Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@Lucius Cypher

As Ashley excitedly hurried off to prepare some training, an equally if not more excited Kael rushed through the temple to return the logs.  Suddenly taking notice of someone watching him, the half elf froze and slowly turned his head toward the altar. 

Standing near the altar resting for a moment was the biggest dwarf Kael had ever seen. Coal black skin, charred, braided hair, and standing around seven feet tall, he was a monsterous bloke.  Nearly dropping the books, Kael stared at the strange dwarf, his jaw slackened in awe.  Before Kael could inquire  about the hulking smith's identity, the dwarf was approached by one of the priests who whispered something into his ear. The large dwarf then left to go back to his business.

Regaining his bearings, Kael continued over to the priest whom had given him the tomes, "Thank you for your help ser priest... I greatly appreciate it." he said as he placed the logs before the priest with a small curteous bow. 

Making haste out of the temple, Kael broke into a run, nearly colliding with several people on his way to the garrison.  He was definitely gonna ask Ashley about that giant of a dwarf.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by The Large Dumbo
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The Large Dumbo Duke-King-President of Candyland

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Pacing himself, Darunia slowly approached the gates of Frontier Town. He took a deep breath as he crossed his arms, eyeing up the gate before taking any further steps. Coming here had been a long, treacherous, and dangerous journey. In fact, it wasn't until the other day that he had decided to settle somewhere more permanent. He'd heard that humans often leave home at a young age, and an exceptional bunch would even avoid settling until long after their time had passed. The longevity of his kin was a very strange inversion, however. He was sure that he'd outlived several others, and had concluded that he'd spent as much time wandering as it had taken for a human to be born, start a family, and perish. For several weeks, Darunia had thought about what it had meant to live a successful life. Was success measured in how rich you were when your time came? Was it measured in sheer strength? Perhaps, even, it was measured in avoiding death entirely...

He concluded that each person had their own qualifier for success, something that gives them joy when it is acquired. He'd met several people on his travels, and all of them seemed to derive pleasure from different things. He'd made friends with a gnome a long time ago who enjoyed stealing things, and he'd met a bunch of orcs who really seemed to have fun kicking in the ribs of Drow. Darunia, himself, had concluded that he had a passion for sneaking around and discovering things. He had a tendency to pry where he shouldn't, something that had gotten him in trouble quite a long time ago. A fist formed in his hand as he thought back to that fateful day. He would return one day when he had the means to crush that disgusting wench and her lackeys... He was just biding his time. Really. Revenge was the second item on his To-Do List. Before he could enact revenge on anyone or anything, he needed tools to help him achieve this goal.

Tools are extensions of the person, and are needed to accomplish goals that one cannot achieve alone. This was one of the few lessons that remained in his head after he was cast out of the Drow society. Anything that he could get his hands on would be useful to him in one way or another. Weapons are useful for cutting lives shorter, and faster. Gold is useful for greasing palms and convincing even the most immovable warriors to raise a blade for him. It was also, obviously, useful in ensuring he gets a warm place to sleep, transportation, food, armor... Darunia blinked twice in mild surprise. He'd never really considered just how useful gold was beyond transportation and food. Opening his bag, he counted out all 15 of the GP he had managed to hang onto since he had arrived here. Its shiny face was almost breathtaking to the young Drow, but he knew he'd need a lot more if he wanted to get anywhere.

Spending such a long time on the road wasn't getting him any closer to his goal, he had realized a long time ago. He needed... something. Anything. His little possessions were goods he had stolen a long time ago, sent into exile with naught but the clothes on his back. He needed to capitalize on his abilities, as he had nothing. His first order of business would be to procure a weapon of some sort. A tool that would carry him much farther in the city with than without. From there, he could figure out where to go, but before he would even consider heading anywhere, he would have to acquire some form of security. Darunia swung his fists in front of him, clapping his hands when they met at their apex. For the first time in at least 50 years, Darunia had come up with a plan, and a way to change his life. With a drawn-out deep breath, Darunia slowly walked towards the entrance, steeling himself for whatever hardships may wait ahead.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago


The other hawk was thoroughly confused seeing go down, which gave Ethan an opening to try and smack the bird. His blow manages to strike the tip bird's wing, knocking a few feathers off, but it remains in the air long enough for it to build enough distance to try and dive bomb him, aiming for Ethan's eyes. Fortunately for him however, the strike he had made was enough to cause it to narrowly miss his head, flying right past his shoulder. Unfortunately for Ethan, he would get a loud, ear-piercing screech with next to his head as another arrow lands right inside the breast of the bloodhawk, causing it to immediately fall down onto Ethan and onto the ground. It twitched and convulsed as it tried to get back up, but the more it moved the faster it bled out. Seconds later, it was dead.

The red archer looked around for more threats but all was calm. She kept her bow in hand, grabbing a spear in the other, and slide down the hill to meet with Ethan. "Hey you alright? Bloodhawks, nasty little things. Not unusual for them to go after lone travelers, especially around this time. But you don't look like one of the villagers. In fact, you don't even look like you're from the town. Newcomer?" The girl asks as she takes her spear and makes sure the hawks are good and dead. Then she'd proceed to take out some rope and tie their dead bodies to the end of her spear, to carry off and eat for later.



Shem'et would find Selene lounging on a couch at her mother's bar, Underhaven, alongside her other cronies who seemed much more active then she was. Darc appeared to be studying a map of the town, with various locations marked in his foul demonic tongue. Gadget was working on some sort of gadget off to the side, it appeared to be a helmet of some sort. Servanus appeared to be drooling into glass vials, but was in fact collecting his own poison. They all looked up to Shem'et when she approached Selene, while Selene herself was simply sipping her drink lazily. "Good question. I'm actually here for the same reason. I need to get a few things for a little quest I'm undertaking, but surprisingly enough my dear old mother is nowhere to be found. I could just take what I need out from storage itself, but that might make some misunderstandings if she starts wondering who took her supplies when she wasn't at her bar." Selene says in her usual calm, yet slightly condescending tone of voice.

Finishing her drink she flipped her legs back down to the floor, only to cross one over the other as she looked at the tabaxi. "But tell me what you need and I'll make sure Lucilia gets a note about it." Selene says with a smile. But it was a smile that was a mask, hiding some sort of intention. What intention it was, however, would requiring someone willing to try and look underneath that mask.


Livia | Katherine

Maeda kept up her polite, smiling demeanor as she watched and listened to the two sisters. Oh she could tell there was something between them. Maeda would need to play her cards carefully to in order to make sure things don't get too tense. Quickly thinking of something, first Maeda needed to get them into her den. Maeda's office was quiet large, as befitting someone of Maeda's physique, and well decorated. Fresh flowers on her desk, paintings of the landscape around the frontier, and of course beautiful tapestries and carpets. Both of the Fiore's would recognize the craftsmanship; these designs and the quality of the fabrics were quite high quality. There were also a few instruments neatly laid aside, including a pair of drums, an ivory flute, and a voil. Maeda made some tea for the two girls, using a snap of her finger to make the water the right temperature for tea. She made three cups, one for her and one for each girl.

