Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

Tristan -- The Knight of Lamentation
Current Location: Latin District -- Alleyway Clash

Tristan lowered his head slightly when he saw that Ywain didn't change his tactics, just his weapon.

Range... wasn't the deciding factor here. It was speed.

Not only was Tristan naturally more fleet of foot, his armor build around the idea of mobility, his natural skill as a hunter and bowman, and above it, the advantage granted to him by his class. All of them came together to turn this into a fight where, as long as he could keep himself away from Ywain, victory would be his. His defenses wouldn't last for much longer, not when he was making a point of running face-first into every of Tristan's attacks and, when the protection of his rings faded, it would be just a matter of moments before Ywain's final trump card would show itself, and then...

Tristan's plan as he weaved and turned around the alleys and backstreets, never stopping for a moment in his offensive retreat, was simple. Playing the long game, forcing Ywain to overextend, depend on his Noble Phantasms, draining his endurance and mana, and then burn through his Master's own. After all, Tristan had two advantages here too. Not only did Independent Action afford him the means to fight on his own without taxing Yazhu too much, but also the fact that Failnaught is an economical weapon that wasn't even being used in its full power yet.

Ywain was being careless and that would certainly cost him the victory or at least to his Master.

Going towards: ---

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tenryuu Gensai
???, Arènes de Lutèce

Perhaps she would not have been averse to making allies had she been approached earlier. Perhaps she could have even laughed off the strangeness of those dog things as well as their thinly veiled contempt of her had she been approached when she was still high off her excitement.

But now, she was properly riled up, especially when she could feel she was being looked down on. She hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate that sort of treatment. Tenryuu was in this war to prove herself, and to be dismissed as lower than shit beneath their heels was not something she would take standing.

"Haaaaah!? Are you fucking retarded!? Did your dog fucking fetish mess up your mind!?" She had completely lost all of her composure by this point. "Rabble? Degrade? Why don't you take your alliance and shove it up your own asshole! Insult me to my face, not hidden in some hole like a coward!"

"Saber!" She snapped towards her Servant, dropping one of the stones by her feet. It was a small bounded field, designed to claim territory in which she would have some advantages. It was only enough to encompass her and some meters around her, but she was still holding three of them. "Burn them to cinders."

Oni no Hanzo
Business District

She nodded to herself with satisfaction. Hanzo was here to support her Master in any way, morally, spiritually, and physically if needed. If her Master had given up before they even faced the other Master-Servant pairs, then there would be no chance at all they could win. Even when she took thirty men to counterattack an entire army, none of them had the desire to give up; to give up was to claim certain defeat.

"Well said, Master." She eyed Chieko for a moment, taking in her clothings from head to toe. "However, if you do not mind my impudence in stating so, perhaps you might need a new change of clothing. I have already scouted out the combat field and has gathered enough information to be able to blend in. With my help, you too can disappear into a crowd."

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Unoedipal
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Unoedipal Something

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cerzelium Orchelas

Near the Seine, Business District -> Restaurant Outdoor Patio, Business District West Edge

At his partner's words, Cerzelium could only nod in response; he was pleased, to say the least, to have summoned a man who aligned so well with him. "Of course, Rider. I am of the same mind, after all; if we could attain victory without shedding a drop of blood, that would be ideal." There was a somber note to his tone. Yes, fundamentally, Cerzelium was an Orchelas, and the Orchelas possessed a family creed, a rule that they had pledged themselves to: an Orchelas cannot be evil.

...and yet, he would have to commit evil in this city, in all likelihood. The thought alone made his pulse quicken.

His expression tightened, just slightly, as he let out a soft exhale. "It's a pity that, the next time we meet that young lady, we will have to fight; at the very least, if a tragedy does occur and she meets an end here, I hope it is after she overcomes whatever struggles she currently faces."

"-Still, we shall not waver. You have given me your word, and I have given you mine. The hopes of my family have been set to me, and for my loved ones, my resolve will be iron."

