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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TheSeriousJoke
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

And thus, the day wraps up with the students eventually taking care of their wounded—well, mostly. Their collective experience failed to make a whole doctor, so after a while they were mercifully relieved of their medical duties by Monokuma. Other students left to explore the camp, turning up a great many deal of things, but no sign of escape.


Monokuma Theatre

I was talking with this girl I had known since elementary school.
We hadn’t gotten along particularly well, but we sat next to each other, so we did everything together!
I went to her house practically every week,
And I cried when we went to different high schools!
But you wanna know the weird thing?
I didn’t remember her name at all!
How is it that someone who was so important to me for so long
Suddenly wasn’t even worth remember the most basic thing about?
Welp! I guess that’s life for ya!


The sun rises, and the students are awoken with the loud blaring of the bear’s voice over the intercom. Looks like it wasn’t some sort of weird dream...
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by addamas
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addamas Trust me, I'm a liar

Member Seen 10 mos ago

It was early in the morning; the sun had only moments ago peeked over the horizon, dimly lighting the mess hall where a lone girl was looking at her food in disdain. As good as the meal looked, it was prepared by strangers who captured Flare, so she really didn’t want to eat it. Who knew if they put some weird drug in the meal to make her submissive, or something worse. But then again, it seemed like that bear was expecting them to live here, so perhaps the food was just well...food.

’Rumble’ Her stomach seemed to agree, as her frustrated, yet flustered eyes were giving the eggs and bacon a death glare more deadly than a rabid badger, and then she took a bite.


her eyes then glanced past her plate, and towards the tables around her. She spent the past 10 minutes setting up plates and cutlery, as well as sandwiches for everyone once they arrived. And now that she’s tested the food, she could hopefully comfort the rest of the hostages to at least have a full stomach before facing whatever was to come; god knows they’d need it.

After finishing her breakfast, she stood up from the bench with a sigh, and walked towards the exit with a small bag of breadcrumbs clenched in her fist. She took a good look at the sunrise as she plopped down on the ground next to the entrance of the Mess hall. Digging into the bag of breadcrumbs, she soon had her arm outstretched towards the sun, as if offering the crumbs to the giant ball of fire. After a few seconds however, two little sparrows flew over her head, and hopped onto her hand, happily chirping as they filled their bellies. It was quite a nice and happy sight, and yet Flare’s expression as she laid her chin to rest on top of her knee and looked at the birds, was quite melancholic.

In another part of detention camp, the little princess who slept on the pea didn’t sleep as good as the fairytale made it out to be. In fact, Snow slept the entire night with one eye open. She was in an unknown place, with unknown people, for an unknown reason, and against her will; who could blame her for being scared out of her mind. It didn’t help that her throat had begun to hurt, so she decided it was time to greet the new day with at least some semblance of energy. But removing her blanket send shivers up her entire body; these cabins were not warm at all, and it was probably what gave her a sore throat too.

“Ugh…” She sighed; maybe some water would help. But she couldn't find a sink anywhere near her; great, it seemed like she would need to get it from the mess hall, where everyone was supposed to meet. She really wanted to stall that for as long as possible, but...she was also curious if anyone found anything useful.

Guess she could hit two birds with one stone; but before she left, she walked past the mirror to take a look at herself, and what she saw, was not very good. A tired face, saggy eyelids, bloodshot eyes, and smeared makeup; she was a total mess ,and it honestly made her hesitant to go out at all.

’cough cough’. But she really wanted this sore throat to go away…

As she walked towards the mess hall , her mind drifted off again; seeing the sunrise was kind of refreshing, but she would avoid contact with people for as much as she could, at least until her throat and make-up were fixed.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by xxlanatjexx
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yukimori jumped up in her new bed when she heard a sudden voice speaking up, her eyes were wide and it looked like she didn’t know what was going on at the moment. Her surprised look changed once she realized that she was still on that island. A small sigh escaped her mouth when everything hit her once more even though she knew well enough that this wasn’t a dream but the reality, it was still a shock for her. The cabin wasn’t such a nice place to sleep in at all; it was cold, blankets were tinner then the once she has at home, the desk she spends hours of working on it wasn’t close to her. It felt all a little strange, this made her tug her blanket a little up just till it reached her chest. After a while staring blankly to the wall before her. She rises up, as she made herself ready for the day and walk out to the mess hall where everyone would probably go after they woke up, she stopped by the mirror to give herself one glance followed by a shy move from her head to the doorknob. (L-Let’s meet the others then…)

Closing the door behind her as she made her way to the mess hall. Her steps were carefully placed as she enjoyed the sun rising up, painting the sky with yellow and light orange was a beautiful sight to see. Before she knew it she had reached the mess hall, noticing a girl with blonde hair sitting outside with some beards who were feeding themselves with the bread she had in her hand. A small smile came on her lips, bowing lightly before her with a light blush on her cheeks “G-Good morning… F-Flare was it right?” She became shy when she realized that her words may sound to forward in a situation like this, before running inside the mess hall she excused herself “I-I’m sorry, if you may excuse me I will make my way to get breakfast… G-Goodbye” With these last words, her feet moved themselves inside to the dinning room. Flustered from the interaction, she got settled down by the sight of the table that was already set up for them.

“Mhm, did she…?” A nod was the only thing that finished her sentence, just a moment before sitting down she also took other things to eat with the sandwich, Flare had prepared for her “I can really use a cup of tea right now… This is all so hectic and confusing… I don’t know what to do…” As she was talking to herself, she placed her lips to the freshly made cup of tea. Her eyes wondered through the room, placing her cup gently down with a sigh watching her own face reflect in the tea as her hands clasped the cup to warm her hands from the cold morning walk she had before. “Mhm…” 
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pyromaniacwolf
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Pyromaniacwolf Edgy Character Maker

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Saitou Izo

Saitou Izo was already coming to as Monokuma's voice blurted from the speakers,albeit that didn't make the sound any less jarring to him; Izo was used to a morning of almost complete silence in his on personal quarters, not being woken up like a child. Sighing as he dressed himself, Izo contemplated his situation. He was still attempting to deduce whether or not this was the work of some cult or not, after all there were many who would weep with joy to see his death or disappearance. Regardless, he would not allow his captors to control his emotions as they seemed intent to. As he took another look around his new bedroom he took a deep breath, perhaps that would be more difficult than he hoped.

