Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 21 hrs ago


Sena watched as the jets passed over the stadium as soon as Levi finished with the anthem in perfect timing. Luck was just something the boy had from time to time and he had delivered on the anthem as promised, not that she would ever admit to him that it was good. It was much more fun to aggravate him continually. He appeared to even dip his shoulder a little at the end instead of standing like a lightning rod. She smirked a bit, enjoying the drink and watching Karina browsing over the field, who on occasion, had some flirty feelings towards their guitarist, but nothing that ever stuck or went beyond a passing rumination. To Sena, Karina was the likability flavor of the band, like an anchor in an ocean of bubble-gum soda-pop. She could have had any man she wanted even if there was no money and no Miami Rebellion.

The mayor delivered an acceptable first pitch and the whole ensemble was quickly moved off the field so the game could begin.

The players trotted out on the field and Karina looked inquisitively. They had been to a few Corsair’s games and a few back in Miami, though not really ever paid that much attention. She knew there was some kind of pacing to the game depending on who hit the ball first. “Are we on offense or defense?”

“Uhhh…” Sena looked at the field where the Corsairs had taken up positions and the pitcher was warming up with a few throws while the batter tested a few practice swings outside the box. “I think that’s in football?” She said with a shrug. “We always hit second.”

“What do you mean?” Karina said, watching the field. “Like second base? They hit the ball from there too? I’ve never seen that. That doesn’t seem fair, for them.”

“No, ‘Rina.” Sena tried to explain. “The home team always hits the ball after they get three outs… I think.”

“This is confusing.”

“No, it’s not.”

“Well you didn’t know either.”

An unfamiliar voice seemed to be talking to them and it occurred to both of the girls that many more club members and golden-ticket winners had been filing in while they were musing on the finer points of the game and they both looked back at the same time. The relation in their faces was evident, though their color choices were continually a contrast. Karina wore her customary red bow though her outfit was slightly more relaxed than usual. Sena, on the other hand, looked almost militaristic in comparison with her ribbon tucked inside expertly styled black hair. “Whoa, are you like a model or something?” Karina said finally. “That is a really nice outfit for baseball.”

Sena grinned a bit as her sister’s words began to slip somewhat from being loosened by several drinks. However another ruckus ascended the stairway to the top level drawing the attention of everyone on the club level away from the game.


Shirtless, the band bassist, Aaron, announced his arrival with their drummer, Tony, right behind. Both were accompanied by fawners tucked under both arms they had picked up along the way. Covered in a mix of tribal and contemporary tattoos over his naturally bronze skin, Aaron looked something like a cross between a professional wrestler and an Aztec warrior. Tony walked behind him with a cool swagger wearing a brand new Corsairs jersey and hat along with a glimmering chain rope around his neck that sparkled under his wide-sunglasses.

A member of the club staff immediately handed Aaron an entire pitcher that he took in hand with a broad smile. “Grassy-ass senor!” He proclaimed before downing the entire contents in a flash and producing a hearty belch.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaron!” Karina called out playfully crawling up on top of her lounge chair and craning her small frame around Isabella so the larger man could see her.

“Senorita!” He shouted making his way over. A second pitcher was handed off along the way while a cigar and a brown liquor over ice was handed to Tony. They made their way over as the attention of the crowd alternated between the spectacle of their arrival and the crack of the bat against the ball as a beam-like line drive was intercepted by the third baseman producing a howl of approval throughout the stadium.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Gwendolyn Dexter Barrett

Location: Diamond Staduim

When Gwen stood up for the anthem, she found the guitar work to be too flashy, it was not raw and with emotion like another guitarist, Or comparably to herself. And she found the band members to be douchy and without subsistence like Van Halen.

Focusing on watching the game, she failed to notice the other winners coming into the booth. A few times she suddenly jumped out of her seat screaming at the top of her lungs. Got visibly angry every time the home team missed a hit or caught a ball. “Come on get your head out of your ass!” Sitting down in her seat after her outbursts, taking a sip of her beer. Taking a few deep breaths and taking a cigarette out of her pocket. Lighting up the cigarette in her hand and took a long drag. Finally noticing the other people filling the seats in the booth, she slinked into her chair. She felt bad for screaming at the players, feeling like a freak once again.

