Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Time: Night
Location: Leblanc Home
Interactions: Felix @jetipster, Rose@Tae Damien@FunnyGuy

Violet had slipped into a black, tight, spaghetti-strap dress and paired it with some black-knee high boots. She pulled over a light-weight, maroon, velvet bomber jacket. She had twirled around in the mirror, rapidly changing clothes with the use of magic until she found a look she liked for the last twenty minutes before deciding on this outfit. She accessorized with a black choker and some rings, then took her hair out of her ponytail and ran her hands through it. Her makeup was already done and still in order. It was a simple look with overdramatic lashes and not very much eyeshadow. She simply reapplied her lipstick and blew herself a kiss in the mirror. "Felix! I'm ready. I'll wait downstairs." Violet called to him as she moved down the stairs, her heeled boots clicking through the empty house.

That was when the emotions hit her. She slowed to a halt at the bottom of the stairs. Anger. Guilt. Paranoia. These were all her sister's emotions and she was not far at all. Violet moved to the window and she too started to feel angry as she recognized the swine from Paris right away. It was enough to make her blood boil. She couldn't believe it. That loser stalked her all the way back here. She watched as his dumb bird handed her a piece of paper and inched the window open a little to try to hear him as he spoke.

"...I had someone enchant it before I left Atlanta. Make the holder feel… good."

The door sounded like it was going to be torn off its hinges as she pushed it open and descended down the front steps of the home. The demon was already stalking off into the night. She stoically moved up to Rose and took the paper from her hand and started to crumble it into a ball. "Not happening." She told her gently and dropped it on the floor. Violet took out her phone and glanced at her, "Shall I call the police to alert them of a stalker?"

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Derg2
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Time: Past dusk
Location: Gino’s & Trance
Interactions: @Ithradine-Volfango,@MsMorningstar-Genesis

Between the food Cain ate at home and the pizza he ate at Gino’s, the quantity consumed was spatially incompatible with his body. It seemed that the more he ate, the less satisfied he was. His migraine, sore throat, and hunger all worsened as he threw up violently. The grimy restroom’s odors assaulting his nostrils were simply indescribable.

The feeling was strangely nostalgic. When he was four, there was a time not unlike this where he was sick for several days.

A old tune rung out from his pocket, interspersing the sloshing sound within the pipes. Without even checking the caller ID, Cain knew who it was.

“Hey dad.”

“I’ve received word that the Steel contract has gone through. Excellent work.”

“You know, you’ve made a fine businessman in what little time you’ve had.”
“Truly, I could not be more proud. And how is Ava doing?”
“She’s fine.”
“Ah… That’s good to hear.”

“Well, there’s another meeting I need you to attend. It’s not formal -- god knows that he’s not gonna wear anything resembling business attire... It's a, uh, man you may have met before when you were younger. His wares are unique, and unlike your previous deals, I am entrusting their appraisal to you.”
“Yes sir.”

“I am glad to have you around, Cain. This whole ordeal would be a lot tougher if you weren’t. I’ll have the merchant contact you soon. Until then, you should relax for a bit. Keep up the good work.”


Cain stared at the phone for a moment then returned it to his pocket.

What now. There was no answer.

Cain found himself prowling through the dark streets, pursuing something seeming so near yet impossibly out of his reach. His anguish had exacerbated to something he had never felt before. It was as if his sense of self was hollowing, as if he was losing grasp on his soul. Perhaps, Cain came to theorize, there was some sort of anchor which tied one to their body in life that was lost upon death. Without such, oblivion beckoned. But there were w͜͜ay̸s̛ around th҉̸̸i̸̛s̸,̷̨ ́͞Ca̡̡̡i͠n.̨

He stopped in front of a shiny puddle on the sidewalk. It was too dark to see any of his reflection except for his bright green eyes. Cain understood that he was not long for this world. Even knowing this, he did not have the will to change that. N̡ot̛̀ ̡͡y̴et̴͟, át̵̨͢ ̛l̷̢é̢͜ą͏ş̢͠t.

W-What? Cain did a double take. For the briefest of moments, he could’ve sworn his eyes flashed red.

It was only shortly after that Cain found himself face to face with the burly bouncer at the entrance to the Trance nightclub. Cain provided an ID with an age about five years older than his own, and doing so, took a closer look at the guard. He was the muscular type, the kind of guy you wouldn't want to end up in a fight with. Certainly someone who worked out. Cain could only imagine how much blood was coursing through those veins he glimpsed on his arms...

The bouncer looked at Cain incredulously, but handed back the fake and let him in.

Cain supposed he was here to drown his worries; masking his qualms with alcohol was one of his great talents. The bustling crowd around Cain did not do much to lift his spirits, and contrasted his dreary mood. In fact, the noise was painfully loud. They seemed to move away from him as he walked, as if those nearest could sense his angst. Or perhaps it was just survival instinct.

He made his way to the bar. Only after he had a drink in his hand did he notice the other two individuals there. A bombastic man and tall woman in the beginning what Cain assumed to be the carnal ritual that so often occurred in clubs like these. And as Cain learned that alcohol was still effective in his new state an unfamiliar form of carnality arose. The gaze which was once only passing and curious turned to carnivorous and predatory. Cain unconsciously licked his lips, and as he did, felt his two incisors jutting outwards like tiny knives in his mouth.

Cain turned away and raised a hand to his mouth, both appalled and confused by himself. But even as he did so, his stomach loudly growled.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Sorrel Liam Cyrus Boris

Location:Woods outside of Vie-Et-Mort

The female alpha, Sorrel, had her attention on Liam, noticing that he was an alpha as well. It was quite the curious thing for Sorrel as she wondered if he had a pack or if he was like her, an alpha wolf on his own. Those thoughts were questions for later, however, as they needed to focus on the task at hand. "That sounds perfect. We'll catch them off guard and take out the ones that look to be leading the hunt first. Cyrus will protect the wolf from any that might skip past us. We take them out swiftly and then vacate the area in case any others show up." She explained to both of them, then paused as she glanced up to Cyrus in the tree. "And Cyrus, my love, please try to refrain from any more battle cries until we've taken a few out." She said it in a teasing manner. That battle cry, however, echoed far to the edges of the forest, through to the corners of the beach where Boris was walking home; His ears twitched as he snapped into a sprint.

“You sound like you’re afraid, Sorrel.” Cyrus said in the same teasing manner with a cheeky grin. “Well I guess we wait at this point. Injured wolf, you stay on the ground and act like you are hurt even if you heal; they won’t see me up here right away hopefully.” He crouched down on the branch making sure he was well hidden in the leaves. Cyrus lifted his nose into the air to get a scent trying to see if he could estimate a distance of the vampires. It took a few minutes of sniffing before he looked down at the others. “They are nearby; we should get into position everyone.”

Once Liam had the approval from the other alpha, Sorrel, he nodded and took off to the right, running on all fours keeping close to the trees and brush for cover, his black fur helped keep him camouflaged in the night. The first vampire he found stood little chance, and he was fueled by the rage of finding another wolf so battered down. Liam leapt from the brush, his jaws clamping down on the neck of a vampire, tearing at its flesh and violently shaking the creature. The taste of vampire flesh was repulsive; like cold meat that had lingered long past its expiration date, but he continued gnaw until his teeth scraped against bone and he severed the vampires head. Despite the effort to keep the vampires from Luna, he saw another heading that direction, and again Liam took off in a sprint. Though the vampire was faster than him, effortlessly vanishing from his line of sight, he knew where the vampire was headed; back to Luna.

"These are the Vie-Et-Mort vampires, by the way, these aren’t ordinary vampires.” Luna told them while she curled into a ball. "Be careful. I'll stay here as a distraction for them."

“Vie-Et-Mort does not scare me; I will rip their insides up before they realize what happened to them.” Cyrus said to Luna, his voice monotone, his expression nonchalant. He was unphased by the situation. He was here for a fight and if it was a challenge, it was better in his eyes.

