Yeah, I'd been keeping up with serebii for a while now, though I hadn't checked today until now. I knew about the new Pokémon, but didn't know what it was until now. I don't really like it though, it's design seems kind of lazy. It's basically a nut on top of a ditto.
Just to confirm something, Wicke is Veronica mother so I'm curious to see her reaction to Veronica. Though no one would know that apart from Veronica father.
Just to confirm something, Wicke is Veronica mother so I'm curious to see her reaction to Veronica. Though no one would know that apart from Veronica father.
However, it would not be a stretch to think that Wicke would recognise her own grown up daughter since Veronica would of been about 2 or 3 by the time, her parents spilt up and her father took her with him
Especially with Protect and Substitute. Start off with a Protect to block a first attack, and activate the Toxic Orb, then use Substitute. After two turns, you heal off the Substitute damage, and you're protected during it. Then I also had Earthquake for STAB Ground, and Guillotine for hitting what Earthquake can't.