Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Tempum City (K7), Late Afternoon

... It held justice in its tyrannical grasp, and when it did, it was a time of logic. There was no room for anger here, not while the colossus loomed over him. And so, the minotaur supressed his irritation, leaving room for his curiosity to breathe once more.
"What does it mean to... 'press a charge'?" He said to the police officer.

The crowd continued to disperse as the officer spoke with Mougin and the two teenagers, either due to lack of interest or feeling uncomfortable around a police officer. This particular police officer was well known and particularly feared for his strict nature.

"Well," the officer answered, "It means to officially accuse someone of a crime." He frowned as he glanced between the two teenagers, then back to Mougin. "You'll need to have evidence though, or the charges won't hold up in court. If you can prove these two are lying, pressing charges would be a good idea. If not, it may be a waste of your time."

"We didn't steal anything from this monster!" The girl shouted. "My friend was just being a brute." She punched her companion hard in the shoulder, but it didn't do much. He was still in beast form, while she was still in humanoid form.

"I'm sorry officer." The alligator boy lowered his head apologetically. "I was just trying to challenge him to a fight. It's not against the law if he agrees right?" As he finished his plea, his body began to shrink before their very eyes, as he turned back into his lanky humanoid form.

"I'm sorry sir." The teen said, looking up at Mougin with sad eyes.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Spin The Wheel
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The minotaur regarded the scene impassively, though he wasn't paying attention to the proceedings that much - he was still wondering how the statement 'press charges' related to anything at all. The 'charge' was evidently the accusation of crime, but how did one 'press' it onto anyone? It seemed his grasp of the human language was still lacking. His understanding of body language, though, was as good as it had ever been.

Mougin stared at the teenage beastman, quietly observing him. It was strange, seeing them in such a state - he had no intention of pressing the charge, so to speak. And yet, they seemed to be quite frightened of the prospect. If they thought it through, was there anything the minotaur could say they did that he could prove? Perhaps he could prove that the girl had cut his bag, but he had prevented her from going further. Did that warrant such a fearful reaction? Was the Law truly so frightening?

He turned away. He had no intention of leveraging the law today, and thus had no particular reason to stay. As he bent down to pick up his food sack (he had already finished his food, so he supposed it was just a sack now), he spied a knife on the ground. The very same one that had been used to carve his bag, perhaps. He picked it up out of curiosity and examined it closely. He had seen knives before, of course, but he had never seen such a design. It was able to fold down inside itself, hiding the blade in a non-lethal casing. Sheathing its claws like a cat. It was intriguing. But it wasn't his possession.

Mougin turned back.
"Your blade."
He pressed the switchblade into the youth's hand, leaning down a little as he did. He spoke quietly, just loud enough to not be heard by outsiders.
"Your skills as a lure are adequate," He whispered in his rumbling voice, "But your friend requires more finesse."
He did not stay to see their reacton, turning and walking away. His presence parted the crowd as he left the scene.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Tempum City (K7), Late Afternoon

..."Your skills as a lure are adequate," He whispered in his rumbling voice, "But your friend requires more finesse."
He did not stay to see their reacton, turning and walking away. His presence parted the crowd as he left the scene.

The snake girl accepted her knife with glaring eyes, but she didn't say a word. She and her friends hadn't gained anything from all their efforts, but they hadn't lost anything either. Nobody was arrested, or anything... They would, however, remember this large behemoth that bested them this day. His luck would run out eventually.

As Mougin walked out of what little remained of the crowd, the officer walked at a brisk pace to catch up. He took one more hard glance at the two beast-folk teenagers as he passed them. They smirked and turned in the other direction.

"Excuse me, sir." The officer said, coming up on Mougin's right side. "May I ask you a few questions?"

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Spin The Wheel
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The grizzled Law keeper had turned out to be quite kind, contrary to his first impression. After escaping the ring of spectators, Mougin had been stopped by him. They traded questions and answers then, bartered them like peddlers, and the minotaur was sure that his partner had conceded to him the better deal. The results of the deal were laid out before him - a 'hostel' room of his very own. Shelter. The carpet felt somewhat thin underneath his hooves and the bed was entirely too small for his hulking frame, but the room was clean. What else could a vagabond like him ask for?

