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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Lexi snorted a rather rude expletive a slight grin on her lips. “Perhaps if you weren’t speaking loud enough for Lougetown to hear, perhaps there wouldn’t be any eavesdroppers.” She retorts and looks to the bar keep. ”Gin and rum.” She ordered as she slid a dagger from one of the many places she had such weapons free. She sensed with those trained to; that a fight was very eminent if something didn’t cut the tension in the bar. Her blood thrummed in delight at the prospect. The more bodies she left the more her bounty would increase, and the less Caitlyn would have to deal with others wanting the crown to be King/Queen of the Pirates. So she would indeed follow the girl on this journey? Well it might be interesting to see who would this time.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Reflection
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Reflection Slightly Stressed but Flawless

Member Seen 8 days ago

Location - Alabasta - Saloon
@King Cosmos-@ladyonyx04-@KillBox

The extra evesdroppers were noticed. Thankfully it gave Nikko an excuse not to answer his first mate's question. Score one for the captain. Though, it was annoying that they now had a great deal of people peeking in on their talks. Sure, they weren't talking business, but they were talking about sensitive material. Anybody prying in was just unwanted.
"Well, this is a bar... Shouldn't everybody be shouting and singing sea shanties?" The red haired pirate said, and he had to admit he wasn't thrilled with either of the people looking in. "But, whether or not we could be heard all the way in the East blue, I doubt there is anybody in Loguetown who could hear a single peep." There was a pause for dramatic effect, and a few patrons turned to look at the pirate with confusion. "Oh, did you all not hear the news? Loguetown...
Was completely burned to the ground."

There was shocked gasps from the bar, as a silence began to build. "Oh yes... I say it with my own two eyes just last week." Nikko said, turning in his chair. "It began as a fire at the execution platform, but as it crumbled it ignited a nearby house. People tried, but the fire spread from house to house. Entire homes suddenly spewing out dark flames, and people falling to the ground as the air seemed to evaporate in their lungs." He sighed out softly, and let that hang in the air. "Now, while you all enjoy that bit of news, myself and my traveling band of editors must be going. We have novels to write."
He finally stood, and brushing himself off, he began to walk towards the door. The pirates began to crowd around him, keeping Lexi from making a clean attack, that is if she could have even reached him before being cut down by the various pirates already assembled.

"Oh, and if any of you are interested in joining a pirate crew, you're free to follow. We're considering this our recruitment campaign~"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 1 day ago

>>Bar, by the Alabasta Docks<<

Tsk. Jōichirō audibly made an annoyed sound. Sure, he was dropping eaves but for the old man to openly call him out was still quite irritating. Making a small circle with a raised elbow and his right shoulder, Jōichirō tugged and adjusted the swords tied to his left hip.

A fight is coming. There seems to be more than one pirate crew around. This will be fun.

Jōichirō grinned while looking down towards the bar where he sat. Downing the pint of ale that was poured for him, he turned in his chair and looked back. "Oi! Red-head! You're recruiting? Only a captain recruits his crew... And I wonder who died and made you captain..." He stood and peered back at the red headed one. "Old man. He your captain? Why is that?..." He said, openly challenging both of them in a sense. "Little girl, stay out of this, yeah? Go be edgy somewhere else while the adults talked. Are you even old enough to be in bar...?" He said, brushing off the the shady girl.

"Anyways. You're recruiting you said? Yeah. I'll join. I might even call you cap'n...but not before you prove to me you're worth my time...." Jōichirō said, slowly approaching the gathered crowd of pirate.

@Reflection@ladyonyx04@King Cosmos
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

To be so disregarded not once, but twice? Lexi popped her neck, and the dagger in her hand nicked the cheek of Nikko, having moved fast as was typical for one in her line of work the dagger piercing the wall, and had yet another of her weapons in her hands looking at Jōichirō assessingly. ”How very rude of you, sir. And unfortunate that you picked me to insult.” She purred her eyes glinting with the thrill of the fight for half a moment, before going all serious once more the dagger held confidently.