There was three chairs in front of her desk, as well as a large bench where Maeda sits at behind her desk. This is where she sat down as she sipped her tea and looked at the two girls. First she addressed Livia. "Let me begin by saying that I've actually been expecting you, Livia. The mayor had informed us of your arrival and I've been quiet excited to work with you. I've heard you're more capable then most when it comes to magic, so I intend to see you grow and prosper." Maeda then reached inside one of the drawers on her desk and took out what appeared to be some sort of clockwork bird. It was eerily realistic aside from the fact it was obviously made of metal instead of flesh and feathers.

"As you may imagine, the crypt holds many untold dangers. What the mayor likely hasn't told you yet is that there are notable dangers down there, and not just the natural hazards one may expect underground. There has been an actual sighting of zombie-like entities located within the crypt, and of course the Mayor wants to make sure that they don't get out. So far they haven't seem to notice the opening and there has been no skirmishes between the undead and the militia. That being said, the mayor is more concerned about potential hazards laying within the crypt that can't simply be forced through. While I have no doubt our local soldiers can easily handle a zombie or two, they can't exactly fight off a poison cloud. Additionally I've sensed some sort of magic deep within this crypt, however unless I can get closer all I can sense is it's presence, no telling what it might be or what it does. Which is why I have created this creature here."

Maeda tapped the side of the bronze bird's body. "I call it a Stymphalian Bird, after a small village back in the mainland since that's where I found this contraption. I believe with the proper rituals and components, this bird can be utilized as a familiar. And thanks to it's sturdy nature, it should be able to survive any poison gas that might be down there. If you can help me get a few more components for this little guy, I'll teach you how to attune to him so you can use him like a familiar. I have my own of course, but this way we'll have two eyes in there instead of just one."



After a few setbacks, Antaeus paused and looked around. Using not just his eyes but his ears too. Listening to what might be around that could help him. There was a slight breeze in the air. The area was oddly quiet, with only the distant sounds of birds and bugs. It smelled salty here, with the wet scent of mud too. That's when he'd pick up on one thing that stood out among the rest. The cry of a deer. It was a bit far, far enough that if he wasn't listening he might've not have heard it. But because he did he would also notice something else. Back in the forest further up north appeared to be a few fallen saplings, snapped in half as if they've been ran over. No doubt by the white stag. And sure enough if Antaeus looked around further, he'd find more proof that this northward path was the right direction to go; more deer tracks, with scratches on the underside of the taller branches. Not only that but there were some long white hairs scattered about, perhaps due to the implied fighting the White Stag had just gotten into.

Wherever the stag was, whatever he was doing, Antaeus had found a new trail to follow. Wherever the stag was going he was going quickly; unlike the route the beast took to the salt lake, this path out appeared to have been made more hastily. Perhaps the stag was running from something. Or chasing something. Either way that was for Antaeus to find out.



Getting to the garrison was a simple enough task. There were a plenty of young men and women there training, either in groups or individuals, training with weapons and armors, as well as generally exercising. The exercises consisted of mostly jogging and weight lifting, with men and women alive carrying large sacks while they moved around and tried to follow various commands such as jumping, crouching, laying down, crouching, and jumping up again. Ashley was already there talking to another person, a rather large burly man carrying a large target over his shoulder. When she see's Kael she waves him over as the man leaves. "Kael! Over here!"

When the young elf does arrive, Ashley leads him to a fairly open area in the garrison. Not too far away was a large orcish man bristling with scars,with a completely shaven head and a notable bread, missing an eye and a hand, drilling a group of recruits through some sort of pike formation. It mainly consisted a lot like what the other people were doing with the weights; one shout had one group crouch, another had them laying down, and the last one had the previous group that was laying down jump to their feet. In any case Ashley walked up to kael and poked his chest. "First we need to get an idea of what you're capable of. Let's start with a simple sprint. I want you to run from this side of the training ground to the other side and back. I'm going to time you to see how fast you can do this." The training ground was fairly large, being roughly a square going 100 feet by 100 feet. "Go as fast as you can. On my mark. Get ready.... Set... GO!"



As the young drow approached the gate, the two guards on duty immediately took notice. Drow were not unfamiliar to Underhaven, and they had a few of them living nearby, but rarely would they ever see them walking about during the day. In a perfect soecity everyone was welcomed to the Frontier Town, but after recent attacks by orcish raiders, only a few personally escorted to the town hall were allowed free reign. And normally, the guards wouldn't even bother most travelers; they're just here to watch out for trouble. But for these young, inexperienced gate watchers, a drow was trouble. When Darunia approached the guards raised his hand to halt him. "Hold it there. State your business traveler." He said in a stoic, professional tone. The other guard simply watched, his hand gripping his spear. These were two young men, probally fifteen or sixteen years old, but quite large for their size; they were about as big as Darunia, and the one who spoke was quite a bit more burly. It made his spear look almost comically too small for him.

@The Large Dumbo
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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@Lucius Cypher@Pyromania99

Following Maeda into her office, Livia had to say she was impressed. It was well furnished, just as the Mayor's was. Not at all what she had been expecting from a simple teacher. The furniture and tapestries were of the finest craftsmanship, and one could tell they were likely quite expensive. A few instruments were laid to the side not far off, either. Perhaps Maeda was skilled in playing? A thought for later. Taking a seat, Livia took the tea with a quiet thanks as the Arachne continued. Livia was immediately concerned.

Setting aside the marvel that was the metal bird, what had Maeda heard? More skilled that most? Expecting her? Did Mayor Nicolas inform her? What exactly did her mother write in that letter? Maeda was talking as if she was already an accomplished mage, and certainly she was knowledgeable in those fields, but actual magic? She hadn't yet had any practice with actual spell casting aside from watching Bezif cast his. There was some sort of misunderstanding here, likely thanks to the further meddling of her mother. She briefly thought about clearing it up, but a quick glance over to Katherine removed any such thought from her head. She wasn't about to openly admit to being weak.

"I see," Livia replied as Maeda finished, setting the teacup down and observing the bird. "Well I'm flattered that one such as yourself considers my skill worthy of note when I've hardly done anything deserving of it." She replied in a humble manner before continuing. "But as you said, Mayor Nicolas said nothing about there already being undead and potential dangers aside from what you would expect to find." That certainly complicated things even further, but she wasn't about to back down in front of Katherine, or about to let rumors spread about how weak she was. No risk no reward, as they say. A magical presence deep within the crypt as well? Now that was both interesting and concerning. The rewards were greatly outweighing the potential risk. So much so she'd even put up with Katherine's presence to explore that ruin.

