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"I've tried to tell them what they're doing is wrong." Vex said with a grown and a furrow of her brow, Crash moved her hand over his head gently as he watched the Elder Vampire.
"The bastard doesn't want to listen to a half-blooded leech," Vex continued, the last words laced with venom. "They threatened that if I met they'd hunt me down if I tried to leave."

"They tortured me when she found me. They worried that having a beast to depend on would allow her to gain enough strength to leave." Crash spoke quietly, feeling Vex's rage before he lifted his head up to press his nose against her cheek.
At the touch of her companion Vex closed her eyes, her ears flicking as small runes on her cheeks seemed to glisten a soft blue.

"Not all humans are bad." Vex uttered quietly, her voice back to being calm, "There were notes of the first ever Hunters, Jay has read them but I don't know what they said, they were burnt when his grandfather found them."

Jay weakly tried to sit up, letting out a pained grunt and fell back on the bed.
"Hey." Jay grumbled weakly, "I had nothing to do with it! I've been essentially grounded for weeks."
Wyf moved to gently settle on Jay's chest to get him to stay down. "You need your rest." She said before she looked over to Rex quietly, "You have a lab yes? Do you have any alchemy ingredients?"[/i] She asked with a fluff of her wings.

Jay gently closed his eyes at Wyf's words, feeling the pain slowly settled in his body. He didn't hear Wyf's words to Rex about being a lamp.
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Zion's face darkens. "I see... Heinrick actually kept the notes." He looks off in the distance. "I trained some of them, you know. Father was getting worried about needing to protect them all the time and tasked me with their training. I had my lieutenant train them. Okran, if I remember correctly. And they did well. We did what we could to be able to defend themselves. Then... Then Tahrovin came along." His words were sour. "I told Okran that he wasn't a good fit. He was too... Ambitious. Exactly the sort that Father had warned against but the human refused to listen and he would hurt himself otherwise wo we trained him..." He motioned with a hand and shadows gathered around the ground and an image came into view. It was a memory of the Elder's.

"I do not think it wise." A young Zion scowled at the scrawny human. "There is a dark fire in his eyes, Okran."

The older vampire chuckled. "It's roughly the same look that a certain Vampire has when he sees his mate." The large man chuckled, shaking his head. He shifted his helmet from one arm to the other. "I'll keep an eye on him. He's young. He'll grow out of it. We'll turn him into a fine soldier."

Ten years later

Fires raged in the castle. Vampires and humans alike were running all about as the Guard did what they could to protect everyone. Zion held on to a small child, running from the East wing to the courtyard where a large humanoid man with glowing red eyes and a burning sword stood over the charred remains of General Okran.

"It took you long enough." Tahrovin growled, a grin on his face. "Remember when you told me I would never be strong?" He laughed darkly, eyes filled with madness.

"I never said you wouldn't." Zion pushed the child behind him. "Stay put, Kexal." The Vampire glared at the other man. "I aid that you would be corrupted. Your ambition was always too great. You seek to destroy. You woke up Kurogane. Did you honestly think you could fight a Dragon? You are a fool."

"And you're a monster." Tahrovin chuckled then grunted as a horn called. "It's been a nice chat but I've got to go, see you in Hell, Zion." He struck the ancient sword in the ground, fire bursting from it and taking off into the night. Zion covered the child behind him, his shadows absorbing the strike. Overhead a dragon cry sounded and black fire started to rain down from the sky.


Zion waved his hand and the memory vanished. "Heinrick collected all of the events and compiled everything. He was always an archivist and Tahrovin had swayed him to his side. The man was as cunning as he was ambitious. He'd made a deal with a demon, to gain enough strength to destroy our people, founding the Hunters. They have turned away from such practices after Dryder managed to kill him. Not much remains of the history of that time..." The Elder Vampire sighed. "I knew a lot of good humans. Men and Women who wanted to be able to fight for themselves. I even regularly employed humans as my assistants. I've done what I could to keep relations positive. It's is difficult, considering the pull the Hunters hold on Humanity. Preying on the fear of differences they have."

