Hello and welcome to Naruto: The Illusion of Peace. While I don't intend to make things radically different, I am hoping that this will be a less than conventional Naruto game. Therefore, like any good writers, we should all constantly fight against the forces of cliche. In all honesty, I think that will make it more fun for all of us.

Now, first things first; the villages in this RP will be limited in number. It's just good practise not to let people end up being the one person inhabiting Iwagakure while everyone's partying in Konohagakure. However, what will be happening is that you guys get to VOTE on which villages you want. I'm thinkng two's a good number here. So yeah, two votes, and you pick any villages you want. And that's ANY VILLAGES. You can pick something that's not the big five, but chances are you'll all vote for those ones anyway, huh?

Additionally, I want to tell you all that you cannot reserve anything. So don't vote Konoha hoping to reserve the Hokage, because that's not guaranteed. I actively encourage multiple candidates for any position, even if one person pipes up and says they're trying for one. And believe me, I don't care if you're first, I am going to choose the one I am going to choose when I choose to choose it.

And always remember that golden rule!


Hope you decide to join, and have a nice day either way.