Punk and Pure. Best friends and Soulmates forever and a day...

All characters are 18+

So! I am looking for a simple concept. I need someone able to play as a confident, chain-smoking, whiskey drinking, motorbike riding, street fighting, scuff-knuckled, foul-mothed, quickwitted, tall, maybe slightly muscular, street wise punk who doesn't take shit from anybody.

She would be a resident of the same small town as my character William. She could either be part of a "gang" or simply seen as the town's "required punk".

Regardless, she doesn't care what others think of her.

My character is William. He's rather her opposite in a number of ways, being shy, tee-total, having no clue how to ride a motorbike, polite, well spoken and not a fighter in the slightest. But give him a pencil and paper, and he can conjure up some of the most wonderful works of art one could hope to lay eyes upon.

He's battered and bruised, often thrown about at home though he's kept this secret and the injuries concealed for as long as he can recall. As a result, nobody knows about this. Not the Social Services, not CPS, nor teachers or the police.

One particular day, her and him meet. He's shivering when waiting for a bus to school/work, his coat barely protecting him from the cold and his gloves with holes in.

For whatever reason, she puts her jacket over him. They talk whilst he waits for the bus, and this just seems to be a brief flash of a stranger doing something nice for someone. But this happens everyday going forth. She meets him at the stop, keeps him warm, they talk.

He creates little bits of art as his way of thanking her, from little clay sculptures to drawings to beautiful canvases. He thinks she's not bothered by these, but it's all he can do to thank her.

Eventually, it moves from the street to a small cafe. From there, to giving him lifts on her bike. They form a friendship together, two strangers linked by an invisible chain. They're soulmates, best friends, and eventual lovers.