij, forty-two years old.
Capital City: Staningen
National Language: Atrinus
Basic Demographics: It is an island-lock nation located near the Empire of Elthua(?).

- Population: 4
- Stability: 3
- Landmass: 2
- Demographics: 4
- Civilian Industry: 5
- Armaments Industry: 6
- Infrastructure: 2
- Naval Industry: 5

II. Military:
- Army Size: 3
- Army Training: 2
- Army Technology: 3
- Navy Size: 5
- Navy Training: 4
- Navy Technology: 6

III. Economics:
- Rare Resources: 1
- Common Resources: 1
- Luxury Resources: 6
- Bureaucracy: 5
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Central America
Thank you for accepting my requests for the upcoming rally scheduled in November. Everything is going according to plan with your help, to maintaining peace in your great city. The Third Nationalist Party also appreciates your support with our right to demonstrate peacefully. We will be making strong pushes toward funding the police departments across Central America. As such, we have begun our commitment to our men and women in blue with a fundraiser. The fundraiser was in honor of Officer NAME, who was gunned down a few weeks back while trying to stop a robbery. We honored the victim’s family with the money earned during the fundraiser. I hope that we can work together soon to host more fundraisers.

While our party’s popularity grows stronger with each passing day, we will never forgive you and your department. And in return, I hope you don’t forgive your part in the coming demonstrate to demand a unified Panama.

Best wishes,
Ricardo Martí, chairman of the Third Nationalist Party.

With the ink on the paper finally dried, Martí folded the letter and put it in an envelope. His secretary quickly grabbed the letter and said cheerily, “I will finish that for you since you are busy!” He smiled and immediately got back to work. Since that faithful day with Rubén, the Third Nationalist Party used the funding to rise in popularity. Fundraisers, like the one for Officer NAME, were spent with the purpose of gaining allies. The police were easy to buy since both levels of governments overlooked them when it came to the annual budget meetings. Then, there were the politicians to deal with and they were supporters of Blackwell’s conservative party. Not the man himself, but his push on the remaining communists helped secure some supporters. One of them, NAME, was the mayor of Arraijan and the usual spot where the party met to drive to the park in Rousseau for the usual demands.

However, thanks to Rubén, this year was going to be an important year for the Third Nationalist Party that could either make or break them. The mayor easily flipped sides right after securing his son’s place at the Central American University, which cost them a lot.

Now, with an extra funding pushed aside, Martí hired a private investigator to spy around President Blackwell for anything dirty. So far, nothing worth wild came until his phone rang. He answered and only heard, “Meet me at the café.” And he immediately left the office to head to the investigator’s home in the outskirts of town. After a ten-minute drive, he approached the house and exited out of the car as the investigator approached him. “Come on inside, friend.” He said as he opened the door to his home for Martí to enter.

Once inside, Martí was told to sit on the chair in the dining room while he had to get something from his office. In the meantime, he was offered Mondaisa tea by the investigator’s young son before being told to finish his homework in the room. Once nobody was here, the investigator returned with a massive tape recorder with tape already in it. “What is the meaning of this-.” Martí tried to ask but he was cut off.

“Just listen to it. I think you would like it.” The investigator calmly said and pushed play.

Early July

“President Blackwell, with tensions between China and Japan rising and Russia—if we could even call it that—still a chaotic mess, your administration must have some options on international matters. Care to share them?” the young inspired reporter asked Blackwell the scripted question.

“We know that any event, even the smallest ones, can have a lasting impact on the entire world especially Central America. Just like the United States, however, we are carefully looking at the situations unbiased and saying nothing officially. Of course, there are some things that can’t just be avoided. Like Spain.”

“Spain?” the reporter was confused for a moment and asked, “What do mean by that, mister President.”

“Look, kid. You have heard about the recent ‘annexation of Portugal’ by the Spanish crown, right? You probably didn’t because no one gave two fucks about it. It is truly sad how Europe rolled over and basically did nothing as Portugal was being burned by the Spaniards. Hell, I am one-hundred percent sure they will be doing nothing when Spain decides to put pressure on Morocco. I think that it is time that somebody give them a good slap.”

“And do you think that Central America could be the person to do it?” the reporter asked.

“If we had the strength and support, then I would happily kill some Spaniards. Hell, to earn me some extra brownie points with the people, I will burn Spain’s beloved royal palace. Maybe then, the king will be put in his place.” Blackwell chuckled as he took a quick smoke break and then returned to the subject, “For now, all we can do is offer the Portuguese royal family Central America as a place of sanctuary for the royal family until Portugal is restored for tyrannical Spain.”

