Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zaxter996
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Raven Carter

Location: The docks, not far from the beach party.
Interacting With: Molly.

Raven was silent for a few moments, staring out over the water with a conflicted look on her face. She eventually brought the bottle of Tequila to her lips, taking a long swing before handing it to Molly. “You might want some more of this first…” She mumbled with an uneasy snicker, forcing a smile through her darker expression. It had been a while since she’d thought of this particular memory, and had never told anyone about it. Molly Hartell was the last person she’d expect to share it with, but things had changed that night. She now wouldn’t rather talk to anyone else.

After a few more moments of quiet reflection, Raven took a deep breath, before turning to Molly, holding her hand much tighter than before. “Alright… Well, before me and my dad moved to Brooklyn, I ran away from home… Went off on my own for a bit. It was kinda like a soul searching kinda thing, I guess.” She started her story softly, recalling it in her mind as she retold it. “It was good, for the most part. There were a few scary moments, but nothing as bad…” She paused for a bit, closing her eyes and taking another deep breath, before opening her eyes again and continuing.

“I went to a bush doof. Kinda like a small, independent music festival held out in the bush, where people just get fucked up on all sorts of shit.” She explained with a motion of her hand. “Needless to say, I was pretty fucked. I’d had 2 tabs of acid, and I don’t even know how many caps. I was outa my skull.” Her darker expression broke for just a moment, giggling softly as she remembered how high she was that day. “It was crazy. I swear I had a conversation with a berry bush. She was quite a lovely bush, although her berries were kinda dicks.” Another soft giggle, before her expression darkened again as she continued the story.

“Anyway… I went for a walk back to our tents, because I needed to lie down, and I started hearing something…” Her grip on Molly’s hand got a little tighter as she spoke. “At first I thought it was just the acid fucking with me, but it sounded so real… It was like muffled screaming…” She stopped again, gulping back a lump in her throat, taking a moment to compose herself before continuing. “It was coming from one of the tents. I stared at it for a moment, trying to figure out if what I was seeing or hearing was actually real… Eventually I ripped open the tent flap, and saw it…”

Tears started to well up in her eyes, as she recalled the memory, trying hard to keep herself from crying. “There was a girl in there… Tears streaming down her face and red marks on her cheek and neck… And a guy on top of her trying to take her clothes off… I stood there for a moment, before they noticed me, because I didn’t know what to do. Eventually the girl saw me and screamed out to me for help. They guy turned around… He had the most evil, animalistic look on the face… As high as I was, he almost looked like an animal. He started screaming at me, but I couldn’t hear what he was saying, I just stood there, staring at him. Then he got up and slapped me, knocking me down, before trying to go back into the tent…” A tear started falling down her cheek as she slowly continued, her voice barely above a whisper.

“As soon as I hit the ground, I just remember something changing in me. Like an ancient, primal part of me waking up. And as weird as it sounds… I felt energy flowing from the ground into me, filling me with this sorta strength that I’d never felt before, or since. I stood up and just charged at the guy. I grabbed him by the hair and pulled him back by the hair, and threw him on the ground, before getting on top of him, and just… Laying into him. There was blood everywhere, I don’t know if it was from his face or my knuckles, or both… I just kept hitting, until he wasn’t moving anymore…” Tears were now streaming down her face as she talked, but she managed to keep her composure, her voice only wavering a little bit. ”At some point, I got up, grabbed the girl and took her to a portable toilet, where I just held her for hours until she stopped crying…” She stopped talking then, barely keeping herself from sobbing, her gaze dropping down to watch the water.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Cio
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Cio dumb of ass, pure of heart

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

𝑴𝓸𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝑯𝓪𝓻𝓽𝒆𝓵𝓵

Location: The beach party, docks
Interacting With: Raven @Zaxter996
Text colour: #adff9f

