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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Stage
Skills: N/A

James stared at the empty space that was once the strange amalgamation they’d become. There was a profound sense of emptiness in the aftermath of what they’d become. In the short instance they’d been one, James found his abilities amplified a million times over, felt the very pulse of existence itself. Everyone and everything connected in a single underlying principle with no regard for creed nor race nor philosophy. In that moment, nothing mattered but life and its expression, its beauty in the struggle against the harsh reality of mortality, and its continued illumination against the backdrop of darkness death strove to weave. James couldn’t face that, couldn’t have experienced first hand the world in a way mortals never truly could, and walk away the same. It was too much to handle at once, especially now as they stood amongst the crumbled aftermath of a place that had once seemed isolated from the problems of the world. But he knew now that their struggle, had they emerged victorious or not, had meaning. That they lived here once mattered. And where they would go next all had meaning in the fundamental expression of life.

The bitter-sweet nostalgia of the Underground long gone didn’t hurt quite so much now.

James didn’t have room for much more emotion than what swept through him in the aftermath of their connection. What little was left may have been given over to embarrassment if not for the sweeping relief of Casper’s return, held at bay in the face of annihilation. The tears rolled down his face as he crushed Casper in a hug, murmuring quiet apologies as he shook with the weight of guilt and relief. It took him several long minutes before he could bring himself to pull away from Casper. He sniffled, wiped away his tears, and turned to look back at the group as they started planning as the shock faded away.

He felt a twinge of sadness when he realized his journey was over but, there was joy there as well. He’d help with the evacuation but after that, Casper and James made a plan. It felt like ages ago. The Underground he knew would exist anymore but he’d keep a spot at his table for any of them if they ever needed it.

“I have a promise to keep. Didn’t think I have a chance honestly.” James let out a relieved laugh, “Guess New Orleans is happening after all, babes.”
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Maximillian Gray

Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit

For a second time now, Max lay awake in the world having felt the full extent of his powers only to have them taken away again. It was a greater rush than when he'd siphoned souls from Selene,greater still than what he'd felt back in WandaWorld. Before it felt as if he'd wielded the universe, now it was as if he'd become it. Flecks of magic danced around his hands as they continued to evaporate off him like morning mist. He sat up, staring blankly at the empty space before him until somebody spoke. It took him a moment to catch up, lost in his own thoughts, but it appeared they were looking for a place to keep Selene safe. Veil offered it to Andy as if it was hers to give away, and Andy took it without question. It was his Acheron, a gift from Strange, but even still…he couldn't exactly tell Andy no.

"Take care of it ok? They're extremely rare and hard to come by, especially in the condition it's in."

Max offered her a smile before it dawned on him that they were all nude. He was nude, in front of Ben. His face flushed pink as he pulled his legs closer towards him to hide any indecency. He tried to whisk a bit of magic up in order to clothes everyone, but it failed him. Of Course it would. He let out a defeated sigh before coming to terms with it. "I have an idea for where I'm headed next. But hopefully New Orleans will have a home for me too? Or at least a place to visit from now and again. But first…" He stood up, eyeing the spot where the Acheron used to be, a fitting place for what he'd had in mind.

Max knelt down on the ground, placing a hand softly against it as his magic pulsed out of him. It shot forth towards the spot, stopping just a few feet short as it split into two and began to encircle itself. The magic flowed upwards, building upon itself until finally a large statue of Magneto was erected in its place. He didn't look vilified, or evil, nor was he imposing. He stood with grace and honor, a mutant who had lived through many hardships and still managed to stand up and rise above them. A statue to honor those that have fallen here on this day while showing the resolute stance that mutants have taken in this world. Though this was a brief taste of paradise, Max was certain they'd be able to attain it again, and he hoped Magento would be there to see it. The base of the statue held a plaque, expressing all of those sentiments for any to read should they come upon this island.