The grumbling in his stomach was all the urging Izo needed to try and seek out the messhall, which he found after a few minutes of walking through the camp; the place was not very large at all. As he entered he noted a handful of the other hostages were also eating, at least a few of them hadn't broken into some kind of murderous frenzy. He gathered himself a platter of eggs,bacon and sausage before sitting down at a seat near the entrance and eating. The food was surprisingly good for a organisation that had kidnapped a group of teenagers, Izo noted and chuckled to himself-albeit the chuckle was more slightly louder exhale of air.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 2 days ago

Aurel Fuchs

Location:: Cabins => Cafeteria
Interacting With:: Snow (@addamas)

A few minutes had passed since he entered the Bathroom Area, with the sound of drizzling water soon evaporating into the air. The sweat ridden clothes hung on the side of the shower door, along with pieces of Aurel's usual duds... well, they did.

Every few seconds one piece would disappear, starting with the pants and going all the way up to his shirt and goggles. After that was all set and done, the door slowly creaked open with the thief stretching a bit from the refreshing shower. He did this for a bit as the thought of yesterday continued worming it way into his mind before slapping the sides of his cheeks.

With a quick huff, he tried to puff up his chest, which only really looked like him trying to imitate a Peacock if there was a lack of context, to help him steel against what would come next - the meeting.

Snatching his clothes and towel, Aurel tossed it over the side of his shoulder, forcing himself to the best of his abilities to recall everything he investigated with the group. Approaching the door, he steadily pressed the door open, striding on outside. The thief didn't expect to see anyone else up this early.

... much less someone looking like the latest fashion disaster. Aurel kept his cool upon witnessing Snow, holding back his utter shock at seeing her up this early... as well as her current appearance.

He suppressed himself even further, lips firm, head staring off to the side per usual, with a glance that could put this weather to shame. "... uh, morning, Snow..."

The way she reacted was... not one he expected to incur from the lady... visibly recoiling, holding a hand to her chest as if she was suffering from a heart attack, and the sudden speed at which she swiveled her head away. His lip fell a bit, almost agape with confusion until he recalled that... right, he was still... "invisible."

Aurel winced a bit, uncomfortable of the sudden spook as she obscured her visage. This was when he slowly rotated his own to face her, just a bit, uttering only two things - "... s-sorry, Snow." Of course, as he murmured that, she met his gaze, albeit very briefly. This was when his eyes widened for a second and quickly pivoted back to its prior position, staring straight off to the side, appearing as morose and uncaring to the world.

"Why are you looking away?" ... what? He... always did this though?

"You are so rude... It's not my fault I didn't get any sleep!" Aurel was visibly appalled and befuddled, mouthing a what, as singular brow shot up. For a moment, he was still, wondering if she just had a bad dream about him or something... which honestly just caused his shoulders to sulk a bit. He held a quivering hand to try and... console the young lady, if he could, but she just ignored the gesture, muttering under her breath as she stomped past the thief while wiping her arms across her face.

Pivoting his whole body around, Aurel just stared at the back of her head, slowly curling and pulling back his held out hand as if grasping something. "Snow, are you-"

She didn't even respond, entering into the bathroom and slamming the door behind him with such an extreme bang that he could of visibly jumped out of his clothes, let alone his skin... it didn't help that the the squaking of birds and the ruffled fluttering of wings followed.

Instead of just heading to the cafeteria, he just approached the door and gave it a light tap. Sighing, he couldn't comprehend what to say next, but he had a faint idea of what the issue was with that grim reminder, her own words... "Snow, what's... are y-... mmm..."


"... I'm... sorry."
What followed was silence, standing there for what felt like and eternity. That was the best response he could think up at the moment as the thief began to doubt himself. He would of just dejectedly headed away, if not for the response he received.

"...I'm fine...just leave..." The way she sounded felt less... abrasive, and more sullen... defeated. Aurel didn't honestly know how to respond, but it made him feel a little better... but there was something swelling inside him. The thief just wanted to reply, but nothing escaped his lips, and instead he just left her to her own devices, hoping it would all turn out ok in the end.

A small grumble escaped from the thief's stomach as the doors to the cafeteria creaked, gradually opening up. If it wasn't for the fact that Aurel tried to deliberately appeared, it would look as if both doors were thrown wide open by a specter, or the machinations of Monokuma...

... but the sight of food being laid out almost caused him to have a minor freakout and vanish from thin air. This was followed by him taking a few deep breaths and listlessly rushing towards the entrance to the kitchen and passed by a few sandwich filled tables. Beyond this, the thiefdidn't even bother interacting with anyone else as the door to the deeper recesses of the building suddenly opened and slammed shut.

Taking a bite out of one of the sandwich... mmm, this was pretty good... he began scuffling about, noiselessly scuttling and examining each nook and cranny from the prior day. What he found was rather... baffling.

He took stock of what they consumed the other day, yet, the pantries, fridges, and everything... it was all, well, restocked!

An exasperated breath of relief escaped his lips as that was one worry that left his mind - that no one would actually have to starve... ugh, that was just a relief... of course that meant multiple things in his mind, but still.

"I guess Flare figured it out before the rest of us," a stray thought escaped from him as he leaned against the refrigerator, nibbling away at the sandwich he assumed the Guide Dog Trainer made as he sunk to the floor. As he continued chipping away at the meal, he was also drowning in a sea of his own musings, each thought tearing at his mind in one direction or another.

It wasn't until he finally devoured the small meal was when the more prominent event between him and the Hair Dresser was suddenly yanked to the forefront. The boy began to slightly sulk a bit, before suddenly lighting up; sure, the situation they were in was shitty, but that didn't mean he shouldn't try to make it better, even just a bit.

Rising up, he silently sifted through the pantries and fridge... looking for something to drink, as well as a couple of cups... mmm, what about milk? That sounded good right?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 1 day ago


"Mmmn... huh?"


