Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Alexander Jakobsen

Location: Cromwell House, Boston

Alex nodded his head, listening to what Jade was saying. It made sense, since Hel had been so eager to have everyone fear her, and to be under her control. The goddess was not someone he wanted to mess with, but he wanted payback for what had happened at the OMEN headquarters in DC. He wanted vengeance against her, and he was willing to put his life on the line to stop her. The organization was almost completely gone, with them being at just a handful now, or it felt like that anyway, and they needed to stop the Goddess of Death.

"It wouldn't surprise me if she did something like that. She seems to like putting on a big show for everyone, places where it would be obvious, and clearly visible to everyone else. OMEN was a pretty big place, so the question is, where would she strike?" Alex mused, trying to come up with an idea. Hel wasn't exactly too predictable.

Thalia Maehers

Location: Cromwell House, Boston

Thalia followed Folly inside of the building. It was an interesting hotel, but she didn't think she'd want to stay there for very long or something. Of all places, why did OMEN have to set up at this building. She looked around the first floor, like Folly did, and she was a little surprised to find no one who could help them there. OMEN was a pretty big organization from what she could tell, why weren't there more people around?

"Yeah, that would make sense. Since there isn't anyone down here who can help us out or anything," she said, with a quick glance at Lilith. Though she had basically stated the obvious, it did make sense. Thalia found the staircase, and headed up to the next floor, not really knowing where she was going, or who she was looking for.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago

December 29th, 2016 - 12:30 P.M. EST - 1 Day Since Hel Returned

Jade Cornish

Location: Cromwell House - Suite 313 - O.M.E.N. Temporary HQ
Interacting With: Various

Mallory turned and looked at Jessica, a bit surprised that she had asked such a question. Angels rarely ever asked her such thing, content to see it as part of the divine plan - the work of a being stronger than they were. Of course, Lucifer and God(?) and all the rest - they were but one aspect of an ever changing cosmos. There was a reason that they feared the Aesir and took such measures to handle them, yet the Asgardians, the Tuatha de Danaan, the Ennead, the Amatsu-Kami, and the Olympians - the principle beings that comprised the Aesir - were still alive. It was only a matter of time before war broke out.

Hel's rise was just the beginning of a cosmic catastrophe that began when Lucifer perished in Altsoba. If any comparison could be made to events that had come before, Earth was in the age of the dinosaurs. Extinction was hurtling at all of its inhabitants - unless they could find a way to adapt and survive. "I am my mother's favorite daughter," Mallory answered simply. "My brothers are rather foolish and could not be trusted. As for death...She does not fear it," she explained. Mallory did, however, have a fear of dying. "The angels are foolish - they think that they are more than the other beings in this world, but they are just one race amongst thousands. I knew of a nephilim hiding in Florida...and I imagined that you would perhaps be the only one to understand this threat without arrogance or inflated purpose."

Up on the third floor, Mallory and Jessica would finally run into the small group of survivors from Coventry. Mallory recognized them and only Lilith would be able to see her spiritual side. "Are you with O.M.E.N.?" Folly asked softly. Mallory simply shook her head. "No. Are you?" Folly shook her head as well, though she knew enough to be able to tell that Jessica and Mallory were looking for something as well.

In the O.M.E.N. Temporary HQ, Jade sighed slightly, not lifting her head up to look at Alex. "Think - where do aliens always attack in films?" she pointed out. The answer varied depending on the country but in the United States, it was New York. Hel didn't need to think of where would be the best place to make a spectacle. Society had already selected it for her. And it wasn't like anyone kept that as a particularly well hidden secret. Hel wasn't dumb by any means. She was smart enough to know to hit O.M.E.N. first and hard, to manipulate things by means of politics and bloodshed. How hard would it be for Hel to realize that a strike against New York would cause the heart of this country to gush red?

"It makes sense," Ricky said quietly, looking over at them. He then frowned slightly, hearing voices in the hallway - the group of badass women that had gathered. "Are we expecting people?"

Robin Ramírez & Aloise Zamora

Location: Cabin in Springfield
Interacting With: Mariana Garcia @Nallore, Hel

Hel looked at Mariana a bit skeptically. New York had been the sight of her father's attack on Midgard. He had been defeated by a small handful, his army crumbling to his feet. Hel couldn't help but wonder when those costumed morons would come her way - she would not show such carelessness. Theatrics had their place, but not so much as to interfere with the outcome she desired. Yet her quarrel was not with those of this planet - the humans. No, it was with the oppressive angels and those who defended them. If they would only kneel, then she would spare their lives.

"You do know who inhabits New York?" Hel pointed out. "Even I know of the talks of those warriors who have sworn to protect it - but your idea is inspired...Just as I laid waste to O.M.E.N., perhaps a new message would be best sent by destroying that city and all who defend it," Hel mused.

Aloise tried not to outwardly look upset. Hel had reassured her that she only killed when forced - and now, she appeared inclined to enact another massacre. The slaughter at O.M.E.N. was a tragedy - yet one that she could accept for the greater good. An entire city of such a size...was it a price she was willing to pay? "What would you have us do?" Aloise asked Hel. Hel's eyes flickered towards Robin and she handed her a single arrow. It was crafted of a strange material, yet it reminded Robin of Christmas.

"The Goddess of Lies crafted this arrow," Hel explained. "Trust in the craftsmanship of my cousin and use it to slay the strongest of our foes, my golden archer."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 37 min ago

Jessica Pearson

Location: Cromwell House, Boston Massachusetts
Interacting With: Mallory

Jessica stopped and turned around to face Mallory as she started to explain why the cloak was given to her, and gave a slight nod in understanding. If you had someone you trusted in protecting it she would most likely do the same thing and give something powerful to someone that she trusted. "I can see that then, she did make a good choice." Jessica said simply, though part of her did wonder where Mallory's brothers were now. Then Mallory answered her question on herself, biting her lower lip for a moment true she had spent pretty much her entire life just hiding and living as normal a life as she could.

