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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Melpaws
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Melpaws Envoy of the First

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ruby Mamoru

After a while, Amane would finally arrived, seemingly having finished the work that he was forced to do as a punishment. Ruby had anticipated it and now just waited for Amane to return from the changing room. While she knew this was just a spar, she wasn't taking it lightly. This was about making a statement, making a point to the guy with the biggest ego around. So when he returned, she followed him into the training room without a word.

He decided to let her decide on the type of battle they would fight, so Ruby replied almost instantly. Her voice was both filled with determination and void of any other meaningful emotion at the same time. While gazing into his eyes the catgirl began explaining the rules.
"I'd say we do it like a classic, official match." The girl pointed at the arena in the middle of the room.
"Simple hand-on-hand combat. I normally use a sword to fight, but this will include no weapons. You can win by either knocking your opponent out, rendering them unable to fight in any other way or throw them out of the ring. If any part of your body touches the outside, you're out and your opponent wins." Ruby paused for a second before pointing at Amane's bandaged hands.
"I've noticed before, but I assume your quirk does have effects on your body. Therefore, for both of our safety, using one's quirk will be forbidden for the fight. I lose the advantage of my sword, you lose the advantage of your quirk. Besides, it is easy to rely on such a powerful quirk like yours, I'd much rather see actual skill in combat." Ruby finished, actively being a bit agressive with her choice of words.
"If there are no more questions then we can begin."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Amane Kishimoto

Of all things to chose she decided on fist fighting with nowhere to run? Was she serious or just trying to pull his leg. Amane simply nodded in accepting he rules though he was already a little agitated by the girls comments on his quirk. The the boy clenched his hands,

"She talks as if I didn't work hard to be here."

He hated the ones who talked down to him like they, those who don't know his story and just think everything was handed to him. They don't know the countless hours he put in to train his body just so he could handle his quirk, blood sweat and tears to get here. Amane didn't have any freebies even as the principles grandson, he earned his stripes like the rest.

Once Ruby gave the okay to release, instead of going straight for the girl he simple back peddled around his target in the shape of a circle. From the vidoes that followed the exercise, his opponent was extremely light on her feet, saying she had cat like reflexes would be an understatement. A smirked formed on his face as he felt a tinge of excitement. Slowly as he back peddled he pulled his hands up over his face into a combat stance. He wanted to test her out with a couple of attacks that didn't pack too much power.

The boy pushed off with his left leg towards his target once his shoulder was aligned with Rubies. With one leap he closed the gap instantly with his advantage in length. The boy moved on with his attack planting his right foot before going for a round house kick into Rubies core. Amane kept his hands up in ready just in case his foe prepared to go on the offensive.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Heartfillia
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Kaida looked on with horror as Takeshi was eaten alive! It happened so quickly it didn’t seem real. As the arm flopped onto the ground she yelped and buried her face into Roy’s warm chest. She didn’t see what happened next as she was freaking out that a boy she knew was just brutally murdered in front of her. Why did this have to happen, why!? She started to feel even worse that she just sat there, useless. Not being able to help Takeshi. She could have, she was stronger than everyone here physically. But those shadow creations...they hurt so badly… She should have just ignored the pain.

She yelped once again when Roy picked her up. Not realizing what was happening. She was still in shock as he tried to make it to the exit, but that was blocked as well. Roy seemed to instantly know what to do and laid her down and quickly made a cylinder to protect them. The air inside was so warm it was soothing to her wounds. Like being wrapped in a blanket that just came out of the dryer.

She looked up at Roy when he asked if she was not hurt anymore… Her eyes still filled with tears from before, as she looked down at her hands, unlatching herself from him she buried her arms against her stomach and wrapped them slightly in her blouse. She sniffed and simply nodded...lying as she did. As her hands were throbbing still.

“They’re gonna kill us...aren't they? “ She asked suddenly… her eyes blank of emotion now, the shock and knowledge of the grave situation they were in was finally sinking in.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Reina Mori

Rakasha followed after her as she dodged his attack, He was surprised at this girl really. He had heard of her fight for her first day, but it was nothing compared to this. So much power, that it reminded her of her great uncle. Yet only released after killing Takeshi. She could become a insainly powerful Villain if guided correctly... He now noticed her skin was gray now...her entire body! Interesting… Its as if the quirk has taken over her.

He was about to attack, but noticed movement above him as he did. This was the moment that gave her a short time to think as he saw the skyknights above them aiming at him. Growling from under his mask he focused his attention on their weapons, his tentacles flaring up and reading for the volley that was about to come. He also noticed the light they were shining on him.

”You think a little light is going to help!?” He roared at them, While darkness was a better environment for them, they could still function in the daylight. Especially Rakasha, His shadows were attached to him. What's more...their light beam only made his personal shadow stronger… Pulling it all into his tentacles and strengthening them. He was ready when they shot. First he jumped back and as he did, his tentacles batted the bolts and arrow away, Though the single arrow that was guided managed to sneak through and impale his shoulder.

He grunted under his breath, while the force of it pushed his shoulder back and made him half turn, he didn’t yell out in pain. After a moment he turned back to the sky knights and gripped the arrow, ripping it out of his shoulder, not taking his eyes off the group of pro heros. Snapping the arrow in his hand. He reached out with the tentacles and grabbed four bolts and launched them back at the group.

He turned back to Reina as she was starting to crumble the roof under her, Which caused him to stop and steady himself. He watched as she pulled all the stone towards her as she fell. He shook his head, one thing for sure, was this girl was a unique and reckless fighter. As if thinking that triggered Reina somehow, he was shocked to see all that debri suddenly shoot towards him.

He raised his arms and his tentacles wrapped around him as he was suddenly pelted with stone of varying sizes. Each one pushing him back little by little. Despite the situation he was in...he smiled. This girl was very interesting...and a challenge at the tender age she was at. This was a noteworthy hero in the future. Too bad he would never see her at her prime…

He Grunted as the barrage stopped, and suddenly Hades was there. Warning him that they needed to finish this quickly….if Hades was telling HIM that. That meant HE was here. ”Shit…” was all he said. With this blunder, He will be lucky if he lived through this.

He leaped into the air and used his tentacles as a slingshot by ramming them into the remaining building and launching him down towards Reina. His sword pulled back and aimed for the girls heart, even if it was so close to Michiko’s head.

Reina braced herself as she saw him jump high, calling her orb back to her immediately. Through her only open eye, she saw the tentacles the moment they began reaching out, realizing what he was doing.

There was no time to think, but the girl had decided her course of action without any thoughts. Memories of her fight with Acion flashed through her mind for the briefest moment.

Rakasha’s tentacles planted themselves, and the man prepared himself for his launch.


Come here.

The moment Rakasha shot himself towards her, she willed a second orb to activate.

Fire tore through the girl’s mind, the feeling of a migraine’s sudden and immediate onset--Reina felt like she was cracking, losing any remaining sense of self in the moment.

All that mattered was Michiko.

The two orbs shot forward towards Rakasha, and along with her own gravity pulled immensely--their combined forces multiplying together.

The girl let go of Michiko with her right arm, rearing it back like the hammer of a revolver, her left arm gripping to her friend painfully tightly against all the forces that were acting on her.

The orbs, just ahead of Rakasha, shot back towards Reina, pulling the villain faster and faster along with them.

Her eye locked on him, ignoring the blade he held.

The microseconds stretched out as he and the orbs approached. Both orbs whizzed by Reina’s head, stopping right behind her pulled back arm.

And Rakasha was an arms-length away.


The orbs’ gravities violently switched to pushing, and only affecting Reina. Her arm was rocketed towards the villain’s face.


Rakasha raised his other two tentacles to bat away her orbs, but they suddenly reversed and returned to her, raising an eyebrow in confusion as he felt himself being pulled towards her he saw her pulling back her arm. Shes insane! he thought to himself as he twisted his body just enough so she couldn’t punch him in the face. Not realizing how much power she would put into it, but knowing even at this speed and the force she was pulling him in could break his neck.

But changing his position also changed his position of his sword, wrapping his tentacles around his upper body. He didn’t have a chance to really hear her say anything as suddenly she punched him with so much force it felt like being hit by a train focused into a single point. This didn’t stop his blade as it sliced into her chest, just above her heart and under her collarbone. The force of each attack would send Rakasha flying backwards and into the wall behind him. While his would literally pinning Riena to the wall behind her.

As Rakasha crumpled to the ground, groaning in pain as he felt his right shoulder was dislocated. Thankfully his shadows added the armor needed to protect his shoulder and collarbone enough to not shatter. His mask was thrown due to the sheer force of the blow, and had clattered to the ground. Though when Riena would see his face, she would only see his eyes, as his face was covered with bandages. But his eyes, were eerily similar to Takeshi’s, yet there was a clear darkness in them.

Reina heaved, glancing down at the blade that had her pinned to the wall. She reached up with her right arm--and realized it wasn’t moving at all. Oh. She had shattered it with her punch.

She glanced to her enemy, noting the family resemblance between him and Takeshi. Seemed like there were a lot of shit families in the world.

He pushed himself up off the ground, seemingly unaffected by her attack. ”You hit like a girl…” He said clearly amused. This girl had given him a far more interesting fight than half the pros out there. But it was about to end soon. He turned towards the wall behind him and without hesitating slammed his shoulder into it. A loud pop could be heard as his shoulder was brutally put back into place . He then turned back around towards Reina made his way over to her. his tentacles unwrapping themselves from his body as he reached out, grabbing Michiko with two of them. He pulled with frightening strength. .

“I’m also a student,” she managed through her ragged breathing. “Yet neither you nor the wolf guy have managed to kill me.”

She gave him an exhausted, wry smile.

“Are all villains so weak?”

She had spirit...thats for sure, trying to act tough in the face of defeat...of death. He got close to her and whispered. ”What a thing to say...insulting Takeshi like that, I mean… we did just kill him.”

Her gaze immediately grew viciously hostile at his words, as he reached out for Michiko and tore her from Reina’s injured grasp.

“Don’t touch her!” she screamed, orbs flaring up again. Their pushes immediately blew out the wall behind her, freeing her to step forward, blade still piercing her body. Her orbs moved directly above Rakasha’s head, pulling everything in sight--messing with both his balance as he found himself rising off the ground, as well as launching Reina towards him, right knee aimed for his head.

Before she reached him, though, she once again switched the effects of her quirk. Her orbs began to push instead, herself unaffected now, pressing Rakasha suddenly into the ground while Reina stayed her course, suddenly pulling with her own gravity to have the hit connect a moment earlier than it would otherwise have by snapping Rakasha forward a foot.

Rakasha, as soon as he had Michiko, pulled her body away as far as he could behind him, so she was nowhere near Reina. He was smiling under his bandages as she blew out the wall behind her. He was ready for her to make another attempt to fight. She pushed him away at first, which he simply allowed, but knowing most inexperienced fighters and their tendencies to reuse a similar attack a few times in a fight, he was ready. He countered with his elbow, putting all the force he could aimed right above her right knee, So he won't shatter his own arm against her knee cap, but deal the same damage she was planning to.

Reina grit her teeth as he hit her, deflecting her attack and forcing her to land awkwardly on her injured legs. She wasted no time bringing back her left fist for another attack--

”That’s quite enough Reina…” He said angrily, following up by grabbing his sword and yanking it out of her while his left hand gripped her throat, his hands squeezing tightly, but not enough to restrict all the air.

The girl fought for air, her left hand on the man’s wrist, trying to pull him off. She felt one of her orbs go dormant, no longer able to sustain it--it both relieved the pain in her mind, but also made her even more desperate as she realized she was running out of time, and that her body was beginning to give out on her.