"Well lets get to business then," Livia continued, picking up Creme from her shoulder and placing the kitten in her lap. He promptly pawed the arm rest of the chair, mewing curiously at Katherine. "The faster we solve this problem the sooner the mines can be opened fully again. A few zombies shall not be much of a trouble as long as I stay alert. I'll buy a few supplies that may help before I leave as well." One could never hurt to be prepared. She'd just need to see what supplies she could buy from the local store. "But what of these components do you need for the bird?"

She just hoped her sister dearest kept her mouth shut without needing to be told.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Lucius Cypher

Ethan abruptly sat on the dirt road in silence, sans the sounds of his heavy breathing. He dared not move an inch from his position, out of shock as well as the exhaustion he suddenly felt. Sweat poured down his face in streams instead of droplets, his throat had the rusty taste of blood, and his eyes were glazed. He clutched his left ear, hurt from the sudden screech of the now dead blood hawk, and checked if his eardrum had ruptured from the sudden assault of noise. "N-no blood...all good. Yimir's Fething Axe...that was too close. An inch more to the left and I'd be done in." As if to reassure himself he stops clutching his ear and checks his face and neck for any injuries. For what he knew, the adrenaline rush would have dulled his sense of pain and exhaustion. He lets out a relieved sigh as there were no traces of any injury before shaking his head side to side. "How in the nine hells did a simple pick up become a fight for my life...Maker above."

Ethan had regained most of his composure when the red archer had approached his position. "Hey you alright? Bloodhawks, nasty little things. Not unusual for them to go after lone travelers, especially around this time. But you don't look like one of the villagers. In fact, you don't even look like you're from the town. Newcomer?" She asked, piercing the still bodies of the hawks. Probably to make sure the little bastards were really dead, he assumed. She was already tying the birds to her spear when Ethan snapped out of his stupor. Looks up to see his savior, a lady archer dressed in red. Ethan stands from his sitting position on the dirt road and does his best to wipe away the grime and sweat from his face. Feeling exhausted was no excuse to be rude to someone, what more his savior. He stands upright as best as he can and tips the slightly sweaty hat atop his crown to greet her. "Thank you miss archer for the rescue, I owe you my life. I'm unharmed, if not just tired from running...and you are correct. I just arrived to Frontier Town a number of hours ago. You are quite perceptive miss archer, furthermore very skilled with a bow." He compliments the young archer in red, noting that striking such small and fast targets like the blood hawks is quite the feat. "Ah...where are my manners. I am Ethan Bradford, formerly a wanderer and currently a courier for the local inn. Pleasure to meet you."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Large Dumbo
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The Large Dumbo Duke-King-President of Candyland

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


A very dry smirk crossed the Drow's face as he could sense the two forms approaching. Of course taking the first step into his journey would not be as easy as... well, taking a step. With the sun beating down on his face, he clenched his teeth and held a hand over his eyes, squinting them to further reduce exposure. The sun always put him in a foul mood. What good was it for aside from growing crops? Civilization has created substitutes for its other purposes, so why have they not made it obsolete yet?! Darunia sighed, shaking his head. "Do you always ask redundant questions of those who come to your city?" He asked. "I am a traveler. I travel. What more is there to it that you wish to know?" Speaking in such a tone was, he knew, not very likely to push any sort of idea of friendliness to the group before him. The sun's overpowering glare made it quite hard for him to try and converse while making eye contact, and while he could put up his hood, he was sure that these two rapscallions were simply looking for a fight. The flap of a hood would be all it would take to send fists flying. At least, that's what most of his experiences taught him.

Of course, he knew that they were really after why a Drow was lurking around here in the first place. Quite frankly, he was none too sure himself. Such an answer would not satisfy a guard, if experience had taught him. This was going to be his first chance to make an impression in the city, and, while he couldn't get a solid grasp on the precise ages of the guards, they appeared to be quite young. He considered the most hassle-free way to deal with this scenario... He wasn't too keen on spending his money so soon into his trip, but it seemed like it couldn't be helped. "Perhaps we can make an exchange," Darunia quickly proposed. Fishing out two gold coins and flashing them to the guards, he forced a smile. "I need to get someplace to stay for at least the next morning. Should one of you escort me to the nearest inn, I promise I will make it worth your time." He was not a charmer by any stretch of the word, but he was left with no choice. Begging and sniveling not to be assaulted by these young guards... A flicker of anger flared up in Darunia. He would have to let this pass. Just this once.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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𝕬 𝖓 𝖙 𝖆 𝖊 𝖚 𝖘

Salt Lake >> White Stag's Trail

Antaeus's head snapped in the direction of the deer call. He immediately took in the disturbed underbrush, the white hair, and once more those high tree scrapes. But that call was some distance away. If he went slow to stay hidden, the White Stag would just get further and further away--and the more time there would be for some beast to happen upon him unawares. But if he just crashed on through the brush, not only might some predator hear him, but the White Stag too might detect his pursuer...

No. It's already either chasing something or running from it--if anything, I might be able to catch it as it grows tired.

With the trail so clear before him there was no need to worry about losing the tracks. Turning his javelin point-down in one hand--so that he wouldn't spear himself if he fell--the boy took a deep breath and set off at a sprint. Even as he pushed against the ground the earth supported him, and he still left no sign of his passage. Whether that would remain true in the forest, however, had yet to be seen. Going as fast as he was able, Antaeus pursued his quarry.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

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Katherine Lindall-Fiore

Katherine was slightly disappointed with the lack of major response to her "offer", though perhaps it was to be expected. With a bit of disappointment in her heart, she followed Maeda and Livia in the Arachne's office. She studied the room a bit, noticing that she recognized the craftwork of the fabrics on the ground. Beautiful to be sure, but she was also sure that such things had quite the monetary cost... Well, that's mostly based on the looks. She could easily be wrong. Now, there was a bit of oddity to this in Katherine's opinion. This place seemed fairly... Fancy which didn't fit her impression of this frontier area. While she looked at the bits and baubles of the room, she noticed a couple of things.

First of all, the instruments were definitely high quality. There were musicians that sometimes came and played for them, some foreign. The rugs were new, or Maeda hardly used her office which would not be too surprising. There was little to no wear on the fabrics. It's possible they were both the first people in here in a while.

After she was done looking around at the instruments, she took a seat in the chair next to Livia. About the time the tea was quite ready. There was sugar and creme near by, no not the cat, so she added some to her tea. It was delicious. Same way Yorick use to make it too. She pretended to not be interested in the conversation Livia was having, but listened in anyway. From sipping her tea, she took a couple of glances at Maeda to see if she noticed anything about her... But she had nothing. Maybe it was with how professional she was being right now. As the two continued to converse, she saw Livia move the cat on her shoulder down to her lap. It gave a cute little meow to her and she had to grab the little guy and bring it over to her lap.