“Remember that fear is a strength in itself.” Sorrel grinned before she took off to the left. She took note to what Luna had said about these vampires, but she hoped that between her and the others they would have enough skill to take them out and if not, well at least she’d die doing something good. It would be something she could accept. So off she ran, her footsteps surprisingly silent on the forest floor. Her eyes scanned the trees while her nose kept locked onto the scent of the vampires.

She soon spotted a vampire, but didn’t see any others near him. She followed him for a moment, waiting to see if she spotted any more, and when she didn’t - she attacked. She went straight for his throat and he wasn’t quite expecting it, or so she thought. He put up a decent struggle, but in the end she managed to tear his throat out. She continued to bite down and tear until his head was torn clean off. What she hadn’t expected was for the second vampire to come barreling into her. The speed and force of the hit had sent her flying through the trees. She stood up, disoriented and aching. She was pretty sure she’d broken a rib or two and she looked down at her arm to see it bleeding. She growled as she looked around for the vampire, ready to kill the bastard. Her head was still spinning, however, so she didn’t smell the vampire when he attacked again until it was too late.

She managed to deflect his first major attack, but that’s when she realized he had a knife. His second attack she was just a bit too slow and he impaled the knife in her left side. It was then that she realized it was made of silver and the burn was excruciating. She let out a screaming howl before wrenching the knife from her side and his grasp. At least she could keep him from stabbing her again with it, but she now had a vampire very intent on killing her.

Liam stopped his pursuit of the vampire as the sound of wolfen scream cut through the air. He paused for a second, unsure if he should continue after the vampire headed towards Luna or towards the sound of the scream. But made his decision swiftly after considering that Cyrus was there with Luna. He ran, sniffing the air for where the scent of blood was strongest. He found Sorrel, bleeding and holding a knife, along with another vampire. A low snarl escaped from the back of his throat as he locked eyes with the vampire, he wanted to make sure this vampire didn’t get a quick death. The vampire had hurt a werewolf, it deserved to feel pain. Sorrel sensed him there, but was too concerned about taking her eyes off the vampire. If she dropped her guard for a second it could be deadly.

“You okay?” Liam asked Sorrel, in a wolf-like telepathy that all werewolves shared, “Wanna give this asshole some payback?” He asked, keeping his eye on the vampire.

She was relieved when she heard Liam's voice in her head. "Yeah I'll be alright." She replied, not sure if it were a lie or not. She could tell the cuts she'd gotten from being knocked were healing quickly and the ribs would take a day or two, but the stab wound was definitely not healing rapidly. She had the damned silver to thank for that. While she was bleeding decently, it wasn't life threatening yet. As long as she bandaged it soon she would be just fine. "Yes please, let's make this fuckers life a living hell." She said, a darkness to her tone that was menacing and a little frightening. She grinned at the vampire which, in her werewolf form, was a bit unsettling. She decided to wait for Liam to make the first move, wanting to follow his lead.

The vampire’s gaze continued to shift from Liam to Sorrel, both alphas blocked his path towards Luna, and no doubt he debated his chances now that a fight was less than evenly matched. But the leech had no options; the vampire would not accept failure, if he ran, he would be pursued, his best shot was to hope he’d injured Sorrel enough to even out the fight. Liam lunged towards the vampire with every bit of speed his wolf form had to offer as the vampire advanced forward as well. The vampire used Liam’s size and momentum to knock the werewolf onto his back, then hit Liam with a swift strike to the muzzle, and during the few seconds Liam was dazed by the hit the vampire sank its fangs into Liam’s neck. The pain only served to make Liam more alert, snapping him out from the daze and using all his strength to shove the vampire off him. As the vampire scrambled to get back on its feet, Liam’s teeth locked around the vampire’s calf like a bear trap, ripping, shaking, and slicing through flesh before crunching down onto bone. The vampire screamed and desperately tried to pull what remained of his calf and ankle through Liam’s teeth, shredding the limb further, until the werewolf finally let go of the vampire’s leg. The vampire stumbled forward, limping, unable to put any weight on mangled and blooded leg.

Meanwhile, Cyrus had caught sight of the vampire Liam let go, closing in and looking at Luna. 'Oh, yes here we go...' He thought as he prepared to jump him. The vampire had made it to Luna and had a blade raised at her and that's when he made his move. Cyrus jumped onto his back, snapped the vampire’s arm and bit his neck. The vampire’s body went limp, but to make sure, Cyrus decided to rip it's head off, throwing it into the woods behind him. "Sorry, for the bloody scene Luna." he said before turning to look if he could see the other wolves.

What he saw was not the others but another vampire with a bloodlust look in his eyes while holding his partner's head. The vampire was suddenly in front of him causing Cyrus to struggle against the oncoming force. ’Holy fuck, you piece of shit get off of me.' He thought as he gained some advantage before pushing him back. That's when the vampire threw something at him. Cyrus's skin burned all over with pain as a pouch of silver dust clouded the place he was standing in. "ARGHHHH!" He screamed and growled as he moved away from the cloud trying to shake the dust off himself while writhing on the ground. He crawled, trying to pull himself out of the silver cloud, when suddenly the sound of cracking bones could be heard, with nothing but a faint cry from the vampire’s mouth. As the cloud of silver dust dissipated, the scene became clear. The vampire was on the ground, and on top of him was a large man - Boris, still only in his white tank top and jean shorts, having leapt from the tree above. As the surface on his forearm was sizzling from the dust, unfazed, he pulled a bold tree branch out of the vampire’s chest which he had torn from the tree he leapt from, and stood back up.

Boris’s gaze remained on the vampire, distracted by the fact that this was the first vampire he’s ever killed. Only some minutes ago he befriended a vampire, and now he’s killed one. Of course it didn’t surprise him that he was able to kill as swiftly as he did, he had been a killer for 30 years without rest, and his ability to kill has not wavered. But the fact that he didn’t hesitate had somehow surprised him. He had heard the howls coming from this direction when he left the beach, and immediately ran into the forest. That’s when he caught onto his alpha’s scent; and something within him activated. The desire to put his life at risk if it meant helping Liam, which drove him to leap toward this vampire as soon as he saw it hurting another wolf. Still distracted, he kept staring at the vampire, as horrific images from his past outlined its body, putting Boris in a trance.

Sorrel had watched as Liam and the vampire went at each other, using this opportunity to move and get behind the bloodsucker in order to flank him. She definitely wasn’t as fast as she typically would be thanks to the injury, but Liam had him pretty well distracted. When he bit the other alpha she felt anger rise in her and she knew this vamp needed to suffer. When the vampire stumbled forward due to his shredded leg is when she pounced on him from behind. Her jaws clamped down on one of his arms as she pulled him to the ground. She promptly pressed a paw on his chest and tore his arm off. This caused him to scream out, but Sorrel didn’t stop there. She moved to the other arm, tearing it off and throwing both limbs far away. He lay there writhing in pain as she now backed off for the moment. “Let him die from our bite.” She said as she impaled the knife that had wounded her in his chest, returning the weapon.

That was when she heard Cyrus cry out and worry came over her for her friend. “Time to get back to the others.” She said with a brief glance to Liam before heading back in the direction of Cyrus and the injured wolf. There in front of her was a man who seemed to have impaled a vampire with a branch. Cyrus also seemed to be brushing something off of him while still looking to be in pain and on the ground. She moved to Cyrus side and looked him over for a moment. Her concern was obvious, but once she assessed that he wouldn’t die she felt a bit better. She then glanced to the others once more. “We need to get out of here before others show up. My car is nearby if we wanted to use that. Just give me a destination and I can drive people there.” She suggested, ready to be out of these woods. She also needed to find a moment of calm to bandage herself.

