Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Fiscbryne
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Fiscbryne (he/him/his)

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Applications are now closed. Thank you to all of you who submitted character sheets.

It is a golden age in the galaxy. Supreme Chancellor Lina Soh and the noble Jedi Knights spread a message of unity across an expanding GALACTIC REPUBLIC. But disaster awaits! Journeying through the Outer Rim, a group of Jedi were forced out of hyperspace by unexpected debris and have crash-landed in the shadow of an ancient ruin on the planet of BUNUM. Stranded from the Jedi Order in a vast jungle, they find themselves met with diverse company: archeologists and anthropologists from the University of Bar’leth, miners sponsored by the Galactic Republic, and the planet’s indigenous population. It will take all the wits of these stranded Jedi to prevent the situation from developing into all-out war….

The High Republic
An Era of Expansion
Two-hundred and ten years before the start of the Clone Wars, it is a time of peace and prosperity for the Galactic Republic. Explorers establish new hyperspace routes into the Outer Rim and new planets come under the rule of the Republic’s ever-expanding borders. In the time which later historians will dub the High Republic, Supreme Chancellor Lina Soh’s rallying cry is heard across the galaxy, proudly declaring that: We are all the Republic. But not all are so pleased to become part of the Republic, be it the Nihil raiding the Outer Rim or be it citizens of planets who feel cheated by their relationship to the Republic. Nevertheless, none can deny the crowning achievement of the High Republic: a period of peace maintained by the Republic’s peacekeepers, the Jedi Knights.

From their ancient temple on Coruscant to outposts in the farthest explored reaches of the Outer Rim, Jedi Knights settle disputes, help others with the resources of the Jedi Order, and defend the innocent. In this era of peace, the Jedi are not yet the soldiers and generals of the Clone Wars, though the martial nature of their order remains strong—and soon it will be tested against the Nihil. But those days have only just begun; the Great Disaster has just begun and news of the Nihil’s involvement has not yet spread across the galaxy. At the moment, our Jedi heroes are unaware of the battles to come.
The Crash
Jedi in Peril!
Now, these Jedi heroes are stranded in the jungles of Bunum, a remote planet in the Outer Rim. Returning from the Jedi Temple on Ilum, their transport was grazed by fast-flying debris until they were forced to pull out of hyperspace and crash-land beneath the shadow of an ancient ruin of uncertain provenance. Their communications out, they are separated from their friends and allies among the Jedi Order and the Republic. The few Jedi Masters among the group have been knocked unconscious or killed in the crash, and now our heroes are helpless and alone. Travelling from the crash site of their ship, they traverse the jungle to find a village of the local population, a diverse group of species including Humans, Twi’leks, and Selkath among many others. But when they arrive, the Jedi find that the locals flee from them, fearful of the laser swords they wield. Upon further investigation, the stranded Jedi find a pair of anthropologists from the University of Bar’leth among the locals who speak of the others found upon the planet: a dig team from the same university investigating the local ruins, miners sponsored by the local governor of the nearest planet in the Republic, and a pair of reclusive Jedi rumored to live deep in the heart of the jungle. When conflict arises between the indigenous population and the Republic, it is up to these stranded Jedi to determine where their loyalties lie.

Out-of-character Information

The Bunum Impasse is a character-driven roleplay set in the High Republic era of Star Wars, specifically taking place entirely on the homebrew planet of Bunum in the year 232 B.B.Y. (concurrent with the novels Light of the Jedi, Into the Dark, and A Test of Courage). Two players are already in the RP as my co-GMs (namely @seonhyang and @Auz) and I am seeking 2-3 more players in addition to them.

As for the RP itself, characters will not be powerful Jedi Masters, but rather solitary Padawans and Knights; they are not nigh-immortal space wizards, but rather Jedi who are fallible and uncentered and unsure of their relation to the Jedi Order and with the Force. This story is expressly intended to not be an action-filled romp, but rather a character study of the Jedi at their height aiming to explore Jedi’s relationships with violence, with the light side of the Force, and with the Republic. These Jedi will not fall to the Dark Side nor be ‘grey’ in the sense of their morality, but rather be deeply committed to doing the right thing—and yet struggling to determine what the ‘right thing’ actually is.

Consequently, the themes of this RP will be heterodoxy in interpretation of the Jedi Code, conflict between the Jedi’s duty to the Republic and their sympathy to the indigenous peoples of Bunum, and conflict of interest between the political will of the Republic to aid the galaxy in its totality and the desire of the locals to have self-determination for themselves. There are no traditionally evil agents here, only people in conflict with other people.