Suddenly, a woman’s voice could be heard in the background saying that he shouldn’t have said that in the first place. “Oh shit, you are right.” Blackwell said as he took another smoke break. Then, he pointed at the reporter and demanded, “Get rid of that tape and start over. Pretend that I didn't say anything about Spain and its government. Do you understand?”

“Yes, mister president. I will get rid of the tapes right away and your-.” the tape ended as the reporter was finishing his sentence.

With a look of shock in Martí’s eyes, he looked at the investigator as he paused the tape recorder and pulled out the tape. “How did you get that tape?” he asked.

“It was simple enough. After the ‘clear version’ of the interview was released, the reporter was suddenly fired from his job. I followed him around for a few days until he stopped at the local dump with a box of shit and some trash bags and that was when I got my hands dirty, spending forty minutes at the place before I found it.” The investigator told the story proudly as he pushed the tapes towards Martí. The politician grabbed it and got up.

“Thank you for the excellent work. Hope you keep it up.” he said to the investigator as he was about to leave before the investigator stopped him to say something.

“You realize that once the tape is leaked to the press, Blackwell will want answers. The lad’s fucked for the rest of his living days. But, he will be tearing apart every political party and politician in the country. Including you and the Nationalists. Are you ready for it?” he asked.

“I will be in time.” Martí answered, unsure if he will be able to come out with everything intact and left to return to the office. Once there, he placed the tape down on his desk and looked it for a moment. Was he willing to put everything he has done recently in jeopardy to weaken the Blackwell administration? Even if it meant losing his job? He breathed in and out for a second and picked up the phone. He dialed a number for Montezuma, the Panamanian news station, to give them the tape in hopes of leaking it. After a moment of waiting, he heard a woman’s voice asking how she could help him out.

“I have some cut content from the Blackwell interview.” he confidently answered.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

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✶ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐨𝐟 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐓𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐚 ✶
"🇳🇺🇲🇶🇺🇦🇲 🇴🇧🇱🇮🇻🇮🇸🇨🇦🇷 🇪🇽 🇶🇺🇦 🇻🇪🇳🇮🇸🇹🇮"

Brief Description & History
After Humanity left Earth behind to die, all of them went to the Orion belt to colonize in hopes of rebuilding. One private space exploration corporation decided to attempt leaving into the unknown. And when the time was right, they managed to get a few hundred thousand people to risk their lives to explore the unknown. Even during the golden age of the Orionic Empire, many non-humans rushed to join the mission with only a few accepted. They left without notifying the nearest naval space station so they won't be tracked to their new home.

After the corporation left for the other part of the galaxy, dozens of space ships began to journey into the unknown. A hundred years of traveling was a success after entering their new home's orbit. Androids awaken the new citizens of the Republic of New Terra. It was shortly established after their awaken and established in the planet its self. The governing body set up to establish and restore the democratic values of the United Nations with a few changes. Shortly after, the capital city of Vita was founded and began to grew in the thousand years of peace.

Now, the governments of the world hold a general assembly to vote on approving to send a signal back to the Orionic Empire with the hope of a response. However, they don't know that the other side of galaxy was forever changed after the fall of the Orionic Empire.

A democratic federation with the system being similar to the United Nations.

Military service isn't forced by law. Instead, people who are willing to join the military are reward greatly. If they either can't or don't want to join, they aren't heavily punished for it. Currently, forty-two percent of the population is working with the military in some form. Many of them are in space while a small percentage are in the navy. Each country has control over their military; however, the Republic of New Terra has direct access to them if needed. There are defenses throughout the world ready for a possible invasion.

These defenses contained anti-space guns and artilleries designed to last years of fighting. Meanwhile, trenches were made for the troops while underground bunkers were built for citizen use. All of this was designed for any attempts at invading their home. However, it cost them much of the planet's resources to construct. As a result, the republic is looking to expanding beyond their planet in hopes of acquiring resources for their military and defenses.

The old religions for Earth are slowly making a comeback especially Catholicism and Christianity. Meanwhile, the avenge citizen was taught at birth about the original Earth and its downfall. Many of them are distrusting of species especially those that support a galaxy wide empire. And several old cultures for Earth survived the escape to New Terra including Western and Eastern cultures.

80% - Humans (52% male and 48% female)
6% - Janari
5% - Ulala
4% - Xuhajann
3% - Qiormu
.5% - Other
.5% - Androids

Anywhere really. That includes ships designed for living.

Work in progress.

Work in progress.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Benton Haynes

Press Secretary



Physical Description
Benton is a 6'3 and thin individual with his light blue eyes and brown hair. He often dresses professionally with his dark naval blue suit and his light purple tie. And he began to grow a beard where he plans on keeping it thick to keep more professional with the press.