Molly was utterly taken aback by what Raven told her next. She found it hard to believe, like she was in a weird fever dream, only she knew it wasn't a dream. She would've accused Raven of pulling her leg if she didn't see how distraught the girl was: tears streaming down her cheeks, voice wavery and broken.
Molly didn't know what to do. It was all so hard to believe, and certainly not what she'd expected. Why did Raven share this with her? She'd said she hadn't told it to anyone else. And while it made Molly feel special, it also frightened her.
But this... This wasn't about her.
There was one big question burning Molly's mind, one bigger than the dozens of others. She couldn't help but ask, voice quiet and honest, as she tried to comfort Raven with her presence and touch.
"...What happened to the man?" she asked, voice tentatively curious but also cautious. In Molly's mind, it was all so hard to process. Raven had done the right thing. Molly wasn't blaming her, but she had to know the rest. "He didn't... die, did he?"
It must've been a bad question ask at that moment, while Raven was clearly so barely holding it togehter. But the girl had to know Molly didn't blame her for what happened, that Molly didn't think Raven was a bad person because of this.
Wait. She knew that, right? Right?
"I think what you did was so brave, Raven," Molly continued before the girl in her arms had the chance to speak, tone of voice shifting from mindless to firm. "I'm... so sorry you had to go through that. I'm not blaming you at all, you know that, right? It wasn't your fault. You saved that girl's life," Molly went on, her voice growing a bit more desperate with each sentiment. Wrapping both her arms around Raven and moving the girls legs over her thighs so that the silver haired girl was practically on Molly's lap, Molly pulled Raven's head close to her chest for a hug. She had no idea how to comfort this girl right now. It was too shocking for Molly, too. But if there was something she could do, she could hold her. Just for now, if Raven let her.
Forgetting all her hesitation, Molly did just so.
"T'wasn' your fault," she told the girl over and over, trying to convince both of them, maybe. Because it was true, and Raven had saved a girl's life from a scummy rapist. Molly might've still been processing all the information she'd recieved, but in her heart she knew she thought Raven had been so brave, so strong. She admired her, even now. "You did the right thing."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zaxter996
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Raven Carter

Location: The docks, not far from the beach party.
Interacting With: Molly.

Raven shook her head a few times, a few tears falling from her face, dropping into the water that they sat over. “No, thank fuck… I don’t think I’d be able to live with myself if I killed him…” She paused for a moment, taking a deep breath to try to keep her voice steady. It was true, no matter how much of a scumbag the guy was, she wouldn’t be able to live with the guilt of taking another human’s life. She then let herself take a few moments to compose herself, letting Molly pull her into her lap closely.

Raven wrapped her arms around Molly tightly leaning her head on the girl’s chest, letting out a few soft, quite sobs. It was awful to relive the memories that she for so long had kept hidden, but there was a sort of catharsis to let it out, and finally share it with someone. She let herself gently cry for a moment, before sniffling a little, Molly’s words working to calm her a bit. It was helping to hear that someone thought she did the right thing.

Raven sat up a little, just enough to look up at Molly, though keeping her arms wrapped around her gently. “Umm… Eventually, someone found him and took him to the hospital… It wasn’t until a few days later that I found out who he was…” She mumbled softly, taking another pause to go over her words again before continuing. “He was a big time drug dealer… Like, big time… I heard from a friend that he knew who I was, and that he had people looking for me… And they weren’t just going to have a chat…” Her voice started to tremble a little again as she continued her story. “I went straight home… I was so scared that they’d make it home to my dad first… But I was lucky to get to him first… And even luckier to find out that he was already moving to Brooklyn. So I got on the next plane with him and never looked back…” She let out a heavy, broken sigh, a few more tears falling from her eyes. “I know this all seems like the plot to a movie… But, it’s true… As much as I wish it wasn’t…”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cio
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Cio dumb of ass, pure of heart

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𝑴𝓸𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝑯𝓪𝓻𝓽𝒆𝓵𝓵

Location: The beach party, docks
Interacting With: Raven @Zaxter996
Text colour: #adff9f