All I got is a Budweiser, it’s not really good but it’ll get you drunk quick.” Taking another puff of her cigarette, wondering if what she was doing was offensive to the other people. “So you guys win these tickets to eh? I’m glad I got em, I’ve always wanted to see a game in one of these fancy-ass booths.” Feeling dumb for saying that, she told herself how stupid she was for saying that.

Watching the door open as two of the band members from before entered the booth. One word came into her mind and that was “Greasy.”Taking another sip of her drink before walking over towards the both of them, “That was pretty awesome opener guys.” She said smiling while finishing her cigarette.”I really liked your solo in the middle of the song.” She said pointing to the guitarist. Not feeling bad for lying, she wanted to see if she could get on their good side and get a music deal. Or at the very least be the drug dealer for a known band.

Mention: @PrinceAlexus @Pilatus

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Isabella glanced at the door as the crazy started waiting for the bar man to make her drink using a smile, a tip and so to keep her slot ahead of the man who was tall and rather well built, served or serving by the salute. However he looked like he could be both. She wanted to try that fruity pineapple sliced concoction and all was fair in alcohol and bars.

The tickets. All she planned was to attend a game for fun and a bit of a break in routine and ended up in a top lounge with a party, band and everything. Her accent betrayed rather obviously she was not a local, a mix of Northern USA, New york and Massachusetts. "I got one too, I'm a post grad student so a little beyond my regular spot, always wondered what the views were like too. It's fun, I have to admit." Sure Isabella tended to get a slightly better seat under cover or where you got more shade but that was limit of her

"Thank You kindly." Batting an eyelash at the bartender to ensure good service, was not cheating to use any advantage you had available at the time. Thr cigarette did not bother her too much, only in enclosed rooms did it become a problem for her, the wide open box and everything was fine. Now smoking in the tight, internal and rather stuffy computer labs and such was extremly frustrating.

The surprise came in, well one looked like the slightly shorter blondes cigarette missed it could start a fire, he was so oiled up someone might try and put an oil rig on him. Might get enough to pay her rent! His companion was in team colours and more smartly dressed but the Aztec warrior definitely had abs... Distracted by the rather oily man, she noticed the two women complement her, model... She had the height anyway. "Model Thankyou, i just like to dress nicely, just a humble grad student." Smiling as she balanced her rather fruity drink. "I was always more into dance, more fun. Of course you need no introduction." Isabella enjoyed surprising people when they made their assumptions about a computer grad student, she had to hold back laughing at them the time in the computer lab asking if she was lost when they clicked.

"Definitely glad not me, ive been in front of a crowd but thats on a whole different level of pressure." The music was an acquired taste, interesting sure, was it her cup of tea. Unsure. But she could respect going out there alone and doing that without bottling it. Only the whole stadium is quiet waiting on you.

Jackson was having an strange day for sure shaking his head slightly at the shwer drama going on, the fly past was impressive though unlike many in the stands he did not flinch at the sudden howl of the jet aircraft. You got used to it living right on the bay before he ever even joined up. Living near the bay you got used to aircraft at all hours. "The secret is half probably not know rules so you're good, they're here to enjoy sunshine and have fun. The Japanese crowd is rather different though." Baseball was a good sport but for many it was a day out more than a serious sporting event.

The shouts grew louder including some Spanish that hurt his soul, a romantic language tortured and beaten to death in a gutter before being made to watch daytime tv drama... "Not only one curious about the club seats here, i grew up near the bay on the coast. Lots a games, first time up here." The woman was direct, but she really said what you thought. The Club level well... He had more sensible things to spend money on, being a responsible business owner took some getting used to. Whod thought a complete wild teanager now had a boardroom table. He would have laughed about 2 years ago at the idea.