Liam was more than happy to leave the vampire to die a slow and painful death alone in the woods. He nodded his agreement towards Sorrel as another wolf cried out, he wished there was time to ensure all of these vampires went a similar, slow and painful death, for their crimes against werewolves but leaving this one to send a message would have to do, at least for now. He followed Sorrel back to Cyrus and Luna, and was pleased to see his newest recruit, Boris there as well. Although he wondered why Boris stood still as a man and not as a wolf, he was more than impressed to see that he had killed a vampire as well.

“Boris!” Boris snapped out of his trance looking at the dead vampire when his alpha greeted him with a toothy grin. “It’s good to see you here.” He added, while Liam knew very little about Boris, knowing that he too had heard a werewolf’s call and came to aid them meant that he was an excellent addition to the pack. Boris gave Liam a smile, but as silent as he usually is, did not say anything.

Liam looked back at the other alpha and wondered why she had asked for a destination. Was she keeping her own packs meeting grounds a secret? That made the most sense to him, he’d been to many places where rivalries between packs seemed to take precedent even over that which threatened all wolves. Clearly it would take more than shared bloodshed to earn Sorrel’s trust, but this was a sign of a vigilant leader and a trait he could respect. “My pack’s at the campgrounds, we will protect your friend while she heals, should any vampires try and follow us.” Liam volunteered the information, he kept no secrets from fellow wolves as all that would do is hinder trust, and he sought nothing from other packs except alliances.

"Perfect. Follow me." Sorrel said as she, slightly awkwardly, lifted a blacked out Cyrus up and began heading back the direction of her backpack and vehicle. She reverted back to her human form once she made it to her backpack. Blood was splattered all over her including her pale moonlight blonde hair which made for a stark contrast. She took a brief moment to toss her shirt and pants back on, ignoring the fact they would soon be blood stained, and then pull out a few blankets that she always kept with her for the others, handing them out and wrapping Cyrus in one. She then moved to pick up Cyrus, but it was a bit more difficult now in her smaller frame. "Mind helping me carry him the rest of the way? My cars just over there." She asked as she looked at Liam, her car now in sight in the distance. It would be a bit of a squeeze to fit everyone, but it was definitely doable.

Liam nodded, taking a minute to shift back into his human form. He was bruised, and a more than a little bloody, but most of the blood that coated his skin was not his own. The vampire’s bite however, still bled, and it sure as hell stung, but he knew he’d heal quickly enough. He wasn’t sure the extent of the other’s injuries but his pack was more than used to dealing with battle wounds. Werewolves, after all, couldn’t exactly go to the hospital.

As Liam helped Sorrel carry Cyrus to the car, Boris behind them leaned down toward the unconscious luna, and gently picked her up. He followed them to Sorrel’s car as he gazed around the scene, seeing the other vampires that they have killed. He then glanced down at Luna as he carried her to see her just how injured she was. He had questions, but didn’t feel comfortable enough to ask them in the company of individuals he does not know. So he remained silent.

“We’ve got a former army medic in my pack, he can help fix you up.” Liam said as they got Cyrus into the car.

"Thank you, that would be very much appreciated" Sorrel said as she gave Liam a tired smile after getting Cyrus in the car.

Boris helped lay Luna in the back seat, buckled her in before he spoke to his alpha; “I meet you at the campground.” he said in his thick Russian accent, insinuating that he rather walk home.

In the front seat of the car, Sorrel started it up before glancing back at Cyrus and Luna. She knew both would be fine given time to heal. She wondered what the story was of the female werewolf, how did she come to be chased so viciously by vampires. That would be questions for a later date after everyone had time to rest and heal.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Night
Location: Sorrel’s car to the campgrounds
Interaction with: Sorrel@Tae, Cyrus@Alivefalling, Luna@Potter

Although Liam wondered why Boris chose to walk or run back to the camp grounds he did not question him, though it did concern him some that the new wolf seemed to have difficulty connecting with the pack. The strength of the pack lied in their shared connection, the absolute trust that each and every wolf had one another’s back no matter what, and he worried that Boris might not have truly felt that connection. He didn’t question the man’s loyalty, he saw for himself tonight that Boris was willing to fight for other wolves, but rather was concerned that Boris didn’t understand that the pack would do the same for him without question. He would need to find some way to strengthen Boris’ connection with the pack, to better instill him with that sense of community.

Once the adrenalin from the fight began to where off his own bruises and bite wound started to come more into focus. He couldn’t complain, he’d been through worse, and the others in the car were certainly worse off than he, but he could only assume they were feeling things a bit more clearly as well now. His posture relaxed some, he allowed himself a moment to calm from the fight, for now there was no immediate threat, and he could instead focus on knowing a bit more about the wolves who claimed Ember Grove as home. Liam knew nothing about the other wolves in the car, but only Sorrel seemed awake enough for conversation. Knowing full well how distracting the pain of a silver knife could be Liam ended up filling the silence with chatter in the hopes that it could take her mind off that pain.

“Well I guess the rumors of Ember Grove and it’s vampire problem were true. That’s what brought my pack and I here, think of us as supernatural pest control. Name’s Liam, by the way, my pack, Vagus Lupi, we wander, looking for threats to all wolves. Vampires, hunters, witches, anyone causing problems for werewolves, and we look to help end those problems. We aren’t looking to make any claims on your territory or cause any trouble with local packs here. And I do apologize for not making a formal introduction when we first got here but we’ve had some trouble locating the alpha for this town. I’m guessing your pack’s pretty secretive, a valid choice, me I prefer to get things out in the open. I just like to be sure my pack isn’t where we’re not wanted.” Liam said, keeping his introduction concise and making his intentions in town clear. He paused a few times to offer directions as they got to the campgrounds, a left here, a right there, as his pack stayed deeper into the grounds than most would. Liam had chosen the deepest location into the grounds where other travelers were less likely to stray, and had gotten a good deal on renting out the space as it was rarely used due to the occasional incidents of animal attacks.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Online

Gwendolyn Dexter Barrett

Time: Night
Location: Her Home/ Ember Grove Streets/ St. Lazarus Hospital/ Trance
Interactions: Nobody

Gwendolyn was sitting down in a large chair in her living room, she felt flaccid from the heroin she had taken thirty minute ago. Her empty living room quiet as the graveyard that was across form her backyard, she had gotten this old Gothic house cheap because the previous occupant had died during the late nineties. Her eyes darting form the grandfather clock to the tacky wallpaper across the room form where she was sitting, she was nodding her head back and forth enjoying the effects of the drugs that she had bought from some street hood.

After a few hours and as the sun was setting into darkness, the effects of the drugs was starting to ware off and she was in need of a fix and something to eat. Although she was not hungry for food rather for some human bean juice, carefully getting up form the large armchair she was sitting on as she stumbled a little to the front door. A few moments later she was on the street passing by some vagrants and prostitutes, however she was trying to ignore the urge to take them to a back alley and suck them dry. Slapping here face while she walked down the street, trying to stop her urges to kill a human being. Even though her vampire instincts and clan's mentality towards humans consider them cattle, she believed otherwise and considered them people with families and people who love them.

Walking into St. Lazarus hospital where her blood dealer was, she had struck up a deal with this guy a few years back where she would pay him alot of money for an good supply of blood. And without innocent blood on her hands she was glad of this alternative. Walking towards the blood bank and stopping in front of the desk ringing the bell, A few moments later a short fat middle age man walked up to the desk with a smile on his face. "Hi you lookin for another fix?" He asked which made Gwen chagrin, she started to fish out her wallet sliding him some money on the desk to him. "Just give me the bag and some snow" She said tapping her hand on the desk, The short man walked away presenting her the blood bag. She snatched the blood bag and quickly walking out of the hospital, Piercing the blood bag a random alleyway. Drinking the blood making sure it was not noticeable, shotgunning it like she would a beer and finishing it off throwing the bag into a garbage can.

