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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


'Wait...someone's was left behind!?' Having been so caught up in paving a path forward for his friends, he forgot to make sure everyone was still following him "No one get's left behind, not on my watch!" Breaking out of the brawl, he rushed backwards in search of Reshiram "Just hold on a little longer; rescue is on it's way!"


Tini sighed; he saw this coming "I warned you Bonnie; Attract is an Evil move that should never be used. Now, you have a stalker because of it" He tapped his chin with his tail tip "And I can't help you because Master said that the only way to deal with a stalker is to shank them. But she never taught me how to shank, or what it even was. She kept saying that my heart 'lacked the edge to perform such a technique'. I'm not really sure what that means, but she always talked like that."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Gavin
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“Can we stop soon?” I called to Hudson, absentmindedly tossing one of my coins in the air. He was somewhere ahead of me, but it was impossible to see through this undergrowth.

“What for!? We’re nearly there - I can smell it!”

“I’m hungry. You know I haven’t eaten since this morning, right?”

Hudson seemed to ignore me, instead focusing his attention on waddling through the plants, but a moment later I heard him stop.

“Ya know what?” he replied suddenly. “Food ain’t a half bad idea right about now. We’ll take a rest up here.”

I followed the sound of his voice to a small clearing. Hudson sat in the middle of it, his head deep inside his bag scrounging for food. “Keep guard,” he ordered, pointing towards the edge of the clearing. “We haven’t seen any of them crazies yet, but ya never know when one could pop out atcha.” I assumed he meant “watch out for enemies”; it was hard to tell with him sometimes. Climbing onto a rock at the edge of the clearing, I peered over the undergrowth. Here, the forest was trapped in a perpetual twilight by the thick trees overhead, making it difficult to see far. All I could make out were the plants we walked through and a few decaying logs scattered around. Still, it was nice to have peace and quiet for once, a rare treat for someone from Scale City.

“See anything?” Hudson broke the silence.

“No,” I replied. “I don’t think anyone’s around.” I jumped down from my rock and took the apple he offered me. “Thanks.”

“It’s nothin’,” he admitted, carefully closing his bag. I looked around our small clearing as we ate in silence. If I was honest with myself, the plants here gave me the chills. In the mountains you could practically see forever; in here you could barely see five metres through the greenery. A Kricketot could jump out and you wouldn’t notice until it was clinging to your face.

Hudson froze as though a Swellow had locked eyes with him. I looked toward where he was focused but didn’t see anything. “Shh...” he whispered. “Didja hear that?” I stopped chewing to listen. All I could hear was the soft sound of leaves in the wind.

“No, what is it?”

“Shush!” he whispered again. “I’m gonna check it out. Ya stay here, now, alright?” With his bag around his side, Hudson slowly crept into the plants. I waited for a few moments. “Hudson?” I whispered, sneaking to the edge of the clearing. There was no reply. There’s probably countless bird Pokémon in this forest just waiting for a meal like him. “Hudson!?” I whispered more urgently. The anxiety started to give me a stomach ache and made my heart race; this was worse than when I got lost in the market as a kid. What if something ate him? He’s only a Wurmple, for Arceus’ sake! I thought, my heart beating faster as the panic rose inside me. How will I get out of here if he doesn’t come back? What if he got eaten and I’m next!? Unable to control my trembling, I moved a plant aside to see the path he took. There were two identical paths leading through the undergrowth, each as big as a Wurmple. “Two?” I wondered out loud. Then it dawned on me; there aren’t two paths. I’m not seeing right. I rubbed my eyes to make the double vision go away, but it only got worse.

“What’s going on?” I wondered. Something was wrong. I knew what panic felt like, and this wasn’t panic. I didn’t get double vision and a stomachache by worrying about Hudson. I backed away toward the safety of the clearing and spotted my half-eaten apple sitting nearby. It didn’t look or smell rotten. There wasn’t anything strange about it - except for a glossy, purple glint on the bottom. A closer look revealed it to be a hole oozing purple liquid - a hole that could perfectly fit the end of a Wurmple’s stinger. “That... No... That can’t be right...” I reassured myself, getting a bit lightheaded. “Hudson wouldn’t do that...” Suddenly I felt very exposed in the middle of this clearing. I glanced all around me at the perimeter, afraid I would see a Wurmple sneaking toward me with a threatening look in his eyes. I mean, this couldn’t have been him. He wouldn’t have poisoned me. He was an explorer after all; he had an explorer’s bag and a guild badge and everything.


A guild badge... He did actually have a guild badge... Didn’t he?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

When Celina saw the guildmaster suddenly get a lot of chemicals on him and scream in pain, she smiled just a bit. Finally a way to actually hurt him... although that move he used before... something tells her that he just used a move to try to heal himself back. She frowned before going to try to use her light chains at the legs of the guildmaster, not aiming for damage right now, knowing she could not do much for this, but more like entangling them and trying to make him fall down on the floor and trying to stop him from moving so he would take more and more damage cause of those chemicals. Celina just hoped that it would work out well and that the damage would be high enough to possibly knock him out, cause considering the damage he was able to ditch out to everyone, the last thing she needed is one stronger version of the move and everyone getting knocked out or something, which would be really bad for them and that client.