Molly was conflicted. She'd never really done this before, comforting another person so vulnerable when she didn't even know them that well. She'd been there for Sam and the boy had, in return, been there for her, but it had been different. This was not on Molly's comfort zone, or at least not in her realm of expertise. Should she kiss Raven to make her worries go away, or would that be insensitive? Should she just hold her quietly and let the girl get it out of her system? This wasn't a light matter, and Molly felt like she shouldn't treat is as such, either. Maybe... Maybe it was enough for Raven that Molly simply was there, listening. At least she hoped it would be enough.
Raven wept for a while silently. Molly could feel the tears wetting her shirt, but thought to herself it didn't matter. Any smudged make-up wouldn't show up on the black shirt, that wasn't going to be a problem.
After a silent few seconds Raven raised her head to look at Molly. It was hard for Molly to see her like that, so lost and helpless with her memories. It was also confusing because she didn't know how exactly they'd ended up here. It all made so little sense. Raven proceeded to tell about the man and how he'd been a drug dealer, a big one at that. This shook Molly a little. Now she understood even better why Raven seemed so distraught. She wasn't only scared of what she'd done or what she'd seen, she was scared of this man's position and power. It made sense.
"No, I... I believe you," Molly responded quietly, a sincere tone to her voice. It must've been so hard for Raven, Molly thought grimly. Maybe... maybe it'd be good if she'd gently nudge the conversation into a more comfortable direction, still not completely changing the subject. Right? She didn't want Raven to have to dwell on the horrors of her past for longer than necessary.
"You must miss it, yeah? Your home," Molly more stated than asked, although there was a hint of a question there. "I mean... had that not happened... You might've not had to move here in such a hurry. It can really tear a person apart," Molly mused. She'd moved around a lot her whole life, that much was already clear. So she could, in a way, relate to Raven's experience. She'd never been forced to leave out of fear, but that had never meant she was ready whenever it had happened. Molly remembered the long, sleepless nights she'd spent crying because she hadn't wanted to leave. In an apartment filled with cardboard boxes and no mattresses to suck the echo of the empty walls. She'd hated moving, but eventually, she'd gotten used to it. It never meant she hated it any less, though.
"Even though we speak English here too, it's not really the same, is it? We moved a lot when I was younger... and not always to places where they spoke English. But we never stayed long enough for me to settle and learn the local customs. I'd have got just comfortable enough, I'd have made a new friend or two, even... and then we'd be on the move again, going wherever my parents' jobs demanded. Eventually I learned not to get too attached to places. Or people," Molly told with a soft voice. She wasn't entirely sad, but she'd have come to some sort of grim acceptance. In any way, she wasn't telling this to Raven to earn some brownie points, she was telling this to her to possibly take her mind off of the fears plaguing her beautiful mind, luring the conversation to a more explorative direction.
"I never stopped missin' home, though. England is my home and it's weird being so far away. But..." Molly trailed off, a smile tugging her lips, "had I not come here, I wouldn't be here right now. Nor would I be able to do..." she paused again, leaning closer to give Raven's forehead a soft kiss, "...this."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zaxter996
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Raven Carter

Location: The docks, not far from the beach party.
Interacting With: Molly.

Already, Raven had felt a slight weight lift from her shoulders. Although, it hurt to relive those memories she’d mostly kept buried, it felt good to finally share them with someone else. Her mind felt somewhat lighter, less burdened by the once secret memory. Ever since it happened, she was so scared of telling anyone, and so scared that it would one day catch up with her, she thought it better to try to forget about it. But it was always at the back of her mind, haunting her, and it probably still would be for a while, but she felt a little better about it now.

Raven nodded a little at Molly’s next question, appreciating the slight change of topic, sniffling a little, but already starting to look a little calmer. “I mean, a little, I guess…” She mumbled softly, lifting her shoulders slightly in a shrug. “I actually didn’t have a lot to leave behind. I only had a couple of real friends, who I do miss, and the bush doofs there were better,” She added with a quiet, half-hearted snicker. “But everything else… I dunno. I’ve got my dad, and I’ve got new friends here, and found a good dealer. I just don’t know if there’s much to go back to.”