But destiny had other plans, when the angels decided to attack her and bring her out of hiding, she had been tuning in on the events in both Altsoba when it happened, as well as Coventry sensing the time distortion and the releasing of Hel as well. "I guess destiny brought us all together or something. I am willing to do my part, though I have no clue how to even defeat Hel or if i'm even strong enough to go toe to toe with her." As much as Jessica wanted to go back to her normal life she knew that Hel was very dangerous and she didn't want to see her world burn before her.

Jessica quickly turned around when she heard a set of footsteps, turning around she spotted three other women coming up from the stairs she raised an eyebrow when one of them mentioned if they were with OMEN. They were certainly an issue, Jessica turned her head to look at Mallory, she of course knew the attack on OMEN via Angel Radio. "Why are you looking for OMEN?" Jessica finally asked, she didn't trust the organization she knew that they would kill her first chance that they could.

Mariana Garcia

Location: Hel's Cabin, Springfield, Nebraska
Interacting With: Robin Ramirez & Aloise Zamora@Morose

Mariana of course knew that The Avengers were there, they defended against Loki's army during the Battle of New York, they would most likely be the next major threat to Hel. "The Avengers wouldn't be a threat to your powerful might my highness i'm sure you could crush them." Mariana continued to just play on her inflated ego, then Hel's next comment made her heart sink just to get her message across she would be willing to destroy an entire city to just make a point? She simply just suggested on taking out the UN to get the world's attention.

Then Hel produced an arrow and handed it directly to her cousin, turning her head to look at Robin directly Hel was willing to trust her enough to take the arrow, all she hoped was that Robin would lash out and attack Hel right now. They still needed to stick to their plan and strike Hel when she least expected it after she was tricked. "Yes, what do you need us to do next mighty one?" Mariana asked she didn't meet her gaze yet she wondered what she had planned for them next.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lilith St. Sebastian

Location: Cromwell House
Interacting With: Thalia, Jessica, Mallory, & Folly

Lilith was thankful to see other people. Or rather, person and a spirit. Whatever that one woman was, the others may not be noticing it, but Lilith's senses were going haywire. She oozed spiritual energy. Lilith would let that pass for now, unless it was necessary to share such information. After all, she had a winged, fire-breathing woman and a girl slowly losing her mind. Who was she to jugde?

"We're looking for O.M.E.N to share information we have on Hel. You know Hel, right? She's kind of wreaking havoc on the world at the moment. We'd like O.M.E.N to deal with that please so we can get back to our lives."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Alexander Jakobsen

Location: Cromwell House, Boston

"So... You think he'll strike New York? Would make sense, it would cause a lot of panic. Though would she really be that predictable? She could hit any major city in the world to cause that amount of panic, and she hit DC obviously because of the OMEN HQ that was there. Yeah, New York makes sense, but so does most other major cities around the world, especially since I think travelling for her would be pretty quick, not having to worry about that," Alex said, looking at Ricky and Jade.

He heard the voices on the other side of the door, out in the hallway. What Ricky said rung in his ears, no, they hadn't been expecting anyone else, at least he wasn't. He didn't know what Jade was thinking or something, she could have been expecting someone to show up, but he doubted it since most of OMEN was gone. "I don't know about Cornish, but I certainly wasn't expecting anyone to show up," he said, still looking at the door.

Thalia Maehers

Location: Cromwell House, Boston

They finally found people up on the third floor, thankfully. Finally, other people who seemed to know what was going on, and it wasn't just them. She still wasn't too sure what to think about OMEN, especially with what Folly had said about what would happen if they found out about her wings. The organization scared her, but they were the only people she could think about that could help them in this situation, after all, what exactly are you supposed to do about the Goddess of Death?

"Yeah, figured OMEN could probably do something or whatever about the Goddess of Death, since the rest of us are completely lost as to what to do. You guys know where we'd be able to find them in here?" Thalia said, looking at the others. She only knew Folly and Lilith, they were all that was left of the Circus that they had been with after all. She planned to stick with them after all of this if she can, at least for a little while.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago

December 29th, 2016 - 12:45 P.M. EST - 1 Day Since Hel Returned

Jade Cornish

Location: Cromwell House - Suite 313 - O.M.E.N. Temporary HQ
Interacting With: Various

Mallory nodded, looking at Jessica. She was not certain if she believed in destiny, an odd opinion to be held by a creature of fate. Her powers relied on knowing when a person would die and warning them of their oncoming death. It was something that just overcame her - a knowledge that their hours were numbered. Yet while she never stuck around to watch the outcome, she liked to imagine that a few had managed to buy themselves some more time - to avoid the danger coming their way. Mallory stared at the group for a moment, before she began to feel the pull. She stepped up to the door of suite 313, knowing that one of its occupants would die within the next twenty four hours, and she knocked three times.

Jade glanced up at the three sharp knocks. There was something unsettling about them. "Maybe we need to convince Hel to come to us, then," she suggested. Ricky was about to answer the door when Jade got up and opened it, taking in the odd group of women assembled outside. She had half expected to see fellow survivors of Altsoba - or perhaps back up from MI13. It wasn't the case, however. However, she recognized the young girl from the case files she had been pouring over - Folly Rozalia Valeska.

"Folly Valeska," Jade greeted. "You do realize you're wanted for murder, right?"

"We're here to tell you about Hel..." Folly whispered, turning her head slightly as if a voice was whispering in her ear. "She's going to destroy the world...you need to stop her..."

Jade raised an eyebrow, stepping aside and motioning for them all to come inside. "Yeah, tell me something we don't already know."

Robin Ramírez & Aloise Zamora

Location: Cabin in Springfield
Interacting With: Mariana Garcia @Nallore, Hel

"The Goddess of Lies?" Robin asked, assuming that Hel was sticking with the Norse myths. She didn't know that there was a Goddess of Lies. Of course, she hadn't specialized in nordic mythology at any point in her life, yet it was the type of title she imagined she would have remembered. Hel ignored Robin's curiosity, having better and bigger things to think about. She knew that her cousin, Baldur's daughter, would show herself eventually. If all went proceeding according to plan, none of the Aesir would be afraid to traverse to Midgard ever again. Those angels would all fall.