"This is...?"

"...Ah. I... see."

"I guess I should go and meet with the others, then...?"


"Well, no use to think it over so much! I'll try and get along with everyone today."

"I hope they won't be too surprised."
The door to Taka's cabin opened as a figure stepped out, clad in a moderate skirt and light blouse. Their beige hair fell freely down to the waist as the figure put their finger to the slightly lipsticked mouth, curiously inspecting their surroundings. While they looked rather masculine the day prior, this time around a small, delicate and feminine frame went out to greet the world. It also helped that there were two clear assets on that person's chest.

Taka had become Taya.

She put on a smile and hopped off her doorstep, though still made sure to lock the cabin behind her. Taya skipped along the dirt path, admiring the fresh morning air. She didn't see anyone leave in the immediate area, so Taya figured they must've gone ahead and grabbed breakfast already.


The girl hummed to herself as she strolled down the road. She was kind of glad the ground wasn't muddy- the pumps on her feet would be absolutely ruined if it was. If it weren't for the giant fence around the perimeter of the camp, it the scenery might've been serene... but that wasn't something Taya needed to concern herself with for now. Moving her eyes away from the surroundings and back to the objective down the road, she soon spotted two figures off in the distance.

"Yukimori and Dawnray..." Taya mumbled to herself, watching on as the white-haired one of the duo excused herself and rushed inside. The cross-dresser cheerfully waved at Flare from a short distance, but slipped into the building without disturbing her taking care of the animals.

Inside of the mess hall a few people were already assembled. Taya had seen Yukimori earlier- so it wasn't much of a surprise to see her. Aurel and Izo were also there, one ducking into the kitchen while the other had returned from it with a plate of food in hand. On the tables were plates with sandwiches- some having already been swept away while others rested patiently, waiting to be eaten. At one of the tables, Ayu was seated alone. She was staring silently at the sandwich in her hand, which hadn't even been bitten into yet. Momoe was leaning against the wall opposite of the entrance, staring down any who came through. It didn't look like she'd touched any of the food. Taya took a deep breath.

"Good morning, everyone~!"

Any who'd talked to Taka yesterday would recognize Taya's face, but her voice was completely different. She could see that Momoe raised an eyebrow, but didn't the scruffy girl didn't comment on it. Taya watched Izo sit down not far from her and decided to join him. After all- there was a plate with a freshly made sandwich laying there!

"Mind if I join you, Saitou?"

Taya spoke in a polite manner, with a smile and a bow, before sitting opposite to the boy. She clasped her hands when getting to see Flare's handiwork from up close- these little things were cute!

"Aaah, these are so lovely~! Don't you agree, Saitou?"

Taya quickly swept up the sandwich from her plate and took a delighted bite. It was almost scary how cheerful and high-spirted she was about this whole thing.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TheSeriousJoke
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hisakawa Hiroki

Hisakawa didn’t sleep at all last night. No matter how many times he repeated the mantra that his door was locked, he had the key, and that he would be fine, anxiety fueled his insomnia, keeping him up throughout the evening. At one point in the evening he even left to shower and calm his nerves, but all he did was use creaks and the sound of his shampoo bottle falling over to fuel paranoia of someone being there.

By two, he had given up, and was more or less wasting the hours until daylight with busywork. His room was by no means dirty, as it was almost completely unlived in, but he dusted things off, made his bed, and found six different ways to organize the clothes in his closet.

He also dedicated some time to memorize the faces and names of the other students. He wondered what it was like if Aurel was right and they really had been in school together, but he concluded it probably wasn’t much different than it was now. Replace the anxiety of being locked up in Camp Death run by Murder Bear with the anxiety of leaving home and going to a fancy school, and that’s what you’d get. It certainly sounded better than here, though.

Eventually, he got up and made his was to the mess hall, blinking sleep out of his eyes. He rarely slept a whole eight hours, and it wasn’t unusual for him to stay up through the night, but for some reason it was hitting him really hard right now. It’s not like he couldn’t function or whatever, but it bugged him so much he almost didn’t stop himself from making a remark when he saw Mizuno staring at him as he entered the mess hall. What is she doing staring at people like that anyway?

He sat down as far from the others as he could get himself and shook his head of that thought, not even looking at the food despite his stomach rumbling. He frowned as he stared into the table—he really thought he was over that childish bullshit, but maybe he was expecting too much out of himself...

Well, if he can find some tea or coffee or something later he'll drink that, and for now he'll just worry about doing what he can to help out.


Himura Chikako

It took a lot of emotional fortitude to get herself out of bed—as it turns out, waking up in a mysterious place and getting shot can take a lot out of you. Plus, she was used to her mom coming to wake her up in the morning, and not having that was… weird.

Well, it didn’t entirely matter, because she knew that if anybody could escape this place, it would be her, and no amount of gunshot wounds or murderous children would stop her.

Taking in a deep breath, she exited her cabin. She rarely dealt with big, important things these days, but she was fairly certain she could connect to people in a sincere and meaningful way while also handling the big issues at hand. Yeah, she’s got this.

“Flare! What are you doing out here, girl? C’mon, we got a meeting to go to!” Himura stopped only briefly on her march to the mess hall to lecture her friend, bit quickly picked up momentum to finish the last few steps, “Cute birds, though!”

She slammed open the door, regrettably not putting her full force of will into it due to her injured arm, “Good morning, everybody!” She said, hopefully bringing everyone’s attention to her.

“Thank you all for attending this meeting—team unity is important after all,” Himura said, only barely remembering the meeting herself, and aware she didn’t organize it, “As sure as the sun rises in the west, if we stick together, we’ll get out of this situation in no time at all! My goal is to get out of here safe and sound, and if you all follow after me, I promise I’ll help you all do exactly that!” She finished her small speech with a grand smile and a Wonder Woman stance, waiting for the support her peers are sure to offer.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Pyromaniacwolf
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Pyromaniacwolf Edgy Character Maker

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Saitou Izo

Izo had not been sitting for a minute before he was approached by Taya, even as she spoke he assessed this seemingly new person who had approached him. She seemed familiar to him, perhaps he had merely glanced over her in the chaos that was yesterday. Regardless he gestured to the seat opposite him and shortly said "Sit if you wish." before returning to his meal for a few moments.