A little cutie to pet for sure. While Livia talked her peace, Katherine felt a little dizzy at first... Then it was the typical headaches she got. The same thing that happened before the voice talked to her. It felt like she passed from reality to some dreamy daze of fog. There was a figure silhouetted against the clouds, "Go with her, dear." It was long and drawn out, but definitely feminine. How vexing it was, to have someone you don't know tell you where to go and give you a headache if you don't. Originally, she just wanted to tell Livia not to go since it sounded dangerous and she didn't want to lose someone important to her again, but there was little choice in the matter.

As she came to, she found her hand resting against her face as if to keep the pain in check. Livia had finished speaking and the cat was just looking at her. "Let me go with you." Katherine said, forcefully. She hardly ever tried to sound too forceful, so she meant it. Livia should know this much. She turned to Maeda, "That much should be fine, correct?" She asked, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ihinka
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ihinka Sleepy

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Shem considered in silence as Selena spoke, calmly eyeing her cronies. Drac was studying a map of the town that had some markings in what appeared to be infernal attached to some of the buildings. Gadget was tinkering with some helmet and Servanus was... What in the name of all that is sacred is he doing?!? Shem'et diverted her eyes from the ghastly display and focused them on the daughter of the Underhaven's proprietor.

"I am sorry to hear your mother is not present." The crafter considered carefully everything else the young vampire said. Though Shem didn't know Selene too well, she could tell the young woman was shifty and up to no good. She also appeared bored as hell. Well, I'm not your plaything, little girl! You'll have to get your jollies another way, because I'm not playing your games! Determined not to play into Selene's machinations Shem spoke once more. "However as I need to leave post haste I cannot give you a list of my needs until she returns." The tabaxi's keen eyes scanned the interior of the inn in search for anything out of place or something that could give indication as to why Lucilia was absent. Finding nothing she fixed her gaze on Selena once more. "Regrettably, I shall have to go to Bertham's for my business." Shem'et bowed, glancing at the tinkering Gadget. Out of a crafter's pride and the desire to put this whole group of no-goods in their place she looked a bit closer with the intention of instructing the gnome on her lack of tinkering technique.

However, to Shem's utter shame she could not make heads or tails of what Gadget was working on, and so she straightened, giving her attention to Selena once more. "Please, give your mother my deepest regards!" Shem'et knew her words would either not be conveyed at all, or they would be distorted in some way as to amuse Selena. Still she gave them in the spirit of good manners. "I'll will be off now." The tabaxi finished and made her way out of the bar.

Shem'et was still a bit irked by her encounter with Selena, and by the fact that she now had to go to Barthem for her supplies, but the task was more important then her misgivings about trading with the town's official merchant. It was not that she didn't like Barthem, it was just that she felt more at ease in Underhaven.

Still, she put on a friendly face and walked into Barthem's shop as boldly as she knew how.

"Good day to you, Master Barthem." She bowed her head slightly at the merchant. "Might I have a minute of your time? I was tasked with a mission for the town by Master Bookie and am in need of some supplies for my quest." Shem fished out the small piece of parchment she'd written her shopping list on and handed it to the merchant.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Livia | Katherine

Maeda laced her fingers together, resting her chin on her hand as she looked at the two sisters. Didn't take a seer to know that Livia had a thing against her family, likely a matter of pride, with Katherine either woefully ignorant or purposely in denial. Either way Maeda intended to capitalize on these two young women. She did have to think of something for Katherine to do. She was flirty, like Livia, and Maeda imagined that Katherine was just being a tease. Still if she was honest then Maeda could give her some honest work. Perhaps maybe give the two sisters a task to work on together? Maeda dashed this thought; it would likely be better to make sure they both had two separate tasks. Less of a chance for them to interfere with one another and actually impede important progress.

"Of course you can help Katherine. I have the perfect task for each of you." Maeda reached into her drawer and took out a strange crystal dagger. It looked less like a proper dagger however, more like a crystal shade with a handle. "This is a Soul Bound Dagger, used for magical enchantments. It's a soul gem who's blade has been carefully honed to a sharpen edge to allow it to be used like a dagger, making the process of killing a creature and sealing it's soul to be easier to preform. This is only a common soul gem, but enough to help power the bird. I'll need one of you two lady's to find a suitable creature to slay and absorb their soul into the blade, like an animal. While any animal could suffice, a more powerful creature will ensure that the bird has more power to work with. A bear would give it more energy then a chicken for example, but no need to risk yourself if you don't have to. I'm sure you're resourceful enough to slay a suitable beast to fuel this blade." Maeda doesn't direct this question to either Livia or Kathrine, wanting them to decide amoung themselves who must try and find a suitable soul to fill the gem.

Then Maeda took out a small sheet of paper and wrote a short list, sliding it to the girls to read. "Next I'll need some specific components. First I'll need about a pound of Kafei Seeds, which I know Barthen recently obtained a shipment of. Next I'll need a bundle of Hashish Resin, which I think Barthen might have, but I certainly know that some orcs down by the mines possess, though I doubt they'd be open to selling it. And lastly I need some snake venom. That you can find in Underhaven, a sort of tavern/underground area in the Frontier Town. I believe that there's an entrance to Underhaven at the Drunken Dragon as well as within the Town Hall. The owner of Underhaven should have some in stock. Her name is Lucilia. I will compensate you for any cost if you have buy these things."

Two tasks, both marginally challenging for either women. Go out and hunt a creature who can sufficiently fuel the soul gem, or go shopping around town and meeting the various locals. Ideally both women would choose a separate task to get them both accomplished at a roughly equal time, though it would be easier if they worked together. Somehow Maeda doubts that would happen. "I'll leave it to either one of you to decide which task you'll be doing. I will be preparing for the ritual needed to bind the Stymphalian as a familiar. Any questions?"



”My name is Myrn Atisha, the best hunter on the Frontier. So Sips have you running supplies for him huh? Well while I’m glad he’s gotten over the last courier, he needs to be a bit more helpful! Sending you to run supplies so late into the day with nothing but the clothes on your back and a staff, honestly…” Myrn reaches into her pack and hands Ethan three wooden rods and a bundle of sticks. She takes one of the sticks and drags it down the side of the rods, causing a small flame to appear.

”Torches and tindertwigs. Even if there’s still sun out, a torch will keep smaller critters like these bloodhawks away from you. Even mountain lions would give you a wide distance. But don’t use that as an excuse to take your time; once night falls scarier things than wild animals will show up, and they won’t be scared of fire.” Handing these things off to Ethan, Myrn heads back into the village with the hawks on her spear. She waves goodbye to Ethan and she goes. ”I wish I could tag along to help you out, but I need to head back into those woods you came from. Do what you gotta do here, but whatever you do, be safe.”