Caitlyn rushed to the bar, hearing the commotion and knowing she should also get involved. If only to either help or contain her Assassin crew mate. She threw open the doors and assessed the room. ”You really shouldn’t throw daggers all over the place.” She jokingly reprimands Lexi as she took the dagger out of the wall and noticed someone had already been nicked. ”Has this been poisoned? That would be naughty of you my dear.”

Lexi didn’t get out of her ready stance even with her ‘captain’ without a ship getting involved. ”It might be. It is my job to kill people after all.” She retorts planning out her next moves should someone start attacking. Caitlyn sighs and smiles. Well, she had remarked that she’d have to kick the red head’s ass to prevent him from doing anything to her country’s prince. So, if this was to be the ass kicking, very well then.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Reflection
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Reflection Slightly Stressed but Flawless

Member Seen 8 days ago

Location - Alabasta - Saloon
@King Cosmos-@ladyonyx04-@KillBox

Lexi's dagger did not reach Nikko. Rather, as soon as it had left her hands, the weapon was knocked aside. Sailing into the air, and smacking into a nearby beam of the bar. It was important to remember that Nikko was a pirate captain, and several other pirates sat near him, and several other pirates stood with him. When an attack was directed at their captain, one of those pirates moved in, a sword in his hand. The turban'd man who had noticed Lexi spying on them earlier. His blade having easily knocked the weapon aside.
"Thank you, Sargon." Nikko said, and the turban'd pirate nodded back. Unharmed, the pirate captain smiled at his attacker, but it wasn't a kind smile. Rather a dangerous smile.

"Oh, are you two the ones who were spying on me earlier?" Nikko said, as Caitlyn barged into the room. The red haired captain didn't seemed bothered by either. Instead, he looked at Lexi, and tilted his glasses down just a bit so the lens weren't in the way. "You two do realize you just attacked me, right? With a poisoned knife if the barger is telling the truth. That means, I can consider you a danger to my business. And that means, I have to kill you."

Whatever Lexi expected as an attack... It wasn't what she expected. She might have been prepared for a kick. A punch. A sword more likely. But instead of any of those... Two beams of light shimmered in Nikko's eyes, and speared outwards towards Lexi. His devil fruit, the Sun Sun fruit, made him a man with all the powers of a sun. A walking solar flare. In that moment, he had concentrated his heat into his eyes, and sent them beaming out in a concentrated ray of pure sunlight. VWOOORP!

A fast as light attack that would blow a hole right in Lexi's chest.

"Pity... I was thinking of saying yes if you asked to join my crew."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

No one hurt her crew members! Caitlyn reacted as quickly as she could, knowing that light would be faster. She caused her Assassin to slip down, the piercing light going through her upper shoulder instead of through her chest as was the intended target. ”I couldn’t do anything faster.” She apologized to Lexi before facing Nikko her eyes sharp. The family of D’s blood coursing through her was not pleased.

Lexi hissed a bit at the pain in her shoulders, getting some salve from her pockets to both stop the pain and help heal the wound. That might have ended differently. Being an assassin one always packed to deal with wounds, having been taught the basics of healing in any case. ”Ouch. At least I’m not dead. That would have not been a fun idea.” She told Caitlyn a grin on her lips as she thought of what she could use. She took out a bottle she kept for dealing with devil fruit devourers. ”I’m already spoken for anyway spectacled one.” Now she will kill this one, if only to assuage her blood lust.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Balthier D. Sydney

Alabasta Bar by the Docks

Balthier sullenly sipped at some cheap beer while he contemplated his next move.

The docks had been a dead end. Nobody he talked to had seen a ship matching the Nidhogg's description, save one, who only saw at a distance. When he had sought out the dockmaster he'd been fobbed off by an irate secretary who insisted he make an appointment and comeback tomorrow. Money was his the main issue right now, nothing got people to talk faster then greasing their palms. Except maybe threats, but those could draw trouble. His current drink was courtesy of an unwilling sponsor, who hopefully didn't realize his wallet was missing yet, but there wasn't enough in there to start buying information.