Brief Bio
Benton Haynes grew up in Seattle with his parents who were originally from Portland. His parents kept him homeschooled for most his childhood until the beginning of high school. Transfering to a public school environment was a surprise for Benton as he didn't socialized with the other kids as much as he should have. And he was often picked on because of it. He found comfort in writing during his first two years of high school. Often writing short poems or lengthy stories during lunch time to keep himself busy. Eventually, he made friends, but kept on writing. Benton's twelfth grade English teacher took notice of his writing and encouraged him to seek a degree in the field. With that in mind, he graduated high school and got accepted to the University of Washington to earn his degree in journalism.

Once he obtained his degree, he was hired as a journalist for the Washington Post. Benton worked with the Post for a few years before he quit to purse work in the political field. He began with maintaining Wyatt King's campaign for U.S. Senate in Washington helping him secure the spot for Patty Murray until 2010. After the election, Benton moved to Washington D.C. to work as a senior adviser for Joe Biden's campaign; however, he identified as an independent. When Biden won the 2016 elections, he was assigned the position of deputy press secretary for a year until the resignation of the former press secretary. Shortly after taking over the spot, he went on to sever for three years. The sudden death of President Biden and the victory of Republican Andrew Shepard thought it spell the removal of Benton Haynes.

To the surprise of the media and Haynes, Shepard was one of the few holdovers that survived the change. Regardless, he was working on addressing the press about the election until he was called into a sudden meeting. After the meeting, his deputy press secretary substituted for Benton on that day. He released a short statement saying he had a sore throat; however, the truth was that he fell ill after learning that aliens were real and tried to contact with the American government.

Being a press secretary caused Benton to double check the facts since one misinformed statement will be a field day for the media. And he understood the reporters and journalists since he was one of them in the early 2000s. He also acknowledged the return of yellow journalism during the '16 election and the midterms of '18. Thus, he knew how to keep the media in control while giving them whatever they desired. He believes that the media will do more bad than good if they find out that aliens contacted the government. Thus, he supports the policy of keeping the press and citizens quiet about the presence of aliens. However, in the terms of foreign affairs, he believes that there should be an UN Security Council meeting about the possible threat.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Guatemala City

For President Nathanael Blackwell, the last couple of weeks had been going well in his favor. Getting people more opportunities to work again and dealing the communist movement earned him a few additional supporters. However, it wasn’t enough. It was never enough for this country. Being the sudden successor of President Maroto was challenging, especially given his American background. After a few months of maintaining the country, he felt like things were somewhat controlled. The communists either were arrested, went into hiding, or fled out of the country. And the conservatives seemed to accept Blackwell as their leader. As for the liberals, they were sour over the signing of the Anti-Communist Law and limiting their rights; however, their political power was limited significant enough to be no challenge.

He was back in Guatemala City to break ground on construction of a new stadium for the Central American Football Union (CAFU). There was a sizable crowd of journalists and reporters to capture the moment. Blackwell soon walked towards councilors, politicians, and the team manager of the CAFU to begin the moment in soccer history. Several shovels awaited the men as they gathered in front of them while the cameramen prepared to take pictures. After a moment of getting ready to throw the dirt into the hole, Blackwell was the first person to do it as he saw the cameras’ flashes. Then, the others went and got their pictures taken. And every one of them did it several times before putting them back into the pile of dirt.

Now, President Blackwell began his speech with a thanks to the sponsors for funding the project and went on to show support for the CAFU. After five minutes of speaking, the team manager added in some words of his own for the sponsors, the team, and their loyal fans. Once the speeches were over, the manager allowed journalists to ask some questions about the stadium and anything related to the CAFU. President Blackwell stood to the side as he watched the journalists asking and the manager answering the questions. To be honest, it was boring as hell; but, he needed the manager’s support and money. So, he endured the standing around.

Suddenly, he noticed a female reporter talking to someone before raising her hand in the hopes of being selected. She was.

“Ariana Cicerón from the Free Press. I actually have a question for President Blackwel-.”

“I told you no questions directed at the President.” the manager responded before she could finish it. However, Blackwell raised his hand and approached the podium lightly shoving the manager out of the way. “It’s fine. I am interested in what she has to ask.”
She nodded before finally asking her question to the president. “Are you aware of the Spanish government’s response to the tape?”

“No, are you talking about the interview?” he answered honestly confused at her question.

“I am talking about the recent leaked tape where you said you were happy to kill ‘some Spaniards’ and burn down their palace for ‘extra brownie points.’” she clarified to Blackwell, which he clearly understood what she meant. He began to sweat nervously at the announcement and tried to respond back, but nothing came out.

