Hi there!
Thanks for stopping by to have a look at the seed of an idea I got, thanks in no small part to a tiktok video.

The video went as such. A man, bald, with glasses, and good teeth had a question. What if everyone in the world suddenly got a magic weapon, one of the none-firearm type. W The weapon would have one special ability. It would start out as basic, but the more you use it, experiment with it, and grow/ develop as a person, the more the ability would change. Also, the weapon could only activate if it was with you, and you had to carry it with you. So what type of weapon would you get?

The initial idea is what if this happened, and everyone woke up suddenly having a special item(melee weapon, fire arm, piece of jewelry, watch, phone, etc, etc,), with one special ability that would grow with experience, and character development.