In terms of the plot, I have a short one in mind but will not be inflexible about it; its purpose is mainly to set up the thematic conflicts of the story and the rest is up to you players. I will leave room for character development and will happily incorporate subplots that benefit your character specifically.

Regarding the Canon-Legends split, Canon will take precedence given the fact that the High Republic era is itself situated in Canon; Legends material is very welcome albeit subject to GM caveat. I will make it clear that I am not an expert on the lore and that you needn’t be one either; I am no stranger to consulting Wookieepedia and the aim of this RP leans more towards engaging with the series’ themes of compassion and anti-imperialism than with the nitty-gritty of blaster manufacturers and starship classes.


Be kind. OOC harassment, rudeness, or prejudice (or what appears to be OOCly-motivated IC prejudice) will not be tolerated. Such prejudices include but are not limited to sexism, racism, homophobia, and transphobia.

There is zero tolerance for god-modding, powerplaying, or metagaming. If you are considering doing so, save me the effort and don’t apply. And as stated before, our heroes will intentionally be fallible. If your character is made invincible or too powerful, you will be rejected; if they become invincible or too powerful, you will be ejected. The Force is of course a powerful ally, but this RP is first and foremost a story and not a power fantasy. If need be I may implement a roll system, but at the moment this RP will be freeform.

Once our final players are chosen, I will communicate plot points and RP discussion via Discord—but announcements and important information are unofficial until posted in the OOC thread.

Given that this roleplay is published in the Advanced subforum, I will expect Advanced-level writing of sufficient quality and length. This means at least two detailed paragraphs or more per post and the equivalent per person for a collaboration—though collaborations will more likely than not be posted on a scene-by-scene basis. Lastly, I am no stickler for perfect grammar, but please look over your work before posting and ensure that adequate care has been put into it.

Post at least once every two weeks. If any IRL issues or emergencies happen to come up, however, inform me and we can discuss it. I won't kick you out of the RP for an emergency as long as you communicate your needs. Real life always comes first, but keep us in the loop.

Discussion of the story's direction is highly-encouraged. Nothing is ‘canon,’ so to speak, until I write it in prose or otherwise give the OK, but the details of the setting aren’t set in stone and I’m happy to accommodate player suggestions within reason!

If you're unsure about anything your character might do in the RP, feel free to ask! I'll happily field any questions or add additional information.

In all things, the GM has final say. I reserve the right to eject players from the RP at any time.

Character Sheets (Due by June 5th)

Please submit your character sheet to the OOC tab for approval. When either that deadline is reached or all interested parties have submitted their character sheets, accepted players will be free to post their character sheets in the Characters tab.
Character Sheet Template


Rank: Padawan or Jedi Knight

Species: Species found in either Canon or Legends are acceptable given that they aren't extinct or not yet present in the galaxy.


Appearance: Images are allowed but must be accompanied by a written description of substance. For visual inspiration, see the official Concept Art Gallery. Note that the ceremonial Jedi garb of this era is generally in white and gold rather than the muted colors of the Clone Wars era, but they “would ordinarily wear their leathers, sometimes even armor, depending on the task at hand” (Light of the Jedi, p. 62). Also note that not every Padawan learner wears a Padawan braid, but they do wear colored sashes in the same color as their lightsabers.

Lightsaber/other personal effects: I won’t be a stickler about attested lightsaber colors and I don’t ascribe special meaning to colors save red or white. The Jedi do not carry many things on their person, but if there is anything besides one’s lightsaber, be it equipment or otherwise, list it here.

Personality: What is your Jedi like as a person? What might other Jedi sense about them through the Force?

View of the Force: How your character sees the Force. See the following for examples from Light of the Jedi:

Background: This can be a short biography or a vignette that reveals a significant part of your character’s backstory.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Cyrania
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Edited now. Feel free to take another look.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Fiscbryne
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Fiscbryne (he/him/his)

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Cyrania It's cool you're posting early! One thing I'll say right off the bat is that I'd like a little more meat on the CSes—you don't have to match exactly, but this is my GMPC's character sheet for reference! A few questions I will ask include: Who is/was Alastrina's master and what is their relationship? What is her lightsaber like beyond it's color—is it reflective of her personality? What can you tell about her from her appearance?
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by boomerremover
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boomerremover (she/her)

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Cyrania
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Thanks for the tips. I went over her again and edited her.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Fiscbryne
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Fiscbryne (he/him/his)

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Cyrania Of course! I like the fuller look at Alastrina you give after implementing the changes. The details help a lot!