Rex nods. "I know... I wouldn't blame you, Jay. Get some rest. I'll see what I can do." He thinks for a moment. "I do not use Alchemy as much. Jivarn does. I focus on runecraft. More powerful effects, just takes time to master the Aetts. I'm about journeyman level. What effect would you need? I can probably set up some regeneration charms, they help recover energy. Aren't too taxing, especially since I had to use a blood rune to cancel that pendant."

He reached into one of the pockets of his coat and pulled out a bag. Rex pulled out three runes, naming them softly as he placed them on the ground. His facial tattoos glowed silver as he pulled upon the Wyrd. "Berkanan, Thurisaz, Laguz. Like a stream fills the river that flows into the lake, come forth oh Fount of power. I beseech the Well that feeds the roots of the Tree. Heimta knáligr." The runes shimmered and erupted into a fine blue mist, that drifted over to Jay and proceeded to cover him like a second skin. Rex let out a deep breath. "This will help. Rune magic isn't great for fast combat but it more than makes up for it's weakness with how versatile it is. Do you need anything to eat? The charm usually increases one's metabolism."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Crash gave a small scowl at the memory, Vex doing the same.
"I'm sorry that that all happened." She said Solemnly, her mind drifting to the child, but she didn't start to question it, not just yet.

She stayed quiet before she sighed, "I'm sorry that the Hunters have tainted the main view on Humans for Vampires." She started, "Not all of them are horrible, I promise."
"The newer group that I met were kinder than the rumours." Crash said with a small murmur.
Vex nodded, "They are, Jay is just one of the good ones, there are a few younger guys that started at the same time I did that are good. I wish I could get the away from the Hunters; away from that Bastard of the leader."

As Jay drifted back to sleep Wyf fluttered around Rex as he did the rune magic.
"ooh!" She trilled before she moved to gently perch against his shoulder, "Some Sun-dew if you have any." She started, "I've noticed that Jay's powers react to Sun-Dew in a positive way, Although Sun-dew isn't the easiest to obtain..." She murmured before she fluttered towards Jay's bag, moving to dart inside it and move around quietly.

Jay woke from the mist as it settled over him, he lifted his head and looked around before he heard the word 'eat'. His stomach replied with a loud snarl, "Ooh, I'd love some food." He said sleepily, "Maybe something like... fruit. Something sweet. I could... do with sugar." He said before he dropped back to sleep.

Wyf poked her snout of the bag and pulled out Jay's notebook. She carried it out of the bag and placed it in front of Rex.
"There's notes about Stuff that helps his powers. He's pretty protective of the book itself so please take care of it."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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"I tend to give them the benefit of the doubt if I can. However I am not one to be crossed." Zion's eyes darken. "There was never a need for this war. It was just one man's ambition impacting thousands of lives." He started to walk towards the grounds. "Rest for today. Tomorrow we will begin your training alongside preparing for whatever needs to be done. I have already sent word of your addition to the House."

Rex nods. "Alright. I'll keep it safe." He heads to the kitchens to see if he can get anything occasionally looking at the notebook to see what kinds of things help or hinder Jay's powers. He figured that Jay's grandfather also had a list of this and made note to keep any iron away from the Fae.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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Vex nodded at his words before she moved to stand off, Crash allowing her up before moving to settle down in the hay around him.
The younger Faepire stood properly, her legs slightly shaky from the pressure of Crash's weight on her body; She looked over to the older Vampire... Her new tutor.
"Right." She said with a nod before she gave a small smile. "I'm excited for the training, But I hope I can help with the preparation."

Wyf gave a small shudder over her body before she moved to sit on top of her owner. She gave a yawn before she clicked her maw before she looked over towards Jay, watching him quietly sleep.

The Notebook was written in rather neat writing, some small scribbles on the edges of the pages with small notes about whatever was found out about the notes and experiments.

Gold tingles, Iron slightly stings. Poison Ivy has adverse effects. One of the lines read, V says something to do about Fae Breeds.
After a few lines the page seemed to have a few drops of blood followed by a few chemical compound scribbles.

