Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Mage Guild of Alsijan

The early morning sunlight was reflected off the pale stone walls and brilliantly colored roofs that made up the city of Alsijan so that it appeared to shimmer radiantly, fully deserving of its title as the jewel of the sea. Though the day was still young, the city was already blanketed by a humid heat that was only somewhat lessened by the occasional salty breeze blowing in from the sea. Despite the warmth, the wide, cobblestone-paved streets of the city were filled to the brim with people hurrying on about their business, their activity lending the city a cacophonous hum that made the city seem as though it were almost alive.

As usual, the port was filled with hundreds of ships, their masts swaying rhythmically as the wind and waves rocked them. These ships came in every shape and size imaginable, and had come to the city of Alsijan for as wide a variety of reasons. A great many of them were the ships of merchants who had been drawn to the city by the promise of wealth, while some belonged to crews that went out into deeper waters to catch fish and other seafood. Still, some ships were for transporting people to different ports, often bringing with them people who were looking for a fresh beginning in the bustling city.

At the headquarters for the Mage Guild of Alsijan as business largely proceeded as usual. Most of the novice initiates were occupied with attending classes that would help them master their abilities or performing chores that helped keep the Guild running smoothly and tidily. The more experienced members of the Guild kept themselves occupied with business relating to the various jobs that the Guild was tasked with completing, though a significant number decided to serve the Guild by teaching classes and supervising novices instead. Still, a great many of the people that passed through the main doors of the Guild were outsiders that came to the Guild in order to request help dealing with issues that were magical in nature.

Character Name: Anyu
Time of Day: Early morning
Location: The primary guild hall and then the dormitory
Interacting with: No one

Squinting slightly due to the bright sunlight reflecting off the nearby buildings, Anyu surveyed her surroundings nervously as the wagon she was riding came to a gentle stop outside of the Guild’s stable. Her observations were cut short, however, when Malvin, her Sun Elf escort from the Guild, instructed her to dismount and follow him inside through the large wooden doors of the main building. Afraid of getting into trouble and being left behind, Anyu quickly climbed down from the wagon and hurried after Malvin before he got too far away.

Once inside, Malvin made straight for the large desk on the other side of the entrance hall and began talking with a thin human man that seemed to be working behind it. A few of the people who appeared to be waiting in line at the other end of the desk scowled at Malvin’s back as he passed, but the tall Sun Elf seemed completely unaware of their existence as he talked with the receptionist, removing some important-looking papers from his bag and handing them to the man on the other side of the desk. The conversation only lasted for a few minutes before Malving was saying farewell to the receptionist and heading towards a large set of stairs behind the desk.

Before Anyu could question what she was supposed to do next, the man behind the desk came around and motioned for her to follow him back outside. ”Your name is… Anyu, correct?” the man said as they walked through the doors of the main building, briefly glancing at the papers he had been given by Malvin. At her slight nod, he continued talking while they made their way across the cobbled pavement towards some of the smaller buildings. ”It appears that you’ll be put in with the… Meadowmist House, which is the name for one of our groups of novices. They’ll be around to help you adjust to living at the Guild. There’s also a House mentor that can help you with classes and the like, though I can’t seem to remember who it is for your house. Anyways, here we are at your dormitory.”

Once they were inside the smaller building, he began leading her up the nearby stairs that ran up along the wall before he started talking again. ”Your room will be on the third floor with the rest of your House. Each of you will have your own room that branch off from a larger common room that you can use to spend your free time with your fellow novices.” As he finished talking, they made it to the specified floor, and he directed her to the second room in on the right side. While he worked at finding the right key to unlock the pale wooden door, Anyu looked around at the common room somewhat nervously. The first thing that Anyu noticed was that the room was well furnished with comfortable-looking sofas and chairs. There were also a fair number of end stands or small tables scattered throughout the room, usually near the sofas or chairs, as well as a couple of tall bookshelves that were currently pretty empty.

Before Anyu could get a better look around, the man had found the right key to the door and opened it with a small motion for her to follow him inside. The room where she would be staying was indeed somewhat small, of course, but it was certainly a fair bit larger than Anyu would have ever expected to have to herself. Each of the walls was easily three or four times as wide as she was tall, and the bed, nightstand, and desk all fit inside comfortably. There was even a small closet of sorts for storing any belongings that a student might have brought with them.

After allowing her to explore for a few moments, the man spoke up again. ”I understand that you do not have any belongings apart from what you’re wearing, correct?” he asked, continuing when he saw Anyu’s hesitant nod. ”The guild will provide you with some of the essentials, then. Namely a few changes of clothing and some writing utensils. They should be delivered within a couple of days at the latest.” With that, he handed her the key to the room and gestured for her to follow him back into the common room.

”Your mentor or fellow novices will be able to provide you with more specific information on when you should attend classes and where,” the man continued as soon as Anyu stepped into the common room with him. ”Your fellow novices should be returning from their classes or chores shortly and they’ll be able to show you around more. Now, I must be getting back to my work in the main hall. Welcome to the Guild.” As the man finished talking, he gave a shallow bow and made his leave, walking over to the stairs and heading down them at a brisk pace. Unsure of what she was supposed to do then, Anyu decided to look around the common room a bit more while no one was around.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by OrkytheOrc
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OrkytheOrc That Orc Guy

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Character Name: Orky
Time of Day: Early Morning
Location:Hallways then the Dormitaory
Interacting with:Anyu (@TaliPaendrag)

Orky, had just gotten out of the storage room from all the uniforms. He was being fitted for a uniform because according to his guide, "Such clothes do not fit the image of a Guild of Alsijan student." The clothes he had been wearing, and is wearing now, was a bland long sleeve tunic that was a little tight around him, and some gray pants that were too short for his legs, he was also sporting to worn out sandals. Normally one is found an appropriate uniform that has already been made an in the storage room. But because of how Orky is pretty much walking tower of muscle, no uniform they had in stock could fit him. When Orky was walking back he took a gander to the outside through a window. Even though he had been in the city for a few days now he couldn't help but be amazed at how lively it was. The village he lived in with Mama Mera had been so busy. He couldn't wait to go out and see all the sights, then go into the shops waste his money on things he doesn't need. He continued his stroll back to the dormitory with no more distractions.

He opened up the door to dormitory, which he had to duck under slightly, to his surprise there was a very small pale Enuri standing in the common area. He didn't recognize her since he had seen most of the of his other classmates. When he had came through the door they made eye contact, Orky freaked out a bit since literally no one else was there. It had been almost a full minute of awkward silence when Orky spoke up with his rough voice, "Uh hi, I'm Orky, w-whats your name." Orky's eyes had shifted around the room trying not to show that he was terribly nervous.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Moyai
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Character Name: Rahele
Time of Day: Early Morning
Location: Entrance then the Dormitory
Interacting with: • Anyu @TaliPaendrag • Orky@OrkytheOrc

A soft breeze carrying the smell of salt made Rahele's silver hair flutter, her rigid but elegant uniform, however, didn't move as much, it was clearly a piece made with order in mind, not grace. She had yet to get used to the beauty of the sea like the people of this city had, in her hometown humidity was a luxury equal to gold.

After the distraction with the shimmering coast on the horizon, Rahele turned and continued her trip into the guild, in her hand two sets of bags. Calmly, she presented herself at the entrance and moved into the dormitory, soon entering the same room as two other people she did not quite know, she could have been defanged from her mysterious garbs and given up on the witch act, but she still remained someone who moved along quietly, almost sneaking in and out of the guild.