"tu español es bueno como mi golf" He was impressively bad at golf, especially in a state where the things were everywhere. Replying jokingly to tipping the waiter generously who brought over his beer, Napoli gave him a somewhat soft spot for the brand, not only soft spot he had then. They just made them nice in Italy...

"Nice show especially the timing on fly by, Hello Ladies. Looking rather nice today. Jackson Rodriquez at your service." Giving it some charm and a little cheese, he could pull it off. He could easily see a certain sweepers hand in all. This, the event, the band, the everything. The band certainly was interesting any other group of misfits would have failed but somehow they were successful. Most people anyone where dressed nicely least by base ball standards anyway, Japan did not count as Baseball however popular was very different. They even had women who came directly with a keg of beer on back and refilled as you watched. They should bring that over. Sushi could be a mid game snack.

The other question was did Danny own anything other than a suit. Seriously, it was like a full sunny day... Was he a reptile who needed to keep warm... Might explain his cool reputation being cold blooded...


Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
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Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 9 days ago

Pushing her long blonde hair back GiGi secured it with a comb over her right ear. She debated not using the can of Aquanet but her hair wouldn't hold the crimp if she didn't use it. She didn't just crimp her hair, she braided sections and pulled them back with Bobby pins. The simple outfit of a white shirt and black suspenders paired with high waisted short shorts was frankly brilliant in GiGi’s opinion. Tying on the white converse she glanced up at the clock. "Oh shit I'm late!" 

Snatching up her keys GiGi booked it for the car. Thankfully the car started right away. The humidity was killer and GiGi got to the stadium just in the middle of the national anthem. Pausing out of respect she let the guitar player finish then rushed as fast as she could to the box. She mulled over the riffs and improvisation he took with the liberties of the Star Spangled Banner and decided that it wasn't half bad. Hendrix he was not but not a whole lot of people could touch him. Three words would get you through a rock concert "Jimmy is god." Or that was the rumor. She had yet to use it. Busy. Between the dive and the paper, far too busy.

These thoughts ran through her head as she headed to the… famous? Or was it an infamous box? GiGi saw a pair of what her midwest mama would call "a tall drink of water" with arm candy some feet ahead of her. She was pretty sure that those boys were more than "corn fed". Apparently, it was think like mama day. She rolled her eyes at her thoughts as she followed in their wake, enjoying the view.

Nearing the door GiGi’s nose wrinkled with the sent of cigarettes and a hint of desperation? She looked around and saw a blonde girl holding the offending cigarette. GiGi snorted and walked around the edges of the box and found a spot near Karina and Sena.

Raising an eyebrow at the man who stated that someone, Karina or Sena’s, Spanish was as good as his golf game. "Un poco demasiado familiar Pedro." After all tu was far too familiar to address someone you're not friends with. "Let’s hope your golf is better than your Spanish. Need to work on your… honorifics and sentence structure. It's a little loose carajo." She smirked as she said it, taking the overly harsh sting down a notch. A tiny notch. She still called the guy a dick but she didn’t take well to people, especially males, messing with her friends. And she considered Sena and Karina friends.

As a child GiGi had been told she had a beautiful smile and she used it to her advantage. She was always lauded by her grandmother as looking like her mother, GiGi’s great grandmother. Who was blonde with green eyes and 100% España, or 100% from Spain. GiGi had grown up bilingual and spoke fluent Madrid Spanish. While there were offshoots everywhere, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Dominican… etc. Madrid Spanish was like comparing US English, the Queen's English, Australian English etc you get the point… It was still the root of all the others.

Smirking, GiGi perched on the arm of the chair between Karina and Sena. She leaned over and snagged a piece of pineapple off Sena’s drink and popped it in her mouth.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Miami Rebellion

There was no doubt that GiGi was going to be in possession of a golden ticket much like there was no doubt about her future employment at the Downtown Diamond. What was less obvious however, was the only slight, very slight fracture in Sena’s normally relaxed countenance of total control over any situation. Karina caught it as GiGi walked up and plucked away a slice of pineapple from her sister’s drink.

