Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by RickyG85
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

A little introduction, here. I originally conceived this introduction piece as having seen "Monster Trucks" and thought "hey, what if that, but blended a bit with transformers?" I wound up not getting into the story enough to make that clear, though, even though I did one piece of complimentary artwork, and had some fairly thought out background material on the creatures in this story. Without further prattle, though, here's what I'd managed to write for "The Scroungers".

It was a dark, but clear August night just east of the Washington Rocky Mountains, still in the foothills. If one were to look up, they'd clearly see every star in the sky through the needles of the bristle-pines.

Mel was shuffling through the woods, trying not to stumble. He'd been drinking, which was usual, but he was chasing his animals, which wasn't. For a month, now, strange things had been going on. He wasn't worried about the freak-meteor shower; it hadn't been called for in any of the news, or even his copy of the farmers' almanac.

It was strange, but it didn't trouble him until more strangeness started right there on his property!

It started small, he thought to himself as he took a nip from his flask. Things would move around; little things, like his tools turning up in places he was sure he hadn't left them, and he'd lost his radio.. He'd have blamed the neighbors, but he didn't have any. He wished he'd had either once he started hearing... Things.

He could handle things moving around, and going missing, but he started hearing noises unlike anything he'd ever heard. Now, Mel wasn't the sort of man to jump at a possum hissing; he'd lived in these hills his whole life, and heard every kind of animal there was to hear. He even swore he once heard Sasquatch calls, but this scared him worse than anything. Some kind of bellowing, howling scream!

Especially since, not long after the calls started, he stopped hearing other things. Things like the trumpeting screech of the elk, or the yapping of coyotes. His goats started getting agitated, on edge, like some predator was stalking around at night.

He knew it wasn't bears; they make noise and knock over trash cans (the latter having stopped after he put electrified wire along his fences 5 years ago).

He knew it wasn't a puma; they don't steal traps.

He'd began setting traps here and there on his property when "The Sounds" started, but every day when he made the rounds to check them, another one would be tripped with nothing in it, or simply be gone.

And now, here he was, drinking more to calm his nerves now than to pass the time. He did not want to be out here. There was a fog rolling in, and he knew, he just knew, something was watching him.

He knew it was, and it had been for at least two weeks.

One night, back then, his lights went out. He picked up his lantern, and checked the generator. He'd gotten to drinking before he'd finished his evening routine; forgot to check the fuel levels before he settled in. It had happened before. But, as he walked back to the house, he heard a strange noise. A hissing, clicking noise, like nothing he'd ever heard..

Then, the next night, his power cut out again. He was about to go outside, when he stopped at the door. He'd heard something- he listened carefully. His goats were more agitated than ever! At one point, while their bleating had briefly lulled, he heard it- the clicking. Oh god, he thought, something has gotten inside my fence, and it wants me to come outside!

He had run back up into his loft, drew up the stairs and hatch behind him, and sealed himself in. His loft only had the one way up, a retractable staircase, and he pulled down the steel shutters he'd installed over his windows. Combined with having his loft set up like a separate, independently powered apartment/panic room, he was prepared to wait it out until morning. He was not, however, prepared to sleep. Not after "The Sound" outside his back door two hours later, followed by something landing a blow that shook the whole house!

The next morning, he found the generator- he didn't have to go far, this time.

It had thrown the generator at the house. Upon closer examination, he'd confirmed his terrible fear from the previous night- the fuel line had been cut.

It had set a trap for him.

Now, two weeks later, here he was, one night away from a delivery/pick-up from town that would give him fuel to get in his truck and get out of there, get to town, get the authorities involved. His radio, which he'd kept in the office in the barn, was his only way to contact the outside world, and the monster (which he was now convinced it was) had taken it. And it somehow drove his tractor through the fence, and into the pen. His goats escaped, and it clicked along after them.

Here he was, mired in a thick fog, soaked with sweat and dew from the outside, and whiskey from the inside, but sobered by terror, the ridiculously large rifle in his hands shaking. He knew he shouldn't be out here, but he had to at least try to recover his animals, even just a few of them.