Aloise looked at the archer as Robin accepted the arrow, putting it in her quiver after she glanced at Mariana and Aloise. There would be an opportunity to strike Hel - she was certain of it. Yet hadn't this been a mission to shut the gates of heaven and hell? Until that was accomplished, they couldn't make their move. However, she did notice the strange material the arrow was crafted from - mistletoe. It was an odd choice for crafting an arrow.

"It will be no small feat to slam the gates of heaven and hell," Hel mused. She wanted obedience and domination - yet there was also the matter of those pesky angels. Without her cloak, she had little to no chance against her foes. She glanced at her three hunters in front of her, pondering for a moment. Her cloak called to her - it hadn't strayed far from Coventry. In fact, it was in Boston. "One of you will venture to an establishment in Boston - called Cromwell House. Retrieve my cloak for me," Hel instructed.

"I'll go with you to New York, my goddess," Robin whispered. She didn't want to let Hel out of her sight, as long as she had the arrow.

Hel paused, staring at Mariana. "There has been a change in plans...Fenrir failed me in obtaining my cloak. We will all travel to Boston and retrieve it."

"And once you have the cloak...Can you shut the gates?"

"Yes, my power will have no match. I will be limitless."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 37 min ago

Jessica Pearson

Location: Cromwell House, Boston Massachusetts
Interacting With: Mallory, Lilith, Folly, Thalia, Alexander, Ricky & Jade

Jessica looked towards Lilith, Folly and Thalia, the women either had a few screws loose in their heads or they were just asking for OMEN to simply just shoot them right in the face. "Well if your looking for them, I wont stop you i'm just with my friend here is all, but yes I've heard of Hel." Jessica said, then she turned her head to look directly at Mallory as she approached the door. And heard the three infamous knocks, one of them was going to end up dying within the next twenty-four hours. Which was not a good thing at all, she wasn't sure if it was Hel coming now or if was something to do with the Cromwell House. Or simply it was due to some guy just eating some shitty food and ending up getting a heart attack.

Then the door opened revealing a British sounding woman, who apparently recognized the woman named Folly, she looked at the other women who were there. Jessica decided to stay silent for the time being, and simply made her way into the room she eyed Alexander and Ricky who were in the room, and whoever else was in there. She really didn't like the idea being so close to OMEN she had a feeling that they would shoot her the second they found out. She however remained very close to Mallory and leaned over to whisper into her ear. "At the first sign of trouble we get the hell away from here okay?" She said quietly.

Mariana Garcia

Location: Hel's Cabin, Springfield, Nebraska
Interacting With: Robin Ramirez & Aloise Zamora@Morose

Mariana watched her cousin taking the arrow from the goddess, she eyed the material that it was made out of she wasn't sure what it was actually made of. Arrows weren't really her forte either, she was more into shotguns and rifles and any other kind of gun, and Norse mythology also wasn't her specialty either. She then turned her attention back to Hel as she started to give instructions on their next move. Mariana didn't like the idea of giving Hel her cloak that would end up giving her so much power, but it was the only way for them to shut down the gates to heaven and hell for good.

She could understand why her cousin would want to go with the goddess she had the thing that could kill her, she just hoped that their plan would work. Seeing Hel directly staring at her Mariana nodded slightly they would all be traveling to Boston to get the cloak that they need. Mariana then started to wonder what would happen once they had finished and Hel was defeated, she wasn't sure if all the deaths that Hel would cause. OMEN would most likely come back and take them out for working with the goddess, she just hoped that what they were doing was the right thing. "We are ready then, just let me get some of my weapons out from my car if that is okay with you?" Mariana finally asked looking up at Hel.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lilith St. Sebastian

Location: Cromwell House

Lilith watched the door open and another woman stepped out. She didn't know why, but she felt she liked her. She recognized Folly and Lilith instinctually felt protective, but it seemed even she knew they had bigger things to worry about. Namely, Hel. As she invited them in, Lilith stepped inside, aware that they were stepping into further unknown.

"We came from the circus nearby where we had a not so pleasant interaction with Hel. This is out of the realm of anything I am good with. So what do we do?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Alexander Jakobsen

Location: Cromwell House, Boston

"Yeah, well that might be a problem, we don't exactly have anything she might want. Or no where anything she might want is so that we could get to it, and then use it to lure her to us. There isn't much we can do about finding her," he said with a little bit of a sigh as he watched Ricky and Jade both go to open the door. Of course, it didn't surprise him that Jade was the one who ultimately opened it, there was something about her that he found interesting, he just couldn't quite place it.

He didn't recognize anyone from the group in the hallway, and it was just a strange assortment, and he noticed that they were all women. Not that there was a problem with that, he just felt a little awkward and out of place because of it. Jade seemed to recognize one of them, though that didn't really surprise him at all. He stood up and walked over, to see them all, just listening to the conversation, and thinking about what was being said.

Thalia Maehers

Location: Cromwell House, Boston

Thalia wasn't too sure what to make of all of this, but her friend definitely wanted to be really talkative after being quiet forever. "You are all so dead, I mean sure, you are some whacked out dragon thing or whatever they're called, and I'm a figment of your imagination, but seriously, I don't see a way out of this alive," he said, looking at her. Since he had a mask on, she had no idea what his expression was like. "Shut up already, I'm already having enough problems as is without you talking," she whispered to him.

She still didn't know what to do about the others there, she had no idea who they were or anything, but apparently they all had one thing somewhat in common, stopping Hel or whatever was high on their list of priorities. Thalia knew that Folly was still technically wanted for murder, and she felt like Jade didn't have to point it out. She nodded her head in agreement with what Lilith had said about where they were from.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago

December 29th, 2016 - 1:00 P.M. EST - 1 Day Since Hel Returned

Mallory nodded at Jessica's decision. Of those present, there was only one person she thought could help them. She was familiar with Jade Cornish, the woman who killed Lucifer. As a death spirit, such a major event had been hard for Mallory to ignore. The reapers, her brothers and sisters, would still talk about it with awe. While Lucifer had been stronger than Hel, Mallory had no doubt that the Norse Goddess of Death was far more cunning than the Devil had been. "You killed Lucifer," Mallory said, staring at Jade.

