Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KZOMBI3
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KZOMBI3 thuggy-lewd-dere

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Interactions Bea Harmon @Sincerely, Sidney Jones [NPC] Self-insert your character | TW Language, violent imagery, violence in general, obscene names

fuck off, jones

The night started out exciting; the buzzing atmosphere that accompanied an establishment such as The Pit was always comforting for the ever flighty Darcy. Her trip to the land of snow with Wonderland over there finally getting to that crest where she can just... relaxing into the high, let it take her wherever and she would gladly follow without hesitation. What was once going to be an evening devoid of harsh vibes and reality - aside from harping on Lolly's dates and Jed - was now being shattered by the jarring motion of someone gripping her denim clad shoulder and whipping her around about face.

Even before she was being jerked around like a limp dick, just at the mere touch of an unwelcome hand on her was enough to create a chink in her high armor. The hand holding onto her nearly empty bottle of beer was swinging in time with her and she ended up smashing it across the offenders head, the bottle shattering on impact. An irate slew of words began to follow after contact. "You fucking bitch!" Ah, there he was, that bastard. Disheveled from his own personal aesthetics, coupled with the curdling cream liquor - from what she could only ascertain was from Bea's drink - and now, grease laced locks dripping with the remnants of the lager she had been sipping on; all greeted her with a fury that was only matched by her own. The onyx chips behind those atrocious shades glared harder as if to pierce through her ribs and into her soul did nothing but make her grin. "First you get your little hood skank to spit on me?! Then you smash a fucking bottle over my head?! Darce what's your damage?"

The sight of him alone - without the added amenities of liquids dripping from his frame - was enough to make her want to Ralph all over the concreted floors of The Pit. It wouldn't be much of an addition to the unknown concoction that already coated these floors, but who was she to complain? And with every word that seemed to flow from his overly chapped and thin lips was not helping the situation in the slightest. As if licking them was going to make it any better. Still held up in his grip, one that was progressively getting tighter with every syllable from him, and now even more so with every beat of silence that passed between them, Darcy began to spit venom of her own. "The fuck do you think you are Sidney? A god among men? Please, all Bea did was elevate your status from cockroach to trash rat," with a particularly hard thrust, she attempted to push at him to try and loosen his hold on her, but he was still stronger.

Sidney's grip only seemed to constrict around her forearm even more, to the point where she would be surprised if the skin under his grasp was left unblemished. She knew that that wouldn't be the case, but a girl can hope. "Let go!" Her tough persona was slowly being chipped away and all he had done was spout off a few nasty words and grab her and hold on tight. Darcy's high was no longer cultivating that ultimate feel good vibe that she was riding at the beginning of the night. No, now it was beginning to morph and mutate into something she couldn't recognize. No, that's not it. It was definitely something she had experienced before. Something she always experienced when he was around. When his musky, mildew scent would curl around her and bury itself into her spine. The bitter toxicity that accompanied them when the two were ever together for something other than sex. In a panic, Darcy started to yank her limbs away from him, mind fogged with any real solution to getting him off of her and quickly.

She had hoped, eyes frantically searching the bar area for a familiar face - it shouldn't have been difficult, they were all there within her grasp - yet she couldn't seem to find the words to ask for assistance. Not like she would. This was ultimately her problem. She didn't want them to have to deal with his shit more than they already had. He was her problem. "Fuck off, Jones!" It happened in slow motion and Darcy wasn't exactly sure if that was because of the drugs and the booze or if it was just from the sheer shock of it all. Sid's free hand had come up and connected with left side of her face with enough force that her body fell into the motion and took her to the ground. From there her vision swam, noises were growing louder but were muddled, like she was placed head first under the water in the tub.

She was screaming, that much she knew, but she couldn't place the words spewing from her busted lip. All she knew was her vision was fuzzy - at best - and that she could taste copper on her tongue. The remnants of hops and wheat and rye clinging to the inside of her mouth, easily over powered by the metallic ichor that currently took up residency there. Darcy was vaguely aware that someone had helped her to her feet, her arm finally freed from Sid's grasp, but tender and raw nonetheless. Her blue gaze soon locked onto the greasy mass of matted hair and before she or anyone else for that matter could react or register what was happening, Darcy unleashed a well placed kick to his nuts.