“Keep doing that and I might have to start feeding them to you.” Sena said, biting off the next one on the stick with a grin.

“Everyone is dressed so cute tonight.” Karina proclaimed with a feigned sense of defeat and motioning at GiGi. “I feel like such a slob now.” She sighed.

“Ah, no no no!” Aaron said, playing along with the theatrics. It was a game they had. He took Karina’s hand, knelt down and kissed it as she looked away and covered her face dramatically as if they were in the midst of some Greek drama set to the sound of an intercom announcer, crowd noise and the smell of funnel cake and cigarette smoke. “Senorita looks bon appetit!”

“Pick me up.” Karina commanded.

In a flash and nearly with one hand, Aaron had lifted the girl’s petit frame up over his head and placed her on his shoulders. While she felt secure with his firm grasp around her legs, the alcohol caused her head to swim and she swayed a bit before clamping her arms around his neck. She cared little about the spectacle they were creating and less about the game. Her eyes cut over sharply to Levi talking to another girl.

“Mademoiselle..” Tony said, cooly sitting across from Sena and GiGi. He seemed to have a natural flow to every motion he made that exuded style. He crossed one leg over the other broadly and sipped from his drink as the cigar burned in his other hand. “Who is our guest?” He said with a collected smile.

“This is GiGi,” Sena said, glancing up at the blonde then back at Tony. “She works for us now.”

‘Works?’” Tony replied, eyebrows raising behind his sunglasses.


“We have enough associates.” Tony said, taking a sip from his glass. “How about friends? I’m Tony.” He said looking at GiGi.

Having made his way back to the box and picked up another drink Levi shrugged at Gwen’s comment. “It was alright I guess.” He sounded about as enthusiastic as someone who had just deposited the week’s garbage at the curb for the city to collect. “Normally not my style, but our manager likes a production, so yeah.” He was even more peeved that somehow Danny’s presence had been infectious enough to cause him to dip his shoulder slightly at the crescendo of the anthem. Even if he had wanted to be more production-minded, he wouldn’t have just as a matter of spite. He tipped his glass back for a long drink and caught a glimpse of Karina glaring at him from atop Aaron’s broad shoulders and immediately felt completely unnerved. For no reason he awkwardly adjusted his customarily disheveled tie and looked back at Gwen. “Do you play or something?”

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Gwendolyn Dexter Barrett

Location: Diamond Staduim

Gwen wasn’t bothered by the mean looks she was getting for smoking her cigarette; Continuing to smoke it before finishing it off with a long drag. Putting out the lit bud and throwing it into a nearby garbage. Hearing the other’s speaking Spanish she felt embarrassed because she was not fluent in that language. The only language she knows is drunken English. Sticking to one spot in the room; taking small sips from the beer bottle in her hand. She wasn’t very sociable usually, and these people she assumed were the popular kids that had their own little cliques.

Her attention turned towards the musicians that turned their attention towards her. “Yeah I play guitar and sing in my own band; We’re called Night Stalker and we’re kinda like a mix between Black Flags and Blondie.” She was excited to discuss her band with another musician; mostly hoping that she could get something out of it. “If you are interested to see what we’re all about; I can give you a tape to listen to.” She wondered if her whoring out would benefit her band. She really did not want her main income to be dealing drugs.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Isabella Daphne Belle

location = Baseball Stadium Golden ticket Box

Isabella was a little out of her comfort zone. For one she was about as good at Spanish as could handle gators. If they spoke robot for sure, computer languages were easy in comparison with fixed unbending rules and no problematic human complexities. Two she liked music but talking about it, now dance yes, musically talented... No, never. The ears of animals 100 miles away would fear her musically.

Swaying to the music watching the Delta City team, well she thought it was taking the lead. The close up of exactly what sports blessed human anatomy could be rather distracting. Especially in tight uniforms. Easy on the eyes...

Least she was comfortable, glad she chose not to wear the dress she could have planned, feeling the wind pick up a little on exposed legs was blissful in the southern humidity. Why did she move to this sweltering state where the humidity was higher than tbe homeless man saying moon Nazis where among them. "I only speak robot and English. Multiple languages of robot admitly." Noticing her glance at the a unsure burst of foreign languages and not being only one lost in the situation.