Of the two in the room, one she knew she had seen at least once before, but the Enuri was a new one, there were others, but none with this hair color. Rahele nodded. "Good morning." she told in a neutral, almost distracted sounding tone. She then placed her two bags on the nearby table, one had a couple of books she had bought after a recommendation from a teacher, the second, had freshly baked bread and a fruit basket, way more food than what a single person could consume.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Time of Day Early Morning
Location Dormitory Kitchens
Interacting with None

"You need more thyme," came a voice, one none other could note, nor hear. Willow turned towards this peculiar specter, an individual whom had known him for the longest time. They were friends, indeed, but a relationship considered healthy might have been quite subjective. Would one delve into Willow's mind, a sense of confusion would surely come to wash over the enchanter in question. Is there another, living within the boy's skull? Indeed, a shade, a ghast or a reflection. Whichever title one would claim, the young sorcerer was surely less than sane, as therapists of the mind would put it. Indeed, they would keep a close eye on the boy, making sure that nothing snaps, so to speak, or rather, that fractured mind affected by a doe beyond Willow's might. Around these parts, many spoke with the language of fire and cinder, of the arcane and the dark arts. There was much to protect a student from, a novice. 

"I don't need more thyme," Willow's sighed, turning his attention to the reflection of himself, a creature with the same height, the same scrawny frame, and the very same face. An arm came to be draped around Willow's shoulder, those large brown eyes meeting their very own mirror image. It would be a lie to say that the two weren't close, that they weren't the very best of friends, but Willow was no fool. He was well aware that this specter hailing from the dark corners of his mind was impulsive, chaotic and mischevious. Now, it would indeed be a fool's errand to stretch this into terms of 'evil' or maleficent. However, a devil on Willow's shoulder could perhaps be a good metaphor. Reaching for an ornate glass bottle, one with a label depicting olives, Willow uncorked the ingredient from pouring a stream of thick liquid into the soup. "Olive oil, it needs olive oil."

"Holy shit, you put olive oil in literally everything, Willow!" The specter rolled his eyes before slipping back onto a chair. Of course, though the sorcerer could hear and even see the furniture move in tune with the shades motions, in another's eyes, the kitchen was undisturbed. Such was the power of an affected mind. There had been offers for an enchanter to delve into his psyche, to deal with this issue, as it was. Though, Willow vehemently denied the suggestion. He had named this ghast, this shadow of himself. He had named him Blackmore, after a mighty magician Willow came across in a book. The shade immediately pointed the name out, claiming that this would be his title, his name. "Have you ever considered, like.., broadening your horizons? You're making chicken soup, spice it up a little."

"And what would the mighty, all-knowing Blackmore suggest?" Willow managed a soft smirk as he turned towards the shade, "virgin's tears and blood of an innocent?"

"Yes. That. Get that." Blackmore snapped his fingers, pointing at Willow excitedly. "It has to be a fair maid. You won't work.., even if you're into men."

"Not so loud, you idiot..," the sorcerer tensed, turning to see if there was anyone else in the kitchen. There wasn't, but it's fair to say that this would not have mattered, for quite obvious reasons. None other could hear, see or note Blackmore in the slightest. 

"Are you serious? Did you just lose a bit more of your sanity?" The shade raised an eyebrow, those feline ears atop his head flickering.

A moment passed before Willow eventually spoke. As if the reality of the situation finally came to strike at his sense of reason, the boy cleared his throat before turning his attention back to the soup. That was an embarrassing endeavor, to be sure. Reaching for a knife, newly sharpened with their surroundings reflected on the peerless surface of steel, the sorcerer cut down into an onion. He repeated the process once, twice and seven more times, mincing the onion to a manageable state before adding it to the soup. "I think they'll like it." He spoke, motioning towards the large kettle. Changing the subject seemed like a stellar idea.

"They're about as bland as the soup, so yeah, they probably will," Blackmore smirked, weightless steps bringing him towards the stove where he leaned with a stretch, followed by a yawn. "Think any interesting new students will come along? Oh, more orcs! Let's hope for more orcs!"

Turning towards the shade with a frown, Willow had since an age grown used to Blackmore's sense of humor, and his playful personality. "No." The sorcerer simply stated. 

"What's that one freak's name. Orky? Why haven't you just melted him already?" Blackmore tapped his chin in thought, considering the scenario with a soft grin. The young sorcerer paused for a moment, looking at his, by all means, imaginary friend. Was he going to grace that with an answer? No. No, he was not. The boy shifted his attention back to the soup once more, reaching out for some pepper, followed by a spicy pinch of chili. "I mean, it's not enough. Every orc should die, but you have to start somewhere, right?

"You need to relax. Tiana will probably be here, soon." Willow finished, letting the soup simmer.

"I think the bitch is bad news. She's a gnome, come on." Blackmore flicked Willow's forehead. The boy felt it, indeed.

Raising his hand towards the area, Willow winced with a frown before quickly returning the favor. "Stop being so paranoid all the time. I'm making friends, okay? Better to have allies than enemies."

"Pff.., I'm the only ally you need, babe." Blackmore giggled with a bright grin.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CaptainMarvel
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CaptainMarvel Spectrumized

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Time of Day: Morning
Location: Dormitory Halls to Dormitory Kitchen
Interacting with: Willow Creed (@Shard)

Thalia was, to sum it up politely, hopelessly lost. Big, bustling cities were an entirely foreign concept to her, and the amount of people around frightened her a bit. Her old village was...quite different from Alsijan, to say the least. I'll get used to it eventually, she mused as she wandered through the halls of her dormitory. Beside her, a faint whimper came from Lyka, the wolf seemingly in tune with Thalia's emotions. "It's okay Lyka, we'll find our way around after a while," she said, stroking her companion's head. The pair took a turn around a corner, only to find themselves back where they'd started: the entrance to their room. The man who showed them there was a bit put-off by Lyka, but Thalia had more or less insisted. Letting out a frustrated sigh, Thalia continued to walk down the hallway, tapping her fingers on the book she was given. After a few seconds though, a pleasant smell wafted from somewhere, prompting the two to pause. Thalia figured there had to be a kitchen in the dorm somewhere, maybe someone was cooking? She and Lyka didn't have breakfast, after all.

Following the smell did indeed lead the pair to the kitchen, though the sound of someone's voice inside was a surprise. She could only smell one person, so why were they talking? Peering inside the kitchen, Thalia realized she'd found another Enuri, which was a relief. However, this particular member of her race was having a conversation with...nobody. He was much shorter than she was, though Thalia knew she was much taller than the average Enuri anyway. He was mumbling about making friends, which was something Thalia hadn't even thought to do. Having had quite enough of eavesdropping, Thalia knocked softly on the wall next to her, hoping to alert him of her presence. Maybe he'd let her have a taste of whatever he was cooking? Thalia always wished she knew how to cook, but her mother wasn't exactly around to show her how.

"Um...hi," she spoke, unsure of what exactly she should say. "That smells good."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ShwiggityShwah
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ShwiggityShwah Good Diet, Sleep, Excercise, and Leeches

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Character Name: Marius Sirvaki
Time of Day: Early Evening
Location: Head Master's Office
Interacting with: Headmaster of the Guild of Alsijan

"Thank you for agreeing to meet with me head master. I am sure you know my name. But I doubt from my acceptance paper that you know exactly who I am. You see as you surely know, over a thousand years ago, The Pheonix King, A sun-elf saw through the machinations of the Moon Titan Kus-Maraketh and rose up to defeat him. The Pheonix King saved all the lands of this world and for a while, was considered the ruler of all. It is said that on his death bed, the King said that when the times were most dire, he would return to this world wearing a crown of fire. And thus bring us to this very day."