@boomerremover I like Delste's arrogance and self-righteousness! The vanity is a rare flaw which is really interesting to include, especially for a young Jedi. One thing I'll ask is: what is Nikdoris like? I'd be interested in seeing more of that relationship as well as what things might be like on his side rather than purely Delste's. Is he willfully neglectful or just incompetent or is it a mix of both? How has she consequently been treated by the Order at large—do others pity her or try to help?
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dusty
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Dusty Sorta Sharp

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Fiscbryne If I may, where will the RP be starting out at? Right after the crash, directly before, a bit after? I'm just interested so I can accurately determine how much I add to the backstory.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Fiscbryne
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Fiscbryne (he/him/his)

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Fiscbryne If I may, where will the RP be starting out at? Right after the crash, directly before, a bit after? I'm just interested so I can accurately determine how much I add to the backstory.

The start will be a couple hours after the crash with the Jedi are looking for parts in a local village to repair their transports—I’ll put up a post leading from from the crash to there after we finalize characters.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by seonhyang
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I've got my (GM)PC posted now, though I had wanted to add more art; the waist-up portrait there is the only thing I could finish quickly enough. The profile itself is around the same size as @Fiscbryne's and I wouldn't expect anyone to match it, but we're looking for CSes on the meatier side!
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by boomerremover
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boomerremover (she/her)

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Fiscbryne Edited Delste's backstory to reflect more of her relationship with Nikdoris and the Order. :)
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by seonhyang
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@boomerremover I like the new additions; it's interesting to think of Delste as a bit of an enigma to her seniors in the Order, some of whom would sympathize with her while others might want her gone entirely.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by boomerremover
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boomerremover (she/her)

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@seonhyang Thank you! Delste started her time as Nikdoris's Padawan when she was twelve; so although she has seven years of training under her belt (as she's currently nineteen), it's been a year and a half since she's been left in Ilum. She's not happy about it. Considering her reputation and the length of time she's been training, I would imagine there would be a wide variety of Knights and Masters familiar with her and her ... enigmatic behavior.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dusty
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Dusty Sorta Sharp

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I took the liberty of matching y'alls formatting.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Fiscbryne
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Fiscbryne (he/him/his)

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Apologies for the late replies!

@Fiscbryne Edited Delste's backstory to reflect more of her relationship with Nikdoris and the Order. :)

The changes you’ve put in work nicely—I love how you shifted from a conflict with the Order in general to a deeply interpersonal one with Delste’s master!

@Dusty I like Garner’s haughtiness! He seems full of himself in the way a lot of younger people are when they’re not quite self-aware of their flaws and foibles—it’s very true-to-life! I particularly love that he’s putting on airs—his character feels youthful in a really genuine (if awkward to live through) way.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dusty
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Dusty Sorta Sharp

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I like Garner’s haughtiness! He seems full of himself in the way a lot of younger people are when they’re not quite self-aware of their flaws and foibles—it’s very true-to-life! I particularly love that he’s putting on airs—his character feels youthful in a really genuine (if awkward to live through) way.

Thank you. I'm glad you noticed. I've been itching to try my hand at a realistic child character again, as I find them significantly more challenging. So hopefully Garner proves to be a success on that front. Anyway, anything you'd like changed with the CS?
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by LeiaHair
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LeiaHair Not a Committee

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I am also not opposed to redoing a CS as the Jedi Knight in my backstory since you only have padawan applicants. Just let me know.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Fiscbryne
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Fiscbryne (he/him/his)

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Dusty Nothing sticks out to me at the moment! If that changes, I’ll let you know.

@LeiaHair The main thing I’ll say is to double-check your spelling and grammar. This is an Advanced RP with the expectations that come with that designation. Aside from that, she’s a shy young for a Padawan by my judgement—I think that closer to 10-12 might be more fitting.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by LeiaHair
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LeiaHair Not a Committee

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Fiscbryne I looked for a solid age range bc I was thinking it was 12, but everything I found on wookiepedia did not specify except for if you look at the younglings page, it talks about being in a clan from 4-8 and then The Gathering happens. I can age her up a year if it helps.

As for the spelling, I will go back through it tonight. I was typing that at like 2am, so I am sure there were mistakes.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by TinyKiwi


Member Seen 18 days ago

This still open to new players? Also, if so, what's the decision on "non-canon" races?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Fiscbryne
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Fiscbryne (he/him/his)

Member Seen 1 yr ago

This still open to new players? Also, if so, what's the decision on "non-canon" races?

As long as you can submit a proper CS by the deadline, absolutely!

And regarding non-canon races, they're viable as long as a the lore which you're including doesn't contradict canon stuff too much!
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