Mougin sat in the middle of the room, legs crossed in a contemplative pose. The sun had set in Tempum city, though that didn't seem to mean much to the outside revellers. He had heard that this was a city that never slept, and he hoped that wasn't true. Mougin was quite tired and wished to have a peaceful rest. Unfortunately, it seemed that the celebration would continue for some time. So, in lieau of restless lounging, the minotaur began reflecting on the day's events. He had learned many harsh lessons today, and was left with many unsanswered questions.

The minotaur sighed and laid flat on the ground. In times like these he wondered how his teacher was doing. They had travelled apart, and Mougin was fine with that. His teacher had their sights set on finding the Blue Crystal, an ancient artifact which held strange powers. He wasn't interested in such a thing, and was more interested in human observation, thus they had split up. He wished now that he had their experience to guide his thoughts. But he knew that would have been the wrong choice. He needed to experience these things for himself. He needed to see how these humans lived their lives, so that he could figure out how to live his own life. And so, he applied one of his teacher's finest words of wisdom: leave unanswerable questions unanswered. Mougin's mind turned from the past to the future.

He would have to fix his bag tomorrow. He could make a temporary measure with the sack he had been given, that would do for some time. He was rather low on resources. By his reckoning, his gold would only be worth a few more meals. That meant he needed one thing - employment. To participate in a society he had little knowledge of previously was a daunting task, but an exciting prospect. For all the dangers this city had already thrown at him, he was still charmed by the bustle of the city. He had seen some of the ugliness behind the pretty lights, but the firworks in his mind were dazzling nonetheless. Letting the thoughts swirl around chaotically in his head, the minotaur drifted into sleep.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Spin The Wheel
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It was a bright and early morning, and Mougin had a little problem on his hands. Or rather, in his hands. Golden coins clinked in his hand as he regarded his conundrum. His objective today was to begin finding employment. There were several reasons for this - to participate in human society, to see more of what the world had to offer, and more importantly, to earn money. Money was quite important in this city, considering that it was enticing enough for others to try and steal it from him. And surely something worth stealing was worth keeping. That being the case, how would he protect it?

The answer to his question was, apparently, standing right in front of him. A 'bank', as it was known - an institution that kept money on behalf of the city's citizens.
Ah, so that's where the word comes from.
It was early in the morning in Tempum city, but it seemed that the festivities from the previous day had yet to conclude, judging by the amount of drunken revellers that still prowled the streets. The bank was mercifully empty, so hopefully he would be able to finish his task quickly. The minotaur sauntered into the bank with sure steps.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Tempum City (K7), Early Morning

...It was early in the morning in Tempum city, but it seemed that the festivities from the previous day had yet to conclude, judging by the amount of drunken revellers that still prowled the streets. The bank was mercifully empty, so hopefully he would be able to finish his task quickly. The minotaur sauntered into the bank with sure steps.

At the far side of the empty room, the only sign of sentient life stood in the form of a well dressed, dark haired, pale skinned man. He looked unassuming yet inviting at the same time.

As the doors slid shut behind Mougin, the man waved. "Hello sir!" His cheerful voice carried well, across the room, with little to no effort. "How may I help you today?"

The bank teller's gaze never faltered, as Mougin made his way across the pristinely kept room. In fact, the man barely blinked, and when he did, it wasn't quite... normal. And his smile...

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Spin The Wheel
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Mougin stared at the worker. There was something off about this... man. He found it hard to pin down. He was somewhat different to all the people he'd met up to this point. Though, he supposed he couldn't throw stones in that department. He was a stranger in a strange land, it wasn't exactly his right to pry into the affairs of others. It wasn't as if he wasn't curious, though.

Ultimately, he pushed his thoughts aside and decided to go about his business.
"I wish to deposit my currency." He said, still holding the coins in his hand. "I currently possess 15 golden coins."
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Tempum City (K7), Early Morning

... Ultimately, he pushed his thoughts aside and decided to go about his business.
"I wish to deposit my currency." He said, still holding the coins in his hand. "I currently possess 15 golden coins."

The bank teller's eyes lit up at the sight of the golden coins presented before him, and not figuratively. His eyes literally lit up, with a light blue, artificial color. It was only for an instant, but it was unmistakable.

