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Adam nodded at Kijani's words. "Obsession can certainly lead to the dark side. So can uncontrollable passion. That can lead to lust, rage and worse. But love can save you, not condemn you. That's what I have always felt, anyway. Obi-wan and I don't always agree."

"As for training you, that's not really up to me. You really should be asking sleeping beauty when he wakes up." Adam said, gesturing to the still sleeping Obi-wan. "Still, not everyone can do it. Even if you can, you are basically painting a target on your back. If I had a choice, I'm not sure if I would want to be a Jedi." he said in earnest. Adam has felt for most of his life that the only reason that he is on the path he is on is because of his father. There was still so much about him he just didn't know. Adam and Obi-wan didn't fight often, but it was usually about his father. The old man simply refused to talk about Anakin Skywalker, other than that he died in the Clone Wars. Adam knew even less about his mother.

The young Padawan took a deep breath and pushed the thoughts from his mind. "Speaking of sleep, you should try and get some." We have a few hours until Mos Eisley, and you've had a rough day."
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Kijani listened, shaking her head with a half smile. "There already is a target on my back, Adam. I might as well make sure I can defend it." There was the barest hint of fire in her gaze. "I'm sure that there are still paths open to you, even being who you are. My mother always said that even the stars do not last forever. She's big on choosing your own path and telling destiny to shove it." She grinned wide. "So who's to say you have to be a Jedi for your entire life?"

She was surprised when he told her to rest. Truthfully she was exhausted, but also paranoid. What if something happened while Adam was driving? Still, she could see the wisdom in it. "I suppose I should try to sleep. Just.. wake me if you get tired, and we can talk some more."

Her eyes slipped closed, and she was snoring in mere minutes.
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Once Kijani drifted to sleep, Adam tried to focus on the nearly endless stretch of desert ahead of him. He was the only one still awake in the landspeeder, for even Threepio and Artoo had gone into low power mode. He glanced over at Kijani once or twice, noticing how at peace she seemed. Poor girl must be having the worst day of her life. he thought to himself.

Tatooine was beautiful, in it's own way. Adam had lived here his entire life, and the idea of finally putting it behind him was terrifying. Whatever happened tomorrow would change his life forever, and maybe not necessarily in a good way. Adam didn't have much of a life here, but at least it was relatively safe and predictable. Now, he could be dead by the end of the week, and for what?

Adam caught a glimpse of Kijani stirring in her seat again, and his thoughts immediately went back to her. The holonet made her seem so... perfect. Like she was a masterpiece that had a big "Look, but don't touch" sign over it. She almost didn't even seem like a real person.

Now that she was sitting next to him, sleeping in his landspeeder, Adam realized that beneath all the glam, all the fashion and royal bearing, Kijani was a girl like any other. Sweet, kind, brave, she definitely seemed more real than any holonet interview or paparazzi pictures made her seem to be. Adam preferred the pretty "girl next door" version of her as opposed to the hyper-realized celebrity.

The young Padawan pushed the thoughts from his mind. She was still a princess, after all. Kijani probably had rich, handsome suitors from all over the galaxy lining up at her door. She's only here with you because she needs help. he reminded himself, and focused more on his driving.

As the hours ticked by and the twin suns finally began to rise, Adam spotted the outskirts of Mos Eisley. Pulling the Landspeeder over, he nudged his master and the princess awake. "We're here, guys." he said, and realized that the only person who hadn't gotten any sleep was himself. That, and his arm still hurt like hell.
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Kijani stirred slightly as Adam spoke, and politely stifled a yawn. “We’re here? That’s wonderful. Thank you for getting us all here safely.” She smiled, but she was clearly tense. Even here, the Empire could be readily present. She would be throwing her new allies into danger and she knew it.

“Let’s try and keep a low profile, shall we? Hire a pilot with a good ship that will hopefully keep their mouth shut, and get off of Tattooine.” Unlike Adam, she was eager to leave. Her people needed her; the rebellion needed her, and no matter how much she wanted to turn away from that danger, she did not have a choice. Her parents were going to be worried sick.

“Alright.” She pulled the hood tight over her head, checking herself briefly in the reflection of the speeder’s glass. “...it will have to do. Maybe as long as no one sees my face directly.”
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Adam reached for his pack from the back seat and got out his bacta and quickly applied it to his arm. "Right. I think there is a cantina nearby that pilots like to frequent. How many credits do we have?"