"My point? Well, as you can see, I wear such a crown. I am the Phoenix King reborn. Born into a new dawn of a new age, behold Headmaster, for I am Marius Sirvaki, the Phoenix Dawn! I have come back at a time of great need, to once again unite all the peoples of all lands to fight against the unquenchable tide of evil!"

"The tide of evil. What do you mean what evil? It doesnt have a name or a face, that's what makes it so dangerous."

"Fine, I'll get to my point. As the savior of the world, I am expected to receive boons and privileges that will aid me in my quest. As I have done to the many lords and ladies along the Ivory Coast and Satin Strands, I ask you Head Master what you can provide for me?"

"Hahaha. An education? Good Headmaster, surly there is something more substantial you could offer. I am already the master of Abjuration and Evocation, Defend myself, and destroy the darkness. Surely other schools are just flat out unnecessary. So beg your pardon, I don't think there is anything even remotely useful that your teachers have that I will require. However, any artifacts you could spare. Or- Oh yes, how about your position. Having a school of mages under my command will surely give me the edge needed when the vilest of villains reers their ugly head. It would be a great start to my quest."

"What do you mean no? But I am a hero of legend. You expect me to defend this world from calamity without an army of wizards?"

"Oh- oh I see. This is another test to prove my worth and my claim. Very well. Headmaster, I challenge you for your position. Yes I'm being serious. Great, surly it is my destiny to lord over this school. Once I win, I'm sure you can rest easy knowing that this was all supposed to happen. It was destiny.

Shall we. En Garde!"

Five Days Later

Character Name: Marius Sirvaki
Time of Day: Early Morning
Location: Dormitory
Interacting with: @Moyai@OrkytheOrc@TaliPaendrag

Marius was finally cleared to return to his dorm. He had been unable to awaken for three days following a 'series of lights and explosions' that took place one night near the Guild Master's tower. He had arrived at the Animancer's Wing with bruises, broken bones, and several burns on multiple points on his body. It was only because of the healing powers that Marius would be awake and moving around at all when he was. A finally day of bed rest from a very unperturbed Marius and he was cleared for release to return to his studies, though he was sure to receive a letter holding his punishments for 'unruly behavior.'

He viewed the list again on his trip back to the hall. He had bandages on his chest, both arms, a black right eye, and another piece of cause on his left cheek but other than that, was walking with a slight limp back in his guild uniform. He viewed over his conditions of punishment. At dawn, Mondays and Thursdays, Kitchen Prep. Tuesdays and Fridays, Sweep and Rake Courtyard. Wednesdays, clean interior windows and sweep entrance ways of Meadowmist House. Saturdays, clean exterior windows. Sundays, Teacher Assistant. These punishments would last for two weeks starting tomorrow. Marius wasn't particularly mad with the extra chores.

He stroked his chin. "Was this my destiny? Was I not meant to rule the guild? Or do I have to learn something and beat him again? Or do I have to learn it all?" He had a habit of talking out loud to himself, as it helped him put his thoughts together. He commonly had to wrestle with the path before him as he would always come to a conclusion which ended up always being wrong somehow. He was getting closer though. He still was in the school, and was now back on his feet with his new bit of opportunities. Did the Guild Master know? Did the Guild Master set these chores as a way of training him in his heroic endeavors and quests? Would he need to lean how to cook to save the world!?

Getting to the entrance of Meadowmist house, he reached for the door only to discover that there were voice inside. Voices within his own dormitory! He had only been there a few hours before his challenge with the Headmaster and now- Villains! They must have tracked him down and were now waiting in ambush.

Marius would not let this go unchallenged. He would turn their surprise upon them, he prepared his favored spell, Barrier, so fine tuned he could use it as a blow now, a force of protection launched at his foes and presently at the door!


The concussive blast opened the door with a loud crack, nearly taking it off it hinges, he stood in the doorway, his hair and the ends of his uniform twisting by the air behind him. His arm was stretched out in an imperious gesture with other arm behind him, ready to strike with another spell "Try to ambush me villain!" He shouted. But then he paused, the air dwindled, the scene of the three individuals had belied his first intuition. They looked not like assassins, but children, children his age. Other students.

He seemed utterly shocked by this. "What are students doing in my dorm!?" He shouted, not even realizing for an instant that the building was supposed to be shared by others. He said it completely without exaggeration or sarcasm, it was a legitimate question and it made even less sense that the only ones who could answer the question were the students themselves.

His eyes shot to the three, an animal eared Enuri, female, small. A human, female. Lastly an orc, male. They appeared to have been engaged in conversation they way they looked towards the smaller Enuri. His keen eyes took in as much of them as he could. His face showed nothing but puzzlement as he stepped in and closed the door behind him. Maybe they were part of some kind of servile program. Maybe the headmaster did give him aids so that he could better focus on his training. "Are you all my retainers?" He asked, moving towards one of the doors near a corner, keeping them all within view, eying each with suspicion.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by OrkytheOrc
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OrkytheOrc That Orc Guy

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Character Name: Orky
Time of Day: Early Morning
Location:Hallways then the Dormitaory
Interacting with:Anyu (@ShwiggityShwah) (@CaptainMarvel) (@Shard)

Orky had jumped a little at the boom from Marius opening the door. Orky turned in the direction of the heavily wounded Marius, see when Orky was younger Mama Mera used to tell him stories about the undead, and she didn't hold back on the scare factor. So ever since then Orky has been terrified of any undead. Thus when Orky laided his on Marius only one thing ran threw his head, MUMMY. "EVERYONE RUN FOR YOURLIFE ITS A MUMMY!" Orky had screamed with every ounce of air in his lungs, his scream echoed though the hallways of the Dorm and outside of it. Orky then tripped slightly while bolting for the hallway, but before leaving the common area he threw a cup of water that was laying on the night stand at the general direction of the supposed 'Mummy.'

He then left the common area and headed for the Kitchen. He had made it to the entrance of the kitchen when he had to move politely move the enuri that he didn't have to much time to indroduce him self too. He had gone into the kitchen there was yet another Enuri but even still he was still in panic mode. He stared rummaging through the pantries hurridly looking for something. Orky then asked himself, "Garlic is good against mummies right?" After a bit of searching he got frustrated and pointed at Willow and then asked in a voice that was slightly harsh but more worried than anything, "Where is the garlic!? We got a mummy out there and garlic is the only thing that can kill it! Well at least I t-think!" Orky was also starting to put on a cold sweat at the time.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Etranger
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Character Name: Sylvanna Teledar
Time of Day: Early morning
Location: Hallway, then Dormitory
Laughing at: @ShwiggityShwah Marius

Sylvanna was busy pouting in the corridor before everything began. She had once again attempted to coerce a fellow student into providing the essential service of carrying her things between classes. When he refused, she rightfully took exception to his defiance in full view of everyone. Only, a senior member of the Guild intervened on his side, claiming it was unfair of her to demand services from the others. The nerve! Her parents had not sent any of the household servants with her, so what was she supposed to do? Carry all her things herself? It was outrageous. All her life she had been attended to by the various attendants of the house, so it was only natural she receive the same level of care here. Why couldn't anyone understand that?

Even worse, she hadn't been able to have much fun at all since she had arrived. Apparently, people were here to "take their studies seriously" and "not horse around". Nobody wanted to try illusion magic on their instructors, or try altering people's food mid bite. What was the point of all this magic if nobody was going to use it for fun? They were all a bunch of fuddy-duddies and sticks in the mud. She had hoped there would be less of them so far from home, but no, the fuddy-duddies followed her everywhere, always ruining the fun. Now they were even talking about punishment for her "poor behaviour". It was like they had little respect for her position of privilege.