She continued with her question, “This leak angered the people of Spain to the point that there is a sizable crowd protesting the remarks at our embassy in Madrid. So far, the government hasn’t publicly responded; but, there are reports that the government is furious at you. Any comments about the situation, Mister President?”

The manager shoved Blackwell as side and tried to redirect the topic to the stadium as two of Blackwell’s assistants rushed towards him to leave. As he was leaving, the reporters began to question the president about the breaking news. Cameras were flashing at him as he entered the vehicle and drove off the construction site. While on the drive back to the office, Nathanael was still in a state of shock as he was trying to process everything. The leak. The silence. The flashing. The car radio was on the new station and it was talking about the whole situation. However, he didn’t care about. He knew what happened. And everything he tried to work in securing power was going to fall.

Once he returned to his office, Blackwell demanded an update on the leak and the details of it. A folder was already on the desk when he entered. It detailed the known information about the entire thing, but it didn’t help in providing who. The television was turned as it was on Central American National News (CANN) and it had been talking about the breaking news. With the folder and the broadcast, Blackwell’s shock was slowly getting replaced with anger. Who would leak it? Why would they? How did they get the tape in the first place?

His train of thought stopped the moment one of the advisors said, “Mister President, we are here to advise during this dreadful situation. The National Security advisor, the Foreign Relations advisor, and the Economics advisor are here to help you out and give advice to your suggestions with dealing with the Spanish government. And I am the Governors Relations advisor. We are here to serve you.”

“First things first.” He said and turned to the national security advisor before speaking once more, “I want the Central American Intelligence Force (CAIF) to bring the interviewer in for interrogation. Once he has answered our question, arrest him for leaking classified information and betraying Central America. Inform the military of the situation and tell them to come up with plans and operations for a possible hostile response for the Spanish.”

Suddenly, one of the secretaries came in the office with a letter. “It’s for the Spanish government themselves, sir.” It was all she said before placing it on the desk and leaving. Nathanael looked at the letter and opened it.


The Spanish Government wishes to address the leaked footage of President Nathanael Blackwell insulting our great country. Then, he processed to threat direct military intervention with the intent to assassinate King Carlos I of Spain and burn down our palace. These threats don’t help maintain the little peace we have in our world. Thus, we are demanding two simple things for the Central American government:

1) An official apology over the remakes made by President Nathanael Blackwell.
2) The resignation of President Nathanael Blackwell because he offered both the citizens and the government of Spain.

We will not tolerate any form of insult regardless of status, gender, religion, and race. Failure to respond within twenty-four hours and if said response doesn’t satisfice us, we will reach out to the government and people of Central America one final time for a proper response. Beware that you will suffer the consequences of your president’s insults if you do not agree and obey our demands. Think carefully.

“What should we do, mister president?” asked one of the worried advisors.

The president thought carefully before snapping his fingers and saying, “Set up a press conference and I will write up the speech.”


Ricardo Martí expected some backlash for the airing of the leaked tapes; however, he didn't think that Blackwell would go that far. A hour ago, it was announced that the remaining Communist and Socialist political members were arrested and both parties were deemed illegal. Now, his 'investigation team' were tasked to interviewing every political party in the country to determine who found and leak the footage. Thankfully, they were mainly focused with the left-leaning parties instead of the right. The interview was short and painless as they just asked a few questions and left.

Now, he was watching the television for any updates regarding the leaks. So far, the reporters were talking about the growing protest at the embassy in Madrid. The crowd was charting anti-Central American rhetoric while waving around signs and the Spanish flag. Suddenly, it cuts to the briefing room as the group of journalists and reporters were getting ready. The news reporter began to talk about awaiting for President Blackwell to speak on the matter of the leaks. After a few minutes of talking, Blackwell soon emerged into the room of journalists and reporters as he waved at them. He began to speak to the crowd.

"I am here to address the recent controversy regarding the leaked tapes of my interview. So far, the investigation team is looking into the matter. And I have suspended both the Communist and Socialist political parties until further noticed. I am sorry for my offensive comments about the Spanish people and their leader. They were uncalled for and disrespectful. However, their other demand is too insane to follow through. They demanded that I resign from the office because of those comments. This letter from the Spanish government will be given to members of the media at the end as proof of their latest aggressive against a country. Tonight, I am declaring that I will refuse to resign my position because the Spanish government has no right to demand something for any nation in the world.