It was dead-silent.

Than he heard it; "The Sound". After a moment, he heard it again.

It was getting closer.

It was coming for him.

He ran blindly; stumbling this way and that, dodging trees and branches, just trying to outrun the monster. He lost the rifle at some point, but he just kept running.

A log was coming up- he jumped over it, and stopped mid-air! he realized, as pain ripped through his body, that the log was a fence post; he had been herded into his own electrical wire along the hole in his fence! He convulsed for a moment before falling off the wire and onto the ground. He scrambled on his hands and feet; there was his house, not a hundred feet away!

He could hear that hideous nightmare clicking behind him, closer to him than he to the house- got to get inside!

He jerked, and fell.

Oh god, no, NO- He looked at his foot-

It lured me out and than put the traps back!

He sat up and fumbled deftly at the bear-trap clamped over his ankle, his fingers uncooperative, still numb from the electrical shock.

Mel struggled, and then froze as he heard that hissing-clicking, just outside his vision in the fog. In front of him- then behind, and to either side!

It was a pack!

He cried, and sobbed uncontrollably, his vision blurring as he desperately tried to free himself. He heard the sound of them moving- quickly, they were charging as they closed in!

He let out a hideous scream before they reached him, wishing his tears blinded him from that which was to be the last thing he ever saw.

His scream faded, drowned out and over-taken by "The Sound".
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by RickyG85
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

here's some suplementary material for this, as in the past I'd had ideas about doing more with it as a story or series of stories.

I referenced Mantis, Cockroaches, Termites and Devils’ Coach-Horse Beetles for the design. One original anatomical element I added that isn’t really shown, is a pair of fully prehensile tentacles, retracted and hidden under the small plate just above the foremost legs. They use them to manipulate objects with similar skill to cephalopods on Earth. They also have some major traits in common with Water-Bears(Tardigrades, which are micro-organisms); they can basically live anywhere.

The Scroungers are, within my story, here on Earth quite by accident.

They like to travel, and explore, and are in the habit of observing their subjects from hidden positions. Leaves, old logs, rocks, pretty much anything they can wriggle into (which is a lot, since, like roaches, they can flatten their bodies almost completely). If need be, they can even gather materials and stick them to their bodies using a natural sort of adhesive they produce (like termites, or spiders).

Well, Earth presented a unique situation for one scouting mission- the Scroungers have never encountered other intelligent life before, and they have no idea how to proceed. The current plan was standard; find a new world to explore, probe to evaluate how dangerous it might be, then send a report and wait for permission to begin full operations. Having never encountered alien intelligence’s, they now have no plan to fall back on.

They manage to send this news to the home world, but something happens that, ultimately, forces them into a crash landing on Earth (thankfully having missed most of our satellites and only causing brief blinks on our means of detection), where they are now stranded.

With little to salvage, and no way of leaving the planet, all they can do is wait for rescue. In the meantime, they’ll do what they’ve always done: Observe, learn, and, above all else, hide.

Unfortunately, being stranded on an uncharted world isn’t their only problem.

They can basically eat anything, so long as it’s organic matter, but they are decidedly vegetarian.

It was not a mere health choice; those among them that consume raw animal matter quickly begin to crave it. They call it “Flesh Poisoning”, since those who continue to indulge the cravings just get increasingly aggressive over time, even getting into violent frenzies, attacking and killing anything that moves! For the most part, their society frowns upon eating meat at all, but there are some malcontents who would hold it up as a choice that should be permitted and respected, ignoring that, in their past, wide spread “Flesh Poisoning” and resulting riotous frenzies nearly brought on the collapse of their own society and the home worlds’ ecosystems!

Some among them see their unmonitored status as an opportunity.

It’s not long before conflict breaks out, and the group splits, but they both continue to hide.

The Engineers, our protagonists, are mostly continuing with their original plan, but also defending the life on Earth if they happen upon their enemies, Wreckers, trying to prey on them.

The unique resources available as a result of an intelligent presence allows them to get… Creative.. With some of their constructs and mobility.
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