Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by pinkkoala321
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rynn watches with narrowed eyes as the group pokes through the vaults. Some go their separate ways, her guards informing her it was to retrieve supplies for the trip. She supposes she doesn't mind that too much, though she should have said something about the small packs being prepared for them. The servants had probably already finished and left them at the gate. Then again, a few meager scraps wouldn't be enough if they hadn't already eaten. She needs them sharp.

"Bodies? No. Missing family . . .? Well, he's not a second cousin, but he has been gone for quite some time." She rolls her head. "Callin always was a studious one. He much prefers the pursuit of knowledge to running a kingdom." Rynn snorts and toys with the end of her braid. "Not that I blame him. Why waste his time in such a dirty, decrepit place when he could see the world?" She shrugged. "But I couldn't imagine leaving father and mother. They're much too old to have another heir."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Borosev
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Ernestus Greye

As the two guards that were assigned to him approached, Ernestus recognised one of them. He squinted trying to gauge who it was, "Eamon? is that you?" he asked with surprise.
One of the guards reacted, "Sir?" the one on the left replied.
After spending a moment observing the man before him, "Ernest?" he then said.
Ernestus let out a laugh in relief, and the two men embraced. "It is great to see you old friend. I see you faired well." he said.
"Yes. Ever since that couple took me in, life's been pretty good." Eamon replied, also smiling with surprise.

After a brief pause, Eamon said "I'm surprised to see you here, especially given what i've heard had happened to Hedgehill. They said the place had been ransacked, and there were only bodies and ruins left. How's it you got out of that unscathed?" he then asked.

"I left some time ago myself. And I had been gone for a couple of years."
Ernestus raises a hand and creates a small ball of light as an example.
"It turns out that I have the ability to wield magic. And so, I took it upon myself to see if I could make use of it. The Vicar guided me to a monastery a fair distance from Hedghill."
Eamon's eyes widen as Ernestus shows him, "So I see."

Ernestus paused for a moment and dispelled the ball.
"Once I returned home from my training, all I had returned to was fire and death", his eyes begin to water slightly, "I tried looking for survivors, but there was no life left there." he said looking away from Eamon, feeling disappointed with himself.

The other guard had wandered away leaving the two to speak.

"I'm sorry." Eamon said not knowing what else to say.

Ernestus waved off Eamon's sympathy, "It's alright." he said straightening himself, "Theres nothing that can be done. Its gone." he said, more to himself than to Eamon.
Eventually the two began talking about some old memories of home, and caught up with each other on their lives.
After some during their chat, Ernestus noticed Arin finish his investigation within the vault. He then noticed Elra bringing a packed feast with her.
He suddenly felt a slight bit awkward as he hadn't really helped much with the current situation.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by geminironin
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Callista had kept quiet as they eventually made their way down to the vaults; Arin seemed to have the situation well in hand, and he clearly had more experience convincing nobility to go along with his plans. So she kept her eyes sharp, watching for any peculiar behavior... Not that there was any shortage of that among their assembled group.

Once the vault was opened, Callista had to catch the gasp of excitement rising from her chest. Anything in here would be a bigger score than she'd ever seen; she understood the appeal now. She was being closely watched, though, and even if that wasn't the case she would have to be a far greater fool than she was to try and sneak herself a bonus. Instead, she listened to the others as she circled the room, running her fingers over the walls and searching for anything out of place.

"Well, between the secret lock and the regular for behind that, we've got some real talent on our hands. Not only would they had to get that secret wall open, with a certain type of blood no less, but our thief would have had to know exactly where that blood needed to be. Either they had to detect the presence of a secret door, Ernestus might be able to check if the magic is visible to a wizard, or they had to observe it being opened."

She sighed and poked at a chipped bit of mortar.

"Still a lot of questions there, I'm afraid... And it doesn't help that I have my own theory to add."

She knocked on the wall and frowned.

"I'm not sure the thief used that door at all. A thief only uses the front door if that's the only option. If I wanted to get into a vault like this, I'd find a weak point in the walls and get in through there... But we'd need more time here to determine that."