Then his smile faded just a tad, regretfully informing Mougin that... "There aren't enough coins on these disks to start an account. Also, do you have an ID with you? My sensors don't seem to detect one anywhere on your person. You will need a valid ID to open an account."

The "man" waited patiently for Mougin's response.

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Spin The Wheel
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Mougin was quickly disoriented as he was assaulted by unknown terms. Confused as he was, his brain performed an analysis regardless. Whatever this being meant by a 'disk' (perhaps the coins were also disks), the issue was that he could not open an account. Somewhat unfamiliar with the word, it took him a moment to recall what it meant.

An account was a record. It was supposed to be a record of his finances, then? That was indeed what he wanted. He needed an ID for this, whatever that was. Sensors... Related to senses perhaps, therefore what this man used to sense things. A strange way of speaking, not that he could throw stones in that department, but also, it wasn't very relevant to his current issue. Well then.
"What is this ID you speak of?" The minotaur asked.

That seemed to be the most petinent question at the moment. The rest would have to wait for later.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Tempum City (K7), Early Morning

...An account was a record. It was supposed to be a record of his finances, then? That was indeed what he wanted. He needed an ID for this, whatever that was. Sensors... Related to senses perhaps, therefore what this man used to sense things. A strange way of speaking, not that he could throw stones in that department, but also, it wasn't very relevant to his current issue. Well then.
"What is this ID you speak of?" The minotaur asked.

That seemed to be the most pertinent question at the moment. The rest would have to wait for later.

The android, bank teller took a few seconds to process Mougin's question. In those few seconds, one hundred and twenty three different simulations were taken into consideration. After all, this was the first time that someone had not known what an ID was, or at least claimed not to know.

The android spoke with little clue as to how much thought he put behind his answer, "ID is a short term for identification. You can receive one from any government building. Conveniently, there is one across the street. However, you will have to pay a 20 coin fee." The teller took a thoughtful pause, to allow his guest a moment to process everything he had just said. "If I may, I suggest you find some temporary work down by the docks. Surely, there will be people there that are willing to pay for your assistance unloading ships. Last minute deliveries for tonight's festivities are still arriving."
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Spin The Wheel
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That hadn't really been the answer he'd hoped for.
"Thank you." He said, nonetheless.

Mougin quickly exited the bank. It may have been rude for him to think, but there was something off about the teller. His limited experience of humans aside, there was a stiffness to their actions that was just barely noticeable enough to bother. And that light in their eyes... If he asked the person in question he might get an answer, but he decided to leave it as another mystery. He would ask next time he came around.

The minotaur stared at the docks for a time. The dock was extremely busy, despite the festive mood in the rest of the city. People walked to and from warehouses, unloading crates from ships and dropping them down. Compared to what he had seen on the city streets the docks were under a far more hectic mood. He had heard that no one had to work on a holiday, but that didn't seem to be the case here.

Mougin sighed and rose to his feet. As his master said, it was better to strike while the iron was hot. This was what he wanted; to experience life in a city was to be a spoke on the wheel as it turned. As for the money in his pocket, he would have to take that risk. Surely he wouldn't be targetted again today. The minotaur carefully inched around the myriad moving humans as he walked towards one of the supervisors he had identified previously.
"Hello. I wish to obtain work." He said to the man.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Tempum City (K7), Morning

...Mougin sighed and rose to his feet. As his master said, it was better to strike while the iron was hot. This was what he wanted; to experience life in a city was to be a spoke on the wheel as it turned. As for the money in his pocket, he would have to take that risk. Surely he wouldn't be targetted again today. The minotaur carefully inched around the myriad moving humans as he walked towards one of the supervisors he had identified previously.
"Hello. I wish to obtain work." He said to the man.

The large framed supervisor (large for a human at least) eyed Mougin cautiously as he approached. When Mougin stopped to speak, the height difference between the two was more pronounced, at least four or five inches.

The plump man contained his excitement behind a calm, almost indifferent façade. He knew this hulking creature would speed up productivity on his dock, but if he let on too much, the beast-man might ask for a high wage.