"Wow, a groupie, that's fucking brilliant," Jade muttered, rolling her eyes. However, she was interested in the three that had come from Coventry. She herself had been on route to that location, after Agents Decker and Keenan lost contact. Agent Murphy had given his life as well, from what she had observed. She nodded in agreement as Alex indicated the problematic situation they were in. It wasn't like Altsoba - Lucifer seemed to have been confined to the town, though Jade never knew how long that would have lasted. Luckily, they didn't need to find out. But in this situation, Hel had freedom of movement - she could go anywhere, do anything.

"She wants her cloak," Folly whispered, remembering the lengths Hel had gone to in order to obtain it. She had ordered Fenrir to attack them all and retrieve it, when she left with Aloise Zamora. She had to imagine that Hel had a special bond with Fenrir - purely because Folly herself liked animals. They never shouted or came home drunk or hit her. They never asked her to be something that she wasn't. She blinked back tears for a moment, fighting the urge to run off.

"Alright, that's a start," Jade commented. "Where's her cloak, then?"

Mallory didn't say anything, but she looked over at Jessica.

Hel glanced at Mariana, before she shook her head. She produced for her a knife - it was made of Asgardian steel - and she handed it to the hunter. "This should suffice," Hel said, smiling. Her smile only reached the healthy side of her face - the decaying half remained still, as if the muscles in her face had withered away there. Only with her cloak would she be able to appear normal - and with it, she'd be unstoppable. She traditionally fought with her sword, yet it could kill her as well. It was hard to defend against oneself.

Hel took in a deep breath, as the hunters were surrounded in green energy. She could feel the call of her cloak coming to her and she let out a breath, before they materialized at Cromwell House. The same sigil from before was burned into the carpet and she smiled directly at Mallory. "You chose the wrong side, Azrael's daughter," Hel said calmly. "Now surrender the cloak and kneel."

For the lives that I take, I’m going to hell
For the laws that I break, I’m going to hell
For the love that I hate, I’m going to hell
For the lies that I make, I’m going to hell
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 37 min ago

Jessica Pearson

Location: Cromwell House, Boston Massachusetts
Interacting With: Mallory, Lilith, Folly, Thalia, Alexander, Hel, Mariana, Robin, Ricky & Jade

Jessica leaned forward slightly as she scanned those that were in the room for a moment, as they started to talk about what to do with Hel, and what they knew of her. She didn't know that much, other than that in order for her to be at her full power she needed the cloak that Mallory had on her. She looked over towards her friend for a moment when Jade asked where the cloak was, Jessica really didn't want to reveal that information in front of the remaining members of OMEN. They would simply be able to attack her the moment that they had a chance. Jessica finally sighed slightly before finally telling the truth, they needed all the help that they could get, so she didn't want to hide anything from anyone. "My friend here has her cloak." Jessica finally said, hopfully that there wasn't anything that would happen with the OMEN agents.

Then there was a very bright green light, as Jessica turned her attention towards it, and it was Hel, and three other women that she didn't even recognize. Jessica backed up slightly as she stared at the Norse Goddess of Death right in front of her, one of the women a readhead by the looks of it, quickly sprung into action heading directly towards Folly. Who seemed to quickly go and grabbed the knife out of Mariana's hands and held it to her throat.
Doing the only thing that she could think of Jessica quickly held out her hand, her eyes glowing a bright blue as she tried telekinesis on the goddess to fling her across the room. But that didn't even seem to have an effect on the goddess, as the goddess of death simply rolled her eyes. Then she watched Hel pulling out her blade, and then she felt a very intense sharp pain spread across her entire left arm as she cried out in pain. Dropping down to her knees, as she stared at her severed hand on the floor breathing heavily as she felt like she was going to pass out, Hel of course being cocky and telling Mallory to give up the cloak and kneel. Jessica turned her attention quickly towards Mallory, she didn't want Hel to get the cloak at all. "Get out of here!" Jessica yelled at Mallory.

Mariana Garcia

Location: Hel's Cabin, Springfield, Nebraska -> Cromwell House, Boston Massachusetts
Interacting With: Robin Ramirez & Aloise Zamora, Hel, Mallory, Lilith, Folly, Thalia, Alexander, Ricky & Jade

Mariana stared at the goddess of death as she produced an Asgardian knife in front of her, she took it and started to inspect it quiet a bit as she eyed the steel and ran a hand over the blade. She thought about using it on Hel right then and there, but Mariana had a feeling that it wouldn't be of any use against her, since the sword was what was used to kill her. At least that's as far as Mariana knew, she gave the goddess of death a slight smile. "Thank you." Mariana said, as she looked over towards her cousin for a moment as the green light started to surround them.

A few seconds later they were now in some kind of room, she stared at all of the people within the room Mariana still needed to play her role in the whole thing and still convince Hel that they were still on her side for the time being. Mariana produced the knife and quickly made a run towards the closest person Folly. She wasn't expecting Folly to quickly react and used her legs to disarm the knife out of her hand and then quickly holding it to her own neck.

Mariana knew that she was at a disadvantage right now, Folly could easily cut her throat open right then and there. Mariana leaned slightly forward to whisper into her ear. "Please, before you do anything listen the three of us have a plan to defeat Hel, we want to close the gates to heaven and hell. Just trust me, please." Mariana whispered, as she turned her head slightly as she watched one of the women losing her hand to Hel. Mariana felt bad for the woman, but she didn't want anyone else to die she just hoped that Folly would listen to the plan.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lilith St. Sebastian

Location: Cromwell House

Lilith watched Mallory intently. She had felt the woman ever since she saw her. She didn't seem dangerous, so Lilith didn't care one way or another if she was a spirit or not. Still, the fact she was interacting with other people and can be seen by them was fascinating. Lilith wanted to ask her more questions, but time was of the essence, especially from the others.