Putting the small baggie of coke in her pocket and heading into the local club, Walking up to the bouncer slipping him some money and being lead inside. Heading into the woman's bathroom and into a stall, closing the stall door behind her and getting ready. Lining up a line and snorting it with a rolled up bill of money, taking a few snorts before finishing up and saving the rest of the contents in the baggie for later. Returning to the dance floor and to the bar ordering rum and coke on the rocks, while sipping her drink she was checking out any cute men she could play with. The cocaine was starting to affect her, she could feel all of her senses heightening. Her heart was racing and she felt like dancing although she wanted to finish her drink first.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Manzanilla
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Manzanilla 🌿✨🍵

Member Seen 1 mo ago

T i m e : P a s t D u s k
L o c a t i o n : E m b e r G r o v e P a r k
I n t e r a c t i o n s : L e i l a n i - @MsMorningstar

Cyler watched Leilani as they made their way out of the park, his eyes curiously looking over her as she browsed the pictures he had taken for the night. He would have loved to come out before sunset to capture more colors and dynamic lighting, but the sun had become one of the biggest obstacles he had to deal with. Years ago, Cyler had loved to spend the day out in the park or just the streets of LA walking around and shooting his camera. Now he couldn't go outside before sunset because it bothered him too much. Some of the clan said he would get used to it and build up a tolerance with time, but he doubted that.

It put a restriction on his pictures, but at least it forced him to be more creative with what he shot. Lights, for example, were fun to play around. He could always set the velocity to seconds and paint pictures with light. Oh! Paint!

Cyler's eyes light up as the idea struck him right between the eyes. "Thank you, I'm glad you like them. I don't sell them, but I am hoping to open a studio here." He smiled as quickly looked back at her. "Uh- hey, what if you helped me with some pictures?" His voice carried some excitement with it and his steps picked up a bit. "I have always wanted to go those really cool looking pictures where you can paint with light." He took his camera back and looked down at it. He hadn't been excited to try something new in a while. He didn't want to overwhelm Leilani about it, but it looked like she could use inspiration or maybe a distraction. Cyler knew the feeling all too well so he was hoping he could help her.

Maybe get her creative juices flowing.

"The Pit had nice lights on the outside, we can try there first." Cyler hung his camera over his shoulder again. Since the town of Ember Grove wasn't that big, they would be able to get to The Pit in just a few minutes. They could always run and get there faster, but Cyler enjoyed walked slowly and enjoying the scenery of the quiet town. If both of them were humans, their little walk would not have been safe for either of them. Even now, as vampires, the risk of running into a hunter was low- but never zero.

T i m e : P a s t D u s k
L o c a t i o n : O u t s i d e T h e P i t
I n t e r a c t i o n s : L u p i n - @AtomicNut , S e a n - @FunnyGuy

Lilith watched the older man with narrowed eyes. He smelled like a wet dog. An old wet dog dressed in a nice suit. She hung her bag over her shoulder and placed a hand over her hip with a playful smile on her lips. She had met werewolves in the past, and while she detested most of them because well, it was natural for vampires to dislike them, this old man looked like any ordinary old man. Expect he was standing in front of a night club riddled with vampires and had painted a picture of him holding a neon cane with a ton of golden chains. Just the image of this old dude dressed like a pimp with a glowing neon cane made Lilith's eyes soften and throw her head back in a laugh.

"It was my fault- anyway, I'd pay to see you in that sort of outfit, Monsieur." She didn't even protest when the man offered the mint from her pocket. It was much appreciated as she popped it into her mouth, eyes still on the older man. Was he looking for another place? What another place could he be looking for if he had come to The Pit? Perhaps another club for the elderly or a strip club? Dirty old man. She thought.

The Pit wasn't a strip club, but she could always offer a lap dance. She didn't care if the was some old dude, or if he was a werewolf. Honestly, Lilith saw this whole thing as an experience and an opportunity. Old people had money, right? "I take it you were looking for some kind of strip club, eh?" Her smiled turned into more of a smirk as she got closer to the man. "The Pit isn't the sort of place, but I can surely show you what passes as fun these days." She winked at the man, offering a glance at her pink and golden eyeshadow.

Somewhere to her left, she heard the series of clicks. Ah, the fun has just started. She thought as she slipped her hand through the older man's and began to lead him into the club. "You can call me Coral." She said into the man's ear as the music from the inside got louder the closer they got to the entrance of the club. "We can use the back exit since I'm sure you heard too." Lilith didn't have to explain it to the older man. She was sure he had heard the very familiar clicks of a loading gun- but just to make it more interesting, she glanced over her shoulder and locked eyes with the man sitting in his car. She stuck out her tongue at him just as they walked past the door and into the chaos that was The Pit.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 5 days ago


Time: Dusk
Location: The Pit
Interaction: @princess - Angel

As Nikolaus watched Angel dismantle the vampires, he sighed loudly and folded his arms. When she was bit, he clicked his tongue and moved to attack if need be, but allowed her the opportunity to react. For a fraction of a second, his heart raced and he felt himself grit his teeth; then the logic of who he was with kicked in. Angel and he were experiments and trained harder then t he others. Niko knew she had it covered, but the worry of watching one of his comrades go down had caused him unease. After she finished killing the vampires, he listened to her words and fought back an eye-roll. Her humor was almost unbeatable. Niko couldn't help but think that if Shay were out here, that they would have a field day together. The horror at the shenanigans they could find themselves in though sent shivers down his spine. The happier memory of his sister warmed him and for a second, he forgot about the true horrors awaiting him at the hospital wing. Angel's voice broke his reverie and he turned to look at her.

"Impressive, huh?" Nikolaus responded with raised eyebrow. He stared at her with sympathy in his eyes. He reached into his pocket and grabbed a tiny vile from it; it was filled with purple liquid enchanted by a witch and dear friend, named Holly. It would help stop the vampire venom from flowing through people so they wouldn't turn. "I'll be impressed if you don't turn into a vampire by the New Year. You need to be more careful and less reckless, Angel. If you had been turned or died right now, what good would it have done, huh? And not just for the hunters, for the sake of yourself and also your fellow hunters who have to mindlessly run after you. I was scheduled to be off tonight and had to run in to come here and save you. I know you can defend yourself; however imagine if those other vampires had seen you and you were murdered? Or worse, experimented on and not as kindly this time? Do us a favor and knock it off, all right? Whatever it is you want, we'll find a way to help you. Just please, for the love of God, make sure to have at least backup nearby. I'm going to become disappointed in you if you continue. You're in our squad now, Angel. It's not just you and you alone."

Niko sighed and came over to her and gently moved her hair out of the way while he listened to her continue speaking. He didn't reply and gently began to apply the liquid. It would sting at first, then begin healing, and then he began patching it up with some bandages from his pants belt as well. He knew she was grateful but was too stubborn to admit it. He ignored the commentary by her and moved away as he corked the vile and slid it back into his pants pocket. He had briefly smirked with amusement and then became stoic. His poker face was capable of shaming even the professionals of the game. He knew she had an agenda and wasn't going to question it now; nobody recklessly chased after vampires with the determination and blood thirst that Angel had. He would question her another time.

Nikolaus glanced at the vampires and flicked out his lighter. "Annnd here we go with cleaning up. I hate doing this part. So nasty." He sighed as he set the vampires on fire. The flames had been enchanted by the same witch to dispose of bodies cleanly without leaving a trace. The fire would burn hot and fast rapidly, then release a few puffs of smoke and disappear. Niko moved back quickly after setting the vampires on fire. He fought the instinct to pull her out of the way. "Works for me." He smirked at her, almost playfully. "Keep up, Angel." Nikolaus replied bluntly and stole once more glance at her neck and continued walking. He grabbed another bandage as he walked and wiped off his bloody swords. When he finished, he tossed the bandages into the fire as well and watched them burn. Then, Nikolaus began hurrying towards The Pit to meet up with Sean.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 9 days ago

Lupin Chevrolet

Time: Night
Location: OH MY GOD SO MUCH NOISE - The Pit
Interaction with:@FunnyGuy@Pyxis

Lupin simply smirked back at the woman's laugh. There was nothing that a well-timed joke couldn't solve regarding meeting people by random chance. The vampire woman also graciously accepted his mint, a good sign when it came to socializing, and it helped to relax the atmosphere a bit. Her next commentaries did not surprise him too much. So she was that sort of entertainer. He was never sure about this these days. Everyone was so... aesthetically provocative these days, one could never taken that sort of thing for granted. He decided to trust her words and friendly attitude. After all, people were usually good willed, and only a few apples, relatively speaking were truly rotten. Besides, if it came to the worst, Werewolf bites weren't nice on bloodsuckers.

