Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by PureHeroine
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Lana Arlene Ryder

Date: 2nd August 2017
Location: Lana’s Apartment
Time: 02:30 AM

It had been a rough night, even without losing Ty, it was pretty hectic. Lana had done her best to keep herself together in front of Al, but after they finally went their separate ways and she was sitting along in her apartment, her resolve finally broke.

She spent a good hour or so crying, then she took a few shots of whatever alcohol she could find stored away in her cupboards, until finally she found herself laying on her bed -at who knows what hour in the morning- staring at the ceiling and reminiscing over the night before.

It was during her reminiscing that she remembered the cube Salem had given her. Lana rushed to her feet and began frantically searching through her apartment, looking everywhere she could think of for the cube. Suddenly the sound of a small thud was heard. Looking down she would find the cube on the ground by her foot. It had fallen out of the pocket of her jacket, where she had quickly stashed it to keep it hidden from Al. Who knows how he would react to her having the cube, especially if it came from Salem. The woman obviously had a reason for giving it to her, and she was rather curious to find out what that was.

Lana cautiously reached down to pick the cube up and raise it to eye level so she could inspect it closely. She knew what it was, she had heard of them before, but she had no idea how to actually activate the darn thing. The cube would suddenly activate, emitting a bright, blind light. When the light finally faded, Lana would find herself in a different place.

The cube had transported her to Dark Shadow HQ 6 years ago. The place was alot cleaner than it was currently. The walls were littered with TV screens displaying various pieces of information. The place was busier too, at least 25 people hunched all over the place doing work. It actually looked like a professional operation. Sitting in his chair was a younger Aloysius, aged just 18. His face looked softer, more confident. Fire burned in his eyes, but the malice in his eyes now, were nowhere to be seen. He looked, happy. Genuinely happy.

“Where are we with Guild infiltration?” He asked to one of his advisers, who was sitting in what was now Ty's chair.

“We are making progress. Salem has started to make it difficult. Her father had started delegating security issues to her. While her father is quite open, Salem takes a more… hard-line approach to members. She snuffed out Rogers” the advisor slid a photo across to Aloysius, depicting a dead woman, burn marks running up her face and chest.

“Clearly the work of Salem” Aloysius spoke aloud, tapping his finger on the photo “This is why we need to stop the Guild. People like Salem think they can bulky us into submission. We just want freedom from the Guild, freedom to make our own choice regarding NonMagi.” Everyone smiled and Aloysius dismissed them. Turning around he waved to a green haired woman at the other side of the room. He hair was a bright neon green, mixed in with some of her natural black. The woman smiled and waved back. She began to walk towards the barracks.

The cube would start to move Lana to follow her, even though it was clear that it wasn't supposed to happen. As she strayed further from Aloysius’ location the memory would begin to resist. It was a lot harder to take footsteps forward, almost as if some invisible force was trying to push them back. The edges of the room started to become more pixelated as well, it seemed as if the memory was trying hard to force everything back to normal.

The green haired woman had retreated around the corner and into one of the barrack units, which in today’s time was sealed off. Aloysius had warned everyone not to go in there. Looking around, the room was just like the rest of the barracks. It was actually quite a comfortable room. The green haired woman had been accompanied by two other males, both of which were huddled very close to her, they were talking in hushed tones, trying not to attract attention.

“So when do we strike?” One of the males asked, a smirk growing on the woman’s lips from the question.

“Soon, Possibly as early as next week” She replied the second male now said his piece.

“And you are sure Aloysius doesn’t know what is going on?” Clearly they were plotting something nasty

“Of course not…” The woman spoke out, flicking some of her hair behind her shoulders. “Aloysius is too weak. He just wants to step out from the Guilds shadow. But we are stronger than them. We should be incharge of the Guild. They should be kissing our feet” Both males gave a small but quiet cheer in approval. “Now go round up the rest of the captains and the Lieutenants, work out who will join us and who will oppose us so we know who we should deal with first” Both the males would nod, bowing slightly before leaving the room.

The female looked rather pleased with herself. Clearly she seemed to think her plan was working. Before she could bask in her own genius, a small chirpy ringtone could be heard from her pocket. She pulled out her phone and answered it. It wasn’t possible to hear what the other person saying, but they could hear the green haired woman’s responses.

“Yes, everything is in place… They don’t suspect the thing.” Her words were hurried, panicked. As if the call had caught her off guard. “Yes Miss De SIlva, I know. Please don’t worry. The plan is working well…” Her demeanor changed. More confident, more...sadistic, a smirk tugging at her lips. “Aloysius is wrapped around my little finger. A little bit of charm and cleavage, and we are pretty much dating. He doesn’t suspect that I am about to stab him in the back, kill him and take control. I already have several high ranking members onboard” A laugh could be heard from the otherside of the phone, a loud laugh, clearly they were happy with what they were being told. “Once i have control i will do as you planned, i will lead the remaining Dark Shadow senior members into the trap, and there will be nothing left”

The woman was about to speak when she was cut off from a voice behind her, standing at the door stood Aloysius. She quickly closed her phone, turning around and smiling at Aloysius. “Hey Becky, I got a question” Aloysius would ask as he walked into the room.

“Sure baby. What is up?” She sat on the bed and padded the space next to her to invite Aloysius to sit down, an offer he took her up on, parking his backside next to her.

“I am so worried. You know about my plan to attack the Guild. Do you think it will work? I am worried about Salem. As her father is winding down, she is starting to take power. And she takes a far more hardline approach to dealing with us. Under her father, we have been able to hide and grow. But I can feel her breathing down my neck” Aloysius voice was unsure, fully of shakes. The confident man they knew today, clearly didn’t exist now.

“Do you want my advice?” She asked, rubbing his shoulder with her hand. “Attack the Guild and kill her father. The loss will hurt her so much that she will stop being effective. Running the Guild will occupy her so much she won’t be able to hunt us down” Aloysius would take a deep breath, composing himself.

“Thanks Becky… What would i do without you by my side?” They leaned into kiss each other when the memory faded, pulling Lana back into the present.

Lana walked over to her bed and fell down onto of it, keeping the cube clutched tightly in her hand. Her mind was racing and conflicted, she didn't know what to think after what she had just seen. Al had once been so innocent and naive, and then he changed and became bitter and angry and untrusting, it made her heart ache. She could hardly blame him for the person he had become, having someone you loved betray you like Rebecca had done to him was sure to fuck you up in one way or another. No one deserved that, not even Al.

"That...bitch..." It was unclear, even to herself, whether she was referring to Salem or Rebecca with that, either way, she harbored no good feelings for either of them. She understood now why Aloysius hated the guild leader so much, and why he had reacted the way he had to Salem's mention of Rebecca, along with her surprise appearance at the auction. That, on top of dealing with Ty's death, was probably devastating for the poor guy.

After laying on her stomach for awhile, Lana rolled onto her back and held the cube up so she could see it. "Well Salem, I'm not sure what exactly you wanted to show me with this, but I'm certain it's not what I've just seen. Either way, things are definitely different now."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 1 day ago

Aliira & Salem

A collab featuring @Grape and @HaleyTheRandom

Location: Guild Headquarters
Time/Date: August 2nd, 7 PM

Salem knew that a talk with Aliira would be coming as soon as she headed to the auction last night. They had multiple things to discuss. It had been a long day at work, and her morning didn't start off as normal as she would have liked. Not only did she have to explain to Aliira what Rebecca was doing still alive, or about their secret operation, but now she had to actually admit out loud that one of the people that had attacked them last night was her long lost brother. She put her feet up on the round stone table, leaning back in her chair as she waited for Aliira - her saving grace - to walk through the double doors.

Allira was off taking care of a few things around the facility. Making sure dinner was being prepared for the young ones that remained within the confines, making sure security systems were managing well. After all that had transpired Aliira was honestly on edge. It was a dangerous storm igniting aorund them all. Those that could fight were in danger, but what of those still young and untrained? What would happen if they would fell and were no longer around to protect them? She shook her head to rid the terrible thoughts. It wouldn't come to that. The Guild would protect them. She would protect them. At all costs.

Sighing to herself in defeat she knew the security systems were working as they should, but the thought of if it were enough still lingered in her mind. It was time she were elsewhere, to speak with Salem. Aliira made her way to the Head Office were Salem waited. Fixing her hair slightly at the door she pushed it open just enough for herself to slip in, closing it behind her.

Aliira walked up to the table, rolling her eyes at Salem's position. Closing the distance between them Aliira gently hooked her hands under Salem's ankles and gently moved them off the table.

"You're getting dirt all over the table." She scolded in a kind tone, exaggerating only faintly. As Salem's feet were set lightly onto the floor she brushed the few specks of dirt off its surface.

Taking a seat beside Salem she took a deep breath, as if trying to focus and wrap her mind around EVERYTHING that transpired last night. "So, I don't even know WHERE to begin..."

Salem felt her spirits lift instantly as the other woman entered the room. She rolled her eyes as Aliira removed her feet from the table. Did she understand that Salem was comftorable at the moment? Though it slightly annoyed her every so often, she was appreciative for Aliiras motherly demeanor more than she would like to admit.

As Aliira brushed the few specks of dirt off of the table, Salem would cross her right leg over the left, resting her hands on her stomach. She sighed, thinking of where to begin herself. Last night had been... insane. Ty had died. Al had unleashed the power from the tablet.... and then there was what happened this morning. Oh, and Rebecca was back.

"Well, it's your pick. You could ask about the tablet, Rebecca or... you could know what crazy shit happened to me this morning."

Aliira sighed, mostly to herself as she leaned back into the chair. She absently brushed a few strands of hair behind her ear as she thought what to say.

"Honestly, what happened last night... happened. We don't need to rehash that whole ordeal. And about Rebecca, I don't need to know. All I need to know is that she is back and not our friend. She made that painfully clear last night. We need to figure out what we are going to do now to prepare and keep the young in our care safe and how to deal with this threat." Then a realization dropped on her, what happened this morning?

"Wait, what happened this morning?" Aliira asked curiously, a bit of concern in her eyes as she looked towards Salem.

Salem nodded at Aliiras words, sighing herself. Salem had already thought about upping security measures, especially when it came to protecting the recruits. Though they showed promise, and most of the older ones could most likely handle themselves, the little ones really couldn't. She had already ordered a few of the more powerful members to stand guard around the recruit barracks. Aliiras question would snap her out of her thoughts.

"I was opening up at Huskers again this morning... Zora told me there was a man asking for me outside, sooo.... I went outside. As it turns out, the person waiting on me was the blonde man that came to the Auction last night with Rebecca. He came to me with a warning: Becca wants me dead. Not that I didn't already didn't know that. The real kicker is he's my brother. My twin brother."

Concern obviously sparked through her as Salem mentioned the blonde male visited her, she wanted to ask if she were okay. But that was quickly squashed as she realized 'Duh... she is sitting right here..' But then she was truly floored. Twin brother? Not even she knew about that! Her first thoughts came to the validity of the whole thing.

"Wait... You said twin? How do we know this isn't some trick to get you off your game? Maybe it's some weird mind game to throw us off?" Aliira stated rather bluntly, confusion obvious in her tone as what was real in this moment. There was just too many things to process. Rebecca still alive, Rebecca wanting to kill Salem, new juiced up Aloysius, a horrific death of Ty, and now this? It felt like a never ending bitch slap to the brain. Honestly, her brain felt hot just trying to wrap her mind around it all. All she wanted was to wake up from this whirlwind of a nightmare, get some hot cocoa with tiny marshmallows, and relax in a big comfy chair. She figured that wasn't too much to ask...

As Salem let the words hang in the air, awaiting Aliiras response, her brain would feel like mush. A very numb pile of mush. She started playing with the ends of her hair, twirling it around her finger and then letting it fall over and over. Salem lifted her head to meet her friends eyes. "He had this... picture; this old Polaroid. It was of my mom leaving the hospital, in a wheelchair, dad smiling over her shoulder. She was holding two babies. Not one, two. Why would my parents take a picture at the hospital with two children if they weren't theirs?"

Salem reached into her pants pocket to retrieve the photo, handing it to Aliira. "He looks just like a younger version of Lucius. The shape of his nose, the shape of his jawline. He has mother's eyes. I mean, there's the possibility he's lying. But.... I remember him coming to some of the celebrations that we had here. I spoke to him a few times, and I never knew. All those times I thought I saw someone out of the corner of my eye, I wasn't insane. It was him."

Aliira slowly plucked the photograph from Salem's fingers and looked over it. And looked over it once again. Even squinting her eyes to see if there were any digital alterations. What was she doing? She didn't know what that looked like... She sighed, rubbing the back of her neck with the hand not holding the picture. She then set down the picture upon the table gently, groaning slightly to herself.

"Can that group be any more complicated. A former Guild Member, a former Dark Shadows Member, and now your twin brother. What happened to the good days when bad guys were just bad guys. No complications." Aliira groaned out the words, mostly to herself but loud enough for Salem to hear.

"Anyways..." Aliira began, sitting up and flattening her blouse. "Where do we begin? I know strategically it's best to fight here. But that Blonde girl seemed to have little issue getting through solid walls. It would be riskier to hunt them down, but that way we would keep the young recruits out of the fight. And even beyond that, who do we target first? Dark Shadow or this new group?" Aliira could feel the headache coming back..

Salem laughed quietly at Aliiras words, as well out of her own frustration. Li did have a point. The new trio was extremely complicated. She picked up the picture, now studying it as she held it in her lap. When the other woman asked what the plan was, Salem almost told her about the meeting with Aloysius later tonight. But that was ment to be secret. Besides, she could handle herself.

"I'd go after the trio. Rebecca is a larger threat than Aloysius. She... knows certain things about the Guild that would bring us to our knees. Rowan didn't seem angry, but not friendly either. I'm pretty positive he'll be contacting me in the future. I could try and get more information out of him? If we found out where their base was... They might have security measures, but as far as we know, there's just three of them. If we went after them full force, the battle would last five minutes."

Aliira listened to the plan and Salem's thoughts. She nodded simply along in agreement. As Salem finished her thoughts Aliira simply took a deep breath, brushing her hair out of her face again.

"Okay, that could work. I just hope they're not stronger than we realize." Aliira left the sentiment at that. "If that's the plan I am going to check the perimeter again. Make sure everything is fine." Aliira couldn't keep her mind off the facility and those they care for behind the walls.

Aliira pushed herself off the chair and walked over to Salem. Taking her hands she tugged at her to get up. As she did Aliira pulled Salem's arms around her back before Aliira wrapping her own arms around the back of Salem's neck; hugging her tightly for a moment. Aliira needed it..

At least the plan was feasible, and not completely stupid, other wise, Aliira would have told her so. Salem simply nodded her head when she mentioned checking the perimeter once more. When Li tugged her out of the chair, Salem was a little surprised, and then even more so as she wrapped her arms around here let for Salem to hug her. However, Salem leaned into the hug, letting her guard down for just this moment as she tightened her arms gently around her friend. "What would I ever do without you, quierda?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Hedgehawk
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Aloysius Leighton

Date: 2nd August 2017
Location: DS HQ
Time: 04:00AM

Aloysius hadn’t slept very well at all during the night. He kept waking up every hour or so in cold sweats. As the clock hands kept spinning closer and closer to morning, he would start to struggle to get back to sleep. As the sun started to rise, Aloysius gave up on trying to sleep, strolling out of his quarters and into the main room in just his vest top and boxers. This was his place. His life's work if you will. Now a former shell of what it once was. Ty, was one of the few who could remember the good old days. Not many others could say the same. Perhaps Emily?

Most of the walls were now bare, most of the furniture stacked or covered in tarp. No longer needed like it once was. Time was moving on, and Aloysius couldn’t help but feel like he had been left behind somewhat. The Guild was getting stronger. Rebecca had managed to create a team of super soldiers. And what did he have? A ragtag group of misfits that couldn’t decide on anything together.

Ty was the glue here. It was why he was a captain. Though if he had his way, he would have been his second. It was no secret that the duo had a on and off affair. And it would have been seen as favouritism if he had given Ty any more responsibility. But everyone did like Ty. He couldn’t think of a single person who had hated Ty. Everyone loved Ty. How was he going to to bring the news to everyone else. How does he explain that Ty gave his life saving his own.

That was the bit Aloysius had issues with. Ty sacrificed himself. Sacrificed himself to save him. Aloysius. A man who he had loved, and in return got love back. This didn’t feel right. This was wrong. His Ty… the man who had meant alot to him… no, the most to him over the past few years… died...died saving him. Bell was aiming for him… If Ty never moved to block him… He would have been murdered there on the spot. The thoughts in Aloysius head kept spinning around. It made him sick. He wanted to curl over and spill the contents of his guts right now.

The thought of that caused him to stagger towards his chair, need to try and support himself. Sitting down he looked around the room slightly. It was so bare. So empty. He could no longer contain himself. His eyes, that had already been watering for the past few minutes finally spilled over, a small delicate stream of tears. One stream from each eye. The streams moved down his pale cheeks and eventually ran off his face, dripping onto the table.

That only sped up the process of his crying, fresh tears surfacing from his eyes. The crying to start with was slow. Small, low wails escaping from his mouth as the small stream of tears carried on flowing down. However, as more and more thoughts about Ty entered Aloysius head, the intensity of his tears and his wails increased, eventually overwhelming the single stream of tears and causing them to split off into small and small substreams. It hurt. His heart heart. Everything hurt.His body started to shiver and shake, his grip on humanity starting to fade as he wailed louder and louder.

This was it. This was finally it. Al was starting to lose. Salem had hunted him for so long, and now she was finally winning. She was finally getting into his head. Even if it Salem hadn't been the one to kill Ty. It still felt as if Salem was somewhat responsible. It was an irrational thought for sure… but his mind wasn’t all there. His tears continued to build, his wails turning into full blown sobs as he lifted his knees up to his chest, leaning back fully on the chair. “I...am sorry Ty….I am...sorry Ty… I am sorry...Ty” He called out over and over as he carried on crying.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Hedgehawk
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Aloysius, Lana, & Emily

A collab between @jakeb1993, @SouffleGirl123 & @PureHeroine
Location: Dark Shadow HQ.
Time: 9.00AM.

Aloysius had to distract himself. Since the early hours of this morning he had been struggling to focus on anything that was even remotely useful. As the day had now started proper, he decided that the best cause of action was to distract himself. He had after all offered to train Lana, so why not do that now? He pulled out his phone and dropped Lana a quick text to let her know that he was around if she wanted to train. He wasn’t sure whether to expect a response or not. Given the events of yesterday he was unsure of what effect it had on Lana. Losing a colleague in front of like that was hard. Was colleague the right word? Friend may have been pushing it in Lana’s case, but it still wasn’t nice to witness. For now Aloysius stayed sitting in his seat at the meeting table. Sitting back and trying to relax, trying to let the leather absorb him. No luck sadly. He hated waiting back for responses.

After one of many late nights partying and drinking Emily had missed the whole ordeal of the earlier night for another overnight lover’s bed. After the many missions and outings and such she’d been on she saw no need to be on this one, they had a decent amount of people anyway. As the next morning came she snuck out of the clutches of her drunkenly asleep overnight lover and headed to the base of the Dark Shadow. Just because she missed the action doesn't mean she didn't want to be informed. She strolled through the corridors to see Aloysius in the meeting room and slipped in.

”Good morning, Al,” she greets him cheerily, sliding into a chair. Despite the wild night previously Emily lacked the hangover- or more likely hungover was more her constant state than not that she was used to it. ”So, how was last night?”

Aloysius was interrupted from his little sulking fest, by Emily. Normally he was quite receptive to Emily, although he found her to be lazy and lacking at times, she had been around for a while, Being one of the few to remember Rebecca and the attack on the Guild. She was just as loyal as Ty at the end of the day. Though today, he couldn’t be bothered with being nice.

“Oh you didn't miss much. I mean we went go secure a tablet and…” He tried to say the next part, but his lips wouldn't move. He hadn’t said those words aloud yet. Maybe his brain had been avoiding him saying it. If he didn’t say it, maybe it never happened. “Ty was killed last night” His words were full of hurt and angst, his eyes still red from this morning. There was no escaping it now. This was the new reality.

Emily was busy making herself comfortable as Aloysius talked. When he got to the bit about Ty she chuckled, ”Good one, where is Ty any-” she stops herself as her eyes lift to Aloysius' face. ”You’re fucking with me. Right? Al?” Emily’s voice shifts from lightheartedness to desperation. Despite the give-no-shit personality she often sported her vulnerabilities lied in the few people she was loyal to, the people closest to her, and Ty was one of them. She took a shaky breath. ”Please tell me you're fucking with me…”

Aloysius face had gone white. Muttering those words. It pretty much destroyed him all over again “I am not fucking with you” He wished he was. He really wished it was just an elaborate prank and that Ty was going to come back any second now with one his wide mouthed smirks.

Emily leaned as far back as her seat allowed her. Tears forming on the corners of her eyes and threatening to fall but she wouldn't allow them. ”No… there must be some way… was it by the Guild?”

“It wasn’t the Guild. No. Do you remember Rebecca?” It was a bit of a silly question on Al’s part. She was just curious to see if Emily could actually remember the events of six years ago.

”What kind of question is that? Of course I do,” she snaps back almost the exact second he finished asking. ”What about her?”

“Well remember how she was killed in the Guild attack?... Turns out…” Aloysius took a second to sit up a bit more so he could at least look somewhat serious “Turns out she wasn’t dead. And here is the real kicker. Remember Isabella? Former Captain who I also thought had died in the attack? She is alive too. She was there and Bell was the one who fucking...fucking killed Ty!”

Emily straightened up only for a moment before she slumped down into a slouch again, dumbfounded. “Well I don't give a fuck about how much they contributed to the Dark Shadows before, or about their ‘miracle resurrections’ if I get my hands on them THEY’RE FUCKING DEAD,” she screams, slamming her fist on the table for effect.

With that she pulls open her denim jacket and grabs the metal flask sat in the makeshift pocket she’d sewed in years ago. She unscrewed the lid and put the flask to her lips, taking a long swig of its contents, Whiskey- Emily’s usual drink of choice, before pushing it toward Aloysius, the inside of her bubbling with hatred, anger and vengeance

Aloysius grabbed the flask and took a small swig before handing it back over. Normally he didn’t drink this early. “Damn straight. I want them all dead. The Guild may be idiots, but Rebecca poses a threat to us both. Also… while you were gone, Lana has been promoted to my Second. I felt she deserved something after all the work she has put in” He leaned back into his chair and sighed, checking his phone to see if anything had been sent to him. Nothing.

Emily takes another big swig of the flask before placing it between the 2 of them. “I got more o’ that shit where it came from,” . She leaned back in her seat. This just felt… unreal. The fact of Ty not actually being in another room was still to properly hit. ”Just promise me when you DO get around to killing them make sure I’m there. I don't get close to many people but Ty was one of them and I want to see as the people who took him from us die. Promise?”

She sighs, [color=darkturquoise] “Lana will do good as second. She deserves it.”[color] She takes another swig, watching as Aloysius check his phone, ”Who’re ya texting? Your girlfriend? “ Emily teases, as if the last few minutes of emotion past her normal state hadn't happened.

The girlfriend comment sort of hurt Aloysius somewhat. His last girlfriend had stabbed him in the back and turned out to be a mole. Who had now come back from the dead. But he knew Emily didn’t mean any harm. “I have texted Lana, was going to do some training with her. You can come too if she shows up”

”Sure,” Emily replies, taking another swig of Whiskey. ”I should prepare to separate those bitches’ heads from their necks,” she spits, folding her arms. It hurt, while she was off drinking, partying and finding herself (another) overnight lover one of the people she wasn't closest to was dying. She recapped the half empty flask and put it away. “How long are we waiting?”

“She shouldn’t be too long. I don’t think she has stayed far from here tonight. Not after watching Ty… die” He swallowed “I enjoy your enthusiasm though. You are a capable fighter, just need to refine your technique”

”Is that your way of telling me I need t’ be less drunk?”. She asks, leaning back in her seat, ”Cus ya wouldn't be wrong, just less fun. Let’s be honest though, that ain’t happening,”

Lana was laying on her bed once again, trying to make sense of everything she had just been witness to, or more accurately, the conflicting emotions she had been left with. She hadn't been able to sleep at all that night, and she didn't think she would for awhile, so when she received the text from Al about the training, she decided it would provide the perfect distraction.

She got up to get ready, happy to finally be getting out of the dress to take a quick shower before changing into the more comfortable and practical outfit of jeans, a shirt, and a jacket. Then she got herself something to eat, all the while mentally preparing herself to face Al again. Once she was sure she was good to go, she grabbed her phone from her bed and sent her reply. "Where and when?"

Just as Aloysius had finished talking to Emily, his phone suddenly vibrated. Checking it out he would somewhat smile, Lana had text him back. He would text back quickly “DS training room, ASAP. Emily is here too”. He would out his phone away and got Emily to follow him into the training room in preparation for Lana's arrival.