“Give her… back!” she heaved, meeting his gaze with uncontained fury and pushing as hard as she could with her remaining orb and her own gravity. Her voice broke between a cough and a sob. “Give... them… back--”

As she continued to push harder, his grip seemed to tighten, Two of his tentacles having pierced the wall and ground behind her. He brought his face close to hers and whispered. ” Don’t worry...you’ll see you’re precious Takeshi soon enough.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Acion Nakamiji
Albert Saratogi
Forte Dragunov

Aurelia Nakamiji

"Look out, returning fire!" The one with the clearest and most accurate vision out there shouted out.

"Keep reloading guys. I'll take the defense."

Acion said as he jumped right in front of the path of the arrows. He balanced barely using his bottom wings. His four top and middle wings set up a shield wall, bracing all the incoming arrows. The bolts bashed into his wings, creating large clashes of steels to sing across the sky.

The leader of the sniper group was rather surprised when a volunteering fighter to Sky Knight taking the initiative and defended the team. It seemed like he wasn't a freeloading log on their back after all.

"Great job. Alright, let's give these bastards-" The guy was taken aback by what was zooming in closer into their battle zone. "Shit. Crows! Prepare yourself!"

The crows did not go into them, but rather over them. And once they did so, they began to dive on the flying knights, like a rain of arrows, living arrows. These aren't real birds. Their willingness to kamikaze onto their adversaries were too much for any birds to handle.

The knights hastily fired whatever they had reloaded, before unsheathing their blades, readying for melee.

The hail of cold, emotionless flying crows clashed with the fierce wall of the knights of heaven, just meters above Hosu city. The clash during the late hours of the day in the sky was epic but fierce. And in the shock of the battle, the well-renowned rulers of the sky seemed like a sea that cannot be moved. Firmly they stood, side by side, forming as it were a bulwark of ice. And with great blows of their weapons, they hewed down many crows in their path. But the crows were not easy prey to these soldiers. They were not afraid of the sword, their beaks were as sharp as any blades, clashing and crashing onto open areas that any knights may left unguarded. Despite wearing layers of armors, damage was hard to be mitigated.

The Sky Knights were skilled, but the crows were still swarming in size.

"What an underhanded tactic." Acion cursed, knowing that these crows were the result of those assassins down there, as he used his feathered blades to kill one of the crow attempting to jab into his chest.

"No time for that kid. Keep an eye on your surrounding. We don't want to bump into each other." One member replied.

"We can deal with these numbers, but we'll lose if we spend too much energies and effort into these worthless freaks. All wings. Engage those birds using your superior speed. Break!"

All fighters in bound knew what this man was talking about. They all suddenly dove down in all different directions, spreading the bird's attentions.

Meanwhile, the two vanguards were still diving into the battlefield. Once Hades had retreated, the Sky Knight's leader could finally breathe and see what was going on in the sky. Albert. Forte. They were coming to her aid.

Nothing could be said to describe her relief and joy at this moment. Reinforcement had arrived.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
Avatar of Aerandir

Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Acion Nakamiji
Albert Saratogi
Forte Dragunov

Aurelia Nakamiji

Roy Kusayanagi

“They’re gonna kill us...aren't they?"

Roy lookeded her in the eyes, almost wishing he hadn't. It hurt to look at her and all he could see was despair, he honestly didn't know what was going to happen next. They came and destroyed them without any effort, killing off their best fighter within minutes. It was discouraging for sure but he could let Kaida know about what was on his mind. He kneeled down and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"No...we're not..we wont die here. I've been close to death many times in my life, and the odd thing about it is you never know when it will come for you. I refuse to go right here and just like Reina i'll put everything on the line if it means we get to see another sunrise."

Suddenly, a single clap could be heard in the destroyed ally, after a moment another, then another in a mocking sound. A tall man in more traditional clothing seemingly materialized out of the shadows that remained in the ally. He too wore a mask, more detailed than the previous two men, and more evil looking. Having on his back a Odachi, a chain connected to the pommel, wrapped around his shoulder and waist a few times before connecting again to another katana on his back. He stopped just next to the cylinder of light Roy made. His head turning to the side to look at the boy who was trying to comfort that girl. His hands dropping to the side. Seemingly totally uninterested and unafraid in the three pro heros standing in front of him.

“Brave words Roy Kusayanagi. But that is all they are. It would seem Kadia Beaumont is right today. You will all die…” He said in a deep distorted voice.

Roy felt a chill go down his spine as he turned turned the commanding voice behind him. Upon getting a look on who it was he couldn't help but sense the unreal amount of bloodlust that resonated from the unknown man.

“Ho-how do you know our names?”

All he could do was talk and grasp dearly onto any amount of time .

“Who the hell are you guys?”

He was asking pointless questions, things that had nothing to do with the situation at hand. It was as if his mind had shutdown and his body was acting on its own. Roy stood up to look face to face at the man though deep down he was terrified, for once he felt like he was truly going to die.

Kaida didn't seem to really hear Roy’s answer to her question...as if she didn’t believe it. Like Roy as well, she also received a chill down her spine when she heard the clapping. She looked behind her to see a tall man and her blood froze when she heard him speak. She's met this man before...recognizing his mask, and that cold disconnected voice. She pulled back unconsciously to the other side of the cylinder. He was just as scary…. The only other man she met that was as scary as her father…. She didn’t dare breath a word, even though commented on her question, fear building again inside her…

The two relieving professional heroes arrived just in time. Not to fight the two subordinates, but rather to witness this new entity appearing in front of them.

”Must be their boss…” The leader mumbled under her breathe, whispering to her two dear friends.

The black haired man merely unsheathed his blade. But to demonstrate he was no mere normal nameless heroes, he stabbed his saber onto the ground. Instantly, debris around him began to lift up by itself. Big, small, he effortlessly lifted it.

The other girl with black hair and a pair of dragon-horns also demonstrated not a glimpse of fear. Her eyes had turned from white to blood red. Her irises appeared a slit, and the edge seemed to glow with intensity.

”How about you show that to our face then rather than tALK SMACK.”

One simple statement. Near the last words been said, the voice was heavily distorted. It wasn’t her voice. It wasn’t even the tough and brave head of the Chinese Shogeki clan. It was her inner dragon. Her indomitable spirit that had never bent to anyone.

All of a sudden, an illusion of a towering Shenlong dragon seemed to fade into existence. Even for just a few seconds, the seemingly transparent dragon could strike fear to the weak-hearted. She knew it would not work, but it was a demonstration of their message. Not through empty words. Just actions.

The man didn’t budge, his hands simply folding behind his back as he looked over to the three heros. Clearly bored with their ‘demonstration.’ Without moving, the air seemed to grow instantly colder, and more menacing. Shadows swirled around the group, pulling from every nook and cranny around them and forming into one large blob between the heros and himself. After a moment as the blob began to take shape, debri began to lift around him as well, a little more fluidly than the dark haired sky knight. The blob finally took form of a tiger, just about the same size of the dragon before him.

He turned back to Roy and causally said, “We’ve been watching the two of you since you were born…” He didn’t answer the other question. As he looked back to the three heroes. “First and final warning, continue investigating us...you will all Die.”

All the debris around Albert were dropped to the ground as he lifted his saber. Hmph. Again with the threats. Even if the lion’s display was impressive, the fact that he did not fight did not impress them at all. But was it worth the risk at all. The three heroes were perhaps the most prideful, being among the top graduates, and at least once being in one of the top most powerful heroes of all, but they were not blinded with recklessness. By the looks of him, he was no easy picking. But should they fight at all? They had not accomplish their missions at all. Those two attackers were still there, and if they let them go, that would just be a mission fail. Completely.

Looking back at the sky, the blue squadron’s leader could see the sniper group in combat. They were dealing it well, but from the very looks of it, they were not equally matched here, even with eight combatants in tow

There was no choice but to swallow their pride.

”Then leave.”

The three heroes all agreed, without uttering a single words to each other. They could leave, for now. But if those cocky people dare to hit at their back...

The man stood there, he was actually quite surprised the Sky knights, “defenders of the heavens and justice and all that blah and boring meaningless shit, would actually back down. Perhaps they were smarter than he expected. He looked over to Rakasha, as he did, his tiger construct suddenly wisped away and collected all seemingly into the man. The rocks simply falling where they were as well.

Seeing that his younger brother had Michiko, holding the yarls grandniece by the throat, but it was clear he stopped trying to kill her now that he was here, now using her as a hostage. ”Good dogs...” he said as he turned his back to his opponents. Oh and Aurelia?” He turned his head to look over his shoulder. ”When you go to the clockwork cafe tomorrow morning... try some earl grey tea with Lemon and some sugar… not too much, just a smidge...I find it so much more flavorful.” he said in a casually amused tone.

Suddenly reaching out towards Kaida, a shadow snaked up from behind her and wrapped around her neck, burning her instantly at the cold touch, She then was yanked from her spot and crashed through the light construct and into his hand, which he held her by the throat.

Kadia let out a scream as the shadow wrapped around her neck, she could hear the skin sizzling as she reached up and tried to grab what was doing it...only to burn her hands even more. She wasn’t prepared for being pulled through roys construct as her head smashed against it hard, bloodying her nose. She still tried to struggle, even after his hand was around her throat. Despite her efforts to use her draconic strength, it seemed she couldn’t even muster it...as if it was being suppressed somehow… Her claws digging into the man's arm, but he only squeezed harder with each scratch,

”Ms. Beaumont is far too dangerous to be allowed to roam free… we could have another incident like with her father…”

Roy watched silently as the man spoke, how did he know them since birth? This man was frightening and mysterious yet he caused so much curiosity in the boy. He wanted to ask the guy more questions but that would be ridiculous in this moment. The man simply warned them before turning around in which Roy released all the tension in his muscles. It wasn’t like he even planned on chasing after these guys anytime soon.

He spoke too quickly.

From behind him he heard a scream and right from under his nose Kaida was whisked away, the blonde reached out for her but was too slow. Out of his care and into the enemies grasp, the man held kaida by the throat, he could see she was being tortured simply by his grasp. Just the sight was enough to snap him out of his trance. The only thing now was getting her back, it was time to put into practice what he had been preaching. Roy clenched his hands, releasing a dazzling light off his body as he prepared to take off.

“You don’t have the right to take away her freedom, you and your pals are the ones who are dangerous.”

The blonde slid his feet back as he prepared for take off, the amount of energy he had gathered was enough to create a current as his immense heat mixed with the mans frosty air.

Kadia looked over to roy with tears in her eyes, she knew he wasn’t going to sit by idly, but she couldn't see him get killed either…”Roy...dont…please.” she managed to squeak out

He didn’t care anymore, if he didn’t react now it would be too late, he would never see her again. Death would have possibly been better than living with that feeling for the rest of his life, living with regret.

He burned brightly like the sun, his pupils gone. All that could be seen from his eye sockets was a blinding yellow glow, it was all or nothing right here right now. Roys body temperature had risen so high that his skin was beginning to sear, surely causing 2nd degree burns.

“What more do you bastards want to take from us?!” he said gritting his teeth before placing both hands on the ground as if he preparing to run a sprint before pushing off with his left leg. The amount of energy he released from his leg was enough to decimate the ground beneath him creating a medium sized crater. As he flew through the air he added onto the destruction caused by Reina earlier, any debris that was in his path was violently thrown to the side as he flew through the air in a fireball of intense energy.