I am afraid that if I were to step down, the Kingdom of Spain will not stop antagonizing the other countries in the Americas. I am even worried that they will eventually violate the Monroe Doctrine to achieve the status of great power. Today, I am here pleading to the governments of the world to stand against the Spanish aggression. We have let the Spanish get too confident with their power since the fall of Portugal; but, it isn't too late to fix it. Together, we can show the Spanish government that we aren't scared anymore. Thank you and God bless this Union."

Once the speech ended, the crowd of journalists began shouting questions as Blackwell left the room. There was silence, however, at Martí's office. There were going to be consequences for openly denouncing the Kingdom of Spain like that. He knew that Blackwell's pleads went mostly unheard, but he appreciated the attempt to gather forces against Spain. Now, everyone in Central America wondered what was going to happen next. No-one knew what Spain was going to do or say next. However, Martí knew that something bad was going to happen and pulled out a card. The same business card that Rubén Espinosa gave to him months ago to be called if more funds were needed.

However, he put it back in his pocket and went back to work as he finally turned off the television.


The crowd of protesters grew overnight as they began their usual chants and insults towards President Blackwell. Now, they are demanding Blackwell resign over the remarks. Embassy security kept a close eye on the protesters in case someone tried something. Meanwhile, Ambassador Alfonso Feo was finishing up work while his family was packing up. With the crowds and threats of attacking the embassy being made, Alfonso requested that his family return to Central America. Alfonso, himself, planned on staying in Spain in an attempt to smooth things over with the government.

His wife suddenly appeared with her suitcase in one hand as she placed the other on his shoulder. "You don't have to stay here." she silently pleaded with him without getting the kids even more worried.

"I can't leave yet. There's still a chance." he said.

Meanwhile, Nico Villalta, the head security, entered the office with Alfonso's seven month old daughter. The mother thanked Villalta before picking her up from the baby carrier. Then, he processed to start talking about the plan for his family. It was simple enough: get them out of harms way and have a plane ready to leave for Central America. Villalta had some of the guards assigned to drive them to the airport and protect them until they board a plane. However, Villalta planned on staying with Alfonso to keep him safe until he was ready to go.

If the embassy was under attack, then they had only two options: drive to the nearest airport or drive to France. He was sure that the police and army weren't going to protect them from the angry protesters.

"Please be careful and return home safe." she said with a sad smile before rocking her baby, "For us."

Villalta took the wife's suitcase and the baby bag as she placed the baby back on the carrier. The guards were the first ones to leave the office while she looked at her husband and whimpered, "Bye."

When the door was shut, Alfonso looked at the photo of his new family at the beach and wept; however, the crowds' chants got louder.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Origin And Backstory
Peter Quill was born in Colorado Springs on April 14, 1980, the son of Meredith Quill. Meredith wasn't
prepare to raise a baby by herself, but she was willing to try her damnedest. And as the years went by,
she was proven to be good at it. Having a decent job as a cashier in a record store was good enough in
the eighties. For Peter, his childhood was filled with amazing memories like camping with his mother and
playing his NES for the first time. He soon developed an interest in sci-fi and space after watching ET
and Back to the Future on his VCR player. Life for him was going great.

Then, Meredith was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer in 1986. Doctors told her that her chances
of survival were low as the cancer had begun to spread. Peter didn't want to believe that his mother was
slowly dying. For four years, both Peter and Meredith lived life to their fullest until she was forced
to go to the hospital. On her deathbed, Meredith gave her son a mixtape filled with songs that she found
meaningful in her life. Then, she gave him a second mixtape that she made during the four years as a way
of remembering those moments. Peter stood by his mother's side in the hospital bed as she slowly died.

After the funeral service, Yondu Udonta arrived to abduct Peter Quill; however, he didn't know that
Meredith died. When he learned of his friend's death, Yondu instead offered to come with him beyond the
Solar System. Quill speedily accepted his offer and left behind everything he knew and loved expected
for his Sony Walkman and Meredith's mixtapes. However, living with Yondu and the Ravagers was tough for
young Peter. He wasn't eaten alive thanks to Yondu's protection and Kraglin's advice and guidance in
this hellhole. Quill was proven to be a decent thief for years and developed his marksmanship overtime.

When Peter was old enough, he left the Ravagers to explore what the universe had to offer. For most of
his twenties, Quill did many things that he dreamed about while watching classic eighties sci-fi films.
And he was happy with life for once. Until he learned that the Eclector was destroyed with everyone on
board, including Yondu, dead. Kraglin thankfully wasn't on the Eclector and met with Quill at Knowhere,
figuring out what to do next. After a night of drinking and mourning, Quill and Kraglin began their own
investigation into the murder of Yondu and most of the Ravagers.