Sight was called upon, and the not-quite-a-magus began to walk forwards. As the topic of conversation changed, he felt a laugh bubble out of him at the words exchanged between the Pope and the succubus. "Very well, I will attempt to keep from disappointing you in my selection." The husband and wife's relationship was certainly unorthodox, but they complemented one another astoundingly well. He supposed that was another thing he admired about his partner, or more accurately, about Meridiana. A being born of 'evil' who had sloughed off those chains...yes, in a way, she would be more impressive in the eyes of the Orchelas than either Rider or Cerzelium. To reject that evil that she should have been steeped in, to find earnest love with a man such as Rider, it was nothing short of admirable.

Assuming they went undisturbed, Cerzelium moved with purpose, as though he already had a place in mind. It was a bit of a walk, putting them near the High-Rise District though not quite within it, but the trio eventually arrived at what looked to be a small restaurant with an outdoor patio. It was not especially bustling, but felt at least 'authentic', a bit of a rarer thing than one would think, in this part of the city.

"I discovered this place during my survey of the city in the daytime. A glass of wine for each of you?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ManyThings
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Hero of Patience

Latin District, by the River Seine

As the Rider of Six Coins and his Master chatted and made their way eastward along the Seine, they would surely feel a presence approaching rapidly from the north. Something radiant and unapologetic, oozing magical energy, could only have been a Servant.

Well, the speed at which it moved was also a good hint.

Saber dashed through the streets towards the river, his feet leaving marks in the road similar to what a normal man's might leave in a fresh layer of snow. He laid eyes on his targets from across the river. Out of the different presences which he could feel within the city, he had chosen to pursue the man before him. The group Cleo and he had joined was waging war from the east side of the city. The enemy bases already around, he had decided, would require some manner of co-ordinated raid or siege to reliably overcome, but an opponent who was only making their way into the area struck him as something more manageable.

He was heading towards these people with clear intent, so it was up to them how they chose to ready themselves. They would, perhaps, still believe they had a few moments to prepare, as the river Seine lay between them. However-

"This is a challenge!"

The hero did not make for the bridge perhaps a hundred meters westward. Instead he ran to the water's edge, and without slowing down, leapt over the river. The man, in midair, grinned down at the pair.

"Do you accept it?"

A wicked-looking sword materialized in Saber's right hand as he flew over the water. The jump was a forceful thing, but apparently also quite accurate as he hurdled down towards the enemy Servant. Despite the reckless and hot-headed impression he gave off, he seemed to be quite precise and measured in his movements. Without a defensive response, he would land with his blade lodged squarely in this man's skull.

Battle Bunch (@Indra@The World)
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by The World
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The World A Thoroughly Unlikable Person

Member Online

Six Coins Rider

River Seine

Rider quickly pushed Rei out of the way as he felt a strong magical presence rushing towards them, handing her the spider as he did and materializing his armor sans helmet. As the man shouted, his spear appeared in his hand, ready to fight.

"Do you accept it?"

Rider moved out of Saber's path, preparing his stance to guard against following attacks. "I'd much rather we settle things peaceably, but..." Rider shifted slightly, almost as if he was no longer prepared to fight. "Of course I must accept! I only ask that we may speak once we've settled your battle-lust."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Floch
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Floch King of Eldia

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@The World @ManyThings
River Seine

Before Rei could further confide herself to her servant, she sensed a change of shift in the wind, it blew vehemently and came a servant in their midst whose parameters are simply immense and Rider pushed her out of the way to protect her. This was not the time for sentimental things as much as she wanted to talk yo her servant, it is a Holy Grail War indeed.

"My~...Men are really hard and hotblooded showing off their whatever form of blades. I for one agree with Lancer over here." Rei comically seriously unintentiomally teased, she was serious on what she said despite the subtext and innuendo as any normal person would find it a double meaning and react to its perverted subtext.

"Let's settle things in a non-violent manner with your Master, Mr. Handsome Man, you jumped all the way here only to make swoon. So much, that I am melting and dying for more than just a kiss from you." Rei was taught deceptive tactics by Yukina, her aunt and she hated it but it would so be useful in a situation like this. Rei delivered it perfectly and acted accordingly, sounding serious yet sarcasrtic thus leaving mixed thoughts.

Her skin was pale like how she lusted fot heat, a skin that is as white as snow due to heat impulse.