She stood up and sighed.

"Is there anything else we should know here, or are you planning on having these fine gents here drag us to our horses?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

Member Seen 2 days ago

Vuthaternock chuckles. "Your security is lacking, princess. I already found six ways into your vault. The door itself is impressive, but all I'd need to bypass it is to cut your finger while you sleep, and press the blood to the door. Or I could break my way in, tunnel in with a monster, melt through the wall, use stone shaping magic, or simply switch out with a guard." He tilts his head. "Why do you keep saying "we"? You assume that you're coming? I highly doubt your parents would approve. As their only heir, if you were to die, the royal family would die out completely. If you come with, we cannot guarantee your safety. We will likely have to undergo many obstacles in out search for the dagger, and if you are hurt or killed under our watch, it is us, the people, who will suffer the most." He shakes his head. "It is not in your best interest to come with us. I might be able to get you a wyvern bodyguard if you wish."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by pinkkoala321
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Regardless," Rynn said, turning her nose up at the dragonborn, "someone managed to get into our vaults without doing any of that. And they got through all the spells guarding the inside of the vault as well. There is not a single item untouched by a ward in that vault. Certainly not the Dark Dagger, but someone found a way to take it without leaving a trace."

She snapped her fingers. The guards moved to attention. "As I said before, we ride for Timberholde."

(Sorry it took so long and isn't too good. I had a job interview today, got hired and start tomorrow, and am planning on buying my own car/moving out in about two months. So, it's a bit hectic.)
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

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Arin had mixed feelings about how well the group conducted their investigation of the vault. Some did help, albeit in varying degrees. Callista provided insight from a non-magic user perspective. Even Vuthaternock came up with a few ideas, some rooted more in the realm of possibilities than others. Both, however, lacked evidence and time needed to gather said evidence from the vault or the castle.

Elra’s initial input was helpful, but then she thought now would be a good time to revert to her slave days, fetching her master ---nay, employer’s daughter--- and her guests' things that Rynn undoubtedly already prepared beforehand unless the trip to Timberholde was decided at the spur of the moment. One could chalk it up as her being considerate, but Arin couldn't entirely. Who asked her to do it? Arin certainly didn’t. It wasn’t her job, far from it in fact, or was the king hiring new servants simultaneously with hiring people to find the Dark Dagger? No, she made the decision herself, before anyone asked her to do it. Just like a well-trained slave who learned the hard way what happened when she wasn’t “considerate” enough.

Arin was most disappointed in Ernestus. He apparently spent one full hour talking to one of his guards and not once did he ask about the thefts. It was a lost opportunity for them to get information that perhaps the guards were hesitant to reveal to their superiors but were more open to tell an old friend. He might have discovered that the guards fell asleep or were drunk while on duty or that they left their posts the moment of the theft for one reason or another. The fact of the matter was that if the thief did use the front door to enter the vault, then they needed to pass the guards. What were they doing when that happened? If magic was used ---and Arin would find out soon enough--- then he’d be more forgiving depending on the type of spell, but if magic wasn’t used then that would mean they were present to see the vaults open and, or, they weren’t present at all. Both were equally bad in their own ways.

The elf didn’t expect impeccable results, especially with the time given, but he couldn’t help feeling dissatisfied. He’d only have to hope that the group would shine out in the field. Most of them did look like they’ve seen their fair share of battle. Perhaps, with this party’s composition, it would be more effective to beat up every suspect ---royalty or not--- they come across to get to the dagger and its thief. Arin let out a deep and long sigh at the thought.

He glanced at the princess, recalling her earlier response to Vuthaternock’s comment about Rynn accompanying them and how her parents would not approve of it.

He tilts his head. "Why do you keep saying "we"? You assume that you're coming? I highly doubt your parents would approve. As their only heir, if you were to die, the royal family would die out completely. If you come with, we cannot guarantee your safety. We will likely have to undergo many obstacles in out search for the dagger, and if you are hurt or killed under our watch, it is us, the people, who will suffer the most." He shakes his head. "It is not in your best interest to come with us. I might be able to get you a wyvern bodyguard if you wish."