The man stood there watching Roy powering up. Seeing his father's quirk starting to show really, but still nothing in comparison to that man. When Roy launched himself towards him, the shadows started coming from behind him and swirling around his arm and latching onto it, causing his entire arm to become black as night. At the last possible moment he stepped to the side and with all his force reached up, catching roy by the throat. The force pushing the three back a good ten feet before coming to a stop. Without waiting, the man smashed roy down into the ground with all his strength, causing a crater to appear under him.

Standing up, half the clothes on the man were now burnt off, third degree burns on his chest, and as the shadows released from his arm, they could see only first degree burns on his palm. He looked down at the boy and tilted his head to the side. ”Out of respect for your spirit, courage, or sheer stupidity, whatever you want to call it, I won't kill you today… Partially out of respect for your father as well.”

With that attack Roy was paralysed from one blow, the fiery ball of rage was put out in an instant and all that was left was a shirtless boy lying in the crater, his eyes were open but his body was limp as he laid on the floor on the brink of passing out.. Smoke rose from his limbs and the craters as you could visibly see the burns along his upper torso and arms.

Of all the losses he suffered this one had to hurt the most, the fight that counted the most was the quickest he had ever lost in anything.

Rage, Death, Sorrow, resent, bitterness were the five things that was on his mind as he laid still in the ground.

“You...father…” he tried to get back up but his body refused to budge an inch. He knew his father...something Roy wanted to know about. It was even someone this super villain respected, who was is father?

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
Avatar of Aerandir

Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Acion Nakamiji
Albert Saratogi
Forte Dragunov

Aurelia Nakamiji


The three high-ranked Sky Knights were in shock. The one more complete was the one in question. How the hell did they?!

Her two friends were now looking at her, trying to confirm if he was bluffing or no. And it seemed to be the latter case. They knew everything, even Aurelia’s breakfast routine. And her they thought that Sky Knights were one of the group with one of the most well-informed, most well intelligence.

If the threats were merely a wind pass the ears, the revelation were the real warning rocking to their core.

While they were still recovering, the boy in blonde was in complete rage mode, intending to lash out at the opponent a thousand, no a million, times stronger than him.

None of the Sky Knights were quick enough to intervene with this kid. He was crazy. And the result was as expected. He was now flat on the ground, with a crater built especially for him. Aurelia and Albert could only look as he got utterly smashed.

The sheer explosion of the attack and impact of Roy’s body was enough to stop the fighting in the air and cause everyone, including Hades to look down. Kadia continued to struggle to make sure Roy was ok.

But the dragon-girl was different.

She was looking at Kaida. That silver-hair. That tied bun. Those violet eyes. And Beaumont? No way…

”My apologies to you, but you can’t take her with you either.”

The man turned back towards the dragon girl, “There's no room for discussion, Kaida is coming back with us, along with Michiko. Or shall I crush you here and now?”

Suddenly in their coms they could hear a new male voice. “Sky Defender...I am almost into position, keep him talking, but I need you to get him to face the street...If you can hear me rub your right wrist like it hurts.”

And of course they heard it. Perfectly clear.

”If you are informative enough to know Aurelia’s morning routine, then you better know who I am.”

The Chinese-originated girl was continuing the speech when Aurelia moved her left hand on her right, grabbing her right wrist, clutching it before rubbing it a bit. She did not know what the hell is going on, but it looked like he was somewhat a hero. Why else would he be able to go through the intercom?

”That girl is our arch-enemy. Or rather the daughter of our arch-enemy. I need not know about you. I need not know about that wretched soul rotting in prison. I, no we, need to know about this girl. Whether or not she will pose another threat to us again, just like decades ago.”

Kadia widened her eyes at the woman who said she was her arch enemy, then went on to clarify that it was her father. She recognized her? Who she was? But more importantly she was being kidnaped! And that was her reason for wanting her to stay behind? To see if she was dangerous? Despite how crazy it seemed, she hoped it worked...

The man looked at her, then to kaida, then back to the woman and scoffed. “This little girl is the least of your concerns… She is under the protection of my clan from now on...she won't be leaving anytime soon either.”

[color=007236]“I need a clear shot Aurelia, and the girl he’s holding is in the way. Figure something out quickly…”[color] The voice came through once again, even though it was a few seconds before he spoke, every moment counted.“Get ready when you do, I need two of you to go after the tentacle guy and save those girls while Aurelia will take the the main guy. Once you hear the gunshot bolt.”

The instruction came in repeatedly. The three knights were getting more and more desperate. Yet their face was as calm as ice. Should they trust this guy? He was giving orders. But they had to. It was their only shot at this moment.

Albert suddenly winked with the dragon-girl, a quick wink that she barely noticed but she did.

”Discussion with you is futile.”

The man before them looked to Rakasha and said, “Show them what happens when they don't obey…” Rakasha simply nodded and raised his sword, looking to Reina who was still struggling.

“Say Hello to Takeshi for me…”

That moment, the man with the saber suddenly lifted his two hands up, forming an X letter. It was a clear indication that he was attempting a Psychokinetic Scream, an ability that can render every ears unprotected in a certain radius completely useless, for at least a while. Something the Shadow Clan should know...

Suddenly, from above, a crow just above hades started cawing loudly, but not a normal caw. This was a strange and pained demented sound as if it was being strangled. Causing Everyone to look up.The shadow bird was flapping in place frantically as it started to grow larger and larger. Till it was the size of a human, before it suddenly started to fall like a brick, and a wordless yell came from it as the shadow suddenly shrunk once more, revealing a man, bloody, falling with his sword raised over his head, aiming for Rakasha.

Rakasha looked up confused and barely had enough time to raise his own blade, dropping Reina and blocking the powerful overhand attack that knocked him back, Gaining his footing again, just in time to block three more blows from the man in front of him with demonic rage in his eyes. He tried to use his tentacles to knock the man back, but for some reason he felt all four of them suddenly get restrained… He tried to glance to see what happened and saw his tentacles having shadows coming up from the ground and melting into them… this man had taken over his own quirk and forced it to take a different shape... felt a blade slice open his side. He fell, to his knees and looked at the man before him, The only two people who could do that was Oni and Sensei… as he looked at this man, he could see a shirt torn to pieces, covered in nasty bitemarks. Eyes filled with hate and killer instinct. His left forearm was also completely black.

He couldn’t believe it, it was Reaper...It was Takeshi…
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 14 hrs ago


Acion Nakamiji
Albert Saratogi
Forte Dragunov

Aurelia Nakamiji

"What the hell is going on?"

That kid!

He died! Before her very eyes. He got swallowed whole. His arm was bit off.

How the hell did he survive that? And got over there?

Still, this was a golden, platinum, diamond, one in a billion, chance. One she would never have the chance to have again.

Instantaneously, the three Sky Knights jumped at the chance. They were in. Without even the need to physically or verbally communicate, they jumped at the fight. The Sky Defender and Dual Lancer immediately charged, with their weapons raised, ready for a vengeance, at Oni

Albert turned his back as quickly as possible, taking two long stride before initiating a large bang, using his powerful psychic power to boost himself up higher than the rooftop of the destroyed restaurant. Seeing the kid trashing Rakasha, he ought not to hit more on him. Instead, he focused his power on the two girls being incapacitated on the ground. He had his two arms extended. One for Michiko. One for Reina. Soon, the two girl, whoever was still conscious, could feel her body becoming weightless, as they were lifted into the air.

On the while...

"Hmph. These birds are so persistent." Acion said as he sped up, losing the crows chasing desperately. After gaining a considerable distance, he did an extremely sharp U-turn, facing the crows. The moment he turned to face them, he flipped his body, sending a hailstorm of sharp feathers at the crows. Some made violent contact and met a violent death.

A bit higher, the girl with four mirrors were slowly gaining height, getting herself out of being harassed by the crows. When she was high enough, her four mirrors moved right above her, facing down at the crows. Four light beams were shot. Dozens were killed.

The same could be said for the remaining Sky Knights in the sky. With the new tactic, the crows were handled nicely. The sky soon belonged to the 'defenders of heavens' once again.

Out of the corner of his eyes, Acion could see Albert floating up to him, carrying both Reina and Michiko. Wait what? He could not believe what was going on. Did something happen while he was fighting?

"Guys, quickly attack those guys on the ground, now! They are in confusion!"

He shouted to us. I could see it. From this height, I could see it. Takeshi is fighting the guy that almost murdered his sister, and Aurelia engaging furiously. It was the call. He had to help them

"They're exposed. All wings, attack!" He shouted into the com link with emergence before the commander could that it almost felt like an order. Actually, it really was an order. And was given by someone who didn't even have any ranks in the group.

But nevertheless, everybody was in sync

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Riegal
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Reina Mori

Reina had willingly shut down her second orb, realizing Rakasha wasn't immediately planning to kill her. If she could just bide her time as much as possible, and rested--as much as she could 'rest' while being held by her neck--she might be able to break free with a sudden, strong push with two orbs again. It was a long shot, but it was all she could do for the moment--though she kept struggling to push with her own personal gravity, to simply make it seem like she was completely running out of strength.

At the same time though, despair was finally beginning to set in. Now that there was finally nothing she could do but wait, her exhausted mind wandered. Takeshi... had been killed, hadn't he? Despite all her injuries, that realization hurt her more than anything else--a stab a thousand times more devastating than the one Rakasha had inflicted on her.

Why? Why did it hurt so much? She'd experienced people she knew passing away before. Why did it this time make her heart feel frozen?

She was reminded of the pain of a betrayal against her in her past--a justified betrayal, in her opinion. A childhood friend that had become her greatest reason to be terrified of having to wake up for each new day.

Reina understood. That was a reason why it hurt so much. Takeshi wasn't just a person she knew. He was a lot more than that. She had already spent hours with him training--more time than with anyone else in years. Michiko, and Roy and Kaida too--they were among her first friends since that long-passed betrayal. The first people who had gotten her over her fear of making any personal connections, scared of the pain that came when those connections were broken.

And Takeshi had to go and get himself killed. It felt like as much of a betrayal.

The girl fought back quiet sobs. Her mind immediately looked for ways to blame herself--like the last betrayal, it must have been her fault.

She wasn't strong enough. She wasn't quick-thinking enough. She didn't try hard enough.


And for all those same reasons, now she was going to lose Michiko.

Her bleary gaze looked to the girl held in shadowy tendrils, and then to the latest development--another villain that the first two were acting subordinate towards. Another person Reina so desperately wanted to snuff the life from.

She watched as Kaida was taken by the new figure, having to fight back the urge to reignite her quirk--she couldn't, not yet, she needed to gather as much strength as possible. Seeing Kaida being hurt made that exceedingly difficult.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Roy made his move, lighting up the area with his quirk going further than she had ever seen it go.

And he was instantly shut down by the villain. Reina began to panic. Kaida, Roy, Michiko, Takeshi--why couldn't she help them!?

Worthless worthless worthless worthless worthless--

There were pros here now, she noticed, but even they seemed to be unable to do anything. Reina wanted to scream at them to do something, to save her friends.

Her eyes shot to Rakasha's raised blade, his boss having given him the order to kill her. The girl's open eye narrowed, defiant to the last.

Not yet, not yet!

It didn't matter how weak she was. As long as everyone was in danger, she wouldn't give up. If she did, the regret would make be worse than simply being killed here.

So Reina sucked in air and braced herself, ready to see how much her quirk had left to give, her fractured thoughts on Michiko and Takeshi...

A noise above grabbed Rakasha's attention, Reina choosing to ignore whatever it was and seeing it as her chance--

And then the villain simply let her go, the very last thing she expected, causing her to hesitate and simply stare in confusion as she steadied herself under her own power. Her eye only widened futher seeing the back of the figure that dropped down between them, striking blows at Rakasha.

