Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cupcake


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Open to anyone... No more than 10 RPers at any time though.

New York, June 28th, 2182. 
The murder of Franchesca Hall, duchess to the Hall Royal Family. The coroner reported that the cut on her neck, from ear to ear, was the strike that killed her. The murderer(s) wanted her to suffer, by burning her with cigarettes and pouring hot water over her. She was bound and gagged in her home. Her husband, the Duke of the Hall Royal Family, was at a dinner party with some of New York's officials along with the Emergency Response Teams. Duke is the prime suspect in this murder, believed to have hired someone while he was out with all the ERT's, 
Duke was arrested with no evidence other than motive, knowing that if she was to die, all her riches go to him where he married into wealth. 

The police commissioner did not rule out the possibility of gang-relations. She was burned with cigarettes, a trademark of the Yellow Lions, she had her throat sliced, Trademark of White Lillies, and the hot water was used before, in another murder investigation that went cold. The death of Marilyn Grace, and disappearance of her eight year old son.

Safe Haven is what the police refer to as one of a many few runaway hideout. Safe Haven has never been found by any law enforcement. It's a place for adolescents to go, to feel 'safe'. Although they are the 'bad eggs' of society, they feel as if they need someone to know what they have lived through. In Safe Haven, everyone has your back, no matter what. These kids have nothing else to lose, other than friendships, and they know enough not to ruin those. 

It has been a month since the Hall Murder, and the mayor of New York passed a law. All unaccompanied children, from newborn to seventeen years old will be taken in and put in homes for the unwanted if they are unclaimed within 24 hours. This will give police access to them 24/7. This will give them DNA, fingerprints, and whatever stories they need to crack the case of Franchesca Hall.

Anyone from the ranged ages will have to wear a wristband, encoded with their personal information, such as their birth names, alias's, birthdays, age, etc. These runaway kids don't have those, and need to be much more careful on the streets when they go out at night.
Safe Haven is one of the few places unscathed by this new child law. It is hidden in plain sight. 
Types of Gangs
The White Lillies are a group of girl's, also unscathed by the new child law. Their hide-out, known as The Pond, is also hidden, but known about by all of those in safe haven.
The Purple Dragons are a group of martial artist's, somewhat affected by the law. Their hideout, that was unnamed, was overtaken by police, and the majority of them were hauled away. Only a few survived.
The Red Foxes were a group of skilled teens, only male. They knew how to break in and out of a house undetected, and knew how to survive on basic instincts. Their Den was also affected by the law, and as a result many of them were hauled away.
The Yellow Lions were violent, and very aggressive. They had to be on top of everything, but their leader was protective of his own. He hid the girls when he got wind of the police raid. He was hauled off, the pride began to fall apart. Now they are a group of young lioness cubs, shattered and broken without the leadership of their Dominant Lion. Safe Haven offered them a home if they ever were to need it.
The Fallen Angels are the inhabitants of Safe Haven. Although all have attitude, have no homes, and are alone in the world, they will care about those in need.

1. Rules~
2. No GodModding, controlling of characters, or any Mary-Sueness.
3. If anyone joins and decides they decide they don't want to be a part of the RP anymore, just let me know. It will not hurt my feelings a bit, I promise you. I just don't feel like waiting for x amount of time until we learn you aren't coming back and one character is stuck in a conversation with someone who left. You can PM me or post it here, doesn't matter.
4. This may be in the Casual Section, but I will expect about 3 lines. Absolutely NO one-liners. In some cases where a character cannot do much, I will accept 2 lines. Again, I repeat. NO ONE LINERS. I cannot stand a one liner.
5. In the Character Sheet I provide, I will ask "Favorite Color". Leave it blank so I know you read the rules.
6. I do not want "non-emotion" gang members. I don't want a lot of attention going on just one character. For example, I don't want a shy gang member just sitting to themselves all day talking to no one. I also do not want any "attention seeking" characters such as self-harming. There is a personal reason for this and if anyone has questions about it can PM me as I am not posting my reasoning for the whole world to see.
7. This is REALISTIC. Not every character in the world has/had dead parents/abusive parents.
8. After posting your character sheet, please post "I read the rules and accept them” at the bottom of your CS. I know it's like Terms and Conditions but it assures me that no one has just 'skimmed' through the rules.
9. You can have two characters maximum. You're allowed to have brothers or sisters or best friends together. Even twins if you like, but don't everyone go and make twins.
10. These are rebellious kids. There will be sex, there will be smoking cigarettes, there will be drugs, and there will be fights and swearing. Remember this because anything goes EXCEPT for any use of using God's name in vain. I am a Christian and I understand that some others have their religion and I respect it but this is my RP.
11. If anyone has any ideas for rules, or if there is something you don't want to be in the role play, PM me and we can discuss it, such as my reasoning for no 'self-harming' due to personal reasons.