After this thoroughly wasted day he'd sought out a seedy bar in hopes of more general information, even rumors would do. Sitting there drinking nothing would look suspicious, of course, so he ordered some beer while he was there.

Unfortunately, it looked and tasted like piss. In fact, he was still trying to convince himself that it wasn't.

Chatter had been uninteresting, just the usual going-on and talk of pirates, until that pink-headed fop and his crew showed up. The atmosphere immediately turned wary, the smarter customers started paying off their tab and leaving. Soon after he arrived, more dangerous-looking people arrived. The bar became a powder keg that one little spark would ignite.

Then it did. Knives, challenges, and death beams flew.

Balthier ignored them. Young pirates were always looking to throw their weight around. "Hey, bartender!" He called. "Might want to close up early today, looks like a storm rolled in." The bartender threw a disgusted look at the troublemakers, then a thoughtful look back at Balthier. "I recognize you. That tattoo." He said slowly with an accent so thick he was chewing on the words. He gestured at Balthier’s dragon tattoo under his coat. "You're a pirate too. Big bounty."

Balthier shrugged. "Aye, I am and I was. Bit of a foolish youth. Turning over a new leaf and all that."

The bartender grunted. "Let me make you an offer."

"So long as its one I can't refuse." He quipped with a grin.

The big man didn't look amused. "Mh. If you can stop those pirates from destroying my place, I'll make it worth your while."

Balthier leaned forward. "Oh? In that case, I need money, information, and booze."

"Done. Done. Done. Not much cash though."

"That's fine, the more of one you can provide, the less of the others I need. But first," He held up his flagon and waggled it plaintively. "Need some liquid courage."

The big man packed up with surprising speed, snatching bottles off the wall and sweeping bills into a safe, somehow managing to fill Balthier's flagon in the process. The former captain peered into his drink. "Bloody hell that was slick." He toasted the man, took a deep quaff, then turned around to join the fun.

Most of the bar was quickly emptying, save for the quarreling pirates. Balthier staggered to the danger zone between them, holding our out his arms in the universal 'stop' gensture, clutching his drink in one hand and shouting in a drunken voice. "Hey, heey, easy my good sirs and madams. There's drink here enough for everyone. But if you go smashing this place, there won't be. Why don't we call a truce for now, talk things over, get drunk, and if you still feel like fighting after the hangover's worn off, then we find you an empty bit of land in the desert and you can duke it out there where you won't ruin any fine establishments, such as this one."

He flashed all of them a benign smile.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 1 hr ago

As a general rule, pirates often possessed a supreme confidence that they were one of the strongest people in the room and could handle anything thrown at them; when dealing with any pirate you could expect bravado, grandstanding, posturing and a distinct impression that they thought themselves invincible. Young pirates thought this because they were brats who didn’t know any better, old pirates believed this because they had survived being young pirates. Shigeuchi considered himself to be one of the latter. He also considered most of the other pirates in the room, including Nikko, to be former; the difference being that his captain had the raw power to back it up.

Things escalated quickly after he called out as both eavesdroppers chose to respond to his bait; strange how only the people who were listening in felt the need to speak up, as if they thought that the comment was aimed at them somehow. The young girl spoke up first and Shigeuchi couldn’t help but notice the way she slipped a dagger into her hand as she did so; he considered taking it from her, replacing it with something else, but decided not to. Stealing her weapon would only serve to start a fight and when she had so many other weapons on her person trying to disarm her was pointless.

Nikko was the next to step forward, responding to the girl by revealing that Loguetown had in fact burned down mysteriously less than a week ago. It wasn’t surprising to find out that they had beat the news to Alabasta, their flying ship allowed them to skip some of the obstacles that lay between the two islands and get here faster than almost any other ship fleeing the inferno. Maybe some of the ships in the marine fleet could have done better but, unfortunately, most of the marine vessels docked at Loguetown were also caught in the fire. Somehow.