"Actually I was looking for burlesque...but since Le Moulin Rouge burnt, it was never the same." He tried to say, but was cut short by how she closed the distance and addressed herself as Coral. Maybe a stage name. "Je suis Lupin." He curtly added, duly noting the gun clicking sounds in the distance. He had not made any attempt to react yet. It looked a bit off, but he could never be sure who was a hunter or who was a creepy stalker trying to find some fine female flesh yet, and he was seriously debating whether to call the police or not.

However it was cut short when she took the lead and guided him inside the club, where the noises started to hurt his sensitive hearing and people began to throw strange gazes at him. Not before a last gesture, full of spunk, in the form of a raspberry to the unknown man. "Easy there, mon amie, creeps with guns and crowds do not mix. Don't goad him, kitty." Lupin chided softly. "We don't want party crashers, do we?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 5 days ago

Time: Night
Location: Hidden Alleyway
Interaction: @Alivefalling - Marceau

If heart could beat then it might have bounced right out of her chest as Marceau took her hand and began leading her off the street. Hunters were definitely bad news but she was more terrified of the possibility of returning to her mother without having explored what the world had to offer. Her fears were confirmed when they stopped, he did wish to return her to Catherine. While relieved he didn't want her for any other purpose, this was not all that much better in her opinion. There was no way she would allow herself to return. At the very least she had promised someone she would seen them tomorrow. Helene would not allow herself to break such a promise.

She felt a lump in throat as she began to speak "I truly do not know, sir.". Helene honestly had no idea of where in the world her mother was located, after all this wasn't exactly a sanctioned trip. Still, she couldn't afford to lie to someone like Marceau, nor did she believe it was even possible "Please, I don't wish to return home. I wish to see the rest of the world." Her voice became more resolute. Would she be able to run away? Her mother had trained her well but there was no telling what Marceau was capable in person. Helene hoped the the higher vampire would understand her desire. There was still much to understand and she had barely begun her journey.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Night
Location: The streets of Ember Grove
Interaction with: N/A

Noah spent the majority of his night wandering through Ember Grove. He was so bored; this town was too small, and he longed to see places he had only read about. He felt like a shark trapped in an encloser, all of Ember Grove was the glass wall he kept banging into but he couldn’t leave, a single thought kept him here; what if she came back. Noah longed for the presence of his sire, his only hope was that she would return to Ember Grove for him, because the rest of the world was so vast, he knew he could search for decades and never find her. Restlessness set in, his mind buzzed and refused to quiet. So much of his life had been spent in a cage already and here he was existing now in a cage only big enough so that he could not see the bars. How he hated Celeste for leaving him here, Ember Grove, a town far too small to contain him and with so little to entertain him. Was it test? A punishment? Noah had been alone for far too long and it left him with only his own mind to keep him company, and that led him towards obsession. A despite need for a distraction, a new obsession, as his current one had no answer he could understand. But as he wandered the familiar streets of his home town, the only town he’d ever known, it haunted him with memories of his mortal life.

He walked past the mall, with it’s blinding lights and overwhelming smells, it was absolutely unbearable. But human Noah had loved the mall, spending as much time there with friends as he could, and now he struggled to even remember what he liked about the place. It was strange how whenever he walked around aimlessly, he always ended up at places that had meant something to him in his mortal life. He had gone back once; it had smelled like everything all at once; food, people, perfume, damn scented candles and it overwhelmed him. While he struggled with the scents the loud noises and glaring lights left him angry and disoriented. All those people walking around ripe for slaughter and yet he, the apex predator, had to hold himself back to avoid exposure, what a stupid rule. He looked back on this memory fondly; this moment of absolute confusion had given way to perfect clarity, for it was then that he realized the world was not as it should be, vampires should never have to hold back from fear of retaliation of mortals. Vampires needed to take power away from their prey, to gain control of this ass backwards world and embrace freedom. They were destined to live as the sharks they were, to prowl and feed at will, consume all they needed without fear. He would see this world one day, everywhere would be as right as things were in the Mills Community, and Noah wouldn’t need to hold back.

“Noah, it is the duty of those with the strength and the means to protect those who cannot protect themselves.” He heard the words of his father, William Beaumont, once again as clear as if the dead man was standing beside him. He could still recall when he as just a boy had asked his father why he had to spend so much time working, and this was father’s stupid response. Noah grinned slightly knowing exactly what this sentiment had earned his father. He turned to see an image of his old man looking exactly as he had the last time Noah had seen him; several days past his death; bloodied and well after the rot had set into his corpse.

“And look at what that got you.” Noah spoke to the man that was not there. “But if you hadn’t been such a nosey bastard maybe I’d never be what I am, the perfect predator.” He wondered if he was always fated to become a vampire, if his father hadn’t stopped to follow a road that shouldn’t exist, would he have ended up living a dreadfully mundane life? Noah had to believe vampirism was always his destiny. Even as a child he had always felt destined for greatness, but until he had been given the gift of immortal blood, the how had always eluded him. But now he understood. “I will make a better world, one for vampires.” He said as the image of his father faded back into his mind. The question that drove him to wander still vexed him, where should he find his next meal.

Thirst was creeping up his throat and the need for blood consumed him and he knew that his prey would be plentiful at the night clubs and bars. The loud and overwhelming places that Noah could barely stand, where music beat itself into his head, where lights strobed and flashed, and the humans reeked of sweat. Even with the lovely spread of prey places like Trance of The Pit had to offer he didn’t want to deal with the constant assault on all his senses and the headaches those places caused him. He also avoided that shithole Alexei’s, it always stank of dogs from the werewolves there, not to mention all the other creatures who could spot what he was from miles away. He couldn’t stand the taste of stale blood served in a glass either, where was the fun in that? Instead he headed towards another bar, The Twisted Lizard, but rather than go inside, he lingered near the entrance, waiting for a drunk to stumble out.

Eventually he found a mark, someone with a friendly face, stumbling out of the bar. They were easy prey, and Noah approached them as they walked past the alleyway near the bar, asking them for a cigarette. The second the human locked eyes with him he could sense their hint of fear; his wild eyes contained the gleam of a predator, and while humans could sense the danger, they foolish ignored it, giving in to the expectation to be polite. As his prey stretched out an arm to offer the cigarette, Noah grabbed the arm and pulled them into the alleyway. He knocked his meal’s head against the wall hard enough for him to hear a crack. The scent of blood unhinged his fangs and he tore into their neck before the human even had time to scream. The thirst quieted, and then his mind calmed as well. The body left behind was carelessly tossed into a dumpster, buried amongst the trash. Though not well hidden, he remembered not to leave the evidence in the open this time. Now he walked the streets feeling better, happier and full, enjoying the way his pretty and familiar cage looked at night.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Time: Night
Location: Ember Grove Streets to Ember Grove Hand of God Church
Interaction with: None

Damien had much to think about on the stroll through Ember Grove. The small town had a lot to offer considering its size and location. Like a hidden gem of sorts. Perhaps if he wasn’t scheming to murder his ex-girlfriend and her family, he could really appreciate this place. He let his mind wander into his lies and schemes as he walked for some time. The man had a way of drowning out the world. This skill showcased itself when Lucy had notified him of Violet’s appearance during his departure. He hadn’t even bothered to turn around or even visibly react. What’s done is done. The scrap of paper played its role, but Violet was quicker than he predicted. It’s as if she knows my whole strategy… Damien fought the urge to smirk to himself.

