Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by yoyohayli
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yoyohayli Child of The Dark Lord

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So the creature had a name? Aava, the water demon. Lucifer had quite a bit of experience with demons, although he had never encountered this particular kind before. Probably because he didn't tend to dwell near large bodies of water.

Lucifer observed the two above him silently, confused as much as he was intrigued. Although, as soon as he could, he abandoned the creature's shadow in favor of his friend's. It was much more comfortable and less sticky. Then Evren shifted on top of him to get his attention.

"A bathtub? Of course." Lucifer gathered himself up into the physical world again, rising out of the shadow as a dark clump, then letting the darkness fall away from his figure and dissolve in the air around them. "And I have some clothing for her, albeit all in men's cuts. Although, we should probably take the fire escape in the alleyway. We don't want to startle any mortals." He could see the creature more clearly now up close and could finally tell it was indeed female. Though she was a fearsome sight, something about her gaze read as a distant...sadness.

The vampire mustered a hint of a smile and held out his hand toward the two. "Come. You can explain to me later."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cio
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Aava watched, fascinated, as the delicious prey before her vanished into a shadow, but the voice persisted. Now the person holding her was also talking. The conversation was a strange language she couldn't understand. The only thing jumping up to her was the combination of sounds that formed a word.
Large eyes blinked curiously, ragged breaths moved a bony ribcage back and forth in the clutch of someone familiar.
Then the prey appeared again before them, a dark mass from a shadow. This startled Aava, making her blink rapidly and open her mouth for a little nib. Even as she tried to extend her neck for a taste, though, she was too far away.
Not hunting time.
Oh, that was right. Aava glanced back at the man holding her loosely, something a little like apology in her fishy eyes.
Didn't mean to. Just hungry.
"Gggghhhrrrgh?" Aava gurgled curiously then. She was remembering something. A lifetime ago, really. Just a hint.
"Ghhr...minä... Aava?" (translation: me... Aava?) Her voice sounded dry like it wasn't meant for talking and like she hadn't used it in a millenia. Maybe there were her first words in a very very long time, indeed.
The dull morning fog was already disappearing, but the remnants of it were faintly swirling in the air like a dance, slowly floating towards them and against Aava's skin. The mist particles seemed to be pulling towards her, like she was controlling them unconsciously in an attempt to scrape any little moisture she could from the surrounding area. It wasn't enough, but it seemed to calm her somewhat, the fog flowing on her skin and absorbing into it like a starved plant.
Aava blinked at the man who was now gesturing at them. She looked back at the familiar man again, unsure of what to do. It seemed that now the creature realised for the second time how out of its element it truly was.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Kinjaav
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”Thank you, Lus.” Evren said with a grateful sigh. He felt Aava reach again for Lucifer but knew it was a weak and instinctual reflex; she was too subdued to pose any threat to the ancient vampire.
He let his crossed arms fall down across her torso so he could take her hands in his and turn her around. Finally looking at his lost friend after all but knowing they would never meet again was overwhelming, equal parts harrowing and galvanic in their sorry states. His eyes blew wide with unadulterated joy at Aava’s semi-comprehensible gurgling, taking his attention away from Lucifer completely.
”(Yes! You are Aava, my dear friend!)” he encouraged, thrilled for the confirmation that the Näkki he cared for so deeply could still be reached. He held their hands together between them and Evren looked kindly into Aava’s eyes. “(We’re going home to the lake, okay? Just follow me.)”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by yoyohayli
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yoyohayli Child of The Dark Lord

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Lucifer led the duo through the alleyways as quickly as possible in the dispersing morning mist. It was the hour where people began stirring and the first few trickles of commuter traffic started to gather. His senses were on high alert for anyone that might be following them; even though mortals had been exposed to the common existence of vampires and werewolves, a water demon would be something new, something to fear, and possibly a trophy to be captured. As their destination neared, Lucifer could take solace in the fact that the nightclub below his penthouse would be closed already and there would be few humans milling about.

"Quickly!" he said, motioning for them to follow him up the fire escape. On the top landing, he ushered them inside and closed the door behind them.

