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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Darkmoon Angel
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Darkmoon Angel Lunar Guardian of Time

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Eris went quiet as the Tomoko continued her conversation with the other two girls, leaving her effectively out of it. She couldn't care less really, though it did seem a bit rude that she didn't address along with Seika and Yeshua. And before she had time to react, at the top of her shoes, Tomoko had teleported all of them to a new area, one Eris was unfamiliar with. It still seemed like a city, but looking down at the glass floor revealed that they were now up in the sky.

“Welcome to the proud and only flagship of the Human Anti-Radical Team! Better known as HART,” Tomoko said, finally letting the three go and swerving an arm dramatically. “No need to fear, GMGs. For we are here! To better your lives and the lives of the humans of our world!”

HART... Eris tilted her head in visible curiosity. A place for both humans and GMGs. The thought of there being a place where she can actually have some peace and quiet enticed her, in fact she was already scanning the area for somewhere to sleep. That is until alarms started blaring and people started rushing around the area.

“Codename Goomie. Perfect. As I was saying, in exchange for protection and integration, we’d like to count on your assistance in safely helping your sisters. That means, we’ll be relying on you to go down there and…well, talk some sense into her, so to speak,”

The big screen Tomoko pulled up showed some kind of slime coming out of the water and heading for the mainland. Another GMG, and an icky one at that. Eris looked up at Tomoko and then watched Yeshua rush off, all with the same sleepy stare she's had since Seika found her. "Do I have to? I... *Yawn*... Still haven't had much sleep..." She said, rubbing her one eye.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Akane Yurei

Upon finding that the commander had called a meeting, Akane thanked her lucky stars. She might yet be able to wriggle out of a lecture. She snuck into her office and closed the door. Working fervently, she scanned through the papers that had inevitably built up on the desk and went through work emails. Most of it was routine, end-of-day stuff, though a good portion related to the two GMG attacks just today. She also took the opportunity to type up a report on her findings concerning The Dragon Queen. Edited, mind. The report had her following the GMG in a vehicle then getting spotted and attacked instead of what really happened. When she finished everything, she leaned back with satiation and stifled a yawn. A glance at the clock on her computer told her that it was nearly closing time.

Strange that she hadn't heard anything yet. Not even an angry phone call to ignore. Was that meeting still going on? Yashiro did love her briefings. Welp. The longer the better for this girl, Akane decided. She locked up in record time, and was heading out the door in minutes munching a pilfered donut. She was going to go home, take a nice long bath (She was filthy!), maybe watch a movie, and plan how she was going to save the human race from extinction at the hands of the GMG.


She had just gotten into her car and buckled herself in when Ride of the Valkyries began blaring full blast. With a muttered curse in Japanese, she rummaged through her pockets and answered her phone. "Moshi Moshi."

"Agent Yurei." The MFF operator said bluntly. "Another GMG has appeared. Codename Goomie. We are sending you the details now, including its current location and a live feed. All available MFF forces are to mobilize. We are shorthanded, so you are also being sent to the front lines. Your mission is to provide information and organization and support and assist in the evacuation of the area."

"Copy. I'm on my way." She said, then hung up. As soon as she did, she let out another unlady-like curse and tossed the phone into the passenger seat. "Argh!" She yelled, tousling her hair in frustration. That bath was going to have to wait. Three GMGs in one day! What on earth was going on? "No rest for the wicked." She muttered, turning over the key, whipping out of the parking space and tearing off in the direction of the latest disturbance.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Akane Yashiro"

Direct Mentions: @Flood, @Crimson Raven, (Everyone)

(During the Meeting)

"Excuse me for asking Commander Yashiro, but are you sure that's a GMG? It looks very... not humanoid. I know we've had some oddballs in the past, what with Goomie being an amorphous GMG, but this thing doesn't look even close to being human."
Utena Soriyu

Yashiro nodded to affirm the unit's assumption.

"That is precisely why I brought it up." she replied, "The fact that such a beast found itself within the GMG's immediate vicinity is a strange case. We do not know why it's in league with them, whether it had become a prisoner... or it is part of the GMG as some kind of beast or pet. We are still looking into its identity and why it's here. We will update its identity in a future meeting once we know exactly what it is."

Perhaps after a few more stray questions, the Commander would see that everything had been addressed to accordingly. But as she began to address the second part of the meeting, one of her assistants quickly rushed from her left and began to whisper something into her ear. Nobody would've heard what was exchanged, but seeing how Yashiro was quickly reassembling her papers, it seemed like they would be let go early.

"My apologizes everyone." she announced politely, "I've been urgently reported elsewhere for the time being. This unfortunately means I shall cut the meeting short. However, please note, that the special anti-GMG projects mentioned earlier are currently underway and they will soon find themselves upon the battlefield. More information on them will be released at a later time. Stay tuned for updates. You are all dismissed."

With that, the Commander urgently stepped down from her podium and assessed the situation at hand...

(Present Day)

Merely a few hours later after the meeting, Commander Yashiro would be alerted to the familiar alarms of yet another GMG threat. She would quickly make her way to the control center while being escorted by two female assistants, each wearing grey clothing with one wielding a light pistol and the other a holopad.

"Ma'am?" asked one of the assistants as they entered the elevator, "Pardon my impulsiveness, but with all do respect, are you sure it's wise to let Miss Yurei go onto the front lines after she disobeyed your orders? I believe you hadn't gotten a chance to~"

"She is the only person capable for the job at the moment." the commander replied accordingly, "I will speak to her regarding her past offense, but considering her willingness to be right in the action I'm forced to give her another chance. Failing to comply in that will have her be punished accordingly."