Their bounties would go up again once this information spread, he imagined.

The young man with the long hair was next to step forward, proving to be as loud as he was bad at being sneaky as he managed to insult everyone involved in a few sentences. What Shigeuchi thought about young and confident pirates seemed to apply double to this brat as he stepped forward confidently and with a challenging swagger to his walk to accept Nikko’s offer of recruitment.

In the midst of everything a dagger was thrown Nikko’s way and Shigeuchi let out a sigh as he watched things rapidly descend into chaos from that point onwards. He made no move to intervene at first, trusting the crew he and Nikko had assembled to protect their captain, if he even needed protecting, from the assault. The dagger was deftly knocked aside and Nikko responded to the attack by firing a concentrated beam of heat from his eyes at the girl, only to somewhat miss his mark when the white haired girl did something to cause the knife thrower to slip and fall.

Shigeuchi stood from the table, shot glass in one hand and whiskey bottle in the other, as the hooded girl pulled two items out of her jacket. The first she seemed to be trying to apply to herself, to the burning hole in her shoulder, so Shigeuchi used his Devil Fruit to swap it for the shot glass in his hand, the medicine appearing in his hand as the empty glass appeared in Lexi’s.

The pirate then swapped positions with the person standing closest to the assassin, other than the white haired girl, suddenly standing a couple feet behind both girls as a confused patron found himself halfway across the room. His hand lashed out and grabbed Lexi by the arm, hand wrapped around the wrist of the arm holding the shot glass and holding it steady as he poured a measure of whiskey into the glass with his other hand. “Settle down. Take and drink and relax, this isn’t a fight you want.” With the drink poured the bottle of alcohol in Shigeuchi’s hand was replaced with something else, the mysterious bottle in the assassin’s hand swapping places with the bottle of whiskey as the first mate turned the container so that he could examine its contents. “What’s this? Sea water? Not a bad idea; you sure you don’t want to join our crew?”

Turned away from Lexi, her hand still held in his strong grip, Shigeuchi turned to face the loud mouthed young man with the long hair. “You don’t seem to understand how recruitment works boy. We’re not here to impress you; you need to impress us if you want to join our crew. He may be the captain, but I’m the one who keeps the ship running and I won’t accept less than the best, understand?”

Before things could escalate any further, yet another person stepped forward from the fleeing crowd and tried to add some sense to the chaos. It probably wouldn’t work, but he had to commend the boy the trying at least. “Fights over already; or it will be if anyone has any sense. We’ll be on our way if people are willing to let us be.”

@Reflection@ladyonyx04@KillBox@Crimson Raven
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 1 day ago

>>Leaving the bar, hopefully to embark<<

Jōichirō let out a boisterous laugh. "Well said. For an old man!" The young man exuded an air of swagger, like the old man had observed. With the combination of his fruit powers and his swordsmanship, he did indeed think himself as invincible. Other than the fact that he will die if he is killed. "So, you're a shipwright? I thought you were more than that. But thats fine I guess." He continued.

Sure. He saw the red-headed one fire out some concentrated heat beams from his eyes. He chuckled inwardly as he related the attack to some classic mech-anime where the mechs shot out laser beams. Truthfully, Jōichirō took note of the situation, thinking that the red-headed one's powers to be similar to his own. Now he is really intrigued. He wonders who is truly stronger, given the fact that some devil fruits essentially have a different, powered up versions of themselves. In any case, it seems like the old man also had some sort of devil fruit powers as he worked quickly to subdue the young girl he spoke to previously.

Pushing some of the nameless fodder aside, he approached the red-headed one directly. "Let it be known that I still don't trust you. I don't believe you to be stronger than me. And you better sleep with one of those laser beams ready. One slip. I'm taking your ship. For now, lets get out of here..." He finished and drew one of this swords. The one with a red scabbard, black guard, and a matte grey sheen to the blade.

