Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Kyle Hishamie

Belief in the supernatural–and specifically in the devil’s practice of giving certain humans (witches) the power to harm others in return for their loyalty–had emerged in Europe as early as the 14th century, and was widespread in colonial New England.

Tension, confusion, hyper awareness. All of these feelings were running rampant all throughout Kyle. He himself made the decision to make himself a part of this group, even while unaware of the supernatural tug pulling him towards his classmates. He himself wanted to come out of his shell in some small way by following after this current group, even though not a single cell in his body truly wanted to interact with others. All he really wanted to do was see if he had missed anything important in class for his education may not have entirely depended on it but if history is anything to pay attention to even the small details matter. Kyle appreciated that he was welcomed easily enough, in Kyles head he had given himself plenty of reasons why they would not be as kind as they were. No matter how kind they were, Kyle could not shake that indescribable sensation that flowed throughout his entire being that he was not going to be welcomed soon enough. Within moments of entering the shop Kyle had pinpointed every point of entrance and every exit within sight of the customer side of the shop. If need be he could escape any situation that may arise or simply walk away if he wanted to. Kyle took his seat near the edge of the table closest to the walkway and put his binder and bottle in his lap.

Thank you but I...I would prefer water. No ice. Kyles face was not filled with glee nor sadness, anger nor stiffness. If anything his expression was blank. Some might confuse it with some other emotion, but how can one correctly display emotionlessness or rather how do you display an emotion you truly do not feel. Have not felt in years. Numbness was his ally, it kept his secrets and kept his thoughts private. Thank you, Kyle said to Kalama. Kyle wanted to speak up and ask to see if anyone would compare notes with him but he could not move his mouth to speak at the idea of having to....socialize. It was what he was here to do and he was already failing. Mentally Kyle smacked himself, thinking how pathetic he was. He wasn't nervous or scared, not really. These people seemed very nice in fact. The others were beginning to exchange notes or at least offer to and were making small talk. Kyle grabbed his right wrist with his left hand underneath the table and squeezed himself with a fair amount of pressure. Using his muscles in his body was easier than using the muscles in his mouth to speak. When the piece of paper with peoples numbers were being written on was passed to him Kyle pulled out his pen, but paused before writing anything.

Did he want everyone to have this type of information on him? Did he want to give out his cell number, only to not be invited again because he did something weird or silly? Was it worth the risk? Kyle rubbed the back of his neck with his left hand, his muscles clearly evident through his long sleeve shirt. He became slightly over himself, thinking on how dumb this was. Of course they wouldn't want to do this with him again, he was nothing and no one so what did it hurt. He wrote his real cell number down and passed along the paper.

When the newest addition joined the group, and used her phone to communicate with the others, Kyle solemnly nodded towards her. This was his chance! He missed out on conversating at first but with a new addition he had an excuse to say something first. He would not waste this, Kyle knew he needed to seize the moment or just go home. Kyle raised his binder from his lap and opened it on the table. When he spoke he spoke to her and to everyone else. I....have notes. I took them....obviously....I believe I got most of the lesson but I may have missed a few sentences. Kyles notes, he believed, were pretty decent. He hadn't looked at the others notes yet but he believed his hand writing was legible and his notes were in order. Kyle believed in being one hundred percent prepared so just to be safe he wrote down everything that was said in the order it was said, with breaks in paragraphs for pauses and such. If anyone wants to....I mean....you know look at them....you guys can. Kyle took a sip of his drink and tried to meet everyone's eyes that looked at him as he spoke. Thankfully, while he speak not slowly but somewhat unwillingly and maybe even a little awkwardly, he could keep all of his personal thoughts and feelings to himself. Kyle assumed for the rest of the time spent with the group he would spend listening rather than talking which is what he preferred.

That's when the first of many unusual events began to unfold due to Kyle. While he preferred to listen rather than speak, since a new arrival had joined and he had taken his chance to speak he believed why not continue? The class was...pretty easy huh? Kind of boring? He spoke to everyone in the group but when he focused his words on a single individual, Elysia, A weird feeling overcame Kyles entire body, a new sensation he had never felt before. If he had not been so hyper focused he probably would have missed it. Doesn't it make you happy that class wasn't very long? I doubt I could have stayed awake too much longer.

This would be the very first case while in college of Kyle using his hidden power of Emotional Suggestion. Unintentional of course, and not in any way dangerous at least this time. Kyle suddenly felt a sharp pain behind his left eye, almost making him wince from the pain. Kyle held his composure nearly perfectly, having felt far far worse physical pain before. He had meant to speak to everyone both times but when he felt that weird sensation he suddenly felt pulled to speak to a single induvial, which had happened to be the closest person to himself.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Laser Kiwi
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Laser Kiwi Your Antipodean Friend

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalama Guynn & Rowan Childe

Poor Yorick's

He added his number to the sheet and passed it on just as the latest addition to their group arrived. Feeling the same inexplicable connection, Rowan offered Elysia a small smile and wave. He couldn't help but be pleased when Kyle started the conversation so it didn't fall to him again. "Yeah, it was easier than most. I have some notes too, but I kind of faded out halfway through," the young man admitted, opening his binder to reveal only half a page. "I haven't been sleeping well lately and that lecture almost knocked me out." He played idly with one of his dreadlocks as he spoke, a nervous tick that seemed incongruous with his otherwise calm demeanor.

Caleb's whistle did not endear him to Kalama, but otherwise the drink-making went smoothly. Rather than refuse Kyle's unusual request, she prepared a plain glass of water for him and also a mug of house blend herbal tea. Chamomile, lavender, and a handful of other herbs designed to soothe the nerves and calm anxious students. Maybe he wasn't anxious, exactly, but he looked like he could use the soothing.

Distributing the drinks around the table, she set the two down in front of him with a little smile. "It's on me. No caffeine, no gluten, just a lot of flavor. If you don't like it you don't have to drink it... but I think you will," She explained. Though it seemed a stretch to call her drink-making ability magical, like her grandmother she had always associated sharing food and drink with family and coming together - which seemed mysteriously appropriate for this group, even if she couldn't put her finger on why.

"Elysia, this is Kalama. Would you like anything to drink?" Rowan made the introduction in what seemed to be his permanent role now. He flicked a glance to Kal to see if she minded, but she was already looking to Elysia and seemed willing enough to get up one more time. While she was at the table, he passed her the group text sign up sheet and she quickly scrawled her number, maybe not realizing who had started the whole thing.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Caleb Walker

Caleb watched both Kalama and Rowan write out their number for tutoring on a piece of paper with a smile. He had got those digits at least, but he may need to change up his game plan a bit. As he looked over them, his intuition kicked in. Whenever this happened it wasn’t like the information just appeared in his mind, but rather a culmination of every detail he noticed came together at once. In this case, the way Rowan attempted to keep the peace and take charge in introductions, the way he touched his hair as though seeking comfort, and even the way his entire demeanor had changed when he had begun questioning Ken. Rowan came across as a calm, modern hippie, but underneath that was a river of near constant stress just bubbling under the surface. The thing he craved most of all was a sense of control of his own life or at least the illusion of control.