The dwelling itself was quite spacious with two floors; the bottom one housing the living space, kitchen, and guest bed/bath; and the top floor housing Lucifer's master bedroom and bathroom. The rooms were immaculately clean and the furniture sleek and modern. He winced as the sopping water demon tracked mildew-scented puddles along his hardwood floors.

"The bathtub is upstairs, Evren...and Aava," he said leading them still. "I'll run the water for her. Does it matter if it's warm?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kinjaav
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Evren half lead and half dragged Aava through the narrow corridors between buildings of Redhaven's urban center, if it was large or dense enough to be called that. He was grateful that the streets were still empty.
"That should be fine." Evren responded, though he wasn't actually sure. The lake was always quite cold, even freezing over in the winter, but he didn't remember that being a problem. 'Water demon' wasn't exactly an apt descriptor of what Aava was, and Evren knew that. Nœkken are quite unique creatures, more like sirens maybe, but he was fairly sure Lucifer had never made his way to the wilds of Scandinavia to familiarize himself with the beings that lived there.
”Aava eats mortals; not like us biters do, literally hunts and eats them. That’s why she tried to attack you. She can’t eat us, but in this state she’s too desperately hungry to realize.” Evren explained to Lucifer as he helped Aava into the tub, a worried look on his face. He kept a grasp on Aava’s hand. “I haven’t seen her in over four hundred years, and now she’s half-dead in front of me. I thought she would be safe in Finland.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Cio
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Cio dumb of ass, pure of heart

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Aava! I'm Aava!
Home to the lake. Home to the lake. Okay. Yes.

Aava followed her friend and the other man silently, curious eyes darting around and her hair moping the ground behind them. She anticipated getting back to her lake. It had been so long, she'd spent centuries trapped in some collector's tiny jar, no room to move or to think. Too long, so long she'd forgotten everything.
The men were talking along the way, and Aava listened to the strange words intently. What a weird language. She didn't understand it, but her mind was intently following it.
They eventually, after climbing some, reached an apartment. Aava didn't recognise it, but she just kept following the lead of her friend, letting him nearly pull her along while her curious eyes darted around the apartment, fingers dying to touch some of the weird objects.
They reached a room with a tub. Aava eyed it warily.
Where is the lake? Where?
Then water began pouring into it. Aava's eyes lit up, and her grip to her friend's hand tightened in anticipation. Soon the man helped her into the porchelain tub that was filled to the brink with water. It was too warm for Aava's taste, but lukewarm enough to not hurt her. Aava gladly sunk into the tub as far as she could, only her eyes and the top of her head poking out of the water as her eyes darted between the two men curiously.
Half of Aava's hair was still outside of the tub, dragging the bathroom tiles like seaweed. The other half flowed in the water like algae.
'Is this my lake?' Aava wondered, her asking eyes looking at her friend with a puzzled and searching look. Aava's grip tightened around the man's hand, but not painfully.
Recieving confirmation, Aava splashed around just a bit, revelling in the extra space she'd gained. Much more than the crammed jar she'd been trapped in. Looking at the men with the tip of her head poking out of the water, Aava blew bubbles onto the surface - a sign she was content and satisfied.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by yoyohayli
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yoyohayli Child of The Dark Lord

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"Well, I would prefer that she not eat the clientele downstairs," he said with a half-smile. "I still need to afford my living and I can't do that if my business gains a reputation of a slaughterhouse." Lucifer looked to the creature now in his bathtub. There was something innocent and childlike about the way she was watching them from the safety of the water's surface. Then he sighed deeply. "We'll figure something out."

