Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As Shade Walker exited the bathroom he sat down at his table, and looked up at the television noting that the Hero Sutokingusakura was in the hospital, and so was Crusher Elephant who were both in critical condition but it is expected that Sakura would likely make it out alive with scarring for life. The police were roaming around the city looking for the criminals but the escape vehicle, and the attackers had gotten away in a cloud of smoke. Police had noted that this was definitely a professional thing, and that some eye witnesses from inside the building noted that it would seem the villains seemed to have conflict in their ranks. The people weren't all on the same mind set which severely hampered their ability to initially form a plan. However with the severe injuries of some civilians on the hands of the bank robbers including the murder of the bank guards it is unknown how long these people will remain at large heroes are pledging to find these villains and bring them to justice. The news went onto describe the devastator of the bank Captain East hit as if it had been the center of an earthquake. "Pathetic...I expected more of a panic, and more 'heroics'. All the same we need not fear them. As long as The Boss remains in charge there is literally no one in existence with a quirk that will rip out our roots. We are going to win eventually its ony a matter of time."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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@Stern Algorithm@LemonZest1337@vancexentan


The young hero was tapping his chin thinking about her question, He was thinking about not giving out too much personal information. "Well that is a very good question, Why I joined was because i thought this group would be fun. As strange as it sounds I know, I thought that the thrill of being chased by the heroes would be a greater thrill then being chased by the police" He finished drinking the rest of his milk form the glass.

"If you can tell I'm a bit of a thrill seeker, Although gaining a vast amount of money, paintings and jewelry is a nice bonus" He added smiling and pouring more milk into his glass. Looking over at one named Dieselpunk and listening to what she was saying.

"A pleasure to meet you too, You can call me Verd if you wish. Oh wow that is very fascinating. Now is it with any time of machinery? Can you graft said machinery to your body like armor?" She asked finding her to be very exciting. Although he finds both Ana and Diesel to have interesting and thrilling quirks.

He ignored what East said as he himself was quite fond of being chased, He found killing too boring, And found stealing and being chased to be more thrilling and exciting.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

"'Dis be yah one and only warnin', Dieselpunk. Don't call meh that again. Call me Zion. If using 'deh term Lord doesn't feel right.

A faint look of displeasure flashed across Kyouran's face. She had just wanted to lighten the mood and take her mind off Karma's execution, but, as was often the case with villains, Zion was sensitive about his identity. Of course, Kyouran's casual, punky nature rubbed most people the wrong way, but having been a street thug, breaking the law, breaking the rules, and giving the very concept of 'formality' a big middle finger was all part of the same mentality. Still, Kyouran was in no mood to push back, so she simply muttered a, "...sorry, Zion..." knowing that if she had said 'Lord', it would have come off sounding sarcastic, and she wanted to sound sincere to at least cement their professional relationship.

"A pleasure to meet you too, You can call me Verd if you wish. Oh wow that is very fascinating. Now is it with any time of machinery? Can you graft said machinery to your body like armor?"

Taking a swig of her beer, She turned to Verdrehte. "It's actually any metallic object, really, but the more I take on, the heavier I get, the heavier I get, the less my organic limbs can hold myself up, so adding machinery to the mix gives me the power I need to move around. Someone once told me that it should be possible for me to incorporate computers and hack systems like nothing before, but I'm not too good at the brainy stuff." She pointed at the bear trap that replaced her jaw, "This little souvenir is permanent. If I'm fused to long with something it becomes a part of me forever. I usually feel pain before that happens and kick it out of my body, but I was drunk during this. Someone also helped me replace my vocal chord with a speaker, because I was unable to talk for the longest time." She said this without opening her bear trap, to signify that the sound of her voice was not being produced naturally. She wondered if she was giving to much away, not holding her cards close to her chest. Maybe she was naive to want to continue to build trust when they had so recently been betrayed, but she felt that only made building trust more imperative.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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@LemonZest1337 @vancexentan @Jin Of Mana


"Well i am sure i can help you if ever we need to hack into a computer" He said wanting to let a helping hand to his comrade. Leaning forward a little to properly inspect her large metal jaw feeling a bit frightened to be near her or rather would be afraid of being the person between her jaws. "Amazing" He said softly touching the side of her jaw but not the inside, Finding her power and Aya's to be quite fascinating. And with the two of them sharing a bit about themselves letting him get to know them a bit more. However he was not going to share things like his name or more personal thing until he fully trust them. And with them being child killers he was not sure if he should say anything further about himself.