Kalama’s case was different as what he got from her was not a longing for control, but instead a longing for… something? Love? Affection? No something more like a family, but was cripple by her own inability to trust. In her case, coming at her directly with his interest would not help him at all as it would somehow make him more untrustworthy in her mind. She was somewhat more complicated to work with in Caleb’s opinion. Normally he wouldn’t have started hitting on either of them before his insight had done its work, but his goal at the time really had been to distract himself from the pain in his leg than anything else and flirting was always fun.

His insight into Val had come quite quickly, she simply did not want to be put into a box and labelled as a “dumb jock.” She wanted to be judged without labels and seen for her own merits. This had not really been a problem as Caleb had seen from their workout sessions the sheer amount of effort that Val had put into her dream and simply saw her lack of good grades as the result of putting her priorities to her actual goal. That was something he could respect, so he had never said a word about her supposed lack of smarts nor given it any mind. He did wish that she were a little less thick-headed in the art of flirting though. Acting as her wingman was about as effective as driving into a brick wall.

With his newfound insight, Caleb altered his game plan entirely, he leaned toward Rowan and whispered over to him, “Hey, it has been pretty clear I have been flirting with you hard, but if you would like me to stop, chill out, or hell, flirt even harder let me know. Your choice.” Caleb paused for a moment, and remembered his other goal. “But, regardless, if it is alright with you, can we talk later? About Ken?” He was distracted with another member of the class approaching the table and joining their study group. Like Kyle, he wasn’t sure he had seen her talk at all either though the reason for that became quite clear as she used a text to speech program to communicate. Of course, that same feeling in his chest was happening with her too. What was going on with him today? He shook the feeling off and handed her the near complete list of numbers for the group. “Sure, come on in and join our new study buddy family!”

In the meantime, he took Kyle’s quite complete set of notes and took out his phone. He had an app that was able to scan written documents into a text file and sent that out to all the members of the group once the numbers list was completed. “And there we go some easy note sharing between us all!” He took a sip of the drink Kalama had made him, being careful to portray any emotion on his face as he did despite the fact it was quite good. Making himself as distant as possible to her was far more likely to be effective than his previous strategy, plus it made it seem as though he had lost interest in her. In fact, he had barely paid any attention to her at all since his insight came through, just a quick “Thanks.” when she set down his drink.

“Yeah that rough time with sleep has been going around a lot lately. I don’t think I’ve gotten one in a couple weeks.” He looked over at Elysia, “I take it that’s why you missed class today yourself huh?”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Blazion
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Valeria Silaov

The tenseness of their previous encounter seemed far away as things settled down, despite it being less than half an hour before. It was nice, this easy camaraderie, the low murmur of voices. The cozy atmosphere even seemed to draw in another, though she seemed a little odd. Val cocked her head to the side looking upon Elysia, as she called herself, but cast the girl a warm grin nonetheless. There it was again, that strange pull, almost a physical tug in her chest. She’d almost chalk it up to just a new reaction to pretty girls between Elysia and Kalama, but it happened to the others here as well. Still, this was not the time to mull over it.

”What chance! We were actually about to have a study session. Come, join us. I am Valeria. It is good to meet you,” Valeria gestured to the last open chair not occupied by others, or their things. She nearly beamed at how Kyle spoke a little, though his words seemed awkward. Good for him.

”Oh, you as well, Rowan? Sleep is hard to come by lately. Maybe there is something in the air?” She shrugged, the muscles along her bare arms flexing with the motion. Then, Kalama was putting a drink in front of her, Val giving a polite thanks before glancing down.


”That is so cute!” Once more the athlete retrieved her phone, flipping open the camera and snapping a quick pic of the fancy heart painted in her latte. ”You make me almost feel bad for drinking it.” Her phone was set on the table, vibrating as Caleb sent a copy of Kyle’s notes out to everyone. Probably for the best, considering her own half-translated ones. For the moment however Val ignored it, blowing on her drink. She had a brief moment of regret for ruining the adorable little heart, but soon was taking a sip.

Immediately, Valeria perked up, feeling some of the exhaustion that clung to the corners of her daily life lifting. She took another mouthful of the latte, a content sigh slipping from her lips and tongue darting out to lick the foam that clung.

”So… do you work mornings, Kal? I do not know what you did, but I will have to drop in for another if this is the quality.”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Well, so far so good. They didn't instantly reject her. They were quite welcoming which helped ease her worries. She quickly sat down and wrote her contact information on the paper placed in front of her. She listened to the others as she worked to log the names and numbers into her own phone which didn't take her that long. She nervously smiled looking at the others but the smile had a slight visible shift when Kyle spoke directly to her. She felt different, a little dizzy. It was like her anxiety was being sucked out of her and left behind was just the feeling of being happy. She blinked her eyes trying to clear her head. She was confused though. The class was indeed a short one but she missed the whole class today.

She did find it odd that a lot of them were having trouble getting rest as well. She once again yawned thinking about sleep. A slight blush tinted her face as she shook her head about why she missed class. When asked about drinks Elysia reached for her coffee to check how much was left. Quickly her fingers tapped, "No thank you. My drink's still nearly full." After that she quietly sat there. The other guy next to her had made note sharing so quick. What were they supposed to do now? Just talk. About what though? Elysia couldn't really think of anything to say or do to add to the conversation. Then her mind started to wander. The conversation of being tired made her think about the drawings again. She began thinking about the one that caused her to come here. It was a Friday and there were a bunch of books on the table, but none of those other weird objects from it were here. The only thing of note was that the dreadlocks on the spider plushie were similar to the older guy.

She looked at each of the others as they spoke and got the urge to draw. Normally she'd be too nervous to draw this close to others but she felt happy rather than anxious. So, she pulled out her sketch supplies which included the picture that had led her here, and began drawing the scene around her.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Kyle Hishamie

Following the trials and executions, many involved, like judge Samuel Sewall, publicly confessed error and guilt. On January 14, 1697, the General Court ordered a day of fasting and soul-searching for the tragedy of Salem. In 1702, the court declared the trials unlawful. And in 1711, the colony passed a bill restoring the rights and good names of those accused and granted £600 restitution to their heirs. However, it was not until 1957—more than 250 years later—that Massachusetts formally apologized for the events of 1692.