Eralion saw the box that the throw left for Bonnie, and looked confused before he heard what Bonnie said. Seriously.. that guy was in love with Bonnie here? Eralion didn't know why... but he felt a bit of... anger inside of him, but just calmed down. When Bonnie said that they would need to ask that guy, Eralion didn't say anything for a couple of seconds. It was then that Tini said something about attract being evil and about Bonnie now having a stalker because of this. He looked at Tini.
"If he tries anything..." Eralion then said, his voice taking a bit of a darker tone.
"Hes going to regret the day he came to this world." he then says, before realising what he just said and shaking.
"S... sorry... don't know what took over me with that." he then said, a bit awkwardly at that.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

While they were all focused on the fight, Reshiram had been left behind, stuck in yet another doorway. Josh hadn't even noticed until Anthony pointed this out to him. Their only option, like last time, was to use his poison. "I think there were Pecha berries in that other room. Could you go and fetch one, Anthony? We may need it."

While he was preparing to free the legendary, Kamina had charged back to help them. "Go help the others with the fight, Kamina. I can handle this." Aiming just above the door, Josh began to fire Slude Bombs, letting the poison leak down.

"Heh. You're a tough motherfucker, aren't you?" Dexter growled. Tilting his head upward, he let out a Howl that echoed through the room. The guildmaster was running around after being doused in all of those chemicals. Dexter chased after him with Flame Wheel, this time with a lot more power behind it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

No doubt it was chilly in here but that wasn't going to stop us. As a steel Pokemon I've known nothing but cold and ice for the last day or so. Kamina raged and burned like a furnace unaware of the concept of ice, and it was really beginning to unnerve a bunch of the ice Pokemon. I swore one of them flinched as he swaggered and leapt with his tail on his back-

In hindsight, leaving might've been a bad idea. With that said, we could definitely handle things on our own, at least until Reshiram was bought out like the legend he was. Plus, Ice against steel? I could probably cover for them all, even I was a little smaller.

I had to act quickly though, almost witnessing a wake with Anthony narrowly edging away from an ice beam. Thank goodness these Pokemon couldn't hit a slug, let alone a floating Pokemon. That wasn't to say their aim was terribly off, in fact Anthony was ridiculously lucky. Scrunching my face and blinking hard, I swept around swiftly with unnatural speed, eyeing as many Glalie and Froslass as I could. They were scattered around with sometimes two-to-one Pokemon, the odd Kadabra particularly drawing attention with a mirage (or barrage, trying to remember that gives me a headache) of spoons. As Kamina scampered off to retrieve Reshiram's ass I tried to stick around as many of them as I could, wavering around in mid-air between very angry Pokemon, taking a few hits there and here but never knocking me out of my stride. I was particularly lucky to get it timed with Josh's Sludge Bombs as they began to rain down like well-placed artillery, just as I started to draw attention to myself with glares and a couple of Ice Beam attacks gleaming across my metal chassis. As painful as it was with a bitter biting at my metal coating, the payback came with an immense discharge of sparkling electricity coursing around me and whipping every bit of their nerves. Soon with spread-out magnets came the lovely dance of yellow bolts and sizzling poisonous firecrackers.

Reckless, covered in various poisonous purple juices, and it probably didn't knock even one of them down. I definitely had their attention though, carefully backing off while they were still recovering.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Gavin
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


I spun around to see a branch falling from a tree. Hudson was nowhere to be seen, but in my mind every tiny rustle or crack was him coming to finish me off. The poison wasn’t helping matters either; my head felt like it was in a blender, and I had only just managed to shake off the double vision.

“Okay... Just calm down...” I told myself, closing my eyes to take a deep breath in... and slowly letting it out. I checked my surroundings again. “Why would he do that to me?” As much as I wanted to find out the answer, I knew I had to focus on surviving first. If he really did this, then I needed to get out of here. Fighting to keep my balance, I stumbled over to the plants and entered the path towards the town. Getting back in this state would be a challenge, but I didn’t have a choice.

The river came into view sooner than I expected; had he been leading me in circles the whole time? The log, however, was nowhere to be seen. I began walking alongside the river, hoping I was heading in the right direction. If not, I’d still be getting farther from Hudson. Before long, something in a bush up ahead caught my eye. It was pink, and didn’t look unlike a Pecha Berry...

“Ohhh, no! Ya just hold up a sec!” Hudson dove through a bush between me and the Pecha Berries, stumbling and landing on his face. “I didn’t drag ya out here just so ya could scamper off back to town!” He yelled as though he was reprimanding a child. I instinctively stepped back. It took all my willpower to keep from running away.

“I thought we were friends; you poisoned me, didn’t you!?” I knew the answer but wanted to hear it from his own mouth to be sure.

“And it looks like it’s comin’ along darn well, too.” He replied proudly, noting how pale I had become. His eyes moved down to the money I was keeping safe.

“Is that what this is about? My money?”

“I’ve gotta make a livin’ somehow. Course, I wasn’t planning on draggin’ ya out here, but, ya know, one thing lead to another. Yer bag was useless, but the Poké yer carryin’ was just too good to pass up. Speakin’ of which...” He held out his arm for the money.

“So, it was you? You have my bag?” I asked, trying to stall while I thought of a plan. “Where is it?

He patted the oversized explorer’s bag sitting at his side. I knew I was at a disadvantage; the poison put battling out of the question. However, I still had some leverage over him. If I was careful, I might be able to get my items back.

“A stick was in my bag. Do you still have it?”

There was a confused grumble from Hudson as he undid the buckle on his bag and pulled out the sharp stick without taking his eyes off me. “I haven’t got around to throwin’ it away yet,” he taunted, holding it as though it were a piece of rubbish.

“I’ll make a deal with you. Hand over the stick, and I’ll give you the money.”