Once she got the location and time from Aloysius, Lana put in a call for a cab. She was glad to know Emily would be there, as it would hopefully make things easier than being there with Al on her own. While she waited for the taxi to arrive she finished the last few things she had to do to get ready before leaving, and by the time she got outside the cab was already waiting for her.

The overall time it took to get from her apartment to HQ was 30 minutes, give or take. As she entered she could see no one else in sight in the main room, so she assumed they must be waiting in the training room, and headed straight there. She didn't say anything as she walked in, the sound of the door opening and closing would be the only indication she had arrived.

Emily allowed herself to be lead to the training room. Hate and fury running through her as her hands were clasped into tight fists. Lana was silent in her entry but the squeaking door gave it away. Emily tossed Lana her flask. ”Takes the edge off,” she says simply before turning to Al. “Get us started, teach,” she says monotonously.

Aloysius gave a weak smile when Lana entered the room. It was in one way comforting to see Lana again, even if last night had proven to be a difficult night. “How you holding up?” He asked her. “I am glad you came”

Lana was determined to keep her emotions in check, but her resolve came dangerously close to crumbling when she saw the weak smile Al gave her. She didn't return the smile, but she did acknowledge him with a nod. ”I'm fine." She replied after taking a quick swig of whiskey from the flask Emily had tossed her, before tossing it back. ”So, how are we doing this?"

Aloysius could somewhat tell that Lana was lying somewhat. She wasn’t ok. The death of Ty must have shook her too. He walked over to the otherside of the room, and pulled out two training dummies. “Simple really… I want you to both of you to attack these dummies. However, you can only use a telekinetic blast, no trying to hit it with other objects” He would then step away, he didn’t fancy getting hit by a stray fireball today.

Emily caught the flask, taking another sneaky swig before pocketing in its usual spot. With that she gave a sadistic grin, imagining Isabella’s head on the dummy before her. She formed a ball of fire in her hand. Flames danced and licked her skin, if her power hadn't come with the relevant resistance from her own flame she would have suffered horrendous burns. With the same grin on her face she threw the ball with all her might alongside a loud grunt, as if it were a baseball other than flames that she could somewhat control the direction of. ”TAKE THAT YOU FUCKING BITCH!” she screeches as the flame ball collides with the mannequin’s head, that would have melted off in seconds if it wasn't resistant.

Lana flinched at Emily's scream, the woman seemed to be worked up over something, and if she had to guess, she would say Al had told her what happened. If that's what she was mad about, she could understand. She would approach her target with much less enthusiasm however. A simple blast from her outstretched hand, sent the dummy flying into the wall. Fortunately it was well built, so it wouldn't break from the impact. Though if she were really trying, she could easily blast it to pieces. ”That it? I could do this in my sleep." Even if her most mastered technique was just throwing objects around, she wasn't an amateur, she could throw several blasts without breaking a sweat.

Al just laughed at the both of them as they striked. “Have you two ever tried combing your attacks before?” He asked out of curiosity, walking over to reset the dummies. “Because Fire and Telekinetics can be very powerful” He would walk over and grab a metal training shield and use it to block the front of the dummy from Lana and Emily. “Pretty simple this… Emily throws a fireball and Lana, you try and control it to go around the shield to hit the target. Bear in mind though, use telekinesis on someone else magic is really difficult. So you will have to focus”

Emily turns to Lana and shrugs, “Why can't she just move the shield so I can throw the ball at ‘er? But sure. I’m willing to try if Lana is,”

Lana had the same thoughts as Emily, it would be much simpler to just move the shield, but she figured it couldn't hurt to give it a go. Perhaps this skill would come in handy in the future. ”The least we can do is try."

Emily nods, her fingertips tingling until flames danced upon them. They then started swirling around each other before forming into a ball. Twirling, tumbling, dancing as it radiated heat and an almost sinister glow on the drunkard’s face. It was all for show really. Emily could just summon the ball of flames but where’s the flair in that? She turned to Lana, awaiting her ready.

Lana was ready for the challenge, she was almost excited for it. Using telekinesis on another mage's magic wasn't something she had ever done before, though not for lack of trying, she just wasn't focused enough. But being in the training room, a controlled environment, would allow her to really hone her concentration. This was a whole new aspect of her magic though, so she knew it wasn't going to be easy. ”I'm ready, go."

Emily nodded and wordless flung the flaming ball in the dummy’s direction, eyes fixated on it. She’d done her part, could Lana do hers? She hoped.

Lana kept her eyes trained on the fireball, pouring all of her focus into it. She managed to lift it over the shield, but when it came time to guide it down to hit the dummy, she lost control of it, and the fireball went crashing into the wall instead. ”Dammit!" Almost succeeding and then failing was more frustrating for her than an outright fail. ”Let's try again."

Emily just nodded, forming a fireball with far less finesse than previously. “Go,” she yells before flinging it toward the dummy.

Lana found it easy to lift the fireball, it was changing the direction she had trouble with. The second time she came closer to hitting the target though. She managed to move the fireball down, but the descent was too fast and the ball of flame hit the ground in front of the dummy instead. Lana didn't say anything that time, she just turned to Emily and gave her a nod to let her know she wanted to try again.

Emily nodded in response, another forming in her hand as she said so. “Go!” she screams once more, throwing the flaming ball toward the dummy again, preparing another fireball in her hand straight after.

Lana was getting frustrated and it seemed to be working in her favor. The more irritated she became, the more determined she was to make it work, and the closer she got to succeeding. And as they say, third time's the charm, the telekinetic managed to direct the fireball over the shield and right into the dummy's face on her third try. She was happy of her accomplishment of course, but it didn't show, she was still trying her best to keep her emotions at bay. She wanted to learn how to use her abilities efficiently without having to lose control of herself, and if she let her emotions show they were harder to control.

Seeing that Emily already had another fireball ready in her hands, Lana turned to the red head and gestured toward the dummy with a nod of her head. Letting her know she was interested to keep going if she was. Simply hitting the dummy successfully once wasn't enough, not if she hoped to actually master this new technique.

Emily was close to eliminate the ball of fire as the last succeeded but before she did Lana turned to her, an expectant look on her face. A large, almost sadistic, grin grew on Emily's face. She would never turn down an opportunity to throw a ball of flames. With that she sent another flying toward the dummy.

Having got the basics on controlling the fireball, Lana decided to add her own mini blast into it to increase the force of the impact, so when it hit the dummy there was an explosive effect that knocked the target backwards. ”Huh, this is actually kind of fun." She muttered, more to herself than either of the two other people in the room; a small smile creeping its way onto her face as she spoke.

It would seem as though her frustration was slowly being replaced with amusement. Their two powers together could be very destructive, and she enjoyed that. A ball was easy to control though, since it already had a form, Lana was interested to see what else the two of them would be capable of together. ”How about we try something else now?"

“It is,” Emily chuckled, “We’re set to blow off the head of anyone who dares cross us!” At Lana’s suggestion Emily eliminated the ball from her hand, a small puff of smoke was it only remains and even that disappeared almost as quickly as it had formed. “And what were you thinkin'?” she asks, cocking her head.

”Just throw whatever you can think of at the dummy and I'll see what I can do with it. Or you could try throwing at me instead" Just as she was interested to see what she could do, she was also curious to see more of what Emily was capable of. She knew the pyromancer was skilled, but she hadn't had much chance to see her in action.

”At you, y’say?” she asks, thinking for a moment. A rational person would probably think ’No, I don't want to hurt them’ but although Emily liked Lana she was definitely not that rational person. Probably less with all the grief whiskey running through her system. She gave a chuckle, she was at least rational enough to start somewhat small, testing the waters, as she formed a ball of fire in each hand and hurling them toward the woman. The two coming together, combining into a larger flaming ball close to its target.

Lana was confident, but she was never cocky, she would never underestimate an opponent or overestimate herself, which is why she was quite grateful to see Emily was taking it slow at first. Although having to try and focus on two fireballs did make her a little nervous. When they came together to form one, it got easier though. Even if the flaming ball was larger than the two on their own, it was still easier to focus on one object instead of two.

Lana stopped the fireball as it came within a few inches of her face, before quickly redirecting it at the dummy. She wasn't actually interested in fighting with Emily, and even if she was, throwing her own fire back at her wouldn't do anything. This was still just a test of what the two of them were capable of.

Aloysius sat on the sidelines and observed the duo. He could see the potential inside Lana coming out. While most people brushed off Telekinetics in favour of elementalists, Telekinetics tended to be stronger. Lana was finally starting to show that cutting edge skill that Aloysius needed. If they were to Rebecca, he needed to know that Lana was capable of taking on Bell, and right now, he felt alot more at ease.

Though he also felt tense at the same time. Seeing Emily throw fireballs around like candy, hurt Aloysius. It wasn't her fault, she was just training, but given Ty had also been a pyrotechnic, seeing fire reminded Aloysius of Ty. Looking down at the crystal now hanging from his neck by a thin string of rope, he bought his hand up to clasp it. “I am sorry" he muttered quietly under his breath.

As Lana shoved the two away she created a wall of flames in front of her. A wall large enough to reach all of Lana’s body but small enough that she could safely jump out of the way if things had gone wrong. She then sent the flaming wall toward the woman, at a much slower rate than she would in a normal fight setting.

The fire wall was proving to be a lot more challenging than the fireballs. Though there were a few times when Lana managed to push back enough to slow it down, she couldn't quite get enough control to stop it completely, or change the direction it was travelling in. Eventually the wall would get too close, she could feel the sting of the heat against her skin. At that point she knew she had no choice but to put up a shield in front of her to block it until Emily extinguished it. It's not what she wanted, but it was better than getting burned.

Eventually Emily noted the wall was completely unmoving for about 30 seconds, the ends curling back with the surrounds of the shield and she finally got the memo and extinguished it with a wave of her hand. “Y’okay?” she slurs, walking closer to the newly instated second-in-command.

”I'm fine. Not the first time I’ve nearly been burnt to death.” She replied nonchalantly, only one other person in the room would get what she was talking about, and that would be Aloysius. Though he might not have picked up on it since he seemed to be in a world of his own. Having noticed their leader had gone starkly quiet, Lana turned to him.

She was going to ask something, but stopped when she saw the way he was looking at the crystal he had clasped in his hand. She didn't know what it was, but it seemed pretty important. ”Hey uh, maybe now would be a good time for a break?” She suggested quietly to Emily, not wanting to disturb Al from his thoughts, and instead let him come back in his own time.

Aloysius slowly pulled himself out of his own thoughts, somewhat confused by all that was going on. The last thing he remember was the fireball manipulation. He really had been lost to his own thoughts. “Ah... okay. Yes. A break would be a good idea” Aloysius sighed weakly. His mood still hadn't improved.

Emily nods, “It’s been a tough day, and I’m running outta booze, a break sounds good,” she says gently, shoving her hands in the pockets of her denim jacket. Damn, she was stupid. She should have gone on that mission, rather than taking a night on the town. She looked up and ever-so-gently, almost silently, muttered “I’m so sorry, Ty,” . Emily didn't know if she believed in heaven and hell or even life after death but she was unsure why she looked up, she very well knew, if it existed, Ty would be in hell. Heck, he’d be overthrowing the devil at this stage. She mentally shrugged, brushing it off to human nature. She sighed, looking at the room’s other occupants. ”So… break?”

Lana was halfway towards the door when she stopped, an idea suddenly springing to mind. She didn't know if it was the right time for such an idea, but it was worth a shot anyway. It was highly likely that Aloysius would say no, but she could handle that. ”Actually Al, could I talk to you for a moment? There's something I want to run by you.”

Aloysius’s head perked up when she mentioned his name. Maybe he could finally be of some use rather than moping around. “Go on?” He asked, walking towards the centre of the room, a half smile on his face.

Lana was actually glad to see the sort of smile on Aloysius' face, she wasn't sure what had brought it up, but whatever it was, it was nice to see his mood perk up a bit. "It's about Emily...I haven't seen much of her power yet, but I know she's quite strong, and I'm sure she's well trusted around here, at least enough that no one would protests if she...uh..." She paused for a moment, not knowing exactly what the best way to word her proposal would be.

She had never done anything like this before, but she figured it was about time she started playing her part as second in command, which she assumed would include decisions like the one she was wanting to suggest. In the end she decided it would be best to be direct as possible. "Basically, what I'm trying to say is, I want to put her name down for the captains spot."

Listening to her words, Al started to nod along. Given last night he was willing to listen to Lana alot more than he normally would have done. Then she had to go and spoil it. His face went white, the smile dropping into a frown, then into a curled mess of anger. “Her! You want me me…” he stopped midsentence to take a short breath to try and break up his anger. It didn't work. “We just lost Ty and you are already thinking about his replacement!” His voice was loud now, words dripping with venom. Sadly for Lana, Aloysius needed a release and Lana had just provided it to him. In a fit of anger, wind energy started swirling around his his hands, signalling he was really, really pissed.

Lana frowned, she was utterly confused. One minute Al seemed fine and the next he was losing it. Obviously something she had said had set him off, but she wasn't sure what. That was until he mentioned Ty. Of course, Tiberius had been a captain too, and of course Lana had failed to mention the captain spot she was talking about wasn't his, it was hers. In her defence, the thought to replace Ty had never even crossed her mind, because she would never have suggested something like that.

"What? Al no I wasn't-" She barely had a chance to try and correct herself before she noticed the wind that was swirling around in his hands. [color=306754]"Okay listen...I know you're angry...but please...just hear me out."[color] She was trying her best to speak in a quiet, calm manner so as not to set him off any more than she already had.

It was no use. Al had been pushed over the edge. A lack of sleep, and far too much crying had finally taken its toll on him. “You know what!? Fine! You wanna make a drunkard a captain fine!” Aloysius huffed “She still has to pass the test… and she can't pass it if I kill her during it” He smirked slightly as he glared towards Emily.

Emily, for the most part, was in her own world of pity as the pair argued but as it escalated she spun to face the pair. That was when Al screamed about making her captain. Well, ‘the drunkard’, but, although not the brightest bulb in the box, Em could put two and two together. ”Sorry, what?” she asks, her brow furrowed in confusion. That was when Al’s next comment came, one she caught being snapped out of her mind.

”Is it really that discomforting to ya, Al?” she asks, more breezy than scared or ticked off, it definitely wasn't the first time someone threatened her life, probably not the last either. “I mean, I’ve been here from th’ very beginning, longer than most of the chumps in higher ranks. Y’need to just calm down,” Until know, there tended to be almost an unspoken agreement of Em not rising the ranks. She never took the few offers and she was scarcely Al’s first choice, but this time was different. Ty was gone and someone needed avenge that. Even if not that alone Emily felt she wanted to finally be on higher ground than the past years of taking orders from people who have been around much less than her.

For the first time ever Emily was showing some kind of initiative. It should be applauded, but right now Al was too pissed to consider that. “Why should I make you a captain huh? You are lazy!” He threw a sphere of wind energy at her, enough to hurt her, but not to kill her outright. “You never show any form of thinking for yourself" With his second sphere towards her. “Show me why you deserve it!” He shouted towards her.

The first blast was unexpected. It knocked her back a couple of feet and most likely left a bruise, once again something that wasn't new to Emily. Al attacking her was though, she wasn't ready for it. The second, however, she was, and she dropped to the ground and rolled out of the way of the on coming sphere. ”Thinking for myself is the reason I don't spend my whole life hiding away in this bunker,” she spits back, half-mockingly. With that she forms a ball of fire in her right hand. ”I don't want to hurt ya Al, but I ain’t afraid t’ either so you better calm down, “

Generally if a person wanted to become a captain, or above they had to pass an exam, some sort of practical assessment of their powers. Most of these were simple exams, but in this case Aloysius decided to give Emily a tough one: Fighting himself. “A real captain doesn’t hesitate and never gives their opponent a chance to strike” With that he would fire a jet of water from his palm to try and knock Emily down to the ground.

Emily stood her ground for a decent amount of time, being pushed back, until eventually she was thrown to the ground. “Fire ain’t like water. It’s more deadly and you weren’t on my t’kill list, but you brought this upon yourself,” and with that Emily pushed herself onto one knee before flinging a fireball in Al’s direction.

Al tried his best to throw a waterball at her fireball to intercept it, but he missed and instead got hit by the fireball, knocking him down for a second, the shock of getting hit stunning him for a second and leaving him lying there. “Uhhhh….” he would slowly roll onto his stomach and start to climb onto his hands and knees. “Nice shot”

Emily looked at him warily, another fireball in her hand as she remained in her stance, ready to throw it if he attacked again. That’s when she got an idea, she ran over to the man whom was getting up, the familiar scent of smoke wafting into her nose and attempted to push him back down and pin him to the ground with her knee and free arm.

Aloysius was just about ready to get up when all of the sudden he was thrust back down and left useless. In one swift move Emily had managed to pin him to the floor and leave him pretty much defenseless. Most of his power originated from his hands so for now, Emily had the advantage. He didn’t fight back though. He just took it to see what she would do. “What’ya gonna do?” He smirked.

Initially she remained wordless as she summoned a flame in her free hand and moved it close to the back of his neck, not quite close enough to burn but close enough for Al to feel the blistering heat and perhaps singe a few hairs. ”Y’lucky y’ain’t on my t’kill list, Al,” she says, her tone remaining breezy, hiding the strain of holding the man down, ”Usually anyone who attacks me is but I’ll mark you a special consideration. I may not be here all the time, hell, I may not be the most active, but if I need to bring the heat I will,”

So it seemed that Emily did have a little more bite that her bark first hinted. She seemed to have him in a pinch. “You are too distracted” Infront of him he saw one of the shields they used before and used his telekinetic powers to fling it towards them and hopefully use it to knock Emily off him.

The shield hit Emily, hard, in the stomach too. Although it didn't fling her off of Al it loosened her grip and lowered the intensity of the flame. Unknowing that Al had gained powers in telekinesis she thought she knew exactly what had happened. ”THE FUCK, LANA?!” she screeches. She then attempts to tighten her grip on her victim but was still disorientated from the strong blow, making this ineffective.

Just as Lana was about to step in and try again to calm Aloysius down, Emily spoke up. Everything the woman was saying was true, though she didn't appreciate the 'chump' part very much. Al didn't seem to appreciate anything she said and went straight into attacking her. That's when Lana decided to stand back and see where it would go. She was concerned for Emily of course, but she wanted to see how the red head handled herself. It wasn't the traditional test for Captains, but if she could pass it, she was even more deserving of the position than Lana had first thought. If it got too much for her, that's when she would step in.

It was beginning to look as though that was entirely unnecessary though, especially when Emily pinned Aloysius to the ground. If not for the telekinetic powers he had, surely he would have given in. Seeing the way his opponent got hit in the stomach by seemingly nothing, and then proceeded to scream at her, it wasn't hard at all for Lana to piece together what happened. "It wasn't me...Al has telekinetic powers now, thanks to that blasted tablet." The last part would have came across a little aggressively. The telekinetic was obviously not impressed with how Al had gained that power in particular, especially since he didn't seem to even know how to use it effectively. "Trust me Em, if I wanted to stop you, I would have by now."

At the first sentence Emily glared at Lana. ”Sure, and pigs can fucking fly,” she spits back, giving her opponent a final shove to the ground before getting up. ”What tablet? If that’s even a thing,” she asks

“It was a family artefact I recovered last night” Aloysius mentioned as he started to get up. “The result of using the tablet was it gave me alot more power and alot more abilities” Back on his feet, he placed his hands on his hips “Like Telekinesis, much to Lana’s jealousy”. He would rub the back of his head “That was a good job. I am proud of you. So i guess the captains position is yours… if you want it”

“Soon enough y’won’t need any of us, will ya? With all them powers,” Emily jokes, dusting herself off.

“I will always need others. These powers are unstable” He commented, sitting on a chair. “Besides, something doesn’t feel right with these powers yet” He would look over at Lana and smiled “You pick the good ones don’t you?”

Al's smile would be met with a disapproving glare from Lana. She wanted more than anything to refute that jealousy remark he made, but in doing so, it would only make her seem jealous, so she bit her tongue on that one and turned her attention to Emily instead. "I suppose a congratulations is in order. You did well Em, though I never doubted you would." She gave the red head a smile and a nod. "Oh, and just so we are clear on this, the Captain position I was talking about, was my old one." In all honesty, Lana was actually insulted either of them would think she would want to replace Ty. He was the closest thing she had ever had to having a friend, and she cared a lot more about him than anyone would expect.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hedgehawk
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Aloysius & Circe

A collab between @jakeb1993 & @Cerces22
Location: Dark Shadow HQ.
Time: 3.00PM.

After a whirlwind of a morning, Aloysius was hoping to have a nice relaxing afternoon. He wanted to try and recompose his mind after the events of last night. The loss of Ty was still pulling at his heartstrings, and his little heart to heart this morning hadn’t really done much to console him. Sitting in his office he turned on the news to see if there was any coverage of the train wreck. Nothing like taking the time to admire your own work to distract you from the horrors of life.

It was at this point that he discovered that that entire story had fell of the other end of the news, mainly due to the large scale murders that had gone on around the city. Of course anyone could have murdered loads of people. Everyone had it in them, even Aliira. But these killings… no.. the wrieked of one person and one person only. His suspicions were only confirmed when the name ‘DS Killer’ came up. Aloysius let out a sigh and rubbed his temples in frustration. Just what he needed right now. Circe was a loose cannon. It didn’t matter what you told her, she always went and seemed to do her own thing. Aloysius only wanted some control terror, just enough to keep the Guild on edge, however last night changed everything. Aloysius was starting to question if The Guild were the true enemy, now Rebecca was back.

He would pick up his phone and dial Circe. As soon as she answered, he didn’t say hello or even give her a chance to speak. “My Office, Now!” He spat out before hanging up and then proceeding to slam his phone down onto the desk, thankfully preserving the screen in the process. Circe had really gone and done it this time. He usually forgave her desires due to the raw amount of damage she could deal, but right now. With everything else going on… She was starting to become more of a liability.

So now he wanted patiently for Circe to arrive, making sure that he held onto the anger. He wanted to make sure that Circe had got what she had coming. As time dragged on, Aloysius only got more and more frustrated. Where the hell was she?

Circe awoke a tad on the late side, he side throbbing where the stupid shifter cut her last night. She stood up and stretched as far as her injury would allow her to. Before she could even take a step her phone ring, the name Mommy Aly appeared on the i.d. No sooner had she picked it up, had his voice shouted at her to get to the base and hung up.

”Well that was just rude, don't you agree baby?? Oh well, shower time, excuse me, pardon me, thanks for having me. Dinner was a little over cooked though, hehehehe.” She said to the lifeless married couple on the floor.

She skipped through the city humming to herself, the shifters coat was cleaned and open on her small frame. She stopped at a candy store, with a giant polar bear mascot trying to pull customers in. Soon she found herself outside the base, with her nut filled Snickers bars. She took a mouthful as she stepped inside and walked straight to Alys office. And made a chair appear out of nowhere.

”Hey dad, hehehe. How did we do last night?? Lots of chaos, just like you asked, although baby was boring and didn't help as usual.” She shot a pointed look at her shadow on the ground.

“I DIDN'T MEAN MASS BLOODY MURDER!” Aloysius shouted, anger apparent in his voice. “I wanted something that would send a message to the Guild quietly. But NO. FUCKING NO” Aloysius raised his hands to help emphasise his anger. “YOU, YOU had to go one step too far again” He would smash his hand across his desk, knocking his stationary holder against the wall. “What am I supposed to do with you Circe?” Aloysius sighed, some of his anger now out in the air.

Circe watched with mock surprise on her face as Aly went off the handle on her, again. She unwrapped another nut filled candy bar and chomped down. She looked at the mess on the floor and back at a flustered boss.

”So let me get this straight. You derailed an entire train, killing… I forget how many bugs. Proceed to turn around and tell me, who even I know am completely out to pasture, to cause mayhem. And you expected an different result. Hehehehe, now Aly who looks like the crazy one?? I killed a hundred pathetic, weak, miserable humans. The number would of been higher if that stupid Guildling didn't get in our way. But we made sure to take care of that didn't we baby, hehehehe. Now apologize to her, you made her upset, Aly.!!”

“There was like… 5 people tops on that train. There is a HUGE difference between five and hundreds. HANG ON!” He stopped “You killed a Guilder? You did what!?” He put his hands on his head “Circe...what is the procedure when you meet a Guilder?” He took a deep breath. Circe had only gone and made things worse. “Damn you are a bitch sometimes Circe”

Your procedure is to tuck tail and hide. But she tried to stop our fun. Hehehe, besides any shifter that weak had it coming, she was almost as pathetic as a human. I think I did the guild a favor by taking her out. Plus, on the bright side… I got a new jacket!! Hehehehehe.”

“Circe… if we killer Guilders, Salem takes more notice of us. The last time she took notice of us, she almost wiped us out” Aloysius let out a sigh and sat down “Besides, things have changed… Ty was killed last night.” He looked down. Holding onto the crystal hanging from his neck. “Rebecca is back…” he said in a low voice, only just realising that Circe wouldn't know who she was “Rebecca…. Was a former DS member. Who was actually a mole, who I thought was murdered. Clearly not the case”

”Good let the all mighty Thor get her panties all twisted. I want to kill her most of all!!” It was now Circes turn to stop in her tracks, the rest of her Snickers forgotten in her hand. ”Someone killed Ty?! She stood up in a rush, her shadow chair exploded as she crawled over the desk separating her and Aly. She grabbed him by the collar. ”Ty was the only one of you lot that made this place fun, and YOU let him die?!”