After several minutes, Damien found himself outside of the Hand of God Church, the Christian Church that the Ember Grove Holy Saviors used as their base of operations. Despite Lucy informing him that the coast was clear, Damien still made the effort to look from left to right before entering the house of God. He was not surprised to find the doors open, but the pews vacant. The church was a victim to a cold silence that Damien oddly found comforting. He figured Xavier was deeper within the building, in his private chambers.

Instead of advancing forward, Damien eyed the interior. I’ve seen better. Damien walked all the way up to the stage and stood beside the pulpit. He faced the empty pews with a smile.

“I wonder how power like this feels.” Damien spoke softly to himself. There was a time when Damien had attempted commanding a wold pack of his own. An omega attempting to lead other omegas was no simple feat. Killing an alpha also was no simple feat...
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Time: Past Dusk
Location: Outside the Pit
Interaction with: @AtomicNut Lupin, @Pyxis Lilith, @princess Angel, @Potter Nikolaus

Sean’s eyes widened at the reaction he received. A bite? Sean wished he hadn’t taken the pair he was looking at for granted. I was about to give Angel shit for suspecting a gold digger and sugar daddy for being suspicious… but now I’m the hunter who let them get away… Oh really? Sean scowled towards the female that he watched blatantly turn towards him while sticking out her tongue. Temptation begged him to follow the pair, but common sense told temptation to shut the fuck up. Sean sighed at the second failed hunt tonight. She saw me, so going in there, especially knowing the place to be vampire hangout, would be too reckless. Plus, there’s too much collateral in there. Another night I guess

Sean rolled up his window all the way and clutched his weapon. He didn’t like failing and despite the silence, there was a raging riot of negativity rampaging through his thoughts. He thought of the old guy who could be that woman’s snack or what about that kid that was changed tonight. If he had been ready, he may have had a better chance of saving him. Now he has to put the guy down. Fuck! Sean was ready to turn the key in the ignition before he spotted two familiar faces making their way over towards his vehicle, through his tinted windows. He rolled his down and when he felt they were in hearing distance, he spoke.

“I swung and I missed. I didn’t think Anna Nicole and her sugar daddy were anything but you having a case of bad judgment, Angel. But joke’s on me… They’re in the club now. Safe around warm and cold bodies. How’d you two do? Thought there was only one, and I thought you were off, Niko.” Sean stepped out of his truck and his eyes looked Angel from head to toe… almost twice over before chuckling. Maybe that answers it.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by jetipster
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jetipster Not all those that wander are lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Time: Night
Location: Leblanc Home
Interactions: Violet @princess & Rose@Tae

Felix gave himself a look over in the full-length mirror propped up in the corner of his attic room. It had been a while since he’d been out but a combination of swimming and dressing dapper for his job had maintained his trim physique and style. He pulled on a pair of black Chelsea boots, tugging the hems of his skinny back jeans over the top before deciding on a variety of jewellery to wear. Hex had just finished debating on how many shirt buttons to leave open and was attempting to style his shaggy hair when he heard his cousin’s call as she descended the stairs a floor below. Perfect timing. He ran his hand through his mop of a fringe once more as he heard the front door slam violently open. His heart caught in his throat as a multitude of possibilities explanations ran through his mind, each scenario worse than the last.

Rushing to the large front window he pressed his nose against the glass, promptly fogging the pane with his sigh of relief. He saw a male figure disappearing down the road as Violet strode powerfully over to her sister and crumpled up whatever message she’d been given. Felix felt a tingle as a stray breeze blew the scrap of paper into his newly reinforced Cingo terminus and it disintegrated in a brief flare of golden flame. So Vi was right to be suspicious…

Suddenly aware that his spying face was readily visible to Rose, he quickly retreated back into his room, grabbing keys, wallet, phone and jacket before descending the stairs. The tension outside was palpable so he quickly shouted from the hallway, “Come on Rose! They’ll give away our table at this rate.” He’d ask Violet for more of a lowdown while Rose got changed. Neither of his cousins had been very forthcoming about their time in Europe, a stark contrast to his reams of adventures. He'd finally settled into Ember Grove and even started to let his suspicions about the Coven fade. But within hours there was that suspicious older warlock in the Brew and now this shady dude from his cousins' past. Fuck it. They can be tomorrow Felix's problem. He needed vodka and a dancefloor. And preferably someone tall, dark and handsome.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Location: Random street --> The Pit
Mentions:@Potter Nikolaus @FunnyGuy Sean

Niko went on an interesting tirade about how she needed to be less reckless and how he was scheduled to be off. She found herself frowning when he said he was going to become disappointed in her. He had a lot of nerve acting like she had forced him to come here during her time off. She asked if someone would check out the scene in front of the Pit, to which Sean answered the call. Clearly, he wanted to come here. "Hold up." She protested indignantly, "I pursued a vampire that attacked me to ensure the safety of others and I'm reckless? I didn't need saving and did not ask anyone to save me. "

When it came to them helping her with her pursuit, she knew no one would. If he thought this was a suicide mission, then he'd probably think she was joking if she told him her real goal. Besides, Angel wanted it to be her little secret. Desiree was her kill. They may have all been put in a squad, but she still preferred to do work alone. There was less to worry about when she was alone. However, the commander seemed really adamant this time that they all work together, and it seemed Niko was on that kick too.

He had come over when she had been previously been speaking and actually touched her hair to start tending to her wound. Angel averted her eyes as soon as he had gotten close. It felt like he was pouring a liquid on it. Angel guessed he carried around those vials the hunters had been telling them about earlier this week. She started to protest that was making her wound worse when it started to sting, but then it started feeling better so she had shut her mouth. Angel muttered her thanks and watched as he took out a lighter and declared he hating the clean-up. She actually enjoyed watching them burn to ashes, but she thought that might be a bit morbid to announce.

Angel made no move to distant herself much from the flames and stared down at them as they burned up. They'd be doing a lot of that once they all went back to where they came from in Hell, if there even was one that is. The more she watched, the more she realized they were burning up way faster than should be possible. The bodies completely disappeared in a few puffs of smoke not long after. "Wait. What?"Angel could not help but say out loud. However, by the time she had spoken those words, Niko was already walking away, calling back to her to keep up. She jogged over, accidentally passing him and having to stop for him to catch up as she asked, "What the heck was with that? I want one of those lighters."

"And you know what, Niko? You wanna know something really disappointing? The best line you could come up with was 'We're your worst nightmare.'" Angel continued speaking before he could answer her initial question, as she still was a bit defensive from his earlier chastising. She took on a mocking tone on the last four words, taking on a deep voice at the end to try to sound like him, "Talk about a cliche! What are you, the boogeyman? You HAVE to work on that."

As soon as they arrived back at the Pit, she caught sight of Sean rolling down his window as he sat in his vehicle. She listened as he spoke before replying as she moved closer, "I was not sure myself, to be honest. I thought it was better safe than sorry since that place is crawling with freaks. Was it the girl in the gothic clothes with the older guy with long dark hair? She paused a moment when he asked about what happened with them. He probably was gonna get annoyed that she got into the situation just as Niko did. Angel gave Niko a devious grin and then told Sean, "Well. I was chasing down a vampire who thought I was a capri sun and then I found Nikolaus, yelling for my help and surrounded by three other vampires so I had to rescue him. I defeated them all. He was very lucky I found him."She patted Niko's head, "You should be more careful. Anyways! Let's go in. "

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MsMorningstar
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MsMorningstar Momo

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Time: Night
Location: Trance Club
Vibes: "Make me remember you, like you'll remember me…"

Volfango considered the playful hit to his chest an excellent start to a hopefully exciting night, laughing along as she addressed him as ‘your highness’. However, it had an air of familiarity that seemed odd for two strangers and the following question solidified the possibility that knew each other somehow. A far-off look briefly took control of Volfango’s face as he tried to think of where he saw her before. As she thanked him for the drink, it clicked within his mind. Genesis! How could he forget a face like hers!