"Regardless," Rynn said, turning her nose up at the dragonborn, "someone managed to get into our vaults without doing any of that. And they got through all the spells guarding the inside of the vault as well. There is not a single item untouched by a ward in that vault. Certainly not the Dark Dagger, but someone found a way to take it without leaving a trace."

She snapped her fingers. The guards moved to attention. "As I said before, we ride for Timberholde."

She responded, by not addressing it at all. Arin rubbed the bridge of his nose. For a moment, the elf considered going to the king for confirmation, then dropped the idea. Babysitting the princess was not part of the deal, as such, it was not Arin’s problem. The contract specifically demanded that he would investigate the theft, especially that of the dagger. He would not be bridging the contract by not taking care of Rynn or by not reporting her to the king. If the king was not going to hold his end of the deal because something happened to Rynn, it was King Silas who would suffer the consequence. The contract would make sure of that.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Borosev
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Ernestus Greye

As Rynn brought the guards to attention to escort the party, Ernestus straightened himself, and merely nodded to his old friend as they made their way to their mounts.

Given it was his first time riding a horse, Ernestus just managed to keep himself on the saddle. This is slightly uncomfortable. I can only hope I can get used to this. he thinks to himself.
He pulls up his hood, ready to face the rain again, and tucks his sword under his cloak as much as he can.
Ernestus takes a look around at the rest of the party as they readied themselves for the journey in turn. "Lead the way my lady." he nods towards Rynn.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by pinkkoala321
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As they rode, the landscape changed. Flat, rocky soil turned to rolling hills. Still incapable of growing much, but it at least appeared to be more fertile. Rynn breathed deep as the end of her braid fluttered in the wind. "I much prefer the forests near the border, don't you?" she said to no one in particular. Her eyes remained fixed on the road ahead. "It feels so much more alive."

The horses seemed to huff in relief as the road evened out. Soft dirt padded their hooves as they walked. In the distance, the small cottages and mills of Timberholde became just visible. "Not that much farther now." Just as she had said, they would reach the village not long after nightfall. Even with the hour delay, the sun hovered just above the horizon, as if it were waiting to see them safely to the inn before disappearing.

There was one inn in Timberholde - The Dancing Badger - and by the time they reached its doorstep moonlight had turned the world silver. Rynn paid for their rooms - six in total - and the innkeeper was so happy to finally have a full house that she threw in a free dinner and breakfast. "Be in the kitchens in an hour," she said as she handed out the keys. "We'll have something hot for you."

Rynn thanked the woman and headed for the stairs. Before she retreated to her bedroom, she turned to the group and said, "In case I don't see you again until morning, get a good night's rest. We won't be staying long."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

Member Seen 2 days ago

Vuthaternock watches the changing landscape, and takes in a deep breath, his eyes glowing for a moment. "The further you are from civilization, the more wildlife thrives." He chuckles, looking out at the forest, his eyes in slits from the light. "Kii zklaen nomeno wanotreyxkaiv qe zyak hofibavi? Nomeno visek nomag svent jacioniv. Si tir ti tuor ekess qe wer ir ekess return ekess jacioniv opsola mrith jacioniv loex mamiss." He sighs, watching the princess. "Si geou relgr vi chidrag ekess letoclo jacioniv sjek jaciv wants coi usv ti." He pulls out a perfectly clear scrying stone, and it glows a brilliant light as he begins chanting. "Chidrag rilnom, nymuer sia relgr, klae dout janik ekess troth udoka shio." A echo of a roar comes from the gem, and a large green eye flashes in the middle of the stone. Si confn. Letoclo wux.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Meleck

Meleck Cleric on the Northern Plains

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Night of the Selection
Location: Dancing Badger, Timberholde, Ovyadell

Elra finally got to the point she could relax as the pair flee. Her horse carrying supplies. She thought that was better than the horse trying to kill her. She knew that some of the group would think of her as being not worth much because she did not go sniff around the vaults. But there had been so many people in there the place stunk of humans even from the door.