Raven listened intently when Molly continued to speak, nodding along softly. Listening to her sweet, calming voice was helping distract her from her own thoughts, calming her down quite a bit. She probably looked like a mess, already clumsy ponytail ever messier now, and her eyes and cheeks smudged with running makeup, but she didn’t care too much. She was with someone she was comfortable with, so she couldn’t care less about how she looked. A soft smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she felt Molly’s lips touch her forehead, her cheeks coloured with an ever so slight blush, at the combination of the kiss and the words. “Exactly.” She replied softly, with a slight nod. “As I said earlier, everything that happens, puts on the path that leads us to now.” He voice was soft, and hoarse from the crying, but she was visibly calmer now, her arms wrapped tightly around the other girl, nestled happily in her lap still. “And now… Is pretty damn good, don't ya think?”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cio
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Cio dumb of ass, pure of heart

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

𝑴𝓸𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝑯𝓪𝓻𝓽𝒆𝓵𝓵

Location: The beach party, docks
Interacting With: Raven @Zaxter996
Text colour: #adff9f

Molly could simply listen Raven talk, too absorbed in the girl's halo to notice she was staring. Raven seemed to calm down, and it also helped Molly feel more at ease. The surrounding world seemed to slide away once more: it was just them on the distant dock, gentle waves lapping at the strong pillars holding the wooden structure up.
At Raven's last words, Molly hummed in agreement, her cheeks suddenly feeling ever so burning against the gently cooling evening breeze. It tangled Molly's curly hair even more, parts of it now plastered on her own face, other parts mingling with Raven's straight, bleached hair.
It was calm. Calm and good. Even though Molly was nervous, she had never felt so much at peace either. It was a weird mix of the two, butterflies of both fear and anticipation. And relief, relief as well.
"Now's good," Molly echoed after a while, her brown eyes boring into the matching ones staring back at her. Molly felt the warmth of Raven's legs through the thin material of her flowy beach skirt, and she thought she could get easily addicted to this.
"Not to mention..." Molly continued with a side-thought, her eyes now skirting away from the ones looking at her, "I'm rubbish at this. Definitely not the bold type, even if I try to be," She chuckled half self-conscious, half humoured.
"I wish I was, though. You'd deserve that too. But you'll have to settle for a... for an awkward bean like me," Molly smirked. For now, that was. The buzzing alcohol was definitely giving her the courage for little pecks and occassionally longer kisses, but a looming doubt still infected her previously very closeted mind.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zaxter996
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Raven Carter

Location: The docks, not far from the beach party.
Interacting With: Molly.

A soft smirk pulled at Raven’s lips, as she let out a soft giggle at Molly’s words. Her face was still slightly moist from the tears, her makeup smudged, but she was far calmer now, her thoughts dominated by the gorgeous blonde. She brought a hand to the other girl’s face, caressing her cheek softly before brushing some of the curly hair out of her face. Her eyes were fixated on Molly, so glad to be there with her in that moment. She sat up a little bit straighter, her lips meeting Molly’s in a soft, yet undeniably passionate kiss. Her fingers entwined themselves in Molly’s hair as she pressed against her closely, craving to be as close to her as she could.

After a few moments, she let the kiss end, exhaling softly, letting her lips linger less than an inch away from Molly’s. “It’s not settling, babe…” She replied, her voice barely above a whisper, her lips brushing against Molly’s gently as she spoke. “You’re the most gorgeous, awkward bean, that I have ever met.” She was no longer thinking about her past, or anything else in the world, for that matter. All she cared about was the adorable girl she was sitting with. “Besides, you’re not a rubbish as you seem to think. You’ve got me in the palm of your hand right now, after all.” She whispered with a flirtatious smirk.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cio
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Cio dumb of ass, pure of heart

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

𝑴𝓸𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝑯𝓪𝓻𝓽𝒆𝓵𝓵

Location: The beach party, docks
Interacting With: Raven @Zaxter996
Text colour: #adff9f