"So i wonder why did you join this rag tag group?" He asked Aya and somewhat to Diesel resting his arm on the bar table and his chin on his hand. He had a feeling he was going to enjoy some of the people in the group and was going to have fun teasing one of them. "So for example you could make a suit of armor out of common machinery? Fascinating." He said and then turning to Aya to ask her another question. "I wonder can you touch yourself and contort your own body? And do you know whom the others are in the group and if you can what their quirks are?" He asked her watching them closely behind his burlap sack mask.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Aya weathered away at the drink in her hand as she listened to the others talk. Verd was asking some more questions now, and they were fair ones, well at least one of the was, the other was quite stupid. She had asked how he came to be there so he returned the question. "I came here because the way the world is now is flawed. It's a place where people can be prosecuted for doing good deeds that only they possess. Unless you are a hero that is... The system needs to change, and the dark tree is the force that will bring that change." Aya was getting a little to heated over this, her tone had shifted to one of passive aggression. She always got the way when talking about the fucked up society they live in. She clicked her tongue before continuing. "As for the question about controlling my own muscles. That's a no, I am unable to affect myself. Though I can think a few circumstance where such an ability would be helpful." She took another swig from her drink and set it down on the table. "I'll not be telling you the quirks of other people; one because I don't fully understand how they work. And two because you should be asking them that personally."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jin Of Mana
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Jin Of Mana Carry that weight...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lord Zion

@Stern Algorithm

The lion nodded. Being handed a bottle of water and drinking it while the others talked. Downing the water rather swiftly and easily. Either Zion was parched, or the quantity given wasn't considered a lot to the lion. Given his stature and size it was more likely the latter. Grin showing off fangs upon hearing the apology. Placing the empty bottle behind and onto the counter, Zion spoke clearly and loud enough for all to hear.

"I dun' mean tuh be prude. I merely wish to be called by muh name, along wit' stomp out any bad habits before dey' start. T'ank ya for dah apology. Not everyone is respectable enough to do such, especially in our line of work."

The lion didn't mind coming off as rude, or a jerk. Though if this group was to work together successfully, Zion figured for the benefit of Dark Tree he better play as nice as possible. Hearing the words being spoken by the young man Verd and the woman known as Aya. Unable to refrain from commenting on the words spoken by the latter. Even giving hint to the true feelings of the Dark Tree and his loyalty.


"Das' good to 'ear and I for cannot agree more. But dat is why we're all here, no? To do whatevah' necessary to allow the Dark Tree's roots to prosper. Not tah mention, weed out any sour roots, or destroy any enemy toxins that may poison the Dark Tree's soil. Especially ones that may harm Dark Tree's ideals from bearing fruit."

Grin still visible on maw of the lion. Golden-eyed gaze drifted between the other members and watching their reactions to his remark. Spending a bit longer examining the younger member, Verd, after saying the words 'sour roots'. Purely due to previously overhearing his words of enjoying 'cat and mouse' style living, which made him a bit leery to think Verd was reliable as a full-fledged villain. Back in Africa, even here in Japan. Zion didn't leave enemies alive, or victims, if he could help it. Such individuals left alive, as Zion would say, only further the noose which would eventually hang oneself. Saying nothing more, unless spoken too, after that. Merely sitting and waiting for what would come to mind as what the Lion would do next to occupy his time. Maybe, he'd mention his boredom later and see what comes of it. But doubtful.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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@LemonZest1337 @vancexentan @Jin Of Mana


The young man was listening to what she was saying agreeing with her point of view, and was empathetic to how she felt. "A fair enough point, I too find it unfair that good people are punished for wanting to punish crimes or bad deed. Just because they do something like snapping some child killer's neck" He said unintentionally referring to a incident he had. This incident was when he was still a hero of killing a child molester and murderer, After this he was sentenced to Juvenal prison. After his sentence he was stripped of being a hero and until joining the group was a thief and cat burglar.