Circe stood up, black flames dancing in her eyes as she shoved Aloysius back to his chair. She walked around the room, arms holding her stomach. She muttered to herself, trying to process this information.

”How could you?! He was mine to kill, he was suppose to be the last one of the world left that I killed. I promised him that much. And you took him, got him killed!! Now I see why Salem hates you!!” Her words coming out like venom as she tried to shift through the things swirling inside her. She had no clue what they were, but she knew she didn't like it. ”There is nothing you can say or do to me anymore. I am going to kill this Rebecca, slowly and painfully, than I am going to kill that preppy slut Salem, and than Aloysius, I am going to sink my darkness into your soul.” Circe walked out the office, a gust of darkness slamming the door behind it, splitting it down the middle.

“I would have saved him if I could. Ok… I would have saved him… if I could” Aloysius sounded upset but only snarled at Circe as she grabbed him by the collar. No one spoke to him like that. She was his subordinate, not his superior. Before he could say anything though, Circe had stormed out, slamming the door and cutting it two in the process. Aloysius buried his face into his hands for a second letting out another hefty sigh. After a few deep breaths of composure, Aloysius picked up the phone and pressed a quick dial button.

“Yeah, It's Al. Look can you do me a favour. When you come to pick up the car, can you bring me a door please. Preferably oak? Yeah… Thanks” putting the phone down he eyed his mobile. Picking it up he flicked through his contacts until he reached a contact named 'SdS’ opening up his texts, he stared at the screen, the last message was sent was almost 7 years ago. Did he really wanna do this? He began to type into the phone:

“We need to talk. Preferably somewhere private… tonight? Rebecca isn't our only issue now"

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hedgehawk
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Aloysius & Salem

A collab between @jakeb1993 & @HaleyTheRandom
Location: Barrowman High - Abandoned Gymnasium
Time: 11.00PM.

The last two days had been unnecessarily long in Salem's opinion. She had watched someone die, found out someone who she presumed to be dead was alive, found out she had a twin, had an long ass conversation with Aliira and now... now she was going to have a civilized meeting with Aloysius. At least she assumed it was meant to be civil.

The truth was, Salem was tired. Both physically and emotionally. She had been going over every memory she had in her brain to try and remember Rowan. There has been enough for her to count on one hand. Once when he attended a Guild celebration, another time when she caught him out of the corner of her eye leaving school. He has been there her whole life, just waiting in the shadows. She had had no idea about him whatsoever. Deep down, the young woman felt guilty. He has been thrown away because of her. She took a deep, calming breath of the night air as she walked across the school yard.

Back in Georgia, she would sneak down to the river, listen to the roads croak and look at the stars. Now she found comfort in the sounds of the cars going up and down the streets; the stars replaced with street lamps. It was a mild night, but she decided to wear a hoodie anyway, mainly so she could shove her hands into the front pocket to keep them from shaking, as she did now.

Soon, she found herself opening the rusted gym door, causing it to squeak ever so slightly. Salem walked inside, letting the door close being her. For a brief moment, she was surrounded in darkness. A million memories flooded her mind. Al and her training; she and him sneaking here to get away from everyone else. A light smile played on her lips as she raised a hand, sparks floating up to the ceiling to turn on one of the lights. She made her way across the dusty floor to sit on the bottom step of the stadium. Salem took another breath as she waited for Aloysius to arrive.

Aloysius arrived not long after Salem. He had been careful to make sure that no one from the Dark Shadow. He didn't want any of them to find out that he was meeting with Salem, it would degrade his authority. Walking inside the of gym he looked around. There were many good memories here. Some painful memories too, but mostly good ones. Though the last memory here he could of done forgetting. Aloysius would walk towards Salem and rubbed the back of his head awkwardly "Hey, thanks for coming... And for not hiding and trying to get the jump on me I guess"

Salem sat on the step, twirling her thumbs, caught up in her own little world until she heard the familiar voice. She jumped slightly, Als voice unusually loud after the silence. She nodded softly. "No problem," she said, her voice quiet. Salem cleared her throat before speaking again, her voice slightly louder. "I figured after last night we could both use a more civilized meeting. What was it you wanted to talk to me about?"

Aloysius would bring himself to sit down next to Salem on the bleachers. More and more memories of him and Salem here together were coming back to him, They had afterall spent most of their high school years together here. "Well first of all... we need to talk about Rebecca... I thought she was dead"

She turned to look at him. "So did I," she said, her voice quiet. "All I can figure is that.... that day.... of the battle, I mean, I was just using my powers left and right, so I guess by the time I dealt with her, my powers were depleted?" Salem brushed her hair back behind her ear as she let her hands flop into her lap. She decided to stare at her hands now. "Speaking of B.... I got another surprise this morning."

"I mean we were going pretty hard at it that night. You had most likely spent most of your power sending me into that stone column" He would let out a sigh. This was awkward. So very awkward right now. Salem and Aloysius hadn't had a civil conversation in such a long time. "Oh... What's that?" He asked her.

The young woman nodded at words. He did have a point. She had fought and killed so many people that night... Salem took a deep breath before speaking again. "So you know the blonde guy that came busting through the wall with Rebecca? He... um... he's my brother. My twin brother, actually."

"I had a suspicion that was the case. I remember seeing him around school lurking in the corner of your eye. I always made a note to follow through and investigate when I formed the the Dark Shadow. I just never got around to it." Aloysius ran a hand through his hair "Oh what a shit situation we have gotten ourselves into"

Salem turned to look at him, her eyebrows not in frustration. "You suspected that a person who was watching us from a distance might have been related to me and you never said a single word? Sometimes I thought I was going crazy seeing him and you never said ANYTHING?" Her tone was hostile now.

"It was one of those hunches. Sides, I didn't even think it was true. I was young and naive. Besides he did a really good job of staying far away enough to avoid attracting attention" Aloysius sighed "I am sorry. I should have told you before" He fidgeted in his seat and looked over at her "So what do we do now then?"

"Maldición al infierno," she shouted at nothing or no one in particular. "All I know is Rowan said Beck wants me deader than Hell.... He mentioned something about you dying too, but made it sound like her only target was me." She paused for a moment, thinking. "What was the bigger threat you mentioned in your message?"

"Circe is becoming too wild. Even when I try and tighten the leash she just lashes. I am worried if we don't do something now... She may defect toward Rebecca and if last night was anything to go by... Rebecca will give her permission to go on as many murder sprees as she wishes" Aloysius stood up for a second to stretch his legs "I am not sure how to handle this one"

Salem looked him in the eye, her jaw set in determination. "So what you're telling me is she is responsible for yesterday's murders?" She took his silence as a yes. "I can Mute her. Killing that many mundanes is punishable by death. Muting her would be lenient. Deje que la perra loca viva el resto de su vida trabajando en una cafetería o algo así."

"She is a huge liability of titan proportions" Aloysius would only friend slightly when she started speaking Spanish again. He could never work out what she was saying "I don't know who we tackle first? Rebecca or Circe... And more importantly what does this mean for us right now?" It was a blunt question, but neither of them had time to mess about right now.

"We can just Mute her, or Mute her and wipe her memory, or we can just kill her. She's one of yours, so I'm leaving the decision up to you." She stood up, putting her hands in the pockets of her jeans before pacing back and forth on a small section of the dusty gym floor. "I don't trust you, Aloysisus. I haven't trusted you in years... but you already knew this." She looked up now, stopping in her tracks. "We have to stop Rebecca before she exposes both of our secrets. If that means setting our differences aside for however long, then so be it. But I can assure you: next time I see that bitch in battle again, she'll be fried to a fucking crisp."

"Heh. This time last night we were busy shouting insults at each other. Now look at us. If Rebecca talks... Neither of us will have any control left. Where to we even begin trying to track her down though? She has been off the grid for 6 years and we all thought she was dead" Aloysius leaned back onto the bleachers staring at the dusty rafters. "I know you don't trust me. Since that night six years ago... We haven't really spoken much... Let alone talked about it"

Was Aloysius trying to get touchy feely? She supposed it was understandable. The last forty-eight hours had been nothing but filled with emotions. "I could start with Rowan. He didn't seem hostile. He was direct. Seems like the guy just wanted to make a point. I mean... He he even warned me." She just looked at him for a moment. If anyone had asked her at that very moment, Salem would swear that she still seen the boyish innocence in him that once was. She smiled slightly. "Honestly, all I wanted to do that next day was pick up the phone and call you. But then I remembered you turned into the enemy. I didn't think you'd want anything to do with many anymore unless it was out of bloodlust. So... I kept my mouth shut and now here we are."

"We shouted so much... We almost bought this entire building down" Aloysius sighed once more. He didn't feel great right now. Rebecca has turned his life upside down. "Maybe... Just maybe... I was wrong. Maybe I let Rebecca manipulate me into doing something terrible" This moment right now was taking him back through his past and all the decisions he made "I...I am sorry about...your father" he spoke slowly, showing he was apologetic.

It was weird being stuck on memory lane. What was even more strange was Salem didn't want to get off. It was nice just sitting here talking to him like the old days. "You don't actually believe that. One thing I can give you is that you've always thought out your decisions, no matter if I thought they were bad or not. Besides. I'm the one who sent her to you. If anyone is to blame for you being bitter, its me. I never thought you'd actually end up caring for her." She was slightly taken aback when he apologized for her father's death. "No reason for you to be. He always liked you, ya know? Thought you had tons of potential."

"I wish I had the magic to bring him back. I wish I could bring Ty back" He would run his hands though his hair "I made a mistake Sal. A huge mistake. I believe that Magi should rule over the mundane, but.... To actually go and start my own faction for it. It ripped us apart...the one thing I really cared about"

"You could bring him back. Ty, I mean. I can't tell you how, but I can tell you that I know there's a way." She say there and listened to what he had to say. Any other tome, neither of them would have got a word in edge wise for throwing punches at each other. "You could've voiced your opinion at the meetings. Sure, it would have caused a stir, but we all would have listened." Salem walked over to sit on the bleachers again. "I wish we could go back to, sometimes. But Heaven knows there's no way to change or fix it all now."

"This will only end when one of us dies won't it?" He asked, sadness lacing his words as he spoke. "I just wish I could take all this back" he looked over to her. "Maybe we can find a way to bring your father back and Ty back. I know of old magic that allowed if such a thing, but how you would go about it is completely alien to me" He would look away for a second, feeling guilty when he looked Salem directly in the eyes.

"It doesn't have to end that way. Come back to the Guild. Voice your opinion, take responsibility for your crimes. Yes, my people will want justice, but we can work something out. Hasn't there been enough death in both of our lives already?" Her voice wavered halfway through the last sentence. She could feel her eyes getting hot, threatening to spill the years that in them. She took a deep breath for what seemed like the millionth time today in order to steady herself. "You could save Ty, but Lucius has been gone far to long, I believe." Salem silently wondered if Aloysius was being serious. Even a mention of Necromancy was a crime, much less doing it.

"I don't know. I can't help but think the damage I have done is too great. I mean, the Guild will want payback. And if you did save me, it wouldn't be long before a plot was started to have me killed. The Guild isn't a safe place for me. Everything just feels weird right now" Aloysius buried his face in his hands. This was tough. And what he was about to say was about to make it worse. "I miss you Salem"

Aaand that did it. Feeling the first tears fall, she wiped them away quickly with the back of her hand. She wasn't entirely sure what had gotten into her. The last time she had cried was the night her father died. "I could Mute you. You'd make a badass assassin until the vote showed you had proved yourself." She knew as soon as she said it there was no way that he would go do it, but she was more or less begging at this point. She turned her head and looked at him. Hearing his words, she bit down on her bottom lip to keep herself from saying something potentially stupid. "It's been a long forty-eight hours, Al. Your brain's fuzzy."

"Ha. And say I did join you for a second. What of the rest of the Dark Shadow. What becomes of them?" He asked of curiosity. Watching Salem shed tears only caused Aloysius to do the same. He wiped his own face using his sleeve and let off a long sigh of both pain and relief at the same time. "I don't have to be fuzzy to remember what we had 6 years ago"

"Same as you. We mute them. Give the security detail, make them recruits." Great. Now he was crying. Salem hung her head in an attempt to get her hair to cover her face. If there was one thing that her parents had taught her, it was that crying in front of others was weakness. Emotions made you weak. A good leader thought with their brain, not their heart. Salem never understood why someone couldn't do both. She laughed quietly, wiping away more tears. "Look at me, crying like a girl. I don't know why we're even talng about it, kid. It's in the past now."

"Because the past is better. That is why. I made a mistake so huge it cost me the biggest thing I held dear to me: you" He wiped away a couple more years before composing himself a bit more "Over the years I have tried to suppress everything... Tried to convince myself that you were an evil bitch that needed dealing with. And that has worked great, now Rebecca is back... I can't seem to feel like that no more"

"I agree... The Guild was happier. Dad was alive. Mom spoke to me. I had you... the last was and is better." Salem nudge his shoulder gently. "Well, I believe we've all done evil things, and you aren't entirely wrong about ne being a bitch." She thought for a moment, looking up across the room at the wall, studying the design of the school mascot on it. "I cared about you too, you know? Quiet a lot, actually. I couldn't wait for those afternoons when we used to sneak away and come here.... I'm sorry she broke your heart, Aloysius."

"It's not your fault. I became obsessed with power, with control, wanting to rule everyone and prove to people what I could do. I mean my mother did spur me on" He smiled gently when she nudged his shoulder "Rebecca chose to seduce me, not you. And it was she who toyed with my heart. Not you. It is all my fault for being a fool and thinking I could have replaced that hole in my heart with Rebecca"

Salem wrinkled her nose in playful disgust. "No offense, but I never could stand that woman. Always tried to get me in a skirt... 'Sit with your legs crossed, Salem. It's more polite and lady like.'" She brushed her hair back behind her ear again, a nervous habit. "Do you think that there's a chance things could ever go back to the way they were?"

"Maybe.... Possibly. We would have to deal with Rebecca and possibly deal with a gone in the Dark Shadow who refused to surrender. But I am sure we could work something out. Worst case we could run away somewhere nice" He gave a light chuckle "God, could you imagine Aliira and Lanas reaction to finding us talking like this?"

Salem laughed light heartedly. "Somewhere like Cancún. Just spend the rest of our days relaxing on the beach...." When he mentioned Aliira and Lana, she laughed again. "They'd die. They'd have a heart attack, fall over, and die. I didn't even tell Aliira about this meeting or whatever."

"I am not sure how Lana would react. I don't know how loyal she is to the idea of trying to take over all the mundane. Sometimes I think it is more about the hatred for her brothers Killers. Lana is a good girl. I just don't want to lose her to Rebecca. Or to anyone else actually" Aloysius rubbed the back of her head "I don't think I could cope with losing Ty and Lana"

"That's fair. I guess you just need to keep your girl away from Rebecca then, eh? For what it's worth, I dont think you'd have to worry about losing her to the Guild. She's to revenge driven." She say thinking for a moment hoe he kept mentioning Ty. "He ment something to you, didn't he? Tiberius?"

"Yeah he did" Aloysius let out a sigh and sat on the floor now, keeping his head low "Shortly after founding the Dark Shadow and us having our huge argument... He walked into my life. He was the one who helped me pick up the pieces and helped me move on I guess. We grew.... Close... Very close as time drew on" he would move his hair from his face and back behind his ears. "Started as a casual thing, became serious for a while. Really serious. And intense. We then decided to keep it a more casual love as we didn't want to be seen as being together. Wouldn't want anyone in the DS to think he was getting special treatment."

"Makes sense. It's a good thing that you had someone like that. I suppose I owe him a thank you for not letting you go to awful far downhill," she said jokingly. "I think you'll find someone else. It might take some time, but I like to think there's someone out there for all of us. You'll find that someone one day."

"But what if I have already met that someone else?" Aloysius asked. "What if I have already met them and I blew it. That just means that I am destined to live on this planet alone" He let out a small huff, he could feel the tears coming back.

"Only time can show and tell us things like that. For what its worth, I think you'll be just fine." She wiped the tears off her face as she felt her phone vibrate in her back pocket. As Salem unlocked the screen, she would squint her eyes, the bright light affecting her more than usual after the shed tears. She studied the message hard for a minute. "Which one of your play things killed my Lizzie," she said, turning to look him straight in the eye. Her tone of voice was scary in its neutrality, revealing no emotion.

This was nice. The past, Salem and Al, going to memory lane and trying to repair a bridge burnt by years of war. Then she had to come up. She had to come ruin it. With a hefty gruff Al stood up "Who do you think? Circe if course of course.... Why do you think I called you here?"

Salem just gave him the kind of look that was laced with malice; one that seemed to say 'you dumb, idiotic boy.' "¿Y no pensaste en decirme esto antes? ¡¿Simplemente me dejas sentar aquí y tener un corazón a corazón contigo y simplemente OLVIDAR mencionar la muerte de Elizabeth?! You didn't say anything! Not a single word! Not even when we were talking about what to do with your little pest! Salem was on her feet now, her hand unconsciously reaching out to grab him by the throat as she stepped close enough for their noses to be nearly touching. "Give me one good reason - just ONE why I shouldn't kill you right here and now." The young woman was crying again, this time years of anger. He had betrayed her trust again.

Al didn't have too long to react until Salem had him at the neck, her fingers coiling around and practically trying to crush his windpipe, her nails threatening to break his skin. For a second he just stood there and didn't know what to say. He would decide not to fight in the end. His body was too tired, too exhausted to say much. So instead, tears overflowed from his eyes as he began to sob. "I couldn't bring it up.... We were having too much fun talking about the past. And how... How do you bring it that one of your more unstable members has killed a friend of yours?" He continued to sob.

Salem released him from her grip, shoving him away from her slightly as she turned away from him, unable to see the sight of him any longer. Rather he had a valid point.or not, she wasn't about to admit it to his face. "Y pensar después de todo este tiempo, todavía te amo..." She whispered as the tears feel more quickly. She crossed her arms, now staring at the ground as she but down on her lip again. "I- I... how.... what were you..." Salem just stood there, her back turned to Aloysius not knowing what to say or do next.

"Look... When I found out what she had done... I text you right away. I am sorry that Circe killed whoever it was... I am sorry. I didn't intend for that to happen. I only wanted Circe to cause a distraction... Not cause mass murder" he would reach out with his arm to try and hold her by the shoulder to attempt to comfort her.

She was torn. She wanted justice for Elizabeth, but she didn't want to drive Aloysius away. Not this time. She took a deep breath feeling his hand on her shoulder. She wiped her face with the sleeve of her hoodie, turning around to look at him again. "So help me Zeus, I know I should just walk away right now." She shrugged her shoulders weakly, laughing once with mock humor. "But I can't. I can't just walk out of here this time."

Watching her, Aloysius felt pain. He had helped cause this. By not keeping a tight enough leash on Circe, she had caused the death of one of Salems's friends. He didn't know how to correct this. Salem was upset, he was upset. The only thing he could think of was trying to cheer her up the way he used to a high school. He would turn her around to face him and place his hands on both her shoulder, leaning in slowly to start but then picking up the pace as their breaths drew closer. He would slowly plant his lips on hers, with a slow, inviting a warm kiss. At least it would stop Salem from crying.

At first, Salem was shocked. The she found herself kissing him back for a few moments before snapping out of it and pulling away. For a moment, she was that girl back in high school, stealing secret kisses with the boy she loved. She cleared her throat as she felt her cheeks turning slightly pink. "I'm not mad at you. Not right now, anyway. But rest assured if I cross paths with Circe, she's dead."

"That is understandable" Aloysius muttered under his breath. "Don't worry... I will make sure that Circe is kept on a tighter leash. And again, I am really sorry" he would then look at Salem closely and notice her pinking cheeks "Awh, you are blushing. I must admit... I have missed kisses like that" he smiled towards her weakly.

"No I am not," She said, her cheeks becoming more red at him pointing aput the fact. She sighed, checking her phone to look at the time. It was not 12:15 in the morning. "It's getting late," she said matter-of-factly. "Probably about time we wrapped things up, wouldn't you say?"

"Yeah. It would be for the best...." Aloysius turned to leave and began walking to the gym entrance. As he opened the door he turned back to look at Salem. "I am sorry..." He called out "... Not just for tonight, but for everything these past 6 years" with that he walked through the doors and disappeared into the night.

Salem was walking towards the exist at the opposite end of the building. When she heard his voice, she turned to see him walk out of the door, unsure if she would ever truly accept his apology. "Hasta la próxima, viejo amigo," she said, raising a hand to absorb the energy from the light, putting it out. With a sad half smile on her face, she turned to have one last look at the old gym before letting the door close behind her.

A good five minutes after they both left, the door to the supply closet, which was open ever so slightly, opened further. Out of the darkness a green haired female was looking at her phone, clearly pleased with herself.

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David, Augie & Nicola

A collab between [@ZakAttack], [@StrangeRodent] & @SouffleGirl123
Location: Guild Headquarters Training Room.
Date: 2nd August 2017
Time: 9:00AM

Nicola had led David and Augie through the headquarters of the Guild ensuring to take the longest and most draining route of all. Nicola said nothing the whole trip, regardless of any of the pairs’ questions or remarks, if they had any. Instead she just briskly walked down corridors, around corners and up and down stairs, thick dark hair flying around behind her. Eventually the trio reached large double doors at the end of the hallway. Nicola flung them open, revealing a large padded room, duelling squares marked in tape and a couple of weapon racks strewn across the hall. She walked deep into the hall, over to a duelling square before turning on her heel to face at the recruits before her.

”A'right, losers,” she says gruffly, crossing her leather-clad arms. ”Your powers are cool and whatever but magic isn’t always predictable, nothing’s to say there isn’t a magi in the Dark Shadows that can eliminate or hinder your powers, or you won't have to avoid using your powers to protect the surrounding mundane. Even if you never come across those situations you need to be able to defend yourself without magic. We don’t take wusses in the Guild, we’re not gonna start now,”

David himself followed quietly, though not with any amount of apparent respect. It seemed more he kept quiet for his own purposes. That is to say, making any sort of complaint would no doubt leave him in an unenviable position. No doubt indeed. So instead, he followed, reminiscing on -how- he got into this particular position. One which he did not enjoy being in, nor did he want to be in, but had to be in. Stupid Guild with its regulations. Not only was he awakened and kept from sleeping in late with a text, he also was being forced to train. He saw such training as pointless. His capabilities, with as limiting as they were, offered no capability of growth that he was genuinely interested in. Still, he followed. Once they arrived into the hall, he slowed his pace, following from a distance and allowing the fellow recruit the chance to get closer to Nicola. Who knows? Maybe a miracle would take place and their teacher would forget about him and focus on Augie instead. Then again, hoping for that would probably lead to disappointment.

Upon hearing Nicola’s words, he simply rolled his eyes. He doubted there was one in the Dark Shadows with powers quite like his. Although he conceded her idea came from a well off place, as well, he was in no hurry to participate in a fight. So he continued to remain behind Augie, quietly watching Augie and hoping that he would take most of the attention off himself.

Augie was not happy with the time he had to be up for this. What decent human gets up before 12:00 pm? His sunken eyes followed Nicola’s hair the whole way… being directly behind her had that benefit. Not that he was sweet on her or anything, hair was just kinda hypnotic to him. And this hair was so thick… He caught his thoughts for a moment, but couldn’t hold on to them for long. He was hardly keeping his eyes open. He rubbed his eyes and smacked the side of his head to wake himself up, and thankfully it worked. For all of twenty seconds. ”Uh… there doesn’t happen to be a coffee machine around here anywhere, does there? Or… anything?”, he slurred. Everything he said was a strange Irish slur, but it was only slurred from alcohol on occasion. He thinks it makes him sound cool or something. After he spoke there was a painfully long silence. He considered asking again, but who really gives a fuck.

”Oh lovely, I get to punch things.”, was all he could think to say. Or rather, slur. He dove into his pocket and pulled out a pair of knuckle dusters, and casual as anything, he wormed his fingers into them. A toothy grin split his face as he looked David and Nicola in the eyes. ”Okay, so you don’t take wimps... I get that… so why haven’t we started yet?”

Nicola initially just eyed the pair with a steely gaze. Why did she have to be given the recruits. ”First off, if you can barely stay awake at 9am, Mr Donovan, how do you even hope to be alive enough to not get yourself killed in early morning battles? They happen, not that uncommonly either so I recommend you get used to it. Or get yourself killed. Makes little difference to me I guess,” she remarks bluntly. ”Secondly, no knuckle dusters, you're not gonna to come out of this unscathed but I know Salem wouldn't appreciate it if David ended up near dead,”. She continues, watching Augie closely, waiting for him to remove them. Her eyes briefly flew to David, partially to ensure he was still there, somewhat mentally such as physically. The kid was quiet, whether that made him easier to work with or he was just stuck up Nicola was still to find out.