He adjusted his foreman's hat as he began to speak. His voice was rough like gravel. "Lookin' for work huh?" He looked around the dock, as if deciding where to put this newfound muscle. In truth, if this beast-man was as half as strong as he looked, he would be a great help at any spot on the dock. With a sigh, the supervisor pointed at a ship that was currently being unloaded by one of the cranes. "Go help over there. If you don't get in anybody's way, I'll pay ya."

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Spin The Wheel
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Talking with people in Tempum city had quickly made obvious a fact that Mougin had suspected long before he arrived there; his grasp of human language was lacking. Bombarded with terms he didn't understand, it was clear that even a child could talk circles around the poor beastman. He and his master had prepared for this, of course, and they had done what they could with what little time they had. But it had always been an upward struggle - they were, at the beginning, a human who did not speak the beastman's tongue very well, and a beastman who had no knowledge of the human tongue. It wasn't as if Mougin was a master of his native language either, though no one on the continent could really sat they were. While there was, technically, a central language that all of the beastmen on Numgam spoke, understanding was far from universal.

How could a stubborn and thickheaded Giantfoot clansman understand the bleating of the goat-like Mountainfoot cliff hoppers? What member of the fast and flighty galloping Longlegs would even have the patience to hear them out as they raced through the hilly plains? To say nothing of the angry and irreverant One-horn tribe, even more stubborn and belligerent than the minotaurs of the Mountain. A dozen different cultures created dozens of tiny differences, and time tangled the knot even further. It was all but impossible for one tribe to communicate with each other in speech and not have some strange misunderstanding or mistranslation occur. That was why, instead of words, the prideful tribes of Numgam put more value on actions. That was why, rather than offending Mougin, the gruff supervisor's response put the minotaur at ease. Finally, someone in this city he could understand.

The supervisor's tone was dismissive, practically annoyed. He didn't much care for his presence, but he had nonetheless given him permission to work. He didn't really care about his identity, he didn't care about his real skill, he didn't care much for where he went. There was work everywhere, and not enough hands to do it. The golden furred beastman nodded and sauntered off towards the ships. The supervisor had no idea about his strength, and had sent him to the closest ship. Machines unloaded crates onto the dock and workers delivered the crates to a warehouse. The larger crates were picked up by 2 men, or loaded onto wheeled machines that ferried them over. But there were too few machines for the increasing number of large crates. No time for words, then.

Mougin crouched down by one of the boxes. The crate was almost as large as he was, and no doubt just as heavy. The minotaur breated deep. He felt the strength of the solid stone underneath his feet and made it rise into his body. He sighed in satisfaction as it rushed into his limbs, granting him with immense power, before simply plucking the crate up off the floor. Originally a technique created to push errant trees and boulders away from their settlements, the Strength of the Earth was a versatile spell that magnified the Giantfoot tribe's prodgious strength to terrifying levels. But the true strength of the technique lay in endurance - as long as the sun shone in the sky and the beastman's feet were braced on natural ground, the earth would continue to bless its stubborn children. Or so the elders said. The young Minotaur, brought up in peaceful times, had never lived to see the truth of it.

It seemed that he would have to test that theory today.

After a few false starts of putting crates in the wrong places, Mougin worked continuously, moving crates one after another. It seemed like whenever he finished a pile, he would be directed to another. When he ran out of large crates, he stacked smaller crates together. The dock had been cleared at one point and the workers sat down where they were for a well deserved break, only to watch in horror as another ship arrived. The minotaur was taken in by the fervor, rushing to and fro, shutting out everything except for the hectic world of crates and warehouses.

With a start, Mougin was shaken out of his reverie. Fireworks exploded in the dark sky. Before he noticed, it had become night. He was sitting on the stone floor, panting heavily. There were no more ships in the harbor, no more crates on the dock. He was exhausted, but somehow in a good mood. He slowly stood up onto his feet, and his stomach rumbled. He was also hungry, apparently.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Tempum City (K7), Night at the Docks

...With a start, Mougin was shaken out of his reverie. Fireworks exploded in the dark sky. Before he noticed, it had become night. He was sitting on the stone floor, panting heavily. There were no more ships in the harbor, no more crates on the dock. He was exhausted, but somehow in a good mood. He slowly stood up onto his feet, and his stomach rumbled. He was also hungry, apparently.