"Ta... keshi?..." she breathed, disbelieving.

The girl felt herself grabbed and lifted before she could process it. Even as she was lifted, she stared. Takeshi was alive. He was as alive as she was, as Roy, Kaida, and Michiko were.

The girl glanced to her side, seeing whoever had grabbed her had also taken Michiko. Good. She began squirming, looking up to the pro she couldn't immediately recognize due to not really caring. Despite her immediate protests to let her go, he wasn't having any of it.

Her friends were still fighting. She refused to not be there with them, no matter what this pro thought. Frustration rising at the wasted moments, the girl activated an orb, having it pull on only her from below.

"Keep Michiko safe!" she said as she was pulled out of his grasp suddenly.

As she fell through the air, she had to fight the amazing wave of joy that washed through her battered body and mind. Takeshi was alive, and Michiko was out of danger! The pros had finally decided they could strike with Takeshi's appearance, and were moving in fast as she was. Rakasha had been injured.

They had a chance again. Hope gave her a second wind, nearly as much as the disbelieving despair of Takeshi's disappearance had.

The fight wasn't over yet. She'd allow herself to be happy afterwards, but for now she focused everything on battle--which, as she had realized today, was something she was good at focusing on. Until her body completely gave out, she was going to make sure she was a problem for these villains.

She directed herself down with her orbs pull, aiming at the surprised and injured Rakasha. Reina's mind began to settle as it had been during her fight, thoughts only on how to win and her desire to keep her friends alive.

Rakasha was about to get a second sky-bombing.

Reina brought her right leg up to her chest, sole aiming directly at the villain. She held her breath, completely set on the control of her orb's pulling strength, making sure it was cranked on her to increase her velocity. Timing the meteoric descent, she quickly brought the orb up and above her head a meter before she made contact, and pulled with her own gravity in the same moment. Ready to slow herself with her orb before she hit the ground, but not before she hit Rakasha, she gave another battle cry that she was unwittingly becoming fond of.

"Say hello to him yourself!" she yelled with her ragged voice, kicking down as hard as she could.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jett stood there silent as Mina brought her tears under control and told him not try to comfort her. He felt like it was a harsh but blunt Jab, but rightly deserved. He felt awkward during this entire thing as Mina went on. She went on to apologize and thank him but it felt weird to him. She did just burst into tears a moment ago at his words. She was even thanking him for saying that.

Honestly he never had a girl react to him like this before and it was off putting. Haruka would have just stormed off calling him an idiot. But she then moved onto asking about his quirk, he hesitated for a moment before scratching the back of his head. ”I still can’t control it, through the past day or so I’ve been randomly teleport- He vanished in a puff of black smoke. Reappearing, dangling in a branch above Mina. -ing.

Realizing he just did it again he growled angrily. This hasn’t happened since he was ten. Its something he didn’t want to spend another five years dealing with. He let go of the branch and fell. Landing on his feet he straightened his shirt which was bunched up now from holding on over his head. Running a hand through his hair to get rid off all the leaves that managed to get stuck in his hair, except one.

He looked to Mina, Its been an annoying few days to say the least. He noticed a black eye starting to form. ”Are you ok? Did you get that from training as well?” He ask as motioned to her eye.

Oni looked on with genuine surprise when a man forced his way out of Hade’s shadows. Even more when he recognized it was Reaper...He wasn’t expecting that. He looked at Michiko, knowing that was only a quirk she and Sensei had, but neither were able to pull others into shadows before.

He watched the ruthlessness Takeshi had and quickly dispatched Rakasha, giving him a fatal blow at the side. It was good to see the reaper once again. It gave him hope of a challenge. Even more, He managed to pull of a quirk manipulation. Something he never was able to do before. Perhaps this school was good for him? Or was it that the girl he clearly liked was in danger?

He looked back to Aurelia and the dragon girl as they charged him. With a sweep of his hand, two normal sized tigers suddenly materialized and lept to intercept them. Shifting his body to grab his sword.Ill put you dogs down then!

He suddenly recoiled back the way he turned from with a grunt, just before everyone could hear a shot of rifle.

Then suddenly a tiny girl with a shotgun started shooting into the air at Hades, while another man jumped down, from the broken building above and slammed his spear into the ground, Oni having taken a step back to just miss it. Seeing the man as the other students would see as Shortcut?! Create a crater with his strike.

Kaida’s eyes grew wide, after the initial scare of of hearing a gunshot she looked down to see...Jett?! He came to save her?! Her heart leaped for a moment but quickly turned to fear, she didn’t want him to get hurt like Roy! But before she could say anything she was tossed to the side hard, grunting as she hit the ground. The multiple hits to the head starting to take its toll as she slowly closed her eyes.

Shortcut didn’t let up as he quickly aimed a few jabs with his spear at Oni, who by now tossed Kadia to the side and pulled his odatchi and katana from his back, the chains that tied them together. With great force and seemingly low effort he gripped his odatchi with both hands and swung his katana out and around, forcing shortcut to jump back to avoid being hit. The katana continued to swing around giving oni a wide berth as he looked around.

As much as he wanted to squash these fools...he knew there were just too many at the moment. Not that he doubted his skills in killing each and every one...but sure enough more are coming as proof of the newcomers.

Fetch! Time for use to leave. Hades! Pull back.”

A few seconds later, black shadows started forming in front of everyone, quickly taking shape into….themselves! Black silhouettes of every hero here, including Reina and Takeshi.

Oni pulled his katana back into his hand and leapt up to the second story of the building behind him. Looking at Rakasha who was now laying on his back, having been kicked by the girl that he was about to kill. He wasn’t dead yet. But his wound he recieved from takeshi was a sure death. ”Rakasha! Redeem yourself!” He yelled before vanishing into the shadows of the room behind him.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 31 min ago

Kasuke Mina

Mina looked up in shock when Jett teleported mid-sentence. That seemed unexpected, erratic and annoying to deal with."There's a silver lining, though," she replied. "I was scared your quirk might be gone forever. This proves that's not the case, and that getting back to normal is possible. As for the black eye, I got it from sparring today with Dulga. That...got out of hand, and I think I really need to work on steeling my will, stopping anybody from getting under my skin, and stop letting my emotions get the better in me in the heat of battle. It's why I lost to Dulga. It's why I went after Amane after being saved, against all logic. Against everything but ego, in fact. I've never lost before, and honestly, it's messed me up a little."


Maeda Hitomi

Hitomi was stunned by the sheer difference in attitude towards herself that Nomoe possessed. What had she done to anger this girl? Hitomi freed herself of her stunned silence, and answered the question. "This is my room too," she gestured to her own bed, adorned with cute sheep plushies, and heavy metal posters on the walls. "Besides, I'm the one who brought Tomoe back h-"

Hitomi stopped speaking, and just watched with her mouth agape as Nomoe grew horns, and sheep ears, identical to her own. She was to aghast to even comment of them, or the reason Nomoe had chosen to grow them. She was deep in thought, when Nomoe then decided to grow out her bust to match Hitomi's.

"Gah!" Hitomi exclaimed, blushing, covering her own chest with her hands and suddenly feeling very self-conscious about her body. Is that how big and noticeable hers looked? Please say it wasn't so! When she'd recovered from the shock, she tried to engage in some kind of conversation to break the ice.

"How did you do that? You can alter your body? Also, is my chest really that big?"


Mako Akane

Persia was too busy watching the fight between Amane and Ruby start to notice that she had been joined by another spectator, and likely still wouldn't have realized it for a while longer if she hadn't spoken. "Yare yare daze," chimed Mako gleefully, with her hand to her cheek. "Only a week after his last fight caused him so much trouble and he's sparring! I'll be watching this fight very carefully."

Persia would of course know of the front desk secretary/Villain Studies teacher, Ms. Mako. Once upon a time she was known as Madame Obsidian, master thief and one of the most notoriously uncatchable Supervillians of her era. But she had been caught by Adrianne Haven, and had served her time. Now she was at Komei Academy, seemingly having turned over a new leaf.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Dulga Tarata

Back in her room Dulga had let herself calm down. Adriane's words had struck Dulga deeply. She was still telling herself that she needed to accept it and focus on her goal, but all she was doing was hiding her pain. She clutched her heart and let some tears fall from her eyes. She hated the things she had said, but she couldn't let herself be weak now. There was still so much more she had to do, so much suffering that she had to stop. If she let herself fall victim to it now she'll never recover. "She didn't give her life so I could give up..." After letting herself cry Dulga stood up and grabbed a few of her rifles, locking them away in her gun cases. She was going to stop by her home for a little while. She needed to think a lot about what has happened, figure out what she needs to do now. How to get stronger.

But as she was leaving the dorm Dulga couldn't help but reflect on Adriane's words. She wanted to hate the woman so she could ignore what she had said, but Dulga couldn't do that. Adriane was saying things Dulga didn't want to hear but they were the truth. She wanted to keep lying until she had all her baggage dealt with. It was annoying; it was distracting her from her goal. Or maybe it was showing Dulga what she should really be doing. She shook her head and eventually found herself walking pass some trees. She spotted Mina and Jett chatting in the distance. Over the past week Dulga has slowly gotten over her general dislike for most of the boys in class, save a few. As for Jett, Dulga's initial dislike for him was pretty petty in the first place so she was willing to look past it as long as he didn't bring it up. Frankly she had a bit of respect for the blondie after his quickless brawl with Amane; Dulga knew something was up when he didn't use his quick during their skirmish, so the fact he went all out despite being in a weakened state earned some points from Dulga. Even when you're not at 100%, you can still give them hell.

However Dulga was more concerned about Mina. Not just for her health since Dulga gave her a beating, but also what Jais had spoken to her about. If it's anything like what Adriane said to Dulga, she could imagine that Mina had to hear an earful about their attitudes towards heroism. Though Dulga wondered if Mina was having doubts like Dulga was. While the gunslinger girl knew she could prod Mina with an emotional response, she had a feeling that Mina was much stronger about her beliefs than Dulga was. Dulga was focused, sure, but outside of her target she didn't know how to deal with things like her feelings about her mother or heroism.

"Kasuke-san. Haven-san. How are you holding up?"

@Silver Carrot@Aerandir
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Acion Nakamiji
Albert Saratogi
Forte Dragunov

Aurelia Nakamiji

"Prepare for close combat!"

Five knights and a volunteer trainee were drowned in their own battle cry, as they zoomed into the battlefield. At the lead of the group was not a pro, but the trainee from Komei, who was surprisingly more aggressive than they initially thought he was. He confidently led the charge, being the first to attack. One of his enemies, Rakasha, had been downed, so they all focused their attention on the other enemy, Hades. He might be able to go toe to toe with two or three enemies, but he was in a surprise. And there were five, four of which were not just pros, but some of the most qualified of heroes in the city.

The six-winged fighter was a little more aggressive today. Instead of just going for midrange combat, he went directly into close range. He used two daggers as his two hand-held weapons, along with his six sharp gigantic wings, all curved inward, in position to plunge it into this man's body. He had hurt his friends. Badly. He would not let him go unscathed.

Once the attack had been done, he jumped away from the man, allowing the second Sky Knight to come in. The next in line for the attack was a man, holding a composite sword, a sword composed of nine segmented blade, held together by a stretchable thread. When swung, in which he did, aiming for Hade's head, the segments would disconnect, turning the blade into a whip, a very sharp whip. The man then proceeded to have another two swings before taking off.

The next two in line were the two archers, with special effects of enhanced penetration and trajectory alteration, both firing simultaneously. The remaining one would be the light beamed girl, with 4 mirrors firing light beams that could burn, hard if not protected.