Obi-wan handed the princess a bag of credit chits. "Nearly three thousand credits." the Jedi Master said. "We've been holding onto this for years, so try to use it wisely. I'll stay here and watch the droids and the speeder." Adam got out of the speeder, still fumbling with his bandage. "Try to keep out of trouble, master." he said.

Obi-wan smiled. "That goes double for you, young Padawan." Adam shrugged and gestured to the princess. "Right this way."

After a few moments, the pair entered a cantina with a flashing neon signed labeled Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina. Even though it was early morning, the Bith band was already playing a jaunty tune and several beings were lined up at the bar.

"Lets start with a drink first. We don't want to stand out." whispered Adam to the Kijani. The young man then made room at the bar for the two of them and asked for whatever is on tap.
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Kijani tried not to stare as she looked around the cantina. There were being of every shape and size, all packed into this relatively small area. It was actually a little disconcerting. She followed Adam to the bar, and after an exchange of their precious credits, they were handed a pair of beers. At least Kijani hoped it was beer. It had a very interesting, yeasty smell, and it was deeply blue with a head of like-colored foam.

"Well. Bottoms up." She tipped the cup back and took a long sip. The beer tasted as interesting as it looked, and that was saying something. She kept her face very impassive, as if she drank this all the time instead of the fanciest wines. "Well, that is thirst quenching." Part of being a proper diplomat was lying with a straight face.

"So, how does one find a pilot around here?" She whispered into Adam's ear as they left the bar.

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"Good question." said Adam while scanning the room. He saw many of the thugs, cheap bounty hunters and drunks one would expect to find at a dive bar like this one. Only a few stared back, but mostly the patrons kept to themselves. None of them stared back with hostility, at least not openly, which was a start. Adam had just decided to try talking to a particularly tough looking Devaronian when someone tapped him hard on the shoulder.

"Did you say something to my friend, kid?" said a gruff, human voice. The ugly, middle-aged man speaking was only about as tall as Adam, but behind him was a large, grey skinned Aqualish thug. Adam didn't respond right away, so the human tapped him again.

"My friend says you insulted him." the human said. "Buy us some drinks and we might forget you said anything." he said, puffing up his chest and standing to his full height.

"But I didn't say anything." Adam responded honestly. He knew this might make them mad, but he really didn't want to get pushed around by a pair of idiots. Especially not in front of Kijani.

"Pay up, or else I'll smash your face while your girlfriend watches." the human said again in a whisper that didn't hide his anger. Adam almost reached for his half-full glass, ready to break it over the man's head when a roar sounded from behind the two bullies.

The creature was over two meters tall, and completely covered in hair. The only article of clothing he wore was a bandoleer that was strapped across his body. When he roared, the two thugs visibly flinched, as well as Adam.

"Come on, Ponda. Let's get out of here." said the human before leaving the pair of them left the cantina. Relieved, Adam put down the glass as a new voice sounded.

"Evazan and Ponda aren't exactly the brightest bulbs around here, so try not to take their threats too seriously." said another human male, this time much younger. Where the last human was as ugly as a bantha, this guy was handsome and knew it. His accent was definetly not local, and he wore exactly what Adam thought a dashing smuggler would wear.

"Thanks." Adam said. Before the man and the large hairy giant walked away, Adam spoke up again. "You wouldn't happen to know of anyone pilots, would you? We need a lift."

When the other human turned around, he had a perfect winning smile on. "Well, what a coincidence. My schedule just opened up. So, what can I do for you?"
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Kijani had been half about to defend Adam from the two ruffians when the roar ended the encounter. Her heart was still pounding as they stepped away. She wondered if it would have embarrassed Adam to have her step in. This seemed like that kind of planet. While she was certain Adam could have defended them both with little trouble, so could she. It itched her to be docile. Or maybe it was the sand that made her itch.

Adam was braver than she when asking for assistance, and the pilot spun around to look at them both. Kijani was embarrassed that her heart gave a little leap. He was handsome, and had a devil’s smile. But handsome had no bearing on piloting skills. She needed answers and she needed them fast.

“I thank your friend for his timely intervention. I’ve never met a Wookie before.” She flashed her own smile, one that said ‘I can charm just as hard as you can’ and continued.