Aava's playful splashing made a couple of puddles on the floor beneath Lucifer and Evren. Standing and retrieving a plush powder blue towel from the silver rack, he used his foot to mop up the water on the floor with it. "It seems you're quite fond of this creature, Evren," he said. "And if she is a friend of yours, then I will do my best to carve out a decent living situation for her here. But you said she was in Finland the last time you saw her? How did she get all the way to Redhaven?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kinjaav
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Feeling water seep into his shoe, Evren glanced down to see his foot and lower leg were tangled up in the end of Aava's muculent mane; in his hurry he hadn't realized the mess they'd inevitably made in Lucifer's apartment. He extracted his limb from the mess and clumsily pushed the algal hair into the tub with her, causing a small wave across the waters surface to cause even more spillage onto the floor as the Näkki became comfortable in her 'lake.' Evren's worried countenance and uneasy sigh hinted at the muddy wash of apprehension and discomfiture that overtook him as he came to fully grasp the turn his life had taken this day. Lucifer deserved a lot more than an explanation. "I lived in Finland before I came to the New World. This was… 1610, maybe. It all seemed ready to boil over, swallow Europe whole, riots and rebellions. War was coming. I couldn’t—"
I couldn’t. Evren coughed and continued.
"I wanted to wander again, so I wandered north." He reached aimlessly into his mind for more, but couldn't feel much. He hoped it was just out of hunger that he was suffering this fogginess. "Aava stopped me, I guess. We spent... a very long time together. Hunting villagers, avoiding soldiers. It was chaotic and I... I loved it, we had a lot of fun."
Evren stooped forward to pull the towel away from Lucifer, and he began to mop up the floor himself. "One day I left. I don't remember why but I left and I never came back for her. How she's here now..." He paused and picked up the damp towel. "I haven't the faintest. I really don't."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cio
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Cio dumb of ass, pure of heart

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While the two men were talking, Aava's big eyes wandered around the strange bathroom. She was content, water woth moving space and lots and lots of hair. Yeah. The hair was a bit of a problem, really. It had been growing for god knows how long. Still, the water was good. Comfortable. Not as clear and cool as Aava craved, but good enough to smoothen her skin just a bit. It was almost like the water was seeping into Aava, filling the hollow of her bony features ever so slightly.
Aava kept holding the man's hand as she blew bubbles quietly, listening to the conversation between the two men without understanding a word.
This is my lake, Aava thought with a pleased gurgle. My lake, my lake... Good lake, I love my lake.
...But I'm hungry. Very.

Now the strange man was talking. He was repeating that word a lot, Evren. Evren.
Evren... Friend?

The men were still talking. Aava was growing bored, bored and hungry. Her immediate need had been taken care of - water - so now she would move onto the next objective: food.
"Evren... Nälkä," (Evren... Hungry) Aava complained with a soft tug at his hand, some part of her subconscious remembering to be careful not to scratch him.
"Friend... Hunting? Slaughterhouse," Aava worded slowly, all of her words cooied snippets from the conversation unfolding before her. She didn't understand the language, but some part of her knew the words, almost like instinct. Aava's curious gaze switched between the two men with hopeful look in her eyes.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by yoyohayli
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yoyohayli Child of The Dark Lord

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Lucifer listened patiently to his friend and nodded in understanding. The watery creature was already looking less fearsome as she swirled about in the large tub, features less sunken and skin appearing healthier. "I'm sure you two had an interesting history together full of adventure. Although, I'm not sure if I approve of the hunting of innocent villagers...even though it was a different time."

He lifted his shoe to allow Evren to take over mopping up the water and Lucifer gave him a quiet thanks. "I'm sure whatever means were used to bring her here, they were not of her own choosing. Supernatural trafficking has become quite the issue as of late..."

It was then that Aava spoke a few disjointed words, piecing together what she'd been hearing. Lucifer, having lived for many millennia and learned countless languages, recognized the Finnish word she uttered for hunger. "We should find her something to eat. Can she have anything other than humans? We can get our hands on some fresh fish or other meats for her." Lucifer knew that it was the nature of many creatures to devour humans alive, but the soft spot he held in his heart for the tender mortals gave him unease at the idea.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Kinjaav
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“If I require your approval, I’ll ask for it.” Evren said, exasperated and clearly affronted. He sighed with a furrowed brow, holding his index and middle fingers to his temple. His eyes fluttered open and settled into a somewhat sad gaze at Lucifer. “I’m sorry, that was uncalled for, but this isn’t a simple preference like a child is picky for food. Aava needs flesh as we need blood. As I need blood. If there was another way, don’t you think we would have found it by now?”
He’d tried several times in his life to feed from other creatures. Deer, rabbits, pigs, cattle, cats, even beavers — all they did was make him feel sicker and more ravenous than before. For some beasts such a diet was enough, he’d heard, but it was not enough for him and he highly doubted it would be enough for Aava. He considered Lucifer carefully as he searched for a middle way.
“I… I can try something.” Evren said. “There’s a pond not far from my cabin. I can take Aava there, we’ll hunt in the forest and we’ll be careful not to… not to upset the order of things. Your patrons will be safe and I won’t disturb you further.” His final words had just the slightest edge to them, perhaps unconsciously.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cio
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Cio dumb of ass, pure of heart