The smaller of the two guards seem to take offense to Darunia’s tongue and took a step forward, but the larger one kept his cool relatively more in control, though he did scowl at the drow. ”Traveled awfully far from home I’m sure. Bet this isn’t the first time you needed to find a town that doesn’t know your face.” The guard said menacingly, having some idea that Darwinian must be exiled or on the run only by virtue of the fact he was a drow.

When the drow revealed the coins the guard remained stoic, but he did address the smaller one while looking at Darunia. ”Go get the next shift.” the young guardsman seemed hesitant but left, leaving the big guy and Darunia alone. Aside them the guards and the drow there was no one here, this would be the perfect opportunity for either one of them to do something, with no one else watching. The big guy seemed almost offended by the idea that he would accept a bribe; unlike most city guards the young men at the militia still had naive ideas of their duties, and the thought of being corrupted by money was too cliche even for the more self-serving guardsmen to fall for. A minute passed as the next shift hasn’t arrived yet, just Darunia and the guard.

Another minute passed and three more guardsmen arrived, roughly if same physique; young men who obviously eat well and work hard. They too noticed the drow and seemed on edge, but the big guard simply turned to his partner, speaking to Darunia before turning away.

”Follow us.” And should the drow follow the two guard, they do indeed lead Darunia to the Drunken Dragon, safe and sound… So long as Darunia was honest. Both the guards watched him expectantly. Otherwise the Drunken Dragon had less drunken patrons than before, most having gone home to sleep while the rest were just chatting and playing cards.

@The Large Dumbo


The young man traveled after the tag as quickly as he could, which unfortunately might’ve not been as fast as he’d like due to having to push his way through the brush and bramble that the White Stag had the size and strength to simply jump over. Still he moved much faster then he did before and soon he would find what he was looking for, at long last: the White Stag.

It was larger than any deer he’s ever see; bigger than a bear even. This creature was more than thrice Antaeus’ size. Frankly it might make the young man question how such a massive, silver beast manages to hide so long. However there were two notable things that Antaeus could plainly see. First, there appeared to be some sort of black mantle caught in the antlers of the beast. And second, there was a very angry girl with silver hair grappling the White Stag.

”GIVE ME MY JACKET YOU DUMBASS! DORRRRRIYA!” The Stag was busy trying to buck the girl off but she was holding on tight, but she was certainly in a difficult situation.



Selene was disappointed, but otherwise nether she not her crew bothered Shem’et when she left Underhaven. The vampire was hoping that the Tabaxi was smart enough to understand her intentions but short sighted enough to take the bait and start a fight, but alas cooler heads prevailed. Topside, Barthen was just finished organizing some new hatchets he got from the temple of Torag. He knew that since the mines were going to be closed tomorrow most of the men were going to probably got gather more lumber, and he was certain their axes must be more rusty then their picks.

When Shem’et arrived with a list and mentioned Bookie, the merchant just chuckled. ”My oh my, that guy is just sending all the young folk to me. A list huh? Yeah I can get this for you. Let me see what I have in stock.” Sure enough Barthen would have everything Shem’et needed, even threw in a free bag of sling bullets too. There were twenty of the Iron marbles. Using his abacus Barthen laid out everything to the tabaxi woman. ”Your total comes to forty-five silver (4.5 GP). I’d also cut you a deal and sell you a haversack for just one gold coin too for you to carry all of this in.”


Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Large Dumbo
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The Large Dumbo Duke-King-President of Candyland

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Darunia grinned at the snide remark. "Clever one, aren't you?" Darunia responded. "Sadly you'd have to pull more than that to get under my skin... Very well, then. I suppose I'll follow you two." They say that greed can drive a man to do many things, but it takes a honeyed tongue to guide the path. Clearly, Darunia's tongue was a bit lacking today. Regardless of who was taking him anywhere, he needed to go inside. These two could threaten to kill him at his destination, and he'd still be just as willing to follow them as long as it meant staying out of the painful rays of the sun.

On the bright side, he had at least learned something from this chance encounter. All of the guards he had seen thus far looked young, and if there's one thing that Darunia was aware of more than anything else, it was that age was a good sign of experience. These ones looked to be incredibly young. In the future, he might need to make use of this lack of experience. On the flipside, he also presumed that this little incident of his would not go unnoticed. He was not too sure about how much stock would be put into the words of these recruits, but he would have to be cautious if it spread. Immediately burning the bridges of the common guard was no way to start a new life in a new town, especially when he had as little as he did.

At his destination - the Drunken Dragon, according to the sign outside - he paid the two guards a very brief and tired glance. After all, this was something he could have done himself, he supposed. For the time being, he needed to sit down and take in everything that had happened so far. He sat down at a table by himself, taking a deep breath and rubbing his eyes. The harshness of the light outside was so unbearable... Darunia could still feel his eyes burning despite walking inside. He needed to collect himself for a moment. The long travel here had fatigued the Drow, especially due to his disdain for the sun. He began rubbing his face furiously, as he began to hatch a plan for what his next move would be.

Obviously the first step would be to secure a place to sleep. He wasn't too sure how high the cost was to live here, and given his status as a Drow, he could ensure that a place to live would come at a much steeper cost than normally. Coin was not the only way to inflate the price of a home, as Darunia was very well aware. What sorts of places would be free for him to use as his own? Try as he might, Darunia realized he was simply too tired to rack his brain right now for an answer. He needed to just come up with a bare bones idea of his goals, and he'd have time to sketch them out further at dusk. His next plan was to get something to protect himself. All he had was a very distant surge of arcane energy he could manifest, but even that was something very convoluted in the mind of this Drow. Mastery of this technique, referred to as the creation of "dancing lights," was something that was typically taught to those who serve the matriarch of Drow clans. To master this technique was to ensure one's place in righteous servitude, avoiding the often-deadly label of uselessness.

Maybe taking the old hag's altar wasn't such a good idea, in retrospect.

He knew that he likely stood little chance in actual combat against the men and women in this town. Much like how he had seen this place as an area of opportunity, he was also aware that there was always a bigger threat than he. Men and women who were stronger, smarter, and quicker than he was. Darunia gritted his teeth in aggravation. Nothing has changed! After a moment of reflection, he sighed. Of course nothing was going to change immediately. He had to give himself time to grow, and learn. He had to become better, and it would take time. All he could do for now, though, was come up with a plan.

