Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by ANYM


Member Seen 3 mos ago


Dreams have long since bled over into reality, turning the world into a far less coherent place where impossible things are a regular occurrence, especially when when tied to particularly strong emotions. That would not be so bad perhaps, were it not for the existence of nightmares and Lucids. The former is exactly as you might guess, horrid scenarios or phenomena conjured by the deepest and most disturbed recesses of the slumbering mind, while the latter are dreamers who've learned to exert control over the new dreamscape in which they find themselves - to varying degrees. The presence of both these groups, in addition to the rapid breakdown of natural laws previously thought inviolable, resulted in the subsequent collapse of the Old World as a whole. Cities twisted, shifted, and churned as governments fell, their administrative bodies unable to cope with the abrupt and nonsensical changes occurring around the world. Untold billions perished as emotions flared out of control and nightmarish creatures stalked their victims from the shadows. But the worst was still to come, for there remained one group that had yet to join the chaos...

The Lucids.

Ranging from the sane to the mentally deranged, and everything beyond or in-between, these once ordinary individuals now found themselves in possession of godlike power. Power that allowed them to shape the world around them like clay provided they had the willpower, emotion, or know-how. Many struggled just to survive, wandering from place to place aimlessly, while a handful honed their newfound abilities with the intent to cause harm; oftentimes becoming no better than the very nightmares that had haunted them. These dark gods of a new age have grown fat on the egotistical exploitation of their own race, whom they now view as little more than baubles for their amusement, and who they keep beneath their oppressive thumb by hoarding the secrets of lucidity.

Even so, not all hope is lost. Although the Earth as humanity once knew it has changed beyond recognition, it has not been destroyed completely, and has settled into a surreal kind of equilibrium. A strange yet beautiful ecosystem in which nightmares, dreamers, and Lucids all play their part. Among this last lot also there has been an uprising, one comprised of those Lucids who did not abuse their gifts to carve out a personal paradise in the brave new world. Forming groups of like-minded individuals, these people became the basis for a hundred different factions. Some seek to help what disparate communities of dreamers--non-lucid humans--they can find, while others desire to topple the self-proclaimed gods from which they've split, and many still merely wish to use their powers to eke out whatever manner of mundane existence they can in this whimsical world.

Assuming such a word even applies anymore, that is.

Regardless of where you are today, however, you are one such being. One such Lucid who holds tremendous sway over reality, although mayhaps not nearly as much as those murderers supernal. Then again, their recent descent into decadence unimaginable is likely to have left their teeth blunted, and senses dulled.

Will you take advantage of the opportunity and rise up to take your rightful place at the top of the food chain? Or will you side with humanity, helping our species in completing its transition into this strange new age? Or will turn your back on all of these things?

That, I'm afraid, is something only you can decide.

Based on a CYOA prompt I read, the premise of this roleplay is that dreams have bled over into the waking world. Into reality. No one really knows how or why, nor cares, as there's far more important things to worry about like the nightmares. As for where you come in when it comes to this surreal post-apocalyptic wasteland, it's quite simple. You are a Lucid. A human who has attained the ability to control dreams, and by extension the new world or dreamscape around you. What you do with such power is up to you, as has been described. But be warned... for there are powers that be which will not tolerate frivolous infractions of their laws, destruction of territory, or ambitious little upstarts looking to steal their thrones.


While this is written like a group RP, I could easily make it into a 1x1 if need be, since I'm really only interested in the original prompt. As such the above lore, if this is converted to a 1x1, is negotiable. Though I'll admit I've a bit of fondness for the dreamscape post-apocalypse idea presented. Anyway, moving past that, I expect around an advanced level of writing. That means plenty of character and plot development.

If you can get that done in as little as a paragraph or three, great. If it takes a novella length post instead, also great. So long as something of value is being communicated I'm happy. Posting rate will be once a week, and if you are unable to meet that deadline then please endeavor to let everyone else know. I get we're all busy, but you either make time for the things you enjoy or you don't. Also, while the premise is that you are a Lucid, I am willing to let you play as a nightmare or dreamer. Just be aware that both of these groups can be controlled very easily by powerful or experienced Lucids--especially nightmares--since they're literally malevolent sapient dreams. Well, at least the ones that can be played are. It wouldn't be all that fun to play a location I imagine.

As for dreamers... well you're a regular human who can't really control much of anything. While a Lucid would not be able to target you directly--unless you somehow merged with the dreamscape, which given the setting is definitely a possibility--they can basically target and manipulate everything around you. On the other hand, provided you either learn how or someone teaches you, you can become a Lucid yourself. You could also become a nightmare if corrupted by one, at least in theory. While no dreamers have actually survived an encounter with one, not to anyone's knowledge anyway, it might just work. The impossible has become the norm after all.

In any case, keep the above in mind if you want to play a regular old joe schmoe. Because this is one story where you can't punch out Cthulhu.

One final note is that I'm looking for a small group of around five players, maybe six, as I don't want too many cooks in the kitchen so to speak. As the larger a group gets, the more management must be done. I don't have time for that nor the inclination, and I want all of us to be able to communicate in a timely manner and weave a tight narrative.


You know the rules, and so do I...

Don't be an ass. That's it. Most of us are adults here, so I'm not going to coddle you with the same old list of regulations spiel. The only extra thing I'll add here is that this is apply based, unless it goes to 1x1 in which case those rules apply, so submit a sheet for review before moving it over to the CHAR tab.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ANYM


Member Seen 3 mos ago

>Update: Almost forgot to note this, but a partner for this in a 1x1 format has been found. As such this thread is closed.
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