After a small pause to continue his meal, and to allow Taya to sit, he directly asked "So, what is your name? Who are you? I cannot exactly recall seeing you yesterday during our arrival." as he finished his questioning he noticed Himura speaking up, once she was done speaking he sighed and muttered to himself "If there are no murders within then next week I will flay myself until my back is red." before returning to his eggs.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by addamas
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addamas Trust me, I'm a liar

Member Seen 10 mos ago

One by one, Slowly but surely, the mess hall was starting to fill with people. From the grumpy to the cheery, most seemed to remember the meeting, though she didn’t recognise one of the girls who entered but that could just be an oversight from yesterday, and to be honest, Flare was more concerned about what the people thought of her sandwiches. But she made sure to wait in front of the mess hall for as long as she could to count everyone who entered the mess hall...and who didn’t.

It wasn’t until Chikako addressed her, that she finally decided to get up. The birds had just finished their meal, and were now gently sleeping inside her palm, and Flare was hesitant to disturb the sleeping beauties, but alas, duty called. With the birds scattered to the winds, Flare followed after Chika, who had just finished her little speech. It was maybe a bit too theatrical, but the idea was one most of us could support.

Though entering the room, her eyes very quickly scoured the tables to search for people eating her sandwiches...but almost none of them were touched which saddened Flare somewhat. eventually her eyes also crossed Momo’s, which were staring daggers at her as if she was the number one target on the US’s biggest hit list. It was just the thing to snap her out of her train of thoughts. So with her attention back to the important things, she turned to face Chikako, preventing the awkward silence that would probably have started soon.

“Can’t say I hate your idea,” Flare said as she gave Chika a pat on the shoulder, “So! if I’m following you, where are we going?” She slyly chirped.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 1 day ago

Taya Tsuin

Taya giggled into her fist as Izo questioned who she was.

"Well, I guess I can't blame you for being a little confused. I guess we didn't talk to each other yesterday, huh? I'm Taya, Taya Tsuin. It's so nice to properly meet you!"

She gave the priestly teenager a beaming smile, radiating with optimism. It was around then that Chikako entered the building, announcing her grandiose desires to escape with each and every single one of them in tow. Taya gave the other girl a pity smile, but when she noticed what Izo had muttered to himself, the girl whipped her head around again.

"A-Ah, no, Saitou! You shouldn't do that! I-I think you should have a little more faith in everyone..."

Taya sheepishly scratched her cheek, her smile softening as she was a little flustered. The girl turned her attention back to Chikako, thinking over the proposal she'd given everyone. Flare had also spoken up, being in full support of the idea.

"Um, if I may..." Taya began as she got up from her seat, swallowing her saliva to suppress her nerves.

"I think we should wait on Emiya and the others to arrive, first. He wanted us to gather here and, um... I think it's best if we calmly think this over instead of rushing things."

She gently sat back down on the bench, silence falling over the cafeteria for a few seconds.

"This is a waste of time, but sure. Why not, right?" a voice called out from the far-end of the room. Taya turned her head towards the source. The voice belonged to Momoe, who kicked herself off the wall and started to pace through the mess hall. Some hair fell in front of her face, which she promptly flicked away again.

"I don't think you lot would get much done if you ran out again like yesterday, anyway."

Taya trailed the other girl for a short while, even though the smuggler remained silent after her last comment. The cross-dresser watched Momoe snatch one of the sandwiches from their plates on her way to her destination, which turned out to be Hiroki's table. Taya turned her head away just as the smuggler was about to sit down, looking back at Izo. She was still smiling like always, but it was much more nervous compared to before.

"Mizuno is a rather scary person, huh...?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by TheSeriousJoke
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Himura Chikako

Himura shifted her gaze at the handful of people that have given her their support thus far, taking their words into consideration.

“Well! I’m glad I have some of y’all’s support! Great to have you all aboard—I’m sure the rest of you are just shy, so I can just go on with the show…”

Himura, admittedly, wasn’t exactly sure what to do next, or what had happened in the last several hours she had been unconscious, or even who most of these people were, but she was fairly confident she could say something sensical… at least somewhat.

“Well, I think uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh…” She quickly pulled out her monopad and flipped through students, trying to match the face of the girl she didn’t recognize to a name, “Taya has an excellent point! It would only make sense to wait for other people to get here before we get everything in order. Once we compile everything we know, then we can figure out just how exactly we’re getting out of here. In the meantime, I’mma chow down!”

Himura grabbed a sandwich, analyzing where to sit amongst the people for the few minutes she would have to wait. Mean girl (Momoe?) and tired-looking guy (Hiroki??????) probably wouldn’t be all that fun to hang around—hell, the guy looked kinda like he was trying to not shit himself. Taya and robe guys (Iiiiiizoooo? Izo) seemed to be alright, and she knew at least one of them supported her plan. There were a few stragglers just sort of hanging out, and then she settled on her target, after taking a moment to establish her name— Yukimori Maiya.

She gestured for Flare to follow her, before grabbing a chair next to Yukimori, “Hey, ‘sup? You seem cool. So, uh… What do you think about all this stuff?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 2 days ago

"And what kind of Hero do you want to be?"

"A Hero that saves everyone, without exception. If the fate that awaits them is negative... I want to find a way to save them."

"That's a hefty ask. Do you think that's possible, Merlin?"

"Ummmmm... maybe? You'll have to train super hard though! Taking on a mantle like this will be, like, really, super taxing!"

"Yeah. I understand. But I have to do this."