Molly hummed against the kiss, nose smushing softly against Raven's cheek by the pressure of it. She revelled in the feeling of light tugging at her hair, it was like a massage, but a thousand times better. And hotter. Well. Get your mind out of the gutter, Molly...
Molly giggled at Raven's response, both embarrassed and giddy by it at the same time.
"Is that so?" Molly mused with a raised eyebrow, flirty and pleased at the information. Biting her lip, still tingling pleasantly from the passionate kiss, Molly breathed out heavily, almost deflating against the other girl. It felt so nice. So... so surreal, but so nice all the same. Is this what it was supposed to feel like?
Feeling slightly out of breath and overwhelmed now for an entirely different reason than uncertanity, Molly tucked her head and lay it in the nape of Raven's neck, effectively embracing her. She closed her eyes, letting the cool sea breeze cool of her flushed face a bit. The sounds of the party further away were only getting stronger by the minute: people were clearly enjoying themselves over there, too.
Molly felt like a purring cat in the arms of Raven, which was super weird since they weren't even that familiar with each other. Or... Molly was very familiar with Raven's tongue piercing by now, for sure, but that wasn't the kind of familiarity Molly had meant.
Sensing the moment had turned quiet once more, Molly shifted a bit to get comfortable and asked:
"Do you suppose everyone else has it all figured out yet? What they want to do after the summer ends, I mean."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zaxter996
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Raven Carter

Location: The docks, not far from the beach party.
Interacting With: Molly.

“It is…” Raven replied softly, running her fingers gently through the other girl’s hair. She was still in Molly’s lap, happily nestled against her, enjoying the closeness. It had been a long time since she felt that close to someone, which was strange because of the fact that before that night, the only thing they knew about each other were their names. But now, it felt like Molly knew her better than anyone else ever did. That’s what happens when you share your deepest, darkest secret, seemingly.

Raven couldn’t help but smile brightly as Molly snuggled closer. One hand started to trail down her back, tracing patterns softly, as her other hand stayed entwined in her hair, running through the curls gently. She let out a soft snicker at Molly’s next question, shaking her head. “Not at all. I don’t think we’re really supposed to know yet. We’re still so young, and a lot of us are still trying to figure out who we are. I sure as fuck have no clue what I want to do yet.”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cio
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Cio dumb of ass, pure of heart

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

𝑴𝓸𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝑯𝓪𝓻𝓽𝒆𝓵𝓵

Location: The beach party, docks
Interacting With: Raven @Zaxter996
Text colour: #adff9f

Molly hummed at Raven's answer, closing her eyes against the girl's skin and breathing everything in for a few beats. The melody of the ocean and the steady rise and fall of this another human being so close to her right now. Molly hadn't really realised just how touch starved she'd been for the past few months. Raven felt safe and exciting all at once. Someone she'd known for many years but who she'd never really interacted with... until now, that was. The alcohol in her system was buzzing pleasantly, making the blonde realise her eyes felt heavier than normally. An involuntary yawn escaped Molly's lips and she shivered in the cooling air - or maybe it was the pleasant sensation caused by the absent-minded fingers drawing patterns on her back - cuddling just a bit closer for some warmth.
"It's gettin' a bit breezy," Molly observed, her eyes opening a notch to check if there was still movement on the beach. The amount of people had certainly decreased, for sure.
Despite the cool air and Molly's drowsiness, the blonde's heart felt warm and full of excitement at this new, sorely wanted experience she'd gotten that night. It had been her first time kissing a girl. And she had kissed a girl alright - many times, even letting herself get carried away with it.
With someone she knew but not really. That was the most exciting part, Molly supposed. Raven felt safe but new at the same time - a breath of fresh air for Molly who had walked the same small circles for too long. And her heart... it had never felt so full. It might burst from all of the overwhelming excitement she felt. She almost didn't want to fall asleep just so that the moment would carry on forever.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zaxter996
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Raven Carter

Location: The docks, not far from the beach party.
Interacting With: Molly.