"Cool well i think we would make a excellent team" He said cheerfully, He thought about what she said about meeting the other villains. "I will can do that somehow" He said tapping his finger on the chin of his mask. Hearing what Zion was saying especially when he said sour roots and staring at him, "Was he talking about me?" He thought to himself now tapping his hands on the bar table. Feeling both threatened and scared about what the implication was being said. "I agree and we should be working together to achieve that goal, Without any doubts" He said staring back at Zion squirting his eyes back at him. Like he knew what Zion meant. He hoped also East would not remember him being a hero. And especially that incident of a young hero that murdered someone.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 1 mo ago

At least the lion was very much loyal to the dark tree, she'd hopefully not have to worry about him in the future. Though Zion was showing possible signs of distrust in the Verd kid. Aya knew these thoughts weren't unjust, they had just gotten betrayed by young Karma. Fuck she had to think about him again, this shit was going to keep her awake for at least three days. Back on track, been betrayed by another younger member, and his answer to her question was a little vague. Admittedly so was hers to an extent... Ah never mind, they were laying low for a bit anyway, Aya would be able to gauge Verd later for now she kinda wanted to lay down and think. Maybe she'd be able to forget about Karma if she tried hard enough. "I'm worn out, I'll be in one of the booths if any of you wanna continue chatting."

Aya stood up and gave a small bow before heading over to the booths, taking a seat in whatever one was empty. She hoped none of them actually followed her to the booths, she honestly just wanted to think for a bit. A soft sigh escaped her as she slumped into one of the large comfy booth seats, her eyes closing as she started mulling over the heist and the betrayal.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Three Days later 3:00 PM

Warehouse Undisclosed location

The past three days had been heavily dampened as the near death of two heroes, and the injuries sustained by some cops, some of them outright dying from them. Resulted in a crackdown by the police on villains. Black Tree had chosen to make sure its members did not suffer the bulk of this and only let auxiliary members, low ranking villains in the organization, suffer at the hands of the cops to draw away heat. It may not have been as severe as it had been if there had not been multiple big banks hit at the same time successfully. It was clearly the work of some organized group though Black Tree as it had grown use to did not appear to have had a leak having Karma killed seemed to be for the best.

With East, and Shade Walker staying out of the next operation they members of the team assigned to the Stray Sheep hideout had been assigned by Shade Walker's associates to work with Strike Team Granite. A team made specifically to act as terrorist agents in an attempt to foil, and screw with hero operations. Though this may spike heat again the operation may very well critically damage hero moral for hte new future, and thus had allowed the operation.

Around the barren warehouse was a stock of guns, ammo, and explosives. Men in fatigues, and some other lower ranking villains with quirks. The men weren't the same as the bank robbers, and it would seem that the normal soldiers were just here to deal with cops, or help the villains seeing as they were only equipped with pistols, and sub-machine guns. They had very little body armor relegating them to leg, and chest armor. However one group seemed to stand out among the others. Men in suits wearing visors, and looking around. In the back sat a man in a black suit his face hidden by the shade. That was their commander supposedly. He had his personal assistants working to make sure the trunks, no different from those big tractor trailers that moved food, and goods from one place to another. Those were the vehicles used to transport them today apparently Kazuma was not being relied on for this operation. As the soldier looked around one of the villains mumbled something, "So who's the guy in charge anywhere?" questioned the villain who one of his buddies replied "I can't tell...but that outfit looks familiar. I've heard talk around him from guys like us but he isn't well known by the public. His name might be Crossbones. Some other people call him White Skull. Just nicknames though. Fuck if I'm going to call him out on it. We're just here till the boss gives the signal then we'll do our job." commented the villain's compatriot in return.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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The young villain was inside of the warehouse, Waiting for the others to join him on his operation. Sitting on one of the crates of weapons while reading the latest issue of Captain Blazkowicz, He loved this comic and related to the main villain. Cogwheel the villain of the comic whom had a similar kind of quirk to his own, However he was not as psychotic and quite cruel to others to civilians and his own thugs. Not really paying attention to the thugs and other villains especially the man in the shadows who is presumably the leader of this group.