Sylvanna was broken out of her funk by the sound of an explosion from the dormitory. Rushing to take a peek, Sylvanna saw that someone had broken down the door and was making a huge stink inside. People were screaming and shouting, and the instigator seemed to be interrogating the other students. Sylvanna had no idea what was going on or why they were acting the way they were, but the sheer spectacle of it was just too funny. It was always hilarious to see things get shaken up so badly. It was the first time she had even seen such chaos since arriving at this fuddy-duddy Guild. Shortly after entering the dormitory herself, Sylvanna burst out laughing, clutching her stomach and pointing at Marius in unison. "Oh Gods..." She sputtered out between burst of laughter. "You just...I don't even....BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" She had now collapsed to the floor laughing, practically convulsing with the effort. This was the laugh she not only deserved but also needed.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FurFox
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Character Name: Artemis Eldon
Time of Day: Early morning
Location: Port then the dormitory.
Interacting with: Anyu (@TaliPaendrag), Rahele (@Moyai), Marius (@ShwiggityShwah), Sylvanna (@Etranger)

The air was humid and tasted lightly of salt. Ocean breeze made its way through Artemis’ dark locks. The hum of converses from the other passengers was behind her as she turned to the ocean and gripped the handrails. The the ground beneath her gently rocked as she gazed at the pristine water that beautifully reflected the sky. In the distance, the smooth horizon broke as a bustling city grew out. Finally. The city of Alisjan sat in the near distance. A tired mew sounded from her shoulder where her cat, Boundie, was nesting. She stroked his head “Almost there”, she huffed out smiling. The cat went back to it’s slumber and almost camouflaged in the dark blue cloak Artemis was wearing.

When Artemis got off the docks and stepped foot into the city of Alisjan she was met by a loud bustling marketplace. Never had she seen such a diverse bunch of people in the same area. It was hard to walk through without merchants obnoxiously advertising their products in your face. Eventually she made it pass the marketplace and wondered how on earth Boundie could sleep through all this. She travelled to the Guild of Alisjan hauling a mammoth bag along. Why did she have to pack so much?

When she reached the guild she stopped to admire its beauty. This was the place she’d spend the next few years of her life in. While most people would be excited to start this new chapter of their life. Artemis honestly felt indifferent. The only reason she was here was so that she could follow her mother’s footsteps upon Aunt Rei’s command. It’s not like she hated the school, it’s just sometimes she wishes she could carve out her own identity and not just be ‘that one famous mage’s daughter’. Nevertheless she still had to come. Whatever Aunt Rei said was law after all.

After signing in, she was given map and instructions on how to get to the dorms. Practically dragging her bag at this point, she walked over to the dormitories. As she slowly made her way up the fleets stairs she heard an explosion erupt from supposedly the third floor, her house’s floor. The explosion sounded bad. Where did it come from? Has someone infiltrated the block? Someone could’ve been hurt. People started shouting and she could’ve swore someone said there were mummies. Things sounded serious, she had to help.

“Take care of my stuff for me” she hurriedly sad as she placed the now awake Boundie on her giant bag. She swiftly made her way up the stairs, abandoning her luggage with a look of worry on her face. Under normal circumstances, she wouldn’t run indoors, but this was an emergency. When she reached the third floor, she bursted through the open door. “Who made the explosion and is everyone okay!?” She blurted out while the adrenaline pumped through her veins. Her panic turned to confusion as she looked at the scene in front of her. There was a pale small enuri, two humans, one girl and one boy, the latter being badly injured, and a sun elf cackling like an insane dying bird. She cleared her through. “Um…What exactly is going on here?.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ShwiggityShwah
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ShwiggityShwah Good Diet, Sleep, Excercise, and Leeches

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Character Name: Marius Sirvaki
Time of Day: Early Morning
Location: Dormitroy
Interacting with: Orky @OrkytheOrc, Sylvannas @Etranger, Artemis @FurFox

Marius responded to the accusation with immediate call to arms. He took his stance and turned. "Mummy!?" Believing the creature was behind him by how the Orc pointed right at him. Marius's finger tips splashed with embers and flares, the tell tale sign of a fire spell in preparation. "Stay back children! I'll handle this!" He knew that mummies were powerful undead, and though he couldn't see it, there was no telling if the monster had not used some kind of invisibility spell or maybe teleporting for a better vantage point to strike. Marius scanned the wall and corner behind him.

Then he felt the splash of water, the glass soaking the back of his head and dampening his shoulders. His mind went into overdrive, a water spell! The Mummy used Evocation Magic, maybe it was its affinity. He turned, dramatically, ready to face against his attacker. Fire engulfed his hand as he raised it over his shoulder in a wild pitch. Righteous fury on his face. "You picked the wrong element monster! FIRE LA-"

He stopped short of his cast just as he was faced with the yellow hair and bronze skin of an elf, pointing at him and barely containing her giggles. His spell fizzled to nothing. He stared at her for just a moment, a blank calculating look on his face. "Elf. Female. You're not a mummy." He said matter of factly.

The elf then burst out into hysterics, falling to the floor and laughing aloud. Marius relaxed his posture looking at her in mild confusion before he came to a very reasonable conclusion. He smiled, closed his eyes and folded his arm. "Hmm. I knew it." He tilted his head up. "I am funny." basking in the glow of his own many many talents.

Just then another came into the room. Another new face. Marius opened his eyes and looked towards the new comer. "Elf. Female." He repeated, getting a sense for her ears. Why was there so many students here. His brow furrowed in confusion for just a moment before he got it. He smacked a fist into his open palm. "I got it." He smiled proudly, putting his hands on his hips and sticking out his chest. "I knew the headmaster would come around. He sent me another wizard for my growing army. This quest is going great so far." Again talking to himself more than anything else.

He turned to address the new comer in the room. He held up an open palm to her and declared loudly. "Fear not retainer. There is no danger." He lowered his hand and with head held high, still dripping from the water he smiled at her proudly. "Though I must commend you at coming to my aid with such haste. Know that your loyalty will not be forgotten."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Time of Day Early Morning
Location Dormitory Kitchens
Interacting with @CaptainMarvel@OrkytheOrc

Tensing at the sound of a new voice, one not from within, Willow nearly cut his finger off when chopping a newly shaved carrot. Turning to meet the new arrival, the Enuri saw another, one of his own kind. Truth be told, Willow never grew up among his people, but rather with merchant parents traveling the world. Even so, he was well aware of the Enri culture and to see another, this far away from their ancestral home was quite a rare sight, indeed. "Eh, hey..," the young sorcerer managed, dropping carrot slices into the kettle. Though Blackmore had christened the meal a soup, one would be more accurate in considering it a stew. "Heh, thanks," Willow proceeded with a soft smirk making itself to his face, those sharp teeth visible in a fanged grin.

"Hah! Look at this," Blackmore grinned, crossing his arms where he stood, close to the newly arrived Enuri. His hand came to trace its way across her pet's back, though a sound mind would separate fiction from reality. The scene took place in none other than Willow's eyes, and it would stay within his mind. "She's cute, don't you think? Wonder how long she'll survive, here. I mean, she's got a dog, might help." Blackmore appeared next to Willow only moments later, leaning against his host with that trademark grin never leaving the shade's lips. It was an ironic sight, to be sure, as if looking at a chaotic reflection of Willow himself. That confident smirk, that air of absolute 'fuck all', a Blackmore himself described it. "Do you think they fu-..?"