It took them only a week to find the location of the remains of the Eclector in the planet of Yanus,
home to a tough group of pirates led by Zynsalak. With the help of mercenaries, Rocket Raccoon and
Groot, the group set out to find the Ravagers' killers; however, they will stumble upon something that
could change the balance of the universe.

Powers And Abilities
Star-Lord has an unusual human physiology that makes his strength, durability, and endure usually
stronger than the avenger human; however, he still can get hurt and die. And his life span, according
to doctors, is oddly abnormal for a human. Other than that, he taught himself how to fire several
weapons including his duel blasters. And he began learning how to become a strategist and tactician
to honor Yondu.

What Makes This Character 'Ultimate'?
Guardians of the Galaxy became popular when it was released in theaters across the world. Millions of
people, including me, fell in love with the group of outcasts. However, I wanted to tell my own story of
how the lovable charismatic Star-Lord formed the Guardians of the Galaxy. I want to tell how Quill
is forced to completely grow up in his ideal world, where he can be the Star-Lord that he thought
was impossible. Something that he's clearly against.

However, I want the Guardians of the Galaxy to be different from the films and comics. So no Drax or
Gamora (but she might play an important role later on). And I brought in Kraglin because he is one of
the side characters that I liked in the films. However, I decided to make Kraglin have a close
relationship with Quill to the point that they saw each other as brothers because the films doesn't
explore the relationship between Quill and Kraglin. I, on the other hand, am planning to expand upon
their relationship to see how Yondu's death impacted both of them.

Meanwhile, Rocket Raccoon and Groot are heavily inspired by the films and Telltale game especially
Rocket. If you have played the game, then you will know what I am talking about. And I am going to
stop here since you don't want to read any more paragraphs. But if you have any questions, or
want to do something with the Guardians, then don't be afraid to mention me.

Supporting Characters
Kraglin: Many of the Ravagers considered Kraglin to be Yondu's right hand man. For the most
part, they were right. Yondu came to respect Kraglin. Peter Quill considered Kraglin to be his brother
and kept in contact with after departing from the Ravagers. Then, Yondu died among with most of the
Ravagers. Kraglin was distraught upon the news that his friends and Yondu were dead. He told Quill
and fell into a deep depression. As a result, he began drinking as a way of feeling happiness once
more. And a way of remembering Yondu.

Rocket Raccoon: A talking raccoon mercenary that was hired by Star-Lord to aid them in their
investigation. Originally, he turned down the Star-Lord's offer several times until he finally
accepted the offer thanks to his pal, Groot. Overall, Rocket is a bitter person and extremely
aggressive to everyone besides Groot.

Groot: A talking tree mercenary that only saw three words: "I am Groot." Rocket said that
he's the only person that can understand him. And because of that language barrier, both
Quill and Kraglin have a hard time understanding what he's saying unless Rocket is nearby.
Regardless, Groot's ability to grow and stretch his limbs at ease is helpful.

Sample Post
I will come up with something when I return from my cousin's graduation party on Sunday.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Under that mask, Roadhog grinned as he saw Junkrat firing his launcher towards the guards. It was the first time that he saw Junkrat in combat with that weapon. So far, it was proving to be a challenge for the guards as they rushed to cover when one of their pals blew into pieces. Roadhog walked up the stairs and saw two men with melee weapons guarding the door. He just shot one of them dead while he grabbed the other by the neck and threw him to his death. Now in front of the door, Roadhog tried to open it but discovered it was locked.

Roadhog fired his shotgun towards the hinges and kicked the door down to the ground. He found the boss smoking a cigarette as he saw Roadhog coming in. “Here to finish me off, Roadhog?” he asked as he threw the cigarette to the ground.

“Don’t know, Johnny.” he responded. “Answer my questions and I might let you live to be the waste of oxygen.”

Johnny used to be the Queen’s informant on the Outside world years before Roadhog became a bounty hunter. He would even bring her things beyond the Outback like drinks and the latest tech. It wasn’t until Roadhog’s second year as a bounty hunter that Johnny quit. For reasons unknown, he angrily stormed out of the palace and never returned. Eventually, he became good at the slave trade to the point that the Queen started to notice.

“Ask away.” Johnny waved his hand at Roadhog.

“Do you know any hidden entrances to Junkertown?” Roadhog asked his first question. Johnny crossed his arms and kept his mouth shut. As a result, Roadhog went around the desk and sucker punched him in the face. It was hard enough to send Johnny to the ground as he cried out in pain. You could even see he had a blackeye as the result of Roadhog’s punch. Before he could do even more harm, Johnny put his hands up and screamed for him to stop. Then, after a moment of getting off of the ground, he responded to the question with a quiet "yes."