A sigh escaped his lips, as he rubbed his face. This was getting to be too much for him right now. He was frazzled and tired. Perhaps a drink would help. In fact, Darunia decided to take the opportunity to make this a positive experience. He could call this a drink in celebration of his new life, and of a potentially new home. Darunia approached the bar cautiously. A single misstep could have potentially disastrous results, in a literal and figurative sense. "Excuse me," he said, with as jolly a smile as a tired and mildly pained Drow can construct, "I was wondering what you had in terms of drinks, as well as the rates on your rooms."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Black Keys
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Black Keys Bow

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jarynth Robincrest

Baron of Berries
Vintage Virtuoso

can also shoot a bow

Current Location: Town Hall

@Lucius Cypher@ihinka

Jarynth ruminated on the flavor of the juice, judging it as if it were wine. It is, indeed, sweeter than any sort of apple juice that he had. Perhaps, if this were a natural property of the apples of these lands, he could start out with an apple orchard and try his hand at making some sparkling cider? Then he would just need to find a spring of sorts, one that would produce sparkling water naturally in order to obtain that specific property. The ideas of growing apples instead of grapes filled Jarynth's head with new possibilities...

No, that's an idea most absurd! Jarynth has already dedicated his life to berries, not to apples! As a self-respecting vintner, he must not fall into the temptation that is the growing market for apples. Wine making was an art that Jarynth has honed for an entire human lifetime, so it is something that he must dedicate himself to, to pursue and to perfect. He cannot call himself a baron of berries if he chooses to dabble in apples!

"Thank you, Dormic! You are far too kind! I shall make my way to this Barthen fellow at once, in order to successfully establish my business. Thank you, once again!" With one final swig of his apple juice, Jarynth placed it down on the nearest table, his eyes filled with a newfound determination. Leaving the town hall and marching for Barthen's Bartered Goods, as soon as Jarynth entered the establishment, he cleared his throat.

"Hello, friends, foes, new and old!"

Oh, no. Not this again...
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Lucius Cypher

Ethan felt a chill run down his spine when the hunter mentioned mountain lions. "Ahh, No worries Miss Atisha." He smiles and puts on a brave face for her, raises his free hand and does a dismissive but polite hand wave as if to fan away her concerns. "It was a kind enough gesture for you to save me and even more kind for you to give me these useful items. The headmaster would have given me a stern lecture if I asked for any more." Ethan involuntarily winces at the memories of the occasions when he was punished for wrong doings in his childhood. The headmaster of the orphanage was a kind and gentle soul, but if you do something wrong you'd be lucky if he lets you off the hook after an hour of lecturing. "I owe you my life, Miss Atisha. If I asked any more, it would be very inconsiderate and rude of me to do so...and I don't think I would be able to repay my debts to you if I did. Hehe" He lets out a slight chuckle. She was about to head back to the village when he glanced at the what little sky that was not obscured by the canopy and can see that the sun would set in a couple hours give or take. If he left now, maybe he could still get back to town before night fell over the land. He stuffs the torches and tinderstick bundle given to him in his small satchel and raises his hand to wave back at the hunter. "Goodbye for now and may the Goddesses of Joy and Fortune smile upon you."

With that done, Ethan heads straight to the first town. Hopefully the supplies would be ready and simply just need to be picked up from the supplier.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ihinka
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ihinka Sleepy

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Shem'et waited patiently for Barthem to return with her items, wondering curiously at his words about Bookie sending all young folk from town to him for supplies. So Master Bookie had given someone else some sort of task that required adventuring items. Well, it wasn't all that unusual. They were a frontier town after all and there was a lot to do to establish the township on stable foundations so that it could grow. Like this problem with the mines right now. It needed to be resolved as the Black Mines were Frontier Town's main provider of iron for trade. And even if she was to establish a second location which could provide the town with iron it would be a supplementary one at best.

So Shem decided to do some scouting and exploring in addition to the task given to her by Master Bookie. She would try to map out the topography to the best of her abilities, which is why she had put parchment and chalk on the supplies list. She might not be a cartographer per se, but she could draw up a schematic for her and her Master's inventions. Shem'et would also need to mark the route to the iron sand deposits and input their locations on the map she intended to compile. Because the one Master Bookie had given her, though straightforward, was crude and bare-bones.

Soon enough Barthem returned with her supplies at hand. He'd provided everything from her list and was even giving her a pouch of sling bullets free of charge. The tabaxi crafter looked at him with gratitude in her eyes. "You are too kind, Master Bartem. Thank you for the sling bullets, and yes, I would very much like to take you up on that deal for the haversack." Shem started stowing away her gear into the haversack. She opened her mouth to offer her services to Barthem if he needed anything done outside of town when the door to the shop opened with panache and a colorful individual entered.

"Hello, friends, foes, new and old!"

"Well met, stranger!" Shem'et managed to muttered in response, a little shell-shocked by the feathery appearance of the elf. And in the next moment she turned her head back to Barthem as if a spell had been lifted, ignoring completely the newcomer with a disinterest typical for felines. "Please tell me if you need something done outside the borders of the town. Since I'm going out anyway it would be no trouble and I want to repay you for your kindness." The tabaxi stated as she was handing Barthem a gem worth 10 GP as payment for her items as well as the haversack.

@Black Keys
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Lucius Cypher@Pyromania99

As Livia sipped her tea, she waited for Katherine to reply. Normally she'd be quick to throw in her two cents on a matter as soon as it happened, but she was being oddly quiet. Glancing over to her sister, she could tell something was amiss. She went from playing with her cat to holding her head in her hand like she had a migraine or some other sort of headache. Well, nothing too odd. Katherine had suffered from those things before, and it looked particularly painful. Before she could consider further though, Katherine finally spoke up. Truthfully, Livia would prefer doing things alone, without her sisters meddling, but she held little power over the fiend. She always ended up doing whatever she wanted too.

Focusing back on Maeda, Livia listened intently as the teacher instructed them on what needed to be done. A soul gem made into a dagger? Huh, well, of course. Obviously the metal contraption would need a power source of some sort. A soul gem was perfect for that. How would she of all people go around securing a decent soul to use, though? A chicken, cat, or dog would be easy enough to find. No one would miss one, but she wouldn't settle for second best. The materials needed seemed simple enough to retrieve as well, if she could just buy them from the store. The Hashish resin seemed to be the only snag. She'd have to deal with the orcs...hm, but perhaps that could be helpful?

Tracing a finger along the edge of her teacup as Maeda finished, Livia took a moment to consider her options. She couldn't get a read on Maeda. She was being awfully helpful and open, and likely had her own agenda she was working. For the life of her though, Livia couldn't discern what that was. So there were either two possibilities. One, Maeda was likely being completely honest about her intentions...which was unlikely considering everything. Or two, she was really good at hiding her intentions. Likely the latter. She didn't like it. Not being able to read people was dangerous.

Not like she had much of a choice in the matter in the end though, if she wanted access to those ruins.