The assistant nodded as they reached their destination. The Commander's mechanical boots issued a booming presence with each step as she was presented with the GMG in question onscreen. A giant female figure made out of thick blue-slime had proceeded to make it inland and had been plucking people from the shelters and storing them within her body for whatever god-forsaken reason. However, the Commander was not phased, for she and the others recognized who it was.

"Codename: Goomie?" one of her assistants asked, "What's it doing back here?"

"It does not matter." the Commander boomed back as she planted her hands on the desk, "We've faced her before. You all know the procedure."

The assistants both nodded as the holopad one proceeds to give out the orders.

"Attention all fighters!" she reported to all available unit comms, "You know the drill against "Codename: Goomie"! We need someone to distract her attention from ingesting anymore civilians as we prepare to set explosive charges within her body. All flying units, engage! All ground units, prepare for further orders."

Just then, one of the operators quickly alerted the Commander.

"Commander! We have readings from yet another approaching GMG. It's Terrorkeet!"

With that, the assistant retracted from the mic before a sudden realization hit her. She quickly stumbled back to Yashiro's position before reporting an unfortunate truth.

"Commander," she reported worryingly, "I don't believe we have enough specialized forces for someone to plant the bombs and keep the other flyer at bay. We'll need someone to be able to easily cut through Goomie's gelatinous flesh while the others at least keep Terrorkeet at bay."

Yashiro took a moment to reflect on the situation before nodding.

"We have someone who can deal with Goomie." she acknowledged before turning to her assistant, "You know who I'm talking about."

The assistant was almost stunned by her suggestion. She knew who she mentioned, yet seemed hesitant in confirming her.

"But she's not been in a proper battle yet~"

"She's more than qualified for this job and you know it," Yashiro answered hastily as her annoyance levels began to slowly rise, "Send 'Special-Forces Unit 5794' onto the field, we have no time to loose."

"Roger!" the assistant complied as she proceeded to wake the "unit-in-question" up.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 9 days ago


@Crimson Raven@Lmpkio
"It's broken"

"What do you mean by bro- ah hell."

"Yes, it was a bit stuffy with the controls and now it's flashing red all over."

"How the hell did you manage to crash a simulation meant for elite Aerial Divers, Recruit?"

"I don't know? It seemed glitching when it got serious."

"Sigh... I guess we will need to calibrate the maximum kinaesthetic performance roof."

"Does that mean I pass?"

"Uh... we will get back on to you. Get some R&R, recruit."

Ferret fidgetted somewhat, remembering his last attempt at becoming an Aerial Diver. It had gone not so well. The machine was faulty, though. There was no way he wasn't keeping up with those speeds. After all, one had to be quick or one would be dead. He would have asked his superiors, but the Commander seemed a bit grumpy these days. The first deployment against that Terrier Kitten had been a fiasco. Well, even he sucked at first when hunting in the wild. No body would hold that against them, right? But that did look more like a bird, and not a dog or a cat. Definitely not a small dog nor cat.

He pondered mooching off some of the veterans. His puppy eye game was top notch. Perhaps Akari-nee would cave in. She had seemed to be off somewhere. Still, he did manage to get some freshly baked ginger crisps, so everything was all good.

Well, except for that tide of goo snatching people. Welp. Obviously the MFF would be mobilized for this, but how the hell would he even try to slow this thing? Sure, he had explosive bullets, but might as well use just firecrackers or yell at the thing. These small-scale suppresions wouldn't fit.

And that slimy goop is everywhere. I wonder if we have enough salt for this slug-thing. Ferret quickly elaborated as he searched the area for a vantage spot. One thing about a city besieged by monsters was that there was a lot of tall cranes and buildings being constructed, so he fired his hookshot and in a few moments, he was a few stories up, overseeing the situation.

"HQ, this is Ferret. Positive contact with uh, the giant jello thing. Initiating delaying maneuvers... with ...euuuh...cement! Yes, cement. Please send reinforcements." He said while taking a look around and finding something that could work against the moist and watery nature of the creature. He wished there were more people around so he could get to haul survivors, but first moments were crucial. He took one of the heavy sacks of cement, and kicked it in the direction of Goomie's head, followed by a quick followup of a small bullet burst, creating a cloud of quick drying cement aimed at the giant slime's head.

"I wonder if you're edible, slug bitch."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

"That wasn't so bad after all," Akari said to herself as she made her way back home. The trains began to run on the scheduled time again, making it easy and she had plenty of food a little while ago. All she needed now was to hit the hay.

Akari almost gave up to tiredness and slept on the monorail. Almost. The alarms blared jolting her right up the moment she was about to lose the battle against the sandman.

"Sometimes I want to find whoever said that there ain't no rest for the wicked and slug him in the face," she grumbled as she got back up, stretched her muscles in the empty car and...
"Ahh, I feel like I'm alive again!" Akari took a deep breath after chugging an energy drink she got from the nearest vending machine. "Even during a crisis, you can count on Capitalism to be there for you," she said as she roared through the streets like a blaze.

As soon as she reached Goomie's position Akari made for the roof of one of the tallest buildings nearby with a bounding leap right in time to see Ferret—or was it Squirrel?—engage the GMG. "Everything will be fine now, citizens. Why? Because we are here!" she yelled as she crashed the roof in a superhero landing.

"That ain't a bad idea but you'll need a little heat if you wanna that to dry up fast enough," Akari said as she saw Ferret's plan. It probably wasn't gonna work in the long run but they didn't have anything to lose by trying, right? At least she thought so as she torched the fresh cement, drying it even quicker.

"Oh, hey she wasn't lying. No one looks up at all," Seika was amazed at how no one in the city noticed another monster girl popping up in the sky and practically dive-bombing Goomie out of nowhere.