”It was Volfango’s pleasure.” His eyes refocused on her ”Volfango is still learning all the steps to this dance, but rest assured! He shall have it mastered in no time!” He answered with a warm smile before drinking the first of his Bronx Martinis “How has your night been thus far?”

“It’s been fine.” Genesis shrugged. “Better, now that you’re here to enjoy it with me.” That was true, she enjoyed the comforting aura of her pack members, even newer ones such as he.

Turning back to the bar, she lifted her empty shot glass in the bartender’s direction. She was already nicely buzzed, had been for quite some time now, but she didn’t want to slow down now that she had a drinking partner. Besides, she held her liquor quite well. A lot better than Charlotte, at least.

“What’s brought you here tonight? Some of the family back home were having a poker game, weren’t you invited?” There were always games held every other night for bonding purposes, but poker when Liam took his leave was definitely the most competitive and enjoyable. Genesis participated frequently, but decided against it that night.

The liquor from his Martinis was already gone as Genesis asked her next query. High alcohol tolerance built around countless parties and festivals. No matter how much he would drink, he would tell her how overwhelming this all has been for him “What else?” He stated while turning around in place, one hand gesturing to their surroundings “Lights! Music! Dancing! Drinks! And of course, mi bellissima dea.” He faced her one more with a great smile, his suave Italian accent taking control of the last three words. Volfango gently took one of hers with one hand on top and one on the bottom, looking up from his long lashes “Please grant Volfango the blessing of a dance. Mi dea shall not be disappointed.”

He had indeed been offered an invite to the games being held by the Vagus Lupi tonight but had declined. There was not a shortage of great looking men and women he could lose himself, but that was not only what he wanted tonight. Volfango wanted passion and romance. Fun and freedom, as if it was the last night he could have it. The direction his life was heading in, he was unsure when he would have another night like this.

What an interesting person. His lust for life was...refreshing to say the least. It was extremely human, wanting to live in the moment. Luckily for him, he had much more time now. He’d be able to see more changes than he had ever imagined. Perhaps that was his issue? Maybe he was there to drink away the pain he felt, knowing his human family wouldn’t last as long. She couldn’t tell, he just seemed so happy.

Then again, didn’t she?

Torn out of her thoughts by the sudden stench of death beside her, Genesis glanced past Volfango and into the eyes of a young man. She fixed him with a glare, unafraid of the hungry look in his eyes. It was then that she remembered her company. A new werewolf would risk exposure, and hinder her when it came down to a fight. Perhaps it was time to take Volfango away from the bar.

Glancing down at the hand he had encapsulated in his own, Genesis forced a grin. “Alright, but don’t get upset if I show you up.”

His body felt several times lighter as Genesis granted his request, just as a newcomer came to the bar. The hairs on the back of his neck began to stand up as they sat down telling him something was off. However, he was not about to let it ruin his night “Show up Voflango? I welcome the challenge!” He exclaimed cheerfully as he eagerly followed her to the dance floor.

The music wasn’t exactly made for a tango, but it was easy enough to grind to. Taking Volfango’s hands, she placed them on her hips and began to sway and step to the bass heavy music. “It’s like there’s a spotlight on you,” She began, glancing around to some of the men and women who continued to stare at Volfango. Her gaze lingered on the creature at the bar, before continuing to dart around. “Are you sure you’re not enchanted?”

Under Genesis’s guidance, Volfango let her hips fill his palms while his fingers pressed against her lower back. His chest and hips flowed both to the music and to Genesis’s own movements “Of course, for Voflango is a sight to behold.” The spotlight was always shining on him, and he basked in its light. “Perhaps you were the one that cast the spell.” His voice rising just above the music, his eyes focused on her movements. Voflango acted as if there was no else on the dancefloor. He had found his partner for the night and he was having a blast so far, enough to forget what troubles he had.

Genesis simply grinned, moving to rest her forehead on Volfango’s shoulder. She could hardly believe how full of himself he was. Continuing to talk about himself in the third person, complimenting himself regularly. She could only imagine being that confident. Still, he managed to make her feel like she was the only person in the building. Such conflicting traits.

“You know,” She began, tilting her head so her warm breath would fan his neck. “Maybe we should get out of here?” She was well aware of how he could interpret that, but she doubted anything serious would come from their night.

No other words could have grabbed his attention as fully as those did “With pleasure, mi dea. The night and the town are ours.”. He gave her a quick spin followed by a dip in smooth succession, bringing her back up chest to chest “Let us go.” The words rolling off his tongue like honey. Voflango offered Genesis his arm to take before departing.

On their way out, he would turn his head back to the crowd that had been watching them and blow a kiss in their direction. Volfango didn’t bother seeing their reactions and returned to his bellissima dea. Wherever the night was taking them, it did not matter much to him. Genesis was already more fun than he had been expecting.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Night
Location: In the car headed towards campground
Interactions: @Alivefalling Cyrus @Potter Luna @Helo Liam

Once everyone who was riding in her car was in, she shifted into reverse and began their drive to the campgrounds. She had taken a brief glance at Cyrus car, knowing they would have to come back and pick it up later. She just hoped that he wouldn’t be upset with her for leaving it there for the time being. As the adrenaline wore off, her injuries began making themselves more and more apparent. She definitely had broken ribs and they made breathing a delightful experience, but that pain was overshadowed by the stab wound in her side. It was a strange feeling, while the site of the wound throbbed and burned from the silver, the rest of her body felt like a cold wind passed through her and she couldn’t stop the small shivers that overtook her body.

She was grateful to Liam for beginning to talk as it gave her something to focus on other than the pain. Her knuckles were white as she gripped the steering wheel and gear shift. She couldn’t find her voice at first to reply to anything he said, but she did smile a little to herself as he mentioned he wasn’t looking to make any claims on her territory and that he guessed her pack was rather secretive. So far she liked Liam and what he seemed to stand for, plus he was willing to help the female wolf in her back seat, whom she’d gathered he wasn’t really acquainted with, and herself. All of this won brownie points in Sorrel’s book.

As they were nearing the last turn which would lead them to where he camped, another wave of pain and shivers came over her and she unknowingly began to speed. He’d told her the turn was coming up, but for some reason it didn’t register until the last second. ”Scheiße…” She said as she made a last minute decision, tapping her brakes while also accelerating some and flicking the car to drift around the corner. ”Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!” She apologized the whole time, but surprisingly kept in complete control of the car. Once they were heading straight down the road again towards the campsite she looked in her mirror to make sure Cyrus and Luna were both alright. She then looked at Liam sheepishly, face flushed in complete embarrassment. ”I’m so sorry, I may have allowed myself to be a bit distracted.” She apologized for the fourth time. She took it slower now down the road, not wanting to risk having to do something like that again.

After a moment of being silent, she awkwardly cleared her throat and decided to start up a bit of conversation again since she’d found her voice. ”A-anyways, it’s a pleasure to meet you Liam, I’m Sorrel. My pack is...well...kinda nonexistent I suppose? Unless you want to count Cyrus back there as my pack, but I wouldn’t say we’re officially a pack. He’s all I have anymore that would be close to a pack...or even close to family if I’m being honest. So no need to worry about maybe having any troubles with us since we’re kind of loners.” She grinned at him, wondering what his reaction would be to this information. She knew it was strange for an alpha not to have a pack.

Time: Night
Location: On the streets walking home
Interaction: @FunnyGuy Damien @princess Violet @jetipster Felix
Clothing:Outfit || Makeup || Shoes

"Maybe I was born a sinner, I might never be a saint..."