”Well it’s far too early, what do you expect me to do? Also just call me Augie please. Mr Donovan is reserved for people with their heads so far up their arses they see through their mouth.”. He addresses the second thing by quietly taking off his knuckle dusters and letting them fall to the floor, by way of showing he wasn’t going to use them.
”So… I take it that this means I’m fighting David?”, he asked. He certainly piped up at the suggestion of a fight. There was no sleep left in those eyes. Around them was a different matter… The bags under his eyes had fully encircled them.

David, meanwhile, kept his comments to himself, watching the two. It seemed that Nicola was still at least making sure that his own presence was there. He sighed. No escaping out of this one, and doing so would likely cause a worse situation than the one presented. To be fair, it wasn’t that he wasn’t tired himself. He did manage to let out a small yawn himself, using one of his hands to take off his glasses and the other to rub against his eyes for a moment, making sure he was fully awake so that he could -avoid- Augie once he did get serious about this. He didn’t want to get hit, after all. He did, however, have a question to speak, looking towards Nicola and finally letting his calm, almost numbed voice through.”Is this necessary? I sincerely doubt I will see combat, as my ability are not too useful in many situations.”

Augie blinked. ”I know that question wasn’t directed at me but whatever. Can’t hurt to learn new things, can it? Maybe bruises and such but really, how bad are they?”

At Augie’s first commented Nicola couldn't help but give a quick chuckle, on that seemed to last as soon as it started. “I guess that’s fair, Augie,” she replies, her voice returning to its near-monotonous state, sound like something she’d say, if she was honest with herself. “And, yes, you’ll be fighting David, nothing to get the blood pumping like a good whack around and a few bruises,”

At David’s reply her head whips to him. “The fact they recruited you means they see something in you, every guild member needs to be trained in combat, chances are you will take to the field at some point, I doubt there’s anyone in the Guild who never will, even if you don't you need to be ready, we don't always go to them to attack. With the rise of the Dark Shadows there could easily be more rebellions, more chances of attacks on us, you need to prepare for that. Then we have the greatest reason, Salem said you need to be trained and I recommend not getting on her bad side,” With that explain Nicola nods to a section on the floor, a rectangle approximately 3mx9m marked out in blue tape that had become scuffed and tattered over the time it had sat on the ground before giving a simple, “Square up,”

David sighed in an audible volume, before groaning a little under his breath. He was not at all interested in this fight. He still didn’t see the point. If anything the fact that Salem said it was necessary made him all the more on edge. He soon squared up. Well, this would end quickly, at least. He’d take a flow blows, hit the floor, and be convincing enough that they would leave him alone, perhaps. With that in mind, he simply made his way to his side, squaring up and simply staring at Augie quietly, adjusting his jacket ever-so slightly in its middle and moving to slip it off onto the ground nearby, revealing the white undershirt that lied underneath it. Time to get this over with.

Augie heard the sigh, and pivoted immediately, to look David straight in the eye. For a second he considered saying nothing, but no. This lad had an all around shitty attitude. Walking over to grab David by the shirt, he was practically yelling ”David, don’t ruin it for everyone just because you don’t like it. Nobody should have to learn these skills, but when it gets right down to it they could save someone else’s life. Quit it with this shitty cool guy attitude, it’s just gonna fucken hurt people. Take some fucking responsibility.”. If this didn’t get him to fight, nothing would.

Surprisingly, David simply stared Augie blankly in the eyes as he was grabbed by the shirt, not even a flicker of emotion as the man spoke. His words rung somewhat true, at least. It could save someone’s lives. More magi, at least. He wasn’t so sure about non-magi being saved by this. Though, something did confuse David, as he slowly rose his right eyebrow. What was this about seeming cool? He wasn’t even attempting that in the least. “...I never said I wouldn’t fight. But I don’t have to enjoy it. Also, you’re mistaken. I’m not at all trying to be cool. I’m just not at all interested in what’s at stake here. In all likelihood, this’ll all get sorted out on its own.” He simply stated, his dull, annoyed tone apparent. It was true, he didn’t have a good attitude. But then, he wasn’t required to.

Nicola watched the pair, arms folded. Nothing. They did nothing. David moped and Augie just snapped at him. Nicola groaned, not impressed with David’s attitude particularly. Nicola walked over to the wall of the training room covered in weapons, most unused and more for show nowadays, or the dedicated attachment the Guild had to them. By the rack sat a wooden rod. Nicola picked it up and returned back to the pair. ”I didn't bring you two here to gossip. You,” she gives David a whack in the back with the stick, solid enough for it to be obvious but not quite hard enough to leave a lasting mark. ”Stop being a whiny child. We all have to do shit we don't like here but you need to put on your big boy pants and do it anyway because although it may not be what you want to do it’s your duty, what you need to do. And you,” She turns to Augie, whacking him in the same manner, ”You can't stand their provoking him forever. In some cases you need to rush in and this is that case.” she takes a step back, holding the rod beside her, ”Now, go,”

Augie didn’t like orders, but then again he liked hitting people, so… He punched David. Around the solar plexus area. Punching the head will break your hand. He stepped wide, behind David’s knee, then levered him over his leg, sending David into the ground back first. He looked at Nicola, then said “Like that?”

David winced, letting out a shocked “Augnh!” as he hit the ground, his back feeling a dull pain whereas his solar plexus felt the sharper pain of the fist delving into it, his body aching as he laid there silently for a moment. He debated on staying down, pretending that he was down and out for the count, but no. He knew this wouldn’t be nearly enough to convince Nicola. He slowly got up, groaning and half-heartedly lifting up his fists in front of chest. He didn’t want to get punched in the stomach again, so he was at least prepared to defend himself to that point. He simply stared at his opponent, waiting for the next blow...this surely would continue on, David only taking as much effort as necessary and protecting himself only slightly, hoping to end the conflict through the visage of his sheer pathetic capability. And no doubt...this would end the conflict sooner than later. And once it finally did, he would head home, happy to done with this. Perhaps then, the would finally learn to leave him alone.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hedgehawk
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Thursday 3rd August 2017

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hedgehawk
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Aloysius & Emily

A collab between @jakeb1993 & @SouffleGirl123
Location: Dark Shadow HQ.
Date: 3rd August 2017
Time: 9.30AM.

The past couple of days had been really hard on Aloysius. It started when his plan to steal the tablet was interrupted by Rebecca, was made worse when Ty was rather bloodily murdered and was further compounded by the conversation that he and Salem had the night before. It seemed as if things were getting worse. Aloysius couldn’t even cry anymore. He had exhausted all of his tears. Instead he was now a lifeless husk. A husk who had spent most of the morning sitting in his office staring at his desk. He was supposed to give people orders now, help plot the downfall of the Guild. But all of that was on hold.

Instead, sitting on his desk, he was sitting there and doing nothing. His heart didn’t want to do anything. It just wanted to sit here and sulk. His brain it seemed was more than happy to oblige him. It was only a matter of time until someone came and found him. For now, he was staring at the pencil on his desk, occasionally nudging it with his finger.

The prior night didn't end with Emily in another man’s bed, or in a bar for that matter. Instead, she’d bought herself a bottle of whiskey and spent the night of drinking and having a go at the mannequin. A mixture of screaming, a bit of crying and attacking with her body and her powers. After that she’s let her frustration out over Ty. Sure, it still hurt, but it was time to move on. She wasn't much of the moping type. After she slept off the pain and most of the drunkenness and cleaned herself up she found herself back in the meeting room to soon see the sulking body of Al on the other side of his door. Without any warning, knock or gaining permission she swung the door opened. “Oh, you gotta be kidding me,” she groans at the pitiful sight of the man, leaning against the side of the doorway.

The opening of the door startled Aloysius, pulling him out of his dazed state. He couldn’t focus for a second however and didn’t reply back to Emily straight away. Instead he just rubbed his hair, half in frustration, half in confusion. His mind still hadn’t finished processing the death of Ty yet. “Oh, Hi Emily” He muttered, his voice, monotone and non-descriptive. It was almost as if he had no more feelings inside of him. “What you brings you here this morning?” He asked, still in a daze.

Emily watched the man slowly figure out what was happening, well, somewhat figure out, he still seemed totally dazed. She gave a smirked chuckle before stating “You are truly, truly pitiful right now, you know that right? Even by my standards.” she strolls over to his desk, ”So much for the ‘brave, powerful magi’, you're acting like no more than a wimp,”

“I don’t know anymore. I just don’t. Tys death… Rebecca… Sal…” He was going to say the last part, but decided to stop and hope Emily didn’t notice, or at least didn’t press him on it. He didn’t need to let Emily know about last night's conversation. “Maybe this is all useless. I can’t take over the world if everyone i care for, or fights for me is going to die” He would let out a soft sigh and look at Emily “Maybe Salem is too powerful to deal with. Maybe I have been wrong”

Sal? The fuck did he mean about Sal, sure she knew they had some form of history together but not how deep that ‘history’ was. She was just about to bring him up on it when he went on. ”You need to pull yourself the fuck together, man! You’re more use to everyone as a fucking carcass if you're just gonna mope like this! Ty is dead. He’s gone. You can’t change that. You need to get over yourself and move the fuck on! If he were alive he would not appreciate your attitude right now!” she snaps, her voice not quite at a yell yet, but it was building. ”Now, what the hell do you mean by Salem and the fuck does she have to do with this?”

Did he tell her? Did he reveal to her what he had done? Was it worth it. She was already questioning it. Lying would only make her worse. “Last night I met with Salem…” He thought about Ty again. His heart hurting again for a few brief seconds. He wanted to cry. He really did. But it just wasn’t happening, so the sadness was starting to build inside again. “I know Ty is gone I know there is nothing I can do to bring him back… We spoke about Rebecca. Me and Salem. I also warned her that Circe had killed a fellow Guild member. It was nothing more than that” He said defensively, crossing his arms.

With that Emily stormed the small distance to Al and backhanded him in the face, the ring on middle finger scratching his face in the process. ”After ALL that bitch has done. This is Rebecca all over again, ain’t it? You’re so stupid and sappy you're just gonna allow yourself to be used and controlled. This place had STRUCTURE a few years ago. Sure, I appreciate chaos, that’s no lie, but this? This is a pitiful mess. This is a pitiful mess because of you! You need to learn to let go and move on because it’s damned this place WAY TOO MUCH!” She yells. Emily was fuming, honestly she was done with Al’s shit. Done with watching what was essentially her home crumble.

The backhand caused a small yelp to jump from Aloysius mouth, the ring leaving a scratch that forced blood to rise to the surface, threatening to spill over. For a moment a flash of annoyance mirrored across his face. “HEY! I DON'T CARE how angry you are, you NEVER HIT ME!” After speaking those words, he fell back into his slump again “Besides, I don’t know how to rebuild it anymore. The last time I built up to something worthwhile, Salem destroyed it all. If i do it again, history will repeat itself.”

Emily responds to Al’s comment about her slapping him with banging two fists on the desk in front of her. ”THEN FUCKING ACT LIKE IT!” she yells, glaring at him before continuing in a hushed tone, ”Because I’m not afraid to do it again a second time,”. That was when the man slumped into the chair. Em loosened a little but stayed with her hands on the table and leaned forward, toward the man. ”At this rate you're absolutely right. You used to be brave and strong. You used to rule this group well and we were getting somewhere but look at you now. Even the drunkard who doesn't show up all the time pities you. And you go and tell Salem about Circe! You're such a loser. Do you really think this is how Ty would want you to act? You need to just get a grip of yourself!”

“A grip of myself!? I am more than aware of what is going on right now!” He sighed, placing his head in his hands “You are right…” He muttered slowly “I am a mess. I can’t be strong enough to lead a group like this in this state” He started to sound slightly more pumped up, or at least excited about what he was doing. “I need to regroup. Possibly get Lana to recruit a few more members… though I wanna iterate again, touch me again and you die” He threatened, his trademark smirk coming back to his lips. “And don’t worry. I won’t let Salem take advantage of me again”

”That’s th’ spirit,” Emily replies. ”But I can't promise I’ll never slap you again. You can't really stop me, can ya,” she replies, straightening herself. ”Good talk, boss.” she then spins around in preparation to walk off before looking back and saying ”I may not be high in the ranks but y’got to remember I’ve been here from the beginning. The only one who has. I’m not afraid to point out all you're doing worse,” before turning back and walking toward the door.

“Thanks Em” Aloysius spoke out watching her leave “I know you have been here since the start… you and Ty….” He looked down “Thanks again… Lana made the right choice didn’t she?” He asked to himself as Emily was walking out.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Hedgehawk
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Location: Hank's Sports Bar - 5 minute walk from DS HQ
Rules: Anything goes. Anytime. Anyway.

Emily arrived to the nearest bar to the Dark Shadows headquarters, emotions from the past conversation with Al still running. It was frustrating to say the least, hell, he was frustrating. Not that Emily was the biggest fan of structure but the Dark Shadows was one thing in her life that was at least close to not being in shambles but Al had flushed that down the toilet years ago. On top of their conversation he had tried to kill her the day before, and she found out Ty, one of her oldest friends and fellow pyromage, was dead. She needed a drink. Well, Emily almost always ‘needed a drink’, but tonight especially. With a huff she plopped herself into the small stool at the bar and slumped over the wooden bench. As soon as the bartender so much as looked at her she simply instructs, ”Tequila and lemonade. And make it strong,” pulling a crumpled note out of her pocket and watching as the bartender rushes to get her order.

Jordan had spent a good portion of the day looking for a new drinking spot. After being kicked out of her last one for planting a woman's face down a toilet. It wasn’t Jordan’s fault. The woman had tried to force her to hand over money. Not cool. So Jordan had a few more shots and had at it. That had been a week ago, but she hadn’t found a decent replacement yet. Most bars involved guys who tried to get into her pants. And she hated those kind of places. On the far side of New York Jordan found a small bar that met her needs. It was was a tiny place, had very few patrons, and had a door leading to the alleyway behind if she needed a quick escape.

Approaching the bar she would sit herself down on one of the barstool, slouching her arms onto the bar. ”Triple Whiskey please” She ordered before putting some money on the table to pay for it. She flicked through her wallet for a second, Great. There was still a handful of notes, mostly 5’s but a couple of 10’s. Not enough to last her a night. At the very least she was going to have to find some poor sucker to try and mooch off.

As Emily received her drink another woman entered the bar, sitting near her. Initially Emily paid no attention to her and went toward cradling her drink and sipping at it. Despite this she heard the woman's order, Emily’s usual drink of choice and smirked. ”Y’know you're just asking to get fucked up, right?” she says to the woman, before taking a sip of her own drink.

Jordan usually made a point of not talking to others in a bar setting. It always invited some form of trouble. However tonight she was feeling a little more talkative than usual. ”I don’t come here to play pansy and watch sports” Her southern accent breaking through slightly. ”I come to get fucked up. Sometimes it involves drink, sometimes it doesn’t” She would take a large sip from the glass, downing the content in a single gulp before slamming the glass back onto the bar. ”Wonder what tonight is going to be?”

”Playing pansy ‘n’ watchin’ sport is for pussies anyway,” Emily replies, downing her drink in the next gulp. Chick wasn't as lightweight as she seemed, impressive. ”And what brings you to get pissed tonight, lost the ‘love o’ your life?” she then asks partly mockingly, turning in her seat to face the red head.

”I just love drink. It makes life so much easier. Don’t need a lover if you got this baby here” With the drink gone, Jordan raised her arm and ordered the same again. More money down the drain. But it was for a worthy cause after all: The cause of constant intoxication. ”Got kicked out of my last place. Put a chicks head down a toilet. Not ma’ fault if she wanted my money”

”Oath to that, alcohol ‘n’ one night stands,” Emily replies. As the bartender came over Emily holds out her glass. ”I’ll have what she’s having,” she says, swiping the glass as soon as the drink was poured and trading it for the coinage change between her last drink and her pockets. She turned her attention back to the young woman and gave an impressed nod. ”You feisty lil thing. I’m impressed,” she says, gulping down her new drink and mentally noting down to use that tactic in a bar fight one day.

”Impressed? That is pretty run of the mill stuff for me. Sorta what I do. Go around from bar to bar and drink until someone starts on me and then beat them up and get kicked out” With a fresh drink in front of her, Jordan repeated the same process as she did shortly before, downing it in a single gulp like it was water. ”Hopefully this place will last. At least drinking is far better than my day job”

Emily chuckles, ”If y’ think that you should meet my boss,” she muses, holding out her glass toward the bartender again. Emily was really ready to get fucked, and a bar fight sounded good too if she were honest. “What do ya do?” she then asks.

That was an awkward question. How did she answer that one without giving away a secret as old as time ”Oh, just… pest control. Lots and lots of pests. Gotta keep the world pest free” She chuckled as she proceed to then buy and down a third drink, the alcohol now starting to kick in. ”Your boss sounds like a dick. Never met him, but he sounds like a dick”

Emily pulled a sour face. ”I think anything is better than that. A pretty face likes yours should be in a better business,” she says, raising her glass toward the woman before gulping down her third drink. Well, her third drink from the bar, the flask whiskey didn't count at this stage. At Jordan’s comment about Al Emily chuckled. “You’re definitely right there,” Emily proclaimed, swaying in her seat.

”Bastard pretty much tried to kill me yesterday,” Pretty much was an understatement considering he did try to kill her but although her intoxicated mind couldn't stop her declaration of truth it could somewhat stop telling anything revealing.

”If he was going to going to kill me... I would kill him first. Nothing says shut the fuck up like a uppercut to the throat” Jordan laughed and did a uppercut motion, clearly the alcohol was getting to her. ”If you don’t like uppercuts, baseball bats work just as well” Pulling out her wallet she emptied it of its remaining money, just enough for a final whiskey. Not that she wasn’t already plastered. Ordering her final drink she sighed ”Looks like this is going to be the last one for me. No more money”

”Trust me, I was close,” Emily replies. ”A good tackle and a fist,” As Jordan ordered her drink Emily did also. “Have another one after this, my shout,” she says, holding out her glass toward Jordan “Cheers,”

”I can drink to that!” Jordan lifted her glass and tapped it against Emily’s own glass, before leaning back and once again consuming the drink effortlessly. Jordan leant across and hung her arm over Emily in a playful show of comradery, accidently pulling her sleeve down and revealing a part of her back. It was at that moment that Jordan noticed the flame-shaped mark on her back. ”Hey! Nice tattoo!” She slurred out of her mouth, struggling to connect the letters together.

As Jordan drank her whiskey Emily did so simultaneously, quickly replacing the glass to it’s spot on with a small clang. At Jordan pulling her sleeve down Emily gave no more than a chuckle. If a little one like her could do it that meant that, even if drunk, whoever her victim tonight would be could easily pull her shirt off. In her clouded drunk mind she was about to state this out loud to her new friend until she interjected, talking about her birthmark. In most cases Emily told people it was a tattoo, even if she was drunk, but for some reason she was feeling super truthful tonight and the alcohol had seemed to stop the message of the consequences of her truthfulness. ”Y’know. I tell most people it’s a tattoo but it’s actually a birthmark.“ she slurs, “How cool is that? I get a cool tat from birth and don't have to be jabbed by needles to do it!”

Jordan listened to what Emily had to say, but she was mainly fixated on the birthmark occupying her new friends shoulder. ”Awesome! It looks so cool!” Hearing Emily mention it was a birthmark caused her to release her grip and look back at Emily ”Get Out! I have one too”” With that Hayley grabbed at the collar of her top and pulled it down to reveal the lilypad birthmark on her upper chest ”See!?”

At the mention of Jordan having one too Emily’s eyes widened. “Get out of here! Seriously?!” she says excitedly as Jordan pull down her shirt. For a moment even Emily’s twisted mind didn’t think about how odd it may have looked. “That’s sooooooo cool! she says. “Wait. Wait!” she lowers her voice to a whisper ”Are you magi too?!”

As Emily whispered, Jordan leaned in to listen, smiling as she did ”Yeah, yeah I am. I actually work for the Guild” Jordan was interrupted from her slurish speech by a hiccup. ”Yeah. I help catch all those pests that thinks its ok to rebel. When I can be bothered…. Alcohol is more fun, and Salem doesn’t pay me enough”

”Wait, you work for the guild? That’s so funny! I work for the Dark Shadows!” Emily replies, still in the hushed tone. She then laughs for a bit on the irony of her new friend being on the other side of the fight of good versus evil. That’s when that fact properly sunk in. ”Wait a minute! You called me a pest! How dare you!”

When Emily mentioned she worked for the Dark Shadow, she couldn’t help but laugh, her brain not registering the consequences of what she said. A few seconds later, it did however dawn on her, which just true another laugh ”That is because you are a pest. You and your silly friends trying to rebel. It’s almost cute” She said as she carried on laughing.

Emily quickly went from her cheery demeanour to fuming. “You can't talk. Y’all are just a bunch of self-righteous pricks! You think you’re doing the ‘right’ thing but deep down you all know you're just doing whatever will convince you bitches that you're righteous!” she spits back.

Jordan’s laughing came to an abrupt end when she was suddenly called a prick by Emily. That was it. Jordan was mad now. She raised her hand and proceeded to slap Emily in the face ”The only prick here is you! Thinking it is all edgy and ‘cool’ to cause chaos!”

Emily’s face was left tingling as Jordan slapped her. Not the first she had been slapped, not at all. In return, Emily backhanded Jordan as she had Al earlier but with a harder force. ”We’re fighting for the right for magis to use their powers whenever they choose. Besides, we’re not just in it to fuel our own egos like you asses!”

Jordan would let out a small gasp of shock as she was backhanded by Emily, her face moving to the side. ”Fine...” She let out a huff, blowing some hair out of her face that had been dislodged from the backhand. ”So that’s how you wanna do this then?” Jordan straightened her head back out and would start throwing slap after slap at Emily’s face and body, not particular power.. Or accurate, but fast.

At Jordan’s comment, Emily smirked before simply stating ”Fight me, bitch,” and then she did, slap after slap. In return Emily slapped her back in the same fashion, fast and somewhat hard. She then stepped back, taking her advantage of her longer arms while continuing to slap Jordan over her body and face as well as slapping Jordan’s hands away from her.

It was going okay for Jordan until the bitch in front of her started to take advantage of the fact that she was over a foot taller and had a larger reach. Jordan was finding it harder and harder to try and hit Emily, but Emily was still coming down on her with slap after slap that was starting to leave behind a burning sensation. She needed to take back the momentum and decided to fight back by curling her left hand into a fist and uppercutting the taller woman in the right cheek. ”Take that you bitch!” She let out, panting heavily from the slap fest she had been subjected to.

At the punch Emily’s hand flies to her jaw as her eyes widen. She wasn’t expecting that at all. In a desperate attempt to do anything but stand there wounded Emily grabbed a handful of Jordan’s hair and yanked it back before punching her in the stomach.

Jordan would let out a painful yelp when suddenly Emily grabbed onto her hair. ”Son of bi…” Her words were cut short suddenly when Emily punched her in the stomach, causing the petite woman to gasp and cough slightly. She would raise both her hands up and grab onto Emily’s redhead lockes, before tugging on it like there was no tomorrow.

As Jordan grabbed Emily’s hair she howled in pain. ”You bitch!” she yells, using her free hand to backhand Jordan’s face again, ensure to drag the ring down her face.

Feeling the ring scratch down her face Jordan would growl, the burning sensation left behind from the ring stung like hell. Growling Jordan would keep tugging on the hair ”Bitch! You forget I do this for a living!” With that Jordan jumped up, thrusting her knee up trying to hit Emily in the bottom of her chest.

Emily stumbled a little and the blow before looking Jordan squarely in the eyes. “That’s cute, but guess what, sweetie?” she replies condescendingly. ” So do I, both in my day job and in the bedroom,” and with that Emily swipes at Jordan’s legs with one of her own in an attempt to trip her.

”So basically you are a whore” Jordan couldn’t retort anymore, as she was knocked to the ground, letting go of Emily’s hair and hitting the ground with a thud. The impact causes her to moan in agony, temporarily stunned from the crash.

Free from Jordan’s hold, Emily stretches her neck before walked to beside the woman. ”You say that as if I should be disappointed. Actually, no, I’m not a whore,” she stomps on the woman’s stomach before bending down close to her face and whispering [color=darkturquoise]“I’m a slut,”[color]

Jordan coughed when she felt Emily’s boot dig deep into her stomach. The resulting blow caused spittle to escape her mouth too, as well as winding her. Stomps fucking hurt. Laying there she watched as Emily got in close and began to correct her on her misused terminology. ”Ohhhh… ok…” She started ”So you have even less self-worth as you don’t even charge for men to have their way with you!?”” She balled her right hand into a fist and smirked at the woman leaning above her. ”So shall we see how much often that thing of yours is used?”With that she launched her fist upwards, hoping to strike right between Emily’s legs.