“As my friend said, we’re looking for a pilot. A simple trip to Alderaan. What’s the going rate for 3 passengers and 2 droids?”
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The pilot motioned over to an empty booth, where he sat down along side his Wookie companion. Adam had heard of Wookies before, but they weren't really a common sight on hot desert planets. In spite of how hot it was outside, even this early in the morning, the Wookie's once foul mood had cleared up as soon as the bullies had left.

"Han Solo. Captain of the Millennium Falcon. Chewbacca here is my first mate." the man said. "What do you need to get to in Alderaan that you can't do taking public transport? It'd certainly be cheaper than hiring me."

"Let's just say we really don't like the Empire." Adam responded. Han laughed at this and leaned back in his chair.

"I can sympathize, but that means the price goes up. 10,000 credits. In advance." This time it was Adam's turn to suppress a laugh.

"You're kidding, right? Is your ship a luxury yacht?" said Adam, wondering if someone else in this place might be a little bit cheaper.
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Kijani did actually laugh at the price. It was a short, mirthless bark. “Ten thousand? You must think we’re stupid. We could rent a ship and fly ourselves for that kind of money.” She stared down Han Solo with her uncanny yellow eyes.

“Let’s see… you’ve obviously been here some time to know the patrons by name. You’re clean enough but have no drinks of your own. You don’t have any other contracts since you’re so desperate to take ours. You’re either trying to pull one over on us, or you are desperate. Neither of which we need right now.” She huffed.

It was a risky move, calling his bluff. Certainly, there were sure to be other pilots around, and if they were well and truly desperate (which they sort of were) they could manage to slip onto public transport. Kijani was only half certain this would work – if it did, well, they got a discount. If it didn’t, well, they were going pilot shopping.

“Your loss, Mr. Solo. Next time, try not to highball.” She looked to Adam and started moving out of the booth. “Let’s go.”
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As Kijani started to move out of the booth, Adam simply shrugged and gave Han a look that said "You got played." before moving to follow the princess. Han put a hand out in an effort to stop them.

"Now, hold on." he said, motioning for them to sit back down. "I can go as low as seven thousand credits, but that's it." Chewbacca nodded in acquiescence.

Before anyone could say anything further, Adam stuck his hand out. "Deal." Han shook it, and told the pair of them the docking bay to meet him at once they were ready to leave. Once Han and Chewbacca were out of earshot, Adam whispered to Kijani. "I can get the rest of the money by selling my speeder. It should be more than enough." As the pair of them walked out of the tavern, they almost ran into a nervous looking Rodian who entered the cantina behind them.

"Well, if there is anything on this planet I won't miss, it's the lack of manners." Adam said, shaking his head. "Now, I'm gonna go get us the rest of the credits."

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Kijani hid a triumphant smirk as her bluff took hold. Adam wasted no time in taking the offer, but Kijani would have tried for 6,000 instead. Oh well - it was done and at a much more reasonable price.

"That went better than expected. I do hope Mr. Solo's ship isn't some rust bucket." She followed him out, wondering what Obi-wan would think of the deal.

"I will find a way to pay you back for this, I promise. You've done so much for me already." Kijani smiled warmly at Adam. A medal would not be enough - she didn't know what she would do, but it would be something great. Maybe a new home since she had essentially flushed them out of theirs? "I'm not used to being at the mercy of others, but I'm so lucky that I landed near you. Thank you, Adam." She briefly squeezed his hand.

"Now, shall we go and haggle for the sale of the speeder?" Kijani's eyes lit up at the idea.
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When Kijani squeezed Adam's hand, he felt his heart nearly leap out of his chest. Adam knew deep down that he had nothing more than infatuation, but having the gratitude of the most beautiful woman in the galaxy wasn't something he could brush off. Trying to think of something to say, he glanced into her golden eyes and found himself lost for words again.

"Uh, sure." Adam said, still trying to get his wits together. "Let's get back to Obi-wan." When they regrouped with the Jedi Master and explained the plan, he nodded in agreement. "As long as it's a fast ship." he said to the pair. Adam managed to get a good price for his speeder, and with credits in hand, they could finally get to Han and get off this planet.

Han's ship looked, at first glance, to be a massive piece of junk. After looking it over a few times, however, Adam noticed that the smuggler had made numerous modifications to it, mostly to the engines. Okay, so maybe he DOES know what he's doing. Adam thought as he approached the big freighter. Han was just coming down the loading ramp when the group walked in.

"There you are. I was beginning to wonder if you weren't going to show." said Han.