She waited to see who would take her as their roommate. She wanted so bad to change form and stretch out on a blanket on the floor by the fire and be free of these robes. Her senses of smell, dark vision, and hearing were better in her wolf form. Most of the time she would feel the vibrations in her body of someone walking on the floor. She would want the door ajar enough to open it.

She asked people, “Anyone wish to have their rooms warded? You will find, I am very protective of my people and their things.” She continued, “If your within the ward at the casting you can pass through it without alarm.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

Member Seen 12 days ago

The travel to Timberholde was surprisingly uneventful. Whether it was thanks to the rain that was so cold it could suck the enthusiasm out of any would-be attackers, Vuthaternock’s ever-elusive wyvern ally, or plain luck, Arin didn’t know. He was just thankful that the group’s time in the rain was kept to a minimum.

After drying himself off at the inn, Arin spent some time warming his body with a hot cup of tea, cherishing the heat provided by the fire in the fireplace. As much as he wanted to stay there until bedtime, he knew that that was not possible. In fact, it was unlikely he was going to sleep tonight. Not with the amount of work he had to do.

With the permission of the innkeeper, Arin borrowed a corner of the kitchen, including the kitchen appliances, transforming it into a makeshift laboratory. For the next several hours, Arin remained in the kitchen, analyzing the samples he gathered during his brief time at the castle’s vaults.

The process itself was simple enough but was tedious even at the best of times. First, he removed all contaminants from each sample. Once finished, the sample’s magical energy was condensed and crystallized. Arin used the crystallized magic to study the spells in further detail. Based on their characteristics, he cross-checked the notes he took of the vault and the list of authorized spells he was given to find whether or not there was an outlier.

There was none.

Arin rubbed his eyes. No unauthorized magic was used in the theft, at least not the ones involving the vaults. This strengthened the hypothesis that the thief knew about the authorized magic and used it to gain entry. Though, there was still the possibility that the thief waltzed in from a secret passage that not even its current residents knew about, making the royal vault less of a vault and more of a glorified treasury with an open backdoor. Either way, the thief had knowledge that only a few knew about.

"Bodies? No. Missing family . . .? Well, he's not a second cousin, but he has been gone for quite some time." She rolls her head. "Callin always was a studious one. He much prefers the pursuit of knowledge to running a kingdom." Rynn snorts and toys with the end of her braid. "Not that I blame him. Why waste his time in such a dirty, decrepit place when he could see the world?" She shrugged. "But I couldn't imagine leaving father and mother. They're much too old to have another heir."

Arin’s fingers moved away from his eyes as he looked down at a particular crystallized sample. It was the sample he obtained from the “keyhole” of the vault, one of the last samples he got during the vault examination. The guards didn’t question him when he collected it because the elf managed to annoy them enough by that point that they didn’t think to stop him from collecting essentially what was the key to the vault. Arin had no intention of using it to gain access to the vaults unsupervised and only took it to see if unauthorized magic tampered with the mechanism of the vault, though that turned out not to be the case.

If the thief did use authorized magic to access the vault, that meant they had the blood to do so, whether it was from their own veins or “borrowed” from someone else.

Arin picked up the sample, fidgeting with it until an idea popped into his head. His original plan to track down the one who used unauthorized magic to break into the vaults might have been thrown out the window, but that did not mean he couldn’t use some variation of it. All he had to do was imbue the concentrated magical essence into an item that he could alter to serve as a detector. Arin could make it so that the item would respond to the blood of individuals who recently opened the vault door.

He would need to eliminate Rynn’s essence from the item to prevent it from responding to her continuously, but if this went as planned, the next time the item responds it should be to the owner of the blood or a container filled with the blood used to open the vault. The plan wouldn't have worked effectively if the group stayed at the castle, but out here ---far from the cluster of people who Arin knew can open the door--- if there was someone who can open the door legitimately, the item would tell him. If not, the blood used to open the vault can be narrowed down to the residents of the castle, Rynn included. Assuming that the thief still remains in Ovyadell or the Underground... Or if there is enough blood left for the item to respond to, but I suppose it is worth a try.