"Welcome to the guild," Willow spoke, cutting his doppelganger off before he was able to finish the more controversial statement he was about to state. "Uhm.., finding your way around?" The boy continued, "it's a big place and whatnot," he shrugged. "Oh, I'm Willow, by the way. Heh, been here for a few months, now." Still a novice and still new. One would be a fool to assume him more adept at the location. Despite the months spent at the guild, Willow had only attended his classes and been present at the kitchen and his room. The many countless halls and doors standing stall across the vast structure were still a mystery.

Though a prolonged conversation was quickly cut short at the sound of commotion in the hallways, Willow maintained his gaze at the girl for some time before eventually, a less than spectacular sight came to grace them. An orc, a presence which immediately brought forth a frown, Willow's eyes shifted to be fixed on the green-skinned creature. It was a scowl, to be sure, an expression hinting at disapproval and most of all, hatred. "Hoe-lee shit! Blackmore exclaimed, pointing at the orcish being. "The freak's even more mental than you."

"Mummy? Garlic..?" Willow blinked, with a sigh. These creatures were all deranged. "Stop messing up my kitchen," the Enuri glared, "garlic doesn't work against mummies, they don't breathe...," the boy sighed. "Is this an orc thing, or is there actually an undead within the guild? The latter's impossible so I'll chalk it down to the obvious." Willow frowned. 

"Hah! Savage.." Blackmore burst out laughing, sitting himself on the table as he watched the exchange. 
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Character Name: Mama Tiana
Time of Day: Early Morning
Location: Personal Dorm
Interacting with: No-one Important

In the reflection of her boudoir mirror, Tiana watched the guard get dressed. “Two days, sweetie,” she called out absentmindedly over her shoulder as she applied a fresh coat of lipstick using a horsehair brush. She waited for the door to click shut and blew out the candle, reclining in the sickly red glow of her magicks. Tiana’s room was bioluminescent; the walls, doors, floors were etched in runic patterns. It was a self-contained dome of power with overlapping wards to keep it that way, and even though the guards gave it a weekly inspection, she was still able to keep her spells intact.

Tiana opened the curtains and got dressed into a simple ensemble, tugging wearily at the wrinkles in the fabric as she prepared herself for the start of a new semester. She squinted at the morning sun and pulled a few faces in the mirror again as she checked herself out, fixing her undergarments, making sure she was a little more presentable than usual to start the day with a good first impression. Then she took up her ledger and exited into the open corridors of the Guild.

Though she could not, for obvious and unfortunate reasons, ascend to the rank of Meadowmist House Mentor, Tiana was given the next best position of assistant and personal tutor to go alongside her day-to-day teaching activities. This meant that she had to wear the Meadowmist colours whenever possible and a cheery little name-tag for the first few weeks so the newest novices could put her name to her face. Her apparel was therefore bordering on ‘gaudily-dressed greeter’, but it did not matter since Tiana appeared to be almost as excited as the newcomers during this hectic weekday morning. Her sleepy wandering picked up momentum into a purposeful trot as she navigated the confusing pathways of the Guild District towards the Meadowmist dorms.

Character Name: Mama Tiana
Time of Day: Early Morning
Location: Meadowmist Dormitory
Interacting with: Marius (Collab)

Character Name: Marius Sirvaki
Time of Day: Early Morning
Location: Dorm
Interacting with: Mama Tiana

The momentum came to an abrupt halt mere moments before she entered the dorm. She stared at the door, her fingers gently tracing the minute scratches of a spell, still hot to the touch. She shut her eyes, pressed her forehead against the door, and took a deep, deliberate breath. She exhaled lowly, and inhaled sharply-

And a moment later after talking with his wizard servants something strange would happen. Discomfort then anger would flash on his face as he felt a power come over him. ”what the devil!?”

Marius could feel his entire body stiffen. The blood pulsed in his ears, and for one brief and worrying second he could not breathe. Fortunately the moment passed in one deft sweep that made his knees buckle underneath him, his arms becoming as heavy as lead, dragging him towards the floor. Some unknown force had seized control of his own body and compelled him to collapse onto his knees and sit with his hands in his lap.

He was the victim of some spell, he threw his body against the magic using strength against his own blood to free himself. He yelled when he felt the pain in his injured body, his hands sparking blue and yellow to protect himself, a barrier forming around him. It didn't help. ”Blast it! The monster’s magic is too strong! Show yourself coward!” the magic turned to streams of fire as he attempted one last time to resist. Not calling for help he concluded.”Cant--- no choice! I'll have to burn through the floor!” it was his only recourse to escape.

Thankfully in that moment Mama made herself known. He held nothing but contempt for her. “Gnome. Female. Or she looks like one! At last the villain shows herself. The fated day has finally come!” the fire grew further on his person. Threatening the carpet and drapes. ”Flee retainers! This demoness is mine!” he rocked back and forth grunting against his bonds, anger and righteousness overriding pain, but he got no looser.

”Marius Sirvaki how dare you threaten the lives of my students in the ancient House of Meadowmist’s own dormitory!” came the thunderous roar of a woman scorned. The door was flung open again but with much more delicacy than Marius had elected to use. Even though Tiana wasn’t using the faintest lick of magic, most - if not all - of the students could feel the twinge of nerves that comes from witnessing a scolding of righteous proportions. ”Most importantly, you had the gall to cast magic in these halls unprovoked?! You impudent child! She wheeled around to the gathered students. Her voice rang out clear through the cackling and the screams - again, not by use of magic, but by experience and tact. ”Quieten down, children, please! You are deep within the heart of the Guild now - there are no mummies, and no harm will befall any of you whilst you are with us.”

Mama turned her back on Marius and this seemed worse than the blood magic she used. ”Dont ignore me!” sounding annoyed.

Her voice turned to a more forceful tone as she continued ”Though the other houses may operate differently, I will not have a gaggle of novices blow holes out of my dorms trying to show off to their peers. You will keep your spells for the authorised classes and training facilities! You have two hands to open a door! And if I catch any of you using magic in these halls again you’ll spend your mealtimes in detention with me, ‘till the only thing you’d wish to study is how to conjure up a cupcake!” As Tiana spoke she waggled an authoritarian finger at the gathered novices. Though short in stature, her demeanour packed the punch of a pissed-off matron.

Mama talked and the words seemed to ring true in Marius as the fired seemed to die down as she continued. Despite the discomfort of the spell his face was more puzzled than anything else. ”Wait a sec. You're a teacher?” She motioned for him to use his hands on the door and warned everyone to not to use magic in the halls, he responded with a whisper to himself. ”That seems inefficient…”

Her head snapped to Marius. ”What do you have to say for yourself, lad?” she asked, softer this time. Marius could feel the grip on him lessen ever-so-slightly, enough for him to move his head and shoulders freely, though the rest of his body sat in the numbness of absolute control.

She finally addressed him personally and at this point Marius demeanor seemed to shift completely. Not quite sorry but more, reserved and deliberate in word and deed as if he was using diplomacy in a stateroom. ”I think there was a misunderstanding. I thought the elf was a mummy.” he said as if it was a common mistake.

”Do not lie to me Marius,” Tiana snapped, jabbing a finger in the boy’s chest. ”It is not fitting of a young prodigy like you to feel the need to lie to a teacher.”

Marius contorted his face. Someone like him? Lie? The shame of such an insinuation. Lying was for vile and villainous. He then pieced it together, again his face showing more of a mildness despite his situation. ”Madame Professor, if you are referring to the door. There may have been assassins lying in ambush. I merely had to confront them using shock and awe tactics. The door was not my target.” again the reasoning seemed justified to his point of view.

