Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

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It was clear to Eleven that he and Three were not on the same page when it came to how to handle the situation, but that had to be expected when improvising plans as they went along. He had wanted to get the other men out of the room before anything went down, to avoid, well exactly what happened when Three began tying the men up by the pipe. One of them still had a gun, and this genius decided he was going to start shooting at them. A bullet flew by him, another flew by Three, but before he could react another bullet found its target, hitting Seven who fell to the ground. Now Eleven had to give it to Jakob who reacted immediately, shooting his own man in the arm and disarming him of the small pistol. Of course, if you were in a group of people who could generally care less whether you lived, protecting the only person arguing for your life was the only logical move.

Eleven wasn’t sure if he’d ever taken a man’s life before, he wasn’t entirely sure how it might weigh on his soul but as he took quick and precise strides towards the man who had just fired shots there was no question in his mind about what he was going to do. The man held his wounded arm and the gun lay on the ground nearby. The man reached for the gun as Eleven approached but this time Eleven reacted quickly, he snatched the gun before the man and fired a shot intending to hit the man in the knee cap, aiming for some pain, but his shot missed. Eleven was no marksmen when it came firearms but as he closed the distance between him and the wounded man he ensured his second shot would not miss. He raised his firearm to the man’s head and pulled the trigger without a second thought. The force of the shot caused quite the gory spatter as the man’s head basically exploded.

“I repeat we are pissed off and trigger happy. Anyone else want a test me on this? The next one who steps out of line will get a far less merciful death than this sad sack of shit.” Eleven said, keeping a closer eye on the others. Before he grabbed one of the subdued men he glanced back at Seven, Ten was shouting out orders and working on fixing her up. He felt a pang of guilt, not for the murder he had just committed, but for the part he played in getting her shot. He glanced back at the men and grabbed the squirreliest looking one and shoved him towards the door, following Three’s lead.

Once in the hallway Eleven points his gun at the man’s head. “Here’s how this is gonna go, you can tell us everything you know about this whole fucked up operation or we can get that information out of you the hard way. Honestly I’m hoping you choose the hard way.” Eleven said, pausing to allow Three to say or do whatever he had planned.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Strange Rodent
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Strange Rodent Rodent of Unusual Size

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


"Eleven, can you please wait here with him while I organise the room?", he says. He didn't want the other captives to see what he was doing. He wanted them to hear, though. The mystery screams would scare them.

The room he had chosen wasn't set up to be a torture room, so he transformed it into one. With enough imagination, anywhere can be a torture room. Glass, scalpels, syringes, cloth and water, rope, and his trusty knife. The rope was rigged to create restraints, and the other objects were displayed on a tray to eagerly anticipate Threes macabre intent. "Okay, can you bring him in now?, he called.

"Thank you. Now, good sir. Could I ask you to sit on that bench? I have some questions to ask you." He drawled, attempting to filter the excitement from his voice. When the man sits, Three ties him up using the strongest knots he knows. "Good. Now... if you answer, you will be shown favour. If you don't, I get to have some fun. Firstly, what exactly is the Dark Anarchy?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago


Location: Lab Facility

Nine turned instantly as she heard the shot go off, glaring daggers at the soldier who shot the kid. That hadn't been a smart move for them to make. They should have shot one of the adults, someone who actually had a say in matters and the ability to make choices. Instead, they shot the innocent. And if Nine hadn't already hated the soldiers, she did now. "That was a mistake," Nine muttered darkly. She went and got Ten the supplies he needed, before handing them off to him. Her own bullet wound was moderately aggravated but in her case, the bullet was stopping the bleeding. Seven didn't seem to be so lucky.

"You'll be fine, kid," Nine said, giving Seven a slight smile. She knew that Seven had to be terrified at the moment - and she hardly blamed her. Nine also felt responsible for her, not just as the leader of the group, but as if Seven was her own sibling. Someone had to be looking out for her. She then looked at Jakob. "If she isn't fine, then you won't be either," she added.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


"I've got you covered," Jakob said, before he rested 7 completely on the ground, and grabbed the things that 10 had requested. It only took him a few moments to grab everything, and he quickly handed them to 10. When he mentioned the belt, he thought for a moment, almost handing him the one he had, before thinking better of it, and went over to the man who had just died, grabbing the belt that he had, handing it over. Jakob went back to kneeling next to 7, hoping that she would be ok.