He was worried that he would be forced to kill children or heroes, So for his mission he would be incapacitating as many people as he could without failing the mission or being killed. He wondered who this mystery leader of these thugs were, And he wondered if he had a similar quirk to this person. As well as some of the other quirks of the other villains here.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jin Of Mana
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Jin Of Mana Carry that weight...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lord Zion

Arms crossed, leaning amongst a wall or crate of goods. The lion watched and waited as the scene unfolded. Expression on lion's large maw was unenthusiastic as ever, despite the mission at hand, while waiting for the leader of this mission to speak or explain what the first course of action would be. Golden hues of the lion swiftly bouncing around as Lord Zion examined all the bodies filling the warehouse. Finally Zion speaks, after hearing the voices of the grunts or soldiers, voice loud and proud so all could hear him.

"No mattah who's instructed to lead us, as long as we're guided by Dark Tree, we'll remain true. 'Doh (though) I'd be a lia'ah (liar) if I said i wasn't curious as who will be running this show, and what our first move will be."

Impatience and pride of the lion were easily visible within his naturally stern expression. Seemed Lord Zion was more than ready as he stared upon the man in the back, who Zion assumed was the leader.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"You understand how it works than Lion of Africa! I heard that you had the pride of a true hunter it would seem that it is true. However...pride comes before the fall. The heroes will learn that soon. Pride is something to hold close. To hunger for! But only in amounts that are controlled. Falling down into the depths of ones heart, and soul leads to overconfidence. And the enemy will exploit it when you become careless. From one hunter to another: hold that fire close but not so close that it burns, and blinds you." the voice from the back replied as he adjusted his cowboy hat on his head a little. His voice was clear, cold, but still full of self-confidence. He spoke with the same clarity as a man whom has done this many times before. "The rest of you could learn something from the ambition of those around you." the man said suddenly slightly angry as he stood up, and looked around his face still cloaked in shadows. "Well what are you waiting for? Ready up already! We got some kids, and thugs to teach a lesson to." he said as he pointed the men who sped up their preparations.

One of the villains walked over to Verdre and looked down at him reading his comic, "Hey kid you better not be here because you're being baby sat. If you got time to kill grab some guns, or body armor. No one here wants to drag your sorry ass back to the base so if you get incapped you're going to jail. Better to be ready for the fight, than take your chances. No every organization supplies people with black market grade armor." the man said throwing a flak jacket at the kid as he walked back to his gang of villains.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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The young villain was still reading and enjoying his comic when a thug came up to speak to him, "I'm the villain here, So when you are laying in a pool of your blood. I ain't going to be around to drag your ass back" He said to the thug grinning under his mask. Putting his comic away and putting on his body armor.

"So what is the plan on our missions el capitán?" He said to the shadowy villain, He was not going to use a gun as he liked using hand to hand combat or melee weapons. He was curious as well about the leader's quirk or what he was all about. Although them waxing philology was quite cliche and boring, However he was going for the most part ignore Zion unless he proves "Fun".
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I'm giving everyone a couple more minutes to prepare before I tell everyone that plan young man. Besides I need to do something before we all go off, and do our deeds in the name of the boss. Patience is key to any operation. If you got immediate needs talk to the assistants I brought with me." the shadowed man told Verdre as he sat back down in his corner and knelt his head back down once more that fiery speech he had given just a moment before hand overshadowed by another side of the man as the visored gentlemen looked over to the boy preventing him from getting too close but also clearly waiting for any questions he may have regarding the equipment, or the mission.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Aya sat on a supply crate as she sifted through her medical bag making sure to be fully topped up on everything she might need. If she were to tell the truth she wasn't the happiest about this mission, she knew it was needed but messing with kids was always a little bit a problem. But at least if some of her compatriots got a little carried away with their handling of the kids then she could give the kids some treatment and then give a verbal lashing to whoever she deems fit.

She frowned at the interaction Verd had with the other villain. But he was new and the other guy seemed like an ass, if push came to shove it'd probably be her dragging both their asses out of trouble anyway... After finishing her third check over her equipment she stood up and headed over to Verd. "Do you have to pick fights on the first day?" Her tone was rather empty making it hard to tell if she was scolding him or just joking.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Midnight avoided the others over the course of their downtime. Most, if not all of them, were selfish meatheads only interested in furthering their own name and for that they had his respect, a selfish mentality was needed to be a leader among villains. Many of them were also criminally stupid and lacked the prerequisite brain power to be anything but a shield to be used by Midnight and the one ally he had actually begun to appreciate.