In her mind, this is the best course of action to avoid death and an alliance is preferred, casting her pride and personal issue aside in the mean time.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by BlueHelix
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Running Errands at the Business District

“Indeed, we should see what options are arrayed before escalating in a more noticeable manner. The first night of this Holy Grail War it still is, and best not we reveal too many cards, or overextend. To the business district, you said?”

Yoshitsune gathered Agria in her arms, in some odd parody of a princess cary, and leapt up into the air, toward the rooftops. She decided against flying once more, for that would be a fair bit too noticeable for something not vitally important such as securing her master. Instead, she began leaping across the roofs of Paris, hidden within the shadows and lightly stepping onwards, staying nearly undetectable by normal senses.

Saber noticed conflicts surrounding her, and steered around them as widely as she could. At her speed, the delays would be negligible, but engaging in combat with another servant once more would be troublesome and not quite worth it.

Their errands should be done with little note, for security was rather lax for such a country. Peace, or something akin to it, had been achieved recently, and so of course politicians would relax. But, well, she wouldn’t question her and Agria’s luck overmuch. They’d need all they could get n the coming days.

1x Thank Thank
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ManyThings
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Hero of Patience

Latin District, by the River Seine

So, his opponent had sharp eyes as well. Judging the point where Saber would land and moving out of the way was no easy thing, displaying great swiftness and battle-sense on the part of this red-armoured fighter. An eastern hero, by the looks of him.

"You're quick. A Lancer, are you?"

He landed just where Rider had been standing a moment ago. From the damage done to the ground beneath Saber's feet, it was obvious that Rider would be in a sorry state had he stayed where he was. The paladin stood still for a moment, as his foe lowered his weapon and the magus spoke of an alliance. She was obviously trying to cloud his mind with desire, but he was too focused for such things. He stood silent for a moment as he received Cleo's decision, and nodded to himself.

"As my Master commands. I'll be happy to listen to the words of someone who can last a few minutes against me."

The dent Saber had made in the road only got bigger as he pushed off from the ground. Closing the distance that lay between them now was nothing compared to the tremendous leap from a moment ago. The enemy was carrying a spear against his sword, which meant he would have a hard time at the edge of the longer weapon's reach, but he'd have greater maneuverability if he could get within a few feet of Rider. He aimed to enter a close distance where swinging a spear would be awkward, and placed himself on his opponent's left side, standing in the way of the eastern direction they had been travelling.

Where was this Saber's weapon? To the enemy, it would be unclear for a moment as he obscured it with his body and moved with the finesse of a one-on-one combat expert. Unexpectedly, he brought his crimson-tinted blade in an upwards slash at "Lancer's" torso. Every misstep on his opponent's part would afford him another step inside of the spear's reach. Another step towards victory.

Battle Bunch (@Indra@The World)
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Froppy
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Froppy Doesn't Really Understand what's Happening!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Core District, near the Eiffel Tower

The other servant stood resolute in the face of the attack, something that impressed d’Artagnan given the nature of it… But as luck would have it bravery enough would not win the day from her ferocious assault.

As the first pistol sailed through the air it slammed end over end into the passive guard of the raised sword, hard- harder than anyone would reasonably expect from her lanky frame. Just hard enough to nudge the sword out of the way that tiny bit for the lead shot to…. Almost make its mark. The bullet hit the very edge of the sword and shattered, little pieces spinning off through the air almost harmlessly despite their great momentum. The only token of the exchange was a sudden bright red gash forming across the other servant’s forehead, trickling blood down his face.

As the blood trickled down his face d’Artagnan’s smile spread, and she mused about whether this was a spot of bad luck, or good. “You’re brave Saber, most men would be cowed by a gun aimed right at their face, much less a Rider’s charge, but not you. I almost don’t wish to kill a man of your calibre. Were that it was another time, perhaps we could have used a fifth man.

She jerked the reigns and put her heels to the sides of her mount. “Alas, it’s not another time- or rather, or if it is then it’s the wrong one!” The thundering of hooves closed the distance between them as she raised her sword, pulled back far and held high in an obviously over-committed telegraph of a sweeping slice to reap his head from his shoulders as she leaned into the attack.