Elysia. Kyle believed it was possible that she was similar to himself, in the way that they both would rather keep to themselves.
She would seemed to speak through her electronic, yet she bared not a single scar or any type of physical injury to the neck or throat area. Her lips.....Kyle rolled his own eyes, forgetting he was around people when having these thoughts that he kept to himself, AND remembered that he would rather be alone most of the time he himself could not deny that he still was human. Her lips showed no sign of injury either so it was possible, Kyle concluded, that the reason why she used her electronic to speak rather than using her voice was due to a purely personal reasons. Maybe she didn't like people either? Kyle sighed to himself. Kyle reminded himself mentally not everyone is like him. He was curious as to what she was drawing though. Since she was sitting next to him would it be rude to peer?

Val. Kyle almost dismissed her right away due to her origin. The clear and distinct Russian traits that shined brightly like a diamond that is her face we're almost a sight that made Kyle turn. It isn't as if there really truly was a specific reason for Kyle to wish to get away from the Russian as soon as possible, Kyle had previous encounters with the Russians during his time in the army. True battle and Hell was not unfamiliar to Kyle and more than once it was the face of a Russian that had been attempting to send Kyle to true Hell. Kyle knew that individuals we're not to be hated for their country mans actions, especially military ones when she was just a civilian. As was himself now, Kyle had to remind himself mentally. He could not shake the feeling of distrusts though. She simply....seemed too....well she was a giant freaking puppy and there was no way, in Kyles mind, that an athletic Russian wasn't up to something. Kyle made a mental note that he would need to make mental notes on her activity and jog them down later. Even better, Kyle believed if he truly meant it when hen decided he wanted to try being social again even if it was just a little then the answer was obvious. He needed to workout and she most definitely did. A good workout together would show her true colors. Or at least show him the kind of person Val was hiding. Much harder to pretend while trying to hold something heavy or out of breath With workout equipment or during a long run.

Kalama. Rowan. Sweet as sugar.....and sweet as a grape. Kalama was just so simply full of energy and enthusiasm that Kyle refused to have an opinion of her. In the nicest way possible. He simply thought that he should wait to learn more about her, at a later time. After all he wasn't psychic or anything. Kyle used his right index finger and thumb to rub the base of his nose, a type of tell or tick he had. It wasn't anything serious. Just something he ended up doing by seeing another do so. Rowan was....nice as well. It was clear through a toned body, specific muscles that were more worked out than others, and just overall posture and swagger that he had military training. If he had to guess....He would guess first Navy, then Marine if wrong. Kyle could also see Rowan was like him in a way, in the way that meant he had seen or done something he would rather not have. Obviously he wouldn't know what until he asked.....but Kyle didn't truly care one way or another. The way his niceness was on display clearly meant they coped in different ways, Kyle prayed they wouldn't be roommates. Kyle then realized he had not been to his dorm yet, since it was only that he had to move out of his apartment by today. Kyle believed saving money was important since he didn't have a job.

Caleb. Seemed like a fighter. Kind of like a douche. But not an overall horrible man. Kyle has met plenty of self made men who act exactly like Caleb, and Kyle could appreciate anyone who took their life in the direction they themselves wanted. Again, this person seemed like if Kyle was ever in the mood to spar Caleb would be a perfect sparring partner. Kyle hated fighting with a passion but even he had to admit that hitting something could feel good on occasion.

Kyle squeezed his right fist closed, jolting Kyle out of his own thoughts. So far everyone had been friendly in their own way and it also seemed like everyone had been wanting to stay a group. Kyle could feel the pull beneath his very ribs, the allure of these people and what this group could mean for him and what it would represent. NO! This also felt very wrong to Kyle, the pull and the allure, the easiness that came to be to simply meld with the group. He had not felt an urge to be in a group like this for a long time, and he refused to believe that this was something natural. The weird dreams, the strange headache, this magical yet indescribable sensation he felt disturbed Kyle greatly. They were classmates sure, but they weren't the entire class and they all were very different from each other. It truly was unnatural. Suddenly without a sound Kyle right nostril let out a single bead of blood that spilled down to his upper lip but did not drip. Kyle felt incredibly pissed off, at himself, at the group, at anything really. His body tensed up and his face showed clear unpleasant discomfort, and as he spoke now to the whole group Kyle kept his hands on the top of his knees. I'm going to take a moment to speak. Sorry for interrupting, but doesn't anyone else here question this? Isn't anyone else here concerned, or alarmed, that complete strangers just happen to... Kyle stopped midsentence, there was a pain behind his right eye again and his left eye, and he finally noticed his nose. Kyle quickly used a napkin to wipe his nose, somewhat embarrassed but holding steadfast to his opinion. His head felt like a warm oven but Kyle persevered.

With his sudden burst of anger now passing and exiting his body, a flood of contempt with himself replaced what he had been feeling. It isn't as if he had suddenly yelled or made a scene, but speaking up so suddenly and in a loud enough voice to be heard by all was something unfamiliar to Kyle. Little did he know however he had used his power to Suggest the feelings of concern or alarm to appear in those who heard him. Or at least those within his range and who could be affected. After a few silent moments and a swig of water Kyle continued.

I'm sorry if I startled anyone, it's just.......well......look I know we all just met but.....well..., Kyle sighed already over his inability to speak socially, Look...I've been having dreams I can barely remember. I..I have had this weird knot in my chest..since basically class started. I am a man of logic and reason and weird shi...stuff keeps happening. So at this point, I am willing to believe...that...at least..at least one of you guys have been experiencing something similar. Please tell me I am crazy.

Kyles could almost believe there was a legit oven that had been yeeted into his skull at this point. The only reason Kyle could sit upright at the moment was due to his sheer military powered will and the fact that he kept insulting himself mentally to keep himself from showing too much pain on his face. He truly believed that this group had done nothing wrong but it was time to get to the bottom of this. Kyle believed with all his heart something weird was happening, but if he was wrong and was dismissed from the group as he deserved he could simply leave and act like it never happened. Kyle settled his thoughts and finished speaking, curious as to what was going to happen next.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Laser Kiwi
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Laser Kiwi Your Antipodean Friend

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalama Guynn & Rowan Childe

Poor Yorick's

“About Ken? What about Ken?” Rowan asked, a little too quickly. Though he was a little flustered and more than a little flattered by how abruptly the other man had offered to change his flirting strategy, the mention of the boy with the rats still got his blood pumping. Although the scene was eerily familiar to the deer and the squirrel, he had been consciously aware of doing it both times - that had felt different, and clearly affected Ken differently too. Already about his powers being discovered, the dreadlocked veteran tried his best to play down the abrupt question. “I mean yeah, that was weird, but I don’t know what happened,” He explained, finally taking a sip of his chai.

That took an instant weight off his shoulders. He couldn’t quite explain why the chai made his day so much brighter, given the mix was pretty average for a college kid coffee shop, but it clearly was made with love. “Thanks Kal,” he murmured as his roommate took a sip of her own drink, a mexican mocha with chili, and offered him a little smile over the rim of the mug.