“Ha! Yer really not in any position to-“

He halted mid-sentence as I held the money over the river, ready to drop it at a moment’s notice. Scowling, he tossed the stick at my feet.

“And my bag,” I added hastily.

“The money first. Yer already pushin’ yer luck, kid.”

Even with my stick as a weapon, I was still too weak from the poison to attack him. Seeing no other option, I tossed Hudson the money.

“And I was beginnin’ to think ya were smart.” He greedily scooped it into his bag, still watching me.

“My stuff, then?”

“Now I know I said yer bag was useless, but there’s always someone out there willin’ to buy,” Hudson explained, taking a seed out of his bag then buckling it closed. By the time I realized what he was doing it was already too late. The moment Hudson bit the seed, he vanished.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Josh seemed to lay out a plan, I was going to head back and find a pecha berry while he was to dislodge reshiram from his current... issue. All of this was while Kamina, M, and the mystery Kadabra were running a distraction, though, if the ice types were all down by the time I got back, I wouldn't be surprised. "Right, on it!" I said to Josh with a mock salute before sliding off into the previous room to look around the place... for a while, all I could see was a blanket of snow on the icy floor, and the almost blinding light coming off of the icy walls surrounding the room, but, eventually, I noticed a small lump in the snow, and headed over to it, only to get ambushed by a graveler, who tried to attack me with rollout... a lucky dodge stopped the attack from hitting me, thankfully, and then I tried to dig the thing out as fast as I could, which, it turns out, wasn't that fast, since another rollout was aimed at me before I could get it. This time, however, I wasn't expecting it, and I took... oddly little damage despite the icy floor speeding up, and probably powering up the attack. The berry in hand, I used muddy water just before I left, probably knocking out the graveler, and then I finally returned to Josh. "I... I got one, I think..." I said to him as I held out the obviously frozen berry. I figured a layer of ice wouldn't really be too much of an obstacle for a pokemon that can just create fire, so I didn't really bother thawing it out, myself, and thankfully, by the time I got back, Reshiram was past the archway and in the middle of the fight, breathing fire on the enemy ice types... yeah, the fight was pretty much over by then.


I really hope I see that town, soon... I thought as I tried to hurry through the forest, and, while I scurried around, I caught bits of a conversation between a gible and a wurmple... at first, it seemed like the two were on a team, however, at some point, the wurmple led the gible over a river, and to a clearing that was probably far enough away from civilization for him to try what he did... he tried to KILL the poor dragon type with his poison, though, the dragon type resisted it, and only passed out, thankfully... what wasn't so lucky was that the wurmple decided to just steal everything the gible had on him... no, I wasn't going to let this kind of thing stand. That wasn't the wurmple's stuff! He shouldn't take it! As soon as I was able, I leapt from my hiding place, and spewed forth an ember attack, hoping to knock the thing out in one hit, and or burn it, though, unfortunately, neither thing happened, and while I got him to drop some of the gible's coins, he ate some weird seed and just teleported away immediately after. "Agh... we can't let this stand! Mister Gible, we have to find him, and fight him! That guy has all your stuff," I said to the gible... and then I realized that I never introduced myself, and I added "Uh... my name's Magma... I'm from the Ashen Volcano, a fire-type mystery dungeon," after that, I shook his hand, as I've learned that most civilized pokemon do when they meet each other, and then I got a vision... one of a garchomp holding off a horde of enemies with a spear, one that even had a metal spearhead, while a salazzle lay there, unconscious... I... really hope that never ends up happening... I thought to myself, knowing full well who that salazzle was, and if the garchomp was using the spear, rather than moves, it HAD to be a desperate situation... maybe, just maybe this vision won't come true... I really hope won't, at any rate.


The guildmaster tried to use double-edge on me, but, Celina's chains finally came in handy in this fight, causing him to trip and fall... even if it didn't seem like much trouble for him, given that he somehow used his agility and grace to make it look like an acrobatics trick, it DID still stop him from attacking us. "Whew... that was close," I said as I used coil again, only to see the guildmaster heal from his wish... and then try to set up another one for later. I could hear Nina screaming in rage, by now, even if I was across the room from her, and she just seemed to LOSE it as she put herself right in front of the guildmaster and kept trying to poison sting him, as rapidly as she could, all while shouting about how we're never going to knock this guy out... I would have tried to calm her down, but something told me that she wasn't going to listen to me at this point, anyways, especially since she didn't seem to be listening to Rebecca, who was trying to calm her down, herself. Of course, all of that ended with Nina taking a hyper voice right to the ears, at point-blank range, flinging her backwards and knocking her out. I guess he countered all her shouting with a shout of his own... I'm sure Vine would have had some joke about some human video game if he were here... I thought as I just bode my time, using coil one more to increase my stats yet again... next turn, that's when I was going to do something.


The guildmaster, who was already on fire, and covered in acidic chemicals ended up tripping... and then doing a double front flip to a somersault and then even finishing it off by showing off that he was just fine... "I guess he's not the type to just 'fall' is he?" Rebecca said to me, causing me to shrug before I saw the guildmaster heal... and then pray again. No, I was NOT going to get caught in this loop, I was NOT going to just have him heal every other turn, this was NOT going to happen... of course, that's what I thought I said, but it came out as "AAAAAGH! F*** THAT HEALING S***!" instead, despite me having never sworn before in my life. In my rage, I jumped right in front of the guildmaster, and tried to use poison sting as if it was also the move fury swipes. "Uh, Nina, I get that there's a practical use for rage in combat, but I really don't think this is the time for that," Rebecca warned as I continued on. "Nina, you're not tough enough to JUST stand in front of this guy, he's going to-" she didn't even finish her warning the second time as my ears were blasted, and my body was flung backwards from a hyper voice attack... one that I could have prevented if I had kept a cool head... welp. I tried to move, I tried to speak, but nope, I was knocked out... that attack hurt me way too much... and I might even be deaf once I wake up from this... great, that's what we need, right? A deaf party member? I kept going over what I could have done differently in that scenario, and pretty much every alternate scenario started with me not going into full rage mode... for example, there was a loose ceiling tile I probably could have told someone about, and there were a few wire things that had sparks coming off of them... that might have helped... and if that failed, there was a heavy bookcase behind me that we might have been able to use.