”I call it my gift to mankind, I get a good time, he gets a good fuck and if he’s lucky he’ll only find himself short of a few notes rather than his whole wallet,” With that she looked at Jordan smugly, not expecting what came next. Once it came though Emily stumbled back into the table behind her. Her face turned to one of shock. Despite this, however, she could mutter out a mocking line; ”Oh, I’m sorry sweetheart, but I lean toward men but I’m sure there’s some whore women you can pay for their time,”

”Trust me, i could do far better than you!” Jordan would roll onto her stomach and start to get up onto her hands and knees. Her back was still aching from the previous impact, so her speed at getting up wasn’t exactly the fastest. The rest of the bar patrons couldn’t help but be bewildered at what had caused these two...admittedly hot ladies suddenly start trying to kill each other. Some would recoil in horror and shock, but the majority would just watch with eager eyes.

Jordan finally rose to her feet. ”You ain’t bad, but you sure you wanna carry on? I am sure that moron Aloysius wouldn’t appreciate it if his cock-sucking lapdog came home all beaten and bloodied!” Jordan would rip the sleeves off her shirt and proceed to wrap them around her hands for a second while she spoke to Emily… shit was starting to serious.

At Jordan’s first comment, Emily smirked.”Well, we all know denial is the first stage of grief, but it’s okay, you’ll find someone almost as good as me someday,” Emily replies, a little more orientated after the punch, emphasis on the little thanks to the alcohol. ”Always up for a good fight, but are sure you want to stay? I did have you on the ground and there is much more where that came from. And don't worry about Al, he’ll be fine but if anyone's dead, it’s you. Are you sure you want to go on? I’m sure that queen bitch Salem would love to learn one of her prissy do-gooders has been breaking the law. If you do come back alive she might kill you herself,” At Jordan’s sleeve-ripping Emily had the intoxicated need to one-up her. She gave a cheeky smile and pulled off her shirt, throwing it at Jordan’s face leaving her standing with only a sports bra covering her top half. She then cracks her neck while reaching for the bottle in the table behind her.

Jordan would let out a yelp as the former shirt belonging to Emily was thrown at her face, obscuring her vision. She spent a few seconds grabbing at the side, trying to yank it off her face. While she was doing that, the remaining bar patrons couldn’t help but start whistling at Emily’s body, clearly impressed by it. After finally removing the shirt and throwing it to the ground, Hayley could see the reactions that Emily was getting. ”Well gentlemen… She started calling out ”The good news is if you love her that much that you wanna whistle, she doesn’t charge a fee to go for a ride. So if you all form a orderly queue i am sure she can look after you all one by one. She seems to be that whore-ish anyway. Jordan finished talking and just raised a suggestive eyebrow towards Emily.

As Jordan scampers to pull the shirt off of her face Emily swipes the bottle from the table behind her, holding it behind her back. Initially she was going to run at Jordan while she was trying to rid the shirt from her face but needing to fumble for the bottle cost her a few seconds. That was when Jordan gave her speech and Emily chuckled before calling out. ”But don’t worry, ladies of the room, little Jordan here is up for some girl on girl action and needs to get over the fact it won’t be with me! And I’m sure she’ll be happy for you men to watch if you’d be into that, she doesn't seem to be one to keep things private,” and with that Emily lunges forward with the bottle before attempting to hit her in the chest with it accompanied with muttering. “By the way, it’s not whore-ish, it’s slutty,”

”Bitch! Please!” Hayley called out ”Unlike you… I have standards… I don’t sleep with any woman, or man. I actually get to know them first.” Jordan was going to make another comment about Emily being a whore when suddenly Emily dashed forward towards her, and brought a beer bottle down onto her chest. The impact caused the glass to shatter into pieces right away, and an accompanying screech from Jordan. It hurt. Badly. The pieces of broken glass would also rip parts of her shirt and leave small pieces lodged in her chest, and any attempt to remove them just forced them deeper down. ”Gah!, you piece of shit” Jordan let out as she turned to the bar counter and grabbed an unfortunate mans beer glass and threw the entire contents at Emily's face and chest.

”So do I,” replied Emily to Jordan’s first comment ”It just happens over a short period while we’re drunk, not my fault that people have to resort to your personality before deciding if you're worth the time,” As soon as she flung the bottle Emily dashed away from it to avoid glass but still end up with a couple pieces on her, nothing that lodged into her though. ”I mean, I prefer bitch but piece of shit works too. You sure you don’t want to give in yet?” Emily replies with a smirk, that was when Jordan threw the beer in her face. For the most part it would have been ineffective except a decent amount went right into her eyes. Emily hissed as her hands flew to rub her eyes furiously.

Jordan would just smirk as she saw poor little Emily rubbing beer out of her eyes. Finally Jordan could get to work. Walking over to the blinded slut, Jordan grabbed her by the throat and pushed her down onto the table, letting her legs dangle off the end. ”Ready to see how a proper fighter works?” While keeping her left hand across Emily’s throat to pin her down, Jordan used her free right hand to punch Emily in the face, and then just to cause more pain, she repeated the punch again. ”You Dark Shadow members are pathetic!” she teased.

As she was chucked to the table Emily winced at the sudden toss. She allowed Jordan to whack at her a few times, more out of not actually being able to do anything as she adjusted to the new uncomfortable position. She was sure she’d seen the flash of a phone camera in the process. She glared in Jordan’s direction before, with a lot of strain, replying “So where’s this good fighter?” before swinging her legs up then attempting to kick her captive in the stomach.

Jordan finally felt in control. She had finally managed to corner this bitch and start to cause some damage. Sadly it was cut short when Emily raised her leg and effortlessly planted her foot right into Jordan’s stomach. Jordan would cough in agony, as the force caused her to let go and fall down to the ground. Several patrons of the bar would let out a groan or wince when they saw what Emily did. Some could even swore they felt the impact of the boot. Jordan just sat there on the floor holding her stomach.

Emily triumphantly straightened up from her position and looked over Jordan. ”So, where’s this good fighter you speak of? I’d like to meet them,” She replies. “No matter how pathetic we are at least we train well enough. Do you give in yet?”

Jordan held onto her stomach. She felt like she was going to throw up. And to make matters worse, Emily was now mocking her, and she could feel the anger building up inside of her. ”FUCK YOU!” Jordan shouted out, slowly climbing to her feet. ”I am not going to give in at all. Not to scum like you. You will have to break every bone in my body before I surrender” Jordan was about to throw a punch, when she was interrupted by the barkeep, who told them both to essentially piss off. Jordan just frowned and then as a evil idea came to mind, that frown turned into a smirk. ”Be glad to. I was taking the trash out anyway” Jordan reached out and grabbed onto Emily’s hair and began to pull her along to the fire exit at the back of the bar. Kicking the door open she swung Emily forward and let go of her hair, throwing her outside. Walking outside afterwards, Jordan slammed the fire exit shut, trapping them both outside. ”Just me and you now slut!”

Emily was triumphant, she had won, she felt it, but the bitch still got up. At Jordan’s declaration Emily gave a smirk. “Good, I’ve always wanted a live punching bag,”. Unfortunately the bar keep came before Emily could make a move. She didn't really plan on having permanently make a longer trip to the bar but it seemed that might be her situation soon. As soon as Jordan started dragging her out Emily replied “If you're taking out the trash why do you need me? Are you too short to get in the dumpster by yourself?”. She allowed herself to be dragged out. ”Fine by me, bitch, I’m not the one closest to death,”

One thing had become clear. Neither woman had grown tired of running their mouths. Both of them still had some bitchiness to give. Even if Jordan was weakened from Emily’s previous strikes. ”You forget, There is no one here right now. That means no one can save you. It also means we can up the stakes” Looking around Jordan spotted the perfect weapon. Walking over to the dumpster she picked up an old, albeit still functioning baseball bat. Sure the wood was slightly damp and rotten. But a bat was a bat. Swinging it around her arm with grace, it was clear that Jordan had some experience of using these kind of weapons. ”Do you realise how fucked you are yet? No more rules anymore slut. Prepare to die””

”You need to remember, no one’s here to save your dead ass either. I’m always ready to up the stakes, I was just warming up,” Emily watched as the woman sourced a weapon, a wooden one. She allowed the woman to have her fun, swinging the bat around and making a show of it. [color=darkturquoise]”Well not all that fucked as I was kicked out of the bar before choosing someone to spend my night with but neither were you, so even game. I can tell you, if anyone’s dying it’s you, smalltits,” she says. Emily makes no moves against her but crosses her arms, awaiting the first swing to light the hunk of wood on fire accompanied with a ”Good try, bitch,”

Jordan went to swing the bat, only for it to suddenly catch fire. So it turned out that Emily was a Pyromage? This was going to be fun. A wide smirk spread across Jordans lips as she held the burning bat. ”You have no idea how fucked you are...and...my tits ain’t small, they are perky.” With that she attempted to swing the flaming bat at Emily’s chest before dropping it before she burned her hands.

Emily just stayed still. Did Jordan not realise how ineffective the fire would be? Or that the bat was already quickly disintegrating? It collided with Emily’s chest, essentially disintegrating right there as the flames just faded off, a couple of sparks hitting the concrete ground before dying out. ”Ouch, so painful, I can't believe the agony,” she mocks before quickly delivering a roundhouse kick to the woman’s side. Losing her balance a bit after her foot had hit its target and she stumbled a few steps.

Jordan just frowned at the mock that was apparent in Emily’s tone. She didn’t know that Pyromages were fire retardant. Still. Jordan could land another attack and everything would be fine. However, Emily had another plan and ended up smashing her boot into Jordan's waist, sending her flying off the ground and landing a few metres away from Emily. The impact of boot onto skin echoed through the alleyway, and Jordan was left sitting on the floor holding her side, coughing heavily. ”F...fu...fuck” she spat out.

”You ready to give up now, bitch?” Emily screeched. She’d done it, she’d won, she knew it. ”’Cus I still got all this energy left and you're half dead,”

Jordan would slowly get up, her body hunched slightly to protect her already heavily damaged stomach. ”This isn’t over yet” Jordan held out her hand and summoned a sphere of water in her hand ”Last time I checked, water destroyed fire...” With that she would throw the sphere at Emily’s chest, it wouldn’t really knock her back much, water magic was crap at inflicting large scale damage, but it would at least soak her skin and sports bra to shit.

As soon as Jordan came back Emily groaned. Couldn't the woman just stay down? That was when she brought out her powers. The water sphere flew at Emily and burst of water covered her chest, running down her body, a few stray drops dripping down her arm. Emily was thankful it wasn't the middle of Winter or she would have been frozen. ”Well, I know you wanted me but I didn't think that much. I'm unsure whether I should be flattered or concerned,” Emily replies cheekily, forming a flame in her hand. She throws a single ball at her opponent’s chest. ”Water may beat fire but fire beats human,”

Hayley had to react fast, throwing up a wall of water to absorb the fireball. She didn’t wanna tell Emily, but she had been in very few magic battles, and wasn’t used to the speed that someone could throw attacks. Despite her outwardly cockiness, Jordan was starting to consider the possibility that she may be outmatched. ”Nice try, but water always wins” With that, Jordan ran forward towards Emily, jumping up at the last moment retracted her arm and then sent it flying forwards, trying to throw a jumping punch at Emily’s face. A risky move, but if it worked, hopefully it could swing things back in the petite woman’s favor.

A little piece of Emily’s cockiness was booted as Jordan intercepted the fireball with ease but she didn't let it show, instead she summoned another flame in her hand, ready to plan her next move but Jordan came bolting toward her. Emily barely had time to comprehend what was coming, let alone act on it and soon Jordan’s powerful fist collided with her cheek and she groaned in pain, stumbling a few steps sideways.

”See slut, I can still hurt you!” Usually, Jordan was gloating at this point as the poor bitch who challenged her was bleeding on the floor. Though this time round she was celebrating internally that she managed to land the hit. She tried to not let up though, she couldn’t allow Emily any time to recover. She ran over the retreating Emily and threw a second punch, this time aiming squarely for her nose. She wanted blood this time. That would show this bitch who was boss.

Emily stumbled, trying to regain herself but didn't get the chance because as soon as she was close to reorientating herself and Jordan came right at her nose with a decent smack. ”FUCK!” she screams, clutching her nose. She sniffs a few times before removing her hand, a small trail of blood dripping from her right nostril. She looked at the woman in slight disbelief for only a moment before wiping the blood away, some more dripping down. She glared at Jordan before muttering, just loud enough for the woman to hear, “Die, bitch,” and delivers a flurry of blows from her nose down to her stomach. Not as hard as single punches yet still powerful and fast-paced

Jordan just smirked as she saw blood. She finally managed to do some proper damage,and seeing her opponents blood always made her giddy inside. That smirk was very quickly wiped off her face when she saw, Emily's reaction. Before Jordan could do anything else, Emily had dashed forward and began a barrage of blows at her. The first three hit her face and chest unhindered, but eventually Jordan was able to raise her forearms and block the punches. But then the punches simply moved down to her tender stomach, causing Jordan to cough heavily. She lowered her guard, and the punches moved back to her face. Emily had her in an impossible situation, where Jordan was the only loser. If she tried to retreat, Emily closed the gap. Eventually Jordan was able to get Emily to back off, but as soon as she did she began to cough harder and bend over. As she heaved and coughed, it would become apparent that a small stream of blood was dripping from her mouth. Standing up straight, the blood would end up decorating her face as a single stream of red liquid. ”Hope you are pleased with yourself bitch!” Jordan would use both of her hands to summon a jetstream of water aiming right for Emily, trying to completely soak her and force her to the ground.

As Jordan stumbles back a large grin falls upon Emily’s face. Even if the bitch wouldn't give up yet, any damage was progress. ”Why wouldn't I be?” she beams. That’s when the water came, shoving Emily backwards before forcing her to the ground.

As the stream of water hit Emily and knocked her down, Jordan just laughed out loud. ”Look at you slut… I didn’t know you were wet for me. You can hardly control yourself” While Jordan did enjoy her joke, she knew now was the serious part of fighting. Jordan would get closer to Emily, concentrating the stream of water at her face ”Pretty hard to breath when you have water pumping in your face isn’t it? I give it a few more minutes and I may even be able to drown a hoe” If Emily tried to move her head, Jordan would try and keep up with her. ”Imagine the headlines: Local Slut drowns on own wetness for smokin hot gal”

Em had a comeback, she had words but nothing could be said thanks to the stream of water constantly hitting her face. She could barely breathe and Jordan followed her movements… but her hands were free and Jordan was distracted. Knowing this she flung fireballs at Jordan’s legs as that involved less of a need to move her hands.

Jordan was adamant she had gotten the bitch. Then suddenly something impacted her left leg. Her leg suddenly began to get very warm. Looking down she could see that her jeans were on fire. Letting out a yell of panic she quickly turned the stream of water onto herself to put the fire out, soaking her jeans in the process. The lower left leg had completely burnt off, and her skin was now somewhat stinged as a result of the fire too.”You Pyro bitch, these were my favourite pair of jeans. These were my drinking jeans… you… Pyroslut!”

”Well you shouldn’t have brought them to a bar fight, shouldn't have you? But let’s get back to this wet thing, let’s reevaluate that. I’m pretty sure it’s your water and let’s consider where it is on each of us, hm? Like I said before, flattered but not interested,” Emily replies before turning and throwing another fireball in Jordan’s direction.

Jordan was slightly more prepared and was able to use a water sphere to intercept the incoming fireball. But it was starting to become easily noticeable that Jordan was slowing down. Most fights she had been in had been over in a few brutal moves, and her endurance for long haul fights had yet to be tested until tonight. Her inexperience in magic battles too didn’t help. ”Look, i already told you. I don’t sleep with Dark Shadow fuck hoes… though actually… I take that back… Tiberius… I would so do Ty….” Jordan would hunch slightly and cough again, a second stream of blood running from her mouth. It was clear that she definitely had some internal bleeding issues.

Emily was ready for another attack already but she wasn't ready for what Jordan said next. This sent Emily fuming, the prior night of drinking and punching a dummy was one thing but this was practically next level. ”You don't deserve to even UTTER his name you bitch!” she yells. Although beaten and worn a surge of energy ran through, almost like the power of vengeance. From there she knees the girl in the stomach and when she doubles over forms a wave of fire over her fist and punches the woman in her already damaged stomach as hard as her body would let her.

There wasn’t any warning for what was about to happen. Suddenly Emily had shouted at Jordan and it only made her confused. Why was she acting like that? She didn’t get a chance to ask as suddenly Emily’s knee came into her stomach and hammered with enough energy it caused Jordan to double over, coughing more blood almost right away. Jordan thought that was the worst of it, but she was oh so wrong. The follow up fire strike lifted her off the ground, a good thirty to 40 centimetres before sending her tumbling back down. The impact had burnt right through her shirt and left a nasty burn imprint where Emily’s fist had dug into her. Landing on the floor, Jordan was violently coughing now, blood pretty much overflowing from her bottom lip. She would spit some blood out so she could talk for a second ”Why did you act like that?” More blood blocked her mouth, so another spit was needed to carry on ”Do you love him or something?” She could say anything else, as more blood was rushing upwards into her mouth.

As Jordan fell to the ground Emily just watched her with a fierce and steely gaze. ”Drop the clueless act. I’m sure they would have told you triumphantly. Ty was one of my closest friends, and now he’s dead,” and with that Emily delivered a final stomp to her stomach.

”Wh...hat!? Was the only word Jordan could get out until Emily stomped her hard that the pain and blood loss forcibly knocked her out. So now Jordan just lay there on her side, unconscious and limp, blood slowly dripping from her nose, mouth and a few, small trickles down her ears...almost the same way that Ty had been killed.

With that Emily slings the body over her shoulder, ragdoll style, and shuffles over to the dumpster with the lowest rim and tosses Jordan in. “Looks like you really did need help taking out the trash,” Emily mutters, and with that, too shaken and broken to care about finding a lover for the night, she heads back to the Dark Shadows headquarters. Shirtless, blood under her nose and on her back, marks on her cheeks and throat and soaking wet.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hedgehawk
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Aloysius & Emily Afterhours

A collab between @jakeb1993 & @SouffleGirl123
Location: Dark Shadow HQ.
Date: 3rd August 2017
Time: 10.00PM

Emily was glad she’d spent her night at the nearest bar, and the fact it was only a short walk back to the Dark Shadows headquarters. The adrenaline from the fight had started wearing off and, although not as intensely as her opponent would have been, Emily was in pain. Particularly on her face of all places. In a mixture of that pain and the large amount of alcohol in her system the woman stumbled down the street on her way home.

Eventually she reached the Dark Shadows headquarters, swinging the door shut with no real care to how loud it would be. Although she wasn't as wet as when she left the bar thanks to the Summer breeze she was still a bit damp on her face and chest but the marks and blood from the wild night were still completely visible. She stumbled down the corridor in the direction of her room

Aloysius had been spending the day somewhat productively and now everyone was either leaving or going to bed for the night. Aloysius himself was at the meeting table looking at some plans he had been drawing up. This was when he was interrupted by the large smash of the main door closing, the noise enough to force him to drop his current train of thought. Looking up and who had disturbed his peace, he was shocked to see that it was Emily of all people.

Her appearance was shocking, startling and somewhat baffling for Aloysius. There she was staggering along with a damp body, wearing her sports bra, which at this point was so saturated with water it might as well not have actually been there and to top it off, blood was smeared in various locations of her remaining clothes and bare skin. Aloysius would stare longer than he should have. Despite the blood it was an attractive body afterall…

”What the hell happened to you?” He would pat the chair next to him, ushering her to sit down. ”Were you attacked? Who attacked you? It was Rebecca wasn’t it? While his cool and devil may care attitude had come back, there was still a hint of worry in his voice. He was worried more about Rebecca striking than Emily being hurt though.

”Aloysius!” Emily greeted the man as soon as he looked up to see her, paying no regard to the members who were probably attempting to sleep at the moment. Or at least were hoping for some peace and quiet for the rest of the night. The nights Emily got seriously drunk tended to end her up in another random’s bed so her late night stumbling and yelling arrival was a rare occurrence but an obvious one when it came around.

At his silent offer, Emily threw herself into the chair, slouching back into it. As his rapid fire questions Emily gave a chuckle. ”Y’need to calm down there, bossman! she replies, still rather loudly, maneuvering the swivel chair to swing left and right, left and right in a continuous motion, using her whole body to do so. ”I was not attacked. Well, I was, but not by Rebecca. In other words, I just took part in an epic bar fight,” she slurs, continuing to swing in her seat.

A bar fight? All these for a bar fight? Aloysius was less than pleased, though now she was closer, he could see the skin glowing from the lights above them. ”A bar fight? You got into a bar fight. With whom?” He asked, observing her body from top to bottom with his eyes, noting the damage to her face ”Look I get you like that sorta kinky shit in the bedroom, but I didn’t think you liked to get choked” Aloysius pointed out to her, brushing his hand against her bruised neck.

Aloysius’ face initially showed Emily that he wasn't too impressed, not that she really cared too much, it took a lot more than a disappointed expression to hold Emily back anyway. Very little did that. ”Some little Guild chick,” Emily replies simply to his first question as his hand brushes where Haley had grasped her throat only half an hour ago, give or take. Could have been longer, or shorter, Emily was bad with time as it was, the fact her mind was clouded in her intoxication did not help. The only time she needed to know was the approaching dusk to sneak out of her last lover's bed before he woke up and realised he was missing a few things.

Emily winced ever-so-slightly at Al’s touch. A bruise was a bruise, and the fact that it was on her throat probably did it no good either. ”I think we both know full well if someone’s gettin’ choked in the bedroom it whoever I spend the night with. Nah, turns out the bitch had a strong choke hold,” she replies. At this stage she had stopped swinging on her chair and had it facing Aloysius.

A Guilder. Emily got into a bar fight with a Guilder. First Circe and now this? Great ”Please tell me you didn’t kill her?” He let out with a moan ”I can’t be bothered with having to deal with a Salem who wants us all dead. And also, what happened to your nose” He couldn’t help but comment on the nose and the blood that dried underneath. His eyes still couldn’t let go of her body, even if he was trying to hide it from Emily.

”Nah, got pretty close but she ain’t dead. Just unconsciously lying in the dumpster as the trash she is. Besides, she initiated the fight, does it a lot too apparently. Salem ain’t gonna be mad about that. Not reasonably,“ she slurs, spinning the chair a full 360 before continuing. ”Lil thing packs a punch, I ain’t gonna lie, Al. She clobbered me right in the nose but I got her in the stomach, like, 3 times so it evens out,” She leans back in the seat, a burp smelling very strongly of alcohol escaping her lips. That was when she noted Al’s eyes were still her body. She gave him a smirk. ”What’s wrong, Al? What me to take it off?” she offers, for the most part, jokingly.

Aloysius would look away when she was caught on that he was staring at her body. He would never openly admit it that Emily did have a rather rocking body. ”And why exactly are you wet?” Aloysius asked her, turning back to face her properly ”I wouldn’t say no to taking it off, just not in the middle of the meeting room where everyone can see” He said with a sly smirk.

At asking why Emily was wet she gave a smirk, [color=darkturquoise]”Just for you, Al,”[color] she jokes before the truth serum powers of the alcohol set in and she added, ”And the guild bitch was a hydromage.” As Al gave his next reply Emily just continued smirkin. ”Hm. If we’re gonna go through having to move maybe you should take it off for me,” Emily replies, matching the sly demeanour of the man in front if her.

Was she serious? Was she seriously hitting on him? ”Well the Hydromage certainly did a number on you… I mean the bruises are… unfortunate” These conversations: the lewd suggestions, the playful flirting, all reminded him of the times he had with Ty. And while he was trying so hard to give away those feelings in his heart, suddenly that feeling of lust had been ignited upon seeing Emily walk into the room.

”I mean… I could remove it. Though you know that if i did, it wouldn’t be with my hands” He would smirk even wider. ”She must have soaked you real good for to still be moist now” His choice in words was deliberate. Al and Ty did this kind of flirting chess every time they messed around, and Aloysius would be lying if he said he wasn’t loving doing it again right now.

Emily could see right where this was going and there was a guarantee that she was going to do none to stop it. ”She did but I’m not the one banged up and lying unconscious in a dumpster, now, am I?” she replies, running a hand through her ginger hair.

”I can’t say you’d be the first to do that but what were you planning on removing it with?” Emily replies, awaiting his next comment to answer as soon as it came. ”Well she fancied me. We were both very… moist after that event,” Emily replies, coming in close to Al through that last comment. Admittedly, Emily found the foreplay almost as fun as what was to come after. She had a big mouth and any time she could spend using it made her happy. Foreplay have her that right accompanied but knowing what was to come.

”Well I think rather than telling you… We could just find out upstairs” Aloysius would lean in a little closer too towards Emily ”So you threw her into the Dumpster? Literally taking out the trash?” Aloysius stood up and walked to behind Emily, resting his hands on her shoulders. He would rub her shoulders for a second before hooking a finger underneath her sports bra straps, teasingly lifting them. ”I am guessing this blood is all from your nose?”

In the brief moment he rubbed her shoulders Emily let out a soft content moan. ”Is there really any better place for one of Salem’s rats?” she replies, rolling her shoulders. With his next action she turns to give him a sly look. ”How would you expect it to get there, of course not. Sometimes taking out the trash is a bit… dirty,” she replies, articulating the last word particularly.