The cloak seemed to be the topic, and Mallory had it. And as if she was Beetlejuice, Hel appeared with others in tow. Well shit....

Lilith came to attention, eyeing Folly who had tussled with one of the followers. Thankful she was still able to take care of herself, the woman began pleading. She would let Folly handle that nonsense. Lilith was unarmed however. Lilith ran over to Mallory and bid her to come "You heard the girl, let's get going. I'll help you get out of here." Being one with spirits, Lilith hoped she had some sort of advantage with aiding Mallory.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Alexander Jakobsen

Location: Cromwell House, Boston

He was just listening to the conversation, slightly awkward at the fact that he was standing there, surrounded by women. Literally, he was the only man in the group, unless you counted Ricky, and he wasn't even positive that he should count in this instance. The whole idea of Hel being after some weird cloak was an interesting one, since they were just talking about wanting to lure Hel to them. This cloak was their best bet, that much was obvious.

Alex was even more interested when Jessica mentioned that Mallory had the cloak. He looked at her, nodding his head, unsure of what else he really could do. When the flash of light appeared, he pulled out a gun, though when he saw who was there, he lowered it and holstered it. There was nothing a gun would be able to really do against the Goddess of Death herself, and with the others with her, he was pretty sure that they were going to lose big time.

Thalia Maehers

Location: Cromwell House, Boston

"Ooh! Talk of some fancy cloak that the person who will probably kill you all for it is right here in front of you? Wow, that's just fantastic. Now you all can die a lot faster. Though Mallory over there, I swear you two have met before? Is it just me, or have you two been in the exact same place, at the exact same time before? No? Alright then, though I am positive you have," Deadpool's voice rang through her mind. "Shut up Deadpool," she muttered, glancing in the direction of the hallucination.

"Ha! What did I tell you, you are all so screwed!" Deadpool laughed again when the flash of light occurred and Hel along with the others popped up. She fought to keep the wings from popping up, since that was something Folly had specifically said not to do while around OMEN or whatever. Folly nearly getting taken out first thing by one of the people with Hel was not exactly very reassuring, but she was glad when the girl easily defended herself.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago

I'm not a queen or a monster

Hel could not help but smirk as she saw Alex put his weapon away. "That's the first reasonable decision you've made, messenger," Hel mused, practically gliding forward. "Of course, you're hardly a messenger - more of a disappointment," she corrected. She knew that Alex hadn't spread her message as she had requested him to. And had she not been there to collect her cloak, she would have enjoyed toying with him, torturing him just a bit before his inevitable execution. But she did not have time for pests such as Alex Jakobsen - it was like fretting over an ant when a nuclear weapon was within reach. It was a pointless thing to even contemplate wasting time on.

Mallory nodded at Jessica and Lilith, about to turn incorporeal and run when she found herself impaled on a wall. Hel had thrown Nótt sverð, her sword, and managed to keep the spirit confined to a physical location. Mallory's human form slipped away, revealing just a hooded figure. Her features could hardly be identified, just enough to note her young and feminine form. "I cannot pretend to be surprised, Azrael's daughter," Hel sighed, walking over to the death spirit and pulling out the sword. Mallory slid to the ground, alive but immobilized. "Yet you forget that I am the Goddess of Death - you cannot help but obey me, kumakatok."

Mallory's eyes flickered towards Jessica, but it was impossible to tell underneath the cloak. She wasn't moving or struggling, her will displaced by that of Hel's. "Now, surrender the cloak," Hel ordered.

"Oh, like hell am I going to stand around for this shite!" Jade cursed, scrambling to her feet. She hadn't even begun an attack before Hel whacked her across the head with the butt of her sword, still soaked in Mallory's blood(?), and Jade was sent flying backwards. "You'll have your turn, slayer," Hel said, before she held out her hand to Mallory. Robin bit her lip, tempted to string her arrow and let it fly, but they had come so far with the express purpose of letting Hel get the cloak, so that way she could shut the gates first.

Yet before Hel could grab her cloak, Ricky pulled out a taser and shot it at her, the barbs connecting. The Goddess of Death turned and stared at him, while Ricky shrugged a bit. "Figured it was worth a shot, bitch," he muttered. Hel pulled the barbs off of herself and yanked the taser from him, still staring at him a bit incredulously. Folly had nodded at Mariana, seemingly believing her, and she let her go. She looked up and saw Hel with her back turned, jumping up and running up the Asgardian's back, stabbing at her face with her knife, only for Hel to effortlessly toss Folly aside. The Gypsy crashed into the wall, but was surprisingly unscathed.

"Very well. I suppose I must squish the ants first," Hel said, scowling.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Battle Against Hel

Jessica watched as everyone started to spring into action, she was hoping that Mallory would be able to get out of the room alive. Then Hel flung her sword Nótt sverð at Mallory and the kumkatok was impaled onto the wall, silently cursing to herself, as she closed her eyes and attempted to try and pull the sword out of Hel's hand. She was starting to feel dizzy from the blood loss as she continued to try and concentrate on the sword but she wasn't even able to. She watched Folly letting go of Mariana and went to attack Hel, only to be easily flung across the room, along with Jade and Ricky using a taser on her. She stared directly at Mallory she couldn't see the expression on her face due to the cloak and wasn't sure what she was trying to communicate with her.

Mariana sighed softly when Folly let go of her, only to have her be weaponless now she watched Folly getting flung across the room after her attack. She quickly went to Robin and Aloise' side and leaned over and whispered towards them, she didn't like the idea of seeing any of these people die. "We need to figure out a way quietly to betray her once she has the cloak, I managed to get that woman on our side."