He was ready to cut down whoever got in their way to setting sail...

@Reflection@King Cosmos
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

”You can’t recruit what’s already taken ya old dog. Or did you already forget what was said? I could believe that.” Caitlyn was blustering for she didn’t enjoy being having been in one place and then mysteriously in another, but she didn’t let that show, knowing far better than that. ”I’d love to agree but I don’t think it is over. Sure we can take it outside, but after that I’m not going to just let you waltz around my kingdom and mess it like you did for Lougetown.” Yeah, she’d heard that.

”I wouldn’t be surprised if he was hard of hearing.” Lexi remarked as she aimed a flat footed kick to the man who had a hold of her wrists shins. She might not land the blow, depending on if he was a Lugia type, but honestly. She was bleeding and he’d taken her healing products. She was not pleased. Perhaps she should just kill them all. Might be fun.

@King Cosmos@Reflection
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Reflection
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Reflection Slightly Stressed but Flawless

Member Seen 8 days ago

(I have permission to temporarily control King Cosmos' character, because it's just easier that way.)

Location - Alabasta - Saloon
@King Cosmos-@ladyonyx04-@KillBox

When the assassin aimed a kick right at Shigeuchi, two things happened. The first, is that he swapped his position with that Caitlyn. The second, is that Lexi likely had just kicked her own Captain. It would have been hilarious, if the duo hadn't become an annoying collection of rambling... Well to be honest both Nikko and Shigeuchi had been then decided that the two girls were annoying, and not worth the trouble. It was actually embarrassing, and they had places to go.

"Brats not understanding the importance of logistics." Was all Shigeuchi had to say regarding Jōichirō's comments. It was meaningless to say more, the kid's attitude was already rubbing Shigeuchi's scales the wrong way. And he didn't even have scales. The brief look he shared with his captain was clear. He didn't trust this guy, and to be honest, it was just amusing to Nikko.

"Well, I wish you luck with that. Consider yourself on probation for threatening your new captain, and you'll be doing swabby duty for the first week." Nikko didn't mention it, but he doubted any ambition to steal the Golden Lion MKII would last a day. The ship didn't have sails, and rather ran on heat power. His heat power. The reason simply being that unless Nikko was there to pilot and control the ship, it didn't move. Shigeuchi had the idea to be honest. A ship that cannot leave port without its captain. It certainly kept the crew in line. Mutiny was simply impossible.

"We're leaving, we have business to attend to." Nikko said, and the pirate crew began to leave the bar. They had no intention to start a fight to begin with. If Caitlyn and Lexi chose to follow and attack again, the pirate crew would not be as kind. As Nikko stepped outside, there was a sudden ringing from his pocket. Pulling a small snail from his pocket, the Red Lion smiled. "Oh, and what news do you have?"
"Boss, the thing is all set up. We even have the video feed like you asked for."
"And the replica?"
"All made up, it's ready to go."
"Excellent, I'm heading back to the ship with some new crewmembers. We'll be setting sail soon. You have set up the detonation timer, right?" Nikko asked, a bit more quietly to avoid evesdroppers.
"Of course boss, seven days if our demands aren't met. We'll be in Water 7 well before that thing goes off." Nikko hung up after that, and smiled from ear to ear.

"Alright boys, we're heading out, all aboard the Golden Lion MKII!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Balthier D. Sydney

Alabasta Bar by the Docks

Disaster adverted, at least for now. The old man with an eyepatch spoke up, saying much the same thing. From the way their crew, even the fop who called himself captain, listened, it was clear to Balthier who the real person in charge was here. He squinted at the man. His mug was familiar. Balthier probably had seen it on a wanted poster somewhere but he couldn't put a name to the face.

No matter, the bar was intact and it seemed like the trouble makers were heading out. He could claim his reward now.

However, the dragon man's sharp ears heard something that sent shivers down his spine. As he stepped out the door, the pink-haired captain was speaking to someone over a snail.