“Something in the air? I thought allergy season was over,” Kal quipped to Valeria. “But yeah, same.” She leaned back in her chair to check the group text, and happened to glance over at Elysia’s drawings, noticing one that seemed eerily familiar. “Wait, you’ve only been here a minute. When did you draw this?” She asked the other girl, tilting the paper to check out the spider with a strangely familiar hairstyle.

But before she could get an answer, the vibe of the room suddenly shifted. The subtle effects of her drinks were overshadowed abruptly by something that pushed on her mind the same way the dreams did. Her concern mounted as Kyle started speaking, and her big, dark eyes flicked to Caleb for a moment, guilt mixing with alarm as she remembered her first fire. The others since only confirmed what Kyle was saying, that there was something going on that defied all logic and reason… but what connection did anyone else at this table possibly have to it?

To her surprise, it was Rowan who spoke first. “You’re not crazy,” He said point blank. He stared down at the table, frowning intensely as he tried to decide whether he wanted to do this or not. Trusting others was difficult, but Kyle was right. The dreams, the feelings, there were invisible bindings running between all of them that he couldn’t quite define. Lying to Caleb had seemed necessary, but felt wrong as soon as the falsehood left his lips. “Do you remember that deer that walked right into the middle of the building? I think I did that. And I know that sounds crazy, but…” He trailed off and held his hand out, closing his eyes.

For a minute Kalama just stared, wondering if he was actually losing his marbles, before a moth suddenly flew into his open palm. Followed by a gnat, a second gnat, a fly… every bug in the building seemed to be flocking to that single point. She almost couldn’t believe her eyes - but compared to starting fires with her mind, was this really so bizarre?
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Caleb Walker

Rowan spoke rather quickly regarding what had happened with Ken, Caleb didn’t even need to bother to lean on his intuition to see through that attempted deception. It was clear that he had found a clue as to what was going on. Maybe Rowan knew enough to help him control it. He was fine with just getting rid of the fire shit. The healing ability was something powerful. It would give him leverage into gaining real power, which of course was cash. That is, if he could figure out how to stop it from hurting him so much. He noticed though, with some devilish delight, that Rowan also did not say no to him continuing his advances towards him. The brief exposure of a more forceful personality coming to surface was quite interesting as well, even without the suspicious circumstances. For now though, his time was better spent waiting for when they could find a moment alone.

Elysia seemed too shy to directly answer his question as her cheeks grew flushed and she rapidly shook her head. Caleb found the action adorable and considered she might be fun to flirt with later on, but he didn’t want too many irons on the fire. The woman pulled out some art supplies and began sketching the scene around her. Caleb tapped the table gently to get her attention, rose from his chair to flex his arms and shoulders for the piece. “Val, back me up.” Kalama also looked interested in Elysia’s art before commenting about an already complete sketch, Caleb glanced at it curiously and his eyes widened in surprise. “Hey, are you a fan or something? How’d you know I was a boxer?”

Something shifted as Kyle spoke up, a sense of alarm rang through his body, a sudden knowledge that there was danger nearby. He heard everything that Kyle said, but couldn’t yet process it. His eyes darted around the table looking at each of them for a fraction of a moment, making the briefest eye contact with Kalama who had the same fearful look in her eyes mixed with something else he couldn’t quite place, before finally landing on Val. At that moment Caleb just knew, knew from the bottom of his heart, that the fire was going to come again. He lunged forward and pushed her out of her seat, away from where the flames were no doubt going to burst forth. He could taste the smoke in the air and the smell of burnt fabric and rubber mixed with cooking flesh… except it wasn’t real, just a memory. Caleb blinked and calmed down suddenly, Val was on the floor, her hand scuffed where she had caught herself looking no doubt confused.

“Oh shit, Val I’m so sorry! I thought uh... I thought that um… here let me help you up.” Caleb reached out a hand and pulled her back into her seat. Caleb put his face in his hands just trying to make sense of what had happened. He was off balance and out of control, this wasn’t like him. So fucking jittery and timid. How long was the situation with Daria going to haunt him? He hadn’t even known what he was doing! He had no reason to even consider hurting her so why had it happened. If his healing ability hadn’t begun working right after pulling her out of the car, he would have never have thought he had been the cause. But now he was making scenes in public out of nowhere, just suddenly overcome with alarm. The conversation he could hear finally began to push through the boundaries of Caleb’s guilt into his mind and he looked up to see the insects on Rowan’s hand and hope bloomed in his chest.

“Normally I would say the both of you are crazy or trying to sell me something, but… I’ve been having the dream and can do things too. Val if you don’t mind.” He reached out one hand and lightly touched Val’s hand. The mental effort came easily given all the practice he had been forced to take on with Daria. The minor abrasion on her hand from where she had caught herself faded, as well as the bruising along her biceps in way of an apology. Caleb winced slightly and on the same part of palm where Val had been injured a sudden dark red discoloration of his skin blossomed outward mimicking the exact shape of her wound, before fading quickly back to his normal skin tone. His biceps too, visible due to his tank top, briefly had a lighter shade of red where Val had her bruises.

“I can heal people, it hurts like fucking hell, but I can do it. Also, ...I think I can make fire, but I can’t control it.” Caleb began speaking more rapidly, but softly as to not be overheard by any other listening ears beyond their table. “It’s only happened once, but I couldn’t control it and it didn’t go great. I’m sorry Val just all the sudden I just thought it was going to happen again, I don’t know why, and I didn’t want you getting hurt.” Slowing down, he stopped to breathe for a moment. “Do any of you know what I am talking about? Or maybe help? Do you feel the same pull towards each other I do?” His heart was thumping rapidly in his chest now, his guilt near overpowering at the revelation of his ability.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Blazion
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Valeria Silaov

”Uh,” Was the first thing out of Val’s mouth after Kyle’s outburst, the tall woman just blinking at the man sitting to her right. One moment she was relaxed from the stupendous drink in hand combined with the friendly atmosphere and laughing at Caleb’s hamming while getting ready to ‘back him up’, then this. Slowly she set her drink and phone down on the surface of the table and pressed her palms down as well, as though to show she was harmless. In this moment, Val couldn’t help the surge of concern that swelled in her breast, infusing her limbs with sympathy for the other man. He seemed stressed, and worried, and perhaps even not used to a friendly atmosphere? She couldn’t be sure, she was never that great at reading people.

After all, that almost physical tug behind her ribs couldn’t have been anything more than a desire for company today, right? Yet…

It was Rowan that finally blew Val’s mental excuses out of the water. And to be honest, it made a wash of relief go over her. Staring at the particularly fuzzy large moth that clung to Rowan’s middle finger, it was like something was clicking into place. The knowledge that she truly wasn’t the only one going through this.

