Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Sticky nods as he turns to run. As you try and close the door however, something shoots right past your face. It missed you, but you weren't the target: Sticky was. He screamed in pain as the quills dug into his back and he slammed against the wall in agony, though he was still alive. Coming out from the shadows was some sort of twisted humanoid abomination, a cross between a human or perhaps an elf, and some sort of prickly sea creature. It had a bloated looking neck with needles sticking out from it, croaking quietly as it looked at you. You can tell it's intent is hostile.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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From taking a slight glance at Sticky and hear his scream in pain, Caeda gritted her teeth as her eyes locked and shot daggers at this monster. "STICKY! GO!" As she took a few quick steps, she tried using her dagger to close the door behind to help provide Sticky some cover. Then with each step, she could feel a mix of sickness as she moved further into the room, but also fury as she looked upon the strange creature's bit of elven features. Making a quick sprint towards the bloated abomination, she stabbed deep into its bloated yet prickly neck. "What sick fey are you!"

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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You blade sliced right through the bloated sack of the monster, causing it to screech in deafening agony. A sick purple liquid oozed from it's wound, perhaps it's blood, maybe a venom. As you squared off against the monster you hear a crossbow bolt thud against the door behind you, as Sticky had tried to shoot a crossbow at the monster, but failed due to the poison going through his system. "S-Sorry Caeda but... I ain't gunna leave you alone wif dat monster! Open da door, I'll help ya!" Panting furiously, Sticky seemed to find some sort of renewed sense of vigor in his body as he tried to load another crossbow bolt. But as he was doing so, the monster turned it's attention to you. It swiped at you with a scaled fist, striking your chest. It was a heavy blow, but mostly absorbed by the armor. It's second strike however caught you right across the jaw, it's monstrous scales adding a bit more cut to it. Finally it spewed poisonous quills at you even though you were right in it's face, but even so it seemed like it was able to hit you at point-blank. Fortunately because it was so close, the quills only managed to scratch you. Unfortunately, that scratch was all it needs to spread it's toxins through your system.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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"Sticky...?" She didn't look back to see Sticky, but took the wailing attacks of the creature. During a brief second. Almost as if time slowed to a near halt, she imagined how this must be draining Othie and if they don't prevail, Sticky may lose his life. These were something that she could not allow, to be beaten by such a abomination and fail her friends, she must be victorious like how her father always was in his stories. Just then, Caeda felt a sudden surge of power in the gauntlet and saw slither of energy in the room being drawn into the gauntlet until soon time resumed and a rapier shined its familiar dark colored but with ripples of white light around the edges of the blade. Wielding it, she could feel the power stored within and with it, she charged, barreling towards the creature and with a powerful thrust, stabbed into the skull of the creature. As she did, she could see the radiant energy shift into the creature with dark and white light ever bright bursting from its skull.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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The sea monster lunged out at you as you attacked, it's poisonous quills shooting out in your direction. But the radiant energy from your gauntlet surged through the rapier, and in a flash of light, your blade struck true. First you saw the blade go right through the monster's face, penetrating where it's nose would be and coming out the back of it's skull. But that wasn't all: the light that went from your gauntlet moved through the blade, and then moved into the skull of the sea creature. You could see light pour out from the monster's eyes, gills, mouth, and the wound as it's head exploded, leaving behind a headless corpse. And just like that the battle was over.