Detonation. A bomb?

Seven days. Demands. Next stop in Water 7.

That defiantly didn't sound good. Whatever that man had planned, Balthier suspected that Alabasta was not the place to be in a week's time.

The Golden Lion. Now that was a name he recognized. The legendary pirate, Shikki's ship. Balthier had heard through the rumour mill that Shikki had a son, who was currently wreaking havoc from the East Blue to the Grand Line. The burning of Loguetown was new, but it fit with the descriptions.

In a flash, he remembered the name of the man with an eyepatch. Shigeuchi, former member of Shikki's crew. Which meant that pink-haired fop was Nikko, himself, the son of Shikki.

Well. That was certainly an infamous pair. From just first impressions, he wanted to punch 'Red Lion' Nikko in the face. Shigeuchi didn't seem too bad.

Balthier dropped the drunken act and shook his head as he muttered after them. "Well, that's that then. Pleasure meeting ya too, ya bunch of stuck-up barnacle-covered keisters." He waved a lazy middle finger at their backs. Then he paced over to the two girls who had been trash-talked by the gang and held out a friendly hand. "Are you all right misses? Don't let pirates like that get you down. They are much like a far off storm. Full of bluster and thunder, but perfectly harmless to any experienced navigator. Sooner or later they'll blow themselves out and we'll be the ones laughing." He paused and studied them. "The name's Balthier D. Sydney, and I'm the leading man. Who might you two be?"

@King Cosmos@KillBox@ladyonyx04@Reflection
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

”I can’t let them get away! They’re going to hurt my people, not that most don’t deserve it, it is dog eat dog world even here in a peaceful ish desert. But still!” Caitlyn’s shins turned to water as the kick went through her. ”Thank goodness you don’t have armor Haki my assassin. I’m Anzai D Caitlyn. And I have asses to kick. You may join us if you’d like.” She smiles sweetly at Balthier. Being raised with ladies of the night she knew of course ways to smile at gentlemen, but it was one of her rare true smiles that men didn’t often get.

”And I am Lexi Nightshade, infamous assassin. And for now, a part of Caitlyn’s ‘crew’ as it were. I can learn to. It isn’t as if it is impossible for me to learn.” Lexi retorted her Captain not at all phased that her foot felt wet without any evidence of the water it had passed through. Caitlyn’s ability would be very handy to enhance.

@Crimson Raven
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Reflection
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Reflection Slightly Stressed but Flawless

Member Seen 8 days ago

Location - Alabasta - Docks/Golden Lion MKII
@King Cosmos-@KillBox

It was not long before all of the Red Lion Pirates had assembled on the deck of the Golden Lion MKII. The ship truly was as magnificent as its name implied. The various pipes that snaked along the underside and overside of the deck created an almost... Corrupt look. As if Technology had grown tentacles and taken over a ship, and it all collected towards a singular spot, the Captain's chamber. That chamber right now, was open. Acting as a makeshift thrown for Nikko to sit upon as he addressed his crew, and their new hire.
By his side stood Shigeuchi, and by Shigeuchi stood a small TVset, and by that a wooden doll in the shape of a human being. Carved delicately to be nearly identical in size and shape to a certain somebody on the TVset.

"Some of you have expressed curiosity in why you are all here, and why we stopped in Alabasta. It's simple. We have all gathered to kidnap the young prince of Alabasta. Vivian." Vivian was a particularly girly sounding name, but apparently it was the height of masculinity in Alabasta. Personal taste and all that. "Simply put, as soon as the prince is in our custody, we leave for Water Seven. It will take roughly two days to get their by air. Once there, we stay for five days. Within this seven day period, Alabasta will give into our demands to return the prince. We shall walk away from this, with higher bounties, greater wealth than you or I have seen in our personal coffers." It was easy enough to see the appeal in why people followed him. He could make things sound so simple. Perhaps he was just that great a Captain. An ill-fit for Luffy. He was far too naturally cunning.