Lilith's plan on getting Mallory out of there while the others distracted Hel was foiled fairly easily as she watched the sword impale the woman/spirit/thing. Now it was a matter of protecting the cloak at all costs. Lilith turned to face the Goddess of Death now. She didn't have much at her disposal, but then Hel did the stupid thing of flinging Folly across the room. While the girl seemed unscathed, it unleashed something in Lilith. Fighting spirit! "Ok bitch, I've had it with your bullshit." Lilith took out three knives in one hand and threw them at Hel. Two missed, verring off but hitting no one else, but the one knife did hit it's mark. And what a mark it was. Directly in the Goddess' eye on her good side. Lilith would have cheered, but it was not time yet. "Oh, shame, guess both sides are fucked up now."

"You know... If Ricky can shoot at her and not care much about trying it, then screw it I am too, I owe her for what happened at OMEN anyway," he said, pulling his gun out again. He fired off five shots in rapid succession, not caring if he accidentally hit anyone else in the process. He was pissed off at her for everything she had done. Two of his shots missed, and didn't hit anyone, but he didn't care about that. It was the other three shots that he cared about as each one hit her. The first one knocked out Hel's other eye, completely blinding her, while the other two hit internal organs of some kind, causing her to start bleeding a lot. "Screw you bitch."

"Try breathing fire at her, that might work!" Deadpool said in her ear, and Thalia agreed with him. Sure, she probably shouldn't be doing this sort of thing, especially with OMEN around, but she needed to do something, and fire breathing seemed like a good choice. It took her a few tries to get it just right, but when she did, there was a roaring jet of flame that shot from her mouth, burning the Goddess of Death. She hadn't expected the flame to be that powerful, but it happened, and she had somehow killed the Goddess of Death. "...Did she just die?" she said, her voice sounding a bit hoarse.

Lilith and those sensitive to the spiritual, like Jessica and Mallory, will be able to see a huge amount of energy be unleashed. Hel's dying words are "Go to hell, angels." Jessica will then hear a scream across Angel Radio. Then there's just silence. Hel's sword clatters to the ground. She took down all of the angels with her.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lilith St. Sebastian

Location: Cromwell House

Lilith looked around her at the others in the room. Not only had they just battled the Goddess of Death...but they won. In record time! Lilith felt really good about that, but at the same time all of this mad her realize something. She was free of the circus. She didn't know majority of these people. Folly seemed ok and Lilith went over to check on the girl. "Folly, wake up. We won." Hopefully that would help the girl's mental health.

But even still, Lilith hated this. OMEN didn't handle this, they did. Once Lilith made sure Folly was ok, she stood up and looked around the room. She doubted this was over, but at the moment Hel lost her grasp on world domination, and that was enough.

But it was enough for her too. "And with that I say: fuck this, fuck that, fuck everything. I'm out!" And Lilith walked straight out the door, out of Cromwell House so she could go back "home", collect her things, and not have to deal with Death Goddesses, giant dogs, or the Devil himself ever again. Spirits and demons were enough in her opinion.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 37 min ago

Jessica Pearson

Location: Cromwell House, Boston Massachusetts
Interacting With: Mallory, Lilith, Folly, Thalia, Alexander, Hel, Mariana, Robin, Ricky & Jade

Jessica slowly turned her head as the blonde lady Lilith took out three knives and launched them at the Death Goddess, she was surprised to see that one of them did managed to hit her in the good eye. Which made her vision very poor now at this point, and then Alexandra quickly firing off five shots, hearing the gun going off some of the hits were direct and smiled seeing now that the goddess was now effectively blind. Her vision started to get a little bit blurry from the blood loss as she then watched the next woman breathing fire at Hel lighting the goddess on fire.

Jessica could see the large amount of energy emanating from Hel, and then the last words were a bit chilling, as she could hear a lot of screams going on over her head. Causing her to hold her head slightly, and then the screams suddenly ceased to exist, Jessica watched as Hel's sword fall to the ground, as the Goddess of Death's body fell to the ground lifeless. Jessica closed her eyes and laid herself up against the wall sighing to herself as she reached over and started to try and heal the massive injury from Hel. "She took out the remainder of the angels with her." Jessica confirmed as she looked at the others in the room, her attention quickly turned towards Mallory and went to try and help her as best as she could.

She watched Lilith pretty much just up and left the room, raising an eyebrow slightly she wasn't sure what to think of her she didn't even know the woman's name at all. Jess then turned her attention towards Alexander, Jade and Ricky, seeing as she assumed that they were OMEN agents she really just hoped that OMEN would turn a blind eye towards her, before finally speaking up. "I'd also rather not be hunted down by your agents if possible seeing as we helped you and what not." Jessica said softly.

Mariana Garcia

Location: Hel's Cabin, Springfield, Nebraska -> Cromwell House, Boston Massachusetts
Interacting With: Robin Ramirez & Aloise Zamora, Hel, Mallory, Lilith, Folly, Thalia, Alexander, Ricky & Jade

Mariana watched as the action quickly started to unfold, one of the women suddenly attacked Hel throwing some knives at the woman, before the OMEN agent suddenly turned and fired at her as well. The goddess of death was now blinded and severely injured as well, and then to top it all off one of the women breathed fire on Hel. Then the Goddess of Death was now dead before them, Mariana started to relax somewhat, she wasn't sure what to do now since they didn't get the cloak for Hel and then seal the gates to heaven and hell. Mariana raised an eyebrow at Hel's last words, then one of the women spoke up looking over at her, to confirm that the angels were all now dead.

She turned her attention towards Aloise and Robin as well, to see what her cousin and their friend would do next. "Well heaven is down for the count I guess." Mariana said towards Robin and Aloise, personally she'd prefer that both were sealed but if all the angels were dead she didn't have to worry much now then. But Hell was going to be a different matter all together now, she then decided to come up front with OMEN hoping that they would go easy on them as well.

"Before you do anything, I know it looks bad the three of us coming in here with Hel, but we had a plan on betraying Hel the moment she sealed off both heaven and hell. We learned of a rune that would seal her, and then another one that would kill her." Mariana said as she looked over at her cousin for a moment. "Just don't punish my cousin." Mariana said, as she watched one of the women turn and quickly left the room.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Alexander Jakobsen

Location: Cromwell House, Boston

He did not expect that fight to end so quickly. Alex had expected at least one person to die before Hel's death, but no, she died really easily. Where was this group of people when he needed them back at OMEN? They had literally just completely blasted the Goddess of Death until she died, and he didn't think that was at all possible. Who knew it was that easy to kill a Goddess? He certainly hadn't thought that, though Jade probably knew because of what happened in Altsoba.