”So how much did you make her bleed?” Aloysius asked, releasing the straps and then hooked Emily’s with his forearms by pushing them under her arms. He then proceeded to lift her up to her feet, spinning her around so he could study her body with his eyes again. ”How many drinks have you had?”

At his first comment Emily chuckled, ”Enough. Scratch here and there. Blood from her nose and mouth. No one knows how much had been done internally,” she replies, allowing herself to be moved by Al, stumbling a little as he spins her but reorienting herself. “I don't know, Al, like 4 in the bar then whatever I drank through the day, enough to be totally fucked right now,” she slurs. She pushes, stumbling a little more. Now that the adrenaline from the fight had worn out the drunkenness was really starting to take effect. ”But if we're doing this thing, you gotta know, you may be the ruler of Dark Shadows but in the bedroom I always take charge.”

Aloysius just laughed as she spoke out, it was clear that she was really started to become plastered. ”That is cute” He hesitated for a second. A part of him knew what he was about do was wrong, but he still wanted to do it. So he would wrap his arms around Emily, and rest his arms at the bottom of her back. ”If you want control tonight, you are going to have to earn it…” He smirked coyly, watching her eyes as she looked at him.

Emily gave a gentle laugh, wrapping her arms around his neck. ”As if my epic win against you and beating a Guild to a pulp isn’t enough,” she jokingly huffs before continuing on. ”Then take me upstairs, bossman, and I can show you how I manage to never be back until morning,”

Aloysius swiped her up off her feet with his hands and carried her bridal style. ”We shall see then won’t we?” Aloysius carried her up the stairs at the back of the room and with some difficulty, opened the door to his private bedroom. He would slowly lower Emily onto the bed. ”Right shall we get started?” With that he kicked the bedroom door shut and locked themselves away for the night.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Cerces22
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Cerces22 Your worst nightmare

Member Seen 3 mos ago

August 3rd, 2:30 AM Central Park, Circe

Circe wondered through the massive park in the middle of Mahattan Island, her arms folded across herself, desperately holding in the struggle going through her. Ty was dead, her mind raced in directions they had never done so in almost ten years. Though not anywhere close to resembling the mountain range she grew up on in Pennsylvania this was close enough.

"He was ours, baby. Ty was ours to kill, and that damned fool let that idiot go an get dead. This is no laughing matter, they must die baby, all of them. They must return to the Darkness that they were born from. We are that darkness!!" She said to her shadow that peeked out through every street lamps light.

The young woman wondered into a thicker part of the park and hid herself in the trees, dropping to the ground, a careening wail would escape from her mouth. She collected herself enough to lean against one of the trees and stared off towards the darkness.

"No, I will not let go, my name is not fucking Elsa. I am here because YOU needed me!! When that worthless mundane would come home high as a kite and beat your weak willed mage mother half to death. And what happened when he was done with her?? Yesssss, than he would storm in and work you over. That's where I was born, in your anger and despair, and hopelessness. And after that bitch of a mother finally died and they shipped you off?? What happened than?? Yes, those so called foster homes, with the pigs that adopted you, I grew on that, festered like a damn infection, because you were weak like your mother. A little weak bitch who wouldn't fight back from those that used your body!! You gave me control, and I am having to much fun to give it back!!"

As she argued with herself, hot tears poured down her face. Her shadow rose from the ground, taking on a more human shape, it closed the distance to Circe and struck out at her.

"I was a young girl!!" The shadow shouted, though it was close, the voice sounded far away. "I was to little to fight, I was only starting to learn about my powers, until you came around!! You promised we would fight together, that you would help save me!!"

"AND I DID YOU UNGRATEFUL SKANK!! I SAVED YOU AND AS I TOOK OVER AS PAYMENT!! IF YOU CAN'T FIGHT, I WILL!!" Circe was now standing again, facing what could only be confusingly to anyone else as herself. "They killed Ty, the one man whose reminds us so much like your father!! A drunk, abusive whore!! It was our right to kill him, no one else's!!"

"Ty was not abusive!! He was very passionate, in our entire time with Dark Shadows, he never hurt us. You just won't admit that you fell for Ty like I did because you only know how to kill!! I am taking my body back you sociopathic hag!!" Shadow Circe's arm formed into a long sword and she glided at her murderous other self.

"You don't have the strength to kill me!! That's why you made me you pathetic little girl!!" Circe threw up a wall to block Shadow Circes strike. "First I am going to kill myself, than I am going to hunt that troll Rebecca down and play hide the knife with her. Than I am going to find that shining star Salem and turn her into a Jim Henson puppet, and when everything is all over, I am going to that prick Aloyusius and I am going to shove so much darkness down his throat, that he will become his own wind tunnel!!"

Shadow Circe heard everything her darker self said, and use it to spurn her own. The forgotten young woman phased through the wall that Circe threw up and ran a blade right through were the Shifter had injured her the night before. A look of surprise crossed the insane versions face.

"You forgot you stupid crazy bitch!! You made me into this shadow!! And darkness doesn't affect darkness!!" Insane Circe smiled and slumped to the ground. A laugh coming through her mouth.

"Who would of guessed, in an attempt to kill myself, it was my other self that for me. Hehehehe. Ow that's some crazy shit kid. Don't think I am going away, I will always be in the darkness, waiting to take control back." Circes light left her eyes, and Shadow Circe sighed.

Circe opened her eyes and looked around, she was still in the clearing in Central Park. She stood on wobbly legs, it was the first time she was in control of her pyshical body in almost ten years. Her mind no longer divided in half, though she could of sworn she still could hear laughter in her thoughts. She stepped out of the trees and bumped into a couple men.

"Whoa, hey, what have we got here. A drunk little thing lost in the big city. What do you say honey, how bout you say sorry like a good little girl." Circe looked up at the men and smiled....
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by PureHeroine
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Lana & Zeke

A collab between @Zetsuko & @PureHeroine
Location: Carl's Grocers
Date: 3rd August 2017
Time: 2:00PM

It had been a rough few days for Lana with losing Ty at the auction, bearing witness to the events in the time cube, and having to put up with a grieving Al. She didn't want to think about it anymore, it was stressing her out, so she was putting all of her focus into work. It was just menial tasks, stacking shelves, packing bags, and sweeping and mopping floors, but it was just mind numbing enough to distract her. She was actually dreading going on break. She didn't have anyone to talk to, none of her colleagues would go near her, so it meant she would have to find some other way to distract herself.

'Maybe I could-' She was cut off mid thought when she felt herself walk into something, or rather, someone. Lana's eyes jolted up from her phone -at which she had been staring while trying to find a song to listen to- and were met with the face of someone she didn't recognize; at least not right away. It took her a few moments to realize he was the new guy, in her defence, she didn't really pay any mind to the other people working around her.

Rather than apologizing, the green haired woman just stood there staring at his face, with her head slightly tilted to one side and her brows furrowed. There was something about the "tattoo" on his face that just seemed...off. "You...you're a-" Lana stopped herself before she said anymore, when she realized they were still standing in the middle of the store.

It was rough losing a friend, sure he may not have been that close with most of the other guild members but being the one that found Elizabeth's body and then having to be the bearer of bad news, it could only make things worse. He had only sent a message to Salem to let her know before finishing his patrol, deciding he'll give his full report the next day.

Carrying on like things were normal was probably the hardest part since it was still fresh in his mind, more so with his other have nagging to answer the challenge in the message left behind at the scene, to "even the score" as it were. Still he managed to deal with it, focusing on his job. Though with his focus on his menial-yet-distracting tasks he didn't notice someone coming toward him until they bumped into him, causing him to drop what was in his hand.

"Oh, I'm sorry" He quickly picked up what was dropped and placed it on the shelf before turning to find the woman staring at his face. He just stared back in the moment. He was told that the green-haired girl in front him was Lana but didn't know much else about her since she kept to herself before. Eventually he figured he should speak up but she beat him too it and what she said surprised him.

He briefly considered trying to play it off like he was a gang member with a face full of past mistakes or something like he usually does but with the way she was looking at him he knew it would be no use. Instead he just glanced around, lowered his voice, and asked "How do you...know about that?"

At first Lana was unsure whether her assumption about him being a mage was right or not. The marking on his face certainly stood out, but she could still be mistaken. At least if she was wrong, she hadn't said anything she couldn't come back from. Fortunately, it didn't take long before the male responded, asking her how she knew and confirming her suspicions. She couldn't very well go into detail in the middle of the aisle, so she took the man by the wrist and began leading him out the back towards the break room. Once they were finally there and she was sure they were alone, she let go of his wrist, but kept her back towards him.

For awhile she just stood there not saying anything, contemplating whether or not it was a wise decision to tell him. There was a chance he worked for The Guild, and if he found out she was aligned with Dark Shadow, things could get out of hand very easily. She had to give him some explanation how she knew what he was though. Eventually Lana would reach one hand behind her head and brush her hair up far enough for him to see the black marking on her neck. Then she would finally turn to face him again, cautiously awaiting his reaction.

Zeke soon found himself being led by the wrist, Lana dragging him along toward what he guess would be the break room or storage, just somewhere private. Along the way he caught another coworker snicker at their passing out of the corner of his eye, to which he only returned an awkward smile as they passed along. When they did finally reach the break room he waited in silence, watching her back while she stood in front of him until she finally moved. After she revealed the she was a mage herself and turned around it was his turn to go silent.

Unknowingly making similar contemplations to her he wondered if it was safe to reveal what he really did. If she was part of Dark Shadow and found out he was with the guild, things could get out of hand very easily. "You're one too?" He didn't want to assume the worst of course, but it couldn't hurt to play it safe, so in the end he decided to start where first meetings usually do. "The other's told me your name: Lana, but we haven't really talked.” He briefly thought of holding out his hand but instead put it on his hip. "My uh, My name's Zeke"

"Oh, well it's nice to meet you...Zeke." Even for someone who didn't socialize well, it was the most awkward introduction she'd ever had. Especially because she didn't even introduce herself, he already knew her name. Lana also didn't know how to proceed. She had to be careful, or she would risk giving herself away to a potential enemy, but she couldn't just say nothing. If he wasn't a Guildy, then she might just be able to recruit him. "Do you often meet other magi? I honestly can't remember the last time I met one myself."

Zeke let himself relax a little, maybe this was just another mage trying to get by just like he used to. Still, he wasn't about to mention the guild just yet, it would be nice to meet another mage without that hanging over his head. Shrugging he answered with "I've met a few, don't think I'd say I meet them often though. I tend to move around a lot, usually keep to myself.". The whole thing was a bit awkward, but seeing as how neither of the two where really people persons that's probably to be expected "What about you? You been in New York long?"

Things seemed to be going well, so Lana allowed herself to relax a little and moved to sit down on one of the chairs that were placed around a small table in the middle of the room. "I see. I moved here with my family a few years ago, though I don't live with them now." While thinking of what to say next, she decided it would be better to stick to basic questions rather than bring up anything Guild related. Although The Guild was pretty common knowledge to any mage, it would still be unusual to mention them so abruptly. "What brought you to New York? I mean, of all the places you could go why here?"

Zeke took another one of the seats at the table "It was just kindof the next place to go really. I've been wandering about the country for about...16 years now. I've been almost everywhere else" Technically it was true, though it was all about the old him before the guild and his broken mind. "Left home when I was nineteen" he gestured to his face "didn't want to draw too much attention to the family" there was a pause before he spoke again "So why'd your family come here?"

Lana crossed her arms and brought them up to rest on the table to hold herself up as she leaned forward. She couldn't tell whether anything he was saying was true or not, but it was interesting nonetheless. On the subject of truthfulness, she wasn't sure about how open she should be about herself. Lies tended to catch people up, but she didn't want to go giving away too much personal information to someone she just met. "My parents just wanted a change in scenery I guess. We came from a small town, so adjusting to a big city was difficult, but exciting at the same time."

"I see" He leaned back in his chair and leg his chair and let his legs stick out "City been good to you? find the change you guys were looking for?"

All this talk about her family was beginning to stir up old thoughts and feelings, things she hadn't thought or felt on a long time. It was beginning to make her a little uncomfortable, as he could probably tell by the way she shifted in her seat. She slowly straightened herself up and moved her arms up to cross under her chest. "It's...certainly brought change, but, it was far from what we were looking for." Her voice was soft, her eyes dropped from him to her lap, and she sat there for a second or two trying to keep herself composed. Finally, once she was sure she wasn't going to lose it, she looked up at him again and returned his question. "What about you? How's the city been treating you so far?"

Zeke muttered a small "sorry" feeling bad that the topic's got her a little upset but carried on as she asked him another question "City's been...decent to me, I guess. Like most places I kinda just go by unnoticed really" glancing in a random direction he thought of what to say next. Since her past seemed to make her uncomfortable he thought it was best to change the subject so he went with what they had in common "So, when did you discover yours?

Another question the had her mind delving even further into her past to the time where everything changed. It wasn't as painful a memory to think about, but it still bothered her. Bryan Mathers was someone she preferred not to think about. It wasn't that she regretted what happened, just how and when. "It happened not long before we moved here, actually. It was quite sudden. One second everything was normal and the next it wasn't. I guess that's how it is for a lot of people though." In order to try and keep the mood light, Lana forced what she hoped was a believable enough smile onto her face. "What about you?"

Zeke returned her smile, even if he could tell she was still affected by the topic "I found out real young, both my parents were magi so it wasn't as much of a shock for me. Guess I was...kinda lucky" he shifted and rested one arm on the table "Can I ask what you can do? what your magic is?

Lana was reluctant to answer at first, she didn't know if giving her power away was a good idea or not, especially since she had no idea what he was capable of, or who he really was yet. She had no reason to believe he was dangerous though, so in the end she decided it wouldn't be too bad. "Better yet, why don't I show you?" After checking to make sure the coast was clear, Lana began looking around the room for something she could demonstrate her power on. Eventually she settled on doing something simple, like levitating one of the empty chairs from the around the table.

Zeke smiled at her display, it was kind of exciting to find someone with the same power as him "haha, I don't think I've ever met another telekinetic before" since she showed him her's he figured he should return the favor. Soon the chair opposite the one Lana was levitating would rise up along with it. He let the chair back down a moment later, still smiling but seemingly at a loss for what to say next.

Lana's first reaction was surprise, and then...jealousy? She couldn't be sure, but meeting someone else with the same power irked her. She didn't let that on though, and kept the smile from earlier on her face. "Wow, what are the chances of this?" She finally set the chair she had been levitating down and turned back to face Zeke. "So...are you, with The Guild?" It might have seemed strange to ask, but The Guild was common knowledge to practically all mages, so it wouldn't be unusual for her to know about it.

Zeke admittedly got a little nervous at the mention of the guild and looked down at his hand. He still didn't want to reveal he was part of it "No, no I'm not with them" he nervously tapped his fingers on the table ""My family always kept their head down, we never really got on either side of the whole thing...part of the reason I felt like I had to leave" he looked back up at her "It's also why I moved around alot" his smile faded slightly, face becoming a bit more neutral

Lana noticed his nervousness in the way he was acting, the way he looked down at his hand, the way his fingers drummed nervously at the table, and the way his smile faded when he was finished talking. In turn, this made her a little nervous and she began second guessing her decision to bring The Guild up. Though based off of the answers he gave, she convinced herself it had been the right move after all. "I see. Well personally, I'm not particularly inclined to their way of thinking, I would prefer to be free from their rules and restrictions."

Lana paused to glance around for a moment just to be sure there was no one else around listening in, before she leaned over the table again and spoke in a hushed tone. "As it turns out, not so long ago, I stumbled across a group of like-minded individuals, known as Dark Shadow. We are dedicated to fighting for the freedom of all magi and as far as I know, we are always welcome to new members. If you're interested, I could set up a meeting?"

At the mention of Dark Shadow Zeke eyes widened a bit, in surprise mostly but with a little recognition "That...I-I'm not exactly fond of all their rules, and all the moving around can be tiring but...something like that" He trailed of in uncertainty. While it may seem like he was conflicted about joining, in his mind he was contemplating whether or not he should reveal himself and arrest her for the guild or if he should take this opportunity to try and infiltrate Dark Shadow's ranks.

Lana wasn't surprised by his hesitancy, in fact she expected it. Of course joining a group like Dark Shadow was frowned upon, and she didn't expect any mage to jump at the chance of it. His reluctance was actually a little reassuring, it meant he was really considering his options, which meant he must at least be of sound mind and not like the bunch of crazy people she worked with. "I understand. Honestly, I was skeptical myself at first. But I know I made the right choice in the end. I don't necessarily agree with everything Dark Shadow does or stands for, but I'm not just going to sit by and watch while my fellow magi get prosecuted for simply wanting to be free. We didn't ask to be born this way, but we are, we shouldn't have to live in fear or shame of that. The Guild do more to help their precious nonmagi than they do their own people. Where is the justice in that?"

The girl could make a convincing speech, if he didn't know what he knew he'd probably have considered joining. But as it stand he knew what Dark Shadow did and what they were capable of, and whether or not he completely agreed with the Guild he knew they had to be stopped. He made his decision a moment later, nodding slowly "you're...right. This running and hiding, we shouldn't have to live this way. I'll help, I'll meet your people" He hoped he was playing the semi-reluctant prospect well enough, things could go all kinds of wrong if he walked into the rest of DS and they found him out.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by PureHeroine
Avatar of PureHeroine


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Lana, Salem & Zeke

A collab between @Zetsuko @PureHeroine & @HaleyTheRandom
Location: Carl's Grocers
Date: 3rd August 2017
Time: 2:45PM

The past few days had been a whirlwind for Salem. It seemed that when things happened, they happened hard. Rebecca, Aloysius and his new powers and then the meeting with Al last night. It was enough to make someone want to scream. Salem however was one of the few people who could thrive in environments such as these.

Maybe thrive was the wrong word to use. But she was ok with dealing with the pressure that being the Guild leader brought upon her. Despite this confidence, something was eating away at her: a small nagging feeling that wouldn't stop gnawing away at the corners of her mind. Lana. During the events of the Auction, Salem had planned to play a game of mental chess with Lana and try and show doubts about the Dark Shadow in her mind. However Rebecca and her ambush meant that Salem's plan had been cut short, and all Salem could do was slip a timecube into her hand.

So now was the time for Salem to try and speak to Lana again, and try to straighten things out. So that was what she was doing today, sneaking out of the Guild HQ, leaving Aliira in charge, while she located and spoke to Lana. Despite Aloysius’s gloating with regards to the lack of intelligence on Dark Shadow members, Salem knew a fair bit about them. She knew where Lana worked, and that was all she needed to know. Approaching the convenience store, Salem looked around the building, moving around the isles, scanning for that green hair that would so easily give Lana away. No such luck however. Maybe Lana wasn't working a shift today?

Determined to discover whether or not Lana was actually in the building, Salem ended up asking a member of staff, who pointed out she had seen her go into the break room a few minutes ago. She opened the door and stepped inside only to hear Zeke's last words. Help? Meet People? That sounded like defection. Still. The door was open. Closing the door quietly, and then making sure to twist the lock so she couldn't be disturbed Salem walked over to the duo, anger burning in her pupils.

“Zeke!” She let out with a small shout of annoyance, eager to not shout too loud to attract attention outside the room. “What the actual fuck do you think you’re doing?” She impatiently began shaking her leg slightly. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn't burn you into a pile of ash on the spot you piece of shit. Loyal my ass!”

Zeke quickly turned his head as the sound of his name, eyes widening in surprise at who he saw there "Salem?!" He stood up with the surprise, a response not coming quickly with her sudden appearance "I-what are you doing here?" It was all he could really get out quickly, now on one side Lana would now he lied about his involvement with the guild, Salem was well known in the Magi community, and on the other Salem thought he was actually defecting. His mind was in a bit of disarray, wondering if there was any way to salvage the situation.

Lana was up on her feet the moment she heard Salem's voice, and instinctively began pacing backwards a few steps, wanting to put some distance between herself and the angry Guild leader. Not that it would have matter in all honesty, because the woman was a storm mage. She still felt a little safer on the other side of the room though, where she was able to stop for a moment and collect her thoughts. Her eyes were darting between the shocked and almost terrified looking Zeke and the furious looking Salem, and that's when the reality of the situation finally dawned on her.

"You son of a bitch you lied to me!" Lana growled at him, while turning and punching the wall in frustration. Her punch would leave a decent sized dent behind, but the green haired woman was far too angry to even notice. It was obvious she was in no state of mind to care about how loud she was being either, although it was unlikely anyone would really hear them, as the break room was near the back end of the building. "Suppose I should expect as much from a Guildy, all you lot ever do is lie!" Her anger was more directed at Salem with her last statement, but she was clearly still pissed at Zeke with the way she was glaring daggers at him.

Salem could see how pissed Lana was, internally smirking to herself at the thought. It wasn’t that much of an accomplishment, really, seeing as the other woman had a short temper, but a small victory nonetheless. She raised a brow, seeing the new hole in the wall. So she could pack a punch. Salem doubted hers could be charged with electricity, however. “Lied to you,” Salem said, her tone a mixture of accusation, anger, curiosity and slight confusion. She paused for a short moment, crossing her arms, tilting her head slightly to the side to give Lana a blank stare, though her eyes would have a mischievous glimer. “And what does that mean, darling? We always lie? What on Earth has the Guild ever lied to you about?”

Lana could sense the smug attitude coming from Salem, and it only served to tick her off even more. If only she were stronger, she could take the both of them out right then and there. Even in her anger Lana wasn't stupid though, she knew she wouldn't stand a chance against Salem alone, let alone with Zeke there too. Although Zeke's presence did open up an opportunity for her to try and mess with the both of them in another way. "Yes, you Guildies just love your secrets. Even if you may not have lied to me directly, Salem, you have lied to your own people, which if you ask me, is a lot worse. I wonder how many of your precious little Guildlings know about Rebecca. Have you told them about how you sent The Guild's second in command off to infiltrate Dark Shadows, right before taking her place? Or how you had the opportunity to kill Aloysius, the man who killed your father and started all of this, but instead attempted to kill your own agent? Or, more importantly, have you told them about how she is still alive?"

Salem eyes narrowed. So the bitch wanted to make false accusations about things she had no idea about. If it wasn’t for being in the middle of a store, Zeke sitting there, Salem would have already turned Lana into ashes. Though at this point, she was pretty sure she would happily take her time. “And I suppose you want some sort of explanation to clear up your confusion,” she said, her voice still slightly hostile. The thought of Zeke now doubting her was nagging at her in the back of her mind. “Most of me ‘Guildings’” - she said the last word with distaste, making air quotes with her fingers as she did so - “knew Rebecca when she was with the Guild. I took her position of power long before we ever sat down to discuss the plan to infiltrate the DS. Rebecca loves her mind games. She more than happily obliged.”

Salem mentally sighed. No one ever realized that it was Lucius - her father - that had stripped Rebecca of her ranking, not Salem herself. Sure, her father had been a good leader, but he had left Salem with a ass load of cleaning up to do, especially with technicalities. She rolled her eyes now. Lana knew nothing. Nothing of being a leader. Nothing about what happened all those years ago. She hadn’t been there for the war. She was a Newbie to this game that Salem had been playing for years. Salem took a few steps forward, putting less distance between herself and the other woman. “I owe you no explanation. How I run the Guild is none of your business.”

Lana could tell she had gotten under Salem's skin a little, and even though she new it was a bad idea to piss her off, she would still revel in that small victory. "That may be true, but it still begs the question, why try and kill your own agent instead of taking Aloysius out when you had the chance? Especially after he just killed your father. It makes me wonder...is there something Rebecca knows that you want to be kept a secret?" She knew she was already pushing it with Salem, but she also knew that the woman wouldn't do anything while mundanes were around, for risk of them getting hurt or her exposing herself as a mage.

There were so many thought going through Salem's head as to how she could harm Lana. Just one small jolt couldn’t hurt, right? Nonetheless she kept her cool. “You’re coming at me, asking me questions, all while Aloysius is playing you like the fiddle you are, Lana.” She crossed her arms. “Tell me. What was his reason for promoting you? Or, what was the reason he wanted you to believe, anyway?” Salem let her words settle in the air, pondering over the next move to make. “You know he’s keeping things from you, right? I doubt he told you about our ‘secret’ meeting last night, seeing as you weren’t there. And, call me crazy, but you seemed to have no idea what the tablet did. You stood there like a wide eyed little doe and watched as Al gained more power. He wouldn’t care if it had killed everyone that night. And Ty? You think he cared for Ty? That’s kinda cute.”

Confusion would be plain on Zeke's face. He knew of Rebecca, at the very least, but not everything that happened. Part of him rationalized that Salem must have had reasons for what he heard but the the other part of him was just happy for the excuse to have something against her, he was so far able to keep that part of him in check however. He already had some explaining to do to Salem later, but maybe they'd both have to clear some things up by the end of this. For now though he just watched as the two argued, unsure of what to do. Though he did seem more ready to try and stop any fighting than take a side in it.