He had done injustice, and threatened their leader's life. They would make sure he would get the same.

The two fighters inside the alley were met with two huge tigers when they were charging. Insignificant creatures. The Sky Knight's leader simply turned the charge toward one of the tiger's instead, stabbing the blade deep into its skull. The other girl was even more brutal, infusing large ki energies into her two lances, and sent it down the same direction, into the tiger's head. But this creature was especially unlucky, as the energies were fully intact when the lance hit the head, which meant the energy would be now released, all into its interior. The rest could not be described, as it simply was too horrifying. As an aftermath, the tiger were sent flying in Oni's direction, headless.

They got pass the walls easily enough, but weren't fast enough, as this man disappeared into the darkness.

"What a coward."

"We're still in this fight, look!"

Before them were two identical silhouette, but without any details of the subjects they were imitating. They were all black, but wielded the same weapons.

"They are no less than pale imitations. Let's bring this fight to a conclusion." Spitted the Sky Defender, as they both charged again.

Albert was in complete shock when the girl suddenly thawed out of his grasp. Is she mad? She is heavily injured for god's sake. And she was determined to continue the fight?

But unfortunately, she fell too far to grab again. Not when he is already this high and was still going. If she wanted to do so, then fine. Wishes her all the best.

From the corner of his eyes, he could see the emergence of other hero groups down the avenue, rushing down the street to the sight
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago


Hades was in shock to see his brother was still alive, using their own synergy against them. Each of Senseis children inherited a specific ability, Takeshi had the ability to create static constructs being anything non living. Michiko can pass through the shadows and use them to transport herself. Rakasha had 4 extra limbs, shadow tendrils that were double his wingspan and graced him with super human strength. Hades wielded the ability to birth a creature of his desire from the shadoes whether they were real or mythical. The deadliest of all, Katashi has a mix of Takeshi's and Hades quirk. Dynamic constructs allowed him to conjure living and non living creations.

He watched as Takeshi cut down Rakasha leaving him to bleed out, he had to help him he was the only one capable. Katashi didn't give a damn about his siblings dying in battle, to him family was just a title that beared no meaning.

As he tried to engage a few bullets wizzed past his head, the assassin quickly noving out of the way as he side stepped onto the top of the building. There he was met with 5 pros screaming at him. One looking a bit on the young side, "I guess the sky knights will hire kids too." the man said as the boy dove on him wielding two feathers as if they were daggers. He raised his Katana to cut the boy down simply but quickly learned not to understeinate him. It appears as though he didn't posses any natural feathers. Hades managed to block all lethal damage but the boy's feathers managed to get through the tight spots in the assassins defense, giving him cuts and gnashes on his arms and shoulders. Before he could counter attack Acion had retreated, switching out with the next sky knight in which hades quickly returned on the defensive.

their not giving me an inch of room to breath.

The composite blade came flying at his head, breaking apart mid strike into multiple fragments. He would have been a fool to block it as it simple would have just been impaled where he stood. The assassin threw himself into a back handspring before flipping off the side of the building free falling for a short period of time. The sky knights took no time advancing as he swung his sword once more, the blade detaching and cutting Hades on his shoulder as the blade detatched and extended.

Biting his lip, Hades decided to take the brunt of the blow. A small price to pay in exchange for his life. As he saw the two archers fire their arrows at him he grappled onto the buildings fire scape labor and swung onto the metal stairs catching a short breather. Heavy breathing insued as he tried to catch his breath but the onslaught continued, he watched as the bolts violently curved into the stairwell, the display of archery nearly magical. Hades managed to duck in time as he watched the projectiles bore a hole in the brick wall behind him. Though the shadow clan had the stronger units the sky knights sure had the numbers advantage.

As Hades laid against the wall he smirked, crimson liquid flooding stained his hands yet all he could do is smile. "To think I'd have to summon you, my deadliest creation." the man began howling once again though it was different then all the other times he had done it. This time it sounded like he was howling out a song. From behind the sky knights, what remained of the crows began cawing loudly and painfully. As if someone had took a knife and decided to scratch a chalk board. The birds began sporadically flying through the air until they soon combined into a large ball of black mist.

As he conjured his creation the beams of ligh pierced the stairwell and pelted the man in his back burning a hole in his clothes and singing off some of his hair. He didn't care if he sustained damage to his upper body. As long as his legs and quirk worked he knew he would escape.

"He who lies at the gates of hell, stand before the hound of Hades!Cerberus!


From the cloud of smoke, a head large hound like head popped out following 2 more. From there the body of the demonic dog soon was birthed out of the black ball of Smoke. Once the creation was done it landed with a hard thud on the building, looking at the 5 sky knights as if they were its dinner. Cerberus towered the pros at a whopping 22 feet tall, after surveying the area all 3 heads opened their mouths and released a hellish battle cry which shook the battlefield violently.

Cerberus then hopped up two legs and slammned its paws hard on the roof the establishment causing the building to crumble underneath its feet sending the sky knights into disarray. If they do not rally quickly then fatal wounds will surely ensue. Large pieces of debris came crashing down into the alley causing everyone to advert their attention.

Through the madness the middle head locked its eyes on the young trainee and leapt forward opening its gaping maw as it flew at the boy deciding to take a bite out of him.

As the building crumbled and sent debris scattering everywhere, Rakashas body had been kicked up into the air. Hades used the sheer destruction to his advantage as he positioned himself in a way that he could intercept his brother so they could make an escape. The masked man soared through the air like fearlessly before opening his arms and grabbing a hold of his brother Midflight. The two came crashing down onto an adjacent rooftop with Hades using his body to break the fall.

"It's time to retreat. Takumi."

The man said as he got back to his feet, pulling his siblings arm around his neck and heaving him up so they could escape. The man turned to the side briefly as he watched Cerberus rampage, sure that his dog would cause a good enough distraction for the Heros.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Uuuugh! Where did they go!?" Mamoru had been following Ruby and her new friend Persia for a short while before Persia teleported them away. At first it was a bit exciting trying to find them, but the pinkette had no clue where they went. And it's not as if portals left some sort of signature for Mamoru to follow. Ten minutes or so into the search and she couldn't find either of the two girls anywhere. Mamoru was just running around flapping her arms behind her as she tried to look for them but honestly now she was just wandering around. She sighed as she found herself walking through a garden area so she was taking in the sights and sounds. Birds chirping. Bugs buzzing. That sort of thing.

It was times like this that Mamoru allowed herself to reflect. Normally she didn't like thinking; too much introspective stuff made her confused and uncertain, which in turn made her slow and weak. She didn't like to be either of those things. But now was an okay time to be a little weak. Mamoru looked at her hands as she swung her arms side-to-side. Mamoru wondered how she compared to others. If everyone had to be ranked by power and ability, where did she fall under? She liked to take credit for her work at Training Ground Echo and the previous fight at the Auditorium, but Mamoru knew she didn't do much. And she knew why. People didn't trust her. It wasn't that they were afraid of her, but they didn't think she was strong. And not in body, but in mind.

People always thought Mamoru was stupid because she never did what they said. Whenever they thought they could tell her what to do, she never did it. She liked to think she was being true to herself. People said she couldn't be strong with just a shield. But she's plenty tough. They said she couldn't be a hero. But here she was, training to be a hero. They said she was stupid and she couldn't keep up with others. That, she had no answer for. As Mamoru was wandering around she spotted a spiderweb. A butterfly had been caught. She knelt down and watched the scene unfold as she was talking to herself.

"People have always been there to tell me what I can or can't do. I can't fight, I can't be a hero, I can't do this or that. They always set limits for me. But I always break than. I guess that makes me stupid, since I don't do what people tell me. They think they know me better than I do. Part of me wonders if they're right." Soon a spider came and started to approach the butterfly who was struggling to get out. "No one really put any faith in me. Not even my parents. When I told them I wanted to be a hero they just told me to be careful. They never encouraged me." She curled up a bit tighter as she saw the spider start wrapping the butterfly up in it's web. "I'm too dumb. I'm too weak. I'm too slow. Someone's always better than me. That's why I should give up. That's what people say. But I'm still here. I guess it's because I don't understand them." The butterfly stopped moving as the spider started to eat it. But Mamoru reached out and plucked the butterfly away. it seemed like after it was released from the web, and after Mamoru helped take the spider silk off, it regained it's strength and flew away.

"Nothing really makes sense in the end. I don't try to make sense of it. I just do what I feel like doing and hope that it makes me happy. I think I'm doing a pretty good job at that." As she watched the butterfly fly away, Mamoru picked up a pillbug and tossed it onto the spider's web. Gotta feed em somehow. Now that Mamoru was done pontificating she skipped off to find something to do somewhere. She stopped by the gym to see if there was any fights going on, since it seems like the Gym has been converted into a makeshift arena. Much to her fortunate, there was! Ruby was fighting Amane even. "Ooooooh! Round two! Round two!" Mamoru walked in and headed towards the stand where she saw Ms. Mako. Mamoru waved her limp arms at her as she took a seat nearby. "Hellow sensei! I didn't miss much did I?"

@pkken@Silver Carrot@Melpaws


Meanwhile things were heating up at Komei. The cats have been gathered in an open field and various stations had been erected. Asahi and his supporters stood on one side while Tori and his allies stood on the other. The teacher overseeing the competition was White Hat. He had no stakes in the Komei Collective and thus he was the best teacher to be the neutral arbiter between the two. He understood both sides and could imagine a compromise, however it wasn't his place to make decisions for his students. He would be as impartial as he could be to ensure both sides act fairly and honor their agreement. Also on a panel of judges were different students gathered from the General Studies course. As the General Studies rep was the one who suggested the challenges, it was only right that a few more of his contemporaries acted as judges. Much like White Hat they had no stake in the Komei Collective, though when they heard of it they did have a few thoughts about it.

There were five judges including the rep who was present at the meeting. Three thought the Komei Collective would be an interesting idea, though only one thought it was something that General Study students could participate in. The other two felt that it would be a better use of the hero student's time to focus on their training and educations instead of trying to dive right into a bastardized version of a hero agency. Running an agency was a complex and difficult thing to do for full-time heroes, let alone part-time students. But they could still be convinced, depending on how things go here.

As they waited Asahi called Hitomi and Tomoe. It was nearly time for the competition to begin, and if they didn't show up within ten minutes they'll be forced to start the first challenge without them. Asahi sent a quick and simple text to the both of them, hoping they'll show up.

To: Maeda Hitomi; Tomoe Kishitmoto
From: Goroshi Asahi
Subject: Competition
It's time. Meet us outside of the cafeteria.

@Silver Carrot@liferusher
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Melpaws
Avatar of Melpaws

Melpaws Envoy of the First

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Amane Kishimoto


Ruby Mamoru

Part 1

Both took their position opposite of one another in the rectangular fighting arena. The floor was rather hard and would surely not be a pretty thing to fall on. Ruby however, had little concern for that. The only injury she got out of the exercise was having her head busted open, but thanks to the wonderful medical staff at the school that was already healed. Once they were set in their positions, Ruby nodded to Amane, letting him know that the fighting would start now.

Amane’s circling around Ruby was certainly special, but it did not affect her too much. It only showed Ruby that Amane thought he was the one who was the predator stalking his prey, that he underestimated her. While he was circling her, she simply stood still, not even raising her fists or anything else.

That did not change the instant he dashed forward towards her, immediately going for a strong kick to her sides. More or less on the exact moment that Amane placed his foot down in front of her to go for the kick, Ruby jumped backwards, simply dodging Amane’s offense without any counterattack. From that position, the neko kept staring at Amane, not changing either her stance or facial expression. Just like before, she did not seem as if she was about to fight anyone since she was just staring there, glaring at Amane.