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Kijani looked up and up at the Millennium Falcon, staring openly. Her mouth was twisted into a small frown. This was their ship? Was it too late to find someone else? She was not impressed.

"Adam, are you quite sure about this?" She managed to whisper before their pilot appeared.

"Ah, Mr. Solo. We were just conducting some last minute business." She tore her eyes away from the ship and smiled in a very polite way. "Your ship is very interesting." There was no polite way to ask but she had to. She fixed her gaze on Han Solo, watching for more lies or tricks.

"Are you sure this thing can get us all the way to Alderaan in a timely manner? I can't afford to have us drifting in the middle of nowhere."

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"She can make it point five past lightspeed." said Han. "I know she doesn't look like much, but she's got it where it counts." He motioned towards the loading ramp, as if to say Right this way. Obi-wan nodded and walked up the ramp. "You will be paid once we land safely on Alderaan." he said before walking past the smuggler.

Adam let Kijani go up first before taking the droids into the ship. Han put a hand on his chest as he tried to walk past. "Kid, you look exhausted." It wasn't a question so much as it was a statement. Adam tried to argue, but even thinking about sleep made Adam realize that he couldn't argue.

"I've been up since yesterday morning. Long story." was all he managed to get out. Han simply shrugged. "I have some cots in the back. Once we take off, you should try and get some sleep. I can't have you sleep walking all over my ship." Adam grunted a laugh before continuing up the ramp. He didn't get very far before the sounds of blaster erupted around him.

"Stop that ship! Blast 'em!" said the leading Stormtrooper before opening fire. Adam, tiredness forgotten, drew his lightsaber, and Han was almost too stunned to draw his own blaster.

"Jedi are real?!" Han asked, as if this was a casual argument rather than a firefight.

"Maybe we can have this discussion after we take off, please?" Adam said, swatting bolts back towards the white-clad troopers.
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Kijani had managed to just put her things away when she heard blaster fire. Not again! She had to find some way to get them off her tail. Hopefully this supposedly fast ship would be it. She grabbed Adam's borrowed blaster and headed back out. As she approached, she heard their argument.

"Jedi are real?!"

"Maybe we can have this discussion after we take off, please?"

Kijani entered the ramp shooting, managing a square pair of shots on a stormtrooper, right in the helmet. She stayed ducked behind Adam.

"I agree with Adam. Get us in the air, Mr. Solo, I'll take point here." She saw an opening to move and took it, landing opposite Adam and near Han instead. "Let's get this bolt-bucket going, thank you!" She kept shooting, hoping Han would take the hint and get them going.
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Han took the hint and let Kijani take his place. He ran back towards the cockpit, running right past Obi-wan and the droids. "Chewie! Get us out of here!" he yelled. The wookie was way ahead of him, and the Millennium Falcon began to lift off.

As the ship began to rock, Adam shut off his saber and grabbed Kijani's arm for support. "Nice shooting." he said as he lead her back inside. "I think you're much better with a blaster than I am." Adam and Kijani got into the main cabin of the ship and strapped themselves in. Once they were secure, Han wasted no time in hitting the accelerator and left Tatooine behind.

The gravity tried to fight them, but only for a few moments. Soon, they were free of it's pull, and the resistance slipped away. Even though the artificial gravity kicked in immediately, Adam felt nearly weightless for a moment. He almost enjoyed the sensation before the ship was rocked violently.

"Star Destroyers coming up behind us!" Han said from the cockpit. "It'll be a moment til I can make the jump to hyperspace!"
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Kijani was almost. almost able to take a breath of relief when she sat down and strapped into the cockpit. But before she could say ‘I’m glad that’s over’, it wasn’t. The ship rocked and rumbled, and Kijani felt her stomach twist with guilt. This was her fault again. Now she was getting strangers mixed up in Rebel business. Her breathing became ragged, and she felt the cold sweat of panic setting in.

A conversation with her mother came to mind. She was 11, and just starting to learn the proper ins and outs of ruling a planet. There were more than one powerful child at the Elder Houses Finishing Academy that she was attending, but she felt alone despite peers. Her mother was there on the holoscreen, and yet so far away that Kijani ached.

“Mother -” Her eyes were still puffy from crying.

“Little Sun, what is it?”

“Mother, we had our command practicums today, and I – I failed.” This started a fresh wave of tears. Queen Bhera gently shushed her daughter until she calmed enough to tell the story.