Raven had never felt so calm, so… Content, or at least not without chemical assistance. Sitting there, tangled up in with the gorgeous blonde, was bliss. She twirled a finger through Molly’s hair, watching her with a gentle smile plastered onto her face, the only evidence of her emotional outburst only moments ago being the make-up smudged on her face. She smirked as Molly yawned, unable to hold back a slight giggle, which then also morphed into a slight yawn. She leaned her head closer to Molly’s, scraping her nose gently against Molly’s cheek in an affectionate nuzzle.

“Mmm… It is…” She replied in agreement, casting a glance over to the party to see that it had started to wind down. “Should we head back to the house, maybe?” She mumbled softly, sitting up a little bit, although still staying entwined with the other girl. She didn’t want to get up, she didn’t want this moment to end, but they couldn’t stay out on the docks forever, and besides… Inside could be more interesting.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cio
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Cio dumb of ass, pure of heart

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

𝑴𝓸𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝑯𝓪𝓻𝓽𝒆𝓵𝓵

Location: The beach party, docks
Interacting With: Raven @Zaxter996
Text colour: #adff9f

Molly took a deep breath, letting all her built up nervousness go in one exhale.
"Yeah, sounds like a plan," Molly agreed but she didn't make a move to stand up. After a beat, Molly concluded that if neither of them was going to move they'd happily freeze to death here, so she untangled their feet and crawled up on the docks, extending her arm for Raven to take as she stood up. Molly's gaze wandered back to the beach once more, where the bonfire had dimmed slightly and people had scattered. There were some people still dancing there, but Molly was too tired to do anything but go back to the beach house.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zaxter996
Avatar of Zaxter996


Member Seen 11 mos ago

Raven Carter

Location: The docks, not far from the beach party.
Interacting With: Molly.

Raven groaned a little in protest as Molly moved, disturbing their comfortable embrace to stand up, but ultimately knew that they had to get up sooner or later. She scooped up the now half empty bottle of tequila that the pair had liberated from the party, and took Molly’s hand standing with her. She stood there for a moment, holding her hand firmly, entwining their fingers together, as she smiled. She saw the tired look in Molly’s eyes, realising that she too was starting to get pretty tired. Any other night she would be closing down the dancefloor, one of the last ones standing. But that night, she didn’t want to be, there were places she would much rather be.

Raven stood there for a few moments, swaying slightly, a little from the alcohol, but mostly just because she enjoyed the movement. She looked up at the slightly taller girl, a soft, genuine smile tugging lightly at her lips. She locked eyes with Molly, standing up a little taller and slowly tilting her head up, ever so slightly moving her lips closer to the other girl’s. Teasingly slow in fact, but just before their lips could meet… She let go of Molly’s hand and took a step back, with a teasing, flirtatious smirk on her lips.

Before Molly had a chance to protest, Raven started pracing back towards the house with a half-skipping like stride, giggling a little. “You can have more of that back at the house,” she called out in a teasing, sing-song tone. As much as she wanted nothing more than to feel Molly’s lips against hers again, she enjoyed being a tease even more, especially while drunk.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cio
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Cio dumb of ass, pure of heart

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

𝑴𝓸𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝑯𝓪𝓻𝓽𝒆𝓵𝓵

Location: On the move
Interacting With: Raven @Zaxter996
Text colour: #adff9f

Raven's touch lingered after Molly pulled her up. The two stood there holding hands, eyes meeting in the peaceful night. Raven smiled and rose to her tiptoes, making Molly react as if there was a magnetic pull between them. A warmth spread across Molly's body, expanding from her chest to the tips of her toes, buzzling like electricity. However, just as their lips were supposed to meet, Raven suddenly pulled away, smirking. Molly's lips chased after Raven, eyes heavy lid and her now empty hand feeling cold without the other girl's. A dissatisfied whine escaped Molly's lips as she stood there, beginning to follow the teasing girl.
As Raven turned around to face the beach party, Molly bridged the distance to the shorter girl with a few strides of her long legs. Molly catched Raven in her arms from behind, halting whatever process they had made towards the beach house. Nuzzling the shorter girl's neck like a lovesick puppy. Molly pressed a kiss there, alcohol making her head pleasantly light. Molly knew how to handle her booze, but she had been drinking a lot tonight. And it only made her feel more relaxed. And way more bold.
"Such a tease," Molly mumbled against the shorter girl, slender arms trapping Raven in her embrace. Then she let the girl go, nudging them back on the move.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zaxter996
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Raven Carter

Location: On their way back to the house.
Interacting With: Molly.