Then the moth was out of her view, and the Russian was on her ass on the ground, right hand gripping the table where she tried to catch herself, and left leg still hooked over the seat. For a shocked moment she could only stare up at Caleb, eyes wide and mouth parted as she sought something to say. Yet when her friend offered his hand, she didn’t hesitate to take it and allow him to help pull herself up. It wasn’t as if she was angry at him, just confused, that earlier concern still settled over her like a heavy rain soaked into her clothes. She shifted in her seat, flexing her fingers experimentally around the scrape now torn across her palm.

“Caleb?” Valeria finally questioned, voice soft and worried as said man covered his face. She reached out to touch his shoulder with her fingertips, but it didn’t seem as if he even heard her in this moment. Instead he focused on Rowarn’s hands, and finally to her. Trusting, she allowed Caleb access to her own scraped hand, watching curiously. She sucked in a sharp breath as before her dark eyes the wound just seemed to … fade. The pain receded, and the skin knitted back together, replacing the scrape as though it never happened. Mimicking just a moment before, she flexed her fingers experimentally. It was much easier. Even the low ache in her arms faded.

Her gaze jerked up abruptly, catching the reddening of skin in his biceps. Immediately Val seemed to bristle.

“Do not hurt yourself for me! It was an accident!” Her words were growled, but she couldn’t muster up any true fire in them seeing how upset Caleb was. After all, she had heard of the car fire that had happened. Had seen how remorseful he was in the rare times it came up. She couldn’t have him feeling guilt for this, too. “And you do not have to apologize. There are… strange things happening. To everyone here?”

The athlete took a deep breath, and the muscles along her own bare arms seemed to ripple as she visibly released a tension held deep in her chest.

“Even to me. Did you hear about that man who had a heart attack driving a week ago, at that sharp bend by the water? I was running in the morning, and saw his car go in. There was no one around, so I called 911 but he was sinking. I tried the door but it was already too deep and the … pressure? Would not let me open it. So I, er, grabbed it. The car. And pulled it out.” Here Val paused, and finally gave a sheepish grin to the table. “Even I am not strong enough to lift an entire car like that. Not in the mud and water. But these … glowy arms appeared, four! And it worked! … I sort of, ran, when I heard the sirens coming. I was a little freaked out.”

Val lifted a hand to rub at the back of her neck, still grinning. “If I was clever, I could have just broken the glass on the window. I was not thinking clearly.” Suddenly her hand dropped, and she nudged her chair forward as she leaned over the table eagerly. “But you are all experiencing these things too! Maybe not the same, but we all are, yes? I can keep summoning these arms, and I have been using them when I am alone! They’re, er, a little noticeable so I cannot show you - but you believe me, because these strange things are happening to all of us, right?”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

This was nice. Elysia felt good. The strange pull she felt from being around the others, combined with the odd feeling of happiness, and just being able to draw around these new people without feeling like a weirdo combined into a small cocktail of genuine happiness. Sure, it took the odd sensation from Kyle's words to get her there but she now felt genuinely happy. She wouldn't be able to explain it if she tried. She occasionally looked up at each person trying to memorize the details and contours of their faces, but for once she didn't feel strange for studying someone so intently. She had partially stopped paying attention to the words spoken around her until she noticed that some of her classmates were looking at her sketches. Wait, which ones were they talking about. A look of confusion shown on her face until she saw the picture they were referencing.

Immediately, Elysia's eyes shot wide open. No, no no no no! How could she be so stupid? Why did she just set that one out on the table? The worst thing was that Caleb asked her about her knowing if he was a boxer. She had no idea what to answer, nor any idea what he was talking about. She wasn't good at lying. Elysia couldn't just tell them that they were drawn in her sleep. They'd think she was crazy, right? But then the words that came from Kyle seemed to throw everything out the window. Quickly, as if the flood gate was destroyed, panic and anxiety filled Elysia. Mixing with the strange happiness that she was still feeling the young adult froze in her seat gripping tightly around her pencil and sketchpad. Her knuckles began turning white. 'What is going on?' she thought. This wasn't an anxiety attack. She knew what those felt like and this was a whole different ball game.

Elysia slowly raised her head to look at the others as they began to either freakout or sound crazy describing these weird things happening to or around them. Even crazier was the fact that some were showcasing these 'abilities'. Her head began to feel dizzy as she felt like an actual panic attack was nearing her psyche. Was she actually going nuts? Had the years of anxiety and the recent lack of sleep finally torn her mind apart? She didn't know what the answer was she just knew that if she continued to fight her own mind she'd eventually snap. Then her gaze fell back onto the drawing from a week ago. Her mind began analyzing it along with the people around her.

She looked at Rowan and the spider. They had nearly identical hairstyles. Next, her eyes fell on Caleb. He had claimed something about being a boxer. She thought of how he had to feel the pain to heal Valeria, and how one glove was in shambles while the other looked brand new. Valeria said she had grown extra arms? Four to be exact. In the picture were six dumbbells and it wasn't hard to tell that Val worked out. The only ones that didn't make sense to this crazy logic were the light obscured dog tags, the toy car, and the rat with a screwdriver. She couldn't pair Kyle or Kalama to any of those images, but what was weirder was they were missing a person. Then it felt to her like something clicked in her mind. When she had gone to the park where the image of the rat was she saw a guy hanging out there which had scared her away. Was he the rat? She quickly searched through her stack of sketches pulling out the most recent one. Looking closely she examined it along with the one she believed maybe detailing the scene around her right now.

She jolted out of her seat and laid the two sketches in the center of the table. She felt like she was going nuts but after a moment she grabbed her phone and rapidly typed her message. "Was another with you before me? I don't remember drawing those. They appear after sleep. Look at the seats in picture compared to where we sit." After her phone finished her gaze fell upon the empty seat about where the rat would've been. She soon felt sick to her stomach for some reason. All the craziness was starting to settle in and felt right but something still felt wrong.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Kyle Hishamie

All three women were brought before the local magistrates and interrogated for several days, starting on March 1, 1692. Osborne claimed innocence, as did Good. But Tituba confessed, "The Devil came to me and bid me serve him." She described elaborate images of black dogs, red cats, yellow birds and a "black man" who wanted her to sign his book. She admitted that she signed the book and said there were several other witches looking to destroy the Puritans. All three women were put in jail.

Kyle knew he had been wrong to have such an outburst, he knew but he chose to give in to his temper. Now he could barely keep both eyes open, with the pain he felt behind each one. He could feel his nose trickle once more and it felt like his mouth had no moisture in it. Kyle clasped his glass of water in both hands and took quick sips of his water. He felt embarrassed but knew this was better than straight up chugging water with the way he felt. But Kyle actually wanted a stiff drink at this point. Now everyone was talking about...powers and rats and glowing arms. He felt what he felt and was honest when he spoke previously in his outburst but....why was he here then? If all of this lead to something more mysterious what part did he play? Could he do something unique too? He felt shitty enough to where he must have done something, Kyle concluded in his head.