"Caeda! Let me in!" You could hear Sticky shouting from behind the door as he tries to force it open. But there was still another matter to address, and it wasn't just the corpse. The longer you stayed here the more your mind began to wander. Your vision started to get dizzy. Everything began to blur into a single image, and all you could really make out was the bright light from the strange pulsating sack in the room. You could barely even hear Sticky trying to open the door. You had a feint few seconds of consciousness before something strange would occur. What would you do?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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After the bright light of her attacked ended, Caeda stood there observing as her eyes wandered about the room now that the danger was gone. But as she did, she could feel her body to feel sluggish and vision beginning to feel blurry. There was not much else for her to clearly think and concentrate, but simply leaving this room was easy enough to tell her mind and body to do. With the remaining energy that she could muster, she tried to make her way out of the room before becoming too weak to move.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Opening the door allowed Sticky to come in. Noticing your sluggish movements, he helped you get away from the room, dragging you a safe distance away. The further you were from the strange glowing light, the more your senses returned. It was painful at first, your vision become blindingly bright and all the noises of the ship felt too loud for you, but this would pass after a few moments. Eventually you'd be able to actually hear Sticky talking to you. "Caeda, Caeda you aight? Yer hurt! We gotta get ya to Buggsy, and tell da captin and dem dat dere's sum weirdness goin on in da cargo hull!"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

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"Yes, you go on ahead. Whatever that accursed thing is, that sack that pulsated, tell the captain to start by removing that thing first." Caeda tried to bring herself up and keeping her balance as ship continued rocking ship. "I need to go back to my quarter for only a brief moment. Then I will return near the storage room, waiting for you and the captain. Someone has to at least watch that place and make sure nothing else happens." With that said, Caeda made her way back to her quarters.

Back inside her room, she spoke up, to get Othie's attention. "Othie, please tell me that you feel a bit better. In the storage room, it was filled in this purple substance and light with this pulsating sack appearing to be the center of it. Inside there was some prickly creature, which I was able to slay. But does any of this happen to sound familiar to you in any way?"

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Othie was where you had left her, but she seemed tired as well. She wasn't physically ill in any way, but she seemed even more sluggish than usual. "Caeda... No, since you left it only got stronger. It's like... Crying, screaming. I... It feels heavy..." She was getting feverish, even for her tiny body. If you felt her she was hot like a stone heated by a fire. Soon you'd hear footsteps charging down the corridor with Azure's voice commanding them. You don't hear much due to the sheer commotion but whatever she was doing, she and everyone else with her were going hard at it. Soon though the noise would stop and Sticky's voice could be heard from outside your door. "Ceada, are you alright? I got a potion from Buggsy."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Caeda's mind wonder in question with what else could be the cause seeing as Othie is not feeling any better. Perhaps it was that pulsating sack, but as she thought of that she could her Azure's voice commanding the crew, although unsure of the command, she hoped it would relate to destroying what remained in the storage. But perhaps bringing Othie as far away from the storage may help. She reached a hand out to Othie. "Perhaps staying as far away from the storage may help ease and remove your condition."

Soon enough once Caeda prepare her back for Othie to hide and rest in, Sticky could be heard from just outside the door and providing help. Caeda slowly opened door halfway "Oh yes, thank you Sticky. But I think you are deserving of that potion as you were the one that opened the door. Without you, that 'thing' would still be there. Also as I was looking over my wounds a few minutes ago, my injuries don't appear as bad as they initially did." Opening the door a bit more and taking a quick look out her cabin, she looked back to Sticky. "I could somewhat hear Azure order some commands earlier. Have they started with removing everything that was in that storage?"

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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"Yeah. Seemed like dere was anothah monster in dere too, but wif all the lads down here, dey managed ta kill it. Azure an everyone else took the sack, burned it, an tossed it off the ship not too long ago." What Sticky said seemed to be true, as you could feel Othie stirring. "And I don't need ta potion, Buggsy patched me up a bit. And dat poison's already outta me system." As you look outside your cabin, you can see Sticky had indeed been hastily bandaged up. He was not doing well, but he was trying to hide it by staying strong. "So Caeda, how'd ya find out bout dat sack thing? Did ya see one of them fish-head monsters sneak down here or sumthin?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Caeda gave a sigh of relief after hearing the good news of Azure and the rest of the crew eradicating and throwing what was left in the storage. At the mention of the potion not being needed with Sticky's current state, she accepted the idea of the care the two felt of each other's injuries. "Well, if you're already feeling better, then perhaps it is best with me given my exposure in that room. Thank you." She reached out to grab and place the potion in her bag, while trying to not have Othie feel cramped inside.