The change to music was obvious however it also took her into n different territory. "Irregular but good, it certainly was compelling and rather memorable" . Their whole band matched that description really, they all where a mismatched lot but they were successful nonetheless. Commenting on the music.

The chaos was... Impossible to turn away as one of the women was picked up by an larger man and made rather the spectacle. Rather the dramatic drama but what else did a band with rebellion in their name do? Did she play?

"Not unless you want to replace all this lovely glass... Move to it, not play it. Better for everyone's ears." Her musical ability was almost the exact opposite of her dancing and coding skills... Their existence was mythical and as less documented than reliable proof of bigfoot or the loch ness monster.

Drinking her fruity cocktail nibbling on pineapple slice contently. It was a strange party, not knowing anyone here made it quite strange. A little awkward but life was for living and embracing it. "So, Cheers?" Trying to fit in, to be honest she was a little socially off balance. Give her nerds, overly amorous dance partners or so... This however... Was tricky. Not mind a twirl with a few here in fact…

The blonde woman had joined the group, dressed casually but nicely with a easy relaxed style giving a polite wave, bar being part of their group it seemed she had yet to give away clues and did not far as she recalled to be a band memeber. Honesty she was a little bit jealous how well she pulled off casual. Isabella always was abit more on the showy or dressy side. Casual was not so natural.


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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
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Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 9 days ago

As Sena teased GiGi, who was grinning and laughing softly. "Nah chiquita unless you have any more hiding or you have cherries. I will not be held responsible for what happens if cherries are involved." 

“Everyone is dressed so cute tonight.” Karina proclaimed with a strong sense of defeat and motioning at GiGi. “I feel like such a slob now.” She sighed. 

Looking down at her casual attire compared to others in the box with them GiGi raised an eyebrow and opened her mouth to correct Karina. That was when Aaron swooped in. Blinking GiGi tilted her head as the two bandmates acted like bad stage actors. She was able to just catch her laughter at their antics and softly clear her throat as Aaron mixed bad Spanish and equally horrible French. 

Shaking her head and chuckling, GiGi saw out of the corner of her eye someone sit down. Smiling at the band member who was speaking to her.

“Mademoiselle..” Tony said, cooly sitting across from Sena and GiGi. With fluid dacerlike movements he crossed one leg over the other broadly and sipped from his drink as the cigar burned in his other hand. “Who is our guest?” He said with a collected smile. 

“This is GiGi,” Sena said, glancing up at GiGi then back at Tony. “She works for us now.”

“‘Works?’” Tony replied, eyebrows raising behind his sunglasses.


“We have enough associates.” Tony said, taking a sip from his glass. “How about friends? I’m Tony.” He said looking at GiGi.

Leaning back GiGi let her gaze travel over Tony and grinned leaning forward to roll to her feet in front of Tony. "Friends? Let's hope the…" She looked around cutting her eyes to the arm candy he and Aaron had brought in. "Accessories aren't what you had in mind for the term. I'm very, how do you say, idiosyncratic in my singularity. You will never meet anyone like me." Gigi took his glass and inhaled the sultry fumes from the cognac. "Cheers to once in a lifetime opportunities." She took a slow sip not breaking eye contact. It wasn't a large sip, cognac was meant to be savored. Vaguely she heard the conversation around them mention band names and she raised her eyebrow and swallowed slowly as she placed the glass back in Tony's hand. Never breaking eye contact. "Not so much ice next time. Brings out more of the flavor. You'd be amazed at how different… enhancements... bring out different sides of cognac." 

"I only speak robot and English. Multiple languages of robot admitly."

GiGi wanted to strangle the little voice that chirped like Alice from the Disney cartoon. For. Fucks. Sake. Having an adult moment here you ostentatious amazon. Just as GiGi who was sure Squeekers was talking to. Rolling her eyes she glanced over at the female. Her outfit screamed not a baseball game so loud that people in Japan could easily translate the message.