Mess Hall

The doors to the Mess Hall opened wide as two figures entered. The first was a small girl, recognisable to some of the group, but one who had unceremoniously left the Amphitheatre just after everything had gone down. Her short, lilac hair, which at once the previous day had been combed and well kept had become moderately dishevelled, with the obvious remains of leaves and twigs residing in patches where the wearer couldn't remove them. Clutched to her chest was a clipboard, and the freshly formed bags beneath her eyes suggested she hadn't slept the night, in favour God knew what. It was Lilly, who, the moment she entered, allowed the doors to swing shut behind her while she briskly observed the group, crossing eyes with both Momoe and Aurel at least twice each without acknowledging either oft them, and proceed to rush across the room beneath the monitor, where she started taking notes.

And as the door swung shut, it was promptly halted by the second figure, who stuck an object against the floor in its path, and entered a few paces with a limp, before allowing it to close. Though it looked like he had slept, it was clear he hadn't chosen to wash that morning, and simply made do with brushing his hair. His off-coloured gold eyes made contact with the eyes of everybody who would look at him while he stood there, leaning against a baseball bat he had pilfered from the sports cabin. Shirou's face was neutral, though not in a negative way. But as he looked around the room he smiled, if slightly.
"Not everyone's here yet... That's fine." he took another set of limping steps forward, the state of his leg obvious by the tourniquet, bandages, and impromptu walking stick he had been supplied with to keep himself standing.

"I would have liked more people, but this will do, i suppose. The others can join in when they arrive." as he spoke he arrived himself at a table, which he leaned himself, and his new cane, against, "Good morning, everyone. We saw each other yesterday, but I thought we could use some time to... discuss, and get to know each other." he said, keeping his semblance of a smile perpetual while he sat down, "Unfortunately I was predisposed yesterday, otherwise I would have done this sooner. So, Lilly here..." he trailed off to gesture towards a corner of the room, where Lilly stood, diligently casting her gaze around the room, pencil in hand, seemingly sketching the Mess Hall. She only took a second to wave to everyone as her name was spoken before she went back to drawing, "...told me people had gone looking about the grounds. After all, I only got to see the Amphitheatre, so I was hoping we could discuss the investigation."

With everyone's attention, hopefully, on him, he took a sandwich from the plate immediately in the centre of the table, and took a bite. Whoever made them must have worked hard. He only hoped they were happy seeing people enjoy it. Swallowing the mouthful, he continued.
"I suppose I can start us off, to get conversation going. Once again, I'm Shirou Emiya, and although I was laid up yesterday, I do have some information. Lilly told me about her lab, which she checked out late last night. As the Ultimate Hacker, it should be of no surprise that her's contains various digital devices for her trade. Through the morning she has been taking note of all the camera and monitor locations across the grounds, in hopes that she can take them both over. She believes that, with a full view of every area here, she will be able to observe the goings on of everyone..." as he ended the sentence, his eyes flicked between the group, a slight nervousness in his expression, "In the case Monokuma's temptations reach someone, and a murder occurs. I don't for a second believe any of us will stoop to that level, however, I believe she is right in setting precautions for a rainy day."

With his report concluded, he took another bite of the sandwich, chewed, and swallowed it, before sitting back in his seat took get a slightly better view of the room.
"Does anyone have anything else?"

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by addamas
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addamas Trust me, I'm a liar

Member Seen 10 mos ago

As Chikako answered flare’s question and tried to address the situation, it was immediately obvious how impulsive Chika was. Looking at the events unfold, Flare decided she was going to stick around chika to make sure she didn’t get in over her head.

All according to keikaku, she promptly followed Chika as the impulsive cheerleader had decided to socialize with the reclusive maiya while chomping on a sandwich, something that put a smile on her face; as she was very glad to see many people dig into the sandwiches she made. Flipping her ponytail behind her to not get it into the food, she took a seat next to the girls with her lips opening as if she was about to say something.

She did not speak though, as two people entered the hall. It looked like the pink girl had slept inside of a bush, or at least tried to, for some reason. It almost raised a literal question mark above Flare’s head, as she had absolutely no idea how one night could ruin a person’s appearance that much.

Next up was the oh-so-stoic Shirou. Flare physically cringed as she looked at the baseball bat that Shirou used as a walking stick; he should’ve just asked for an escort...At least the discussion he presented interested her enough to overlook the blatant disregard for self-preservation...again.

“I doubt anyone found anything interesting, or they would’ve come clean already.”

“Not everyone is here yet, you know...”

In the opening of the mess hall, surrounded by godrays, stood the silhouette of snow. Her hair looked marvelous as always, and her make-up seemed to be right up to the standards of her usual princess status. As she graciously stepped into the mess hall, the wind of the closing doors behind her swept her lush locks of silver hair into waves more endearing than a sunlit ocean.

And then the doors slammed shut behind her...


With the most squeamish sounding scream she ever uttered, she stumbled further into the room, flailing her arms in a desperate attempt to keep balance, almost falling over a chair, and eventually stopping herself after what seemed like hours of torture. Her arms were still raised in the air, but her head, and most of her upper body was facing down; too embarrassed to look up.

And then she did look up. With red cheeks and a flustered expression, she casually played with her hair before clearing her throat.

“While everyone was busy cowering in fear or cleaning up unnecessary wounds, I have scouted out this entire prison.” While she tried to sound very confident and authoritative, her crackling voice still conveyed her embarrassment clearly. “It’s obvious that this place used to be a camping ground, but the entire perimeter is surrounded by electric fences, and there’s only two exits, both of which are fatal to cross.” She grabbed a chair and placed it in the middle of the mess hall, slowly and carefully sitting down, as if to avoid any further ‘issues’. With her legs crossed, she continued,

“There are a lot of buildings, and I’ve found some useful items in some of them but...There is one building that is closed.” She grabbed her e-handbook and pointed towards the office, the redness slowly disappearing from her cheeks. ”I’m sure any person with half as much a brain as the morons who trapped as here will understand...That building is the operations-center.”

Standing up from her chair, her embarrassment now seemed to be completely replaced with confidence. “So! All we have to do is break into that building and force our captors to release us...Somehow.”

"...uh, Snow?" A familiar voice interjected as Snow had just finished her contribution to the discussion, Aurel, just like yesterday, appeared right by her side holding a glass of warm milk and some kind of purple juice. If she wasn’t so startled by Aurel’s sudden appearance, she might have noticed another sudden appearance; that of multiple glasses of water to accentuate the already present sandwiches.