"Now, I want you all to get started on prepping the ship for launch. Our guest will be here... In... 3... 2... 1..."
Shigeuchi's cue was given. In a moment, the crown prince Vivian would vanish from the tvset, replacing the wooden dummy in a sudden flash. The dummy appearing on the TVscreen, and a note written for the various royals to toil over.
"W-What's happening!?" The prince shouted, eyes wide. His spectacles being re-adjusted as he adjust to the sudden shock of being swapped with another object. "Who are you people? Where's my royal guard? And..." The prince seemed so distraught, and then he caught the sight of the pirate flag sailing in the wind above him. "ARE YOU PIRATES!? THAT'S AMAZING!"

Apparently the prince had heard some stories from his mother about how cool pirates could be.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Balthier D. Sydney

Alabasta Bar by the Docks

Balthier returned Caitlyn's smile. "It is a pleasure to meet both of you ladies. Such beauty to meet my eyes. I feel as if I've stumbled upon a rare desert bloom." His smiled turned sad. "I do appreciate the job offer, but I cannot join you. I have some personal business to take care of. Maybe when that is through..." He was quiet for a moment, before pulling imself out of the reverie. His expression changed to a thoughtful look. "You mentioned a crew. Are there more of you?" He suspected there wasn't, and in that case, these two trying to take on a pirate crew on their own would be suicide.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

By the Docks of Alabasta
”I did say ‘as it were’ when I referred to Caitlyn’s crew did I not? And I will hardly be caught off guard again. And Caitlyn is clever for her young appearance.” Lexi retorted but grinned wolfishly. ”I do have a 50 million berri reward after all.”

”If I were him and I had a crew mate that could pop people places, I don’t doubt they already have the young prince on board. I’m sorry you won’t be joining us. I could have used the help.” Water began to form around the girl’s arms as she waved them in the air. She would use her devil fruit abilities, even if she was just learning the most obvious of them. ”Lets get on that boat, carefully. You take out who you can. Leave most alive, please?”

“Well damn. I could have used the ego boost. I did not enjoy being played for a fool.” Lexi bemoans, but agreed that would be the best plan. She made her way across the street blending in with whatever cover she came across.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Balthier D. Sydney

Alabasta Bar by the Docks

So it was as he expected. They were doomed, and yet they were going anyway. Was it courage or foolhardiness?

That depends on whether they survive or not. Balthier thought.

"Hey, wait!" He called, but they were already gone. He growled. Those idiot kids were going to get themselves killed. 50 million? Ha. If they wanted to compare bounties, his own bounty was double that, and both Captain and the Shigeuchi fellow had greater bounties than him.

Though, that said, he didn't put too much stock in bounties. He was fairly sure he could take them both and win. Bounties only reflected how the World Government saw you, and he had been hiding his strength for some time. Still, Caitlyn and Lexi were clearly not like him.

He almost left them. He really did. This pirate era was not one for the naïve or weak. Pick a fight with the wrong person, and you die. That is how it was. Dog-eat-dog.

But he knew their names. He couldn't turn away.

"Fine." He turned to the barkeep. "Hey, bartender! I'll be back in a bit. Keep a stein out for me, eh?" He left the bar and ran in a slightly different, but essentially parallel, direction from where the two girls had gone.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Shigeuchi slumped down once the switch had been made, falling back into a chair that had been set up behind him for just that purpose. To be completely honest, swapping someone he could only see through a live video feed with an object in front of him was something he wasn’t sure if he could do and he wasn’t sure if he Devil Fruit ability had a maximum range to it or not either. His Kōkan-Kōkan No Mi seemed to work on anything that he could see, limited only by the range of his vision, and in his many years of having it he thought he had tested the limits of what it could do; he needed a clear image of what he could see for one thing, along with a sense of the distances involved, and moving objects were harder to target. He’d used a telescope or a pair of binoculars to extend his range before, but he thought that using a television would be pushing things a little; apparently not though, as the young prince stared starry-eyed around the deck at the various criminals, vagabonds and cutthroats surrounding him.