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Aava chew on her own hair in the tub, large eyes following Evren and the other man. The näkki yawned with her mouth underwater, bubbles forming on the surface.
"My. A pond. My pond," Aava hummed as she sunk lower into the lukewarm water. Peeking over the edge of the tub, Aava noticed the wet cloth and splashes she'd made earlier. Aava tried to lick the water, but the floor was quite obviously too far away. Looking at the puddles, the water started seeping off the floor in a mist-like trail, travelling back to the tub with Aava. The water demon let out a pleased gurgle.
Aava looked at the strange man and tugged Evren's arm curiously.
"Evren...ghhhhr... ystävä?" ('friend') she asked, tugging at the hand and nodding towards the man whose bathtub she was currently occupying. Aava sniffled and stared at the man intently, like she was just now noticing him and recognising his presence.
"'Picky for food.' 'Not.' 'Aava needs flesh.' 'Fresh fish or other meats for her.' 'Hunt... fresh... villagers.'"
Feeling fond of her new habitat, Aava was sad to leave the safety of the water as she rose up, yet again dripping water all over the floor. But as much as she loved her little pond, she was even hungrier. And she wanted food.
"Evren. Nälkä." ('Hungry') Aava stated firmly. It seemed her understanding of language was fractured still, as she could only piece together some words and understand only parts of foreign languages. It had been a long time since she'd spoken, of course, so it would take time for her to learn again.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Kinjaav
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”(Aava, please, stay still.)” Evren plead to the Näkki when she stood up. Her babbling broke his heart; he knew of Aava’s abilities with language, but this seemed like nonsense. Maybe it was a trick, but so long ago Aava could do so much more than just parrot sentence fragments in such a random order. She seemed to really understand his German back then. Was she just delirious from hunger? She still knew his name, or was she just repeating what Lucifer had called out? ”(Do you… do you even know what you’re saying? What I’m saying? Are you even in there anymore?)”
Quickly crumbling under self-inflicted paranoia Evren took an uneasy step back into a shallow puddle, and then another unknowingly onto the discarded towel. The towel slipped across the floor and flew out from under him, sending him falling back against the counter. He fell down onto the tiled floor into a crumpled heap, hands clutched over the new injury at the base of his skull as he felt his visage tear away. Where raven locks and fair skin had been remained scraggly patches of coarse white hair over coriaceous skin the color of raw sienna. His nails were talon-like and yellowed, curled and vile. He was horrifically skinny, a heap of papery skin clinging to fragile bones. The impact hadn’t even broken skin, but in his weakened state it was more than enough to disrupt his form.
”Augh…” Evren groaned and rose to his feet; he hadn’t been hurt badly, nothing his healing factor couldn’t deal with in a few minutes, but the shock and sadness in his sunken onyx eyes showed more than the ability could heal. In immense frustration he slammed his fist down onto the granite countertop he’d used to regain his footing.
Kylmä liha, kylmä verta. Evren drew a sharp breath as he pulled his hand away from the forming bruise on his head and looked at his vile hands for but a moment, before balling his hands into fists and directing his icy gaze to Aava as if she were a challenging foe. Vampyyri… nälkä.
With that Evren pushed passed Lucifer and out of the bathroom, heading for the door.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cio
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Cio dumb of ass, pure of heart

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'Are you even in there anymore?'