Kyle tried to answer Elysia but could not put enough effort into coherent thought. Pain was something he thought he was used to but this was something different. When he felt a weird pain earlier it had passed quickly, but as of now Kyle felt no better. Kyle wanted to go to the restroom to check out his condition with his own eyes, but could not stand up at the moment. Kyle said nothing and continued to drink water.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Laser Kiwi
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Laser Kiwi Your Antipodean Friend

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalama Guynn

First Daria, now Valeria? Kalama bristled as soon as Caleb tackled her, half-rising from her seat before she realized that Val could clearly handle herself and there wasn't anything she could do that the Russian didn't already have handled. Well, nothing besides set them on fire. Feeling a little guilty the young witch sat back down, sinking into further guilt as the athletes quickly worked the situation out. His apology even sounded genuine, damn him.

Then he demonstrated his power, and even behind the awe Kalama felt an abrupt pang of jealousy. Why did he get the useful, constructive ability while she got unchecked destruction? In what world should he, thief of girlfriends, breaker of hearts, mend the very wounds he creates? But behind her frustration was a deep well of guilt. He blamed himself for the fire. He blamed himself for Daria's injuries. Although it felt weird to keep quiet while everyone else at the table spoke up with something weird they could do - even Elysia chimed in with her phone - she wasn't even about to light something on fire to show off. Maybe that was one secret best kept for a little longer.

Rotating Elysia's drawing towards herself, Kalama's eyes widened in alarm when she saw a suspiciously familiar car sitting in her place. "Yeah, there was another dude, Ken. Something weird happened with him, he ran off after a rat bit this crazy driver... it's kind of a long story, but a rat with a monkey wrench kind of sums it up," She explained, remembering how Ken's presence had felt like this, weird but good. Being around them was like getting a hug from a stranger, pleasant in some ways but uncomfortably intimate. Maybe it was that aura that made everyone overshare. Or maybe...

"You're being awfully quiet, Kyle," Kalama noticed. "What's your weird thing? Do you get people to overshare out of the blue?" The defensive question, hopefully, would prevent her from having to answer for the same. How could she admit to the group that she was just like them, but so much worse? How could she tell Caleb?

The better question, but one she wasn't ready to face: how long could she keep it from them? From him?

Rowan Childe

"I think we all just need to calm down and take a deep breath," Rowan suggested, giving Kalama a reproachful look for her tone. He had been completely out of it from summoning the bugs, barely coming back to Earth in time to see Caleb demonstrate his healing powers, and still far too dazed out to speak until his roommate's stressful words gave him little choice. They had already started to draw glances from other, quieter tables at Poor Yorick's and he wasn't interested in being the next big viral video star.

Choosing to lead by example, he closed his eyes and did two big circular breaths before speaking again. "Does anyone know what's going on, or are we all in the dark about this? Personally, I don't think it's coincidence that we're all taking that witchcraft class together," He offered up. "Who else has ideas to share?" Despite his cool, calm demeanor, Rowan was playing with his dreadlocks again.

This whole situation had shaken him to his core. One man with a weird gift was enough to shake his worldview, but a whole group of people who could do impossible things? That turned it upside down. He hadn't been a believer in years, but he suddenly found himself wishing for faith in a higher power. Ordinary people shouldn't be able to set cars on fire or make rats bite people with only their minds. It felt like he was back in boot camp watching a bunch of tryhard teenagers learn how to shoot guns, only this time without even the benefit of drill sergeants.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Caleb Walker

Caleb felt some relief as it was clear that Val didn’t hold any ill will against him despite her growling. Honestly, Caleb had not really had someone to hang out with in some time, especially not when he was out and himself. It was only after he had arrived to BCC that he had felt comfortable enough to embrace his bisexual side and be open with it. That might have gotten his head kicked in when he was growing up, boxing or no boxing. With Val, though things were easy and the times were fun, upsetting her would not be a good idea. Hearing she could now manifest 4 glowing arms and lift cars… well he wasn’t really in a position to process all this insane shit right now, so he was gonna put that on the back-burner emotionally speaking. “Sorry Val, it’s the only way it works so far. I’m working on it. And, I believe you and I don’t think you weren’t being clever, I think you believed in yourself and worked on instinct. A lotta people freeze up in that moment, you went for it. That’s important.”

After Val revealed her abilities, he had calmed down somewhat. His guilt settled back into an unruly mass undulating in the pit of his stomach and his heart beat had calmed down. Elysia communicated about the messages she drew while sleeping. She seemed to be unravelling a little bit, and more than a little jittery, but this was a rare moment when Caleb couldn’t really hold that weakness against her. Something had freaked out all of them into revealing some truly insane stuff. The fact that it was true only made it more insane. Kal rotated the picture towards herself and pointed out the rat and the car, flirting strategy temporarily forgotten, Caleb at the picture himself and listened carefully. “That asshole? Oh shit, you are probably right. It was clear he had something to do with the rat attack and after it happened it looked like he got real sick real fast. Asshole definitely aimed at my shoes though.” Caleb glanced up at Elysia, “Trust me, something was wrong in that guy’s head, you shouldn’t try and meet him.” Looking at her though it seemed clear she wasn’t doing very well, he thought about giving her some water but he used all his cleaning off the vomit. He opened to say something comforting to her, but the words didn’t come. How could he know what to say? He didn’t even know what made her tick yet. He settled back into his seat instead.

The distraction meant he didn’t catch Kalama deflecting to the topic of Kyle's abilities. Rowan tried to settle the situation, but honestly Caleb thought Kalama had made a good point. Most everyone there seemed to have some type of ability, Caleb distantly wondered if barista skills qualified in Kalama’s case, but it seemed that Kyle was going through something similar to what Ken had gone through after the rat attack. Curiously, he leaned across the table and lightly one of Kyle’s hands he had grasped around his water cup. At the touch, he could feel the pain in his mind’s eye suspended just beyond his eyes waiting to flood into him. He took his hand back quickly and the sensation faded at once without the use of his ability.

“Kyle is like Ken, he did something and now he is dealing with some consequences.” Glancing at the final red marks from his ability fading away, he corrected. “He is like us, I mean... Answer her question, Kyle. What did you do? You talked and everyone freaked out at once!” He spoke roughly, but quietly also cautious of prying ears from other tables.

“Whatever this dude did, all this dream shit started back after our class together right? That one where the teach made us chant and tried to scare us? Probably has something to do with that so let’s bust down his door and get some answers! Or at least figure out where he got that chant from.”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Blazion
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Valeria Silaov

“Ken?” A thoughtful hum emerged from Val, her brows furrowing. She leaned back in her chair, balancing on the back legs far enough that if it wasn’t for her fine control she’d probably have a repeat introduction to the floor. “The rat was very strange. And he was very defensive. Maybe it is because he was as freaked out as we are? Oh!” She pushed forward once more, landing back on all four legs.