A few pages in the writing seems to change, something that was still neat, but not the original writing.
Forest Fae- Presumably. Star Dew and Sun Dew help with any physical problems. Moon Jewel helps with power control. The new writing said, Jayce is a standard Forest Fae. Myself on the other hand, We're unsure. -V
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Zion chuckles. "Training is usually not something people look forward to." He looks up as a crow lands on his shoulder, a note attached to his leg. He takes it and the corvid flies off. He smiles as he recognizes his house seal and he opens it up to read.

To the foolhardy Ranger I trained and fell in love with:

Everything is holding steady for now. I fought off my own assassination attempt just a day prior. I've had a bit of a power struggle in my ranks but I haven't been Commander General for this long without keeping them under control. I know you and the young King will need Time, I can give it. Along with a few spare Rangers. I've included a few reports on the things Jivarn requested, it took up another bird, so work with him on that.

I can't wait to meet this new member of the House. Keep yourselves alive.


PS: If you aren't back by our anniversary I will be quite upset, I was looking forward to the time off. And you work too much. So much upset I would have to take you in the Arena. I'm sure the Kin would love to see me beat you again.

Zion snorted as he finished the letter. "Sometimes I wonder why I ended up with such an oaf." He hands Vex a pendant that was attached to the letter. It's the symbol of the House of Valorian, an eagle etched into an anvil. "All I have left to tie you officially to the House is to submit the paperwork with the Council but that can wait. I will warn you, Dryder is a rather... rough sort. Ruggedly handsome and a total meathead at times."

Rex looked over the notes as he made his way into the labs. Looking around he locates the ingredients and starts getting to work. Most of them can be used in a poultice but Rex decided that he would make it as a tea. They had sweet scents and the Fae loved their sweet things.

Coming back to the room with a plate of light snacks and the honey infused tea, Rex nodded to Wyf. "This should help. I'm not much of an alchemist, but Jivarn's busy and Zion only knows enough herbalism to keep himself from being poisoned. Father was the one who dabbled." He took a seat and pulled out one of the books he'd grabbed from his room to read.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Vex took the pendant slowly, listening to his words.
She gave a nod and a small smile, "Got it." She gave a small smirk, "I like training, learning and honing skills is always fun."
She gave a bigger smile, moving to pull the pendant away from her neck to get a better look.

"It's nice to finally be accepted into a family." She uttered under her breath, grasping the Pendant in her hand as she closed her eyes with a small sigh.
"Right." She started after a moment, "Where do I get to stay?"

Crash lifted his head as he felt footsteps nearing him, he looked at the hooded figure watching him.
"You." Crash rumbled as he moved to stand up slowly, "You have the nerve showing up."
The figure gave a gentle smile, moving to sit down in front of Crash.

"Nerve of being in a Vampire city after all that happened? Or Nerve of being anywhere near Vex?"
Crash growled and swayed his tail. "Both." He snarled.
The figure only laughed, her laugh quiet but powerful. "You're correct I guess, but I know she's safe."[/i]

Wyf gave a happy trill as Rex returned. "I'm sure anything will help!" She said before she took to the air again as Jay seemed to wake up.
Jay immediately sat up at the smell of something sweet, he let out a small mumble before he moved to grab some of the tea.

"Mmm, you made me tea~" Jay said in a tone that harmonized both sleepy and happy, "Thank you so much." He said as he sipped at the tea. He looked over towards Rex as he noticed the books.
"What are those books about?" He asked, not noticing Wyf moving to grab his notebook and put it into his bag. "Anything on the Lich at all?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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Zion shrugs. "Pick an empty room. There are several suites available. Any room without some sort of seal is taken up. I believe Jay is in Rex's wing. Jivarn occupies the Main wing, and I have a suite on the floor below the young king. It's a pretty large manor. Used to be a veritable hub back in the day before Rex was born." He chuckled. "It was lively, in better repair though a lot of it is Jivarn avoiding his own grief. He and Rex's father were... close. Though in hindsight, Jivarn's feeling were never exactly returned."