"Well," Sighing and setting the teacup down, Livia finally replied. "Unfortunately, My sister has a tendency to do whatever she wants regardless of what others ask of her." She stood, picking up the dagger and inspecting it carefully. It certainly was something master Bezif would have used for certain rituals. She could use it without a problem, certainly. Alternatively, getting the supplies would be easier for her. "I shall see about getting an animal for this soul gem. Katherine, handle the supplies. If there shall be nothing else, Miss Maeda?" She finished, looking back over to the Arachne.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

𝕬 𝖓 𝖙 𝖆 𝖊 𝖚 𝖘

North Forest Clearing

Gods above! That rat bastard Barthen set me up! Antaeus had wanted a Quest worthy of proving himself to the captains, something to show them he had what it took to become a Hero, but this--This was something he doubted some full-fledged adventurers could pull off! A creature this size...

Yet that girl wrestled upon the beast with seemingly no concern for such things. Who was she? Some other adventurer, a real Hero, come to take this Quest for herself? No. On second glance, she didn't really seem to be causing the White Stag much inconvenience--it just couldn't reach her with its teeth, hooves, or those terrifying antlers at the moment.

Wait. Its antlers...that black coat, or whatever it was...An idea sprung to Antaeus's mind. Carefully he slipped his javelin back into the side pocket of his backpack--he would still be able to grab it quickly, but he needed both hands free. Neither of the two combatants were focused on him at the moment, so he made his way to the nearest tree and began to climb. Just fifteen feet or so would do it, so there was no need to rush...Once he had a firm foothold on the branches he began to edge out closer, trying to get as close to directly over the White Stag and the mysterious silver-haired girl as possible...

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Online

Katherine Lindall-Fiore

"Oh, come now Livia. We should go together. I just got in town after all, you know the place better than I do, since I heard there was a little orientation I wasn't privy to." Katherine added, petting the cat with one hand and grabbing her tea with the other, taking another sip of it before setting it down. "Rather, I suppose you wouldn't want to travel with your beloved sister. I suppose I shall go to this "Underhaven" myself and see who this 'Lucilla' is. She sounds... Delightful." The Aasimar added, looking delighted. Hopefully, even Livia would seem irritated by this.

"Well, maybe it's better if we don't leave talking to the people around to Miss, "I have a hard time being slightly polite to people." I'm use to talking to people, so I think it'll be fine." Katherine added in, poking fun at Livia. Of course she wanted to go around with Livia, but she's always been so difficult to deal with. Oh well. Still, she had something on her mind. "By the way, Maeda... Who exactly are you? I would have never guessed that someone out in the Frontier Town would have a room this well decorated." She motioned around the room, pointing specifically to the nice carpet and instruments.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@Lucius Cypher

Well the garrison was actually quite the lively place!  All around Kael, countless trainees were drilling, sparring, and otherwise honing their skills.... From the looks of it,  most of the people about the garrison were fairly young, or still appeared to be trainees.  Where were all the more experienced militia members? Was there a large fight recently? Regardless, now was probably not the best time...

"Kael! Over here!"

Over on the other side of the garrison, Ashley was waving him down.  Excited to begin, Kael jogged over to the stout dwarf.  As she poked him in the chest, and explained his first task, he grimaced, "Uh, speed isn't really my strong suit... But I guess I'll give it a shot!" he responded with a nervous chuckle. 

Dropping into a ready position, Kael ran as fast as he could the moment Ashley said "GO!" As he reached the far end of the training ground, the half-elf swiftly planted his foot and pivoted around, sprinting back the other way until he made it back to Ashley, taking about fifteen seconds total.  "How did I do?" he asked, lightly panting.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sihlas Arche

What a long trip. How long had he been on the road? I mean, there were times where he had to say in a inn for a night or two, but he had to have been traveling for a few weeks now. Sometimes he paid for a short ride to a village, or times he had to walk, another time... Well, let's not talk about that incident. A bit of a bad memory that was. However, his spirits were raised once he reached an outlying village of a particular frontier town.

Reinvigorated and after traveling for a day, Sihlas soon spotted his destination as he rounded a bend in the road. The frontier town became clearer and more detailed as he approached, and he grew increasingly satisfied with himself as the end of his journey neared. It didn't take long for the scholar to reach the entrance to the settlement, where he witnessed a particular confrontation between the guards and drow. Deciding it best to wait for the potential situation to pass, he stood back a ways so as to avoid attracting attention.

Soon enough though, the drow was allowed to enter on the condition of having an escort. With the moment passed, Sihlas approached the guards and after asking a few questions and some talking was directed to the town hall. With the directions in mind, he immediately made his way to the structure.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Sips wasn’t at the bar at the moment, and instead it was one of the barmaids, a brunette with freckles and a low cut dress. Part of her bangs, while neatly combed, seemed to always cover part of her face, giving her a somewhat shy and demure look. ”Welcome to the Drunken Dragon traveler. We have plenty of local drinks on tap at the moment, such as ale and beers if you’re wanting something cheap. If you want try one of our imported ales, we have Pegasus Ale, an Arborean favorite that is popular in both Shara and Arun, it’s a light beer with a light brown color. Highborn is a very fancy Allemantheian favorite. This classy brew is imported directly from the desert jewel and finishing smooth. It has a very distinguishable golden color. We also carry the Magic Hammer. A popular mead with a minty bite that is mass produced by the Mysterium using arcane means. Almost clear like water and much stronger than normal ales.”

The girl handed Darunia a menu written in common. The handwriting was quite good and the parchment was made of sheep wool bound between two wooden plates, making it sturdy but light. The cover depicted a more detailed drawing of the Drunken Dragon while also mentioning the names of the tavern own and co-owner, Sips Hearthfire and Revas Flameblade. The inner menu consisted almost entirely of different types of drinks and brews, with a small section at the bottom reserved for juices. It was quite a large variety of drinks for such a small town. The back of the menu had a relatively smaller list of food, most of it various types of grilled or fried meats and vegetables. The barmaid continued offering drink suggestions to Darunia.

”If wine is more your flavor, we do offer a small selection of imported wines. Popolo and Elinette is a pinkish light wine developed by a private Pora Elinu brewing company. Though not much is known about the company, their drinks are plentiful and delicious, personally I drink it with a cheese platter. Noblesse, from the same brewers who made the Pegasus Ale, is also a popular yellow and medium bodied wine. Affordable for the working man who wants a taste of class. And finally we have the Dancer and Prancer. It’s a sweet berry wine with an almost velvet color. Specialty brewed by a partnership between high elf and castanic vintners. As for rooms, it would cost you 5 silvers per night, though that also comes with a complimentary two meals a day, breakfast and dinner. For an additional 2 silvers we’ll also make you a Drunken Dragon specialty, a Noodle Bag! Our very own Sips has been specializing in a new form of trail ration in the form of reusable and even edible bags filled with noodles and other tasty treats, good to eat warm or cold, and could be cook as easily as putting the bag into a pot of boiling water.”