"The Queen will kill me if I tell you." Johnny tried to beg with Roadhog; however, there was silence. After a few second, Johnny sighed in defeat and pointed to a file cabin. Roadhog marched towards it and violently pulled at the handlers of each cabin until he found the rolled up map. He threw the cabin towards the desk and Johnny was startled when it land on his desk. Roadhog thanked Johnny while he grabbed the map and put it in his pocket. Before he could leave, Roadhog saw a well crafted machete hanging on the wall next to some skull of a wild animal that didn't caught his interest.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ravagers: The Ravagers were once well-known and feared space pirates throughout the universe. They became Quill's new 'family' for twelve years until the main headquarters, the Eclector, was suddenly destroyed. With the death of it's respected leader, Yondu Udonta, the remaining Ravagers denounced their membership and went elsewhere. Kraglin was the only member left besides it's leader, Peter Quill.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"Ashes to ashes, funk to funky
We know Major Tom's a junkie
Strung out in heaven's high
Hitting an all-time low"

The classic voice of David Bowie accompanied by the sounds of guitar and bass was the first thing that Peter Quill heard. He yawned and then stretched his arms out as he was slowly getting ready to take on the day. Today was important because they are meeting up with Rocket and Groot. With their assistance, they will have enough men to take on Zynsalak and get answers. And maybe then Kraglin will be able to finally move on. For now, Quill just wanted to get up. He laid on the bed and listened to the song as it was ending when he heard loud footsteps that caught him off guard.


Quill walked quietly to the main deck as Ashes to Ashes was slowly fading into the next song. However, the song was suddenly shut off before it could even finish. He heard soft whimpering from the dining area and knew that Kraglin was awake. Leaving his room, Quill found a bottle of whiskey on the ground near the tape deck. Hopefully, it was from last night. He thought about it and placed it on the table nearby. Then, he left for the dining area. That was where he found Kraglin placing down a plate of eggs and toast looking like a mess. As usual. He hasn't got a decent night's rest since the death of Yondu and his friends. Even with Quill's attempts to make him happy, Kraglin was never going to be himself again until he got answers.

"Kraglin." Quill called out.

Kraglin looked up as he slowly was eating breakfast and responded with "Good morning." Quill grabbed a plate and put eggs and toast on it. He sat across from Kraglin and started to eat the eggs. They were good enough to last him for a while. At least until he starts to munch on snacks. After a few minutes of silence, Kraglin was done with his meal and placed the plate in the sink. He began to wash it when he remembered about the ship being in the orbit of Yanus. "You should come up to control. You will love the view."

Kraglin left to pilot the ship towards the port city of Amaul, where Rocket said they were waiting for them and looking for clues of Zynsalak's whereabouts. Quill quickly finished eating the remaining bits of egg and placed the plate in the sink without washing it. He walked out of the dining area and climbed the ladder to the cockpit. There he saw Kraglin prepping to take control of the Milano and then saw the planet. It was beautiful. Quill sat down as he read the screen about Yanus. The Nova Corps and Lantern Corps warned that the planet is often used as a hideout for criminals due to it's lush forests. Regardless, people around the galaxy came to start a new life away from the polluted planets. Quill loved the forest because of how much they reminded him of his mother and their camping trips.

Shortly after taking control, Kraglin was in contact with the landing service requesting to land on Amaul. Moments later, landing control assigned the Milano to a landing pad and two small Nova Corp fighters appeared to escort them. Thirty seconds passed and the Milano was flying towards one of dozens of hangers in Amaul. The two fighters finally left them alone and returned to their own designated landing pads. Kraglin landed the ship on the pad and the ramp descended towards the ground. "Here we are." Quill stood up and went back to his room to change into his daily outfit.

It took Quill a minute of changing clothes and messing around with his hair to be ready to go. With his pistols in their holsters, Quill looked around for his iconic blue Sony Walkman. It took an additional minute for Quill to trash his room in search for them. He found it under a pile of clothes on top of a chair. "Hurry up, Quill! We don't have all day!" Quill heard Kraglin as he left his room and put the walkman in a hostler designed to take the device with him.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"Hear this voice from deep inside
It's the call of your heart
Close your eyes and your will find
The passage out of the dark"

Eventually, Peter Quill caught up with Kraglin while he was waiting for Quill at a shuttle stand. As soon as Quill met up with Kraglin, a shuttle pulled up and it's doors opened. Both of them hopped into the empty shuttle and waited for directions since it didn't require a driver. Kraglin entered directions for a "Flowers of Gold" onto the screen and entered payment information when it asked. After a moment of loading, the shuttle took off and headed towards the place. Now that there was time to talk, Quill turned towards Kraglin and asked him about the "Flowers of Gold."