Eris' sleepness made her chuckle. It seemed that she wasn't lying about not even noticing the earlier "attack". "You really like to sleep, don't you? Well, don't worry. I think it would be funnier if you came along, but we can always have you stay around as backup, right?" she asked, looking at Eris and then Tomoko.

"Now that we are set, how is it they say? Erm... beam me up, right?" Seika looked at Tomoko with shiny eyes. If they had a teleporter that could bring them up here, they sure could put her back on the ground, right?

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The air shifted subtly, well perhaps not so subtly for every human around, but subtly for Goomi. Her attention shifted from the building she was knocking over, gotta see if humans were in there, to the GMG hovering above the warehouse nearby, looking quite intimidating and scary for everyone around surely. Her face was deadly serious, many would probably be able to read the mood and see that perhaps it was time to pay attention to the GMG who appeared in response to Goomi.

Goomi could not read the mood. In fact she probably couldn't read. The giant slime smiled and waved a goopy arm at the bird, before focusing her attention back on the building. Gotta find the humans, cute little guys were hiding everywhere. Oh look, there's one hiding under the desk! Silly little thing, they just looked the absolute cutest while they were trembling and staring up at her with those big ol eyes. Her mouth opened wide as she ducked her head inside, drowning the entire floor with goop and scooping up the human into her 'mouth.' And as she straightened back up, a heavy sack of something collided with her face, limply plopping into the surface of her body and slowly sinking in. Then a cloud of something kind of floated onto the surface of her body. Kind of anti climactic really, especially as it began to dissolve with a sizzle.

Goomi turned towards Ferret with a confused expression, looking around for whatever had just done that. Than she spotted him. Her lips stretched out into a smile as she spotted the cute little human with his cute clothes, bubbling her way towards him as she stretched out her arm to pick him up and-

A spout of flame impacted with her head, drying the cement that had been mixing. Ultimately this meant little as the cement nearly instantly dissolved, but what was much more important was the way her slime boiled upon contact with fire. Goomi let loose a gurgly scream as she flinched away, before glaring at the meanie human who just did that. You're not allowed to be that cute and be that mean! She was gonna have to punish her for that when they got back to the island. Her arm swung through the air with surprising speed, crashing through the building Akari and Ferret were standing on from below as Goomi annihilated each and every floor of the building in her uppercut, a cute pout on her face to showcase her current mood.

Meanwhile with Utena... things were not going quite as planned. Three GMGs in a day sounded great on paper, they were all so cute and huggable and cute and big! But she wanted to be ready ahead of time, she had just arrived at home when she got the call about Goomi! So she had to jump back in her car, a luxury she could afford as a commander within the MFF, fight through traffic, thankfully easy since everyone was driving away from the GMG, and put on her gear while she drove, which was really rather stressful and she might have scratched herself with one of her wings!

And then when she finally arrives on the scene, she sees not only Goomi, but Terrorkeat there too! EVERYTHING IS SO STRESSFUL AND CRAZY AND WONDERFUL TODAY! Utena's face flattened out as she tried to process everything that was going on, eventually shaking her head and moving towards what she knew right now. Terrorkeat was intelligent, she had no idea if Goomi was. So Utena activated her jetpack and took off towards Terrorkeat, ready to try and coordinate with the GMG to figure out what the hell was going on. She arrived soon enough, waving her arms as she buzzed around the avian's face to get her attention.

"Hey! What are you doing here!? Did you bring her with you or something!" She glanced over at Goomi, noticing all the humans floating around inside of her. The usual for Goomi. Oh, there's a question. "And why does she keep kidnapping people!?" She was doing her best to keep her voice down so nobody else heard her, but people would definitely notice the fact that she was just hovering in front of Terrorkeat without attacking. The boys back at the base would probably assume she was having a heated stare down with the GMG.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 1 day ago

Yeshua Sands - Terrorkeet

If nothing else, Yeshua had to admit that Goomie was very good at stealing attention, as she went unhindered in her approach from the skies despite having grown to her full size. She was nearly ready to come down and confront the hungry slime when a familiar buzzing heralded the return Utena-chan. As with last time she wasn't attacking outright and Yeshua knew why now, resulting in a faint reddening of her avian cheeks as she tried to lean back a bit lest Utena try landing on her.

By now it should have been obvious she couldn't convey things properly to the MFF officer but even still, there was precious little time to make the attempt when Goomie lashed out at a building, slime rising through pulverised concrete and rebar to try and swallow the MFF operators on the roof. Yeshua held no love for their sort but she liked the idea of letting Goomie feast on humans even less. With a shriek she descended, talons skating across the asphalt while a wing beat forward, heralded the air from the building to be siphoned out with a vacuum of force, ejecting Goomie's presence before it could threaten the MFF.

"Goomie-Chan, let those people go. Humans are friends, not food! You should be shrinking down and getting to know them. If you're that hungry we can get you a steak." The great Terrorkeat squaked for the slime's 'ears' only, pointing a clawing meaningly to Goomie's central mass before flicking downwards, as though directing a dog to release their owner's favorite slipper.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mentions: @Flood

Shortly after Terrorkeet tried to soothe Goomie's oblivious temper, she would soon find herself getting shot at by MFF reinforcements. Four missiles pierced through her gelatinous face, exploding violently as they threatened to tear her apart. If she were to look at where they were coming from, she would find two F-35 fighter jets zooming past her as they prepared for another attack run. They were careful not to attack her body where she was storing the victims, as they would risk civilian casualties. However, little would she know, they were merely a side-meal towards the real attraction.

Lying low to the ground, just barely touching the buildings below her, another jet-based vehicle was making its way towards the battlefield. Chad in a gleaming white color scheme with grey and red highlights, this high-tech jet began to search for a suitable landing point to deliver its quarry. Following close behind were two V-22 Ospreys that attempted to cover the VTOL jet if it was spotted - not like it would do much anyways.

