Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Singularity


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ok, so this is my first RP and I am super excited for it. I see this setting in the distant future, probably in the 3000’s, with the actual removal of memories and cognitive growth several hundreds of years before the current date. Most of the worlds technologies are reduced to relic states, compressed to limited functionality, and most would not even remotely remember how to use them anyway.

Given the nature of the setting is relatively post-apocalyptic, I do not expect to see much fantasy in this game (as far as character race is concerned) but meta-physical convolution is definitely ok!

I would like some suggestions for an overall plot progression and/or any really nifty ideas that could be interesting for this kind of setting. I will revise as I go about.

Some updated information for the RP below!!

Character sheets!




Skills, abilities, or additional phenomena go here:

Personality? Introvert, Extrovert?

Small biographical summary:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Imagination

The Imagination

Member Offline since relaunch

I'm rather busy with food and other RPs at the moment lol. I gave it a quick read, I like what I see. Tonight I'll elaborate more on any questions i'll have and any input i've got.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Imagination

The Imagination

Member Offline since relaunch

Alright, perhaps you should elaborate more on the timeframe of them losing memory, general societal degredation and so forth. This is your roleplay though, so elaborate on the specific events in time that you feel is relevant.

Okay, I like the idea with the Walkers. Definitely can't wait for more information on them.

Overall you have a strong basis for a great idea here. As you continue to progress, i'll help you out with the general formatting that makes for an easy read for the OoC. I'll also help you out with any coding that can prove useful. Of course, you really need only look down for all coding options.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Singularity


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I wasn't too sure about going into detail on the exact time frame of memory loss. I mean, the technological stuff is heavily implied as super, super old, but maybe the in-story details can help this out (if not unfolded entirely in plot key points).

I am slowly pulling more info on the Walkers. I love their name.

There is an idea in work about stations where the Walkers will operate as a network system, enabling them to maintain a systematic supervision of the human populace, which sounds cool so yeah. I am also working on multiple building plot points so maybe I can flesh this out a bit more before I dub it rady to starrrrtrtt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Imagination

The Imagination

Member Offline since relaunch


Oh, maybe get a little into technology? I'm sure some of it would be ancient tech, would the Walkers happen to drop off any tech laying around or perhaps even provide anything?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Singularity


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

No, I feel the operation of the Walkers is darker than it is of guidance. I could probably tweak this just right so I can create a consistency in the quantum lock system. I have a building idea of NPC's called the Voices, which operate under metaphysical value of wiped memories, perhaps, predicated around the notion that all information is conserved indefinitely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Singularity


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Clarified a few points in the condition set in the RP.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wreck
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I'm genuinely interested to see where this goes. I don't really have any advice for you right now but maybe I will later.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Imagination

The Imagination

Member Offline since relaunch

Ah, so the more we try to record via voice or video, or even journals, the harder it becomes to further record our memories, or even interpret them?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Singularity


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Wreck said
I'm genuinely interested to see where this goes. I don't really have any advice for you right now but maybe I will later.

You are very much invited to join up when I launch it off. :)

The Imagination said
Ah, so the more we try to record via voice or video, or even journals, the harder it becomes to further record our memories, or even interpret them?

Yep, das da plan.

I think the story is basically ready to set off as it is. What do you think? I think there is enough information now to justify the start of the writing process. D: I'm new so I will take yer advice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Imagination

The Imagination

Member Offline since relaunch

If you feel up to it than yeah :D

Just be sure to put in a standard character creation sheet, something basic i'm sure you've seen when viewing other RPs. Other than that we should be set to go.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Singularity


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Imagination said
If you feel up to it than yeah :DJust be sure to put in a standard character creation sheet, something basic i'm sure you've seen when viewing other RPs. Other than that we should be set to go.

Actually, I haven't seen any character creation sheets in other threads. I've just read the actual RP threads. e.e Um, what is a character sheet and how do I construct one? What are the purposes for them? x.x
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Imagination

The Imagination

Member Offline since relaunch

It usually something relatively easy to make, especially for casual threads, and pertains to crafting your character for the roleplay. Its like an application of sorts, if it's accepted than said player can than post in the IC (In Character) part of the roleplay.

An example, you don't have to use this if you don't want to;

Age/Gender/Appearance: (Some people like to use photos, others like to actually describe their character's appearance in detail. Whether vivid or not, here's where we get a rough idea what your character looks like. Some people like to put age and gender in seperate parts of the sheet.)
Equipment/Weapons: (A general sense of the physical things your character carries. Sometimes they contain things of an emotional attachment, like pictures or a necklace. Weapons are also usually put under this section.)
Personality: (Simple enough, a brief description of how your character acts, their emotional state, things of that nature.)
Biography: (The length and detail of this is up to the GM (You, in this case) and involves recent events of your character's ongoings in the world.)
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