Sidney crumpled to his knees, hands already in position to shield himself from any further potential attacks to his groin. "Get the fuck back up! Piece of shit, loser!" Darcy yelled at the man beneath her, readying herself for a harder attack, only to feel the weight of others surrounding the two of them. When had they made their way towards the back of the bar? She hadn't even realized she wasn't anywhere near the bar top when this entire exchange took place. Hands were on her, with what she could only assume was an attempt at restraining her, voices coming into focus along with her eye sight. Her lip was most definitely busted and bleeding, and the side of her face was already starting to shift in color. Even under the awful lighting The Pit provided, she was sure that anyone would be able to place what it was that now adorned her skin. The current set of hands that held her up were familiar and all she wanted to do was relax into them and just rekindle the high that was lost. But wishes don't come true for people of Oceanside. At least not in the ways that one would hope to expect.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BrutalBx


Member Seen 3 days ago

Kip coolly placed a cigarette between his lips as the collection of heartbreakers that had gathered around him flirted with him, each other and everyone else for that matter. God he loved the Pit on a Friday night. He eyed a tidy piece over by the jukebox swaying to the rhythm of the music. She looked familiar and she carried herself like someone that didn’t belong in the cesspool that was Douglas Bigby’s baby. Darcy has offered to meet up with him later for a bump and a bump, it was a recurring offer that he very rarely turned down and judging by the pain his back was in, tonight was likely to be no different unless he was enticed by someone else. Bea? Maybe. That girl by the juke? Perhaps. Dolores herself or the sassy southerner he had seen dancing at the Treasure Chest we’re also viable options for the eve.

Robin loved her digs and her comment on faked orgasms was just too good not to bite. ”Thing is Robin, I know you’re talking shit because your pants are still sitting on my loft floor from the night I left. And they certainly aren’t showing the signs of a fake” he lit his cigarette and grinned like only he could ”I could be wrong though”

He glanced over to Jed who had all but retreated into himself as he was bombarded with pure unadulterated Hollywood dream girl stingers from the bevy of beauties. Kip silently chuckled to himself as he watched the poor guy caught in the headlights like a deer. He was preparing to offer Bea the cigarette she had wanted when he saw the drink she was about to down, spray across another bar patron. That was unfortunate.

It took a moment for the smoky haze to reveal the face of Sidney Jones and a cold clammy feeling began to stir in the pit of Kip’s stomach. He knew Sid by extension from his relationship with Darcy. He was not a good guy and he had seen him both sober and out of it and neither was a person he would want to be around. In what felt like a second, the entire atmosphere in the bar had changed and what was supposed to be a good time Friday had turned into something a hell of a lot more sour. Darcy was bleeding from her nose and Sid was on the floor shielding his fun parts. This was not going to end in a good way if this carried on. The tall blonde was a badass no doubt but Sid has friends or at least people who were weak willed enough to follow his lead. It would only take a word from him and they would descend upon the innocent like a shark to blood in the water or a producer to a wannabe starlet.

He placed his cigarette between Bea’s plump lips. ”Hold this for me” he took off his jacket and moved over to Darcy and Sid, putting his body between them and ushering her back gently with his hand into the arms of a waiting friend. He eyed a group at the other end of the bar; Sid’s psychopaths. He counted three, not great odds but not impossible.

”You know what I like about this place Sid? It’s the lovely oak features, very sturdy” Grabbing the abuser by the scruff of his leathers, Kip rushes him into a pillar against the wall headfirst. On cue. Sid’s cronies were barging across the room towards the wrestler. He inhaled deeply to suck in the pain in his back before grabbing a bottle and throwing it across the room at the descending horsemen. Rushing in with reckless abandon, he took a few heavy shots to the stomach and head before slamming one of the goons into the jukebox by Brandy, changing the song. Kip raised his feathered head up and glanced at Brandy with a bloodied eye, he followed her amazingly fine form for a second before winking at her and returning to the brawl which had now dragged many more patrons into it.

Elsewhere in the graffiti laden men’s room of the Pit, Bigby stood outside one of the stalls, sipping from one of the two drinks in his hands and admiring his dirty green dressing gown in the shattered mirrors. “Hey big man; just to let you know that Sid and the Sadsacks are out front causing a bit of a fracas, might want to get out there”
”Oh for fucks sake” the voice called out from inside the stall ”I just got piss all over my hands” As nonchalantly as always Bigby took a step back as the large bouncer Rig emerged from the cubicle. ”You want me to give Saul a call?”
”If you don’t want to get sued, probably” Pulling his zipper up, Rig charged out of the bathroom and out into a bar. ”He didn’t wash his hands…”

Grabbing a baseball bat from behind the bar, he walked into the crowd to find Kip mounted on top of Sid reigning down fists. He grabbed the wrestler by the shoulder and pulled him off the wannabe rocker. Rig pointed his bat at Sidney’s crew and growled with menace. The pure aura of toughness that radiated off of the big boy was tremendous. ”You all need to get out of here before I shove this bat up all your asses and turn you into a shish kebab” he began to march the group out of the bar.

Taking a seat back at the end of the bar, Kip wiped some blood from his face and looked behind the counter ”Can I get another beer?”

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