Within the jet, Yuki could feet the jet rattling underneath her feet along with the muffled sounds warfare from outside. Still, she was as calm as she could muster herself, gripping her hands upon the handlebars of her vehicle and pressing her foot on the gas-pedal as she was prepared to move out at a moment's notice. She was given direct orders from the Commander herself in her objectives, her actions being vital for the success of this mission. Everybody was counting on her now, on her first engagement no less. No pressure of course.

"You got this Yuki..." she whispered to herself, "You got this. Make everyone here proud!"

Suddenly, her concentration would be interrupted by a blaring alarm that rattled the ship. She could feel like the ship had stopped, as if it was now simply hovering. Shortly after, the cargo bay door would quickly open, revealing Yuki to the outside world. It was time to go. The bike roared into action as Yuki stepped on the gas and exited the jet at a moment's notice. Thankfully for her, the road here was so far untouched by the rampaging GMGs, but she didn't have time to sightsee. She could already see the giant blue blob angrily sweeping away a building in the distance, although Yuki didn't have to worry about being caught in the meantime, at least by Goomie. The buildings were providing her with ample cover.

All she needs to do is just to get behind the slime and catch her by surprise. Already the jets and other GMG units were keeping Goomie and Terrorkeet occupied, although she didn't know for how long. She could only hope that they would keep them busy for just long enough for her to initiate her attack.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

“Woah, I can’t believe you guys actually did it!” Seika’s was grinning from ear to ear as she was teleported to the ground. Everything about this situation was so sci-fi that she couldn’t help but feel as giddy as a child in an amusement park.

The sound of explosions and—were those fighter jets?—flying overhead snapped her back to reality. “Right, right! I had something important to do here,” she said to herself as she took a quick dash to the port, doing her best to avoid being spotted. Not that it would be hard in this chaos but one can never be too cautious, right?

A moment later, a gigantic splash of seawater would cover the city in a salty rain as the gigantic mermaid, Diva, emerged from the waters, joining the other GMGs.

The amused smile never left her lips as she turned toward Goomie. “I’m sorry for raining on your parade but it seems like you splashed on the wrong pond,” she said in a melodic voice while resting a hand on her pronounced chest.

“Well, I think that was a failure. But at least it was worth a try, eh—” Akari stopped dead in her tracks, the grin in her face was gone when she realized that not only had their plan failed but also her flames somehow hurt Goomie.

Thankfully the slimy mass was back in shape but before Akari could have the chance to apologize a massive goopy hand came crashing down on the building whose roof she was standing in.

Were it not for the missiles that intercepted the gooey GMG’s attack, Akari would be in a sticky situation. Quite literally in fact. Sticky and acidic. Just the thought of having her suit be melt was enough to send shivers up her spine.

The redhaired girl repositioned herself, jumping to another building before Goomie could recompose herself. “Whose idea was it to shoot missiles at the GMG? I don’t know what you are thinking up there, but the target has a lot of hostages trapped inside of her,” Akari said over the radio just as a sudden rain hit the city.

“Another one? You gotta be kidding me,” she cursed just as Diva made her debut.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Goomie just narrowly missed the roof as she swept her hand to cover her face, several missiles slamming into her arm and just barely missing the squishy humans inside. Then the birdie started flapping her wings and pushing her around, telling her what to do and what not to do like she didn't know! Wait did she think she was eating them? Man, this was all just some big misunderstanding wasn't it? She cocked her head with confusion as the humans bobbed up and down inside her mass, clearly unharmed despite the fact that they clearly should have been digested by now. "Why would I eat them? They're way too cute to eat!" She burbled, facing Terrorkeat more seriously now as she turned her attention away from Akari. Talk about a short attention span.

And then it started raining when a fishy lady showed up! Goomie went silent as she tried to process the fishy lady's words, lots of hard metaphors going on here that were flying right over Goomie's head! Not that anything would fly over her head, especially if it was a cute human. She would catch them. "Ummm... this isn't a pond. It's a city. Are you doing okay fishy lady?" She asked cluelessly, before turning back to Terrorkeat. One of the jets came swooping in for another run, which Goomie actually noticed this time as she casually swatted at the bad plane trying to hurt the cute humans.

Now while this seemed to be a pretty ineffectual attack considering just how far away the jet was from Goomie as she swept her arm in it's general direction, what the pilot wasn't prepared for was Goomie's arm suddenly stretching to an abnormal length to grab at the plane. It swerved in a desperate attempt to avoid what seemed like certain death, the main body of the jet avoiding the slimy grasp of Goomie. But the left wing was caught, which was capture no matter how you spun it. The pilot rushed to eject, but it was already too late as Goomie's body swallowed the rest of the jet, her arm pulling back to her body as she continued to talk. "Did you girls come here to collect humans too? There's plenty to go around!" She burbled as the jet inside her arm dissolved in an instant, the human inside unharmed and struggling to swim through her viscous body.

While all this was going down, Utena was groaning as she tried to communicate with Terrorkeat. Of course she couldn't speak while she was in this form! And then another GMG showed up! They were all making very heated roars at each other, burbling and cawing and... doing whatever noise it was that fish girls did. This was probably her cue to start attacking, as she definitely couldn't justify staring down Terrorkeat for this long. "Sorry Terrorkeat... or whatever you wanna be called. Never got your name. Gonna have to start the capture up, do your best to dodge..." She said to the giant bird as she pulled out her sword and gave her a nasty glare for whoever may be watching. And then, she reactivated her comms. "Akari, I'm relying on you to keep Goomie busy, my arsenal isn't suited for her liquid body. I'll focus on Terrorkeat and Diva." She just came up with that name on the spot, her dress looked like something an idol would wear.