Harry laid there for a moment. Letting the events that just transpired marinate within his head for some time longer. So many things were swimming in his head, but one thing kept creeping back. He decided to push it aside for now, focusing on the group before him until he could find a way to bring it up. "So, that just happened. I'm not even sure what that was beyond 'mutant magic'" Everyone seemed fairly ready to move past what they'd just done, but it honestly felt more like a miracle than anything. That they'd actually managed to pull it off…

Harry's thoughts broke once more as he pushed his hair back with one hand. He had no issues being nude, and no shortage of self esteem to help with it. "Boston sounds fun. I hear there's a Dunkin at every corner. But before I go heading off there…I need to make sure David is alright. We got separated during the fight, I want to make sure he's safe…and I want to be with him." He stood up, dusting off his emperor's new clothes. "But I can't exactly get off this island alone, so I'm willing to take any help I can get. Of Course we'll all keep in touch."
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The days following the fall of Genosha were not easy - but for mutants, they never really ever were.

Thanks to the dedicated work of mutant teleporters, the Genoshans were transported to the empty grounds of the Massachusetts Academy. The school's doors had been closed by its headmistress, Emma Frost, shortly before the Genoshan project began. While not nearly as spacious as the island had been, it provided safety and security - for now. The Quiet Council worked tirelessly to reunite loved ones, to arrange for passage to anywhere in the world for those who wished to leave, and to tend to the sick and honor the dead.

The mutant circuit of James, Casper, and Max worked to resurrect their fallen dead - some who had fallen recently, like Kristina and Waverley, and others who had been dead for longer, such as Sapphire, Cayden, and Jinx. The estimations had been that it would take almost five years for them to resurrect every mutant who had been lost - yet the circuit's work was ended prematurely due to the events of REDACTED that fall. Mutant resurrection would not continue.

Mister Sinister fulfilled his bargain with Esme Frost, giving her the viable cloned bodies of her mother, Emma, and her fallen siblings. She transferred their essences from her mind and into their bodies, restoring Emma Frost and the Stepford Cuckoos to glory. Sinister then vanished shortly thereafter - and unbeknownst to just about anyone else, holding Alex Summers AKA Havok captive... still.

By winter, only twenty percent of Genosha's population remained at the Massachusetts Academy. Magneto had resigned his position with the Quiet Council, going off on his own to begin work on his next great mutant project. The Quiet Council collapsed soon afterwards, due to most of its members leaving, and was replaced with a new leadership structure - three leaders (black, white, and red). Reeva Payge served as the Black Queen, Emma Frost as the White Queen, and Veil as the Red Queen. A black ops team was then formed called X-Force, with the mission to specifically target anti-mutant threats and eliminate them before their people could be slaughtered once more. The Hellfire Club as a whole does not currently recognize the Massachusetts Academy as a legitimate branch, so Emma and Reeva are currently using their own personal fortunes to fund it.
What happened to the heroes of Genosha?

Veil was tapped by Reeva Payge and the recently resurrected Emma Frost to head up a new black ops group called X-Force, as part of her role as the Red Queen of the Inner Circle. X-Force's mission was to take out anti-mutant extremists around the globe and prevent them from expanding their influence. She lives in at the X-Force base in an undisclosed location in New England. Veil still has not made time for romance.

Sunshine and Marrow signed up for X-Force as well. While neither of them want biological children, they are fostering mutant teen runaways in need. Sunshine has tried out a series of new, more mature codenames - none of them have stuck. Marrow still makes fun of her for briefly going by Plague Queen.

Callie also joined X-Force as part of its inaugural team. The second in command of the team, she also was given a telepathic download by Emma Frost on flying aircraft, allowing Callie to transport the team wherever they need to go. She is incredibly active at the Massachusetts Academy, helping out the mutant refugees whenever she can. After the collapse of the Quiet Council, Callie took the position of Red Knight within the Inner Circle, acting as the second in command to Veil.

Sapphire was one of the lucky mutants resurrected by the power of the mutant circuit of James, Casper, and Max. The circuit was forced to disband because of [REDACTED]. She ended up taking a position with X-Force as well, which ended up basically being a very #GirlBoss team.