“One of us should tell him. He is probably as disturbed by this as well.” The athlete nodded decisively, before promptly forgetting her own words as she turned concerned eyes to Kyle and Elysia. Turning her gaze away, Val grabbed her bag and began digging in it. “I think outside drink is not allowed, but we will blind ourselves for this, yes?” She gave a little wink to Kalama, as the only one at the table who actually worked in Poor Yorick’s. From the Russian’s pack came a bottle of water that she slid towards Elysia, despite the girl having a coffee present.

“Caffeine will make you more anxious. Have water for now, it will keep you hydrated.” After that came another bottle, this one of over-the-counter pain relief, which she shook two out of before grasping Kyle’s wrist - the same that Caleb had grabbed - and pressing them into his palm. “Here. I do not know if they will help with … all this, but it cannot hurt. Worse. It cannot hurt worse.”

They were thrown back into her pack. Always useful things in there, being physically inclined. Nothing worse than tripping on a run and limping back home miserable since you didn’t come prepared for a tumble. Which is why she was a little cross at Caleb earlier - she didn’t even get anything for that little scrape off, he didn’t have to hurt himself to prove his remorse!

“I think you are correct, Rowan. I began having the strange dreams after class two weeks ago. Then around all of you today, a strange pull - but not to anyone else, which is strange too. Why only us?” Valeria shrugged, giving a wide, but sheepish grin that showed her teeth. “I thought at first it was just pull to pretty girls, but, no offense, Rowan and Kyle are not pretty girls. Caleb might be.

“But for now we must calm down. We cannot break down Mr. Mouse’s door - well, between us all we could, but it is very rude. I do not recommend breaking people’s doors. Maybe during office hours?”
There was a pause, before Val stood up abruptly, taking one last long drink of the frankly fantastic latte from Kalama before setting the cup down roughly and grabbing her bag to throw over a shoulder. “No! This is not time for office hours! We will talk to him now and find out what the words meant! But with no door breaking, because that is rude!”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Elysia sat down as her head swirled and spun with the combating emotions. She was entirely overwhelmed right now. Taking deep breaths as Rowan had suggested was helping. The others around her seemed to be handling the situation at least a little better than she was. The conversation about 'Ken' wonder if there may be even more of them experiencing these sensations.

When offered water by Val she gratefully took it. She signed Thank You. Not even thinking about the fact they likely didn't understand. She was to dazed to even think any of this through. Elysia wanted to drain the entire bottle but forced herself to drink it slowly. As they all talked about having weird dreams she wondered why she wasn't experiencing any. She became worried when Caleb suggested charging into their shared professor's office. If he knew anything then wouldn't that mean he did it on purpose? She was to worried to approach their teacher about this. Wondering if there was anything they could figure out on their own she opened her textbook and searched for the page that they were on which triggered the teacher going through said demonstration. Maybe there'd be a clue there.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Kyle Hishamie

Over 150 men and women were imprisoned because they were accused of witchcraft. 19 men and women were hanged, 1 man was crushed and 7 people died in prison. The place in Salem where the 'witches' were hanged became known as Gallows Hill. People would gather there to watch the latest witch be hanged.

As the conversation seemed to be leaning into what sounded like possibly either breaking and entering, assault, or at the very least theft. Kyles pain started to recede at a slow and meticulous pace. As well as the medicine he was given. It was enough, at the very least to allow Kyle to quickly make sense of what he was able to listen to and retain while in pain during the current conversation. He did something, that much he could quickly but not happily come to terms with, he affected everyone with whatever he did, but what did he do exactly? Kyle believed that only he could figure out. How? Kyle thought for a moment what had led up to.....whatever happened. He remembered it was now more than probable that he did something to Elysia earlier. But...she had not done anything unusual? She did not scream in pain at the very least or bleed. Kyle remembered that she had seemed suddenly........well admittedly he had not been super attentive to how she had been acting but still she seemed somewhat...in a better mood? The Group had not seemed very happy when he talked?........talked...... Then again he didn't remember talking to just Elysia well ever. They had only just met. Kyle suddenly opened his eyes now having a theory of what he did. When Kyle spoke next he kept his head down but spoke loud enough for anyone who was listening in the group to hear.

"I..I think everyone just now...felt whatever they felt because of me. I don't want to believe in friggin magic or super powers for Christ's sake but...at least to me..I think I told ya'll how to feel. Or suggest it at the very least considering what I said. When I was talking earlier, when I started not to feel so great, I think I used this power and it affected Elyisa. Why her? because she was closest in proximity."

Kyle coughed once into his hand, and in seeing a few red drops in his palm, he quickly lowered his hand put it in his pocket.

"Then just now, I got...really ticked off....n-not about you guys personally but because well....ya'll know. So I think when I said what I said but filled with some intense feelings the power expanded shortly and affected all of you in the group. I..I felt different when using this power. I felt really really emotional. I don't like it, and I am sorry everyone."

Kyle looked up at everyone when he spoke these last words then continued.

"I think I will call it...E Word Power...Feelings radar.....Emotional Sonar....I don't know its not important..."

Kyle felt embarrassed but pressed on.

"Anyways...I'm not sure if the history teacher of all people would be into something weird like with what's happening but if ya'll want Ill come with. I have a- Emotional Suggestion! That's what Ill call it."

Kyle was beyond embarrassed now but he couldn't help it, he was a little excited at the possibility he could do....something he didn't quite understand.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Laser Kiwi
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Laser Kiwi Your Antipodean Friend

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalama Guynn & Rowan Childe

Kalama's eyes weren't the only wide ones when Kyle finished speaking, but she was the first to speak. "That's so cool," she murmured, imagining all the possibilities of what one could do with that kind of power. If she could do that, could she make Daria fall back in love with her? Make her dad want to get a second divorce? Could she always have sympathy from professors for any late grades or extra credit? If Kyle wanted, he could be living life on easy mode - fuck lighting fires, she suddenly wanted answers so that she could find out how to get that kind of power for herself.

"So not cool," Rowan said sharply, casting a withering glance first to his roommate, then to Kyle. "I don't appreciate being made to feel upset for no reason. That's an enormous invasion of privacy, bro. I don't want you doing that shit to me again." His tone was a little calmer with that statement, but his posture was tense, the tendons in his wrists standing out as his fingers pressed hard against the table, struggling not to form fists. Emotions were still a tricky point for him, and it was very concerning to suddenly realize that there was a force that could change his mood faster and more reliably than all the breathing exercises, meditation, and drugs in the world.

A little subdued by his reproach, Kal shifted gears a little as she looked back at the group, kind of liking but kind of intimidated by the whole breaking and entering thing. "I, uh, I think the whole asking thing is a better plan, personally. Like, there's one of two possibilities. Number one, the professor had no clue that chant would actually work - in which case we probably shouldn't be telling random people that we're witches now or whatever. Number two, the professor knew it would work because he knows that magic is real, in which case he's probably got some tricks of his own up his sleeve. God knows if he's on our side or not. Personally I think we should play our cards close to our chest and not go telling people who aren't magic that we are."