Mougin's stomach wasn't the only thing that was empty. He hadn't been paid yet. His fifteen golden "coins" were still quite lonely.

"Hey, Big Guy!", the supervisor said in a loud deep voice. He was walking to where Mougin was resting, and by his side was a new face. This man was as tall as the supervisor, but much thinner. This man wore a suit that screamed, "I'm important!".

Another firework exploded in the distance as the supervisor came to a stop a few feet away from Mougin. "You did pretty good today, fella. Here, take this." In his rough hands, he held out a single gold disk. "This here's got thirty coins on it. I was going to give you twenty, the normal starting rate, but you impressed me." The man next to the supervisor cleared his throat, prompting an introduction. "You also impressed my associate here. He says he's got more work for you, if you're willing."

"Why thank you," the man said in a measured voice. "I can speak for myself now. You can leave us be." The large framed supervisor grumbled an indifferent response and walked away. The new arrival continued, "Now, would you be interested in making another 30 coins, for only a couple more hours of work?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Spin The Wheel
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"...No." Mougin said, after a pause. "I am hungry."
To be frank, he wasn't. He was tired, hungry, and worried about his savings. One and a half times what he had yesterday. If wealth was enough to attract predators, then more wealth was surely more attractive. Unfortunately for him, he still had to travel back to his lodgings to eat. The food there was... well, it was at least edible. He could have gotten something to eat with his money, but he wanted to save every penny he could. He didn't know what he would need it for.

Mougin sighed and began trudging away. He didn't really have the energy spare to think of anything other than dinner.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Tempum City (K7), Night at the Docks

..."...No." Mougin said, after a pause. "I am hungry."
To be frank, he wasn't. He was tired, hungry, and worried about his savings. One and a half times what he had yesterday. If wealth was enough to attract predators, then more wealth was surely more attractive. Unfortunately for him, he still had to travel back to his lodgings to eat. The food there was... well, it was at least edible. He could have gotten something to eat with his money, but he wanted to save every penny he could. He didn't know what he would need it for.

Mougin sighed and began trudging away. He didn't really have the energy spare to think of anything other than dinner.

The man in the pinstripe suit wasn't used to being turned down this way. His face went a little red as Mougin turned and started walking away. His voice, on the other hand, rang confidently. He sounded completely unfazed. "Of course you're hungry! I am as well to be honest.", the man proclaimed. "Luckily, I own a restaurant close to here. What do you like to eat? My chef can cook anything."

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Spin The Wheel
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Spin The Wheel Random Skeleton

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Mougin snorted. Well, he couldn't exactly say no to that, could he? Not with his current financial situation.
"Lead the way, and I will listen." He said to the man.
It wouldn't hurt to hear what he had to say afterwards, surely.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Tempum City (K7), Night at the Docks

... Mougin snorted. Well, he couldn't exactly say no to that, could he? Not with his current financial situation.
"Lead the way, and I will listen." He said to the man.
It wouldn't hurt to hear what he had to say afterwards, surely.

The festivities were still going at full blast, as Mougin and this wealthy new character walked to the restaurant he claimed to own. Along the way, the man introduced himself properly, "My apologies, I've been all business. My name is Conner Silum. What is your name?" Mougin responded with only his first name. "Well Mougin, what is your favorite kind of food?" Mougin's response was vague, along the lines of "anything works for me".

The short answer didn't slow Mr. Silum in the least. He pressed a button on the side of his neck, and began speaking with someone unseen. "Rudy, I have a guest." After a moment of silence Mr. Silum continued. "He is beastfolk, vegetarian I believe. Whip something good up for him, and I'll have my usual." In another moment of pause, Mr. Silum looked over at Mougin and smiled, but when he spoke, he turned back to the sidewalk ahead. "Yes, thank you."

The entire walk, from the docks to the beachside restaurant, took about ten minutes. The restaurant was packed with party goers, but the two avoided this by entering through a back door. The smell of delicious food greeted them as entered. The clinking and clanking of dishes could be heard at the other end of a short hallway on their right; that was the direction to the kitchen. They, however, kept walking straight, through a single door, and into a small empty dining room.

