Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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The world is not as it once was. Empires have fallen, cities lie in ruins, danger stalks the land. Centuries of warfare have taken their toll on the kingdoms of the world, and the people suffer. For over a hundred years, the lands have remained in turmoil, and the situation isn't getting any better. Hordes of barbarian tribes pillage at will. Petty lords rule over their serfs with an iron fist, dragons extort what little wealth remains from the once great metropolises while arts and learning die a slow, painful death.

In all the lands, there is but one place of sure safety: the Agate Tower. Situated on an island off the coast of the mainland of this world's supercontinent, it was founded centuries ago by the eternally young sorceress Vysantha. Long ago, she foresaw a day when someone would be needed to guide those who would save the world, a teacher, a leader, a mother to the future. At long last, that day has come. Vysantha's tower is itself an untouched relic, a masterpiece of ancient magic crafted by knowledge long since forgotten by those outside its walls. Standing over 1,000 feet tall, the tower is like unto a town in itself, a sanctuary from the world. But one cannot remain in a sanctuary forever, nor can one hide from the world if one wishes to save it.

Powerful though she is, Vysantha knew that she couldn't save the world alone. Great heroes and leaders would be needed for that, yet with the world in such ruins, no one could come forth to save the realms. The sorceress watched in horror as hero after hero fell, time and again, yet she dared not intervene directly, for fear that she would perish with the heroes, and leave none left to preserve what was lost. With direct intervention out of the question, Vysantha took a different route: if she couldn't go to the world to save it, she'd have to bring the world to her. If she couldn't help heroes, she'd have to train them herself.

To that end, Vysantha set up an orphanage in the Agate Tower, a place where the most likely young could be raised away from the world in the hopes that they could return to save it one day. The endless wars and sufferings produce no shortage of orphans, so finding them wasn't a problem. But this alone wasn't enough. Magic itself has begun to grow rare in the world, apart from that possessed by dragons and the undead. Many ancient bloodlines of sorcerers have died off, and wizard studies have dwindled near to nonexistence. To preserve and harness the world's magic, Vysantha has called in her friends, several of the world's other sorceresses to her and discussed the situation. It was decided that they would seek out the most powerful male mages remaining in the world for the purposes of breeding a new line of sorcerers, hoping to bring them into the Agate Tower itself, or at least stay with them long enough to conceive a magically-gifted child [but keep the content clean enough for public display!]

The children, both adopted and bred, would train in the tower with the finest instructors Vysantha and her allies could muster, learn from ancient tomes containing powerful and long-forgotten magics, and learn the arts of combat and stealth in hopes of putting those gifts to use one day in the wider world.


To put it simply, this will be a sort of school/orphanage RP in a magic setting with some romance. It will be PG-13, so keep gore and adult content out of it. It will mostly be set in the Agate Tower on an island, but some scenes can take place in the hellish mess that is the main continent, such as scenes where orphans are rescued. The emphasis will be on how the children come of age, how their abilities develop, and what kind of hero they will eventually become.

You can play multiple characters if you want to, but keep it limited to what you can handle. Personally, I will play an orphan and may play Vysantha herself if no one else is interested. The children can be of any age until they are 21, at which time they are expected to leave the Agate Tower and become heroes. They can leave as early as 18, though. This will enable us to cycle through characters, put some on hold, or start over without ruining the RP. Vysantha is ageless, as are her sorceress friends, so the RP could go on for centuries without causing problems in the narrative.

The characters can be of any race, any species. I haven't even specified a race for Vysantha. As long as they are humanoid and not obviously OP, they can be played.

Each child will be trained in at least some magic, some combat, and some stealth, although how much of each is up to the player to determine. Any resources the tower needs can be provided by magic, although there are limits to how many people the tower can hold. It is a tall structure, but not very wide for its height, and the island is small enough that the tower is always visible from any point on it. Climate-wise, the island is tropical, with sandy beaches making up most of its surface area, although the Agate Tower is surrounded by a large pond.