"Well...That went better than I expected," he said, putting his gun away, and looking at the others. He watched Lilith leave, but didn't think anything of it. He was more interested in what they did now. He planned for the most part to stick with Jade and Ricky, since he didn't really know what else he could do, at least until OMEN got back up off the ground and running. "I don't really know what we should do about you three, I'll let Jade decide, since she probably has a better idea then me."

Thalia Maehers

Location: Cromwell House, Boston

Thalia was still stunned at what had just happened. She had not expected any of that to happen, but she couldn't really do much about it now. Her fire was strong enough to finish off the Goddess of Death! That was not something she had known about, especially considering that she still only recently found out about the whole dragon thing, mutate, or whatever it was called. She was just hoping that OMEN didn't try and lock her up or something, since Folly had warned her about them if they saw her wings, and they just saw her breathe fire.

She was saddened when she just saw Lilith up and leave, without really saying much of anything to her. It was understandable, they had just fought the Goddess of Death herself, and now they didn't really have anything to go back to. Thalia's main concern right then was to make sure that Folly was alright, even though she knew that there was no way that she'd be able to keep an eye on her. She had to do a bit of searching, learn as much as she could about what she was, and what it meant about her life. Going over to Folly, Thalia gave her a smile. "You alright there Folly?" she asked her softly, even though she knew that she couldn't stay with the girl, she just wanted to make sure she was alright.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago

You defeated the Goddess of Death without breaking so much as a sweat. Yet do not forget all of those who gave their lives before you - those who burned in Hel so that way you may live...There is no denying that the world is a strange one anymore - O.M.E.N. can no longer hide it from the general public. We are no longer alone in this world - and have not been for quite some time....

Aloise Zamora: Aloise received an offer to join O.M.E.N., and although she wasn't even thirty years old, the hunter declined the offer in favor of retirement from the profession. She traveled back to Altsoba, where she buried Liam at Owen's Field, as well as Eudora. Had Hanson's body been available to be claimed, she would have brought it as well. And sitting in the cemetery in the ghost town, the hunter watched the sunset one last time before she claimed her own life and finally got the rest she so desperately sought.

Jade Cornish: After burying the only family that she cared about, Jade agreed to act as a consultant for O.M.E.N., moving back to the United States. However, she also rediscovered her passion for helping people as a private investigator, no longer caring so much about the long shadow her father casts in that field. Perhaps this will be the last career change for the British ex-pat. She was offered leadership of MI13 after her uncle's death and declined the offer, with two simple choice words: Fuck off.

Alex Jakobsen: With the help of his new best friend, Ricky Goldsworth, Alex Jakobsen began to rebuild O.M.E.N. from the ground up. With Hel's sword, Nótt sverð, in his possession, Ricky's first program was an effort to turn the Asgardian blade into bullets that could be used against any supernatural foe. And although the program was unsuccessful, Alex has had great success with recruiting more and more people to O.M.E.N. His natural charisma has also enticed Congress to divert more funds from the now struggling S.H.I.E.L.D. to O.M.E.N., with Jakobsen claiming that he himself had been responsible for killing Hel, not Thalia Maehers.

Thalia Maehers: The woman who killed Hel...Well, Thalia went back to Europe in search of answers for what happened to her. And perhaps unfortunately, she found them. She had been scratched by a time dragon all of those years ago, and with reality crumbling around Coventry, her mutation accelerated herself. In forty years, it is likely she will be more dragon than human. And in another sixty, not human at all. She currently works as a bartender, having had enough of being a magician's assistant. O.M.E.N. has turned a blind eye to her.

Robin Ramírez and Mariana Garcia: After a brief debriefing session with Alex, Jade, and Ricky, the cousins are offered a chance to go free. Robin kept the arrow and Mariana held onto the knife, however just as they were about to leave, they were surprised with an offer from Jakobsen. He wanted them to come and work for him in O.M.E.N. - to recreate it better than ever before, with even more resources for helping people. Robin couldn't help but be thrilled by the idea, convincing her cousin to tag along with her. Their experience hunting has allowed them to quickly reach the rank of Senior Agent.

Jessica Pearson: Jessica returned to the Sayuki household with Mallory, helping Kyasarin with the difficult process of learning how to walk. And it was perhaps fortunate that Jessica was there, as Kyasarin also ended up going through Terringenesis. Her powers were a bit tricky to control, but Jessica and Mallory managed to held her, before the two went on to Canada in order to run from O.M.E.N. Although they don't know if O.M.E.N. is still tracking them, the two of them are roommates and Jessica is working at a new vet clinic.

Lilith St. Sebastian: Wanting nothing more to do with Coventry, Lilith left the United States, traveling the world and dealing with spiritual matters. And although she doesn't want to perform anymore, she's actually been approached by Buzzfeed to get her own show, designed to be similar to Buzzfeed Unsolved but on a global scale. In this show, she'd record her attempts to help people with spiritual matters and be paid for doing something she had already pursued for free. In terms of those she left behind, she has stayed in touch with Folly, but no one else. The letters Folly writes to her are disturbing.

District of Columbia: September 8th, 2018 - 6:50 P.M. Local Time

Jade stuck her key in the lock and rotated it, causing the apartment door to creak open. Her things were messily strewn on the couch. Given the odd hours she worked, she found it easier to just keep her stuff out in the living room - rather than disturb her boyfriend. She put her bag down on the couch, as well as dropping her camera there. She'd print off the photographs for her client later. "Alex? You home?" she called out, though she already knew that he was. She noticed little details that others overlooked. It was what made her such a good P.I.

"Yeah, I'm here Jade," Alex called back, before there was the sound of a door, and he came over to her. "So... How was your day? Anything as crazy as dealing with the supernatural lately? Or has your life been relatively quiet right now?" he asked her with a smile. He was planning though, and he wondered if Jade would catch on to what his plan was. The ring was in his pocket, he just hoped to distract her somewhat so he might surprise her.