Utena's wings tilted back as she burst away from Terrorkeat, leaving behind a trail of plasma that hung in the air... and then shot towards the bird like a swarm of missiles! Because it was.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 1 day ago

Yeshua Sands - Terrorkeet

Yeshua knew she wasn't the brightest of bulbs, but trying to talk to Goomie was like addressing a puppy. A very large, gelatinous puppy who consumed everything she had the slightest interest in. Being the hero she was, Yeshua didn't want to have to discipline the slime in front of all the MFF and HART, but it was growing difficult to see a way out of this that didn't end in Goomie dissolving all those people and slinking off into the ocean.

Then again, could she even fight Goomie with all those people inside her? She'd be as heartless as those no good MFF who keep trying to bomb the slime, no doubt writing off the lives of those still struggling inside her, slowly being dissolved into some slurry for nourishing Goomie. Or so she assumed, anyway.

"Look, Goomie, you have to stop grabbing people like this or everyone's going to keep thinking we can't be friends. Let those people go and we can talk about thi- KIYAH!" Terrorkeat's attempt at reason ended in a piercing shriek as she staggered forward, her ignoring the chittering of tiny humans earning her a barrage of missiles to her unguarded back that scorched feather and furr alike, a patchwork of blackened feathers clustered together while she dropped to her knees with a clawed hand braced to the docks, talons cleaving through hard asphalt with ease.

A guttural groan came from the kaiju's lips as they twisted between a hard line and a snarl, Yeshua fighting hard to restrain the impulse to lash out. Not when they still had a chance to make it work. Not know when it was their best chance for cooperation. Her tail whipped about, sending a roaring updraft of wind out behind her to deter any further missiles while she plaintively looked up to Goomie, noting she was no on her level, and extended a clawed hand to the slime.

"Let the humans go, and I can take you for enough away we can talk in peace. Please."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Akane Yurei

Things were not going well.

No not at all.

A fair distance from the conflict, the MFF had set up a temporary command of several vehicles, and it was from here that Akane Yurei was observing the battle and giving orders.

"Estimated evacuation at 65%."
"Divert more manpower from fighting. Our weapons are doing little out there."

Too slow.

"Casualties at 5%, but many are struggling to free comrades trapped by Goomie's body, slowing the evac."
"Cementaion less than 1% coverage. Air strike on the way."

As a certain jet screamed across the sky, carrying it's payload, a squadron of old crop-duster styles planes passed between Goomie and the water, scattering a powdered mix of concrete and desiccant.

I hope your plan works, commander, because if it doesn't, we might have to resort to more drastic measures. Akane thought.

An alarm suddenly blared, making everyone jump. The nearest operator checked their screen and gasped. "What?! Bogy inbound! It's...Terrorkeet!"

Akane was too tired to be surprised. "Of course it is." She sighed. "Gat me a visual."

She watched with interest as Yeshua faced down Goomie. What others heard as squawks and bubbly rumblings, Akane understood as the GMGs conversing. Clearly, Goomie was, as their records indicated, not very bright. Reasoning with her would be difficult unless they could really get her attention with something. Unfortunately, all she wanted was the one thing they couldn't give her, and that was people.

"Evac at 70...2%."

"Goo inbound!"

Eyes flicked to the windows as a wall of goo was pushing down the street they were on.

"Activate countermeasures." Akane said, distractedly. From the sides, four parked cement trucks suddenly popped open, spilling their loads. MFF members armed with flamethrowers stepped forward and created a wall of flame, burning away the goo and quickly drying the cement. Meanwhile, wheels screeched as the convoy jumped into motion, putting more distance between them and the goo monster. The tide temporarily stemmed, the flames cut off and their holders hopped into cars to follow the command.

"Evac at 76%."

Another alarm. "We have...another GMG." The MFF agent said in a small voice. "Name...unknown...abilites...unknown...threat level...unknown."

The air grew cold. A display popped up in screen. Akane studied her. She was some form of mermaid? A siren, perhaps.

"W-what should we do, ma'am?" Akane looked to her subordinate, who seemed on the edge of terror, then to the rest of the room, all silently watching her.

With the coms broadcasting her words, she spoke. "Nothing has changed, ladies and gentlemen. Our jobs do not change based on number or size or feasibility. But a few decades ago, taking on one of these GMGs was considered impossible. Now, we, the MFF do the impossible regularly. What is one more impossibility? The commander and I had planned our way out of situations far worse than this. Relax, and have faith in us." She smiled at those present.

Some of them looked cheered, others skeptical, more simply reigned. But the fear gripping their hearts lifted and people returned to their jobs.

She returned her attention to the three GMGs displayed on the screen. The two newcomers didn't seem hostile to the MFF, short of self-defense. Yeshua, Akane knew for certain, wasn't. She even admired the girl's self-control after being pelted with missiles. She seemed to have been trying to reason with Goomie, could she be convinced to fight the goo-girl? The other's declaration upon joining the fray also stuck Akane as being against the gooy GMG. Could the pair actually be fighting for humanity? What had gotten through to them?

She opened comms. "All MFF troops, this is Field Commander Yurei. For the time being, unless acting in self-defense, do not attack the GMG known as 'Terrorkeet', nor the new aqueous GMG. Focus your efforts on keeping yourselves safe, evacuating the human population, and retarding the movement and actions of GMG Goomie. In that order."

This was risky, but if it worked, everything could change.

"Evac at 82%."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Akane Yashiro"

Mentions: @Flood, @KoL, @Lonewolf685, @Crimson Raven, (Everyone)

With Yuki having successfully made it to the ground unseen by the approaching GMG, Commander Yashiro and her assistants continued to monitor her approach while keeping the creatures' attention away from her. The Commander specifically had the jets target Goomie's head as it was the most accessible part of her body that they could shoot safely without harming any of the trapped civilians. While it was not guaranteed that the missiles would make their mark, it was their best shot for the time being. And with Terrorkeet's presence now in affect, the stakes have once again spiked.