The obvious telegraph of course would make it all the more shocking, or perhaps less if one were in the proper mindset, when as the sword came down and crossed his guard she twirled it off the wrist, and despite all the insistence prior there was no slash at all. Rather, the point was buried in the torso, right where it joined with the shoulder of his sword arm, to disable it before it could launch a proper counter attack. Of course, the blood in his eyes right about now probably wouldn't help matters any either... Tricky tricky!

Heckling Hector @ssw@sunglass@ManyThings

Canal District - On the Skyline

While she had expected to force the retreat of Berserker and her master, Mirai was altogether quite shocked at the outcome that had unfolded before her. That raw power and speed which exemplified every action Berserker had taken managed to intersect with her reckless ferocity and win the fight even as she hastily withdrew with her master. It was almost impressive, if only the magus’ ire wasn’t already stoked it in fact would have impressed her.

With a tone that struck a firm middle line between disdain and boredom she addressed her servant... if tones carried properly across their inherent link-I know it’s more busywork Caster, but I need you to make this incident vanish entirely. I have great disdain for the clamoring and grasping of the mundane at the threads of the hidden world, and no wish for them to unravel our plans in their clumsiness. I am returning to our workshop, to prepare for our meeting with Berserker’s master tomorrow afternoon. You will be rewarded accordingly, so do take your time and be thorough. It seems she was already planning several steps ahead, and had made up her mind about fixing the Berserker situation sooner than later. Paris was her city as far as she was concerned and it wouldn't do to have a reckless master with an even more reckless servant smashing the place to pieces.

With her orders dispatched she dropped back to street level, drew her arms back inside her kimono, and faded into the evening foot traffic and gradually meandering her way back to the museum. It was best to return in a manner that raised as little attention as possible, afterall there were no doubt other masters watching the area now that Berserker had made such a fine mess of things.
Returning to the Workshop for the evening@KoL@Player 2@Floodtalon

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SSW
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Saber: Sir Ywain
Knight of the Lion
Latin District: Knight Fight

Ywain’s shield shattered as he finally closed the distance, engaging Tristan in a melee. In Ywain’s eyes, certainly, the trade-off was justified. A more arrogant man would have considered his victory assured here, but Tristan was one who could not be fully defined by a simple class container. One with the skill to be considered a Knight of the Round Table could certainly push back against him, despite the disadvantage.

He made three quick thrusts with his spear - one to Tristan’s arm, to interfere with his next attack, and two to the torso. Two-handed jabs that offered little in the way of defense, but that was unnecessary now. Even so, they weren’t attacks aimed to kill, but rather to disable. In Ywain’s mind, this was a fight towards ‘victory’ rather than death, a true duel between knights.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Phonic
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Phonic The Pontiff Progenitor

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Enzio "Zed" Ferrari

Latin District, Atop a Building Observing the River Seine

@Red Alice @ManyThings@Indra@The World

“You damn familiar put me do-”

Enzio tried to state as his Servant dragged him along their merry way, seemingly without any sort of care for the wellbeing of their Master.

‘How could a damned familiar act like this? Aren’t I the Master? … No. It would be presumptuous of me to assume I could control something as powerful as a Heroic Spirit. I expected such from a Servant, but this … is humiliating! I’ll show her! I’ll activate a Command Seal! That’ll teach this familiar to know their pla-’

And just as soon as she began, the untamed beast that was his Servant stopped their momentum, seeming proud of the actions they had taken. Perhaps Zed would have gone flying had his Servant been any more rough with him, so there had to be some sort of worth to this Servant, no? Enzio could not think properly in regards to this revelation though, rather annoyed at the actions of his “mere familiar”.

....At the very least he did not have to activate a Command Seal?

“A man's worst enemies are those
Of his own house and family;
And he who makes his law a curse,
By his own law shall surely die.”

Zed was a man of composure, however. Calming himself by reciting a poem from his book, he was able to recede his anger for that moment. At this point, he simply wished to lash out at his Servant and berate them for their actions, but he simply said in a rather calm speech, as if a teacher questioning their young student as to the reason for eating glue in class.

“Archer, why did you bring me, a mage, outside of the workshop? I had summoned you to win a war, not to run away from our base of operations. Without even so much of a conversation, no less. ”

Moments after his reprimanding, Zed began to laugh. A hard, bellowing laugh, as if he had realized a joke after the initial punchline. Grabbing at his stomach and with a cane in his hand, he tried to calm himself with his hand in a waving motion to the front of him.