"First of all, fuck you! I know for a fact Aloysius cared about Ty, we all did, you bitch!" Lana spat out, ensentuating the 'bitch'. Neither of them had been very pleasant to the other since Salem had arrived, but bringing up Tiberius' death like it was nothing and trying to use it to play her against Al was something she would not stand for.

"Secondly, the reason I was promoted is because I deserve it and I'm the best one for the position, and whatever ulterior motives their might be, will be dealt with. Thirdly, while your and Al's meeting is something I will need to discuss with him later, I can completely understand why he did it. It would be in both The Guild's and Dark Shadow's interest to barter some form of truce while we deal with the real threat that are Rebecca and her companions. And I have full faith that those were Aloysius' intentions." That was a lie, Lana's faith in Aloysius as a leader had been fading, but she would be damned if she was going to allow Salem's little mind games to get the better of her.

"As for that tablet and whether or not Al would have cared if anyone had died, you’re wrong. He isn't stupid, he knows he wouldn't last on his own, even with all his new power. There is no way he would have risked all of his work going to waste like that. Even if he is an arrogant, sadistic, prick, he knows what he's doing. Besides, if I remember correctly, he had you played too. In fact, you were played worse than anyone. Now, unless you have something of actual relevance to discuss, I'm leaving. I have to get back to work." With all she wanted to say said, Lana made a quick but cautious move for the door. As much as she enjoyed annoying Salem, she knew she shouldn't push too far. She also needed her job, and didn't want to risk getting fired over something so stupid.

Salem could see that she had gotten under Lana skin slightly and right now all that did was widen the smirk on Salem's face. She did feel a little bad. After last night she knew how much Ty meant to Al. So saying it didn't did weigh a little heavy in her conscious. Though she made sure that Lana couldn't tell as she gave the woman an ice cold glare, almost taunting the woman to try something. Noticing her for the door she struck it a small jolt of lightning giving the next person who touched it a static shock. Nothing terrible, but enough to make them jump.

“Where do you think you are going? “ she taunted Lana “I am not finished with you yet. I say when you can go” She took a few confident steps forward, getting closer and closer to Lana “The Dark Shadow is a bust, it is only a matter of time until we march in and put you idiots out of your misery” Her smirk would finally drop as she uttered her next line “If you join us now, I can spare you from that fate. A woman of your talents could do rather well with us”

As soon as Lana touched the handle of the door she received a shock from it, which made her jump and recoil immediately. She muttered a few curses under her breath at that, as well as throwing a glare Salem's way. As she looked back at the blue haired women she noticed her walking closer. Instinctively she was nervous at her approach but she turned and stood her ground nonetheless. At The Guild leader's threat she simply scoffed and rolled her eyes. "If you're so confident you have us, why haven't you done anything already? In fact, you've had two perfect opportunities to kill or even capture Aloysius, the Dark Shadow leader, and yet you haven't taken either of them. Once all those years ago when he attacked The Guild, and then again at your secret little meeting with him. It's almost as if you don't want to, which is most intriguing. Unfortunately, I don't have time to sit around and ponder over it, like I said, I have to get back to work, and you can't tell me shit. You're neither my leader or my boss, so your orders mean nothing to me."

Having learned her lesson about being hasty from her first attempt to leave, Lana didn't make any contact with the door, she simply used her telekinesis to unlock it and pull it open so she could walk out. She was only a few steps out the door when she heard Salem's last comments to her however, causing her to stop and turn back. "That's sweet of you to offer, but I'm going to pass. None of your threats or your petty little mind games, like whatever you were trying to do with that timecube, could ever convince me to join you. I would never side with the mundanes. They are the reason we have to spend our lives living in fear and shame of what we are, and I'm sick of it! I am done hiding."

Once again, Salem stood there with her arms crossed. Lana made good points, though she would never admit it. Another thing she would never admit was the fact that she did, indeed, deep down, have a mild respect for the woman. What she had said about Salem having chances to kill Aloysius was true, and weighed heavily on her mind. It had been itching at her since the war, and the last few days it had been taking even more of a toll on her. Lana knew nothing about her, nor her intentions. The way Salem ran the Guild was her business and her business alone. People had never understood, and they never would. Salem had come to accept that fact. “What I was trying to do with the timecube… Lana. Look. We have our differences, we both know that. Another thing that I know for a fact is that you’re loyal, but your trust in Aloysius and the Dark Shadow wavers. The only reason that you ever even joined that Merry Little Band of Misfits is because your brother died. Dead, gone, never coming back. I get it, it hurts. And no, I’m not trying to be a bitch.” For the first time since Salem had walked through the door, she was, indeed, being sincere.

“But think about it. Pain makes people bitter. It makes them pull away from everyone and everything else. You’re only a part of the DS because of your pain - your anger. If things had been different, you may have been a part of the Guild. You would have flourished there, and you still would. Sure, Al is promoting you, letting you in on some of his secrets. But he’s hindering you.” She took a deep breath. “The name of the organization is the Dark Shadow. Not because Al was an angsty teen when he made the group - well, yeah, partially because of that - but because you are still living in the shadows. You are still hiding. Do you honestly believe that because Aloysius has some so called plan that you aren’t? You think killing the mundanes with train wrecks isn’t living in the shadows? Lana, darling, if you want power, the Guild has it. Someone of your caliber? Someone with so much strength and determination? I’d hate to see it go to waste.” Salem would never dare tell anyone, but the truth was, Lana reminded her of an angrier green haired version of herself.

As Zeke listened he realized that Salem had shown up for Lana, not him. He also realized that the two apparently had something to settle. It seemed like it was a...complicated affair, the way they were talking so he thought it best if he let them be and gave them some time, least he could do given his mistakes here. He sighed "I can cover your shift Lana" He started for the door "This...doesn't seem like it's my business anyway" He slipped past Lana and back into the store, resolving to find Lana again at the end of the workday to apologise.

Salem watched Zeke walk out the door, making no efforts to stop him. She had come to say her piece, and she had done just that. Any further comments and this conversation would just turn into a super petty sarcastic teenage angst fest, and Salem wasn’t about to do such a thing. She looked Lana dead in the eyes. “If you’ll excuse me, I must be leaving now,” she said, exiting the room through the doorway herself, careful not to touch Lana even slightly as she did so. She caught Zeke on her way out, however, grabbing him by the shoulder as to make him stop walking away before she moved in front of him. “I’m not sure what you are or what you were up to, but you have some explaining to do.” She took a deep breath. “We will discuss matters later.” And with that she turned on her heel, marching out of the store with determination.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by PureHeroine
Avatar of PureHeroine


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Lana & Zeke

A collab between @Zetsuko & @PureHeroine
Location: Carl's Grocers
Date: 3rd August 2017
Time: 10:00PM

Lana was fuming by the time Salem had left. The woman had been an utter bitch the majority of the time she was there, but even so, her anger wasn't directed towards her. That bastard Zeke had nearly fooled her into helping him infiltrate Dark Shadow. That was something she wasn't going to let go without repercussions. That would have to wait until after work though. While she carried out the rest of her shift she did her best to avoid the other mage as much as possible. The more she was around him, the bigger the risk she ran of having her anger boil over, and she couldn't afford to do anything with other people around. Fortunately time seemed to fly by, and her work was done before she even knew it. All she had left to do was lock up.

Zeke had seen Lana come out of the the break room when she had finished speaking with Salem. He could tell she was mad but that didn't stop him from trying to talk to her. He did wait till the end of the work day, however, hoping that it would give her time to cool off...or at least avoid to much attention if she hadn't. She had avoided him the whole day but by closing time he caught up with her, thinking better of tapping her shoulder or anything to get her attention he simply walked up and asked "Hey Lana, do you have a moment?"

Lana hadn't seen Zeke on her way to lock up, and assumed he had gone home. She was disappointed, but figured it was for the best. She knew Aloysius didn't like them interacting with Guildys anyway, especially if those interactions lead to fighting. For the most part her temper had settled and all she could think about was how great it would be to finally get home and relax. Until out of nowhere she heard the man's voice from behind her, catching her off guard and making her go tense. The anger that had faded came bubbling back up the instant she heard his voice. She quickly finished locking the door and stuffed the store keys into her pocket, before turning on her heels and throwing a concentrated blast at Zeke's chest. Clearly, she wasn't in the mood to talk.

Zeke was barely able to say much more as she rushed the door close and whirled around and threw force into his chest. The blast was hard enough to send him flying back, sending him a few feet before he suddenly stopped, levitating in the air slightly as he caught himself with his own power. One hand was on his his chest and he slowly regain his breath, but even his breathing seemed to turn somewhat aggressive. In a very different tone of voice from the one he had before he muttered "So it's going to be like that -hn- hmm?" he would’ve taken the hit, waited longer and talked the next day perhaps, but between the surprise attack and instinctive use of his power he had slipped control and this other side of him very much wanted to return the favor. And return it he did, still hovering a just bit off the floor he twitched his free hand slightly, sending his own bolt of force straight for Lana's chest.

Zeke's sudden change in voice and demeanor caught Lana's attention. He had gone from a quiet, soft spoken man, to something more sinister in a manner of seconds. It was a little unnerving, but not enough to make her second guess her decision to start a fight with him; she was still angry. Probably too angry. She was notorious among Dark Shadow for letting her emotions -especially her anger- cloud her judgement. This case was no different.

Her anger also tended to make her arrogant, which is why she took the hit from the bolt of energy he threw at her straight on. She could have blocked it, but she wanted to see how strong he was. The impact sent her reeling backwards a few feet, but in the end she was actually disappointed. Lana had managed to hold herself up on her feet and prevent herself from being moved too much by binding herself to the ground, but that didn't do anything to stop the hit from hurting, and causing her to have to take a moment to recover from being slightly winded. "That all you got?" She scoffed at him while sending several larger and stronger but less direct blasts back at him.

Zeke moved quickly when she threw her next set of attacks, sliding left in the air as he was still levitating slightly. His eyes followed the attacks as they whooshed past and devastated much of what was behind him. Upon seeing that he turned around with a wicked grin "haha, you've got some power in you! not only could she hit hard but she took a shot to the chest like a champ, this could be fun. Still hovering he turned his body toward her and reached out with his power, this time instead of going directly for an attack he reached for her sides, it would be as if two large invisible hands were clamping down from either side of her. Meanwhile the slight movements of his hands were the visual indication that he was trying something.

Lana cursed under breath as she watched him effortlessly drift to the side to avoid her attack. Even though her attack was pretty predictable, she still didn't expect him to see through it so easily. It was almost as if he had sensed it coming. Which would make sense, as they both had the power to manipulate the telekinetic force. He seemed to be more adept at it than she was however, she hardly noticed herself being constricted from either side by his energy until it was too late. He had a hold of her, which was quite unnerving, but it wouldn't be long before she would start pushing back against his grasp. Eventually she would have pushed back enough to be free to move again. She didn't waste any time then, and launched herself into the air, flying right towards him, her hand cocked back and ready to release a powerful telekinetic punch to his face.

Zeke had gotten a hold of her but she broke free a lot quicker than he thought. She came flying right toward him, prepared with a slightly more conventional means of attack. If the damage she left to the store behind him was anything to go by she could throw a lot of power into a hit but she threw it around like a brawler, heavy-handed but rather basic. Still, if she gets a hold of him it's over. With that in mind he dodged her attack by dropping backwards, using a combination of his telekinetics and her own momentum to propel her over him and send her flying past. The move still left him tumbling through the air for a moment before he regained his composure, but as he did his faced had changed again this time with shock and concern as he looked in her direction "oh fuck! I'm so sorry!"

Lana was prepared to follow Zeke down as he dodged, but her own momentum, mixed with what she could only assume was his telekinetic force, kept carrying her through the air, over him, and eventually into the wall of a nearby building. There wasn't any structural damage, but the force from the impact was enough to knock all the wind out her lungs so she couldn't even groan from the pain she felt. There was definitely going to be some bruising from that.

She lay on the ground, unmoving, for a few moments; trying to recover from hitting into the wall. Her back and ribs ached, but her anger wasn't going to let her quit. After a minute or two, Lana slowly pushed herself back up to her feet and turned to face him. His mood seemed to have changed again, but she couldn't care less about that. She went straight back onto the offensive, summoning too waves of energy on either side of him, like two invisible walls, and pulling them together in an attempt to crush him between them.

Zeke felt the two walls coming in just before he was crushed. On instinct he put up barriers to try and stop them but he was straining to hold them at bay. Thinking quick he turned his attention to Lana, reaching out toward her. He tried to pull apart the skin on her arms, creating small cuts and gashes. The goal was more to break her focus than cause damage.

Lana cried out at the feeling of the skin on her arms being torn apart to create small cuts. The gashes were only small but they were painful, enough so that it broke her focus from trying push past Zeke’s barriers and crush him. The walls she had built up disappeared as her attention turned to the wounds on her arms, and trying to figure out what the hell was causing it so she could make it stop. Of course the obvious answer was Zeke, he was the only other person around, but she didn't know that was even possible to do with telekinesis. This man was incredibly efficient with his magic, and it seemed not even her stronger power level would be enough to stand against him. Her anger was slowly beginning to subside as her thoughts changed from wanting to fight to needing to find an escape.

Zeke's effort paid off. Not only did Lana's walls fall but she was distracted by her sudden injuries. Aiming to take advantage of her momentary distraction he broke apart the force of his own barriers into several small projectiles, sending them at her quickly one after the other. Hopefully if they all hit they'd be enough to pummel her and knock her out of this fight.

Lana didn't sense the next attack coming unt it was too late. She was still focused on the new injuries on her arms when she suddenly felt herself being pummeled by several small projectiles. Most of them hit her body in the chest and abdomen area, a couple hit her face, and the rest hit her arms and legs. The attack ended up knocking her to the ground, but this time she was in too much pain to get up again.

Zeke waited until it became apparent that she wasn't getting back up before he approached Lana. Finally letting himself down and walking over to kneel beside her prone form and sighing "For what it's worth Lana, I'm still sorry about lying to you...and for this he reached out with one hand and brushed along her arm, closing the wounds he caused as he talked "You've got a lot of power in you, but you don't have much control. I can help you with that if you want, train you" he pulled his hand back, finished healing her arms "Least I can do right? make up for what happened?" he sighed again and stood up, looking around at the mess they made. He looked back and offered his hand to help her up, they'd have to clear off quick.

Panic began to set in as Lana watched Zeke approach her, in her mind there were only two possible outcomes. The first was him killing her, and the second was him arresting her and taking her back to The Guild; which honestly seemed like a worse fate than death considering what they did to people like her. She didn't want either though, and tried her best to wriggle herself away from him, but she didn't get very far before he knelt down beside her and did the strangest thing. He healed her arms. But that wasn't even the craziest part. He also offered to train her with her magic before standing up and reaching his hand out to help her up.

Lana of course didn't trust him, and refused to take his hand, preferring to try and push herself up while using the wall behind her for support instead. ”Fuck you, I don't need your help.” She sneered weakly at him. With the gashes on her arms gone, she was able to steady herself against the wall with one arm, while reaching into her pocket to pull out her phone with the other. Surprisingly her phone hadn't suffered any damage in the fight, which she was quite grateful for because it meant she was still able to call herself a cab to take her home.

Zeke pulled his hand away and stepped back "If you're sure" He lingered for a bit, standing a short distance away intent on making sure she would make it out of here alright "If you ever change your mind, well...I think we can find eachother easy enough"

Lana was more focused on stumbling her way out of there and getting in the cab she had called, than listening to what Zeke had to stay. The guy seemed unstable so she wanted to get out of their as quickly as she could before he snapped again and tried to kill her. She didn't believe he wanted to help her for a second, though she would admit that the idea of being trained in her power by another telekinetic would be great.

>>>>Small time skip to 10:57PM<<<<

She arrived at her apartment building half an hour later. The driver insisted on taking her to the hospital several times, but she refused each time. All she wanted to do was get home and get some rest. It was a hellish time making her way up to the third floor to her apartment, and by the time she got there, she was too exhausted to make it to her bed, and collapsed onto her couch instead.

She was grateful for the soft but firm support the couch gave her, but she couldn't get completely comfortable as her mind could only focus on the aching pain throughout her whole body. That's when the most unexpected thing happened; she began to heal herself. She didn't even know it was possible, but she wasn't going to question it. Eventually her injuries would be healed to the point where her pain was bearable enough she could fall asleep. Her body continued to heal through the night as she slept.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 4 days ago

David & Nicola

A collab between @ZakAttacks & @SouffleGirl123
Location: David’s house ---> Training room.
Date: 2nd August 2017
Time: 7:00AM

David had a shitty attitude and Nicola didn't like it, she didn't like it at all. Sure she tended to not have the best attitude at times but at least she would do what needs to be done, David was just full out lazy and unresponsive and Nicola had had enough. She decided to take responsibility into her own hands, she knew Salem trusted her enough, and at 7am sharp Nicola was pounding on David’s door. Sharp, loud knocks that probably woke up the neighbours in the process as she yelled a gruff, ”David, you better get out here now!”

David, despite the loudness, was not the quickest to rise up out of bed. Oh, sure, he was quite easily woken up by her, but his own attitude didn’t let him get out of bed quickly. “Give me just a moment to shower.” He explained, yelling at the door as he made his way towards said shower, yawning loudly and turning it on and discarding his night clothing proper. There was nothing that couldn’t wait for a good shower, and there was no way he was going to do what she asked without one. Cleanliness and all that. He took the time to wash his hair, his body, everything that was necessary, not even bothering to hurry. She could freaking wait, for all he cared. She woke him up far before his shift. She could deal with those consequences, and frankly put, she woke him up in a rather bad mood. He was even more sure that this was nothing to hurry for.

Nicola was considering going in right then and dragging him out but decided to give him the liberty of a shower. She waited. And waited. Then looked at her watched, a couple of minutes had passed, long enough for a shower. She banged on his door once more. ”David! That’s it! That’s long enough, shower’s over!“ she yells through the door, banging once again on the door.

He groaned, hearing the banging. He was tempted to make her further wait, sighing before moving to turn off the shower, grabbing a nearby towel, drying it off, and draping it over his neck, before moving to put on a pair of blue jeans and a white shirt laying on the floor nearby. He wasn’t really organized, due to a lack of energy. He soon moved to the door, finally unlocking it and then opening it. “...Fine. What did you want?”

”Your attitude is appalling and if you took your time like that come an attack you’d likely be dead by now,” she replies, arms crossed. ”Next time I’m just gonna come in and drag you out by the throat. Follow me,” and with that she turns on her heel and leads him back to the Guild, turning every few moments to ensure he was behind her, snapping at him for being far behind. No matter if Nicola initiated it, 7am was 7am and she was grouchiest in the morning. She lead him through the corridors and around the headquarters once more to bring him to the training room.

Oooh great. Miss Grouchypants was here to drag him into training. Well, best not to incur Salem’s wrath. He followed her nonchalantly, taking note of her barking nature and finally doing a little bit to keep up with her, just enough to avoid getting yelled at. It was annoying, to be sure, but David wanted none of her yelling more than he had to. Surely, this would be typical. Another opponent to beat him, and he would simply allow it. Simple and easy, and no one would bother him afterwards. Even Nicola must run out of steam in this regard, right? Once they arrived in the Training Hall, he discarded his towel on the ground nearby, before making his way towards the center of the arena in question, already prepared for a repeat of yesterday. “So, who’s going to beat me up this time?”

”Turns out the others have better attitude than you. And can defend themself against a single hit,” she replies, grabbing the stick from the previous day from against the wall. ”Why are you even still here? How? As someone’s guard of all things? If Aliira was attacked today I bet everything I got that you couldn't defend her,” Nicola says. Bringing up Aliira might have been a long shot but she seemed to be all he cared for here. She hoped that would elicit some response from him other than grunting and taking the beatings.

The young man...paused. For once, he lifted an eyebrow. A little caught off guard. She wasn’t immediately striking him? How very odd. He took a step back. ”I’ll answer that with more questions. Why does a child go to school when he doesn’t want to? Why does a businessman go to work, despite it making him miserable? And why does a prisoner stay in prison, even if freedom is literally bars away?” He asked, sounding a little bit more firm this time. A little bit of passive-aggressiveness in his voice seemed to leak through, no doubt. Clearly, it was a sore spot, but one he clearly had a lot to say about.

Nicola puts the end of the stick on the ground, holding it upright, gripping on it tight, ready to launch it into attack when she needed to. ”But they still do because they need to. You have a job. We’re not here to skip around and play with our powers like fairies, we’re here to protect. It’s not a nice job, not even a good one half of the time but it’s what we need to do. Your attitude isn’t going to change that,” she replies, lifting her stick a bit. ”One of these days there will be an attack, Aliira can only do so much. Do you really want your laziness and attitude to be the reason she’s killed?” And with that, Nicola swipes at David’s legs with the rod.

David frowned. Wait. David...frowned. He showed an actual emotion. Whether it was grouchiness on his end, maybe the fact that she had called him out for Aliira’s sake, or maybe…

Maybe it was just that he was being compared to those he hated. Those who she claimed protected. Protected -who-, though? He continued to frown, and for once, the built-up, pushed away emotion of anger took a real connection to mind as he leapt back ever-so slightly. Still lazily, but it was still enough to avoid the predictable swipe, the stick only managing to hit his pants. Odd. When he wanted to, it seemed he could avoid one strike. He lifted a finger to her, as his formerly emotionless voice let out an anger-burden reply, no longer calm, but sounding almost gruff, like he wasn’t used to speaking in this manner. “Let me explain one thing to you. I may be a lazy person. But you got my questions wrong. Its not because they need to. Its because they have no choice.” He explained firmly, grasping his hand into a fist, and a tight one at that. “...Your stupid Guild gives me no choice. You think I -want- to be here? It should be fairly obvious that if I had a choice, I would have left a long time ago. I wouldn’t be a guard. Maybe you ought to do some damn research...if you can.” He noted, his frown turning for a smug smile for a brief moment. Maybe in this way, he could exact his revenge. Make this Nicola woman think...and then...they would disregard his point, and he’d get a beating from Salem. Suddenly, this realization hit him. It was all pointless. His momentary courage shrunk into nothing but a hollow shell, as he took another step back, his smile fading back into a blank visage of what he usually was. How typical for such a lazy man, to give up so quickly.

David actually showed emotion… a fire at least. Nicola smirked as he gave her the finger, good, that was what she needed from him, something to show some potential to retaliate. Then he stopped, his guard lowering once more as he put on the blank persona once more. ”Something you need to realise is having no choice in doing something is virtually the same as doing something out of necessity. You’re not the only one doing this beyond your own choice! You know what the difference is between you and the rest of us? We keep our heads up and we keep going,” she replies, throwing the stick to the side and delivering a single punch to David’s gut. ”Many of us didn't plan or want to be here but we are. We don't give a shit about your mopey story, we just look at to the job we have. Yours is protecting Aliira and, at this stage, you’re not gonna get far doing it!” she snaps. If nothing got to him she was sure the mention of Aliira did. She kept her fists up in an attack stance, awaiting David’s response.

David himself grunted hard as he took the punch to the gut. Normally, during a moment like this, he was crumple back and hit the ground so that he wouldn’t be attacked further. But what she just said...about having no choice? That everyone was like that? And beyond that...with all these mentions of Aliira, he was beginning to get really pissed. He grunted. As soon as she finished, he focused hard, his body actually standing right back up straight. “You really don’t get it, do you? When I mean no choice, I don’t mean this is my job. I mean that I can’t leave, even if I tried, you...magi!” He yelled out finally, darting forward and aiming to slam his right fist right towards her face with a punch. Not a lazy punch. An actual, honest punch with a great deal amount of anger behind it. “I know because I have tried! And I can’t escape. You don’t get it. This might be your job, but this is my fucking prison, and you idiotic, self-centered, human-bigoted, self-serving and self-righteous magi can’t even see beyond your own interests! You say you protect?!” He yelled out.

Oh, he was on a roll now, and even if some doubts were in his mind, he was fueled by years of held back emotions and a great deal of hatred for the magi. He was going to be beaten up one way or another, so he might as well take his chance to let them know what he truly thought of these stuck-up idiots! He quickly brought back his other fist, aiming to thrust it at her lower left shoulder, hoping to displace it. “Who?! If you mean magi, yeah, sure, but don’t even begin to think you do anything for non-magi! If it wasn’t for you damn magi, I would have been able to live a normal fucking life!” He yelled out in anger...before pausing and widening his eyes. Did he just...say…

With that, something changed. The immediate realization of what he had done came to mind. He remembered what he didn’t want to of those times. The things he had been pushing away. His emotions. Those emotions of a normal day of school...of worry, and then loss. That feeling of loss had consumed everything he had. He lost his parents. His home. And his own rights as a human being. He lowered his head, his hands still clenching. “...You magi. Took everything away from me. You have no right to any sort of higher moral ground. You’re the same as the Dark Shadow, you still hold yourselves over the fucking populace. You just have prettier words and make less of a mess, that’s all.” He firmly stated, before turning around and walking away from Nicola. He had nothing more to say to this woman. He was done.