Already it was beginning to look much like the previous engagement...

In the meantime, the Commander listened adamantly at the radio comms being directed by the other units; from Akari's displeasure at the jets risking civilian casualties, to Utena asking for the latter to deal with the slime girl, as well as the orders given by field commander Yurei overseeing the evacuations. Despite these rising tensions, the Commander believed that this operation could still be completed successfully so long as no other GMGs join the fray...

And as if the universe simply wanted to spite her, a third GMG descends from dark clouds as the battlefield began to rain.

"A third GMG opponent has joined the fray!" an operator announced panically, "Codename: Diva" - the undine!"

Yashiro's metallic fist banged upon the table as her stare began to portray a nasty grimace.

"You've got to be kidding..." she groaned with disbelief, "Why are they all here?"

She watched as the three creatures gathered in place, while the nervous tapping of shoes came from the assistants behind her. However, she would soon notice that they seemed to be conversing with one another about something. The Commander was unable to hear what they were saying and thus her mind began to race wildly with numerous calculations and theories as to what could be going on. With the Dragon Queen incident still fresh within her mind, the Commander began to immediately consider the worst-case scenarios that might be unleashed:

Were they planning on their next action? Could they be planning an ultimate attack? Were they summon another GMG to their position?

As these thoughts raced through her mind, she would stop for just a moment to listen to Yurei proposition:

"All MFF troops, this is Field Commander Yurei. For the time being, unless acting in self-defense, do not attack the GMG known as 'Terrorkeet', nor the new aqueous GMG. Focus your efforts on keeping yourselves safe, evacuating the human population, and retarding the movement and actions of GMG Goomie. In that order."
Akane Yueri

Commander Yashiro's gaze shifted on the screen portraying Yeuri on screen. The operators behind her began to mumble quietly in the background, almost as if they were questioning the field commander's very decision. Her belief that Terrorkeet and Diva were supposed to be helping humanity rather than joining Goomie's rampage would be considered blasphemy amongst the general MFF as a whole. And the fact that the former GMG had previously participated in the last engagement was also eye-raising to say the least. What did the field commander know that everyone else didn't?

It was something Commander Yashiro couldn't see adding up.

Thus she proceeded to announce over the general comms:

"Orders: Overriden." Commander Yashiro announced coldly with seemingly no remorse.

That was when Yuki finally struck.

Yuki raced down the narrowed streets as the battle raged around her. Even with the new threat having made landfall as rain began pouring down did Yuki not stutter or yield. All that mattered was their attention looking elsewhere and so long as they were focused on the others did she have a chance in completing her mission. Her waypoint was counting down the distance rapidly.

300 meters... 275 meters...

Indeed, as her bike turned the next corner, the special forces unit found herself upon a road heading directly at Goomie herself. Yuki noticed the other two GMG conversing with one another and shooing off the other units, but they still seemed completely oblivious about the approaching bike.

250 meters... 175 meters...

"Almost there, almost there..." Yuki breathed to herself as she closed in on the target.

150 meters... 125 meters...

"Just a little bit more..."

100 meters... 50 meters...


25 meters...


Yuki quickly shifted her bike's gear as it leapt into the air. The pilot found herself summersaulting high in the air before pressing a button on her suit. Immediately, her armor began to morph as did her bike both disassembling for a brief moment as they began to produce a new product. Within seconds, Yuki's bike had morphed into a vital component of armor and merged with Yuki's own, creating a new power suit! The suit's back boosters quickly ignited as they launched Yuki straight towards Goomie

"Initiating drill sequence!" Yuki yelled as her hands morphed into two large spiraling drills.

Now fast approaching her target, Yuki proceeded to fire two explosive grenade lobs at her point of entrance, softening up the slime creature's gelatinous flesh. With that, her drill-hands pierced the disturbed skin and Yuki found herself burrowing into Goomie's very body. Now within her target, she now had to ascend up into the GMG's head and plant an explosive device to compromise her target and release the trapped civilians inside.

And no doubt her sudden appearance had prompted the potential peace to shatter... hopefully in the MFF's favor.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

“Well...this isn’t looking too good.” For the greater half of the battle, the SS Silencia and her crew remained independent of the strife that rocked the world below. Still very much cloaked and still very much high above the clouds, the screens that filled up HART’s headquarters served well in keeping up live updates regarding the situation. Tomoko watched intently with a fist against the bottom of her chin. She winced when the MFF, bullies as they were, unleashed their attack now on Yeshua, uncaring who was friend or foe.

“Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to send them out on their own. It’s bad enough the MFF are hellbent on hunting them,” she said quietly. As if to confirm at least someone wasn’t in danger, she briefly looked around for Eris, before noting the other girl had to still be on the ship somewhere. Looking back to the screens, she sighed, joined by the grim collection of the ship’s staff as they too discussed amongst themselves what to do. Intervention came with a price-

“I don’t doubt the strength of the MFF. They’re as relentless as they are resourceful.” Tomoko bolted upright in her seat, not expecting to hear someone answer her mutterings, especially HART’s leader. She followed the line of sight, people slowly turning upwards to one of the room’s balconies where their leader stood. Cross-armed, they watched the resounding battle with their usual stoic front. “But don’t underestimate the power those girls have either. We need to remember they still hold secrets and abilities no one truly understands.”

“With all due respect Ace Commander…shouldn’t we still do something?” Tomoko asked. She felt like biting back the words as soon as they slipped out. Indeed, intervention would compromise their secrecy and the veil of intent they’d hidden from the world for so long. To do so now would be to jeopardize the lives of everyone who signed up for this organization to the shadows. But much to her surprise, she was rewarded not with rebuke, but with a smirk by their leader.