Of course, she hadn't actually shared her magic with the group yet, but she was just going to see how long she could get away with that before somebody - namely Caleb - would actually notice. For now, at least, it was working. It felt a little dirty to lie to these people, even if only by omission, but she wasn't ready to process what she had done yet so revealing it to everyone else seemed impossible. Valeria found her powers by saving someone, but Kal found hers by destroying a car and quite nearly a life. Odds are they wouldn't be too accepting once they found out she was everything but a murderer.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Caleb Walker

Caleb was going to call Val out for calling him a pretty girl, the caught his reflection on a distant and mirror and conceded the point to her with a suplicating nod of his head. He would, in fact, make a rather stunning girl. He was starting to feel like himself again. Despite, all the insanity his life was going through this was just another obstacle in his way. A wall he had to break through and nothing could keep him out of the ring for long.

It looked like Elysia had signed something at Val, but Caleb couldn't tell one sign from another. Now, she was looking for something in the textbook, which seemed a fair use of time. Kyle's sudden understanding of his ability and explanation pulled Caleb in two ways: jealousy and feeling as though he had been somehow violated. "You didn't know what you were doing. Fair. Don't pull that shit on me ever again unless I agree to it first." There were many uses of that power that seemed insanely useful however, he could tell a whole lot of rich people that they were feeling real generous that day.

Kalama made some decent points about not exposing themselves quite yet and the risk that the professor knew what was going on. Caleb hesitated briefly, not having thought that this might have been a purposeful side effect, then rallied quickly. He tugged gently on Val's arm to try to get her to sit down. "If that's the case, then Kyle and I should go talk to him. Kyle can use his 'emotional sonar' to put the whammy on him make him chatty or honest and then make him real forgetful. I can probably manage some of Kyle's symptoms too if I am there. No need to mention magic at all. Plus then no one else has to be in the room. No offense, I just don't think we need any extra arms, animals, sleeping pictures, or ...." He frowned for a moment and looked at Kalama. "What is it that you can do? Extreme barista skills?"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Blazion
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Valeria Silaov

For all of her pumped up energy, when Val’s sleeve was tugged she slowly sank down into her seat once more, and definitely did not pout. “Everyone always needs extra arms,” she muttered under her breath in defiance. However, her eyes lifted at Caleb’s last words, focusing on Kalama. The athlete frowned as she examined the other woman, tilting her head slowly, before finally leaning towards Caleb and nudging him with her arm - gently, as he had taken on her own bruised biceps.

“Do not push her, she might not be comfortable yet.” Val gave him a meaningful glance, sympathy evident in her eyes. For however useful her friend’s ability was, she still recalled how saddened he was at the mention of the fire. Considering what she knew of the incident that happened mere days ago, she couldn’t blame him. It was possible Kalama had the same problem, and if so there was no need to scare her away from their little group so soon. They had all barely met!

Val blew out a deep breath, crossing her arms on the table to lean against and finally nodding. “Caleb and Kyle taking point seem like a good team, if Kyle feels up to it. How is your head feeling? If you are not well, it can wait until tomorrow - another day will not harm us.” She didn’t know if the swell of concern she felt was the leftovers from Kyle’s … Suggestiveness, but the Russian supposed it didn’t matter. Concern wasn’t that terrible of a thing to be pressed upon, comparatively. She did feel bad for how obviously Rowan and Caleb did not enjoy the revelation, though hopefully they realized it was beyond his control.

And she was still confused why Elysia blew her a weird kiss.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Kyle Hishamie

Kyle had taken in everyones opinions and thoughts on their next course of action. The group seemed genuine and open for the most part, or at least as open as anyone will be around people they had only recently met. Kyle was sure that he wasn't the only one who had troubles in their life and that others surely had it worse than someone as worthless as himself. But this power.....this could change things. At least in time. Nothing is set in stone and all boulders will be moved or crumble so long as persistence keeps on. Kyles outlook had changed only a very small bit but it was enough. Enough for Kyle to believe that maybe..just maybe..he could be a little better than he thought he could be. He was special in his own way and he could believe that now without thinking special ed. The pain had mostly vanished from Kyles body and with the blood wiped off inside his pocket no one will know. At least that is what Kyle believed. The man that touched him, he had felt his pain. Felt what Kyle had gone through, in just a moment. Ok so maybe they will have a general idea. But now Kyle understood. Excitement had bubbled from within him and Kyle had spoken in such manner that was very unlike him. Embarressed, but willing to look forward. Nervous, but shoes were firmly on the ground and his body was getting back into full fighting strength. His wits had deserted him but Kyle had collected himself.

"Emotional Suggestion," Kyle muttered under his breath, "I will figure this out."

Kyle focused back on the group but as he was about to speak he noticed Elysia. She seemed..well peculiar was the wrong word for it but he couldn't help but think that if he was living in a world of what might be magic, and everyone here is in some way special, then her specialty was? Kyle had been in too much pain to absorb what everyone said the entire time. Plus to make it worse he had suggested something to her. She was probably a wreck. A quiet mousy wreck. Since others in the group had been less than happy with him about , even if overall they seemed to understand he couldn't control it, she probably.....Kyle ignored the comments made by those who wished him harm and spoke to the group.

"If we are gonna do this and you want me to be on point with Caleb then...t-then here is what we need to do", Kyle said nervously, "I think if we are gonna go talk to the professor then we should be moving in a pincer formation. Look if we are being honest we are all adults here. If Caleb and I go talk to the teacher then we should have Elysia as the second head of this formation. I was out for a lot of the conversation mentally but from what I've seen, Elysia, has a uniqueness about her connected to her art. I think while Caleb, Val, and I confront the professor in a secure location then Kalama and Rowan should assist Elysia in making sense of her power. Something that can show a moment in time before it happens could lead to us being able to get answers hopefully quickly.. Also to do your own research on what is happening to us all specifically. We kind of did our own show and tell somewhat so now if we can understand the origins and traits and links to our own gifts then we can help those of us that don't need help with their powers in the way they need it most."

Kyle was proud of himself for talking like this without stuttering or pausing for so long but it is a given since it wasn't as if he had never been in charge back in the army before. But this was a different time, a different era, in his life and Kyle didn't believe he could muster up the strength again in such a informal setting. Kyle suddenly remembered something important.

"But if you want, like the russian said, you should wait until tomorrow. I think going now to the professor will be the best course of action but research can wait. With that being said, we should also probably stay close for the upcoming days just in case something peculiar happens," Kyle said also realizing something else in that moment, "I mean...I-I think that is the way should go about this if we wanna be smart. Splitting up is just tactical. if its in groups."

Kyle stood up confidently and crossed his arms. Ready to go and start this thing.
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