Most young characters will be adopted when they are old enough to walk and talk, but a handful will be born at the tower. Vysantha and her sorceress friends occasionally go into the world, seeking a magically-gifted male to have a child with. Sometimes, the man returns to the tower with her to become a magic instructor. Mostly, she doesn't like him, as she only was interested in him for the magic potential in his bloodline, so she will have the child alone. Said sorceress-children aren't given any special treatment, although they may be reminded of their potential and may even meet their father on the mainland one day.

At a minimum, we will need players for students, instructors, and Vysantha herself. Other characters can be played on the side. We can also work on a curriculum for the students, how their living conditions are, what training for them is like, etc. We can also fill in more details as we need to.

So, anyone interested?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by coeur
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coeur down to the wire. / ♡

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I'm beyond fascinated.
Colour me interested!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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I'm beyond fascinated.
Colour me interested!

Great! Any ideas for a role or characters? I'd like to wait until we have at least 3-4 players before setting things up.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by coeur
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coeur down to the wire. / ♡

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Great! Any ideas for a role or characters? I'd like to wait until we have at least 3-4 players before setting things up.

Completely understandable! Mm, I'm tempted to pen a student and/or an instructor personally. Detail-wise I'm not entirely certain.
That might not be something I want to start imagining at such an ungodly hour, pfft.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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The characters can be of almost any race, male or female, any background, and can be developed to whatever kind of skillset you want, within reason. As long as it isn't overpowered.

I can say that we can discuss how the school itself may work, if you are interested.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by coeur
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coeur down to the wire. / ♡

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

That helps quite a bit, actually. Might jot some quick ideas down to build on later, then.

And as if I'd decline working on the school's logistics. Like I said, I'm fascinated with this idea. I'd love to!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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Member Seen 1 mo ago


Wonderful. Keep in mind that it is basically all in one tower, so each level will need its own purposes. I don't know how many levels there are, so more can be added if need be.

We still have to consider things like clothes, food, etc. And bring in contributions from other players when they come, and I'm sure at least a couple more will.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by coeur
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coeur down to the wire. / ♡

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Noted! And I'm frankly excited to see what ideas others would come up with.

I'd imagine there would be a floor (or multiple) for lodging purposes. And I can certainly see a chore system being put in place when it comes to washing clothes and cooking meals. After all, heroes will need to be self-sufficient on their journeys and such independence would certainly need to be cultivated somehow.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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Indeed. As for the clothes at the school, they wouldn't be very heavy, since this is a tropical island they are on. The supercontinent itself probably has every climate zone at some point.

There would probably have to be different dorms based on age and sex, although the very young children probably just get a single nursery.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Black Alice
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Black Alice The Dopest Alice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I may join this. Consider my interest checked.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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@Black Alice

Great! Any questions or suggestions?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Black Alice
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Black Alice The Dopest Alice

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@Black Alice

Great! Any questions or suggestions?

Perhaps. I'll get back to you on it~
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

@Black Alice

Cool. I'll work on some more specifics for the setting myself.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by WXer
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Hey there, I'm interested in joining this as well.

The main character I have in mind is an instructor who's concerned with the preservation of knowledge. He'd most likely be a former adventurer who can no longer travel so he sought out Vysantha in order to help train the next generation of heroes and make sure that what remains of the arcane arts continues to flourish.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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Member Seen 1 mo ago


Great! Okay, looks like there are 3-4 of us. I will start working on my characters.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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Are sorcerers the only kind of spellcaster in this world or are there other types as well? Wizards, warlocks, druids, bards, clerics, paladins, that sort of thing.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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Member Seen 1 mo ago


Yes. I meant to bring this in later, but sorcerers are born with magic, wizards have to learn it. Both have to learn control of it, too. There can be other types as well.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Exit
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

I'll keep my eye on this. Looks like it could turn into something fun.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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Member Seen 1 mo ago


Got it. Hope you decide to join. :)
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Rydude17
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Rydude17 A Scottish Dork

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Count me interested.

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