He looks at the bac, with the maintenance sloppy and unkempt. "A dark cloud developed the town when he was killed. There was no warning, just death. The Loss of their King and the prince missing." He sighed. "The capitol thrives and there hasn't been a major attack until my own. The political state has further crumbled so I should probably prepare you for politicking." He shrugged and froze, sensing a presence. "Who go there." He turns toward the stables, hand resting on the hilt of his blade.

Rex shook his head. "Light reading. I've already exhausted what I have on Liches and their ilk. I've been studying some magical theory. My own combination is rather unique and should have killed me. I still have no idea what other blood runs in my veins. Father's notes are written in Eldritch so I cannot understand them. I know that normally, Liches would be able to outright wipe the floor with a Vampire but I am immune to Control magic. It's like how my charm would either wash right off you or be reflected back at me. I am an unacceptable target."

"Another thing is the fact that Rune magic requires a neutral soul. Vampires have Dark aligned souls. I cannot use Light magic so I do not know how I can use the Wyrd in any capacity." He shrugged. He'd been searching for answers for a long time and pushed it off to the side since it wasn't that important at the moment. "Once you are rested up we will make our plans. The sooner we move the better."
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Vex listened to Zion's words, nodding slowly at the mention of just picking an unmarked room.
Her ears perked up slightly at the speak of politics, "You don't have to worry about that, I've had my fair share of politic-talking back with the Hunters." She started, slowly muttering under her breathe, "Not that they listen."
Her attention was perked as Zion seemed to notice someone else nearby, she felt her mind reel into defense.

Crash moved to stand up, moving in the way of the figure so they couldn't get away when he heard Zion's voice.
"If you wanted contact with her," He started with a snarl, "Then here we go."
The figure didn't seem to be afraid, she stood slowly as she glanced towards the entrance.

Jay listened as he drunk the tea, he let out a low, small mumble as he nodded slowly.
"There's not a lot listed on them at the Inn either." He said, slowly perking up as he moved to stand properly. He sniffed his tea before he tilted his head. "What's in the tea?" He asked before he sipped again.

"I'm sorry you don't know your blood heritage." Jay said into the mug, his eyes on Rex as he listened, "Rune magic sounds hard to do. I've heard Spell Casting and Elemental Magic is hard too. And Fae magic is suppose to be hard too." He rambled before he sighed slightly. "Not that magic is really looked at in the Hunters."
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Zion scowled. "Who are you? No one would be foolish enough to idly trespass on a Vampire Lord's domain." He appraises the woman, a bit of his aura seeping out. "State your purpose."

Rex nodded. "The Seidkonna keep their secrets close to their chest as regards to the tea, Star Dew, Frostleaf and Boiled Nocturne. Surprisingly the normally poisonous root is reinvigorating when boiled with Kingberry."

Rex pulled out his pouch of runes. "They are quite useful. Back in the past there were some who could evoke the Wyrd with more words. The Norns apparently stopped allowing that though. The Hunters were supposedly the reason." He shook his head. "We have a lot of work to do, so rest up so that we can go kick that that Lich's ass."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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The woman felt the Aura around Zion, her emotions hadn't changed and she didn't seem afraid.
"My apologies." The woman spoke, her emerald eyes shining from under her hood; her eyes weren't human, nor were they vampire. "I do not mean to trespass."
"She is here to see Vex." Crash snarled before he fanned his wings out flapped them to cause her hood to fall down.

Her skin was light Mocha, her hair was scruffy and a soft pink. Her scent and aura gave off the feeling of something else, Fae.
Vex had slowly followed Zion back, she didn't really want to head to the house without him, before she froze up at the sight of the new woman.

Jay listened to Rex more, his voice was calming and he enjoyed the sound of it.
"I'm sorry that Hunters are so shit." He uttered sleepily as he finished the tea, putting the cup down as he almost fell back.
Jay mumbled a confirmation about kicking the Lich's ass before slowly drifting off again.