"Helped end a marriage," Jade said with a shrug. A lot of her work was just finding evidence of a cheating spouse. However, she was seeing an alarming uptake in cases relating with mutants. Just last week, a parent had come to her convinced that her son had been abducted by a group called the Brotherhood. "How was politics? Decide to throw in the towel and let Mother England take you lot in yet?"

"Yeah no, I like the US thank you very much. Ending someone's marriage though? Sounds like you had fun with that, or it was just really boring, take your pick," he said, still smiling at her. He knew about her job, and that she basically just had a really boring day. His own job was mainly talking about the supernatural, as well as mutants and the like. Some members of the public were afraid, and in his opinion they should be.

"Boring - got it in two, mate," Jade told him, smirking a bit as she headed over to the fridge and pulled out the thing of whiskey, drinking straight from the bottle. She had a bit of an alcohol problem.

"Figured... You are the best there is Jade," he said, still smiling at her. He was thinking about when would be the best time to pop the question to her, and was surprised that she hadn't used that brain of hers and noticed anything about it or whatever."

"What's the occasion?" Jade asked him, taking another swig. "It's not our anniversary or either of our birthdays. And unless Ricky is in the bedroom in a dress, you seem awfully excited for an ordinary Tuesday."

"Can't I just be happy about nothing in particular? Do I really need a reason to be happy or excited about something? Really Jade," he said with a laugh, but he knew that it was almost impossible to hide anything from her.

Jade put the bottle away and raised an eyebrow. "So you're cheating on me with Ricky?" she asked with a smirk. "Always knew you swung both ways."

Alex let out a laugh, "No, it isn't that Jade..." he said, before walking up until he was right next to her now. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out the box with the ring in it. "I was just wondering if you would marry me?"

Her eyes widened with surprise - she hadn't seen that coming and she considered herself to be quite perceptive. However, her shock was quickly replaced with a smug smirk. "Sure, why the hell not?"

"Really? I'm a little surprised you answered so quickly," he said with a smile as he opened up the box pulled out the ring, holding it out towards her.

"Yeah, well, if you hadn't proposed to me I was going to propose to you anyways," Jade answered, rolling her eyes as she gave him her hand, so he could put the ring on her finger. "And then I quite enjoy living in your flat rent free."

He slipped the ring onto her finger, and smirked slightly. "Yeah, bet you do enjoy living in here without really needing to pay anything don't you? Doesn't matter to me, my job makes it so that I don't really have to worry about the bills anyway."

Boston, Massachusetts: June 26th, 2017 - 11:55 A.M. Local Time

Folly Valeska was sitting in her room at Cromwell House, looking through old photographs. After Hel had been defeated, she went back to Coventry alone and buried her parents beside each other. For all of Boris' flaws, he was still her father. She hated him just as much as she loved him. She had managed to track down the location of Fairfax's grave - he had died in a car accident in 1966, she had later found out.

With no formal education or family that she really knew, Folly went back to Boston, not really knowing where else to go. She stayed in various shelters or slept along the Charles River, feeling herself slowly go more and more insane. She started to hear and see things that weren't there - usually people she had loved and lost. She tried to contact Thalia for help, but she hadn't been able to find her. There was no trace of the Silver Dragon.

"What is it, Ira?" a man dressed in a smart albeit old fashioned suit asked, appearing on the bed next to Folly. "You've hardly finished them."

"...Just thinking, Dai Latchi..." Folly whispered.

"Ah, anything interesting?" the ghost asked with a grin, putting an arm around Folly and kissing the top of her hair.

Folly nodded, getting up and grabbing her knife. She walked over to the corner, where a poor unsuspecting soul was tied up. Folly tilted her head, as if someone was whispering in her ear, before she slashed his throat - in the same sweeping motion Boris had done when he tried to kill her all those years ago. His blood splayed out and covered her, but it hardly phased the Roma girl. "...They all left me alone..." Folly whispered. "Lilith, Thalia...They didn't care...They never did."

"No, Ira, they didn't," the ghost agreed. "But I will always care for you. Now - let's get rid of the evidence, shall we?"

Folly just nodded, her hands stained red.

Earth-6: December 4th, 2345 - 5:30 A.M. Local Time

Now, you thought that was the end to the death and destruction? You should know by now, my dears, we're only just getting started...Come take a closer look with me a few centuries from now, in a timeline that split off from our own - and for good reason. Yet for there to be balance in the world, someone must always pay the price. If someone survives, then someone else must perish in their place.

"Seven, you seeing this?" Nine, the leader of the small group of misfits, asks. She pulls a pair of binoculars away from her face, but truthfully, she didn't need them in the first place. Nine can sense the energy flowing in the universe around them. It's not just a feeling - it's clearly visible. Scarlet dust covers the sky, obscuring the sun's pitiful attempts to shine upon the war torn planet.

"Seven, come in," Nine repeats, her hands glowing green for a moment as she attempts to push some of the scarlet dust away, but it's not use. This material - this Aether - did not respond to her telekinetic manipulations. "Okay, is anyone reading me? Seriously guys, this type of shit is going to get us killed if you don't use your comms," Nine berated, standing up and dusting herself off. She had been perched on the ceiling of a long since abandoned facility. The Unfortunate Thirteen had come there, searching for answers about their past - and one of them had found them. The others? Their lives still remained a mystery.

"Hello - does anyone fucking copy?" Nine repeated, watching as the Aether began to descend more and more on the planet. Its energy seemed to vibrate through every pore of Nine's being and she dropped her binoculars, the ancient device falling off of the roof and smashing against the ground. "You've got to be kidding me...." Nine muttered, staring at her hands. It was like her body was evaporating away, becoming more than dust. She didn't have time to properly react to it before she was gone, along with her entire universe.

Elsewhere in the multiverse...

"Ashes to ashes...Dust to dust...No more villains...And no more heroes."

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