"I don't want her to die either, so could you just stop with the threats. She's just a kid, of all of you to wind up getting hurt it was a damn kid, so just lay off already," Jakob said to 9 as he looked at 7. Her skin was turning pale, her face had lost almost all color to it. Her breathing was steady for a moment, but she had closed her eyes, so she could rest. The fact that they weren't in the best conditions to be fixing a bullet wound didn't help at all. "My side hurts," she managed to say, but she wasn't going to be doing much talking anymore.

Meanwhile, in the room with 11 and 3, the man that they had brought in was ready and eager to answer their questions. He did not want to meet the same fate as the other guy, even though he had provoked them with that one. "The Dark Anarchy? A group of scientists who wanted to bring supernaturals back to the world. Their experiments didn't work on older adults, so they ran experiments on younger people, having the best results in those who were in between the ages of 16 and 25. They mainly kidnapped people, so they say, people who they say were the lowest of the lows. I heard that one of the leaders of the groups kids got pulled into the experiments because they had wandered into the lab. Kind of sad, but there wasn't much that could be done about it. The group is long gone, any of the scientists who are still around are locked up in prison right now, though most of them were sentenced to death. Zacharia knows more about the world outside of this building, I know more about that group than anyone else," he said, finishing what he was saying quickly.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Location: Unknown Underground Facility, Lab

Two made sure that she kept her gun trained on the guys who were still there while Three and Eleven went to go and interrogate the armed men, she didn't move an inch if they did anything stupid like that again she'd shoot the rest of them herself. She'd occasionally look over her shoulder towards Ten, Nine, Seven and Jakob. She really hoped that Seven will be alright, she started to notice that the girl was getting pale. "Jakob is fine Nine, we need him however it's these guys who should be killed if she dies." Two said as she eyed them cautiously, she was a little bit trigger happy.

"Try and keep her awake maybe?" Two suggested, she wasn't a medical professional like Ten apparently was, but Two knew that if you got really tired it was probably a bad sign. She then decided to check the remaining men in case they were armed keeping her rifle pointed at them while she did. "You all do something I blow your brains out." Two said threateningly.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Strange Rodent
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Strange Rodent Rodent of Unusual Size

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Three gave a dismayed to Eleven. No fun with this one, it seemed. He'd expected this to be way more difficult, and didn't actually have another question ready. Instead, he just paced in a circle for a little while. He looked the soldier up and down a couple of times.

"Hm. That was easier than I'd hoped. Okay, so I presume you were sent here to kill us because we were the experiments of the Dark Anarchy. How about these questions: Why do the experiments have to be killed? Will we be able to return our memories? And What exactly are our powers?", he said. He made sure some of his eagerness spilled into his voice, just to make sure the man kept talking.

While he waited for an answer he turned to Eleven. "You got any questions you wanna ask?"

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago


Location: Lab Facility

Nine didn't show any sort of reaction to Jakob's words. If she had felt like arguing with him, she would've pointed out the bullet still in her arm - and the fact that he had brought these people here. Additionally, Jakob had been perfectly fine with coming to slaughter them all. She didn't buy for an instant that he actually cared about Seven - and how could he? He wasn't one of them. He was an outsider, a hired gun sent to kill innocents. He lost her trust the moment he decided he was okay with that arrangement and Nine already didn't trust very easily.

"They're being killed even if she lives," Nine said coldly. It had already been decided upon, but apparently Two didn't understand that. No one else there seemed to get the stakes. It was a kill or be killed situation they had found themselves in. Nine didn't want to lose any of her people and she was willing to pay whatever price that meant. She frowned a bit, looking at Ten and waiting for him to do something. "Get her patched up. I get you're the world's slowest doctor, but she doesn't have that kind of time," Nine said. After all, she had been shot quite a while ago and Ten still hadn't dealt with her injury.
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