I smile formed upon his face. Before Zed was a battle between Servants. Just on the outskirts of this battle were himself and his Servant; at the edge of detection from the enemy Masters. A real, genuine battle!

“Oh, I see. I see! Everything is clear to me now. You wished to partake in battle so soon, no? A Servant is a being summoned to obtain the Holy Grail for their Master and themselves, so I suppose that makes sense! In my wrath, I saw not your true intentions! ‘A fool sees not the same tree a wise man sees’, after all! I shall rescind my previous statements, Archer. But what shall we do about these quarreling children? I suppose I shall leave that decision to yourself, given you are the one who found them.”

The smile widened on Zed’s face.

'He who desires but acts not breeds pestilence.' Perhaps … we shall pay them a visit?”

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

Tristan -- The Knight of Lamentation
Current Location: Latin District -- Alleyway Clash

Tristan grit his teeth as Ywain finally got close enough to pressure him. From the very beginning the crimson-haired Archer had foreseen an outcome like this and have been just biding his time. This wasn't a fight that was advantageous for him but it didn't mean that it was useless either. Now he had an idea of how much Ywain's defenses could last and how he dealt with Failnaught. The battle swung back and forth just enough that there was a decent chance of any of them to finish the other at least once so Tristan could imagine that Ywain was as satisfied with this outcome as he was.

"Commendable. Your strength at this moment may surpass even that of Gawain. I acknowledge your victory at this moment so..." Tristan said as he parried the attack against his hand, giving just enough momentum to step backwards in time to allow the follow up strikes to nick his armor instead of piercing him and, to allow him the space for his next move. "Allow me to sing a melody of praise," the Archer said, as he began to attack with renewed speed, none of the "shots" were meant to really harm Ywain at this point. Merely making him second guess even a single step would be enough for Tristan to reopen the distance between them and disengage from the fight.

"Master, please ready yourself for a retreat. I believe we have done enough for the night," he said to Yazhu over their telepathic link as he prepared himself to pull away from Ywain and pick his Master up before the two of them retreated for the night.

Going towards: Trying to disengage

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by The World
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The World A Thoroughly Unlikable Person

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Six Coins Rider

River Seine

Rider's seemingly relaxed state suddenly changed as Saber rushed towards him. Unexpectedly, he jammed his spear into the ground and used the shaft to pull himself out of the way and along it counter clockwise, dodging the sword that ran parallel to the spear's shaft as Rider slammed his right foot towards Saber's left side. A connecting hit would be followed by pulling the blade free and upwards towards Saber, Rider holding it near the blade. A failure to connect would be followed by using his momentum to pull the spear free and get behind him, regaining a defensive stance.

Wynter Lobos

Business District

Archer's words resonated with Wynter and made her pause, thinking back to her family. With how her father had relegated her to simply being a resource, only caring about her memory and having an extra set of hands rather than raising his daughter, and how he and her brother had abandoned her, she found it surprising that she wanted to win for their sake. It seemed like the natural course of action to try to win, and just as natural to use the wish and land to get back in their good graces, but why? Why should she care about them when she could, as Archer put it, 'live free'? Without perhaps meaning to, Archer had lit a fire twice now withing her, both times changing her outlook on things she had previously felt were out of her control.
As she was dragged out of the store, not noticing even that Archer had stolen the hats, she decided on a course of action. "I think... it's enough to know that there might be another group's base in this area, assuming they aren't out and away from it. Since it's getting closer to daytime, we should probably head back for the night and get some practice and sleep in, then tomorrow night we can search for other Servants and see what we can learn about them." She hesitated before continuing. "Truth be told, I'm hoping for an alliance with at least one other Master who's more knowledgeable so I can learn from them, hopefully until the final night. Or maybe even an alliance where we split the victory; I'm doubtful that I can lead you to winning this war by myself, but I'll do my best if it comes to that." She bowed slightly and smiled at Archer. "Thank you. You're really good at helping me clear my mind."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ManyThings
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Hero of Patience

Latin District, by the River Seine

Saber had already become accustomed to this warrior's swiftness. He had no misconceptions about the rate at which he could react. His own ability to adapt was high, however. In all his life, he had not once been left stunned by an opponent's abilities, and the same held true in his undeath as a Servant. The instant Rider began to lift himself from the ground, Saber understood what was happening and removed the "commitment" from his swing. Since it would fail to connect, there was no need to follow through.