Aava did not know. It had been such a long time. So many years, lost and cramped. No room to move. No one but her own mind, screaming to be let out. It had been so long she no longer remembered who she was. If she even was someone.
Still, hearing this man she distantly recognised as familiar seem so upset awakened a similar response in Aava.
Friend upset. Friend hurt.
Evren was on the floor, blood seeping from the back of his head. Aava let out a hiss in worry, scrambling out of her little lake of a tub. Water splashed everywhere, but before it hit the floor, it began floating as if by mind control, swirling closer to Aava's skin.
"Evren-" Aava begun, her rough voice cracking in the middle. But the man had already scrambled up, heading for the door.
That was familiar. Just as Evren was familiar. Aava couldn't place it, but she trusted this man to not hurt her. She felt like she needed to protect this man. Friend.
Wet hair trailing behind her, Aava scrambled after Evren, following him like a lost puppy clinging onto the one familiar thing in a world full of completely strange things.
Is friend mad? Aava was confused and hungry. She wanted something to eat. Something to feel stronger. She hadn't eaten in... in such a long time. Following the scrappy man, Aava tried to get his attention.
"(I... don't leave me, don't... I don't know where... who...)," Aava stuttered, scrambling over the words like she was trying to piece the components of language back together. There was lingering panic in her voice, as she tried to hold on to the one thing she could make sense of.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kinjaav
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Evren threw the door open and paused as if listening to Aava, but his attention was down the alley; an angry young man had left the bar and stormed down the street, just passing through the ghoul’s line of sight. A look of desperate hunger and determination washed across his withered features and he took off down the firescape. His quick bounds down the metal stairs sent low, rumbly echoes through the alley, like the growls of a wild beast.
His cheap sneakers quietly hit concrete as he advanced closer to his prey. His ancient features were set into a steely, emotionless look of sheer hunger, glassy onyx eyes ignoring all the world but the unfortunate young man he was taking strides to catch up with. Evren reached out and grabbed him, gripping his shoulder with his right hand and stifling the poor man’s screams by putting his left hand over his mouth. The vampire inhaled with a sharp hiss and bit into his neck with his maw of huge jagged fangs, chewing viciously deeper into his throat to exacerbate and deepen the wound. He felt his teeth scrape against the man’s spine as he settled into a gruesome nursing action, sucking blood out of the dying man without visible remorse or even thought. His vile fingers gripped the mortal’s fair skin, nails puncturing through his cheek and cut into his bicep. Blood seeped out of the corners of his mouth, down his chin and onto his ragged clothes as he tried to drink more of the man, greedily slurping up more and more gore.
The whole affair lasted less than a minute, but as adrenaline coursed through his immortal body Evren felt as though he was part of a massive fray. His eyes shot open and he withdrew from the cadaver as if it were burning hot; the prey was supine on the cobblestone, dead as could be, but nearly undisturbed below the shoulders. His head was nearly detached from his body, dipped into his shoulder limply and twisted upward at an unnatural angle. Evren himself had blood staining his mouth and chin, and ruining his clothes. His yellowed talons were tipped in blood, flecks of gore across his hands and sleeves, purplish on his skin in the dim light of the early dawn.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cio
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Cio dumb of ass, pure of heart

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Aava ran after Evren in a clumsy blur, her hair tangling on the railings of the fire escape and snapping off here and there like blades of grass.
"Evreeen..." Aava whined as she stumbled after the man, uncomfortable without the comfort of her new lake and morning air cold against her bare skin. Where is he going? Where are we going? Despite her confusion, Aava followed.
Then she saw it.
Mouth watering at the sight of the warm flesh before them, Aava opened her mouth and surged forward. Evren beat her to it, though. The vampire attacked the poor man on the street, teeth sinking into his flesh in a feral manner. Aava didn't wait to get her turn. Stomach grumbling in what was a centuries old hunger, Aava attacked the stranger's torso, sharp teeth sinking into the warm flesh of his bicep.
Warm. Good. Flesssshhh.
Aava crouched on ground in a heap of sea green hair, mouth devouring the flesh of the man who was only barely alive. Moving down from the bicep that was already eaten almost to the bone, Aava bit a chunk off of the man's thigh. Clothing fabric tasted gross in the lake creature's mouth, but her hunger was too blinding for her to care.
As Evren let go of the corpse's neck, Aava didn't even pay mind. She just kept eating, jaws biting into flesh in uneven and animalistic motions. Filling a hunger that had plagued her for as long as she could remember.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Hayato Nijimura

The older man had paid his bill with the bartender, As he was leaving the bar heading towards his car he heard a scream. At first he didn't think much of it thinking it was some guy either getting mugged or some other situation that didn't concern him. However his ears twitched listening to the pitch and tone of the scream, Turning around and running as fast as he could since Josuke could walk to the dock and the plan was for Hayato would bring the car to the dock to carry the shipment.