The boy suspected this much that she'd create more space between the two. It irked him that this girl was going to take the annoying path and play mind games with him. Amane simple brought his guard down and let out a sigh.

“See, I know what you are doing. Yet I can't help but get agitated by it.”

The boy crouched low to the ground before taking off full sprint at the girl, his stance similar to that of a sprinter. Midway on his course he changed his running stance as he leapt from side to side before delivering a few jabs to the girls stomach.

“Are you going to fight or continue running?” he said, a hint of anger could be sensed in his tone.

He was rapidly approaching Ruby and it was obvious that he was changing his stance and approach options a lot so that she would not be able to predict her. After all, he seemed to be betting on the fact that Ruby tried to read his fighting style and then dodge. The comment earlier made it quite clear and Ruby did not even reply to that.

Now he right in front of her and was ready to deliver a quick jab, the speed was quite impressive. The entire time Ruby stood still, which was not very long admittedly since Amane’s approach was insanely fast, but right when the first jab was about to connect with her belly, Ruby used her right hand to push his arm to the left so that his attack would miss. Then, she would grab the arm that he attacked her with; Her left arm grabbing his wrist while her right arm grabbed the upper part of Amane’s right arm. At the same time, her left leg kicked into his ankles, making them lose their connection to the floor. This small moment would be used by Ruby to do the unthinkable: Because of the speed Amane had while rushing towards the neko, she was able to use all that energy to counter his own weight and pull on his arm strongly. The result was a throw of Amane over her own head, right onto the hard floor that was initially behind her.

Once he was down on the floor She would stare right into his face and finally reply.

“You don’t know what I am doing. I don’t predict your actions, I react to them with my enhanced reflexes. I’m not taking you lightly, so give me all you’ve got Amane Kishimoto.” Conveniently, this was also the first time that she had used his name to adress him.

In an impressive display his attack was turned against him leaving the cold floor of the training arena. His back in excruciating pain as he laid on the floor yet there was a grin plastered on his face as he laid on the floor as he replayed the moment in his head.

She managed to grapple him and turned his own weight and power against him. It was brilliant.

It pissed him off.

The boy's hair obstructed his vision as he laid on the ground and listened to Ruby as she lectured him. “You're getting ahead of yourself” Amane pushed off the ground and into a sitting position. His back facing his opponent, “I am going to need to see a little more before I start taking you seriously. To me all I see is a general studies student.”

Amane got to his feet and smiled as he began to grow a bit excited, she knew how to get on his nerves. ”Lets see those reflexes” he said as he began circling her once again as well as walking off the pain in his back. He continued again with the same roundhouse kick predicting Ruby will simply dodge. If what he predicted was to come true he would transition into a feint, kicking off with his right left foot and going for a solid knee to the stomach. Just off of that little talk it seemed as though she plans on exploiting her agility in this fight in which he was prepared for.

All he had to do was capitalize on his attacks and not give her a chance to breathe once he lands a hit.

Even though Amane’s comment was meant to provoke Ruby, it did not have that effect at all. She was proud of the fact that her foe’s comments would rarely ever get to her, she knew that anger would only decrease her strength in a battle.

When Amane dashed forward for his next attack, Ruby attempted to dodge just like the last time. Her reflexes dictated her that a dodge backwards would be the most logical conclusion since; catching the kick would not be worth it since it would really hurt with his strength. However, much to Ruby’s surprise, the moment that she dashed off backwards, Amane dashed forward himself. The neko did not expect a feint! She still had time to dodge it, right?

No; She was airborne. Normally, Ruby would now use her quirk to either adjust her momentum or block the attack entirely, but that was not allowed in this fight. She was fucked.

The knee hit right into her stomach, the impact felt horrendous. Luckily for Ruby, it was enough to push her away from him, but that was not what she wanted. Her mind went blank for a very short moment when the knee connected, but that was enough so that she could not grab onto him. Initially, she had planned to do exactly that. “Shit”

Being thrown backwards a bit, Ruby eventually managed to land on her back and turn the momentum into a roll backwards which would end with her being on her feet. Slowly she stood up again, the pain still lingering from the impact of Amane’s knee. It was obvious that he was prepared for her attempts to dodge, which is why she had to change her gameplan. How about something unexpected? Suddenly, the neko dashed forward. She would raise both of her hands in anticipation; A direct attack might seem useless against someone like Amane, but she did have a plan in mind. With her fist raised, Ruby would go for a direct punch into his face; For his nose to be exact. Even though Ruby was not the strongest, if that blow were to go through it would have severe efffects. If he blocked it like she expected, she would go for an immediate kick into the knee of his right leg. Even if he were to dodge her simpleminded fist-attack, from her position she would be fast enough to do a similar follow up like what he did. Like that, she could reduce his speed and make sure that she would gain a huge advantage; By repeatedly attacking his legs. Of course, one kick to the knee would not be enough to slow him down significantly, but she would keep the attacks up.

Amane didn't stop there with his knee, he continued onward with his rain of pain as he cocked a fist back and prepared to deliver a clean strike to the jaw. As he began to let the haymaker go Ruby had retaliated quicker then he expected with a punch aimed at the center of his face. His body was already set in motion and it was too late to alter his course of action. All he could do now was brace himself to take the least amount of damage.

Amane turned his face to the side allowing for Ruby's fist to drag along his left cheek. It didn't hurt too bad but with the added momentum from his sheer mass, it was enough to cause his head to turn completely putting Amane in a bad spot as he was now susceptible to all of Ruby's attacks.

Instinctively he immediately pulled his hands over his face to block anymore headshots but his prediction was off as Ruby went for a flurry of kicks to the boy's leg causing his knee to buckle putting him into an unfortunate situation as he was know kneeling on one leg. Within the sudden change in position Amane managed to gather himself as he caught her kick with his right hand. The boy wrapped his fingers around her ankle and viciously eyed her down.

“Believe it or not, I've put in countless hours trying to perfect my craft. Do you think it's easy to bend gravity to your will? You'll never know what it's like to have your own quirk try and kill you.”

Amane tugged with all his might, sweeping Ruby clean off her feet. With an impressive display of how strong he was, he had thrown Ruby halfway across the arena.

“You and many others are wrong. It's not the quirk that makes the hero, its the hero that makes the quirk.”

He surely would hit himself later for saying that, he could believe he really spouted his grandfather's words in a battle? Perhaps he suffered more damage to his brain than he thought.

“Your hits are well directed but you lack the power to take out your opponents enough. You disappoint me, I thought you were different.” Amane began stretching his fingers out as he spoke not even looking Ruby in the face as he talked down on her.

“If that's all you've got, drop out of the hero course right now. Choose another occupation while your limbs can still function correctly.”

@pkken @Lucius Cypher @Silver Carrot

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tomoe Kishitmoto

Dorm room
@Silver Carrot

Hitomi commented in denying fashion on how this was suppose to be her room as well. Tomoe gave her an annoyed glare before she looked over the bed and walls of Hitomi her side of the room. She had never seen those things in Tomoe her room before but couldn't ignore the fact that Tomoe would be sharing a sleeping room with someone. This has never before been the occasion. After Tomoe had grown horns and ears she answered back at Hitomi.

"I don't believe. This is property of Tomoe. This is room of Tomoe. Why you here!"

Nomoe was getting a little aggressive. She did not believe Hitomi belonged here at all. It has never occurred in her quirky life time that someone was permission-ed to sleep in the same room as Tomoe except for her parents. Tomoe could be found rolling and softly moaning in bed a little like she was having a nightmare of some sorts. Nomoe paid no heed to Tomoe her nightmarish behavior. This happened often when Nomoe was acting on her own accord, it was like they were two souls in one body sometimes.

Hitomi suddenly covered her chest after Nomoe her latest creation. Nomoe tilted her head in confusion why Hitomi acted this way all so suddenly. Nomoe glanced down at her own chest and pushed it around a little to see what it did for her. They only felt heavily on her back, these bouncy balls on her chest only started to annoy her. Nomoe did the same with her horns and felt like they were heavily unneeded aspects as well.

Hitomi asked her how she could do all these things to her own body. Nomoe tilted her head once more. That was an abrupt change on conversation.

"I'm Tomoe her dream. Why do you have these. They are unneeded."

The phone buzzed with the notification coming up from their fellow friend asking them to get ready for the competition. Tomoe did not hear the phone and Nomoe simply ignored it knowing what the sound was but not knowing how the phone worked.

"I copied them as accurate as possible."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
Avatar of Lucius Cypher

Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Yukari Yozakura


Donny was thrown to the wall as the man had struck him, faster and harder than anything Donny ever felt. It was like getting hit by a truck! Donny would’ve been dead or worse if it weren’t for his body, and even then he was reeling. Normally he could make due in fights with hiding or eating, but this guy… He was too fast. Donny couldn’t get an inch underground before he got pulled up, and his guy could get two punches in before Donny could eat him instantly. Worse still, he wasn’t fast enough to even try to counter; ever swipe whiffed, every guard broken or passed. The only saving grace was that while the swordsman was attacking Donny, Yukari wasn’t the main focus. But between all the bearings Donny lost track of where she was; he was too focused on keeping himself alive to watch out for her.

”Tch. Come on kid. I thought monsters were supposed to be tough. You can’t even avoid these baby slaps?” Kensai walked over to Donny as he tried to limber up. He was hoping for a bit more of a chase or a fight, maybe even putting his guard up. But the only thing he had to worry about was this kid sticking to him and trying to burn his skin off. Kensai could feel the hairs on his knuckles get a bit burnt when he had struck Donny, though Kensai wasn’t sure if that was Donny or if he was just making friction burns in the air again.

”Damn. I came to Hosu looking for something new and exciting, but the booze and the heroes are overblown and weak. You need to stop picking fights with pickpockets and learn how to fight a real warrior!”

Yukari had grabbed the two thieves and moved them out of the way. All it took was one punch for her to know this guy was way above the threat level the other two possessed. This place would become dangerous. But even if they were bad guys Yukari couldn’t let them get caught up in the fighting. In the distance she also heard sirens; if they could hold out for three or four more minutes they could get back up!

”Hang in Donny, I’m coming!” Yukari Dropper the two of best the entrance of an alley and raced back to Donny. When she saw Kensai wailing on him she stretched out and jumped towards Kensai. She was going to try and bind his arms together and lee him bounded up.

Kensai was about to stomp on Donny when he felt something wrap around his body. [b]”Heh. And I thought you ran away!”[/color] He looked on with amusement as Yukari tried to wrap him up, so he just grabbed her by the face and squeezed. To his surprise she was very squishy, and what would have been a skull-crushing grip just made her face look funny. “Ha! Maybe you’ll be more fun than this kid.” Still Kensai grabbed Yukari and pulled her off of his body quickly and violently. Fast enough that his fingers dig into her flesh and carved some skin out.


At this point the pain was almost unbearable. Donny had never been this physically hurt before. Even when he once burned his hand on a stove or got caught outside of his house in the middle of winter, none of those compared to this beating. He vaguely made out Yukari being tossed away towards a wall. As Kensai was distracted Donny dug down into the ground he raced towards her as fast as he could, popping out of the ground to shield her. To his surprise, it looked like Kensai was waiting for them to attack him.

”Yozakura we have to get out of here! This guy is out of our league!”

”Ow. This really hurts.”