"Please take a seat." Mr. Silum said, motioning to the table. There were a number of different sized chairs circled around the table. Mr. Silum went straight to a medium sized one at the head of the table. The largest chair, halfway down the table from where he sat, was already pulled out. Cutlery was placed in front of it, along with a large, pitcher sized glass of water.

Mere moments after taking their seats, a man in a white kitchen uniform entered the room, pushing a cart of food. He placed one covered dish in front of Mr. Silum and three covered dishes in front of Mougin. "Let's eat first, then talk." Mr. Silum said, after a quick nod of thanks to the man that delivered the food.

The two ate in silence for about fifteen minutes. Mr. Silum's plate was filled with seafood and vegetables, while Mougin's large dishes were a variety plates: one of vegetables, one of fruits, and one with warm pastries.

Setting down his fork and knife, Mr. Silum got straight to business. "In short, I need your help doing exactly what you've been doing all day. In about forty five minutes from now, one of my boats will be arriving with some heavy and quite precious cargo. We'll need to have it unloaded and into my warehouse as quickly as possible. With your help, things should go quite smoothly."
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Spin The Wheel
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Mougin's hands paused. Not being well versed in the ettiquette of using cutlery, he had opted to use his tongue to carefully sample each dish. He would usually go at it hands and all, but that would probably be rude. Each dish was quite delectable, regardless of how he ate it. But he still ate carefully. Food didn't come from nowhere, and it required effort to make. Thus, there was an unspoken desire for reciprocation. A return for their efforts. Mougin suspected that his man was the same.

The man's request was suspect. It was in what he said, or rather, what he hadn't said. 30 coins were earned for a hard day's work, and this man claimed that he could let Mougin do the same work for a lesser amount of time, with the same amount of pay. The math didn't add up. It was true that things would be harder after the sun went down. As everyone knew, mana came from the sun. Living beings absorbed mana from the sun's rays during the day, and when the sun went away at night, the flow stopped. It wasn't as if the mana was gone all together, though. Perhaps the tiny trickle that seeped in through the night came from the moon. Or the stars. Mougin wouldn't know, he was no astrologer.

In any case, the minotaur had regained a healthy stock of mana over the sunset period. Tired as he was, he never forgot to save some his resources for an emergency. With that stockpile he should be able to complete the task fairly easly. That was what made the man's request suspicious. Even so, the man had treated him to dinner.
"Very well." Mougin said, getting up from his seat. "In return for the meal, I will cooperate."
Effort for effort. Goodwill should be reciprocated, even to the most suspicious people.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Tempum City (K7), Night at the Docks

... In any case, the minotaur had regained a healthy stock of mana over the sunset period. Tired as he was, he never forgot to save some his resources for an emergency. With that stockpile he should be able to complete the task fairly easily. That was what made the man's request suspicious. Even so, the man had treated him to dinner.
"Very well." Mougin said, getting up from his seat. "In return for the meal, I will cooperate."
Effort for effort. Goodwill should be reciprocated, even to the most suspicious people.

"Wonderful!" proclaimed Mr. Silum, as he placed his utensils on the almost empty plate in front of him. He then stood and motioned for Moujin to join. "Let's get going then, if you're done. We're in no rush as of yet, but if the boat arrives early, I'd like to get started right away."

The two walked in relative silence back to the docks, with desert pastries in hand. The sky above still relentless with fireworks and music still dancing in the air. It was a joyful veil of ignorance.

As assumed, the boat arrived early, as others were pulling away from the dock. Mougin waited for the ship, along side two others. One of whom, Mougin had already worked with earlier today, a brawny man with no hair and cyborg arms. The other was female with pale skin and a frail looking body. She wore all black casual clothes, and did not look prepared for heavy lifting.

As soon as the boat docked, the doors slid upward quickly, and a ramp descended just as fast, down to dock where Mougins and his coworker's stood. A man with a fresh cut on his bearded face appeared in the ship's opening. He wore black armor and was armed with a large assault riffle and a visible sidearms as well. "Things went as planned Boss." he announced.

"Wonderful" Mr. Silum replied, before directing his orders to Mougin and the others. "Alright everyone, you know the deal." The doors on the warehouse behind them also opened, revealing workers on floating forklifts, that would be meeting them as they got off the boat.
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