Wyf poked her head out of Jay's bag and moved to fly back over to Rex again, with Jay's journal in her maw.
"I found a page about Jays powers!" She started with a small whistle, "I also found some bones for Skaggi!" She said with a small fluff of her fur.
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"Well, you can see her. Only if she permits." Zion's eyes narrowed. "Though you seem to make her nervous. If I said I was surprised you got through the wards that would be a lie. High Fae tend to be slippery at best." He shook his head, crossing his arms.

Rex smiles at Jay. "Well you are a fresh breath of air compared to the others. Now rest. You need it." He returned to his book, looking over some ancient warding runes when Wyf came out. He looked it over reading the contents and nodding. "This is very interesting. Thank you."

Skygge poked his head out chirping. He flitted over, sending g inquisitorial messages. He was interested in these bones, having a small hoard of bones he hoarded in his nest.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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The woman could sense Zion's hostility, she didn't move, she didn't change her gentle expression.
"I'm sorry if I frighten you Vexxanne, My dear-" She started before Vex seemed to stiffen more.
"How... How do you know my full name?" She asked, visibly shaken. The figure closed her eyes and breathed in slowly.

"I didn't want it to be in this way, my darling." The woman started before she bowed softly- She turned towards Zion for a moment. "My name is Myridif. Please call me Myr."
Vex's eyes widened at the name, somewhere deep in her conscious realized she knew the name.
"The Forest Seer..." She uttered under her breath quietly.

Wyf gave a small trill to Rex before she moved back to the bag to start pulling out small bones.
"They're pretty strong!" She said happily, moving to pull out a few more in her maw.
She gave a small whistle at Skygge's curiosity, she enjoyed the presence of another beast-companion.

While Jay rested, small flickers of light seemed to move under his skin. They pulsed between soft blue and green, moving in strange ways and seeming to disappear and reappear in different spots.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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Zion's gaze darkened further. "Forgive me for being so... Crude. But the forests here belong to the the Pack." He placed a hand on Vex's shoulder, squeezing softly and pulling her to his side just behind him. "You have yet to state your purpose. Why have you come here." He doubted it to start a fight. He had heard stories of the forest deer yet he'd not paid it heed as he had his own connection to the forest through Luna and her gifts."

Skygge pecked at them, finding one and grabbing it in a talon. He seemed to stare deeply at it for a moment and the lights around them flickered suddenly. A soft gust of air flowed around the bone before shadows creeped along it's surface to mark it with a single rune. The skull bird chirped happily, bringing it over to Rex before checking the other bones. In place of fingers, the creature would stare at something and the shadows around it would shift the bone around. It separated the smallest ones out, showing Wyf a picture of runestones.

Rex looked up at Jay, observing the flickers. He held a fi ger out and darkness coalesced on it as he drew a tune in the air, Ansuz, to observe Jay's magical aura as well as his physical one. "Interesting...."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Myr smiled gently. "Do not worry, I side with neither side."
"Liar." Crash snarled with his hackles up, "You mated with a Vampire, caused Vex to be abandoned and then ran back to the Pack when they threatened you."
Myr's smile wavered for a moment, staring daggers towards the beast as green runes etched up her arm.

Vex watched before she instinctively moved to stand in front of Crash. She stayed completely silent, not looking at the Seer.
Myr turned her attention back to Zion; the runes still glowing but her smile was back.
"I mentioned my purpose." She stated calmly, "I wish to see my daughter." She said firmly.

Wyf let out a gentle whistle, fluffing her wings before she moved over to gently drape herself over Rex's shoulders. She watched over what he did with a tilt of her head.
"Trying to figure out the magic?" She asked, looking to him as she started to purr.

Jay's aura seemed to dance more when the shadows moved.
It seemed to spin and flicker before seeming to slowly settle down to blinking in and out again.
The Aura seemed like Fae Aura; almost similar to a Dusk Fae but with hints of Dawn Fae.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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Zion grimaced at the woman. His eyes cold and disdainful as she called upon her magic. But Vex was part of his House now and he was not one to be trifled with. His own magic gathered about him, the lights in the area growing dim as a vast wave of grey covered the walls.