Arin started to rummage through his belongings to find a suitable item.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Borosev
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Ernestus Greye

For the most part, Ernestus kept to himself during the ride, occasionally scanning their surroundings as they travelled. The journey to Timberholde felt quicker than expected.
After settling at the inn, Ernestus thanked the princess for the payment for their lodgings, and eagerly awaited for a decent meal.
It was a good one, ableit a bit smaller compared to what he normally would have. His appetite being much larger since he aquired his affliction.

Relaxed and still sitting at his table, he quietly watched as the others went about their business. Ernestus brought out a small journal from his knapsack, and updated his notes regarding his journey.
As he wrote, he looked up to see Elra as she asked about placing a ward on the room, "Thank you, but I do not think its quite necessary just yet."he said with a friendly smile.
After finishing his notes, he tucked the journal away and headed for his room, bidding the others a goodnight and thanking the innkeeper along the way.

The room was a tad cramped, but it was good enough. He placed his sword on the opposide of his bed as per usual. The bed was surprisngly comfortable considering how rough it looked, but it had been a while since he slept in one.

His sleep, once he finally managed to, was restless at first. His dreams were tainted occasionally by the beast within. Eventually he managed to settle down, and get some rest.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by pinkkoala321
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rynn stared at the ceiling, watching as moonlight danced across the dusty floorboards and illuminated the motes floating through the air. She breathed out a sigh and rolled over, pillowing her head on her forearm.

As much as she hated to admit it, the group was doing better than she thought. She had been expecting to already be behind schedule, and while being on time was certainly a good thing, she didn't want to admit that she had misjudged them. At least on the surface. If they stayed this way, it might be possible to reach the Underground by the end of the week. Hopefully any trails would still be fresh at that point.

Ever since the Dark Dagger had gone missing, Rynn had ran through every possible scenario she could think of. Most came to a dead-end, as they were simply impossible. Others seemed far from likely. If she knew why the thief had taken the dagger . . . But she couldn't tell if it was simply for a profit, or if the thief knew more about its power than her own family. Either way, she had to get it back.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Meleck

Meleck Cleric on the Northern Plains

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Night of the Selection
Location: Dancing Badger, Timberholde, Ovyadell

When everyone had come up to their rooms, Elra set a ward on the hallway with her staff. It glowed gently as she chanted softly. When it was set she went back to her room and put a silver bell on a stand. She left the door propped open a little.

She laid the blankets on the floor and changed form after blowing her candle out.Getting out of the robes was easy, though the collar stayed. She had done this routine since she couldn’t remember except for when the magic forced her to hold her form.

As late evening changed into night, and night moved towards morning the bell rung. Which brought a growl from Elra. In the hall was a man trying the doors to see if any were unlocked. As he pulled a pick Elra pushed the door with her nose, as the Pincess’s door was coming open she attacked like a wolf in night. She hit the man in the back and biting at his neck, growling loud enough that others would wake from the sound.

The blood tasted good and she let the man thrash as she tore with her teeth till he stopped fighting. His dagger had cut her side but not deep. She was not sure if he was dead or not, and she did not care at that moment, she just held him waiting to be released.

She had told them that she was protective, they just did not understand how protective.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

Member Seen 12 days ago

Arin was cleaning up after himself ---while he waited for the wooden ring he found to completely soak up the crystalized essence--- when he heard sounds of struggle come from somewhere in the inn. It was brief enough that it could have been mistaken for a wild animal ransacking something outside, but Arin couldn’t ignore it. He left the kitchen to investigate the source.

It didn’t take long for him to find a wolf standing over a bloody man. Arin froze at the sight. How did a wild animal get in? He regretted not bringing something to scare the wolf away and considered going back to the kitchen to fetch something, however, based on the amount of blood pouring out from the man’s throat the elf imagined he’d be dead by the time Arin returned… if he hadn’t died already. Arin swallowed and slowly inched his way towards the wolf and man.