Tiana sighed and turned to face him fully, letting him go of her sanguine grasp. ”Tell me, Phoenix Dawn - do you know what you’ve been sent here? Why would someone like you be sent to a place like this?”

He felt control return, and somehow his wounds felt worse for it, he cradled his wrist wincing but bit his tongue to say nothing, hiding the pain, though poorly. He looked up at her for her question then shot to his feet. He put a hand on his chest and cracked a happy grin, speaking almost condescendingly. ”Well that is quite obvious. I as the chosen savior and prophesied hero, am to requisition the Guild for the battles to come, as well as employ the most forbidden of magics that no doubt lie within its vaults. I am positive that they lay in wait for the one destined to solve their mysteries and master their powers. Speaking of, if you could bring me to such vault, I would be grateful. I really need to start on those.” he spoke with a sincerity that he believed in his words wholeheartedly. He spoke as if truth was in his very being.

”So you seek power?” Tiana stared at Marius flatly, then looked down at his injuries. ”You have enough power for now. Look at you - you have the raw strength, but no idea how to use it. You seem to believe that gaining more power will somehow fix that. I’m sure even you can see that you’re missing some sort of key element, else you would not be searching in these halls. Am I correct?”

”But of course. The enemy will be powerful. I need to exceed it if the world is to prevail.” he crossed his arms, seeming to have a ready made answer to her queries.

He laughed at enough power comment. He honestly thought she was joking. ”You are an agent of destiny to find the chink in my armor. Your magic has just shown that is not the case. Were the enemy to employ such magic… his eyes went wide and he lowered his gaze, the implications striking into his heart. ”By the gods… We’d be doomed…”

He recovered to listen to the rest of her. He opened his mouth to speak but paused. She had him contradicting himself. He turned from her, his chin being stroked as he stared at the wall. ”Is it true? Am I missing something? Has Destiny sent me here cause I'm not ready yet?”

He then clicked with an answer. Fist in an open palm. ”Of course. This isn’t a Hero’s Quest. I'm on a Hero's Journey! I don't have the tools yet to succeed. If the enemy strikes now… this is bad. Real bad. If anything I should be on the third step. Did I even refuse the call yet though… hmmm.” he seemed to be off in his own little world, puzzlement on his face.

Tiana smirked with amusement. ”It seems to me as if you’ve figured out your next step in your journey then, Marius. The people you see before you are heroes in their own right - they, too, are learning how to better themselves. I recommend that you treat them as equals - get to know them, for they’ll be taking all of your classes, eating meals with you, spending their free time in these dormitories. They are not your retainers - they are here to seek their own destinies too.” She held a hand out to Marius.

”Heroes in their own---!!!

His face snapped back to her. There was something deducing in his stare. He didn't blink, he didn't waver. Not for an instant. He even covered his mouth with his hand. He bent low, low so they could see eye to eye. He stared right into hers for what felt like twelve awkward seconds. He suddenly pointed at her.

”Got you.”

He then stood upright and stared at Artemis. He looked at her uncomfortably for several seconds before he turned to look at each student.

”Not enough.” he crossed his arms and shook his head. ”There has to be more… or it wont work.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by OrkytheOrc
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OrkytheOrc That Orc Guy

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Character Name: Orky
Time of Day: Early Morning
Location: Kitchen;Hallways;Common room
Interacting with:(@stitches) (@shard)

"Look, I know what I saw! IT'S A FULL BODY MUMMY" Orky had exclamed. Orky then turned his attention to what Willow had been chopping up, fresh garlic. That's exactly what Orky thought he needed to combat a mummy. He reached and grabbed a handful of the chopped garlic. "I see you have already chopped some up for my convenience! Thank you friend, I will never forget this act of kindness," Orky said with a glint of of a happy tear in his eye and award winning smile on his face. Orky had knelt down into a running position while keeping the garlic securly in his hand. The tattoos, that are covered by his pants, started to glow,showing through his pants.

It should be noted that the runes on his legs are attributed to speed. Then Orky had blasted off, he was fast enough to see but definitively fast enough to out a sprinting horse. He had created a gust of wind when he passed, needless to say his foot steps were loud because of the force his legs had been putting out to become faster. He shot through the hallway and came to screeching halt at the common area, with the glow on his tattoos dying down after he deactivated them. But to his surprise the supposed mummy had already seemed to have been taken care of by a teacher. Orky hasnt really met the teacher but he knew of her, he never got the chance to talk to her. He hoped that she could teach him some new things about blood magic, but now wasnt the time for that. Orky had to thank the teacher for taking care of the mummy. He went up tot the teacher and made a perfect 90° angle bow. He then stated, "Ma'am I am eternally grateful to you. You have seemed to apprehend the mummy for me. Please know if there is anything I can do to repay in your act of kindess." Orky had kept the bow for the whole time he was speaking and returned to tower he was when he had fell silent.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CaptainMarvel
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CaptainMarvel Spectrumized

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Time of Day:Morning
Location:Dormitory Kitchen
Interacting with: Willow (@Shard), Orky(@OrkytheOrc)

Thalia eyed Willow curiously; he seemed nervous somehow. That was odd to her, considering they were of the same race...she figured a familiar sight would be somewhat of a relief to him. Still, he at least seemed appreciative. That was good, right? "Yes, I'm...a little lost," Thalia admitted, chuckling. "The buildings in my village were much smaller." The thought of her village brought a faint smile to the Enuri's face. Upon hearing his name, Thalia shook her head, realizing how silly it was for her to not have opened up with an introduction from the beginning. "Right! Forgive me. My name is Thalia, and this is my companion, Lyka," she said, gesturing to herself and the wolf respectively.

Thalia never referred to Lyka as a pet, of course. The she-wolf was more of a friend than anything. Still, it wasn't really something she felt like explaining, so "companion" would have to do.

Just then, following a thundering BOOM, an orc came lumbering into the kitchen shouting about a "mummy." Thalia stood back as the friendly expression on Willow's face fell, which she couldn't quite blame him for. Orcs didn't exactly have the best reputation; in Thalia's book, they were barely better than humans. She could sense Lyka tensing up next to her, though the Orc didn't seem to be aware of Willow's very evident distaste for him. "I don't think there's a mummy..." she mumbled, though she more or less wished to stay out of...whatever was happening. Thalia watched as Orky reached out and grabbed Willow's garlic, and then took off running with the bowl. "Hey! You shouldn't be taking that-"

And yet, he was gone.

"I, um...I'm not quite sure what just happened," she said slowly, turning to look at Willow. "I can...go get it back, if you want?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lurking Shadow
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Lurking Shadow Yithian Archivist

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: S’Hraa
Time of Day: Morning
Location: Outside, then the kitchen
Interacting with: @Shard@CaptainMarvel

That’s it… just a little clossser… S’Hraa thought, concealed partially in the ground a few feet from an oblivious fawn. A few feet from breakfast… and lunch and dinner for the next two weeks. Normally S’Hraa would elect to spend the morning resting on a rock, relaxing and absorbing the heat rocks tend to store from the sun, but he spied on a heard of deer. One of his favored prey. For one as experience as he, it was simple to get the fawn separated from the rest, and to lure it towards him. Coiled tight like a spring, he waited on the fawn. 30 feet. 20 feet. 8 feet, when suddenly the fawn showed a change in it’s movements and S’Hraa’s senses were assaulted by a familiar and beloved smell. Fear. Wasting no time he sprung forth opening his maw and in one fluid motion wrapped tightly around the fawn and bit into it’s flesh, injecting his venom into the fawn and crippling it within minutes. Knowing the fawn would attempt to wrestle free he loosened his grip slightly letting the fawn move around more, pump blood faster, and accelerate the effects of the poison. Within seconds the fawn stopped moving altogether and S’Hraa adjusted to ingest it whole. Until it exploded and put S'Hraa's sleep to an abrupt end.