"Irregular but good, it certainly was compelling and rather memorable."

GiGi blinked lost.

"Not unless you want to replace all this lovely glass... Move to it, not play it. Better for everyone's ears." This girl was drinking her fruity cocktail nibbling on a pineapple chunk contentedly. "So, Cheers?"

Blinking again GiGi was puzzled. Not knowing what to say she looked back at Sena then Tony and sat back down next to Sena. She avoided Karina’s seat in case Karina wanted it back. Looking back at Tony with a smarmy grin GiGi tilted her head and went back to the question at hand. "But none of that was an answer. More like a warning. So here is your answer. It depends on how you define friends. So Tony what is your definition of friends?"

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 21 hrs ago


Sena instantly rolled her eyes at Tony’s suave attitudes. “Don’t encourage him.’ She said to GiGi, becoming slightly amused with the girl’s boldness. It seemed like she was trying, perhaps a little too hard, to make an impression, which wasn’t necessary. Her mind mulled over a few passing thoughts as a new drink was placed next to her without a word. Whenever she was thinking, she had a habit of gently moving one finger over her lips. A motion that did not go unnoticed by Tony, however a pop-fly ball cracked off the end of the bat provided a distraction for everyone.

The ball was losing momentum quickly as it arced neatly up towards the club seating.

Sitting atop Aaron’s shoulders, Karina felt like it was within reach as gravity slowly took over, though with the considerable amount of alcohol she had consumed, her depth perception was considerably shorter than her grasp. Stretching her arms up, she bit her lower lip and could almost see the threads as it passed by her finger tips amidst the orange evening sky, however the movement was an argument in physics that Aaron’s hefty shoulders could not overcome as she craned herself backwards against his balance. Several shouts went up as it was apparent they were going to topple over.

Levi had tried to refocus his attention on Gwen after Karina’s glaring. It was nice when people weren’t star-struck. Most of the time he just wanted to have regular conversations and she seemed fairly relaxed. He was a strict analytic when it came to music. It wasn’t really art to him. You put your fingers where you wanted and plucked the strings in corresponding time to make the sound you desired. It was that simple. If people wanted a different sound, he timed his hands and fingers differently. “That’s a cool name,” He said casually, hearing the sound of the ball against the bat in the background again. “I like both of those, does the name mean anyth-”

The noise of the crowd grew undeniably louder despite his attempts to block it out as he spoke to Gwen, though what he quickly noticed was that it was the people around him in the club level shouting as he turned to see Karina and Aaron toppling over towards him like a redwood.

Aaron would be fine, but almost involuntarily he stepped underneath Karina and caught her in his arms before she could hit the concrete. Her petite frame thankfully didn’t carry a lot of momentum though he still staggered a bit catching her weight. She glanced up at him, wide-eyed, but smiling brightly. “A perfect catch.” She said looking up at him.

The ball pranged unceremoniously against the top of the metal roof of the tiki bar and began rolling towards Isabella.

Sena shook her head and covered her eyes with one hand with a sigh. It wasn’t the spectacle of them falling over: It was drunken Karina swooning after Levi again.

“And right in the middle of my man trying to talk to another girl.” Tony said, glancing over shoulder. “You okay, Empanadas?” He said watching Aaron get up and brush himself off.

“Ah, si senor.” Several of the girls that they had brought up to the box crowded around fawning over his apparent “injuries”; none hesitated to point and touch. “I think I will be okay.”

“See what I have to put up with?” Sena said, glancing towards GiGi.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Pilatus @Almalthia

Gwendolyn Dexter Barrett

Location: Diamond Staduim

Gwen was a little jealous that people were fawning over the band members, and was anger at Karina for ruining her conversation. She waited for the drunken woman and Aaron got back on his feet before continuing talking. “Have you ever heard of Richard Ramirez? He’s a serial killer called The Night Stalker.” “I’m really into true crime stuff, and I thought that would be a good name for a band. I’ve been mostly working in bars and small gigs, but I’m hopeful that we’ll get a better gig in the near future.” Gwen thought she said something stupid mentioning her band was named after a infamous serial killer. She didn’t seem to care that Karina caught a ball. Rolling her eyes and took another sip of her drink. “Good thing you didn’t break an arm or something.” Gwen chuckled wiping some dirt from Tony’s shoulder.