Tini said something about me now having a stalker, and while I was about to point out that using that move was NECESSARY to get across that chasm the first time, I was interrupted by Eralion mumbling something about how that throh shouldn't 'try anything'... when did HE become interested in me? Maybe Tini's right... Eralion has clearly seen me use that move too many times, and it's making him slowly go crazy... I thought as I continued following that throh, who thankfully didn't get too far. He approached me as soon as he saw me, and once he got to me, he decided to give me a BIG, almost painful hug "So... ack... how did you get across here?" I managed to ask through his aggressive hugging. My question caused him to stop hugging and just lead me, and, I assume, the rest of my team to what appeared to be a hidden door... he then gestured for me to try to touch it, and, it didn't seem to respond. Confused, he tried it, himself, and the hidden door just flung open... did that mean that the door would ONLY open for pokemon that lived in this dungeon? How would it even know? Heck, there are some teams that have a bunch of pokemon from different dungeons, if they brought a teammate that they recruited here, would THEY be able to use this door? Either way, the door led to a passageway that led right to the other side of the chasm, where we could now look for a certain villain's hiding spot.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

A loud crashing sound came from the other room, followed by the sound of rushing water. Moments later, Anthony emerged, Pecha Berry in hand. "Ah! Thank you, Anthony." Josh said. By now, Reshiram had pulled himself free. Josh was keeping an eye on him, but couldn't quite tell whether or not he'd been poisoned.

With Reshiram on the field, the Ice-types guarding Kyurem's domain were toast. All that stood in their way now was Kyurem himself. Despite the brave face he was putting on, Josh was terrified. They won the battle against Reshiram through luck alone, and though they had a Legendary of their own this time, he had a feeling that this would be just as difficult.

Despite all of their efforts, the Guildmaster simply healed up, and they were back to square one. With a string of profanity that put Dexter to shame, Nina lunged forwards. In a rage, she began stabbing the Guildmaster over and over again with her poison barbs. "For fuck's sake Nina, calm your ass down!" Dexter called out, but she wouldn't listen. The Guildmaster used Hyper Voice again, hitting Nina the hardest because of how close she was.

Trying to ignore the ringing in his ears, Dexter rushed back towards his fallen comrade. She'd been completely knocked out, but luckily, she was still breathing. "Oh, you're gonna regret that one, motherfucker!" He growled, turning back towards the Guildmaster. Curling up for another Flame Wheel, Dexter sped across the room towards him, trying to hit him with enough force to knock him back into the bookshelf. Maybe if they were lucky, it would fall on top of him.

"Ahaha... You can't be serious, right? You, taking on my champions? Not a chance, small fry. I can't let some kid into the arena. That's a lawsuit waiting to happen!"

Even days later, the Lurantis' words still echoed though Donovan's head. Those words that filled him with unending rage. He charged through the forest, leaving a path of trampled shrubs and snapped branches in his wake. Once he saw something moving out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly stopped. It was a Weedle, one of the wild inhabitants of the forest. Before the poor thing could react, Donovan ran forward, slamming into it with his head. Startled, the Weedle tried to use Poison Sting, only for it to bounce harmlessly off of the Aron's armour. "Nyaaaaaaaagh!" Letting out a war cry, Donovan charged at the Weedle again, this time pinning it to a tree and knocking it out.

He wasn't done yet. No, not until every single Pokemon in this forest felt his wrath. Hearing something nearby, he quickly charged towards the source; A flock of Fletchlings that flew out of Donovan's reach before he could get to them. As he looked up at them, he remembered something he'd seen in the arena. One of his favorite fighters, Juggernaut the Conkeldurr, knocked a Flygon from the sky with his signature move, the Titanic Lunge. It was just what Donovan needed! "If you won't come down and fight, then I'll just use my TITANIC LUNGE!" He was expecting to launch himself into the air and slam each and every Fletchling into the ground, but unfortunately for him, that didn't happen. Instead, he made it about a foot off the ground, before dropping right back down, landing on his face. "Ow..." He stumbled back onto his feet, still a little bit shaken.

The flock of bird Pokemon had lost interest at this point and started to fly away, but Donovan chased after them. "Get back here! Fight with honour!" He shouted, but they were long gone by then. Searching for a new Pokemon to challenge he saw two off in the distance near a river. It looked like a Salandit and a Gible. While any normal Pokemon would immediately be able to tell that these two weren't wild, Donovan hadn't realized this quite yet. "Nyaaaaaaaagh!" Letting out his signature war cry yet again, he charged towards the duo. Going for the Salandit first, he dug some dirt out of the ground, and used Mud Slap.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Gavin
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Just as Hudson was about to eat something, an oddly colored Salandit jumped through the bushes, shooting embers at him. It had a pink head and a lavender body, unlike the dull gray of most Salandit. Hudson lost a few coins in the confusion before vanishing as he ate a seed. I raised my stick in self-defense, expecting the Salandit to turn on me.
“Agh... We can’t let this stand!” The Salandit said, to my surprise, “Mister Gible, we have to find him, and fight him! That guy has all your stuff!”