Raven let out a bout of laughter as she felt Molly’s arms wrap around her from behind, easily catching her and bringing her plan to a halt. The shorter girl playfully struggled against Molly’s grip at first, half-heartedly trying to escape her grasp, until she felt Molly’s lips against her neck. She immediately stopped her protest, melting back into the other girl’s touch, unable to stop a soft sound of pleasure from escaping her lips.

“That’s cheating…” She mumbled softly in response, leaning back against Molly, loving the warm, safe feeling of being wrapped in her arms. When Molly let go, a soft whine left Raven, reluctantly starting to walk towards the house again, although taking Molly’s hand firmly in her own, their hands swaying slightly as they walked. Even though it really wasn’t anymore than a couple minutes walk from the beach, the house felt like it was miles away, but the walk was well worth it, no matter how long it really was.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cio
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Cio dumb of ass, pure of heart

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

𝑴𝓸𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝑯𝓪𝓻𝓽𝒆𝓵𝓵

Location: On the move
Interacting With: Raven @Zaxter996
Text colour: #adff9f

The walk back was filled with a comfortable silence between the two girls. Molly was too tired to come up with anything to talk, and as they walked she realised that she actually preferred the silence for a change. The sand crunched beneath their feet, leaving behind a trail of uneven footprints. Molly was tired and definitely intoxicated, a combination which made her lose interest in whether people were paying attention to her and Raven's entwined fingers. It seemed no one cared, though, and had Molly been more alert, she would've been relieved that was the case.
When the pair reached the beach house, there were still lights on in the lounge. 'Makes sense,' Molly thought. It might've been late - or early, if you wanted to put it that way - but people had been partying tonight. The celebration was bound to continue beyond just the beach party. However, Molly was too tired to join them. She looked at Raven as they reached the porch, opening the door as quietly as she could. Noises of conversation could be heard from inside, and Molly kind of wanted to avoid being detected altogether.
"Wanna go upstairs? I think I'm too tired to join them," Molly asked Raven - who she was still holding hands with - with a voice lowered barely above a whisper. Molly glanced back at the direction where the noises where coming from, biting the inside of her cheek nervously. It wasn't that she didn't want to be spotted with Raven. She didn't really mind if it came down to that. She just didn't feel up to confronting any of her old classmates or friends now... now that she had had the best evening in a long time. Seeing them always reminded Molly of the façade she had to hold, the fake self she was around the popular kids. Molly was tall, blonde, sociable, and objectively rather pretty. She didn't exactly dress gay or anything either. So why would anyone even suspect she might be a lesbian? That's right... coming out felt like a rather big step for Molly - one she wasn't ready to take just yet. And if she was honest, she just wanted to end the night just as pleasantly as it had started. And it didn't include any of the old familiar faces in the beach house... well, any except one.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zaxter996
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Raven Carter

Location: The docks, not far from the beach party.
Interacting With: Molly.

For once, Raven was happy with the quiet. Normally, she hated it, need some sort of sound to keep her mind occupied. But the sounds of the beach, and the the sand crunching beneath the feet, and the sounds of their breathing was enough to keep Raven calm, and happy. She was drunk she was no doubt, but she was calm, which is something that she couldn’t always say. Sure, she was known as a fairly chil, stoner, party girl, but her mind was often a different story. But at that point, she’d never felt more relaxed.

As they quietly made their way into the beach house, she kept her hand firmly entwined with Molly’s, pulling her closer once they were inside, noticed that she felt a little weird about the other people in the house maybe seeing them decide. Although she didn’t quite understand not wanting other people to know about her sexuality, she did know that Molly wasn’t quite as comfortable with it as she was, and she respected that.