Awakened by what sounded like an explosion, S’Hraa was confused and a little bit upset over being awakened from his nap on the roof and elected to go find the source of the noise. Slithering along the ground silently and cloaking himself with illusion magic, a precaution in case the source of the noise proved hostile, he saw one of the smooth skins carelessly run past. A large specimen with green skin who was caked in fear. Still a little confused, the intoxicating aroma lured him. Remembering that he has not eaten in nearly a month (having spent most of that time getting to the guild), S’Hraa switched gears from an irate reptile to a hungry one and followed the green one to his destination.

Hiding just beyond the threshold, S’Hraa detected several within the area and waited …observing as he always does. Though he is unable to hear most of what is being said within the kitchen, he could sense the movements they make. The green skin grabbed something before bolting out of the kitchen with such speed that S’Hraa felt unable to match.

Tricky smooth skin, speed will be difficult to match. Incapacitation necessary to catch. Perhaps a poison to cripple movements or a hallucinogen to distract…. S’Hraa thought, before having a moment of clarity.

Wait…no. Need to find alternative source of food. Can’t let hunger get control of me, plus harming another guild member will make studies…. difficult. Perhaps one of the others may be able to accommodate me.

Dispelling his invisibility he walked in the kitchen and noticed two Enuri and a wolf. Noticing that the smaller one was preparing a dish, he might be the one to ask. Hopefully there would be a deer or something around. Moving towards Willow, and lowering himself to eye level and stared with a hungry look in his eye for a moment.

”Need meat, preferably alive. I have not eaten in nearly a month and it is starting to get problematic. I considered eating that smooth skin that just left, the fear he emitted was intoxicating and I momentarily lost my senses to my hunger. Do you happen to have any live animals around? Preferably not something like that, S’Hraa said, gesturing towards the wolf too much fur, hard to digest and it messes up my digestive tract."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Character Name: Anyu
Time of Day: Early morning
Location: The common room of the dormitory
Interacting with: Mama Tiana (@Stitches), Marius Sirvaki (@ShwiggityShwah), Sylvana (@Etranger), Artemis (@FurFox), Orky (@OrkytheOrc)

Anyu didn’t really get to look around the common room and its furnishings for very long before she heard the slow and steady footfalls approaching the top of the stairs. Realizing that she wouldn’t be able to hide before whoever it was stepped into the room and saw her, Anyu instead turned to watch as the person entered the room, her tail and ears twitching occasionally. Had anyone else been in the room, they may have noticed a sudden chill in the air as short-lived snowflakes began to fall gently around Anyu while she stood there and stared at the closed door.

Moments later, an incredibly large man ducked through the doorway into the common room itself, stopping short when he made eye contact with Anyu. ”Did I do something wrong? That must be why he’s so quiet. He’s angry at me and trying to think of how to yell at me,” Anyu thought as the silence between them stretched on, lowering her eyes to stare at her feet as she waited for the brusque-looking individual to say something. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity to Anyu, the man spoke up with his gruff voice, causing Anyu to flinch despite the fact that he was merely introducing himself as Orky.

Before Anyu could overcome her surprise that Orky apparently wasn’t angry with her and muster up the courage to tell him her name as he requested, a woman with silver hair entered the room behind him and moved to place her bags onto a nearby table. The suddenness of the woman’s appearance caused Anyu to take a few steps further from the door, the chill in the air intensifying slightly until she was at a more comfortable distance from the others. Certain that the elegantly-dressed woman’s salutation hadn’t been directed at her, Anyu opened her mouth to tell Orky her name before he began to suspect that she was trying to ignore him.

Unfortunately, Anyu hadn’t been able to do much more than open her mouth before the door behind Orky suddenly exploded inward with a resounding crash to reveal a man with fiery red hair who was shouting about villains and ambushes. The sudden noise elicited a faint shriek from Anyu as she flinched away from the door and collapsed into a sitting position. In her panic, her magic surged, coating the carpet she had been standing on in a thin layer of ice as snowflakes fell all around her. Meanwhile, the man behind the door had stepped through, revealing that he was covered in a variety of bandages, and started shouting about students being in his dormitory. ”Did that official make a mistake when he brought me here?” Anyu thought guiltily as she hugged her knees to her chest, a hollow pit forming in her stomach.

Before Anyu could worry herself too much about whether or not she was responsible for the fiery man’s anger, he had calmed down a bit, though he was still peering at everyone in the room suspiciously as he talked about retainers, whatever those were. Meanwhile, Orky had dashed out of the room and down the stairs while screaming about a mummy, which seemed to put the fiery-headed man on edge again from the way he jumped about as if he expected to be attacked. To make matters even more confusing, a lithe Sun Elf woman hurried into the room shortly after Orky left and promptly began laughing hysterically at something. Then another fair-skinned woman with dark hair darted into the room, though she was apparently concerned that something bad had happened from the questions she asked.

As the commotion died down in the common room, Anyu managed to calm herself down a little and get back on her feet, though the cracking of ice when she moved made her realize that she had accidentally used her magic when the door had been blown open. ”I hope that’s not a big deal,” she thought with a grimace as she finished standing up. She didn’t have much time to worry about how upset the Guild would be with her for potentially ruining what looked like an expensive rug, however, as the bandaged man suddenly fell to his knees and began raging about villains again.

If that hadn’t been surprising enough to cut through Anyu’s guilt about the rug, the roar of anger as the door was thrown open to reveal a short, matronly woman would have been. The new arrival wasted no time in scolding the fiery-haired man, whom the woman referred to as Marius Sirvaki, mostly for his use of magic in the halls and his threatening of the other students. Upon hearing that the use of magic in the dormitories was apparently considered to be a very serious crime, Anyu began to squirm and wring her hands together. ”Will she believe that I don’t mean to make it snow or that I didn’t mean to freeze the rug?” she thought, feeling nauseous as snowflakes continued to fall around her. While she didn’t exactly understand the punishment that the older woman described, Anyu knew from her tone that it couldn’t be anything good.

Anyu realized suddenly that the woman’s scolding of Marius Sirvaki had ceased and that the man had begun eyeing each of the other students in the room as if he was weighing them on invisible scales in order to determine their worth. When he directed that intense gaze at her, she couldn’t help but flinch slightly, certain that he saw how wicked she truly was in that stare. Regardless of what he saw, he moved his gaze to the next person in the room and continued his study. Though Anyu hoped that he wouldn’t go around telling everyone what he had seen, she had more pressing things to think about at the moment, namely her use of magic in the dorms.

While worrying about what was going to happen to her when the motherly woman noticed her use of magic, Anyu had contemplated the idea of hiding away in her room for a while. Now, of course, the time was passed. If the others hadn’t noticed the snow falling around her or the frozen carpet, they had to be blind. Plus, she really didn’t think that the authoritative woman would appreciate her attempts to get away. And so, even when Orky returned and distracted everyone by bowing to the woman and thanking her for taking care of the mummy, Anyu remained where she was, fidgeting occasionally.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shard
Avatar of Shard


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Time of Day Early Morning
Location Dormitory Kitchens
Interacting with @CaptainMarvel@Lurking Shadow

Willow's frown would eventually fade into a soft sigh, his head shaking somewhat at the girl's question. She was quite sweet, and Willow couldn't help but offer her a tender smile fitting such an approach. Indeed, she reminded the boy of his mother, in a way. Calm, collected, and with a heart clearly worn on her sleeve. Hopefully, that manner of innocence wouldn't get her hurt. Willow had seen it happen, before. Now, the speeding orc accelerating his pace out of the kitchen was a relief in and of itself, despite his raid of fresh ingredients. "No, it's fine," Willow responded, "just racial degeneracy at work." He finished, reaching for another few cloves of onion which he'd proceed to fluidly peel the outer layer from his newly acquired ingredient. 