Suddenly, David fist flew at her face as the kid just snapped. Out of nowhere there was screaming, yelling and attacking. She’d gotten a response, even if that response was him being pissed it was a response, finally. She let him have his left punch also but shift to the left for it to hit her side other than her shoulder. She let him scream and yell and finally he stormed of. As he left she yelled after him, ”If you think everyone is here by their own choice you’re an idiot!” She considered her own circumstances. Chances were she would never be in America let alone the Guild had her grandparents not been so persistent on keeping their lineage in the group. She let him go with that. Maybe he did train little but she gotten a response out of him, she found his trigger point and that was enough of an achievement for her.

He considered facing back to her, and yelling about how wrong she was. About how the magi had taken things from him. From others. But he didn’t. He saw no point, and beyond that, there was a bigger issue at hand. These swirling emotions in him didn’t just go away, as much as he wanted them to. He had to find a way to fix them. To cut them off again. It wouldn’t be easy, but he had to, or else face that vortex of pain and loss again. And that was the thing he wanted to do least. If Nicola had succeeded in anything, she had brought the pain of the past back and present. And she had gotten himself to think. If others were truly here in circumstances they couldn’t control...why didn’t they act like him? He would have to consider this later...but for now, he marched straight home. Despite trying to get her to think differently...she had managed to bring that same feat about on him. How odd.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
Avatar of Sugar and Spite

Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 1 day ago

The last few days for Salem had been a living fucking nightmare, to say the least. She needed a spa day, but that was out of the questions. Spas were relaxing, but they didn’t allow her to yell, punch, and kick things. That was why she was headed to one of the various training rooms in the Guild headquarters. Well, not just any random old room: Her room. It seemed odd that the Guild leader would keep this one particular room to herself, but it held sentimental value to Salem. She walked down the corridor leisurely, pulling her hair back into a ponytail lazily as to keep it off of her face. Soon enough, she found herself at the wooden door, opening it slightly before flicking on the light.

The temperature of the room was cool, though the memories of her father were warm and still fresh in her mind. This had been the last place that they had had a true conversation before his death, the last place she had really seen him. Salem had spent many a day training here, but this time, she just needed to think and let out her frustrations on the inanimate objects around her before she started taking them out on the people around her. People that annoyed her the most - such as David.

There were wrestling matts covering the floor, a punching bag in the center of the room. Targets could also be found along the walls, training dummies as well. It was one of the more simple training rooms that the Guild had, but it served its purpose well.

Salem took off her jacket, exposing a grey tank top underneath, as she tossed it into the corner. The blue haired woman made her way over to the wooden table littered with various supplies before picking up a roll of tape to wrap her knuckles. She scanned the room once more, always on alert if someone decided to walk into the room with her, though it was very unlikely. She walked to the punching bag now, adjusting her stance before punching it once. Something, however, was off. She needed to channel her anger, and so she started to think about various things.

The first would be her fathers death. His voice ringing in her head to tell her to not let her emotions get the best of her. She had failed his instructions however, buy going to the meeting with Aloysius last night; By not crying, by not strangling him. She hit the punching bag in a fast repetition, the adrenaline coursing through her now. She was angry at her father for leaving her his mess, leaving her period. Angry at him for dying, and even more angry at herself the more she thought about it. Because rather she wanted to admit it or not, his death was her fault. She kept hitting and kicking at the punching bag now, losing herself in thought as sweat started to appear on her forehead and other various places.

The next thing she thought about was Elizabeths death. Though she and Liz had never been particularly close, the Elizabeth was a part of the Guild. She had still meant something to Salem even if they weren’t necessarily friends. That would lead her to think about Circe. Cirvce was the one that killed Liz, and she had to pay for it. Sure, she had told Aloysius that the choice was his, but Circe better get down on her knees and pray like hell that Salem didn’t get to her first. Liz’s death also lead her to think about Zeke. He had notified her of Liz’s death through text. That was the kind of information that was supposed to be delivered in person. The least he could have done was picked up the damned phone. But no, he had decided upon the texting method. Salem couldn't really do anything about this, however. It just annoyed the shit out of her. Salem was hitting the punching bag unnecessarily hard now, though she didn’t notice as her muscles started to burn. Her tanktop and jeans were now clinging to her body, her hair starting to fall around her face again despite her previous efforts.

The main thing bugging her was Aloysius, however. Their meeting last night. She had let her emotions get the better of her. She had showed weakness in front of the enemy. Hell, she had taken the weakness one step further. Not only did she show weakness, but she cried in front of the enemy. For crying out loud, she admitted that she still loved Aloysius, even if she had done so in Spanish where only she could understand it. They had been friends, and then they had dated all those years ago. Even though he was the enemy, she still cared for him. She added that to the list of things that she would never admit aloud. Al had been her first love, and he still knew how to pull at her heartstrings. He had taken a piece of her when he defected from the Guild. Aliira was her best friend, but Al had been her person. Aloysius had been the person that she would call whenever she needed something: Rather it be a heart to heart conversation or just a 2am taco run. But that Aloysius was gone now. He disappeared years ago, and Salem was still trying to accept that fact now as hot tears streamed down her face once more. She let out a small growl through her gritted teeth, hitting the punching back over, and over, and over, with all of her strength.

The truth was, Salem had come to a conclusion about Aloysius. They had a bond - no one could deny that; but it was a strange bond. They needed each other for the other to have a purpose. They coexisted rather they realized it or not. Al needed Salem to run the Guild: He needed her to be his punching bag, so to speak. Salem needed Al to be the enemy, or else the efforts that she had put into catching him over the years was pointless. Aloysius still had a piece of her. They had knew each other when they were both more carefree - more human and less shut off from the world. She had loved him, cared for him. There had been a point in her life where she would do anything for Aloysius, and him, her. Al had the part of her that knew how to show emotion, the part of her that was kind and caring; the part that laughed and smiled. To her, Aloysius was the last remainder of her old self. Living proof that she could still be… normal; not just the cold hearted bitch leader of the Guild. The truth was: Salem was scared if she killed Aloysius that she would lose a part of herself. She would lose the part of herself that he had, and she would lose the person that had meant so much to her. If she killed Aloysius, she would never see his smile again; never hear his voice or laugh. It pained her more than she cared to admit. Her decision was to never let him get the best of her again, in any way, shape or form. A decision to never show weakness to the enemy or anyone else again. If people thought that Salem was cold hearted before, they had another thing coming to them now.

She let the tears fall upon her face now as she stopped to wipe them away in her frustration. She unwrapped her knuckles now, sitting down cross legged on the floor as various memories flooded her mind. For now, she just wanted to be left alone to feel her raw emotions. So there she sat alone, crying.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
Avatar of Sugar and Spite

Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 1 day ago

A Collab featuring:@HaleyTheRandom, @Cerces22, and @jakeb1993.

Talya was currently in one of the back room of the Dark Shadow headquarters. It would seem strange that an evil villain hang out lair would have a kitchen fully stocked with baking supplies, a functioning stove, fridge, and other such thing, but the DS made it work. Her messy brown hair pulled back lazily into a ponytail, Talya would be mixing the cookie dough before putting small dollops of it onto the cookie sheet. The oven already preheated, she would stick the cookies into the oven, setting the timer for ten minutes. She hummed to herself quietly, beginning to clean up what little mess she had made. A small smirk would find itself emerging onto her face as she thought about this morning’s earlier events. Oh, how the man had begged and pleaded. She mentally shrugged. She supposed she had done a good thing, ridding the world of another fifty-something year old pervert trying to sleep with a girl who was clearly young enough to be his daughter. Talya continued to hum to herself, making small circles with the sponge on the counter as she cleaned.

Circe whistled as she walked down the street, today's tune was Going to Hell by the Pretty Reckless. She carted a bag that appeared to be made from vantablack. She turned down the DS headquarters alley and threw her hand on the plate. The door opened almost soundlessly as she passed through. Entering the large meeting room her nose was attacked by the sweet smell of cookies.

”That smell only means one thing!! I am now even more excited.” Circe walked into the kitchen just as Talya was finishing cleaning the countertop. She placed her bag with a heavy thud, on the table nearby.

”Hey there, you crazy bitch, miss me??”

Hearing a familiar voice, Talya turned around to find herself facing Circe - her only ‘true’ friend in this Hell hole. She took a few short steps towards the girl, wrapping her arms around her in a tight hug. [7bcdc8]“Are you insane? Of course I did.”[/color] She released the person who she considered to be her little sister from her arms as she walked back to the counter, leaning up against it. “What have you been up to lately?”

Circe allowed the hug, Talya was the one person that could get away with contact and not receive a violent reaction. She smiled warmly to the older girl and snapped her fingers. The bag on the table melted away and two severed heads rolled off.

”Seems like I still don't respond well to advances. Other that, I only killed a hundred people, and a Guildling for that ungrateful pompous blow hard of a boss. You will also be the first to know that I have gained my old self back, no more talking to myself, or laughing like a rabid idiot. How about you Talya, aside from your cookies, have you had any fun last night??”

Arms crossed, now sitting on the counter, Talya would watch as the bag dissolved, the two severed heads rolling across the floor. She giggled quietly before returning her gaze to Circe. “So you’re body count for the last twenty-four hours is a hundred and three? Damn, chickadee.” She paused for another split second. “Don’t talk about Daddy that way,” she said, playfully scolding. Talya shrugged her shoulders. “Oh, just some guy at the bar. Totally wasted, kept coming on to me. I didn’t want to murder him, but he was to much of a hard dick for me not to. So, he and I made our way back to the hotel, I tied him down and had my way with him. Though not the way he intended, of course.”

It was now Circes turn to giggle to herself, and than got a serious face on. She picked up one the heads and absentmindedly toyed with it. She took a deep breath, which caused her to wince slightly at her injury, it needed just a bit more time to heal. Her internal battle last night with herself took away from the healing.

”Your dad got Ty killed, I am a little miffed, and if it wasn't for you, I most likely would of ran him through already. And I still see you prefer quality kills over quantity. I think we may always disagree on that, but that's ok, together we fuck shit up.” She smiled to Talya, as she dropped the head back on the table.

Talya noticed her sister wince, cocking her head to the side in curiosity, though she said nothing. She squinted her eyes. “Ty jumped in front of Al. He knew full well what he was doing. Daddy would never hurt any of us intentionally.” The timer dinged for the cookies as she hopped down off the counter, sliding the oven mitt over her hand before removing them from the oven and placing them on the counter to cool. She proceeded to turn the power to the oven off before returning to the conversation. “Slow and methodical is the best, baby girl. You get the full effect of hearing them scream, seeing the light slowly fade from their eyes…” Talya giggled once more. “I prefer it that way, though your method seems entertaining. Perhaps we should teach each other our ways someday. She thought for a moment. “So… since you don’t have to have internal arguments with yourself anymore, that means less verbal craziness?”

Circe walked over to the countertop, knowing if she reached for a cookie before they cooled, Talya would most likely slap her hand away. So instead she grabbed a glass of milk in preparation for the sweet treat.

”Yes, the other me that I let in control when I was younger was no longer… of use to me. But that doesn't mean I am not any less crazy, those two men will attest to that. Besides, as the DS killer, I have to give the audience what they want. The number may have dropped, I might not be a babbling lunatic, but I am still all crazy baby. And yes, I agree, we should teach each other the finer points of our craft. But I am sure it would be best you text Mommy Aly, I don't think he wants to hear from me after I broke his precious oak door.” It was than she reached for a cookie, hoping they had cooled enough.

Al had still been recovering from the event of night previous, and the talk and had decided that maybe it was now time go and stroll through the complex to see what was going on. He had smelt the cooking well before he had discovered the culprits responsible walking into the room, Aloysius was greeted by the sight of the two ladies. Great “Well, if it isn’t Psycho Bitch and Psycho Dumb” He grinned “What is going on in here?”

Talya glared seriously this time in the direction of Aloysius. Part of her hoped she was Psycho Bitch instead of Psycho Dumb, but then that meant he was calling Circe dumb. Talya quickly went over various kinky torture methods in her head for the man. “You don’t get a cookie,” she said with a huff.

Circe dropped the cookie as Aloysius walked through the door, five seconds is all it took before he said something stupid to piss her off. A blade of darkness materialized in her hand as she walked over with feline grace. She gave the man responsible for Ty’s death a pointed stare.

”You best choose your words closely, oh leader I have not, nor will not forgive you. And if Talya wasn't her to stop me, I would run you through.” Her usual energetic movements, now replaced with a more languid approach. She doubted Aloysius would notice the change in her demeanor though.

“I think you need to remember your place.” Aloysius growled lowly towards Circe. He would raise his hand and fire an aero blast towards Circe’s body to send her flying away from him “You might think you are tough, but remember who your daddy is.” With that he absent mindedly looked towards Talya “I don’t think i would ever want your cookies… you most likely poisoned them with something.”

Talya smirked. Al could be her daddy all day long if he wished. Though that didn’t pardon him from hurting Circe. Talya now closed the distance between herself and Aloysius, giving him a frosty peck on the cheek. “I wouldn’t poison them. That would be harming myself.” She shrugged. “Besides, doll, I have a lot more special things planned for you.”

The gust from Aly knocked Circe back, bringing a gasp of pain from her wound. She stood up with help from the counter and accidently slipping over Talya’s cookies and falling back down. The young woman snarled in pain and anger as she stood back up. A bow and arrow appearing in her hand, she drew the string tight.

”I have killed every pathetic man who thought they could call themselves my daddy you will be no different!!” She growled at him.

“Go on shoot!” He taunted. “You know you won’t hit me.” He laughed and looked down at Circe “So humor me, what are you two doing down here? And why bake the cookies?” He asked.

[color=7bdc8]“Circe, put your weapon up and clean up that mess. I worked really fucking hard on those cookies, and I didn’t even get to eat one. You’re lucky I don’t shove the whole shebang up your ass.”[/color] Tal turned in the direction of Aloysius once more, hopping up on the counter to sit down again. “I had the place to myself. I wanted cookies. I made cookies. I was going to eat the cookies and then you slung sis into them.” She folded her arms across her chest, lips pursed, her facial expression thoughtful. “You owe me cookies, Daddy.”

Circe's wild eyes flicked from Aloysius to Talya, the bow disappeared as she bent over to clean up the cookies. She popped one in her mouth, it was good. She chewed while she watching Aly stare her down.

”We want to go on a mission together, blow off some steam.” She said through the food to Aly, it wasn't framed as a question either.

“You have got to be kidding right?“ Aloysius sighed and rubbed his temples in a combination of frustration and annoyance. “Firstly, the I owe no one any cookies! Secondly, I do not trust you two together on a mission together. Too many chances for a slaughter to occur.”

Talya rolled her eyes. Al hardly ever let either of them out to play, much less together. It was a wonder why Circe had even mentioned it now. However… Daddy did seem frustrated, and both Talya and Circe liked to play with their toys mentally. The young woman started to fake a pout as she got down off the counter. “You do to owe me the damned cookies! You’re the one who technically knocked them off the counter,” she shouted, stomping her foot. She stuck her hands in her back pockets, trying to act innocent now as she tried to reason with Aloysius. “Come on now, Daddy…” she began, her voice low and soothing. “I’ll keep her under control. I just want to show her the perks of taking your time.” Talya was now behind Al, her arms draped over his shoulders, her right hand around her left wrist a some sort of lose hug. “Besides, you want to push Salems buttons, and you look a tad stressed. Put your worries on us. Trust your girls for once, hm?”

”That is of course oh glorious leader unless you don't trust us, that would just hurt our feelings so much.” Circe pouted along with Talya, leaning on someone she could consider a sister.

“That is kinda the point, I don't trust you two alone yet alone together. Left to your own devices you end up killing way more than necessary and together, I am afraid you would end up doing something truly stupid.” He couldn't help but sigh. These two really did know how to push his buttons. “And Circe owes you cookies not me.” he replied to Tayla.

Talya sighed once more herself, unwrapping her arms from around the man. She now found herself playing with his hair. “Fine. You don’t owe me cookies. But you have one of two choices. You either give us approval, and we kill less as a thank you; or you don’t, so we rebel and use Circe’s methods, killing another ass ton of people. Your call.”

Circe's stood popping another floor cookie in her mouth, nodding with a sickening smile on her face. ”You do know us asking to team up was more of a formality right??” She trashed the other cookies and downed her milk, she than conjured a shadowed dagger and began picking at her fingernails.

“No...Just no.” Aloysius sighed. “I am in charge, not you. Circe you are already on thin ice. You are lucky I didn’t kill you where you stood for what you pulled.” He walked back towards the door going to leave. He stopped at the door frame. Sighing once more. “Okay, Alright. Go. Both of you. But the death toll better be in single figures”

Talya was now beaming with joy as she practically skipped over to the door frame, giving Al another peck on the cheek. “Thanks doll face. We’ll behave.” She held out her hand, now in the shape of a fist, pinky finger extended. “Pinky promise.”

Circe raised an eyebrow at Aly's change of heart. ”Well this will be fun, shall we go get ready for the date??” She asked Talya as she walked past the flirting young woman, she needed new clothes. The other Circe had no taste in fashion, and Circe would eventually will have to learn how to apply makeup, maybe Emily or Lana could help eventually.

If Tayla’s smile could have been any brighter or wider, it would have been. Tal had been dying to give Circe a makeover for what felt like a lifetime now. “No time for shopping, we’ll do that later. I have tons of things in my closet that would suit you.” She grabbed Circe by the wrist, dragging her out of the door past Al, not giving him a second thought.

Circe allowed her sister to drag her into her room, she sat on the bed looking around, this room fit Talya very well.

Talya lead Circe down the long hallway, almost running, buzzing with excitement. She directed Circe to the bed, making sure she sat down before turning to the task at hand. The room was a representation of Talya herself. Black sheets, light grey walls, hardly any light sources. However, various items of color could be found across the room. (For example, the bean bag chair in the corner.) She walked over to her closet, throwing the doors open to reveal an abundance of clothing. “Now, I know you love dark colors… but would you really mind a pale pink or blue dress? Not something to flashy. Just.. simple. Or, if you insist, you could wear something black. But just so long as it’s a dress.”

”Have you ever seen me in anything of color?? That's the one thing me and her agreed on, black to match our powers and soul.” Circe was jealous of Talya's room, she usually spent a night in a random toys house after she was done playing with them. But now that she was back in control, maybe she should look into getting a room here finally, as long as that bastard Aly didn't sleep here as well.

Talya started combing through the various dresses that she had hanging up. Blues, greens, yellows, pinks… the vast majority was, indeed, black, however. Finally, after much thought, she had settled on what she thought was the perfect dress for Circe. She turned around to show it to the other girl. “Simple, elegant, shows of just the right amount of skin… Waddaya think?”

Circe watched as Tayla rummaged through most of her wardrobe until she settled on a dress. She pulled it off the rack. Circe was still unsure about the whole dress or makeup deal, but she did promise Talya she would do things her way. She stood up and undressed and took the dress from her sister. She put it on and it hugged her body perfectly. Her curiosity got the better of her and she did a small spin admiring how it flared out at the body.

”This will do perfectly, though I doubt I could walk in heels. And makeup?? That's a stretch.” She said to Talya, with half annoyance and half hope on her face.

[color-7bcdc8]“Gorgeous,”[/color] Talya sang, watching her ‘sister’ twirl. “I have some newer Converse that you could borrow, but only if you agree to at least wear mascara. And pull your hair back. It makes you look older. I love you, but you’ve got a baby face, darling.”

Circe huffed at Talya but nodded nonetheless, it would have to do for the moment. If she got the chance she would conquer the challenge that is heels and makeup. She sat at her sisters vanity and waited to get assulted.

Talya turned back to her closet momentarily, grabbing the aforementioned pair of shoes. She walked over to her vanity as well, placing the shoes on the table before opening the the top drawer to scrounge for a tube of mascara. The blue tube claimed to make your lashes look thicker, the red claimed to make them longer; The purple tube, however, Talya knew for a fact did both, and so that was the one she decided upon. “Look up,” she said, unscrewing the lid as Circe did so. She applied the mascara delicately to the other girls lashes. “And now down.” She took a small step back, admiring what little work she had done, but nonetheless, it was an improvement from the usual. “There ya go.”

Circe looked in the mirror, there wasn't much of a difference but her eyes did pop out a bit more than usual. She was conflicted for a moment, this was the first time she ever wore makeup, granted it was just small change, she still felt weird.

”Alright, now that I look like a clown, what's next in the Talya program for murder??” She said with a small smile.

“I myself have to get dressed,” Talya replied. “Tell you what. Meet me outside the building in fifteen. Tonight, you’re in for a treat.”
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 29 min ago

Not a tear was shed. They all knew the cost, and now perhaps their infantile leader did too. And all this for what? Power? Power in the hands of a child who knew nothing. All of this was just a game to him perhaps, some petty squabble to be played with the lives of others like pawns. Surely they had their worth, and the bugger had just traded a loyal knight to give himself something to ease his own insecurities. Rufus could have given Aloyisus an earful, should have even as rightfully so, but words wouldn't get past the boy's thick skull anyways. It was all wasted on a man who saw only his own stupidity as genius. The old man could only hope whatever was gained was worth it. Nevertheless, Rufus had resigned himself to the company of these practically prepubescent teenagers and their eternal need for drama and attention. It was a necessary evil to court these hormonal punks that were organized into a loose society of lost boys and girls. They were all probably sleeping with each other at this point like his accursed students. And if it ever came a time for anyone one of them to lay naked before Rufus...

He was almost finished. Although time had little meaning to one who controlled it, the Irishman took pride in the personal nature of the work. An intermezzo at the bar the evening prior, something to wet his whistle after working the long hours. Three hours invested into the painstakingly slow process of cutting, curing and tanning the hide. The first hour spent harvesting the skin, the incisions made with a surgical scalpel into the warm flesh. Once the rigor passed, the limp body was far easier for him to manipulate upon the table. The layer of fascia and fat just beneath peeled away by the fine edge, as gloved hands reached deep to separate out the tissue. The head and extremities were difficult, but this wasn't the first time Rufus had completely skinned someone, planning his cuts to section off the pieces to be sewn back together later. It was a shame the boy died, but at least now his ink would be immortalized. The tattooed skin of Tybalt's corpse, set to be stretched out between the frames in pieces, stretched out to soak in the solution and then time-accelerated to be treated for tanning. But it was worth it, wasn't it? For three hours out of it he had preserved the dead boy's artwork against the ravages of time. And this was merely the beginning of the process Rufus undertook to destroy the body as a safeguard against anyone who would seek to use the dead boy's body beyond death.

The complete process of turning a corpse into immortalized art took two days, once the skin was removed and the muscles sheered, the dis-articulation of the ribs and long bones at the joints. Indeed he was a professor of biology, capable of teaching students a wide field of topics learned through his decades of living, but more so the life experiences he had were invaluable to the skills he gained. Any trade he could learn back in his early days, back in Ireland before the famine and wars, before the wretched trouble, he dipped his hand into. Tannery, metalwork, the sawmill, anything to keep himself fed as being a magi did very little these days. Even in the emerald isle, full of fey enchantment, guild membership forbade the use of magic to prosper. Officially at least, the families than ran the show were still dabbling their grimy little claws on wealth accumulated over the years of having used magic to their gain. But for the rest of the lot of yah, no, it was forbidden. So what could a descendant of a long line of celtic druids do to in hard times? Take up a trade, reflected in the old ways he went about processing the rest of Tybalt. A butcher proper, who worked to hack off the meat from the bones, cleaving tendons from flesh as the bloodless body lay to the whirring of the bone saw through the lad's skull.

The organ harvest, returned to the scalpel to take it all, detaching the viscera with his elbows deep in the the skinless effigy, the wax injections to fill the hollow organs after the cuts made to empty everything and the tailor-esque stitches made to repair the incisions into the tissue. Yes, Circe was a murdering psychopath, but Rufus was a different sort of crazy. For what sort of man takes a dead boy's body across state lines to a old Connecticut farm owned under one of the aliases of Hank Morgane? With all the lives he led, perhaps one could begin to question if Rufus was even his name, and not just an moniker he had adopted as another character of his to be lived out and strutted upon the stage. And yet, he had returned the morning to his work having successfully rigged his explosives the evening prior. An act of terror small, but enough to arouse suspicion. It was about sending a message wasn't it? Not a bloody invitation a la that crazy girl.

The molten bronze had cooled, melting all the organic tissue trapped between the layers of the mould and wax, the biological components had been erased. And now all that remained was to send the boy's bones through thousands of years of mineralization until it petrified. Then Rufus could being the final process of this bizarre embalming, the reassembly of all the stone pieces with the bronze, stitching of the leather over framework, the pouring of sawdust to fill the missing meat, and the insertion of the glass eyes. And if Rufus was left alone for the rest of the day, he could make it back to their little base and present the group with his latest masterpiece: Tybalt.

And if he had the good fortune of stopping by another bar for another carbomb? That would be grand.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 1 day ago

Placeholder for Talya and Circe's night out.

-Massive destruction.
-Murdering seemingly innocent people.
-Some flirtatious remarks.
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