A stunned expression had painted itself onto my face. I didn’t know what to say. Suddenly, there was a Salandit standing where Hudson had been only a moment ago, offering to help get my items back exactly as he had done. Apparently, the Salandit noticed they hadn’t introduced themselves yet.
“Uh... My name’s Magma... I’m from the Ashen Volcano, a fire-type mystery dungeon.”
He didn’t say if he was from a guild. Was that a good thing or a bad thing? Hudson had claimed to be from Allure Town’s guild, but at least this Pokémon wasn’t trying to convince me one way or another.
“I’m Gavin. I’m from... up north.” I replied, cautiously shaking his hand. He seemed a bit robotic about it, almost like it was foreign to him. “Are you offering to help me go after Hudson? Er - that Wurmple from a moment ago?”

I scarcely had time to finish my question before a war cry rang out through the trees. “Nyaaaaaaaagh!” An Aron ran towards us, throwing a handful of mud. It wore red war paint on its face an had a violent look in its eyes. I stumbled out of the way as it focused its attacks on the Salandit, giving me a chance to sneak around and steal a pecha berry from the bush. Instantly, warmth filled my body as my head stopped spinning. I felt as though I could take on the world, though that idea quickly dissipated when I looked back at the Aron. As intimidating as it was, I should still help the Salandit; it did seem like he tried to save me from Hudson. I ran towards the Aron and jabbed at it with my stick, hoping to give Magma an opening to attack.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

What Celes saw next made her frown at this... That jerk using wish again.... and just healing back his health just like that. Some anger boiled in her right now, before seeing Nina just go and rush.. before getting blasted hard by a hypervoice and being knocked out. This was bad. How could the group deal with someone like this... and finish that jerk off.. only one idea came to mind here.. the chemicals... if those did damage before... She quickly used her ribbons to grab 2 or 3 bottles... before quickly swinging them at the guildmasters face, smashing them hard and hoping that those things would burn or make him stumble around right now. It was the only thing she could really do right now. She just hoped Spruce and the others would have more ideas here.

Eralion followed Bonnie and the group, only to see the throh and him going and hugging Bonnie... rather hard. Eralion just stop moving, staring at the Throh before he lets go of Bonnie and goes to sohw the passage way. Geez... if he would have done anything else... he was lucky he didn't feel like going into a fight or anything here. Eralion just followed the group afterwards, getting ready for what was up ahead. When would they get to destination? He did not have any ideas about that.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Crises averted, their missing member had caught up. As much as Kamina wanted to rejoin the fray, Reshiram was clearly getting into it, after having been kept out of the fight for so long 'It'd be rude of me to get in the way of his fun. I think I'll just sit the rest of this little fight out.' And Kamina just watched as the Legendary bulldozed his way through the enemies before them.


Tini's creeper sense was tingling.


As much as he loved hugs, even someone like him knew that there were such things as unwanted hugs. Not people who were really grumpy and said they didn't want a hug, but a hug from someone specific who you didn't want to be hugged by.


The guy hadn't done anything too bad...but he was watching. Oh boy was he watching!

"...Tingle Tingle..."

For Tini's vigil would be recorded in the history books as 'quite vigilante'. Bards would tell tales about that one time when a minty snake watched this one guy really hard while saying 'Tingle' over and over again, while ignoring how weird that sounds out of context. Yes, history was indeed in the making here.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

By the time the foul purple ash settled, we had finished the good fight. Reshiram stomped on through to breathe fire on anyone stupid enough to mess with us, taking out his anger of being stuck on the dungeon Pokemon. I'll admit the heat got me sweating, somehow. The fire only left the ice underneath a bit glazed though, reminding us we still had a big guy to take down at the end. For now, most of us were keen to wait around and recover a bit, the ambush having left a heavy toll on almost everyone involved.

I hovered over to Anthony and Josh, noticing a good amount of frost and white coating on Anthony's helmet. He certainly didn't look alive, yet still had enough strength to hold out a berry in his shivering arms/tentacles(?) "You know... it might have been a good idea for Reshiram to stay behind." A bit reserved, I spoke calmly towards the pair, though mainly addressing Anthony. "Assuming he isn't knocked out by something arbitrary or trapped again, he probably needs to save his strength for Kyreum." I kept my magnets close-by as I kept an eye on Reshiram, who appeared as though something out of a medieval tale to the fleeing ice Pokemon. No need to feel alarmed for now, seeing as we can probably breathe a bit, now that we had a Legendary in the same room as us. However, I could tell everyone was feeling a bit unnerved for the next fight, just another dark tunnel away into whatever awaits us, on the opposite side of the ice dome. Just thinking about it made my eye twitch.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


After Nina had been knocked out, and blown backwards from a mere shout from the guildmaster, Celes threw a few chemicals on him, and Dexter used that moment of instability to try to smash him into the bookcase. While they did that, I tried to think, and it seemed like I wasn't the only one, with Rebecca also seemingly taking this turn off, as well. I noticed that one of the ceiling tiles was loose, as well, and I headed over to tell her, only to have the guildmaster use double-edge on me, again, dealing... less damage than I thought it would. Oh, right, I've kind of been increasing my defense... though, this seemed to confuse the guildmaster more than it confused me, since he took a few steps back, and just sort of let me continue walking to her. Leech life then gave me some of my health back, and I asked "Hey, Reb, one of those ceiling tiles is loose... do you think you can take it off, and use that to attack, or something?" I then used coil as I continued to wait... of course, since the guildmaster was still moving around, that meant that while he did smash into the bookcase, he didn't do so with enough strength to tip it over, unfortunately, so he was still mobile. I then looked over to see our client trying to tip over the bookcase with his psychic powers, however, the guildmaster didn't seem to be close enough for that to do anything, anymore. "Wait a bit! Don't do that, bronzor! He's not close enough to the bookcase!" Rebecca seemingly shouted at the greenish blue coin pokemon, who was still trying to tip over the bookcase, unfortunately.