“Yes, it is only fair we give them a helping hand. Despite their looks and their powers, there’s something fundamentally human about the GMGs. HART has remained in the shadows for too long.” With a flare, the Ace Commander outstretched his hand to address all in his radius. “Lower our cloaking and scramble our pilots. Today we show the MFF that the GMGs aren’t their only enemy!” With a sense of reinvigoration flowing in the air, the SS Silencia’s crew did as they were told, Tomoko still reeling at how that had actually worked.

It wasn’t long then before a slew of missiles rained down from the sky, countering those fired by the MFF. A party of jets soon after rocketed outwards from the clouds, cruising around Yeshua and giving her support. “Remember, these are all your fellow humans. Shoot to disable weaponry and vehicles but keep your shots non-lethal and below the belt. Split your forces in groups of two to help out friendlies and search for any stragglers evacuating,” ordered Tomoko.

“Yes m’am!”
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

Akari took a momentary pause as all hell broke loose around her. Even the command room people were unable to keep their orders straight. “Hey, can you guys chill out a little? I don't think we need to go that far.” Slaying the GMGs was never their mission, to begin with. When even Utena was resorting to lethal force, it meant things went really downhill.

“I could do that but I guess that there's already someone on the case,” Akari replied to Utena right as a mysterious squad of fighters came out of nowhere, trying to disturb their own pilots. “But I can take care of this one. I think three on three is fair game after all,” The redhead said as she headed to the downed GMG.


While Akari headed for Yeshua, Seika had her attention divided between helping her ally—or maybe even friend—and trying to find a way to get Goomie out of here before this whole mess became even worse.

With a swipe of her hand, she produced a wave to break Yeshua's fall and said, “Maybe you should transform and go back yourself. I'll try to get her to listen once more but if we don't leave this conflict will only escalate more,” before leaving the wounded bird resting in a cold pool of water.

“Meanwhile you,” Seika said as she rode a wave, flooding the streets a and probably knocking Yuki out of course before she began to drill into Goomie's body, until she stopped in front of the other GMG, blocking her way. “I was trying to be a good sport before, but can't you see the chaos you caused? I doubt those people you've captured are happy now. If you don't want to leave with us, just let the humans go and turn back to where you came from. Just look at how many people are being hurt because of you.” Seika pointed to the chaotic battle ragging everywhere around them. If even this appeal to Goomie's sanity filed the only thing left would be to use force. Seika hoped she wouldn't have to go that far.

Before she was done though, the enormous mermaid girl turned the water into a thick, obscuring fog to cover their exit.


Whether Terrorkeet would have a chance to leave or not was a different matter. When Akari reached her and tried to restrain the flying GMG with capture cables in a way that wouldn't hurt her even more. “I don't wanna do this much more than you. But if you aren't going to stop, this is for the best,” she said as the fog began to roll over them.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Goomie frowned as the fishy lady and birdy lady spoke more nonsense, and then the birdy lady got blown up by one of the naughty humans! "I think I get it now." She crossed her arms and nodded, assured in the conclusion she had come to as she stared down fishy lady and birdy lady seriously. "You guys are bad owners!" She burbled, pointing a finger at Diva and Terrorkeat dramatically while the fighters of HART and the MFF fought overhead. "You guys are the type to roll over whenever your pet gets uppity, so they have no respect for you! That's why everyone is getting hurt, because you guys don't know how to assert your uhh... that word that means control but fancy!"

Whether they were happy or not wasn't what mattered, they didn't know what was best for themselves! It was like if you saw a puppy playing in a bunch garbage. Sure the puppy may be happy there, but it wasn't safe! So even if the puppy snaps and bites at you, you gotta take it out of the garbage and back home where you can teach it what's right! "Now then, I think I'm done talking to you bad owners. We can talk again after you've thought about what I have to say!" And with that Goomie turned away from the fishy lady and moved through several buildings, eager to go back home with her new pets. The nerve of some people, honestly!

Utena cringed as every one of her missiles collided with Terrorkeat, she was honestly expecting the GMG to do some cool wind stuff and direct her attack away! "Sorry!" She yelled as Terrorkeat fell, her impact softened by a giant wave of water. A wave of fog began to roll over the group as the GMGs continued to argue, but Utena unfortunately didn't have the luxury of waiting for them to finish their conversation. A hook launched forth from Utena's wings, latching onto Diva's dress as she tried to reason with the slimy GMG who was leaving the scene.

She burst forwards towards the Undine Idol, circling the singer as she tried to entrap her within the line of her energy hook as Akari focused on Terrorkeat. "I'm really sorry about this, but orders are orders! I promise I'll make sure the commander doesn't go too nuts okay?" She called out to Diva as she continued to fly around her, each loop tightening the idol's bonds just a little bit more. Hopefully the two would forgive her for this, but the commander was just on the warpath today! She couldn't risk pissing her off right now, who knows what she would do.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 1 day ago

Yeshua Sands - Terrorkeet

Her fall was broken by a rising wave, an attempt to cushion the blow that robbed her of any control. She sputtered and cawed, salt stinging her eyes and weighing her plumage down as she was lowered to the ground in a mess of damp feathers and fur. She gasped, face red from the effort as she tried to rise into some semblance of order, only for her limbs to slide out from under her and topple her once more. While the ground cracked and water sloughed from her with the force of a torrential downpour, she had no choice but to listen to Goomie chastise them and felt her spirits flounder as the Slime slank away, captives in tow.