Rose was a little surprised that Damien wouldn’t want to try to get his magic back. It had always seemed like it was such a big and cherished part of his life. Perhaps he was just trying to be humble? Either way she decided she’d look into it, maybe it would help mend some of that anger she felt from him. She watched as Lucy flew to her and dropped the paper in her hands. She still felt a wariness towards Damien, but as soon as that paper touched her skin she began to feel...safe? She stared down at it for a moment, but was pulled out of her thoughts as the door to the house slamming open made her jump. She turned to see Violet moving towards her and her twin soon took the paper out of her hand and dropped it. The wind blew it into the boundary ward that Felix had up and soon the paper was no longer. She glanced back up to the disappearing figure and now felt a bit troubled.

”No it’s fine…” She said in a dazed way, still staring off into the distance. She soon shook her head and looked over at Violet. She knew her sister didn’t like Damien in the least and if she were being honest, she couldn’t blame her. He really hadn’t treated her the best, but Rose couldn’t deny that there were still some small feelings for him there. This fact alone troubled her even more. ”Sorry, he came by to apologise to me and then offered to walk me home.” So maybe that wasn’t entirely what happened, but basically it was. She didn’t want his appearance to ruin the night they had planned.

”Anyways let’s just ignore that he was here and go have some fun. I am in need of some drinking and dancing, maybe even a little extra fun.” She said to her sister with a bit of a mischievous giggle as she took her hand and pulled her into the house. ”I’ll get ready as quickly as possible, but if you wanted to help and pick out what I should wear I won’t deny you that. Then we can all go party the night away.” She offered and directed the last part at Felix as well, giving him a wave in greeting.

Soon she was upstairs, changing into the outfit that Violet had chosen for her, silently relieved that she hadn’t chosen a dress. While she would have stuck to her word and worn anything her sister chose, wearing a dress really wasn’t her cup of tea. She pulled on her heeled motorcycle style boots before looking at herself in the mirror. The only thing she needed to change up now was her makeup. ”Mutatio…” She uttered, changing the appearance of her makeup, focusing on the color scheme she wanted. Thankfully it turned out rather well on the first shot and she nodded at her reflection satisfied. She made sure to leave her beanie behind tonight and flipped over to tousle her hair a bit before flipping back. With volume restored and the hair falling in soft messy waves, Rose was quite pleased with it all and grabbed her small backpack before heading out of her bedroom.

”Calm your tits, Felix. If they give our table away I’m sure we can convince someone there to let us sit with them. I mean look at the three of us, we’re hot as fuck.” She teased her cousin with a smirk as she descended the stairs. She moved straight for the front door and opened it before looking back at the other two. ”Well come on then!”
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 9 days ago

Sister Frida

Time: Night
Location: Church
Interactions: Damien @FunnyGuy

Frida listened carefully to the words of the ones that people rarely paid attention. Evildoers were no exception. Frida had long known that the poor and the dispossesed saw but did not say... at least without a little coaxing, such as the warmth of a person of faith. Most of what they had said was nonsense, but the all too familiar patterns of the creatures that plagued mankind were laid bare before her. They were sighted. And they were bold enough to even leave half-eaten blood bags in trash bins. Frida herself felt being watched.

Guess that old Prude was Right. Even taking in account father Xavier's temper and flair, this was worth an investigation..

Frida would have loved to remark that rest was not for the wicked and sinful, but she weighed her options carefully. As a newcomer, she barely had a foothold in Ember Grove for the size of the monumental task that little by little was revealed to her. So she traced back her steps towards the haven of God, the church. Well, not like the place was actually warded against anything particularly well, she would have work towards that goal later, but even the most brazen of Vampires knew that kicking the beehive of the Holy Saviours was not a wise move to even attempt.

As she heaved to open the door of the church, her sight rested on the mostly empty chapel...save for the one man standing at the pews. He had... a thoughtful air about him, like if he was not really focusing on what was front of his eyes, but rather elaborating in the meaning of life. He was too well dressed to be either a burglar, a vagrant in need of shelter, or one of Johnson's associates.

A wayward soul, perhaps? Well they sometimes appeared. People on the verge of a breaking point, or desperately looking a purpose in their daily existence.

Although the presence of that crow... was really suspicious.

"May the Blessings of God be upon ye, stranger. Have ye come to seek absolution from your sins? Or have ye come to find strength in the Faith?" Frida said, her hands crossed in front of her crucifix, as if emphasizing contrition.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Time: Night
Location: Leblanc Home
Interactions: Felix @jetipster, Rose@Tae

"Came by to apologize?"Violet repeated in surprise, "Coming by to just apologize from across the world to the exact town you live in is a little much. He could have sent something." She folded her arms as she quickly changed the topic. Something was up, but it'd be best for her sister to think less of him and to distract herself, so she agreed. "Hmm. Fine..." She softened but before Violet could say more, she was being dragged into the house.

Violet helped her pick an outfit to her request, a pair of black shorts and a netted see-through crop top to go over her bralette. Going for the hot route would definitely mean she'd end up flirting with different guys and forgetting about Damien, so it was optimal. Plus, she knew it was Rose's style and she'd have fun in it. She smiled when Rose came out. "Back in black."She mused and put her hands together in appreciation of her work, "You look beautiful. "

She descended the stairs and blew a kiss to Felix, taking the time to appreciate his look as well. "Parfait, mon amour!" Of course, Violet insisted on driving. She had a pink convertible beetle. The inside of it smelled like cupcakes and had a vase of flowers in the front seat. She was extra.

Once they arrived at Trance, she got out of the car delicately and began to smooth down the skirt of her dress. "Trance is much more upscale than the Pit, don't you think?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Manzanilla
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Manzanilla 🌿✨🍵

Member Seen 1 mo ago

T i m e : P a s t D u s k
L o c a t i o n : O u t s i d e T h e P i t
I n t e r a c t i o n s : L u p i n - @AtomicNut

"Oh, please, the dude wouldn't even make it past the door before he got taken down." Lilith shouted into the older man's ear as the music surrounded them both. She continued to drag Lupin, as the man had introduced himself, towards the bar where the crowds of people weren't so dense.

She felt somewhat bad for the older gentleman since she had dragged him into the club without warning, but then again, she had probably provoked the hunter outside. She almost wanted to laugh at the expression the hunter had given her as she stuck out her tongue at him. What kind of loser just sat there in their car and cocked their gun? Lilith hadn't been able to help herself and tease the guy just as they went into the club. Now the hunter knew her face and might be able to spot her on the streets. Perfect. Lilith was starting to get bored.

"There aren't many burlesques left now; those are usually fancier than your common strip clubs." Lilith waved down a bartender and asked her for a bloody mary and an old fashioned for Lupin. When the waiter nodded and began to prep their drinks, she turned to the old werewolf to finally get a good look at him. "So, you French?" the bartender came back with their drink, and Lilith slid over her card. "What brings you to the oh so boring town of Ember Grove?' She had to roll her eyes at the name of the town.

Lilith hadn't planned to come to Ember Grove since she had been practically forced to by her creepy overprotective father. She knew others preferred the quiet towns snuggled next to a forest, but Lilith missed the bustling streets of Rome she got to explore during the days or the bike rides in Amsterdam. Lilith had never expected to end up here.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Time: Night
Location: Ember Grove Hand of God Church
Interaction with: @AtomicNut Frida

Glowing red eyes would probably suit a guy like me though. Damien's thoughts were still on the Alpha status of werewolves when he noticed a figure subtly enter the church. At first, he didn't pay her much attention and possibly might have left her alone, but she approached him.

A warm smile formed on his face as his eyes met the woman's. He normally tried to avoid idle chatter with Holy Saviors and members of the church in general, but tonight he considered himself to be a bit of a ladies man. Sure, the woman was a nun, but it made things all the more exciting.

"Neither, but thank you sister. I am here to speak to Xavier though." Damien looked over his shoulder in the direction where the offices were located. "Actually…" Damien walked forward to close the gap between himself and the woman. "What brings such a young and beautiful woman to the church at this time of night? You should be home already..." Damien reached to touch the crucifix. "Sometimes there are circumstances where even God can't save you." Damien spoke gently. Meeting Xavier could wait, Damien was already enjoying the company of this one.
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