Before I even finished introducing myself, an aron just appeared from nowhere, and blinded me with mud. "Gah, what was that!? Who are you? What are you doing? Are you working for that evil bug!?" I managed to shout while he was attacking me... soon enough, I managed to wipe off some of the mud, only to see the gible, who had recently introduced himself as 'Gavin' poking at the metal monster with a stick. I then took a moment to think... I didn't have much in the way of poison, but, just as well, he was immune to it, anyways... right? Scratch wouldn't do much, if anything... that left me with the neutrally-effective ember, and a not-very-effective confusion. I could always hope to confuse him with confusion, though, after all, it IS in the move's name... but, the burn from Ember might be better. After those thoughts, I decided to try to burn him first, and confuse him, later, shooting some embers at the aron, and hopefully not catching Gavin's stick on fire. "Gavin... uh... maybe we should head out of this place once we're done with this guy, he's kind of tough," I said to Gavin after shooting my embers at the aron... I didn't feel all that confident in fighting him after he used that ground move on me.


Upon seeing my pecha berry, Reshiram thanked me and just ate it from my hands... I guess he WAS poisoned, after all. It also seemed like the rest of the team had a good idea, just take this time to finally take a breather before the final fight with Kyurem. I decided to make my way towards Josh, who still looked a bit worried for some reason. "We're almost done, Josh... I think we can do this, I think we can save your girl," I then gave him a pat on the back to try to encourage him while M voiced his concerns about Reshiram... I shook my head and responded with "Well, honestly, he's our best bet, M. If he's not in the fight, then that fight just got a WHOLE lot more difficult... oh, you mean we should have left him back there while we fought off the ice types? Yeah... it didn't seem like he took a lot of damage, though, if any," I, unfortunately, only realized what he meant halfway through my own response. After that, I walked up to the kadabra who helped us a few moments ago, and I asked "How and why are you here helping us? I don't even know your name," the kadabra shrugged his shoulders, and simply said "Well, I don't quite know how I got there, specifically, myself. As I said, I was teleporting through the maze when I contacted you guys for help... oh, and, I suppose I should tell you that my name is Devon," Both Daniel and I seemed hesitant to trust him, but, we both shook his hand, and I said "Welcome to team Scarab, I guess,"


For some reason, Tini kept saying the word 'Tingle' over and over, again, but, we ended up on the other side of the chasm, with the Throh waving goodbye to us, and just waiting by the door, probably assuming we'll end up going back that way. "So... onward to find this guy's hideout?" I asked my team as I tried my best to look around in the cave for any sort of scratches on the floor, or any sort of door hinges on the wall... and while I looked, a few fighting types decided to try to ambush me. A sawk, a hawlucha and a meinshao were all there, and they were all ready to fight the three of us. Thankfully, it seemed like Tini's fairy moves would come in handy, here, since all of them were weak to the stuff. I, however, tried to think of a move to hurt them, and while Jump Kick came to mind, I decided against it, given that these pokemon looked quick, and missing with a jump kick would NOT be good, however, Dizzy Punch might work... wait, when did I learn that move? Either way, I used Dizzy punch on the meinshao, damaging it, and confusing both of us, since I still couldn't remember when I learned that move. It didn't FEEL like a new move, yet, I can't remember using it before now... weird. The sawk then tried to use Karate Chop on me, and I tried to get out of the way in time, but... it didn't happen, and I ended up taking the chop right to the face, almost knocking me out. "Uh... guys? Little help, please?" I asked my teammates, who were probably ready to do exactly that.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


"Alright, just one more fight to go..." Taking position at the front of the group, Kamina made his way to the big boss Ice type himself "We're almost done everyone, just one last push! Hold it together for a little while longer, and we'll finally be able so save all of those people. This is it; do or die time!"


"TINGLE!" Tini lept straight at the Fighting type attacking Bonnie, and flopped right on his head. Acting quickly, he wrapped himself around said head and began blasting out gusts of Fairy Wind. Mostly at his...captive, but also at said captive's friends "TINGLE TINGLE!!!" He tried to squeeze tighter, but his lacking physical strength only made it sightly more annoying to the Sawk.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Josh couldn't help but smile at Anthony's words of encouragement. "We've already done this once. And this time we've got a legendary on our side." He said, starting to think about their battle with Reshiram. It was won because of that one move. He'd seen Anthony use it before then as well, when they were fighting the first orb's guardian. As far as he knew, it wasn't something that Anthony had control over, but it didn't seem random, either. There had to be some way of triggering it, but how?