I'm not strict, I like for everyone to have a fair character and not one character be pitied by others. Have fun.

If you want a background on how the economy crashed in 2180, read my CS.
You can also create your own CS or use the one I used. 

You know him as ~
Derek Grace

But once he went by ~
Derek Dale Kinsley

He left home because ~
His jealousy made him pay the price.

Age ~

Nicknames? ~
Derek or DD

Associated with this gang~
Fallen Angels

Personality ~
Derek was always the rebel of the group. His attitude is based on comments or criticism. Arguments is what fuels his fire. His attitude consists of him being a total jackass, unless he is calmed down. Life caught up with him and his anger is what makes him the rebel of the Fallen Angels. He's always so angry but he never explained to his group why. Only he can understand the pain he was in. Derek would never hit a girl. He grew too used to seeing it daily in his household. He will knock someone on their ass before seeing a girl get hit by a man.

Most babies are born by accident. This baby however was planned for and fully concieved by a timed schedule. Derek was born into a wealthy family. His father Lucius was the owner of the largest bank system in all of the world. Not many people associated with the Grace's adjusted to the idea of a child, but everything was going according to plan with Derek's father, Lucius. His mother Junpier planned alongside Lucius for an heir. She married him mostly for his money, but Luicius married Juniper for her looks, wanting the perfect male child.

Derek doesn't remember much of his earlier life. It always seemed blacked out, as if he never lived them. It always felt as if he started his life around 9 years old, where he began to remember things.

At the age of 5, Derek was already enrolled in the most advanced Prep school in the Country. He spent his years being educated in everything that the teachers could shove down his throat. Derek was put into Marketing by the age of 12, and was already fully taught Mathematics, and English.

Lucius had planned an heir to his 'throne'. A child, male only, to recieve the family buisness. Juniper also had the same thoughts, but always wanted a daughter. At the age of 15, Derek had realized that his mother had been pregnant many times before him. He was known as "The Lucky Child". His mother had first concieved a child at the age of 14. Her first pregnancy was a boy. It was no doubt he was a stillborn though, and was ejected from her body.
At the age of 16, she had given birth to a girl, who was taken away because Lucius couldn't stand the thought of another broad in the house.
At the age of 17, Juniper had given birth to another girl. Juniper had finally convinced Lucius to let her keep a daughter. When the daughter turned 5, she had died of Pneumonia. At the age of 24, Juniper had finally given birth to a set of twin's. One female, and one male. The female had died from lack of nutrients in the womb before she was born, but the male had survived.

Derek finally knew that he was a lucky child to have been born into the family. He finally knew that his life wouldn't be the same. Over the past year, a month before his 14th birthday, he had went through changes. He began rebelling against his parent's and their wishes. Lucius had been throwing many oppritunities to him, but Derek had rejected the offer on handling his father's business. He refused and trashed many parts of his room.

One dead day, he finally broke out of his rebelious stage long enough to talk to his parents. He explained that the life they planned for him was not what he wanted, but what they wanted. After that day, Derek caused everything to be thrown off course. Everything had been ruined by his decisions. Lucius blamed him for the economic crisis they were suffering. The loans the banks had once given out were being denied because the family buisness was now in Derek's name and he wasn't doing anything about the economic crisis. Lucius warned Derek about his actions, and knew it would be the beginning of an economic apocalypse. He didn't listen to his fathers advice and plummeted the stock market of the company.

The review board agreed with Lucius that Derek was to be overthrown, and Lucius was to gain control over all branches. Lucius and Juniper then both agreed to try for another male heir to take over the family buisness. After two months of trying, in Junipers age, they were fortunate enough to get pregnant again. When Derek was 15, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy, who was already more perfect in so many ways.

Derek despised them both. The two people who controlled his life and the two who shoved everything at him, as if he were their slave. He wouldn't stay in the house that despised him, and continued to stay angry. Lucius vowed never to speak to his son again, because as far as he was concerned he had no son. Juniper could not leave her son out to fend for himself. She told him he was always welcome to stay home whenever he needed it.

Stained by the anger rising in his heart, he ran. He gave up on everything..
And finally, he was free of them. He was free of anything for himself.
He was always angry with himself. And never told a soul why he was the way he was. He never told a soul, about his true past.

That was over a year ago, and in two years time, Lucius still could not fix the damage done by Derek. And Derek was running amok in the city, not afraid of anything

Character Skeleton
You know him/her as ~

But once he/she went by ~

He/She left home because ~

How old is he/she ~

He/she used to have the nickname(s) ~ (leave blank if none)

Favorite Color~

Associated with this gang~


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cupcake


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Bump <3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cupcake


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Bumpy<3 I still want to do this roleplay (:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cupcake


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Bump o:
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