"Y'might wanna wait 'till everyone's here before talking about what we investigated, He said assertively, or so it would’ve been if he wasn’t looking away for the entire time; and yet it still hit it’s mark as Snow seemed at a loss for words.

“Wha-no-I…” In the end she chose to just cross her arms, look the other direction, and pout...honestly, that boy just took every opportunity to annoy her to the max.

"... also, here," Aurel continued as he placed the glass of milk on the closest table to Snow. At first, she didn’t even look at the drink, but after giving it a short glance, her eyes seemed in turmoil.

“I don’t need your milk! I can get my own...milk….” her words were abrupt and yet, there was hesitation in it; how did he know? How did he find out that Snow’s favorite beverage was hot milk, preferably with honey...it was...so annoying, and yet she couldn’t help but give in to temptation, as she slowly scurried towards the milk to smell it’s deliciously hot savory aroma.

"O-oh... I... only really got it for you." Aurel said, and in return, Snow’s gaze upon the milk shortly shifted to the resident thief, seemingly filled with astonishment and gratitude, but the gaze lasted for but a split-second as Snow looked back upon the steaming milk with her usual resting-bitch-face.

“Well...it’ll just be thrown away anyway…” She sharply said, “and get cold.” she whispered after before taking a sip, leaving a barely noticeable smile on her face. She then peered towards Aurel a last time before uttering:

“You explored yesterday too right? Tell them what you found.” she bossily commanded with a hand gesture before finally digging into the sweet milk.

"... er, uhm, I-I'll do that later... gonna... distribute the rest of these drinks..." And with that, the interaction between the ice queen and tiefling was finished.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KenjuGuy
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KenjuGuy Luminary of the Stars

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Hamazura Ginshi
[Super Highschool Level Judo Master]

"My apologies for being late everyone. Our situation required for my meditation to be a bit longer than usual." Thus spoke Ginshi Hamazura, he had entered the mess hall where it seemed about just everyone had arrived. His tardiness may have left someone else ashamed of their own actions but this Judo Master knew well that such self-sabotaging thoughts would only hamper his flow. And still..."However, I can't blame any of you if you want to harshly lecture me on my manners. If you do, please be as ruthless as possible," he commented in a carefree manner as if to offer up the chance for someone. It was certainly an odd thing for him to say, but Ginshi constantly seek for anyway to challenge his own mental fortitude. Like mostly anything for him, it was apart of his training.

He walked over to get a closer look at the group, "I hope those of us that were injured are doing a bit better. If you're still in pain, remember to focus on your breaths," He smiled in an assuring manner. "So I managed to hear a bit while I was coming in but rest assured, no murder will happen as long as we all keep our composure," he had truly believed that as long as one's mind and spirit were held firm, there would be extreme actions taken. Now he of course didn't fully know anyone here, only their names and talents, but even if there were a few loss cannons there was still hope to help. With his own past experience in mind, Ginshi was sure that anyone had a chance of changing.

"Anyway, I was looking at the dormitories and a thought crossed my mind.........Aren't these rooms certainly rather well kept and comfy? Haha, our kidnappers may be a bit brutal but they're very considerate aren't they? It's at times like this where we should be grateful," he nodded his head while contemplating. In truth, he hadn't been investigating too hard about this unfamiliar area, rather,...he was taking it in. So, for a slight moment, a more stern and serious expression shifted upon Ginshi, like water turning into ice, "The surrounding atmosphere of this place,...it's very cerebral in it's approach to comfort us, mockingly so in fact. Deep beneath is something sinister.." and a second after that, that relaxed smile returned, "Though that only means we have to be even more steadfast,"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Pyromaniacwolf
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Pyromaniacwolf Edgy Character Maker

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Saitou Izo

Izo responded to Taya saying "At least she seems to be aware that we are generally, invariably, doomed." before shifting his attention to the newcomers. The fool who was shot and the fool who follows, it seemed speech making was going to be a theme for this one as insufferable as it was going to be. Another duo followed next and attempted to report on the state of the area around them before deciding to stop as everyone had not yet arrived, apparently.

After the last oddly ginger entered and stated something about the sinister atmosphere, which was blatantly obvious to Izo and he was amused that was something that needed to be stated, he put the remains of his breakfast to one said and said generally to everyone "I suppose getting to know each other is a good enough start, perhaps it will increase the time before you all start murdering each other hm?" his eyes sweeping over each of the people present as he spoke.

"I am Izo Saitou for anyone who did not hear yesterday, would anyone else like to introduce themselves to the group?" while he began the sentence genuinely the latter part of it was laced with sarcasm, he felt like he was addressing some kind of addiction recovery group speaking in such a way. Perhaps that is a good way to speak to a group of potential killers?
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 2 days ago

Aurel Fuchs

Location:: Cafeteria
Interacting With:: Taka/Taya(@Ammokkx), Izo(@Pyromaniacwolf), and Ginshi(@KenjuGuy)

Well, even without it being blatantly obvious to him, Aurel felt that he might of made the right decision, as evidenced by the involuntary, minuscule smile that grew on his face... no, he knew he made the right decision as he silently glided across the cafeteria, grape juice and water in hand. The small, yet mildly inconsequential interaction did accelerate him across the floor; it was the small things that helped, right?

... but even though it helped him a tad, there were questions, such as the why over how he performed certain things. Why did he go for milk? Why did he decide heating it up for Snow was the correct course of action? Why specifically add honey?

Hmm... did anyone else perform strange things such as he?


Well... it was something to look into, but the mood was high as more poured into the area, showcasing, er, well, more like shouting their thoughts in a disorganized fashion. If it wasn't for that interaction, he might of been disgruntled, grimacing, irritated at the fact that everyone's thoughts were not properly aligned in place to do this in an orderly manner and the fact that everyone. Is. Shouting.

Ok, he might be a bit annoyed at the noise, but kept it under lock and key, suppressed under that cool, disconnected visage, never meeting someones eyes for a second, even as he swooped in near Taka?/Taya and Izo. Ghostly and ethereal, he didn't make his own presence known (or, well, he didn't know he was invisible) until the two cups clattered gently on the table.

