Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lionhearted
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Salem’s Secret // Peter Gundry

► Premise

Salem, Massachusetts - 1692.

The year in which it all began. The witch hunters came to town to rid of the growing witch community with dedication and fearlessness. Amidst the dark rituals and petrifying spells, the witch hunters stopped at nothing and fought mercilessly to give proper consequences to the unwanted, demonic force. A body of individuals practicing devilish, black magic casted friends and family against each other, tainting the air and setting the atmosphere of Salem, Massachusetts. What was thought to be an end of this supernatural advancement in history, was only the beginning of a better understanding of a realm of beings that have only been rumored to be true. As time went on, the witch trials that began soon became scarce and it was announced finished just to bring peace to the people of Salem, but any smart person would feel the cold, dark air that permanently contaminated such a beautiful place.

The existence of supernatural beings were kept secret, but Salem, Massachusetts housed them all. It would be unrealistic to believe that each rabid werewolf or demonic witch kept their wicked race a secret; stories would often reach out to the people when sudden deaths and cold-blooded events would stir up — but there was always a cover-up, an alibi, a false story. It wasn’t just the supernaturals that worked to keep themselves secret, but the community itself was to be protected from the knowledge of their existence to save for an empty, deserted town to only be filled with a potential, growing force. Witch hunters became scarce since the powers of the supernatural realm only grew with time, evolving fast to fully reach their true potential. It took a skilled individual to really take down a creature of the night. In these days, it is said that it takes one to kill one.

For several decades, they worked hard to keep their kin in check, excusing the occasional instances in which a werewolf would run rabid, a vampire would feast, or a witch would use an innocent for a sacrifice. It was a peculiar lifestyle, working to be a secret and not letting one’s supernatural abilities get the best of them. Although, there were feuds between the community. Perhaps it was for sport to save them from boredom, especially with a strong desire to properly exercise the skills of such powerful bloodlines. The voodoo witches rivaled the witch covens, the werewolf packs rivaled the vampire covens, and the witch hunters were now out to extinguish them all.

Today, casting aside all rivalries, all reverence, and all differences between each vile race, a coming shift was felt among each person within the community. The supernaturals were becoming too comfortable, too prideful, and it was nearing a time in which a proper, threatening force were to come to eliminate them all. The mystery remains unsolved and perhaps it was the paranoia-induced fears among foretellers of a coming armageddon that ceased all civil wars and petty battles. A silence has stirred up and many lose sleep during the night(or day).

Bad omens are experienced by everyone within the community. Whether it be strange symbolic writings produced in the strangest of places, or the death of a supernatural by unknown causes, or rabid supernaturals that roam endlessly trying to kill. Mind control, unknown writings, peculiar symbols, repetitive visions of the beginning of an end — all of these factors introduced a fear for a cataclysmic era within the supernatural realm. But what is the solution? Should this be a matter to be feared? Is this simply a scare? The signs are apparent and the fear to be had was appropriate, even for the strongest supreme witch, pack leader, or coven leader.

Where does the average hunter stand in such a situation in which they are being aided, yet still threatened? To kill just one supernatural calls for a destructive battle, so to kill them all in an act of genocide would cause terror a great length outside of the community. Should the safety of the people be one to question? Is this force supporting the cause of eliminating supernaturals or is it a mere war of sport and games from a powerful figure?

It is now that a rising force is being welcomed, instituting a diversity of races, packs, and covens, to build some sort of agreement to educate and protect one another from what is to come. Consisting of several strong assets, this force seeks to build a safe haven and to also establish a long awaited, and necessary, band of individuals to ensure peace within the community. Whatever you may call it, only those with open minds choose to participate. Many cannot cast aside their differences, choosing to ignore the concept or even retaliate this treaty. The choice is yours. Will you band together as a community and defend against the intimidating force to come, or will you keep to your foul pack or iniquitous coven? Will you protect your loved ones, or stick to yourself? The fate of your life is in your hands, as it always has been, in Salem, Massachusetts.


So, this is your classic supernatural RP taking place in, none other than, Salem, Massachusetts! I tried my best to make this as different as possible, trying to stray away from such mainstream, supernatural concepts! To summarize the plot — it is essentially a mystery to the players. A coming oblivion is foreseen by many and the rumors are spreading very fast that supernaturals are to watch their backs from a realm-ending terror. I don’t want to reveal what it is that will be threatening the realm, but that just adds to the fun of the mystery! ALSO, I’m new to GMing, so it’d be cool if ya’ll would be patient with me. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask!

For now, I'm only looking to see if this catches anybody's eye! If I have a good group of players, then I'll definitely kick this off! My idea starts out with a meeting between the supernatural entities, probably just the leaders though. This was called to try to provide clarity and understanding of the signs they've all been given. In the mean time, they are to try and set aside their differences and century-long quarrels to try and come up with a solution for the situation at hand.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CaliforniaState
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CaliforniaState Biologist

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

I am here!! 100% interested!

Also, I would like to play a werewolf please :)
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by princess
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Briza
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ineffable
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ineffable The Illustrious (not really)

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Here! Like discussed (kind of) still will be playing Evren :)
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rabidporcupine
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Rabidporcupine Depression Tree.

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You know I'm still hanging around.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jazzy Snazzy
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Jazzy Snazzy Crown Princess of Hell

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Consider my eye caught.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lionhearted
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@Jazzy Snazzy@Rabidporcupine@ineffable@Briza@sassy1085@princess@Akayaofthemoon@Severance

Thank you for all the interest everyone! :) I'm going to give it a day or two longer to see if I can gather anymore interest before posting the OOC and opening up for character sheets!
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago


Sounds good! I am looking forward to it!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mystress Nyx
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Mystress Nyx

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lionhearted
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lionhearted
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@Jazzy Snazzy@Rabidporcupine@ineffable@Briza@sassy1085@princess@Akayaofthemoon@Severance@Mystress Nyx

I apologize to you all. I've decided that I'm not going to follow through with this RP as I don't see it lasting very long. I really appreciate everyone's interest and I apologize if you've all began CSes and whatnot.

Thank you.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago


That is sad to hear but I understand. Let me know if you ever change your mind or if you need help GMing if you want to try this again. We could work on ideas and see how we can move the story to last longer or more villains if the first mystery was completed.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by princess
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@Jazzy Snazzy@Rabidporcupine@ineffable@Briza@sassy1085@princess@Akayaofthemoon@Severance@Mystress Nyx

I apologize to you all. I've decided that I'm not going to follow through with this RP as I don't see it lasting very long. I really appreciate everyone's interest and I apologize if you've all began CSes and whatnot.

Thank you.

Okay. I suggest if you like the idea and want to make it last to put more details and thicken the plot. It's a good foundation but somethings feel vague to me so it's hard to tell where the story will go. You might want it as a sandbox kind of thing so I understand.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jazzy Snazzy
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Jazzy Snazzy Crown Princess of Hell

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Thanks for the notice. Maybe in another RP, another time, we'll meet again.
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