Then came the movement Othie in her bag, making her want to check up on her pixie friend with the current news. But first needed to at least answer Sticky's question of how she knew of the sack and monsters. "I suppose you could say that given my family background of birth, I had a bit of a fey sense of something foul. That and my cabin is right above the storage room, I couldn't hear with the storm outside, but felt something wasn't right as I felt an unease while trying to rest. But speaking of rest, I think we both need some time to rest given how today has been, so rest easy Sticky." As she finished, she waved goodbye and closed her door. After hearing Sticky walk away, she locked herself in and went to Othie to see how she was feeling. "I'm sure you must have heard our discussion. Do you feel any better now?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Sticky seemed like he wanted to talk to you more, but once you closed the door he simply said that he'll call you again later, and leaves. Once you let Othie out, she seemed to be somewhat better. As better as she can be in her current state at least. "Y-Yeah. The noise is gone... It feels like I can only hear faint echoes now. I don't know if it's truly gone but it's at least not on the ship anymore. But... I don't know what it was. But it was something... Evil." Othie walks around a bit as her stomach grumbles. Even you could hear it over the sound of crashing waves. "I-I guess all of this stuff has made me hungry! S-Sorry... Is this wine?" Othie motions towards the healing potion.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Caeda released a big sigh as she heard Othie was feeling better, especially given her current state. But with the sound of the pixie's stomach growling and the question of wine, Caeda simply smiled. "Oh, no that is not wine, its a healing potion. I thought you were hungry, not thirsty. Now lets go find you something to eat before we rest." Once she made sure that Caeda was hidden and comfortable enough in the bag, she looked around to find Sticky so they could both go find something to eat and talk as Sticky seemed to have more things on his mind. Meanwhile, she planned to try save some in her bag for later, but would actually just hand it to Othie to eat.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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You'd find Sticky resting in his hammock in the general rest area. Many sailors who were injured during their fight against the Sahaugins were also here, either asleep or just relaxing. Sticky himself was just laying in his hammock and seemed surprised to see you, almost nervous. "C-Caeda? Wot are ye doin ere?" He asks with a thick accent. More thick than usual. Before you could respond, two larger orcs approached. You'd recognize them as Burg and Warg, orcish sailors and more or less subleaders. While Ashbrand and Azure is the captain and first mate respectively, Burg and Warg were more or less the leader of the orcish workers when those two weren't around to call shots.