Perhaps the hand-to-hand talent from his Bravery played a part, but in any case the kick his foe launched was something Saber was capable of foreseeing and responding to. As Rider extended his leg, it would meet empty air, with its target having lowered his stance and moved scarcely two feet back. The extended limb passed in front of Saber's face like a bullet train, scattering the air enough to perhaps disturb Rider's Master as she stood at the edge of the battle. Even before that leg was halfway extended, though, Saber brought down his red-iron blade with one hand in an effort to slice through the thigh.

If Rider continued as planned after this attack and vaulted over Saber's head, the paladin would leap into the air without hesitation. Launching oneself with a pole required the pole to be extended for a moment away from them. In battle, a wide swing that struck nothing created the opening for a counterattack. That being the case, Saber would deliver a triad of quick thrusts to his enemy's chest, belly, and right shoulder while the longer weapon was stuck in its follow-through. He would move backwards at the same rate as Rider tried to get behind him, as if to say do you really want to expose yourself by flying past me?

Battle Bunch (@Indra@The World) and Spectating Shooters (@Red Alice@Phonic)
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by The World
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The World A Thoroughly Unlikable Person

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Six Coins Rider

Seine River

As Saber tried to slash down towards Rider's thigh, Rider quickly twisted his body using his arms on his spear, the blow managing to graze the front of his leg as he turned around the blade like a pendulum, his armor helping save him from injury. He swung his body-weight downwards and landed an arms length away from the spear, pulling it from the ground. "You're quite skilled. I expected to throw you off with that, yet you managed to react well enough to nearly sever my leg. I won't give you a second opportunity like that." Rider could tell that he was slightly outmatched already, so he changed strategies. He took on a new defensive stance, his body perpendicular to his opponent's with the spear held pointed towards Saber's head.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ManyThings
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Hero of Patience

Latin District, by the River Seine

The Sword of Cruelty put a crack in Rider's armour, and bit less than an inch into his flesh. Nonetheless, Saber watched with respect as his enemy moved gracefully to minimize the damage. This man was obviously a hero with great talent in evasion and defence, and although he had made a misstep, he had expertly recovered from it.

Nonetheless, Sauvagine had landed a hit, and even if that hit was minor it still allowed for some amount of absorption. Given the minor nature of the damage, it wasn't a large amount, and it certainly wasn't something Rider would notice until Saber launched his next attack. Nonetheless, the crimson armour and Rider's body both became a bit more brittle, and the eastern fighter's ability to block and evade was reduced slightly.

"A second opportunity like that? I wouldn't expect you to. You shine brilliantly as a spearman, and I can see the righteousness is your eyes."

Rider was moving back, but Saber wasn't about to sacrifice the ground he had gained within the spear's reach. A few bounding steps brought him in pursuit of the enemy as he backed away, keeping himself at short a range in which swinging a longer weapon around would be somewhat uncomfortable. Moving to Rider's left flank. Saber swung his weapon horizontally with his right hand in a small and maneuverable arc towards his shoulder.

"Master, I'm beginning to see what this hero is made of." He spoke through the mental link he shared with Cleo, "I'm sure I could defeat him or drive him off, but he's still open to a dialogue. I leave the decision to you- though keep in mind we've already committed ourselves to a warband. If their goal is to set up a base in this section of Paris, I don't think it would be wise to allow that."

Commanding Contact (@King Cosmos), Battle Bunch (@Indra@The World), and Spectating Shooters (@Red Alice@Phonic)
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by The World
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The World A Thoroughly Unlikable Person

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Six Coins Rider

Seine River

Rider moved to block Saber's sword with the shaft of his spear, beginning motion the instant it connected. He flowed underneath the sword as his spear circled around at the point of contact to the other side of the blade before Rider quickly spun it upright in his hands, parallel to the sword, to point towards Saber, thrusting it just below his neckline. A smooth counter attack the likes of which Rider had practiced and mastered in life as a samurai. He jumped away from Saber as he thrust, trying to regain distance and reset the fight. At this rate, Rider would be forced to use his sword as well just to prevent lasting damage from the battle.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Cleo watched the fight with ‘Lancer’ from behind Saber’s eyes, her head spinning as she tried to keep up with a fight between Servants from a Servant’s perspective. Every strike was a blur, every movement so fast she could barely comprehend it, yet both heroes fought with grace and skill that was beyond human.