“We were supposed to lead a set group of troops into a starbase and come out with a prize. We were timed. My Professor failed me because I took too long. Said that I should have sacrificed one of my platoons as a distraction to make it through the base faster.” Kijani rubbed at her eyes with a handkerchief, a hardness creeping into the gold color. “I refused, and I was failed. I don’t want to sacrifice anyone, Mother.”

Queen Breha pursed her lips, thinking for several moments before answering. “I agree with your Professor.”

“You what?!”

“Yes, I do. Here’s why. The people under your rule know that they may one day be tasked to give their all. Even more so with the military – giving their all means their lives. To save one million, you may have to lose one hundred.”

Kijani was stunned, and took a quick seat on her couch. “But mother, that’s… that’s terrifying.”

“That is the crown.” There was no mirth in her mother’s voice, only a steel gaze that belied how old she was becoming. The queen had always been the pragmatic one, rather than the idealist father who Kijani took after.

“...I promise you, Mother. There is another way, a way to win without sacrifice, needed or not. Even if I have to sacrifice myself first, no one will die on my watch!”

That statement had not proved true, as the Empire took hold and the Rebellion gained footing. There had been many losses, and yes, sacrifices. But the idealist spark in Kijani had not died off yet – she was unwilling to send her people to do anything she wouldn’t do herself. This same sentiment ran in her mind as she picked her head up, eyes blazing.

“What- what can I do to help?” She had to do something, anything to make this better. That, or they all died here. “Let me help.”
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For the first time that day, Han Solo got a good look at just who he was escorting across the galaxy. Princess Kijani of Alderaan was pretty much the last person he was expecting to find on his ship, but rather than start asking questions, he took her up on her offer.

"I can't finish the calculations to hyperspace if I'm busy doing maneuvers like this. You and your boyfriend get on the guns and shoot and cover our tracks."

Adam heard Han, and rather than try to correct him, he undid his strap and clambered towards the ladder that led to the Falcon's quadguns. After nearly slipping on the ladder going up, he got in the gunner's chair and looked at the vast array of buttons and toggles before him.

"Um..." Adam said to himself before trying random buttons. Eventually the panel lit up and the gun came online just as imperial fighters came into view.

Adam had no idea what he was doing, and he missed almost every shot. Thankfully, just by returning fire caused many of the TIE fighters to back off. The young Jedi even managed to score a lucky hit on one of the TIE's right in the wing pylon, causing it to fly apart and explode. It was the last thing Adam saw before the azure blue of hyperspace filled his vision.

All at once, he felt himself relax. Inwardly, he told himself that the hard part was over, and that the Princess and her alliance were safe. The insane adventure he found himself in was almost over, and they had won. Adam managed to climb down from the ladder, plop himself in the nearest seat. Completely free of the fear and tension he felt, he almost immediately went to sleep. Obi-wan, to his credit, just shook his head in bemusement.

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As soon as she had orders from Han, Kijani rushed off. She nearly tripped as the ship rumbled, and separated from Adam as soon as they found the guns. Placing herself in the gunner’s seat and grabbing the controls, she realized far too late that she’d never used such a set up. No matter, she could learn.

Like Adam, she missed the majority of her shots. It was rather discouraging. Eventually she did work it out and strike one near the bottom of it’s cabin, but it simply smoked and listed downward instead of exploding. The sudden speed of hyperspace shoved her back into her seat, and she winced as it pressed against her.

“Phew. We made it.” She went to find Adam, to realize he was already gone. By the time she got back to the front of the ship, he was passed out in the seat. She didn’t dare wake him. Instead she found a thermal blanket and draped it over him, covering him up and smiling secretively.

Then she faced the captain.

“CAptain Solo, I must apologize for the deception.” She drew herself up to a regal height, confidence in her bearing but not her heart. “It was necessary to secure my passage on a ship. Any ship, really. You just happened to be the lucky one.” The tiniest of smirks graced her lips. “Honestly, you could have gotten your ten thousand, if you hadn’t asked for it up front. If and when you get us to Alderaan safely, I promise you will be well compensated.”

Unlike Adam and his gentle soul, she was certain this pilot would want credits and plenty of them. Kijani sat wearily, rubbing one hand over her face. All of the Princess had gone out of her, and she was just a scared young woman.

“You can get us to Alderaan, right?”
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