"Well well well, wot's all dis den Sticky? Dis ya woman or sumthin?" Burg said with a chuckle. Warg leaned down to look more closely at you. "Ye already did have eyes fer dem knoif-ears Sticky. I mean I git it, but yer act like some sorta girly git around em! Surprised ya didn't cream yer britches just toilkin ta dis lass!" This caused the two orcs to laugh heartily as Sticky just nervously stayed quiet. You could see that Burg was heavily bandaged up, likely wounded from the fight. Warg had less injuries but his left hand was wrapped up. Warg was also the one to speak to you. "So, wot's ta captain's guest doin ere? Did our boi Sticky swipe something from ye?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Irritating brutes, this was what Caeda thought of Burg, Warg, and the other crew members when she initially boarded the ship. She tried to simply ignore them, but noticed Sticky remaining quiet with the two orcs' pestering him, which further annoyed Caeda of their continued presence. Then with the mention of the Sticky swiping something from her, she turned her turned attention and shot glares at the two orcs. "Enough from you two. We both risked our live up on deck and below in storage. So cease this pestering. I simply came here as Sticky requested a discussion, somewhere else than here." She kept her glare on the Burg and Warg while keeping her back to only Sticky where she had one hand gesturing for him to come. "Sticky, I'm ready to leave when ever you are."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Warg just chuckled at your snappy comment. "Feisty! Ya always did like da ones outta yer league Sticky." Burg slapped Sticky on the back, getting him to get out of his hammock and pushing him in your direction. "Well go an get em boy! Maybe yer gronch'll drop tonight, guh ha ha ha ha!" Burg and Warg laughed as they returned to their hammocks. Sticky seemed embarrassed and motioned for you to follow him out of the common area and back to the hallway. Once out of sight he let out a heavy sigh. "S-Sorry bout dat Caeda. Dey didn't mean nuthin by it. Da captain ya know, he gives us clear orders not ta bother da guests like ye so... Burg and Warg were just making sure ye weren't tryin ta get me inna trouble even though uh... I sorta do that myself... A lot... So um, do ya need somethin?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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She went back to simply trying to ignore Burg and Warg and followed Sticky out with her arms folded. Caeda listened to Sticky trying to apologize to the two orcs, but she didn't care about their reason, she simply didn't like how they acted. But what did matter right now was Sticky and Othie. "Outside my cabin door, it sounded like you wanted to talk more. So let's talk, and find something to eat as all these battles left a stomach very hungry." Giving a friendly pat on his shoulder, she then gestured to follow her as she began walking towards the kitchen. "I feel that I, or everyone on this ship, still owe you a lot. Without you, we all may have been too late with what was happening down in the storage. And for that, how about I treat you with some food?" As the two walked towards the kitchen decided to ask. "To start, What did you use to do before you found yourself on this ship? And by that, I mean your life journey before you started working here?" The question was perhaps a big one, but given how differently Sticky appears and acts ever since she met him, it made her curious.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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"Oh. Well I uh... I wasn't expectin fer ya ta be curious bout me... Um..." Sticky chatted with you as the two of you head towards the Kitchen. You could already hear Buggsy furiously chopping away at something, his cleaver making sharp noises with each slice. "Ta be honest, da ship's life all I really known. Me pa used ta be a raider or sumthin, and me mum she well... She liked him, and had me. One day though me pa never came back and I started workin as a sailor for a while. Couple years ago me ma passed, so now I just work ta keep myself fed and such. Don't really got a home of me own, so I just go wherever the crew needs me ta be. Mostly just been going back and forth places. Fer a while I just went wif whoever was willing ta hire me. Bein an orc, most ships wanted me fer my muscles. Not too long ago though I joined this crew and that put me in Burg and Warg's gang. Other orcs ya know, figured I ought to stick with em. Before in other ships usually just one or two orcs, and dey usually pretty mean. But uh, these guys are pretty nice, ya know. Poke fun a bit but none of the others bother me too much." Sticky said as he spoke more about his life.

In the kitchen, Buggsy was once more busy at work chopping up some sea creature to put into a stew. He seemed to be in almost a trance and didn't spare you or Sticky even a word as he put down two bowls containing some sort of chowder soup with a hard tact biscuit on the side. "Ah, looks like we'll be eatin well tonight. Buggsy' making chowder. Ya wanna go eat up deck or something? The mess hall's got a lot of the wounded dere, so I dun't think ye wanna be eatin dere right now."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Caeda tried to intently listened to Sticky's story and simply nodded with each new chapter of his life. Once the reached the kitchen and got some chowder, Sticky asked about eating else where with the mess hall being preoccupied at the moment. "Sure, the waters a bit rough, but at least its not storming." After making their way to the deck and finding a nice spot to eat. "So any stories of interest during your days as one of the muscles of the crew". As Sticky would talk she would start eating and slowly, began to tear her biscuit in half, dip it with some chowder, then placed her bag away from curious eyes so she can open it and place the chowder dipped biscuit for Othie to eat.

Once Sticky finished, rested her spoon down for a bit. "Well, it really seems you are following some similar path as your parents. That mainly being you all working on the ocean. It reminds me a bit of myself. My father used to be an extraordinary adventurer from all the stories he and his party would tell me about. Although before I would simply be a guard in Bayrest, I always wanted to be in those stories. He... he isn't around anymore, but being out here now makes it feel like he is still around in some way." As she finished saying about her current feelings, she just looked out into the ocean and started eating again.

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