“Of course. I managed to score a solo room… If you want to join me there?” She asked in a whisper, tilting her head curiously, giving Molly’s hand a soft, affectionate squeeze. She stayed where she was, waiting for Molly’s decision before making a move.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cio
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Cio dumb of ass, pure of heart

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

𝑴𝓸𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝑯𝓪𝓻𝓽𝒆𝓵𝓵

Location: Beach house
Interacting With: Raven @Zaxter996
Text colour: #adff9f

Molly kept picking on her bottom lip with her teeth as she nodded.
"That'd be... more than okay. Yeah," Molly supplied with a soft smile, her thumb moving to caress Raven's knuckles as she did so. Pulling Raven by the hand, Molly led the them up the wooden stairs. Some giggling and a loud laughter could be heard from downstairs, followed by a yelp and more laughing. Maybe the people who were still awake were playing truth or dare. It seemed that way, anyway.
When they reached the bedrooms, Molly realised that she didn't actually know which was Raven's. The blonde halted and let Raven lead them into the right room.
As the two entered, Molly was first met with a scent that was in all of the rooms of the beach house. Still, under that there was a more refined scent that Molly could only describe as Raven's. The rooms were theirs for the summer, so it was part of the deal that there would be some stuff and clothes that were Raven's. Molly was pleased to find that while their styles weren't exactly the same, Raven's room felt very cozy regardless. Molly let Raven enter first, following her after and closing the door behind them with a soft click. Once again, they were alone.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zaxter996
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Raven Carter

Location: Back at the house.
Interacting With: Molly.

Raven smirked as she pulled Molly into her room with her, pulling her close and claiming her lips immediately, in a hard passionate kiss, one hand still firmly grasping Molly’s, as the other through the bottle of tequila onto her bed, before wrapping around Molly’s waist. Her room wasn’t the tidiest. It wasn’t messy necessarily, but definitely messier than some. She had some clothes strewn around the place, an acoustic guitar in the corner, and a bluetooth speaker beside an assortment of powders and pills with a set of scales sitting on the desk. A laptop also sat closed on the desk.

Raven held Molly close in the kiss before several moments before withdrawing and taking a step back, falling back onto the bed in a half seated position. She looked up at Molly with a flirtatious smirk. “Don’t mind the mess… I’m not the tidiest of people… I hope that’s cool?” She asked softly, knocking a few pieces of clothing of the bed absently. She then tapped the spot on the bed beside her as she shifted to lie there comfortably, making sure there was plenty of room for Molly.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cio
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Cio dumb of ass, pure of heart

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

𝑴𝓸𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝑯𝓪𝓻𝓽𝒆𝓵𝓵

Location: Beach house
Interacting With: Raven @Zaxter996
Text colour: #adff9f

Molly all but squeaked as Raven turned her attention to the blonde in a rush, pulling her into a toe-curling kiss. After the initial surprise Molly responded in kind, an appreciative hum drawing out from the back of her throat as their lips danced. There was no time for breath, apparently, and Molly was quite okay with that. She felt as if electricity was coursing through her entire body, buzzing and tingling pleasantly on her skin, her scalp, her lips... There was a definitive warm feeling pooling at the pit of Molly's stomach, one she was almost taken aback by.
As the girls parted for breath, Raven backed into the bed, leaving Molly standing dumbstruck, breathless, and much colder without the shorter girl's body to warm her. Molly's heart was beating like crazy. She was afraid it might burst through her chest if she didn't keep it together.
"I..." Molly began in response to Raven's comment, still breathless from the kiss that had made her whole head spin, "I don't a see problem," she finished in another smiley breath, gaze quickly scanning the room in its entirety before following Raven onto the bed. The drug stuff wasn't something Molly really endorsed, but from their conversation it had seemed that Raven knew what she was doing and that she had it under control, so the blonde just ignored it in favor of getting to know the girl lounging on the bed better. As Molly plopped down on the bed she smiled at Raven before supporting her weight on her forearms and reaching to kiss the other girl again. This is something you could get easily addicted to as well, Molly thought as their lips met.
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