One glass of water for the... Fanatic, right? And grape juice for the Crossdresser... hmm... maybe a small quip could lighten their mood? He did seem a bit... sour... oh god, he better not fuck this up like his whole announcement he copied Shirou doing the other day.

An audible gulp could be heard before he swallowed his fear and cleared his throat, he instantly made himself known to the duo, almost appearing out of thin air, An audible gulp could be heard before he swallowed his fear and cleared his throat, he instantly made himself known to the duo, almost appearing out of thin air, "I, erm, things might look bad, but we... should try to make the best of it?"

It sounded less encouraging and more as if he was asking a question towards the fanatic It probably didn't help that he sounded so deadpan and appeared completely neutral the entire time, with him peering off in the opposite direction... the usual, really.

"And, uh here... Tak- Taya, Taya. I got you some grape juice if you like," he murmured, lightly tapping the side of the glass with purple liquid before backing away. As he did so, he noticed a couple of new, well, "old" faces enter the area; Ryuma and Hibiki seemingly had slipped in during what he presumed was the middle of the chaotic dialogue between everyone, as well as Naomi (or so he presumes) being the last one here, slipping in quietly and trying to distance herself from the rest of the people.

... well, looks like everyone had finally arrived... more or less.

Regardless, he still listened to the cacophony of people announcing things back and forth, based on certain investigations and what they did the prior day. He didn't ignore all of the talking, as disjointed as it was, taking in a deep breath, processing the information, and, at least, attempt to formulate his thoughts.

"Ah... uhm... h-h-," crap, no, no, no, he couldn't do this, not after what happened yesterday! As much as he tried to emulate the others, he ended up being an idiot, a fool! Sure, there were some decent ideas, but they were largely overshadowed by how grossly incompetent he was acting! Aurel shrunk back, almost vanishing for a moment, blinking in and back in to existence.

... though, despite his nervousness, he managed to hide a lot of it behind the calm, composed facade... though it did sort of help that he was barely speaking above a whisper, so only Izo and Taya could hear him... maybe.

Regardless, most of the information was in his head, he just... couldn't communicate it. His teeth were chattering as he began to chew away at his own finger before finally blipping out of sight. Right now, he was just... falling apart mentally.

His breaths were shallow and wispy, but he had to do something, find a way to communicate... communicate... communicate... wait a minute. Maybe he could use...




"... Ginshi," he spoke barely above a whisper, appearing behind the Martial Artist, as if he had teleported from one place to another. "... mind helping me e-explain what the four of us discovered the other day, a-as well as some other things," Aurel stammered out, leaning in a little too close, before backing away, staring off into the distance whilst biting at one of his index fingers.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by xxlanatjexx
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

All of a sudden everything went so fast after that one sip of her tea. People made small groups around her. Some were asking what the other’s thoughts were in this whole situation, others were just pretending like nothing happened and that this was just a regular day. Yukimori didn’t really know what to think in this situation. After all, they are all ultimates just like her, everyone had their talent, and they were special. So why were they put together to kill each other? Is it because they were special? Maybe the outsiders just wanted to get rid of all the ultimates with special talents and that’s why they put this together.

Yukimori shakes her head. Bringing her cup back to her lips for another sip to get rid of these strange thoughts. There must be a reason for all this, but that will remain a mystery for all of them for the time being.

She didn’t feel like an outsider. This moment the room was filled with people that have something in common. They were all ultimate’s like her. Yukimori would love to find out what their talents were, how they knew they were ultimate’s. Just the thought made her crack a small smile while wanting to take another sip from her hot black tea. When suddenly two girls came up to her, startling her when they took a seat. She almost spilled her tea but gulped it in quickly before she put her cup down.

“M-Me?” She asked in a shaky voice, couching lightly after she realizing that her voice sounded crappy. Looking up at the two girls as she recognized one them. Flare Dawnray, the girl who helped the injured getting back to their cabinets. The one next to her was still a stranger but Yukimori had checked all the profiles so she remembered her name. Himura Chikako. “Euhm… I-I’m Yukimori Maiya… Nice to meet you…” After her small introduction she thought about the question that the girl asked her. Funny… Yukimori just thought about that as well, what were her thoughts about this whole situation.

She didn’t want to be rude, so she answered honestly on the question. “I just think… That this whole thing? Is insane… We are ultimates and we all have our own talents… The moment that we all finally get to meet people just like us… We are put together to kill each other…” A small sigh was heard, her fingers playing with the small and fragile cup as she continued “It’s just not fair…” A few seconds after finishing her sentence she looked up with a small blush, lightly ashamed “I-I’m sorry… This may sound a little stupid… But that’s just what I think…” Yukimori’s gaze shifted between the two girls as she tried to remain calm “Euhm… And what are your thoughts on this…?”

Before they could answer she noticed her cup once again. A brighter blush came on her cheeks as she shaked her head even more “S-Sorry…. This is rude of me… Would you both like.. Euhm .. S-Some black tea? I just freshly brewed some myself…. I-I can go get the cups if you would like some… Tea... Black tea…Yeah..” Lightly ashamed as she didn’t offer them sooner, but she gave them a light smile. Happy that they came to sit with her.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 1 day ago

Taya Tsuin

"That's no good, Saitou..." Taya commented, her soft expression turning into a pitiful smile.

"You shouldn't give up on everybody like that... I'm sure they're all nice people, in their own way. You should believe in them more... so that we'll all get out, together!"

Taya tried her best to make her expression less somber, but the heavy atmosphere around the campus seemed to get to her. There was an air of unease and insincerity around her words, even if she wasn't aware of it. The two fell silent for a short while as more people started to pour into the cafeteria, each with their own ideas, findings and suggestions on how to escape. One in particular stood out, the proposal from Iclyn. A locked, large building in the center of camp... she'd seen something like it on the map, but would breaking in there really solve anything?

"Uhm, Ic-!"

The cross-dresser interrupted herself from getting up to address the hairdresser once she noticed Fuchs having appeared out of nowhere.