What should have been a heroic outing to change the world was falling apart and she laid limp where she fell, unable to find the energy to meet her failure head on. In that state she barely noticed the cable striking her till Akari tried to come around and secure it. She blinked great big kaiju eyes, wondering how she was planning to get that around when she already flush to the ground, but figured if she was determined enough she'd attempt to fly under her chest or neck and risk being flattened.

The idea of compounding her failure with crushing another life floored Yeshua, dousing whatever interest she may have had in resisting further. First she wrecked the city and now she was wet, miserable, and chastised by a brain dead slime. If that wasn't enough a fog was rolling in, making Akari's efforts even more dangerous and further matching Yeshua's defeatist attitude. Catching the woman's attention with a low chirp, she made a show of slowly reaching forward, putting her wrists together with talons locked together while her wings furled behind her.

While they couldn't speak, it was the surest sign she could give that she wasn't going to cause more trouble.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Darkmoon Angel
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Darkmoon Angel Lunar Guardian of Time

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Eris had wandered off, with the last words from Seika trailing off in her head. She had more important things to do, things that nobody else understood, things that only involved her (and Tsuchinoko, of course.). She snuggled her plush snake and looked around the enormous flying base for a good spot to rest her head at. It was difficult to find one, especially with all the people walking around the ship. Until she found a very secluded corner, with very few individuals around.

Eris let out a content yawn, which shook the area around her a bit, and proceeded to plop down in the corner. Hopefully she could finally get some sleep. With Tsuchinoko in her arms, she closed her eyes and welcome the sweet embrace of sleep. That was until, the whole ship started to come to life within moments. It was busy before, but now people were rushing all over the place. Eris tried to tune them out as best as she could, before the sounds of missiles being fired off finally made her open her eyes.

She growled and ruffled her hair angrily, looking around frantically for answers, before turning her gaze to a monitor that showed her two new friends fighting a creature like them. All this commotion seemed to be because of them. Eris gritted her teeth and ran out to the deck of the ship and leaned over the railing. "Shut up! You hear me!? Shut up!!! I'm trying to sleep!" She shouted, practically to the point where everyone below could probably hear her. There was only so many rude awakenings she could take, and she had half a mind to go down there herself. But instead she proceeded to just fall back and sit against the railing with her arms crossed. She was for the most part, very placid, but now she was just downright grumpy.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Despite their earlier rally of support and encouragement, HART’s staff were unnerved at how swiftly the situation continued to worsen. Their attempts to give Yeshua backup and supporting fire were outmaneuvered unknowingly by the MFF. Not one to shoot down their fellow humans, the jets circling Yeshua backed off when Utena and Akari came too close; unfortunately, this meant their capture was all but successful, cabling down the birdlike GMG. At the same time, the world became cold and frosted from Seika’s self-produced mist, blanketing vision from all sides.

Some jets were able to make it through though, hovering out of the MFF’s sight and near Seika’s head. “Goomie’s retreating and so are we to avoid any more damage. Transform and we’ll catch you.” As soon as Seika did so, any cables tethered to her would drop from the drastic size difference. The jet would swoop down with open cockpits to secure the GMG before swiftly returning upwards to where the SS Silencia remained. With one personnel extracted, all that remained was Yeshua, though MFF agents still lingered around her form.

Around the time HART’s staff were drawing up strategies to draw the two away from her, a great yowl split the air itself and rocked the ship into a careening groan. Evidently, nobody was paying attention to where Eris had wandered off to. GMG, MFF, and any lingering HART personnel would have no doubt heard the call, let alone be affected by its booming voice. Buildings cracked slightly as their foundations rumbled while an air storm that almost rivaled Yeshua’s shook the sky.

From where Eris’ voice emanated, an invisible cyclone had formed; short but just short enough to cause any HART units to spiral out of control. “Pull up, pull up!” In this line of distraction and frantic need for survival, the MFF struck. Piercing through Seika’s fog came the cavalry of missiles meant to further knock Yeshua down, uncaring for surrender by any GMG. Of course, none were so brazen as to cause lethal damage, but it was more than enough to leave her reeling.

More agents eventually appeared, casting their cables in further restraining the captured GMG. By the time HART’s forces were stabilized once again, it was already too late. The MFF now swarmed all around Yeshua, some still tracking Goomie down. But why waste their efforts in following the slime when the one that had proved elusive to them earlier was right here? By the time the MFF were completely in control of the situation, all HART jets had departed, though the SS Silencia remained with a careful eye observing the situation.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

“Don't worry, don't worry. I'm alright, but I can't make my way to Yesh—I mean, Terrorkeet,” Seika said over the intercoms after the pilots made it known that this was their curtain call. The wires being coiled around her gigantic form weren't too much cause for concern as long as she didn't allow herself to be completely subdued. However, it became abundantly clear that her ploy wouldn't be of any help to Yeshua.

The monstrous mermaid grit her teeth in irritation, waiting until Utena got into a thick fog bank before pulling her last trick of this performance. The GMG replaced herself with a temporary water clone that would last just enough for Seika to revert to her normal form and take a tactical exit in the middle of her fog.

When all was said and done, Seika was safe on her way to HART's mobile base and the clone popped like a giant water balloon, flooding the city all over again.


Meanwhile, Akari was just about finished with Yeshua when more MFF operators jumped out of nowhere, to steal the glory. She ran up the GMG's back, all the way to her nape, coiling one last length of wire, along with a special spherical containment field around Terrorkeet's lips and the back of her head, gagging the GMG.

As she did so, Akari took the chance to rest on the monster girl's ear. “I'm sorry about that. Just be a good girl and I'm sure that nothing bad will happen. If it does, I'll find a way to get you out of this,” she said to the GMG before turning on her comms. “This is Akari, we've successfully contained one of the targets. What are we supposed to do with her, now?” she asked, wondering how they were planning to keep a target this big under confinement.

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