@The Large Dumbo

Jarynth | Shem’et

”Excellent, excellent. Just allow me to do a quick appraisal and give you your change.” Barthen says as he takes the gemstone and compares it to his samples in a book he had on hand, as well as giving it a look through his small magnifying eyepiece. It wasn’t the most expensive gem he’s ever come across, but not entirely worthless either. He’d value it at 10 gold, and so he’d give Shem’et the appropriate amount of change after her purchase. As Barthen was doing so a new customer came in, a newcomer from the look of it. ”Greetings! Welcome to Barthen’s Bartered Goods, I am Barthen. If there’s anything you’re looking for please let me know, if it’s not in the shop I may have it in the back.”

After the introductory greeting he turned his attention back to Shem’et and nodded. ”I’m looking for some medicinal herbs that I wish to sell in my next caravan. It’s about the right time for them to be ready for harvest, so grab as many as you can! I’ll pay you by the pound. It’s called Greenwarish, looks like this. ” Barthen tapped on a poster next to him showing the sketch of the herb. Then he sighed, though it wasn’t a sad one so much as a disappointed one. ”Tis a shame that we can’t really make any proper medicine from it. Medicine made from it would be more potent, easier to transport, and makes for a better profit, but Sips has no interest in letting me use his casks to seep the herbs. Alcohol can help with the desiccating process. Don’t suppose you’d be interested in that sort of venture?” Barthen asks this question mainly towards Shem’et but Jarynth was close enough to hear as well.

@Black Keys@ihinka


Ethan managed to get into the village easily enough. Compared to the Frontier Town, it was pretty small; while most of the buildings were together and there was a fence between the village and the forest, it was nowhere near as defensible and lacked any major buildings aside from what appeared to be some sort of shrine at the center of town. There were plenty of women milling about going about their daily lives, checking on laundry, taking care of children, or cooking. The men were nowhere to be seen though a few were walking around the village, sweat dripping off of their brows as they hauled shovels and tools over their shoulders. This appeared to be mainly a farming town.

As Ethan was walking around a small group of children spotted him. The leader of a bunch, a rather mischievous looking young boy missing a few teeth, came up to him with his fellows in tow. ”Hey! Hey mister! You look new. Really new! Bet you never been around these parts of the woods huh?” The kid could tell from how tired Ethan was, as his body was still exhausted from his frantic running from the bloodhawks. He had some sort of wooden box with him. ”Tell you what mister, today is your lucky day! I got me this uh, a box of knives! But not just any knives! Folding knives!” Sure enough the child opened the box and it was filled with strange looking wooden handles. He took one of the handles out and, pushing on a small metal nob, he flipped a small razor blade out. Wasn’t really a very big knife for fighting, but it could be useful for eating a meal, cutting some rope, or shaving.

”One knife for one silver! How about it mister?”


Livia | Katherine

Maeda just smiled as she watched the two sisters throw their verbal barbs at each other. As tempting as it was to make them get along through force, Maeda would allow them to be catty so long as they don’t waste the entire afternoon insulting one another. In any case, business came before pleasure. Looking to Livia, Maeda handed the woman a book from her shelf. It the title on the spine was in elvish, and it translated into “Frothy Tales of Conquest”. ”About an hour or two’s walk outside of the town is a farming village. There should be an elven family there that raises auroches. I believe one of the bulls have gotten too old to continue breeding, so I suspect he would be a good candidate for the soul gem. Give the breeder’s wife this book, in exchange for the beast. And while you’re at it, do try and bring back some meat. Auroch tenderloin tastes better with age.”

After giving Livia the book Maeda turned to Katherine. She still remembered the light flirting that Katherine told her, and Maeda debated returning the favor. Katherine wanted to know more about Maeda, so this was as good of a chance as any. ”I am merely a teacher here in this small town lonely town in the frontier. Nothing more nothing less… Of course as a teacher, I’m always willing to offer private studies for those who want to learn more.” Maeda giggled a little before standing up, and with a wave of her hand she had her tea set cleaned up and put to the side.

”Perhaps after today’s work is finished, we can discuss personal business. Until then, it’s about time that my children return to class, and I to teach them.”



As Antaeus climbed the tree, the White Stag and the mysterious young girl continued to grapple one another. Though she had handfuls of the beast’s fur, she hardly had a solid grip as the mighty beast began to kick and buck, trying to throw her off. Sure enough in the immense struggle he is able to toss the girl onto the ground where she nearly loses her breath. The great beast lifts his front legs forward, ready to smash them into the silver-haired lass. But she didn’t come to this world to be put down like an animal, by an animal. As the White Stag reared up his legs, the Silver Girl shot back onto her feet and lunged towards the stag, wrapping her arms around his front legs and pushing against him. The beast, surprising at this human’s aggressive actions, was too unbalanced to simply push her back again. What was even more surprising was that despite being almost ten times smaller than the stag, she had no difficulties against the great beast’s weight.

In fact it looks like she was starting to carry it.




”That took fifteen seconds. Not bad! Most people take about twenty or so seconds when they first start out, but you’re doing just as good as a proper militaman!” Ashley says encouragingly. Just then, the man she spoke to from before came back, carrying a suit of armor and a few rather large bags, the same one that some of the other trainees were exercising with. Ashley just smiled as she crossed her arms and looked at Kael. ”Of course, a proper militaman doesn’t fight empty handed protected with nothing heavier than a cotton shirt. This is your trainie armor! Fits almost like a proper set of armor, though it’s more heavy than protective. Wear this so you know how to get used to wearing armor in the long run. It might not feel like too much of a burden at first when you’re just standing around, but you’ll definitely notice how much harder it is to move when you actually have to run. You’ll also need these.” Ashely went to the bags, opening one and revealing a big wooden shield and another big wooden sword. She also grabbed another sack, though instead of looking inside of it, she simply slipped it over Kael’s shoulders like a backpack after he gets his armor on.

”This is the minimal equipment of proper militaman would be expected to carry. His armor, his sword and shield, and a backpack full of supplies to survive out on the open road. That’s about a hundred pounds worth of stuff. Now I want you to do the same thing as before, run from one side of the training field and back, and see how fast you are this time.”



As Sihias approached the townhall, he would soon be met by Dormic. He was just leaving when he too spots the newcomer and waves him down. ”Hello there! Another traveler coming to our fine village I see. Sorry that you missed the open orientation with the other newcomers, however I can still help you in anyway I can. Unfortunately, if you want any vouchers, you’ll have to come back tomorrow. I have to get more from Sips you see. In any case, my name is Dormic, a simply healer in this town. To whom do I have the pleasure of meeting?” As Dormic spoke to Sihias, a large turtle man was also making his way over. He had a rather intricate looking stringed instrument on his back, like some sort of harp, as he walked right to Dormic. The young man waved at the tortle, exchanging a fist bump with one another as the tortle wordlessly just hung around Dormic. ”This Tortle is my fiend, Ntaj Yaj. He’s a quiet, but a good man.”

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