Knowing that it wouldn’t be wise to surprise the creature, Arin softly greeted the wolf “Good evening.” He wasn’t sure if he startled the wolf, but as soon as he spoke, he saw the wolf back away. The elf continued to cautiously advance towards the bleeding man, making a conscious effort to stay close to the wall, leaving plenty of space on the other side of the hallway so that the wolf could run away whenever it wanted to.

Still keeping an eye on the wolf from the corner of his eye, Arin crouched down beside the man. He held one hand over the wound and took a pulse. The body still felt warm, but the man was dead. Arin reflexively clicked his tongue. Although he was no stranger to death, it was never a pleasant feeling to witness it. Even if it was just part of life.

Out of habit, Arin was about to offer a prayer to the recently departed but stopped himself. No divine being would ever hear his kind’s prayers. As much as his parents wanted to believe otherwise. Instead, he took out a handkerchief from his pocket and covered the man’s face.

He looked up and was surprised to see that the wolf decided to stay where it was. Softly, Arin asked the wolf, “How did you get in here? Are you lost?” He stared at the wolf, something about it suggested high intelligence. He couldn’t quite pinpoint what made him think that, though. Maybe it was the same feeling he got when he looked into his brother’s eyes. A warm smile spread across his face. “I suggest you leave this place promptly. You will be skinned alive if the villagers catch you. People usually do not take kindly to animals killing people.” Arin made hand motions to shoo the wolf away. With each failed attempt, the elf got closer to the wolf, until finally, he was close enough to touch it. Arin sighed and raised his hands close to the wolf’s nose, allowing it to sniff him. “I was not joking about being skinned alive, you know?” The docility of the wolf gave the impression that it was domesticated, a companion to a ranger of sorts. In which case, he could only assume that the wolf attacked the dead man because he posed a threat to it or its master.

Although a part of him told him it was a bad idea, Arin was curious if he could pet the wolf. It was not every day that one encountered a docile wolf. He tried to think it over, but the wolf's fur was too tempting to resist. Using his clean hand, Arin petted the wolf. As he did, his fingers brushed against what felt like a collar. He looked to the side to get a better look at it and instantly recognized it as a slave collar. He pulled away from the wolf, suddenly getting a bad feeling. The feeling got worse when he noticed the door across the hallway was ajar.

Arin stood up and peaked in after knocking on the door. A quick survey of the room told him it was Elra’s. Elra, the elf that had the same collar as the wolf he just petted. Arin felt his cheeks flush. He tried to hide it as he turned around to face the wolf. For a few awkward moments, the elf opened and closed his mouth, though not a word came out. Finally, he relented, cleared his throat and bowed, “Forgive me Ms. Silverfang, that was entirely inappropriate of me. I did not realize it was you.

He looked at Elra, then at the body, “What happened here?
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Borosev
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Ernestus Greye

Ernestus was fast asleep when an unpleasently familiar sound woke him. At first he thought it his imagination, and didn't think much of it, but he decided to get up anyway, and check to see if everything was ok outside.
Before he got to the door, he could hear talking on the otherside. It sounded like the inquisitive elf.
Ernestus slowly opened his door to see what the commotion was about. To his shock he saw a man on the floor bleeding out, with Arin and a wolf sitting next to him. Ernestus then pulled back into his room, and hesitated for a moment. He went and drew his sword before coming out of his room to confront the two.
"What is the meaning of this?!" he said brandishing his blade.
His lycanthropic senses kicked in as he observed the wolf. For some reason, it had a familiar scent. The wolf was female, but clearly not normal.
He then asked it "Who are you? I know you are not just a mere wolf."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Meleck

Meleck Cleric on the Northern Plains

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Night of the Selection
Location: Dancing Badger, Timberholde, Ovyadell

The wolf watched the blade, showing her bloody teeth and mussel with a little intensity. She had felt the Rouge's dagger and she wasn't going to feel a sword blade. Her master had tortured her enough with a blade trying to break her. It was the raising babies from their graves that did that and being forced to carry them around like a living child. The stories that the villagers provoked nightmares in her.