"Yes! Say it as it is! Now, beat yourself up over the fact that you LET HIM ESCAPE!" Blackmore exclaimed, flicking Willow's shoulder. "He was right there! He touched your chopping block! Burn it, and kill him! Do it, do it, do it, do it!"

Shutting his eyes for a moment, the boy turned to eventually stare at Blackmore who simply stared back with a grin. "It's nice to meet you, Thalia," the young sorcerer continued, turning further to meet the female Enuri's face once more. It was then that yet another creature came to visit the kitchen. The room had never gotten this amount of traffic in the past. It was most definitely a first. This lizard, this.., entity, it was quite peculiar. Not only did it look quite odd, but it also spoke in a manner less than civilized. Though, its mention of eating the orc brought an unstifled smirk to Willow's lips. He was unable to contain it, despite backing up against the wooden counter as the creature proceeded to move closer towards him. 

"Uhm..," the boy eventually blinked in slight confusion. A live animal? Did it want to eat a live animal? This creature was nothing new. Willow had seen similar beings in the past. In fact, he had seen quite a lot, for his age, given his old lifestyle of never-ending travel. Enuri actually considered the species now only inches from his face, as one of their own. He, on the other hand, could not relate to the culture, nor the sentiment. "We don't keep live food in here," the boy explained, raising one of those slim eyebrows, "have you.., tried the market in the city plaza?" Willow proceeded, "or uh.., the forest?"

"What are you doing, idiot!? FEED HIM THE ORC!" Blackmore slipped between the reptile and the Enuri, placing his hands on Willow's shoulders with their noses a mere inch apart. "We'll make it look like an accident..." As tempting as it was, the young Enuri mage had to concede to his previous statements. 
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Avant
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Character Name: Brandon Argyle
Time of Day: Early Morning
Location: Dormitory
Interacting with: @Stitches @ShwiggityShwah

Coming here had been an eye-opening experience for Brandon, that was for sure. He had taken for granted how many small tasks he had done for him back home. Patricians often had many employed servants running too and fro making their lives easier, but here Brandon could only rely on himself to get around. It wasn't exactly difficult to lug around all the small bits and bobs he needed for the lessons, but it was certainly tedious. It gave him a sense of appreciation for what everyone did for him. As much as he hated to admit, Amelia was absolutely right. The patricians were all born with silver spoons in their mouths, and they were all found floundering when bereft of their wealth and prestige. He would have to remember when he got home not to let himself get too comfortable, lest he end up the same entitled lordling he had been before he had thought to come here.

He was on the way back from a lesson when he heard a ruckus from the direction of his dormitory. He was one of the last of a line of people to come running to see the source of the commotion. When he took in the scene at hand, he couldn't have been more floored. Someone had simply blown open the door to the dormitory. "By the six-segmented stone of Stanor..." Brandon muttered to himself as he looked upon the battered door in horror. He had never seen such utter vandalism back home, merely having heard gossip from the commons about the odd Dwarf who went mad and broke something. The casual attitude to one's surroundings demonstrated by these outlanders always shocked and astounded Brandon. The culprit was quickly ascertained by virtue of the victim of Tiana's motherly lecture. The ignoble ingrate had the gall to continue answering back to his superior even when the evidence of his wrongdoing lay plain before all.

Stomping into the room, Brandon leveled a steely gaze at Marius. "Madame, please tell me we're having this vexatious vagabond strung up by his pinky toes and pilloried before the population of the Guild?" He asked of Tiana. He had his doubts his punishment would be so severe, nor that they would indulge such a specific Dwarven method of punishment. He did at least hope that they were about to discuss some method of punishment, for such an act of brazen brigandry warranted a harsh correction.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Character Name: Mama Tiana
Time of Day: Early Morning
Location: Meadowmist Dorm
Interacting with: Orky (@OrkytheOrc), Brandon (@Avant), Students in general

”There was no mummy,” sighed Tiana, pinching the bridge of her nose. ”I should not have to tell you all that the Guild Halls are the most secure area in the entire nation. Please, use your common sense.” Glancing over at Brandon, she flashed him an exasperated smile. ”Tempting as it may be, Brandon, we have to look at this objectively. The property damage he did was relatively minor, given the circumstances. Misguided as he may be, he was genuinely concerned there was a threat within the room…” She dusted herself off. ”...There’s always a degree of leniency towards the newest students. You’ve seen it before. They need to learn the rules before I can punish them for it, otherwise it’s pointless. Besides - Marius already has a long list of chores he has to do.”

”I understand this was a hectic start for you all, but is everyone gathered? We’re missing a couple of students still. Whilst we wait for them to arrive, let’s make sure you’re all caught up to date.” Tiana pulled her shoulders back, addressing the novices in the common room with her typical authoritative tone. ”Students, my name is Tiana. I am the assistant house mentor for Meadowmist. If you’ve any problems, concerns or queries - any at all - I should be your first port of call.” She opened her ledger, a finger tracing the list of students as she mouths their names carefully. ”Any of you who have not yet received a uniform, should see the quartermaster after this briefing. You’ll have a couple of hours to unpack before classes begin. Now! Let’s begin with a roll call, shall we?”

Tiana listed the names of each student off one-by-one, waiting to see who replied and who did not. The way she did it was natural, rehearsed; clearly, she put in the effort to learn the names of every pupil who would be attending her house. When names such as Willow and S’Hraa went unanswered, there was a brief pause - a small frown and a mark checked on the ledger. ”Make sure you’ve all had something to eat, too - the cafeteria is open and free for use. Your dietary requirements have been noted in your files, just tell the staff your name and they’ll have something prepared for you. It’s going to be a long day, so make sure to eat up!”
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Moyai
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Character Name: Rahele (Profile/CS)
Time of Day: Early Morning
Location: Dormitory
Interacting with: • Mama Tiana @Stitches • Anyu @TaliPaendrag

After placing her recently bought books and food on the table, Rahele had sat down on the couch without much thought and picked up the first book of her collection. Her idea was simple, to test the resonance of magic and how it could stop food from spoiling through alteration spells.

Then the door blew up, and any semblance of peace was long lost to the room. Things moved fast, and a tornado of students reaction in odd ways started to form around the witch. She just did not know what to do, she even had tried to continue reading but it was impossible to ignore the pandemonium by her side, particularly, when it started to snow.

"Ah, no!" she said instinctively, taking the books away from the falling snow, else they would become wet and unusable.

Since she was already up, she looked around and caught up with her surroundings. It seemed that due to the surprise, the Enuri had cast a spell, that was the source of the snow. Looking down, she found the carpet was frozen, so, naturally, she reached forward ready to apply alteration to it seeking to separate the rug from the ice and to dry it up before the expensive tapestry was ruined.

When she heard Tiana's words, she stopped herself from casting any spell. "What...?" she said in a confused tone. She waited until the roll call was done and she had answered her name to continue her questioning. "We cannot use any spell at all outside of the classroom? I understand why blowing up doors is undesirable, but I did not expect the rules to be so severe." she had developed spells based on her necessities, it was hard for her to think about living life without over-relying on the comforts brought by spellcasting.
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