It took more out of him though, that was for sure. Or maybe it was just his age catching up to him.

“Looks like the Prince won’t be any trouble; I guess those stories of Luffy being friends with the Queen back in the day were true.” Shigeuchi turned to look at Nikko out of the corner of his eye, before raising his voice to be heard by the rest of the crew and the prince. “Prince Vivian, you’ll be our guest for the next few days; don’t cause any trouble and this will be a nice, peaceful trip for you to tell your mother about later.” He left it up to his imagination what would happen if he did cause them any trouble. “Crew, prepare the royal chambers for the Prince; we’ll leave as soon as he’s stowed away.” Several crew members began moving around, heading below deck to make sure the prince’s cell was ready for their new prisoner.

In a few moments the deck was abuzz with activity, crewmembers either leading the prince away or taking part in the preparations to leave; they couldn’t actually take off until Nikko closed the door to his chamber, but there was a lot to do before the Golden Lion MKII was ready. Those who weren’t moving were instead standing guard and as Shigeuchi looked around the ship he saw one of the men standing at the decks edge trying to get his attention.

He stood and walked over to him and as he reached the railing the guard pointed off the side of the ship towards the crowded docks. Or more specifically he pointed towards the two young and persistent women from the bar, Caitlyn’s white hair standing out like snow in a desert town; even if the girl’s hair wasn’t as distinctive as it was, the obvious use of her Devil Fruit power would have been enough to give her away; a wide patch of clear space grew around her as people moved away from her and her dangerous abilities. The other girl was nowhere to be seen, but no doubt she was skulking around somewhere.

“Tch, I’ll give them points for effort, but they really need to learn when to call it quits. Hey! New guy!” Shigeuchi turned and fixed his glare on Kuroda; the young man had followed them onto the ship, but as far as Shigeuchi was concerned he had yet to be accepted onto the crew. “Consider this your audition. Keep that girl busy until we’re ready to take off and I’ll make you a junior member of the crew.”

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Lexi moved from cover to scant cover, her training coming in use, drenching herself in salt water. Could Shigeuchi still teleport people if they had salt water on them? Well, she’d find out if she was seen no doubt. She had to make it so Caitlyn could come aboard, as the girl had been right. The Prince was on board.

”Oh, you would hurt me? How mean.” Caitlyn pouts putting a hand to her chest and looking earnestly crestfallen. Bright pink and magenta lights would have sparkled from the girl had this been an actual picture. Having been around both whores and actresses her whole life, of course she knew how to ‘ham it up’ as it were. “It’s so unfortunate that you decided to take something from my country, and threaten it.” It was then that she let that ‘daughter of Portgas D Ace’ persona come forth a bit, as she got into a fighting stance a ‘come at me’ hand gesture as her hair moved with the air, water droplets coming into form as it moved.

@King Cosmos
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 1 day ago

>>Golden Lion Mk. II<<

Tsk, if a sound could be made into an expression, would be what Jōichirō's face looked like. He was just there, on the decks of the ship, minding his own business, glancing out to the royal blue sea when the old man barked an order at him.

Here he thought they were going to kill the prince for notoriety, and maybe some fear from other pirates. But some spending money would be nice, he supposes.

Sighing, he replied to the old man, not minding the prince, "A junior crew? I expect to at least the second first mate, if you catch my drift, old man." He said, as he tied up his hair into a top knot-ponytail combo akin to that of a samurai. Drawing in a deep breath, Jōichirō's body shone for a brief moment as he phased out of existence. Only to reappear by Caitlyn.

"Well. Consider this your unlucky day. I was totally available for hire but you were too slow to the draw. And now, with out your bodyguard, you face some tough odds..." He said, drawing one of his two swords into an upwards slash in one smooth motion.

@ladyonyx04@King Cosmos@Reflection
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