Jumping a little from being startled, it took her a moment to calm down and register what he'd been doing. Fuchs set down a glass with a purple juice in it, right where Taya had been sitting. Before she could process it all the way, though, he was already starting to walk away. She tried to call out to him.

"Wait, no, Fuchs-!"

It turned out to be too late as it fell on deaf ears, Aurel having long left the duo behind. Taya blinked and looked back to the glass, then crossed her arms over the table in front of her so she could bury her head in between them. Strands of hair scattered all around as she let out a heavy sigh.

"Mou... first he almost gets my name wrong, and then he gave me a drink I don't like all that much... I wish he wasn't always so hurried..."

She whipped her head up again, hair flying back as her face had turned into a full-fledge pout.

"Saitou! Are guys always this insensitive to a girl's feelings?! He'll never find love that way..."

Taya let out a heavy breath again, resting her head in the palm of her hand. This whole meeting was a mess to her and she didn't know how to deal with it. Everything was moving so fast and everyone was talking over each-other. She didn't even have the time to register what Hamazura had said... or Saitou, for that matter.
Momoe Mizuno

Momoe threw the last piece of her sandwich into her mouth and swallowed it not soon after. She sat backwards at Hiroki's table, resting one elbow against the edge of it to easily lean back and observe the chaos unfolding.

"Man, you sure picked a convenient spot to eat... I can keep an eye everyone from here."

The smuggler's comment was accompanied by a wry smile as she looked back over her shoulder to the wimpy teenager, though it turned to disappointment when Hiroki didn't seem to share her enthusiasm.

"Dude, chill and grow a spine already. You're seriously going to wind up an easy target the way you are now."

With that comment, Momoe pushed herself up again and brushed a few of the crumbs of her coat. She scanned each face in the room again, taking a mental note of how everyone was doing and feeling. The smuggler noticed the weird girl from yesterday, Ayu, staring off into the crowd as well. She was so hard to get a read on. A blonde and orange-haired chick made their way to a meek, shy girl that seemed to be fumbling for words. Off in their own world. The priest seemed to be talking to a face Momoe couldn't put a name to, while the rest were scattered around the cafeteria and arguing amongst each-other... except for the little girl taking notes, which was a lot more productive than anything else this lot had been up to.

"Oi, Lich queen," Momoe threw out by raising her voice, the one eye she had darting over to Snow.

"Your idea's dumb. Didn't you read the rules? Breaking into anything that isn't a cabin will only get you killed. I mean, hey, if you want to be the first one out, be my guest."

It was cocky and arrogant, but Momoe didn't have any problem playing the villain. Her entire appearance lent itself well to that role. Besides, she had to get people to listen somehow.

"Ginshi's got a point, though. Our captors seem to be going through an awful lot of trouble to make life for us as comfortable as possible around here. Isn't that kind of strange when they want us to kill each other? I don't think we're going to be able to screw around like this for long. Though, it's not like I care much."

With a shrug of her shoulders and a self-assured grin plastered across her smug face, Momoe sat herself down again. She spied another untouched meal not too far away from her and grabbed it as well, biting down on the second sandwich she'd have that day.

"These lot just don't know what's gonna hit them, huh?" she asked Hiroki while looking back over her shoulder.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Pyromaniacwolf
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Pyromaniacwolf Edgy Character Maker

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Saitou Izo

Izo eyed the 'holy' water for a moment, a deep frustration building inside. Did this fool truly think he believed that water could be made divine in some way? To even suggest a physical object made upon the mortal could be 'holy' in some way was at best laughable and at worse heresy! Yet Izo could not be angry, the poor fool was misguided and likely did not even remotely understand the way of things.

The ultimate fanatic drank the glass of very-much-not-holy-water without a word before answering Taya's question "Mm, men without guidance fall to their vice, whether that be lust, wrath or greed. I am not entirely sure which vice that one falls into but he seems to be a fool for certain."
He took another sip from the half-empty glass before adding "Oh, and if we all escape this place without there being a single death, you can tell me you told me so."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by TheSeriousJoke
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Himura Chikako

Himura raised an eyebrow at Yukimori, “What part of saying this is insane and unfair sounds stupid? It literally completely is, ‘s why I’m trying to get everyone out of here—I don’t want any part of this murder-game nonsense,” As she spoke, her attention shifted over to the boy that ‘protected’ her yesterday, who was suddenly talking up and down the place about what to do next.

“Hey, Shirou, is it?” She asked, using her legs to push off the side of the table, balancing on the back two legs of her chair, “First of all, hi, thanks for showing up late after I already started to get the ball rolling, super cool of you. Second of all, I’d like to propose my plan for escape! After all, I’m not gonna go so out of my way to get in front of everyone and talk about my great ideas without a plan,” She said, standing up and continuing to speak to this effect, stalling for time as she came up with an idea.

She flipped through information in her head—all of the obvious plans where never gonna work. After all, they were obvious. She would need to come up with something no one would ever reasonably think of…


Hisakawa Hiroki

Hisakawa didn’t really expect anyone to out of their way to talk to him, and especially not Mizuno. He’d have thought she’d go talk to someone else, or maybe just hang out by herself. He didn’t really think she had the patience to deal with him, but there wasn’t any real point on dwelling on it now—she was already here.

He had been listen to the conversation between everyone as it progressed, and, well… there was some sense of progress, at least, but there weren’t any good ideas being thrown out yet.

Hisakawa focused his attention of Mizuno. She was abrasive, certainly, but he didn’t really find her scary or anything. If he made himself open to her, she might find some use in him. Maybe it was a dumb thing to hope for, but he had no reason to give up yet, really. If she wasn’t interested in using him, he could easily drop it and get out of her space.

“Well,” He began, somewhat quietly, before being interrupted by a loud, confident shout.

“We’ll just dig under the fence!” Himura exclaimed, her smile beaming and her stance displaying an incredible degree of confidence.

“... Yeah, I don’t think… I don’t think they have any clue what’s going on,” Hisakawa said cautiously, trying to gauge Mizuno’s response.
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