"Well, it seems that you have decent motivation." His voice echoed around them, a property of his own magic. Above the moon brightened, a small tinge of red in its light. "However I have taken Vex into my House. Family never abandons their own. You ceased being her mother the minute you abandoned her. It's been a while since I've fought off a Fae but I doubt you can contest my claim since your own is as baren as the Glass Desert." His eyes narrowed as he glared down at her. He was proud of his heritage, of his power. Vex was a member of his house and he would protect her. "Vex is part of House Valorian. If she does not wish to see you, she won't."

Rex nodded. "I can observe many phenomena with this rune. It's a bit hard on the eyes after a while but I can see the subtle changes in things. He has a very strange mix of magics. It's very unusual and illogical." He shut off the rune, the magic fading as he grabbed his journal and took a few notes on it. "Worth studying at a later time."

He rolled his neck, careful of Wyf and petted Skuggi's neck. He drew some restorative tea for himself, before he noticed the shadows in the room drifting. Calling Ansuz back he blinked. "Skuggi, watch Jay. We've got a rogue Fae here... That's some pretty intense Green magic." He pulled on his cloak, heading down. "You can stay with Jay if you like, Wyf. Not sure what magics would affect you. I don't expect much of a fight since Zion's more of an intimidator compared to Dryder but I can't sense intent like he does." He stepped out into the courtyard.

"Can we take any altercations out in the Field. Because we've got a few delicate experiments here." Rex stared up at everyone cursing them mentally for being so damn tall. "I just planted the Lilies."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Wyf hesitated between staying with Skuggi or going with Rex.
Her ears flexed slightly before she sent a mental message to Skuggi to stay with Jay; flexing her muscles as she hunkered down on the Vampire's shoulder.

Myr turned back to Zion with narrowed eyes, the air around her flickered and twisted- starting to spiral around her.
"You are daring to take my child away from me?" Her voice boomed back, her power wavering and growing stronger, "You leeches may have your horrible traditions; but Fae blood cannot just be dragged away from others of her blood."

Myr moved her hand behind her, the runes suddenly turning a blood red. She spoke no words, but the look in her eyes showed a great anger.
Vex moved to charge towards her mother as she insulted Zion, before something seemed to take over her body, her eyes immediately moved to the runes on Myr's arm, unable to move or speak, she collapsed under a large weight over her body.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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Zion's eyes swirled with darkness at Myr. "Mind your words, Forlate mor. lest you find it minded for you. She's an adult who can make her own decisions and obviously is disturbed by your-" As the fae used her rune Zion turned to Vex and caught her. His eyes light up in red fire as his anger tipped over the boiling point.

Rex swiftly moved over to Vex, a rune in hand as he tackled the enchantment, determined to see it broken. "What parent attacks their own kin. In Vampire culture you'd be stripped of any familial ties for this!" He growled powly, the small vampire shaking as he did his best to Free Vex, the air around him spontaneously spawning floating runes, his entire body glowing as the runic tattoos on his face shimmered.

Zion charged Myr, his shadow separating from him and taking form as he drew close. "Break that spell. Now. Or I'll break you instead."
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Myr watched both Rex and Zion turn against her; her runes slowly stopping their glow. She hesitated for a moment, cutting off the spell as she narrowly missed Zion charging at her.
Drat. She thought to herself, her runes slowly twisting to a sharp purple before she readied herself, I will have you back off for now...

Vex suddenly coughed when the runes floated around her, she was able to breath now- gasping as her body shook.
"I'm... Okay." She breathed quickly.
Wyf gave a quiver as she watched Myr and Zion; moving to leap from Rex's shoulder with a shake of her fur.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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Zion scowled at Myr. Anger blazing in his eyes before stomping over to Vex. "We'll get you some rest. We already have a lot to do. Do you require more blood?"

Rex studied Myr, the runes had stopped spawning around him and only floated lazily about. She could sense the deep power of the Seidmann coming from him,for the Forest had once clashed with their kin before. He however held no hostility, only disapproval in his eyes. "Who are you and why have you come here. This and belongs to the Kin, given freely from the Fae centuries ago."
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