Though the guildmaster did fly into the bookcase, it wasn't enough to knock it on top of him. Still, Dexter was determined. He waited for a chance to knock him into the bookshelf again, but then the Bronzor decided to try tipping it over while the guildmaster was nowhere near it. He had a feeling that Rebecca's protests wouldn't do much to stop him, so he took things into his own hands... or paws, in this case. Rushing forwards, he sunk his teeth into the guildmaster's arm, trying to pull him towards the bookcase. Seeing the pink one with the ribbons nearby, he looked at her, then looked at the bookcase. Since his mouth was full, though, he couldn't really say anything, but he hoped that she would understand what he was trying to tell her.

The wooden stick didn't do much to Donovan's tough metal skin, though it did draw his attention away from the Salandit. As he turned to face the stick-wielding Gible and leapt forward, flailing his limbs wildly and trying to hit him with Metal Claw. As he landed, he felt the heat of flames on his backside, and though he hadn't been burned, it clearly did a fair bit of damage. "Fire only makes my rage burn even hotter!" He shouted, charging towards the source of the fiery attack.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Gavin
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Yeah, you think?" I replied to Magma, trying to block the Aron’s flailing attacks with my arms. I pulled my stick away as Magma's Ember came dangerously close to catching it on fire, then the Aron changed course to target him while screaming something about their rage. They were probably working as Hudson's backup. Battling was out of the question; their armor was too tough for my stick to scratch, and they came at us with such ferocity that I'd be worried making Magma fight alone. Even with Ember it would be difficult for him to get enough hits in before getting mauled, assuming Magma wasn’t working for Hudson, too...
Come to think of it, it seemed suspicious for Magma to have come just as Hudson teleported away. Getting away now might be my best option, but if I was wrong I’d hate to think what would happen with him going up against the Aron all by himself.
"Hey!" I yelled, hoping the maniac wouldn't leap at me again, "He's gone! Hudson's gone - he's probably leaving the forest right now with your money! You’re not gonna get paid if you don't go after him for it!"
I technically wasn’t lying, because Hudson would probably try and scam his hired help anyway. With luck, the Aron might hesitate long enough for Magma and I to get away. I glanced at Magma then at the dense plants nearby, hoping he'd get the message.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

When Celes heard what Spruce said, she knew what she needed to do here. That bookcase... they needed to move the guildmaster towards it. She looked at Dexter and not before creating chains of light, going and grabbing the legs of the guildmaster and then pulling hard towards the bookcase, hoping he would topple down right there and then have thing fall right over him. She just hoped this would work and that the bookcase would not miss here. And geez.. what was even affecting the guildmasters mind right now, that was a serious question that she had. She simply hoped that the group will be able to make him snap out of it after the fight.

Eralion followed Bonnie towards the hideout, hoping they would find that group soon. It was then that she got ambushed by a group of fighting types. This was bad to say the least. When he heard Bonnie ask for help, he quickly moved in front of her, staying as a wall as he used counter, making sure to protect her so she would not get hit, ready to strike back full force on those guys. He was NOT going to let them hurt Bonnie again, that is for sure. Those god dang fighting types. He saw what Tini was doing. At least one of them probably will be hurt a lot by this. He also hoped to get hit to have some pay back on those guys. To see what will happen here.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I was idly floating about, almost pacing in circles as I wondered how the rest of my team was doing. Spruce got roughed up rather badly for us and I had no idea how he was doing. (I think he was fine last I heard, though it's been a while.) I lifted my dented bronze(?) badge with my magnet and pondered if I could get a message through, maybe even teleport back... but my new teammates desperately need me. Although loyalty and concern were strangely new concepts to me, I had nowhere else to go. Spruce and his team pretty much represented all that I had left, since my old village hated tin-cans like me and Davis was nowhere to be found.

I quickly lightened up from my internalised dreary scowl though, spying Reshiram chew on a berry from Anthony's little pseudopods. He wasn't well but it looked silly for what was essentially a deity to eat what he probably saw as 'mortal' food. I looked away to spot the Kadabra friendly engagement with the others. If it were up to me (and I'm not even part of Team Scarab), I wouldn't have let some stranger join immediately. They did come in with a last-minute save though, and they looked pretty useful for the fight with Kyreum.

"So... when are we doing this? Every second here is another second wasted for the townsfolk." I asked Anthony, a little anxious but determined to get things over with. Kamina was rearing to go, Josh was kind of stuck in his thoughts, and the rest were presumably lined up to kick ass. Probably not literally lined up but something similar along those lines.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kamen Evie
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Kamen Evie Masked Witch

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Rebecca felt a bit out of it for a moment. Was it something she ate? Right, the bookcase. They were kind of in the middle of something. She took her earlier suggestion and focused on the ceiling tile, prying it from its home and sending it flying down towards the guildmaster’s head. She pulled a feint, stopping at the last moment, before moving it around to to the side and slamming it into the side of his face, sending him towards the bookcase.

“Get clear,” Rebecca announced. “I’m gonna bring it down!” She nodded towards her client and tried to work him as she focused her psychic powers on what had become a ridiculously important piece of furniture. She was originally a bit amused at how much trouble the Bronzor had with moving it, but it was a lot heavier than she expected. What did they put in this thing, rocks?

Come on, put some thought into it...