Yukari slammed into the wall, cracking the stone and falling to the ground. She looked down at her leg and saw deep, bloody gouges in her calf. Like someone took an ice cream spoon and just scooped out three balls of flesh out of her leg. And that just came from one man throwing her against the wall. Yukari felt numb, yet at the same time the pain made her want to cry. ”Aaaah…. T-T-This really h-h-hurts….” She struggled to stand up as Donny appeared near her. He said they should run away. She was going to agree when she heard Kensai’s words. Sweat dripped down the side of her face. ”No… We can’t. We can’t leave.”

Donny looked at Yukari in fear. What was she thinking? Surely she must be out of her mind! Donny looked down and saw her carved up leg; how she was standing at all surprised Donny the most. He took what remained of the clothes from his meat sack and wrapped it around her bleg, her blood quickly soaking his shirt a bright crimson. ”That’s crazy Yozakura-san! This guy is going to kill us! We can still run!”

”You say run. We can’t. You heard him. He wants to fight and kill people. If we run away, somehow, he’s just going to look for someone else to hurt. Someone weaker than us.” Patting Donny’s head Yukari took a step forward and nearly stumbled. She had to bend her leg around her wound just to keep standing. The pain was starting to come back now all at once but she clenched her teeth and looked towards Kensai with determination. ”If heroes run and hide, who will stand and fight? Donny… I can’t leave. I can’t leave and live knowing that all I’ve done is put someone else’s life at risk to save myself. That’s not why I came to Komei, to just put all my responsibilities onto someone else I can call a hero.”

Yukari raised her fist weakly. Before she was tossed she almost sensed his movements. She was careless to think that he was slower than her; a mistake that nearly cost Yukari her leg. She wasn’t going to make that mistake a second time. She gulped and listened, ready to fight.

”What… Those words…” Donny looked at Yukari as she stepped forward to fight. Those words she said were the exact same from an anime Donny watched. It was cheesy then, but right now they held a lot more weight. At the same time, other words from the same anime came to his mind. A very familiar quote that seemed to be appropriate for this situation.

”No one has to tell me I have no chance of beating you. I already... Know that! And yet, I must try. It's not about winning or losing! It's about me taking you on right here, right now!"

”Dammit…” Donny moved up to Yukari, standing right behind her. He knew that he couldn’t get away fast enough if he tried to take her by force. Not only would she probably try to fight him, but Kensai would catch them. No, running wasn’t an option now. Donny couldn’t just hide and wait for it all to be over. There was no underhanded tactics left for him to do to win. He had to face this guy head on, like a true hero. ”I… I-I-I have my pride too! I can’t leave y-y-y-you here to die. I’m not g-g-going to let you!” Grabbing a piece of cement that had fallen Donny carved a new mask for himself, eating away at it into a new shape.

”Yozakura-san, I h-h-h-h-hope you can trust me. W-W-What I’m about to do… I’ve never done. But… I’m going to save you.”

Kensai was waiting patiently for the two to finish talking. He knew that they weren’t really worthy of his attention; a couple of kids who wanted to be heroes were a waste of his time. Frankly he was just hoping that if he stuck around long enough an actual challenge will show up and give him something to do for tonight. But it did entertain him how these kids kept trying to inspire themselves with their fancy talk. Kensai was almost tempted to exchange words too, but he figured that he’ll let their final words be something nice. Now that it seemed like the two kids were ready to fight, or as ready as they could be, Kensai clapped his hands and walked forward.

”You children are all the same. So full of piss and vinegar. Well, I don’t hate that. After all the ambitions ones are always the most interesting! But reality check: this isn’t a game that scales to you. At your level those are rookie numbers. Let me show you what a pro has to deal with.”

Kensai took one step forward, and in that one step he was right in front of Yukari and Donny. As he planted his foot into the ground he took both fist and aimed right at their chins. He swung upward, hard. ”Delaware….” But right before the point of impact he would flick his finger right underneath their heads. ”Smash.” The force of the flick was strong enough to create a shockwave in the alleyway that would send debris flying, even dumpsters and cars. And it would certainly send these two kids flying.

Yukari felt a disturbance in the air right as Kensai appeared in front of them. The first thing she did was reach out and cover Donny; she could take a punch but Donny might not be able to take another one. ”Donny!” The blast was too much for her though. It sent her airborne and her head began to rattle. She’s been shot out of a cannon, shot at with a cannon, flatten underneath a great weight, and even slid her body through the eye of a needle. Yukari thought she could handle any sort of attack. But this corruption of All Might’s attack almost felt like it was coming from the man himself; it was overloading Yukari’s limits and left her in a daze.

Spinning through the air her life flashed back to her time at the circus. The first time she ever had to do an aerial stunt. She remembered her parent’s encouraging words, but also the immense amount of fear. A member that was deeply ingrained in her head was when her mother was holding her so tightly in her arms as they were swinging by a rope, only for her to suddenly let go. She remembered hearing her father shouting. The Ringmaster shouting. Everyone was shouting her name. It hurt Yukari’s ears.


One moment Donny had declared his intent to save Yukari, next thing he knows he was sent flying. He was still trying to process what Kensai was saying when he was in the air. Somehow though it didn’t hurt too badly. Granted he was still feeling sore from the previous beat down he had gotten. Maybe he was just numb to the pain now. But he was still conscious, so he could still fight. The same couldn’t be said of Yukari; when Donny saw her she appeared to be completely out of it. He wasn’t sure if she was okay or not so the first thing he did was reach out and grab her, ostensibly to protect her. He didn’t know how to check if she was still alive and frankly this wasn’t the time to figure it out; they were already starting to fall and Donny had no idea if either of them could survive the landing.

Donny had made up a lot of attacks for himself. It was just a childish thing he did as he was packing his things to go to Komei. Forest of Fist, Living Burial, Sarlacc, all those cool things that pro heroes shout out when they do their thing. A lot of attacks that Donny hoped to one day show off to others. But there was one technique he knew he could do that required a partner. Despite being rather shy, one of his biggest dreams was to use this technique with someone. Preferably a cute girl he liked. His mind thought back to Mina.

She was nice. She fought him earnestly, didn’t judge him by his appearance, really made him feel good about himself. He wanted to use this technique with her. But he was all too aware of her feelings for others, like Jett. Part of Donny started to feel angry now, but he knew it was an empty anger. He was angry at Jett for “taking” Mina, but Donny knew that Jett was simply doing something Donny didn’t have the courage to do: take initiative. Donny had just hoped someone would come to him and be everything he’s ever wanted. He figured that once he came to Komei everything would fall into place. But there was still a lot more work he had to do. If he wanted to amount to anything, if he wanted to be a hero, he had to take action.


Donny began to warp his body to fit around Yukari like a bodysuit. He couldn’t let himself hesitate even if it was a bit awkward; this wasn’t the time to let himself feel self conscious. Once he was had wrapped himself around Yukari he quickly began to create shapes out from his body. Bone-like objects that lined her body and formed protective armor. ”I have to survive. That’s all that matters. It’s always about survival. As long as I survive… I’m protecting Yukari!” Yukari would feel a bit lighter as Donny extended his limb forward to catch a rooftop, then swing upwards, narrowly missing the ground. He would have to survive until she was awake.

”Oho? Neat trick.” Kensai watched as the two kids seemed to have… Fused together. He thought that boy was a strange one. Kensai guess by the attack name, the Donny had combined his powers with the girl somehow. Kensai was certain it wouldn’t amount to much but he did enjoy heroes who synchronized their powers like this. It showed a bit more creativity than just overwhelming with pure force. It made Kensai have to think a little. ”You done? My turn.” Kensei jumped towards Donny and Yukari, arms raised to smash them into the building or deflect any attack they might throw his way.

What Yukari remembered about her first act was that she always felt alone even when she was around others who cared for her. Her mother and father loved her, but were too afraid to stand up for her. The other circus performers tried to make her feel at home, but they were so quick to move on. And of course the Ringmaster only cared about results; if Yukari couldn’t bring them, she was useless. It was always about being useful. Being capable. And putting on a good show. When Donny’s voice reached her ear Yukari opened her eyes. Her leg still hurt and her head was shaking but she was somehow moving. She felt something warm all around her body. At first she thought it was her blood and that maybe she had been decapitated, but what she was feeling was very different. It almost felt like her suit.

That’s when her senses went crazy. She heard Kensai jumping towards them. She could smell Donny all around her. She had no idea what was going on but she remembered she had to fight. She knew she was holding onto a wall so she had let go. For a brief moment she felt her arms feel very heavy, but than that weight was gone. It was like she had tripled or even quadrupled her weight class somehow. And when she landed on the ground, this extra weight didn’t seem to bother her. It was a very strange feeling but she wasn’t going to question it now. ”Donny I don’t know what you did, but this isn't too bad. I think we can fight him like this.”

Yukari shifted into her fighting stance. It almost felt like she was flying. While her leg hurt, she wasn’t putting any weight on it at all so the pain wasn’t as great. In fact it didn’t even feel like she was bleeding. ”Alright. My turn!” Kensai was fast but so far all his attacks were short range; Yukari had to take advantage of her longer reach and quick reflexes to keep him at a distance. She didn’t need to defeat him, just hold out for a minute or two. Long enough for the police to arrive. So Yukari threw a fast flurry of punches at Kensai with one arm, leaving her other back to protect herself.

With each punch thrown Donny would create teeth going up and down the arm to cut up Kensai if he made contact with any part of Yukari’s arm, and included a nasty set of fangs at the knuckles to puncture through Kensai’s flesh if any of Yukari’s punches hit. He created a shield for Yukari too, in the form of a row of ribs tightly packed together covering her other arm. As long as Yukari did the fighting, Donny could focus entirely on manipulating his body to do whatever might be needed.

Looking down at the little girl and her slimeball Kensai was mildly impressed that they managed to dodge his second attack. Her flurry of blows was also rather fast, but she was being too careful. Kensai responded with his own flurry of kicks, but then he felt a slight pain in his foot. Seemed like that slime boy was able to bare his fangs after all, as long as someone else was doing the punching. Kensai still kept kicking but he had to be more careful not to get himself cut again. Then he pushed himself off the wall and back onto the ground. He grinned and charged forward to grab at the arms and slam the both of them around a bit. He wasn’t too worried about the teeth since they seemed rather small; it was a surprise at first but if this was the best Donny could do than Kensai wasn’t worried.

Pulling her fists back after Kensai parried their attacks Yukari needed to keep her guard up. He started charging and she knew that he was going to try to grab for her again; that seemed to have been his previous plan before Donny’s teeth surprised him. But when it came to grappling Yukari couldn’t be beat! Instead of throwing a punch she charged forward too, this time ducking underneath his arms and throwing a uppercut right to his head. But it wasn’t a real punch; it was a feint so she could get her foot between his legs and wrap around his ankle. Donny would then start creating more teeth to bite into Kensai, and then start trying to devour whatever armor he had on him, even eating away at his tough skin. No doubt Kensai was going to try and and kick them off, but this time Yukari wasn’t letting go so easily.

“Ha! Trying to go for my foot? What are you, kindergarteners?” Lifting his foot high into the air Kensai slammed it down into the ground. Even if Yukari could take his attacks, Donny was not nearly as immune to his strikes. But that wasn’t the end of it; with his foot partially buried in the ground with Yukari around it, Kensai got low to the ground and dragged his foot and Yukari through the cement and dirt, going all around him to tear her apart with the friction. Like scraping a bug off of his shoe.