'Standing' an inch or so from the ground with his exoskeleton nearby, the cosmic villain was cross armed and staring at the gathered muscle. Something about that word and its constant use in the criminal underworld was a disgusting example of the wasted brain power of the usual villainy. Where were the thinkers in this crew, who could truly shine amomgst the lackwits.
Diselpunk had been a rare exception to the meathead rule. Engaging Midnight on the regular while he had pondered the stars in the late nights when the world slumbered.
Her company had become welcomed in short order as they had conversed in depth enough to sate his curiosities.

"Do you think these new members will hinder the plan more than they help? Fodder rarely serves a purpose beyond hindrance anyways." His tone was low so only Dieselpunk could hear him. It wasn't so much that the quirkless gun toting help were not needed but his own opinion on the crew shuffling. Teams needed to know each other, from the lowest soldier to the top executive in some cases.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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"Eh it was not my fault he was being a jerk, I'm not going to worry about him if he does something stupid and gets shoot" He said pulling out his dagger, The dagger was a 19th century dagger that was used by Jack The Ripper. He had stolen it form a British museum a few years ago. And was something he cleaned and sharped thanks to a old friend of his. "So what do you think of the captain?" He asked her motioning with his head at the shadowy leader of the thugs.

"He is hiding something form us, i'm gonna keep a eye on him" He said softly to Aya for only her to hear.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Aya gave Verd a smack upside the head, frowning at him. "These people are here help you twit. Just try and get along, you don't have to like them, but at the very least be civil. If you see that guy with a bullet in his arm, you don't leave him. You bring him to me." She shook her head a little. Just because we are villains doesn't mean we have to be assholes."

She then looked over at the man in charge. Verd seemed suspicious of him for some reason, Aya really saw no reason to. But like contagious disease suspension now linger in her too, though only a little. Aya then looked back at Verd "I see nothing wrong here, and if he is hiding something it's either a test from the dark tree or he's going to tell us later. This guy doesn't seem like a mole to me, but with what happened a few days ago..." Aya fell silent for a moment then shook her head. "Yeah no. I don't see anything Verd, I can go talk to him if you want but honestly I think it's just your imagination."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 17 min ago



The young villain was holding the back of his head when he was smacked, "Ow god damn it, I was just joking of course i would not leave him behind" He said feeling the sting of her hand smack. Although true he did not like the thugs he was not going to try and anger the other team members.

"Well i don't know i just have this feeling he may betray us, Or something bad will happen" Verdrehte said still rubbing where he was smacked by Aya. Now rubbing his chin and thinking about figuring out more about their mystery leader, "You don't need to talk to him, I'm sure something will happen to prove my idea" He said looking over at the shadowy leader.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

"Do you think these new members will hinder the plan more than they help? Fodder rarely serves a purpose beyond hindrance anyways."

So far, the Black Tree has demonstrated precision and aptitude. All of the thugs had been professionals, as far as Dieselpunk could tell. Still, the only people she'd really gotten to know were the Stray Sheep inhabitants, and unlike most gangs, it seemed as if every job involved shuffling around with a different branch of the tree. This lack of familiarity with the people she was working with created some anxiety and discomfort. She had to keep reminding herself that the system was built on trust. At first she had accepted it as an aspect of what it means to be professional, to play in the big leagues. But given Midnight's statement, Dieselpunk had started doubting that hypothesis and was wondering if everyone thought it was kind of weird to constantly be meeting new people every job. It would explain why Verd was bristling so much right now.

But Dieselpunk wanted to give this 'Strike Team Granite' the benefit of the doubt. After all, she was hired muscle herself, not too long ago. To assuage Midnight's doubts as much as her own, Dieselpunk said, "Well, last time, at the bank, the robbers and other members seemed to know what they were doing. I'm sure this group is no different."

Then she raised her voice so the others could hear, "I won't really need any firearms, but would you happen to have a few of those trucks you could spare? Or are we bringing any other heavy machinery?"
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