She laid near Arin and stretched a paw out. She freed the lock pick from under the man's body letting them see it. She moved back into a sitting position letting Arin's hand rest on her and leaned a little. The wound on her side bled a little.

She would pad back to her room and tend to it after the sword was removed. She looked up at Arin and sneezed wanting him to explain it. She wasn't going to change and discuss this with them without clothes and bleeding.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

Member Seen 12 days ago

It took a little while for Arin to realize that Elra had no intention of explaining the situation herself. Arin let out a sigh before kneeling to pick up the lock pick. “I arrived after the ruckus so you will have to ask Ms. Silverfang for the details yourself,” He made a hand gesture towards the wolf and briefly glanced at Elra when he mentioned her. Only then he noticed the cut that he could only assume was made by the dead man. “However, if I were to surmise, Ms. Silverfang thought this man was intending to break into one of our companion’s rooms,” he showed Ernestus the pick lock and tossed it to him, “so she took it upon herself to attack the man.” Arin looked back at Elra to check the wound more closely, careful not to touch her now that he knew the wolf was a person. “Though we will not know what his intention was now that he is dead.” His tone was that of a mother scolding her misbehaving child, “I doubt he had anything to do with the thefts at the castle, but if he did, we just lost a source of information.

Arin stood up, “Now then, if one of you could report this to the innkeeper before she finds out the hard way, it would be much appreciated. I must return to my work.” The elf turned on his heel, then paused. “As for the knife wound, Ms. Silverfang, it is minor so there is nothing to be worried about… but if you cannot heal it yourself or no one can assist you with healing magic, you are welcome to use one of my healing potions or poultices.” He bowed his head slightly at the two, “Good night.

Arin returned to the kitchen to prepare some extra healing items. It was extra work that he didn’t think he’d be doing that evening ---or early morning, he lost track of time---, but if tonight was any indication, he had a feeling that this party was going to need a lot more than he premade. He was also going to have to acquire some more ingredients in the morning.

There is no rest for the wicked.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Borosev
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Ernestus Greye

Ernestus was visibly surprised and it took a moment for him to process what happened. He finally goes and puts his sword back, then leaves and closes his room door, to go and inform the innkeeper about the incident.
After the innkeeper was informed, whom was shocked and unsure on what to do next, Ernestus suggested informing the town guards about the incident, and offered to help remove the body if needed. He left the innkeeper to think about the next course of action.
Such a mess, and it has only been the first night.
He goes up to check on Elra, and knocks on her door, "I apologise for earlier, I did not know you were a shapeshifter. I know that you are wounded, and if you wish, I can help you." he said with concern.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by pinkkoala321
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rynn awoke to the sounds of snarling. She bolted upright, reaching for the blade she kept near at all times, but by the time she had readied herself, the hall had quieted. Still, to hear a snarling animal here in the inn . . . It seemed highly unlikely. Even a squirrel would not bother to sneak in through one of the cracks or crevices.

Carefully, she slipped out of the covers. Her bare feet were near silent on the wood floor. Her hand rested on the doorknob, but she was unsure how to proceed. If it truly were a danger, it would not be best to storm into the hallway with nothing more than her smallest dagger and nothing but her underclothes to protect her.

Voices sounded in the hall. Familiar voices. She pressed her ear to the splintery wood of the door and listened, straining to hear every word spoken. She could clearly tell the elf - Arin. He spoke so often to her that she knew his well. The other voice she knew to be from her group of travelers as well. It wasn't hard to figure out who, as there weren't many.

Swallowing, she opened the door and peered outside. But in the time it had taken for her to decide, the hallway had cleared. All that remained was a body, still cooling on the floor. His blood pooled around him, seeping into the small divots in the planks. Rynn wrinkled her nose. If someone didn't get rid of it soon it would start to smell.

Though she went back to her room, she knew she would not be sleeping any more that night. Perhaps when they left in the morning, her companions would be able to tell her more about what transpired in the hall.
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