Hayato was sure it was Josuke that was the one that screamed, Sweat was running down his face as he ran to what looked like a alleyway. He hoped he would get their in time to save the young man. But it was too late he say the blood drenched corpse of the young Yazuka, His eyes looking up at the figure with bloodied clothing standing above Josuke's corpse.

His fist clenching glaring at the vampire, Looking around for some sort of stake or sharp object he could use. Only finding a large vodka bottle which he broke having only the broken bottle and his wits as a weapon.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kinjaav
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Fear flashed across Evren’s face for the briefest moment as he came back to his senses, hearing Hayato approach them. His black eyes hardened and he pulled Aava up by her hair, rooting his hand against her scalp to force her to step over the body and away from this new threat. He took a surprised step back when Hayato broke a bottle to fight them. He let out a low growl, silently cursing this situation. Aava didn’t get stolen from her home to be killed at his own lack of consideration. Evren was too fragile for fighting, any fighting, especially in his unaltered form. Maybe earlier that night he wouldn’t have minded standing his ground and letting the Yakuza finally kill him, but if he died now, what was Aava to do? Lucifer didn’t understand her, no one here did. They needed each other; the thought clung to his bones like fresh guilt, but now was not the time to dwell on worries.
Feeling his strength return to him, Evren transformed into hideous lion creature with a demonic face, just larger than a man and covered in short jet black fur. His mane roiled and billowed like choking smog, trails curling around his face and disappearing into the air. Swift as he could Evren coaxed Aava onto his back and took off down the alley and away from Hayato in a blind attempt to escape.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Hayato Nijimura

The older man was staring at the bloodied figure with intense anger in his face, Although his sunglasses was blocking the glare of his eyes. Gripping the broken bottle in his hand tightening his grip on the handle of the bottle, He was moving closer towards the figure watching his movement and getting ready to attack if he made any sudden moves. He was going to make the figure wish he wasn't born or fucked with the Yazuka.

Watching the figure transform into a strange lion like creature, Hayato wondered if this person was a werewolf or at the very least some sort of were animal. Seeing the strange creature running away thinking about his options of if he should follow him or tend to the young man's body. Throwing away the broken bottle onto the ground and running after the one that killed Josuke.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cio
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Cio dumb of ass, pure of heart

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Aava's feast was rudely interrupted as someone yanked her up by her hair. Aava whined in protest, but obeyed the familiar hand of Evren. Friend knows better.
Disoriented and still craving some more flesh, Aava turned around as Evren stepped in front of her protectively. Aava's big, grayish blue eyes blinked at the figure that stood a short distance from them. The figure looked angry.
Uh oh...
Aava licked her lips that still tasted like the delicious human, blood staining her whole chin like ketchup. Slowly, Aava raised her guard as she held on to Evren's bicep, confused by what was going on and why their feast had been interrupted.
Evren started morphing before Aava, until he had taken a form of a hideous beast with a gruesome face. Aava tried to step forward to the strange man, but felt Evren pushing at her, urging her to climb on.
"....hrrrgrr?" Aava gurgled with a confused tilt of her head.
Friend knows best.
Aava gave in and climbed the Evren-creature, fingers tangling into his mane as Evren took off, running for the escape. Aava tried to settle better on her friend's back all the while looking over her shoulder, only to see the man who she now registered as a threat had begun chasing them.
"(Evren... He's following us)," Aava rasped, her strength slowly returning to her bones thanks to the flesh she'd consumed. She could feel the hollow of her cheeks filling up, see the bony arms gain some healthy flesh on them. It felt good to have some strength again.
Aava felt very protective over her friend. For some reason she knew no harm must come to him. She didn't quite understand why, though. She only knew she wanted to protect him.
Looking around for any source of water but not coming up with any, Aava huffed and pressed her face against Evren's mane in a pout. I'll help friend soon.
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