The bookcase wobbled and wobbled until it could wobble no more, falling down towards the guildmaster.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


With Rebecca seemingly coming to her senses, she pried off the ceiling tile, and aided Dexter and Celes in forcing the guildmaster towards the bookcase, and... with a thud, and a crash, afterwards, the guildmaster seemed to both be trapped, and knocked out. I didn't want to just leave him alone, and I figured he wouldn't be able to move away from said bookcase without our help, so I had everyone wait for him to wake up, just in case that made him sane, again... well... MORE sane, anyways. Nina woke up first, and she tried to poison sting whomever was next to her, which as far as I knew was nobody, and she rejoined the group, saying "I... um... sorry I lost it back there. I should try to keep my calm better," She then hung her head, and walked over to Rebecca and Dexter. Just waiting like this gave me some time to remember just how cold the weird floor was in this place, and how... oddly white most of the furniture, even the bookcase we toppled over was. There was a small candle, one that looked to be made by a pokemon, rather than a human, sitting on a nearby table... it was giving off the only light in this room, and it just barely lit up the guildmaster's face, at this point. My thoughts were cut short when the guildmaster finally woke up, and asked "Ugh... guh... friends? Where are my... friends?" he must have meant the rest of his guild, but it was clear he was still out of it.


I, of course, smiled back at Josh, and noticed that Kamina was already leaving... as were both Devon and Daniel... who was perched on Devon's shoulder. M asked me when we were going to leave to fight Kyurem, and I answered "Right now, I guess, let's go," I then tried my best to look heroic for a moment before sliding along behind my teammates. Reshiram seemed to bring up the rear, and we soon found ourselves in a large, cavernous, ice-covered room with icicles bigger than me hanging off of the high ceiling. Some weird crystal was on a pedestal behind Kyurem, who seemed to have a shadowy aura surrounding him... the legendary ice type then roared, and a few icicles fell from the ceiling, thankfully not hitting anyone, and after Reshiram tried his best to try to talk sense into his brother, I just used dragonbreath on him, dealing... less damage than I had hoped. Daniel then slammed into him with a shadow tackle, and Devon used his psybeam, both of which seemed to at least do some damage, but he was obviously still going strong. Once he realized talking wasn't going to work, Reshiram used Fusion Flare on Kyurem, who responded with a blizzard, aiming to hit everyone, and probably knock out a few of us. I wasn't prepared for that, my entire life flashed before my eyes as I watched, helplessly... I thought it was going to be over for me, however, a wall of fire appeared, and stopped the blizard in its tracks. I looked over to Reshiram after that, and he just smiled at me, as if he was the one who did that. I tried to thank him, but I was still too stunned to do so.


The aron just charged at me after claiming that fire only makes him stronger, and I had to act... quick. I focused, and tried to steer him off course with a confusion attack before jumping back, and in a direction away from him... if only I was capable of learning smokescreen, that would have helped this situation out a LOT. I then went over my moves, again... scratch wouldn't even leave a scratch, no pun intended, on this rocky, metallic beast, poison gas wouldn't work against something like this, ember would at least do neutral damage, and confusion, while not very effective, would at least have a chance to make him attack the trees instead of me or Gavin. I then noticed Gavin looking at the thick plants... I think he was implying we should use this moment of possible confusion to escape, and I couldn't have agreed more, so I darted off while he... hopefully stumbled around in confusion for a bit. Once we were away from the aron, I asked "So... what was up with that bug guy? Why did he betray you like that?" of course, I asked that while I was out of breath... salandit weren't exactly known for their stamina, more so their running speed. Of course, I tried to keep going at a pace that I HOPED would be enough to get us out of this forest without the aron knowing, but I had my doubts he wouldn't catch up to us at some point.


The enemies seemed to freak out once Tini started blasting fairy wind at them, and one of them even fainted from that. One of them then tried to attack me with a karate chop, however, Eralion was in the way, so he took the attack, instead, and finished off another one of them with the resulting counter. I then finished the last of the three off with a dizzy punch. It was nice to have a good, reliable move, for once. "So... onward, team?" I asked, somewhat jokingly... huh... is this what it's like being in a good mood? It felt weird, but I continued the search... for a few seconds when I noticed that they were actually guarding the entrance to some sort of hidden area, and the scratches on the floor proved it. I thought for a moment, and then tried to just knock on the wall, and, surprisingly, it actually opened up to reveal a gallade... a familiar gallade who seemed to glare at me the moment he saw me. "YOU..." he started to say before I interrupted him with "By order of Wally's guild, you are hereby arrested!" I then used his moment of surprise against him as I punched him a couple of times with dizzy punch. His slurred speech meant that the confusion part seemed to actually work, and I tried attract, but... for some odd reason, it failed? Huh... never had that happen, before. The gallade then tried to attack the wall with close combat while saying "Goodnight moon June, jay, ja-june..." I don't think even HE knew what he meant by that, and he wasted a move on the wall, as well.


Eventually, I woke back up from being fainted, only to see that they easily defeated the guildmaster without me. I sighed, and looked down as I walked towards the group, I then apologized for being dumb, back there, and headed specifically towards Rebecca and Dexter. "So... let's hope he's fine when he wakes up, huh? D-don't want him to start attacking us, again," I point out as I realize that we're waiting for the guildmaster to wake up, and wake up he did. He wearily asked where his friends are, and I answered with "Most of them are back at the guild, but uh... we're here, guildmaster, sir," the guildmaster seemed to laugh at that, and with a bit of help, he wiggles free of the bookcase. Once he's free, of course, the first thing he does is strike a ridiculous pose, and shout "Guildmaster Wally is ON THE CASE!" as if that solved all of our problems... then again, he WAS a fairy type, and a strong one, at that, so... maybe that DID help solve our problems. I then tried to explain what we were doing, and he nods... and after a while, I start hearing him snoring... wait, he wasn't nodding because he was listening, he was literally nodding off! No wonder Charlie's so stressed out, he has to deal with this sort of thing all the time.
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