"It's the bar that Rocket told us to meet them at. Heard that it's one of the best in Amaul because I am thirsty as hell." Kraglin responded to Quill's question but got sidetracked by the thought of drinking. Quill wanted to give him a lecture about drinking too much booze. Especially today of all days to be drinking. Look, he didn't mind a drink or two on a busy day; but, he placed limits on himself (except for social gatherings). That was something that Kraglin lacked because he was still in grief over Yondu. He knew how much Yondu meant to Kraglin but he was surprised to see him still crying as if he died yesterday. For now, Quill muttered something under his breath and sat silent for the entire ride.

Then, the shuttle lowered and landed at another shuttle stand as it's door opened. Kraglin exited first while Quill was getting out when he asked, "So, what do you think is going to happen?"

"With Rocket and Groot? Or with Zynsalak?" Kraglin answered with a question.


"Oh. Well, we get them and attack that son-of-a-bitch Zynsalak and demand answers." Kraglin made a fist as the men approached the door to Flowers of Gold. Both men entered the bar, walking pass by a group of friends with portable drinks in hand. Quill looked around the bar and found a tree and a raccoon. The raccoon looked like he was stressed out about something and started to drink again. Meanwhile, the tree was trying to talk some sense into him; but, it wasn't working. The tree left him alone and walked away from the bar. Kraglin approached the bar to most likely order some whiskey or scotch. In the meantime, Quill went to an empty spot and put on his headphones to listen to some music.

Kraglin made his way to the bar and took a seat on the stool. Like he has been for the last couple of weeks since his death. He didn't believe it at first. But, nobody can go on to live in denial forever. It would eat them up until they did something stupid. Thankfully, he faced the truth and it hurt. The kind of pain that never will truly fade as time goes back. Nevertheless, he had to go on living for Yondu and Quill. That boy couldn't handle one more tragic death in his life. Or he could end up drinking the pain away even if it's temporary. Like what Karglin is doing to himself.

He asked the bartender for a glass of low-alcohol not taking notice of a raccoon sitting next to him. When the bartender came back with the glass filled with the alcohol, Kraglin immediately started to drink it. He heard the raccoon snickering after he finished drinking. Kraglin avoided the raccoon while he's trying to enjoy his drink in peace. The raccoon had enough of the poor man and spoke up for the first time in a while, "You look like a man who can handle some hard liquor so why are you drinking that?"

Kraglin saw the raccoon pointing at his drink and he processed to avoid him for the second time. However, the raccoon called out for the bartender and demanded two glasses of their hardest alcoholic beverage available. That got Kraglin's attention. He turned towards him as the bartender brought two glasses filled with some mysterious liquid. Before he could even speak, the raccoon puts his paw up and said that he was going to pay for the drinks. When Kraglin asked why, the raccoon responded with laughter and reached for the other drink.

"Because I don't want any man to drink that weak shit." he said and then processed to dump the drink onto the ground. Afterwards, he placed the empty glass onto the counter and grabbed the other glass. "Now, let's drink!"
Eight minutes of listening to songs proved to be a waste of time, but Quill knew it wasn't worth talking to the drunk customers. Plus, the song playing right now in the bar was terrible. He needed something to do besides drinking and talking to himself. However, he saw that Kraglin was getting up and walking with a new friend. They were talking about something while Quill put away his headphones. Soon enough, Kraglin and the raccoon sat at the table with Quill.

"Quill, this is Rocket." Kraglin smiled. "Rocket, this is Peter Quill. The other dude that I was talking about."

"Nice to meet you, Quill." Rocket extended his paw to Quill. Quill took his paw and shook it, "You too, Rocket."

Both of them took their seats and Quill noticed that Groot was nowhere to be seen near Rocket. When he asked about that, Rocket looked around and pointed at the tree. "This is Groot." he answered. "And to warn you guys, you will not be able to understand him. Your translators will not work at all because his language is ancient. So far, I am the only one who understands him. However, he is literally a tree that can lift heavy objects and protect us with his body. If that doesn't scream usefulness, then you are stupid."

Now, I got intel on the whereabouts of Zynsalak. Unfortunately, we aren't the only ones looking for him. The Nova Corps recently set up shop on Yanus and planned on searching the forests for any baddies. Especially Zynsalak and his men." Rocket continued until a couple Nova Corps officers and pilots entered the bar. This was bad news. He got out of his seat and mumbled towards the humans, "Go outside and get us a shuttle. Put down directions for the shuttle rental place at the edge of town. Then, wait for us."

Both Quill and Kraglin nodded and left the bar while Rocket went to look for Groot.
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