Appearance:At a height of 5'8" (5'6" without heels), Rodie may not be one of the largest of the titans, but is arguably one of the most flashy of them - literally speaking. She physically sports a mellow-warm skin color, with gleaming golden eyes, shark-like teeth, fiery-colored hair and two horns that curve back on her head. Her attire is equally as fiery and flamboyant, as if she wants the entire spotlight to herself. She wears a rather skimpy-esque outfit, sporting a black-and-red crop-top, with a black dress imprinted with a flame design, and two flaming arm capes that connect to her finger-less gloves (which are also imprinted with flames).
Her bestial form stands at twelve feet tall, with a total wingspan of a massive 52 feet from wingtip to wingtip - which is slightly larger than Morgan's 48 meter wingspan.
Name:Rodie | "Radon" | "Rodan"
Race: Kaiju - ["Kaiju, ('Strange Beast'), is a broad term that represents a category of ancient monsters that can, or have the potential to, transform into massive bestial versions of themselves. These sizes vary depending on the classified kaiju, with some rumored to be able to reach up to the size of mountains. Most of them have, or had, affiliations with the Demon Realm, with many sporting destructive tendencies and total disregard towards the human race. Some have even been rumored to have come from space, hailing from another planet or dimension, however there's so for little to prove of it. However, some have spawned naturally on Earth as a natural, benevolent construct and sought to protect the realm from hostile kaiju threats. While the natural 'mega-fauna' have decreased dramatically over the span of millions of years, most experts speculate that these figures still reside beneath the ground or in the deepest trenches of the oceans just waiting to awaken. And some, they say, might be walking amongst us in their human forms, locking their powers away until they are needed."]
Radon Clan- ["Born from the remains of what was once a massive super-volcano in the far south, the Radon Clan
(sometimes classified as the Rodan Clan) had been revered for their naturally destructive tendencies. Their hyper-aggressive nature against any who dare approach their territory had been well documented by those who had survived their furious onslaught, rightfully calling them as "Demons of Fire". These flying titans are all known to transform into a large, bio-volcanic, pterosaur-like creature - with varrying wingspans - that utilize pyrokinesis to a certain degree, depending on the specimen's experience. They can fly at incredible speeds as flaming debris run off the wings of older Radons that fall onto anyone unlucky enough to be under their fight path. Radons are often born with specialized red/reddish-orange scales that are heat-absorbent, allowing them to harness and adapt to the extreme heat of living within a volcano by birth. As they get older and mature, their blood begin to grow hotter and hotter until its essentially burning lava. To keep it from completely melting the kin off the individual, they would have a thin layer of specialized geothermic cells that act as a barrier - forming a thin endothermic shell underneath their skin.]
Magic/Abilities/Equipment:- Pyrokinesis: Like all Radons, Rodie is capable of conjuring up pyrokinesis in both forms. As a human, she can launch fireballs or streams of fire from her hands and mouth. Bestial form limits this to her mouth, but the beam is more powerful.
- Geothermic Shield: In her human form, Rodie's arm flaps can harden into surprisingly thick geothermic rock that do well in absorbing large quantities of heat. While durable, it doesn't prevent the use from being pushed back accordingly depending on the blast.
- Flight: Rodie is capable of flight both in her human and titan forms, being an incredibly good flier at that. As a human, she can transform only her arms into pterosaur-esque wings, allowing her to fly but looke the ability to grip onto things with her hands. She can fly incredibly fast in both forms, however Rodie claims that her bestial form can fly up to supersonic speeds, enough to utilize sonic thunder claps.
- Gale Winds: Flapping her wings in her bestal form, Rodie can issue strong gale-force winds to immobilize opponents and have them lose their balance.
- Agility: While strength is not her mainstay, she utilizes speed and agility to overwhelm and outmaneuver her opponent with a fury of attacks. She is most notable in dive-bombing her opponents, often as a means to start off or finish the battle quickly.
- Fire/Heat-Resistance: Being an entity made literally of molten ichor, Rodie can easily survive, if not thrive, in extremely heated environments. She's even known to shrug off the intense heat from Titanica's atomic blast (but not its explosive capabilities) or at the very least minimalize the damage significantly .
Personality:TBA (Bold and Brash - and belongs in the trash.)
Background: TBA