”Oh shit.”
Donny blacked out for a moment when his body slammed into the ground. He had tried to counteract it by trying to consume the cement before impact, but he was only able to get a couple of inches before the rest of his body was forced to hit the ground. He tried to hang on as best as he could but he had his lis limit. There was only one thing he could do now before he was gone: save Yukari. He forcefully ejected her out from his body and into the hole that was made, right before Kensai dragged his foot through the ground. Donny’s teeth kept him attacked to Kensai’s foot as he was torn apart by the force of the kick and getting dragged through stone and cement. He left a huge stain in the ground like an oil spill.

”Ugn… That was bad… Donny?”

Yukari got out from the ground and tried to get onto her feet. But when she stood on her hurt leg a shock of pain went through her body and she fell onto her knees. The weight on her body was gone yet now her body felt so heavy. Everything hurt. And she could smell something burning. She looked forward and tried to sense Kensai, and then sensed his fist hitting her face and knocking her back. She rolled on the ground and tried to get onto her feet, but all she could manage was to haunch over. She coughed out blood as she was starting to lose consciousness. ”No way… It can’t be over… Yet…” She tried to stand but it was impossible now. Her leg, as she didn’t realize it at the time, now was broken.

”I can still fight!” She screamed as she struggled to her feet. She leaned heavily on her good leg and needed to stretch her hands to the ground to support her weight. She couldn’t fight back in this state. Leg broken, cuts all over her body, her ear was partially ripped. Yukari was a mess. ”As long as I breath, I can fight…” But even breathing was getting harder to do. And at this point all her senses were shot. She couldn’t even hear her own voice and all she could smell was something burning. The pain completely overridden whatever sense of touch she had. And she could taste the blood in her mouth. ”I can… I can still… Fight…”

Sirens echoed throughout the city as chaos was descending. Reports of violence was everywhere. Police and heroes alike were in full force now as they patrolled the streets and alleyways for any sign of villain activity. They coordinated their efforts with other heroes in order to deal with the situation better. Soon officers found Yukari in the alley as well as Donny’s wallet and what was left of his body. They found his student ID and contacted Komei about the two students, trying to figure out what had happened and where they should take the children.

Kensai was nowhere to be found. Only the destruction left behind proved that he was here. And while he didn’t get an exciting fight he was hoping for, his curiosity was piqued. He was eager to see how Komei students will shape up after this incident.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Riegal
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Reina Mori

Reina landed harder than she meant to, the shock running up her leg. The girl grit her teeth and bore with it, pushing with her gravity again to grind Rakasha into the ground before her momentum forced her off, stumbling on her injured legs, only managing to keep herself up with the help of her orb's pull.

She sucked in air and whipped around with her left arm pulled back for a punch, keeping her focus in the sudden chaotic outbreak. Take out Rakasha first, then move on to another enemy. In her way formed a shadow version of herself, giving her pause. The shadow lashed out at her, Reina reacting immediately. She pushed with her own gravity, throwing the shadow's hit off-balance, allowing Reina to catch its wrist with her hand. She pulled with both her arm and her gravity, forcing the shadow violently towards her. Unable to use her shattered right arm, the girl instead shoved her right knee into the shadow's gut hard, doubling the silhouette over.

Not done yet, she continued to hold on tight to her enemy's wrist, pushing once again with her gravity. Overhead, her orb pulled up, lifting the shadow up. Shifting around, Reina breathed out hard and stepped into a toss, whipping the shadow over her head by its arm and slamming it into the ground, force boosted by her orb. The shadow bounced once and collapsed, unmoving as Reina finally let it go.

The girl gasped for air, the exaggerated motion of the toss aggravating all her injuries, especially the stab Rakasha had given her. The loss of blood was making her light-headed, but as long as she had an orb up, she could keep her balance.

Before she could turn her attention back to Rakasha, the wolf-villain presented a more pressing problem in the form of massive Cerberus shadow. The sheer size of the beast made her hesitate.

Her eyes glanced around quickly as the shadow brought down more rubble. Reacting quickly, she directed her orb up high, just above the Cerberus. Pulling hard, she managed to catch much of the debris in the area, forming a sphere of rock and stone. The stress of holding such a strong pull made the girl cry out shortly in exertion, before she called the orb down on top of the beast's back, trying to damage and hinder its movement slightly by covering it in rubble.

Reina fell to a knee, gripping her head from the pain that split through it. Her blurry vision spotted Rakasha being taken up and away by the Hades, almost instantly making the girl forget about the pain. If they got away, they could put Takeshi and Michiko in danger again. Vicious fury drove her again.


The girl forced herself to leap from her position, pulling herself up with the orb to follow after them. She turned her attention temporarily to Cerberus, as she was flying by it. Its left mouth opened to snap at her. Instinct ruling Reina again, she responded by grabbing one of the dormant orbs that floated around her with her left hand, and threw it into the beast's mouth before quickly increasing the pull of her active orb on her, to dodge up and around the chomp.

Directly above the head now, Reina focused and braced herself, activating the orb inside its mouth, and pushing with it with all she had. The pain in her head flared terribly, getting another cry from her that she did her best to stifle with grit teeth. In a burst of shadow, the head exploded and the rest of the body was moved from the force, stumbling back a heavy step. Reina herself was pushed far higher into the air, directing herself to land on a roof a bit harder than she intended to with her orb. At the same time she landed, she deactivated the second orb, the strain too much to deal with at the moment--besides, she needed to save what she could of her strength for the people she was going after.

The black-haired girl's gaze locked again on Hades. She picked herself up and took off again, activated orb pulling her from above to make her lighter on her injured feet.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mina looked up in shock when Jett teleported mid-sentence. That seemed unexpected, erratic and annoying to deal with."There's a silver lining, though," she replied. "I was scared your quirk might be gone forever. This proves that's not the case, and that getting back to normal is possible. As for the black eye, I got it from sparring today with Dulga. That...got out of hand, and I think I really need to work on steeling my will, stopping anybody from getting under my skin, and stop letting my emotions get the better in me in the heat of battle. It's why I lost to Dulga. It's why I went after Amane after being saved, against all logic. Against everything but ego, in fact. I've never lost before, and honestly, it's messed me up a little."

Jett shrugged… She was right, it was progress, even though it didnt feel like it at the moment. He raised an eyebrow when he caught she said she was scared. Why was she scared about his quirk not coming back?

When she mentioned fighting with Dulga he just sighed. Honestly this girl is a glutton for punishment. But she explained why she lost and he nodded, and he could see why she kinda broke down. He was silent for a bit before he then said, Well… now that you know what you need to do...stop beating yourself up. He looked at her with a small smile. ”We really should get some Ice on that...

But before they could, he saw Dulga walking up towards them. He honestly didn’t know what was gonna happen...Dulga never seemed to like him, throwing him out of windows, and Glaring at him...all for just catching her dancing.

She asked how they were holding up. He shrugged. “F-”

Disappearing once more in a puff of smoke and reappearing ten feet away. -ine He finished with Irritation. He walked back over and rubbed the back of his head, slightly embarrassed. Just stuck to where I was six years ago with my quirk. Wincing at the headache that followed.

”How was speaking with my mother? She can be blunt...and scary at times...but she means well…”

Surely this would be surprising for Dulga for him to know who she just spoke too. Or creepy...hopefully it was the former. My mother spoke to me a bit before looking for you guys...

As if realizing Mina was there with his mom. He looked to her… She...didn’t say anything...weird right?!” Sometimes he wished his mom could be like most mothers and tell their sons to stay away from girls and don't get into trouble with them...she encouraged it.

Shortcut stopped following Oni when a shadow appeared in front of him, He moved his spear in to intercept when the shadow copied his movement exactly, he hesitated for a moment before moving it to the right, which was copied yet again.

He suddenly heard a boy yell out. “They are a copy of you! Only way to defeat it is not fighting it like you normally would, but rather what you wouldn’t do!”

He looked over to see a bloody dark haired samurai looking over to him, before he turned away and chased after the two that ran away and the girl that followed them.

He turned and thought, what wouldn’t he do? After a second he stood up straight, un-holstered his pistol and shot it in the head in a fluid motion and without hesitation. He would never go for a headshot in a real fight…

Once the thing crumbled to the ground and vanished he hurried over to Kadia. Kneeling down, he holstered his pistol and running a hand over her forehead and asking, “Are you alright Kadia Beaumont?”

Kaida glanced up at him her eyes barely opening as she moaned. “Je...t?” She asked as he picked her up, She blushed as he did. He came for her? How did he even know she was in danger? But he was strong enough to scare that man away…

She clearly wasn’t thinking clearly as her head was throbbing now from multiple concussions. She slipped back out of consciousness as her head fell against his chest.

Right after that the tiny girl, literally a midget ran up to Shortcut and said with a wicked smile on her face. “Better not let Sarge see ya like that. You know how crazy she gets!”

She looked passed him to see the cerberus and smiled more. “Come on! We better get in there before the sky knights take all the fun! Let's show them how real soldiers fight compared to their ‘fake army’.”

Without waiting for a response She ran as fast as she could towards the three headed dog “COME HERE CLIFFORD! COME HERE PUPPY! WHO WANTS A STICK!? I GOT A STICK FOR YOU!!!” She roared in her tiny voice as she pulled a stick of dynamite out of her pack.

“Marge...please dont destroy another city block.” A calm and collected voice came in over the coms.

“Come on Manda! You know that wasn’t ENTIRELY My fault! AND IT’S ONE STICK! “

With that she lit it and threw it high and impressively far for such a little person. Two loud rifle shots could be heard as the bullets aimed for the right heads right eye, trying to distract it from the dynomite.

“FIRE IN THE HOLE!” Marge screamed loud enough for everyone to hear.

After Takeshi warned the others about the shadow clones he turned to his clone and rushed forward, his shadow attacked with a fast diagonal attack, which Takeshi reached out with his left arm and stopped with his makeshift hand. Quickly cutting through the shadow and rushing after Reina. “REINA STOP!” He called out, he was honestly shocked that Reina was chasing after them, she looked really hurt with every movement.

But she was already blowing past cerberus after brutally blowing one of her orbs through its head. He sprinted after her, stumbling a bit at the beginning as he got dizzy but pushed through it and after her.

He jumped up the rubble to the second floor and again to the roof, scrambling on all three limbs near the top to finally get there. He saw her running straight for hades and Raksha, Who inturned stopped, after speaking to each other for a second. Hades lowered Rakasha to the ground and hesitantly continued to run after Raksha pushed him away and unsheathed his sword.

Reina was about to deal with a cornered dying tiger… She wouldn't expect what he was gunna plan to do. Groaning in pain as he pushed himself even faster, running awkwardly with his new ‘arm’ now, he raced to cut her off.

Back in the alley

Shortcut had noticed the two leaving and looked to Aurelia, “Sky defender! They are chasing the two villains they will need your help! Let us help your team in your stead!

He handed off Kadia to one of her men and kicked his spear up from the ground into his hand.

Rakasha growled as his brother left…If he was going to die, he was going to die with a sword in his hand and regain his honor. The girl was getting closer as he bent over into a low stance ready to kill her. As she got close enough, all four tentacles shot out at her, while it was only two that was aimed for her, while two were launched into the ground in front of her, As she would deal with the two tentacles, he would pull himself at her with all his might, his sword at the ready, However this didn’t work because suddenly a rod shot up out of the ground and hit him right in the gut.

He coughed up some blood with the force of the hit as he looked to the side to see Takeshi running towards them. A low rising yell came from Takeshi as he followed up with a slash of his own, Rakasha parried and the two delivered more blows between each other. While the two tentacles that were aimed for Reina were now flaying around her trying to keep her busy while he was focused on Takeshi.

“Takeshi the Reaper…” Rakasha grunted as he continued to slash and perry, “Never thought I see you fight like this again little brother…”
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