Max trained in the use of his powers (finally) under Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme and Master of the Mystic Arts. Pursuing a romantic relationship with the resurrected Ben Hargreeves, Max also ended up adopting a baby boy. After the conclusion of his training, he joined the X-Men to attempt to help his fellow mutants once more.

James, relieved to have not murdered Casper after all, moved to New Orleans to focus on his small family. Although he stepped away from mutant affairs for a while (an omega level baby is a handful, and Casper is more of a handful), James did end up setting up an underground clinic. There, he offers healing to anyone in need - mutant or human, friend or foe.

Jack moved to New Orleans as well, given that pretty much all of his family moved there. He lives apart from them and has reopened his practice as a private investigator. On the side, he's been researching dark magic, with the goal of finding a way to kill his annoyingly immortal father, Nathaniel Essex AKA Mister Sinister. He's a doting uncle to baby Danny.

Casper moved to New Orleans to start a new life with James and their son, Danny. It helped that his mother, Renegade, had also moved back to the area with Casper's niece, Flower Child. The road was not always easy, but Casper has maintained his sobriety. To bring in some money, he has started performing as a drag queen, using the stage name Robyn Caskets.

Echo and his boyfriend Legion decided to go on a bit of a tour / road trip together. They've been traveling the world, seeing the sights and helping out mutants in need wherever they go. Veil enjoys receiving tacky post cards from them and considers Legion to be part of the family now.

Zari returned home to the future and parallel universe of Earth-257, accompanied by her girlfriend, Andy. Her parents then decided to move back to Earth-666 and enroll Zari at the prestigious Avengers Academy, where promising young superheroes could be mentored and trained by legendary heroes. Her time as a Valkyrie-in-training is almost over.

Andy traveled through time and the multiverse with her girlfriend, Zarina - while clutching the acheron containing her evil immortal mother. Like Zari, Andy has enrolled at Avengers Academy - under the name Andy Drummond Lensherr-Gallio. Her adopted father, Magneto, was relieved when Andy contacted him that she was alright - even if over a decade had gone by since he had last heard from her...

Kristina was one of the lucky mutants resurrected by the power of the mutant circuit of James, Casper, and Max. The circuit was forced to disband because of [REDACTED]. She initially joined X-Force under Veil's leadership. However, she plans on leaving the team to begin a family, ideally somewhere where mutants can live without fear. Her sister was overjoyed to see Kristina alive and well.

Miranda rented a house in New Orleans with Renegade, and the two friends are co-parenting Purple Mongoose and Flower Child. She has not spoken to Magneto since the explosive events at the Hellfire Gala - nor has Miranda contacted her other children, SHIELD agent Freddie Flynn and X-Man Guin Stark.
🥇 Skill Rewards 🥇

  • James - Triage (General Skills)

  • Jack - Basic Dark Magic (General Skills)
  • Miranda - Astronomy (General Skills)
  • Zarina: Time Travel Physics (General Skills)

  • Andy - Battle Strategy and Tactics (General Skills)

  • Veil - Espionage (General Skills)
  • Casper - Lip Sync For Your Life (General Skills)
  • Sunshine - Improvised Explosives (General Skills)

  • Callie - Pilot (Aircraft) (General Skills)

  • Max - Mutant Circuit (Combat Skills)
  • Echo - Choreography (General Skills)

~ in order of submission ~

Valery Simmons AKA Veil

Electra James AKA Sunshine

Callie Johnson AKA Spark Plug

Leighton Brooks AKA Ice Queen

Demetria Clarke AKA Sapphire

Max Gray AKA Warlock

James Kingston AKA Caduceus

Anastasia Reinhardt AKA Ethos

Jack Theriot AKA Stretch

Casper Theriot AKA Spirit Box

Luna Braddock AKA Glimpse

Cayden Proudstar AKA Moonwalker

PJ Bernard AKA Jinx

Césaire Montague AKA Requiem

Waverley Watts AKA Feedback

Desiree Beckett AKA Overload

Harry Simmons AKA Echo

Zarina Raynordattir AKA Valkyrie

Andy Gallio-Lensherr AKA Luna Minor

Kristina Smith AKA Stareyes

Miranda Fay AKA Moneta

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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