“The fact that you are sure you can beat him if need be is enough; it means we don’t have to worry about him later. Ask them what they want; just because we’ve heard one offer tonight doesn’t mean we can’t hear others.”

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ManyThings
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Hero of Patience

Latin District, by the River Seine

"I understand."

When Rider moved to stop the incoming blade, he would find that his own movements were a tiny bit slower than expected, and although his block was successful, the sword ended up slightly closer to him than he might have been anticipating. That strange slowness, however, disappeared as he completed his defensive maneuver and began attacking.

This, of course, was the effect of Saber's crimson blade. He could clearly see that it had begun to take effect on his opponent, although it seemed that the man he was up against was particularly skilled in "defensive fighting" to the point where the vulnerability he had inflicted was no issue, at least for the moment. Still, the slight downgrade Rider had received only allowed Saber more time to guard against the attack made in response.

The last swing of Sauvagine had been a maneuverable one, in preparation for the broader movements of the spear. Saber clasped both hands onto the hilt swung his sword at the shaft to deflect the thrust, ducking his head in the opposite direction to be doubly sure he wasn't struck. From there, Lancer would likely be a bit surprised to see that while he was backing up to regain the advantage of his reach, Saber was doing the exact same thing. He stopped at a point a few feet beyond the range of the spear, weapon still at the ready.

"I'm very impressed! Your dexterity and courage are commendable. Having experienced your abilities, I'm ready to hear you out. Speak up!"

He didn't particularly trust Rider's Master, who had made light of their duel and tried to seduce him, but he accepted the pair as a single package, and the respect he had for this eastern fighter was enough to erase his misgivings about the magus.

Commanding Contact (@King Cosmos), Diplomacy Duo (@Indra@The World), and Spectating Shooters (@Red Alice@Phonic)
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sunglass
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


A Quick End, Core District, Eiffel Tower.

For a duel between servants Hector certainly seemed off. Too relaxed for what might be expected. Although this encounter was more like a play fight to begin with. He was willing to let his opponent take their time, of course rushing right up to them and applying pressure through sheer force of speed and power could also be an option. But perhaps that is for another time, for another opponent. Yet still the ground beneath him felt a little more pressure on it from Hector, ready to move in a burst of movement. Well that was until he noticed something...

Who is that...? A sense of foreboding washed over Hector although he did not show it on his face.

I have a bad feeling about this...

It was a familiar feeling, one that he had experienced multiple times throughout his life. Or was it just at that moment? Either way the source of this ominous pressure was sure to be from her. He was reliving that moment in his head... It had cost him the duel... If it was not for her then perhaps he could have been victorious. Perhaps he could have saved Troy yet. He looked for the source of that pressure. But...

"Nggggggnh." A grunt from the distracted servant! What kind of a fool am I! Hector admonished his own actions as the strange armament managed to nudge his sword ever so slightly. Yet he still managed to block the projectile that was hidden after it.

Just what kind of soldier am I?! While disappointed with himself, on the surface Hector was still as calm as ever. Carefree as he gently dabbed his own forehead with his index and middle fingers.

"Nyehehe" Well that toy of yours certainly is something but I am afraid something like that won't work again son!" Now displaying a daring grin he exploded in movement in response to the charge. He was moving to the side and forward, making full use of his agility.

Although he was paying attention to he man atop the horse that was not his target in this engagement. He would cut the legs right out from under it's rider! And well a trick of his own shouldn't be too bad!

"Sorry about this son but going forward you should leave your animal friends at home!" The length of Durandina extended in his hands. Now as a spear he would slice at the legs of his opponents mount while keeping himself out of the reach of it's riders attack.

If the attack was successful he planned to continue moving forward and "disengage" from the encounter.
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