Taking another sip of her drink; feeling distance from the others. So she decided to ask some questions about them. “So what do you guys do for a living?” She addressed the others in the room. She assumed some of them had blue-collar jobs, and others had more sophisticated occupations. Gwen could tell they were in the latter category; they looked like they came from rich or middle-class families.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Isabella noticed the glances from the newly arrived woman with a raised eyebrow and so what a challenge to her in ways only the female of the species could communicate. Just because she was dressed nicely and enjoyed it. Turning to watch the game, the action was starting to pick up. The crowd grew more animated as play became more interesting and turned to look blonde hair swaying with the movement.

The crack was loud and clear but before she could even turn, then everything went to chaos... Hearing someone falling she turned her head missing the cause , then body balancing on heels and keeping her drink steady as the thud of people or person hitting the floor but someone caught one of the sisters firmly. Her attention caught on the scene of drama and danger, did not notice the ball. "You hurt?" Asking the question everyone had on their minds. Also fully understanding how much a dance lift gone wrong could go.

Jackson was more alert than the tall blonde who turned away as he joined the gasp, the man was pretty solid and would probbly be ok bar s few bruises, the woman however was at the point of maximum leverage, momentum and it was too late to stop it. The floor was concrete and she had the disadvantage of being at wronf end of lever based physics. Luckily she was caught by her compatriot who absorbed the impact with a hefty Back step. "Its certainly not boring up here. " the Event was nothing you could call forgettable, everyone seemed ok, the man was already up and being looked after by the women."Seriously everyone good?, pretty sure I saw a first round aid point close by coming up if need a medic"

He was however also witness to the ball that had not forgotten them but had been lost in the chaos still maintain enough energy as it headed assisted by Gravity towards her." Fuc.." Gold eyes flashed in alarm as it hit her above shoulder at base of neck. Instinctively shielding her face spilling the drink as it fell with her pale blue jacket partly now a more fruity orange along with one of the posters players posters now somewhat more tanned. "Ouch.. What was that?"

Feeling her now wet jacket sticking, Isabella dropped it onto an empty spot before anything else could get stained by the sweet, fruity cocktail. Her T-shirt was a little damp and annoying but thankfully only a little more snug and not stuck to her skin thankfully. "That was a good one too.." Still. Left holding a piece of pineapple.

"I'm fine… just a little sticky." stretching her neck as she was sure she heard someone named their band after a serial killer… seriously? Little odd. Feeling like no loss to join in and open up a little. "I'm a local PHD student in Artificial intelligence and computers… I hope to join the NASA deep space research programme one day." Isabella was more than a pretty face and cute skirt but everyone had more than one aspect to them. The jacket could be cleaned later, Isabella just wanted to enjoy her day. It was good pineapple, at least nibbling on the reminder. Would they believe her, their loss.

"Yours miss, i believe who catches keeps at this level." Picking the ball that hit the floor after the amazonian blonde lost her drink, handing it to her politely. It was an unorthodox one but a nice memento for her. "I recently inherited the Tropico Hotel rather suddenly from my late father. Though before that I was 9 years in the end as Blue Beret Staff Sgt in the Air Force, mostly Asia and Italy." Nothing could quite teach you how to take on the responsibility for people's livelihoods that kept the wolf from the door. It was a heavy responsibility to get used to at first."Glad i only ended up shooting targets" While there were moments, for most part things were a bit quieter round the world.

"Thankyou, might as well get something out of it." The baseball was rather dense, had quite some heft but just about fit in her handbag. No wonder it Surprised her. "Ouch, anyone got some ice?" moving her neck experimentally realising it hit harder than first seemed and needed alittle preventive fix to not hurt later.


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