Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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Vampiretwilight fellow roleplayer

Member Seen 30 min ago


In nutshell, the king must choose between a powerful demigod emperor, or a full on war and risk his lands. Will there be a solution to get him out of it? or will he have to truly marry that evil man?

The story:

In a once mighty, magical land, there lived a king who ruled his people fairly, and made sure his lands were safe. He had a lovely wife, his queen, and a beautiful daughter. Their great land was known as the Seanate Kingdom. They were at times of peace. Things seemed to be alright for the most part. However, these days were not to last.

His wife passed away from illness when his daughter just reached marrying age. The kingdom was in mourning for a quite a long time. It was when they were finally able to move on that a great danger reared its' ugly head. The day it appeared seemed like any other day. They had finally begun to move on with their lives, things were calm, and the king and his people worked hard to keep their kingdom alive as they usually did. The princess was about to finally fulfill her duties and begin her proper training to someday succeed her father, and perhaps pick a suitor who would rule by her side.

That was when the darkness came. The evil emperor, a dark hearted ruler from across the sea, had arrived in their lands. He was attempting to conquer them all. He seemed to have great power. The very storm clouds that had begun to form in the sky above seemed to obey his every command. It was as he approached, and the two rulers' eyes finally met, that the truth would be found out. This emperor, this dark ruler, was a demigod, but not one of the pure ones of their tales, their legends, or so it was assumed. The plants would start to die around him and a few buildings would be destroyed as that lightening from the storm clouds seemed to strike the ground around them. People screamed and fled from that spot.

"Stop this!"

The king meant it to be a demand, but it would sound as if he were pleading. The dark emperor would smirk, and even chuckle a bit. But, an idea would soon form in his mind. He needed an heir, since his son had perished, and the princess, he sensed, had a great power within her and she would make an excellent successor. However, she would not be able to succeed him unless he was her father, a guardian. He happened to like both men and women, and her father was not bad looking in his mind. And so, he would turn to the pleading king and make him an offer.

"If you marry me, and allow your daughter to be my heir, I shall spare this land. Refuse, and all shall perish! You shall have until sunset the eve after tomorrow to make your choice. I shall be in the mountain caves, my camp, should you wish to inform me of your decision."

With that evil smirk, he turned and left, taking that power and his soldiers with him. The king would fall to his knees. His eyes would be wide and he would be frozen with fear and shock for a time. What was he to do?! An offer of marriage? His daughter inheriting dark magic?! Marriage to another king, or emperor in this case? Why must such a problem present itself?! The king was quite upset over this. However, he knew he had a choice to make. His pride? Or his people, and his daughter? Or would another solution present itself?

He had no answers. His daughter begged him not to choose at all. They could defend themselves. She tried to reassure him of that. But the king would simply shake his head. He doubted if they could. That dark ruler was much too powerful, at least to him, in his mind. They could not take any risks. However, he certainly wished there was a solution that could help them, without having to make such a choice. But what could that solution possibly be? He had no idea, none at all.

He would stand up. He sighed as he turned to his daughter.

"He has given us some time to decide, although not much, my daughter. I can only hope a better way to end this presents itself. If not... then I shall have no choice."

His daughter would gasp upon hearing that, her eyes wide. She would shake her head. She did not approve. She did not think her father should have to do such a thing.

"Please reconsider!"

However, the king would not listen to her. Silent, he would head back to his castle, to think, to decide. He needed to mull things over before making a final choice, a final decision, before he said anything to that dark and cold man. He would pray for a solution, but it would seem such words, such pleading, would not be heard. And so...what was he to do?

And so, the story begins.......

What will happen now? Time would tell.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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Vampiretwilight fellow roleplayer

Member Seen 30 min ago

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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Vampiretwilight fellow roleplayer

Member Seen 30 min ago

characters needed:

the king - me

the dark ruler- @marxxie

the princess- Chris488

possible character to provide a solution to the problem-

all extras are unlimited
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by marxxie
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Heya! I was just looking through this site not particularly planning to start a Rp, but this storyline caught me and I’d love to reserve the role of the dark ruler - if i may! ^^
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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Vampiretwilight fellow roleplayer

Member Seen 30 min ago

sure. :)

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by marxxie
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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Vampiretwilight fellow roleplayer

Member Seen 30 min ago

no need to put a cs in the interest check. lol

this isn't the actual rp.

anyway, I'd prefer a picture, but you can just describe if you'd like...in the rp once I put it up. lol

oh ok.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by marxxie
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Haha sorry about that ^^’

I’ll take the cs down and repost in the proper place!
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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Vampiretwilight fellow roleplayer

Member Seen 30 min ago

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Chris488
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Chris488 Doesn't write anymore

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I very much like the dilemma this king finds himself in... May I reserve the role of the princess, and join you in this RP?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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Vampiretwilight fellow roleplayer

Member Seen 30 min ago

sure. :)
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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Vampiretwilight fellow roleplayer

Member Seen 30 min ago

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